What items need to be submitted to a logistician. Profession logistician

Russian business is in dire need of logistics specialists and is ready to pay well for it. What do you need to take to become a logistician after grades 9 and 11, what are the key subjects for the profession? Let's find out!

The logistics profession has different areas of activity - air transportation, rail transportation, road route management. Depending on which profile you choose, it will depend on where to study logistics and what subjects to take.

Subjects for admission to logistics

Since the logistics profession is more economic and analytical, it will be very difficult for schoolchildren with a humanitarian mindset to work in the logistics industry.

The key subjects for the Unified State Examination and the Unified State Examination - for admission to logistics of any training profile, both higher and secondary vocational, are related to numbers.

The future specialist will need to delve into analytical reports and analyze data. Therefore, it is logical that the key subjects that need to be taken for logistics at the Unified State Exam and the Unified State Exam are related to mathematical sciences. If mathematics is not your strong point, after 9th or 11th grade it is better to consider other areas.

In the case where you are familiar with algebra and geometry, the situation is radically different. An applicant has every chance of passing the Unified State Exam after 11 or the Unified State Exam after 9 and enrolling as a logistician at a college or university.

At the same time, more opportunities, of course, are available to those who enroll in logistics at higher education. educational institution. But those who enter this field after 9th grade are also not deprived of opportunities.

What to take for logistics after 9th grade?

After the ninth grade, secondary vocational educational institutions are available to applicants. These are colleges, technical schools and schools.

There is only one area of ​​training that should interest the applicant. It is called “Operational Activities in Logistics”. The duration of study is 3 years for full-time and 4 years for part-time study.

What subjects need to be taken for logistics after 9th grade? The main attention should be paid not only to the subjects required for the OGE, but also to elective disciplines.

Russian language and mathematics must be taken as compulsory courses after 9th grade as a logistician. At the same time, the key exam after grade 9 for logistics is, of course, mathematics.

As for additional subjects, it is up to the school graduate to decide. Usually, the conditions for admission to colleges and technical schools do not require additional exams and, at most, you have to pass an interview.

But there is an important exception - if the direction of training " operational activities in logistics” is popular in the college you are interested in, you should prepare for serious competition for a place and a competition for certificates.

An advantage will be given to those who have good grades and have passed subjects suitable for their specialty as additional 2 exams at the OGE.

What exams should I take for logistics after 9th grade as elective subjects, so as not to deprive myself of the chance to enter the best colleges in the country? In addition to Russian and mathematics, important subjects for logistics after 9th grade will be social studies and English language.

Social studies is a universal discipline, and its knowledge is applicable in many areas of activity and transportation is no exception. English, as an international language, is very important when working in international companies, and with a good score in a foreign language, it is possible to go to college on a budget.

Thus, in the area of ​​interests of an applicant entering logistics after 9th grade there will be exams in:

  • Russian language is required to obtain a certificate;
  • Mathematics – required for the certificate and important for the specialty;
  • Social studies - an elective subject for the OGE and for the certificate competition;
  • English is an optional subject, but very important for winning the certificate competition.

Having passed the logistics exams, after 9th grade you can enroll in full-time and part-time education. If a deferment from the army is important, you should not choose the correspondence course.

As secondary schools – colleges and technical schools, you can choose:

  • College of the Russian New University (RosNOU) in Moscow with tuition fees starting from 100,000 per year;
  • Technical College of Management and Commerce in St. Petersburg, where you can enroll as a logistician after 9th grade without additional exams and cheaper - from 50,000 rubles;
  • Ural Polytechnic College in Yekaterinburg, where you can become a student for 40,000 per year;
  • Novosibirsk Trade and Economic College, where after 9th grade you don’t have to take the OGE logistician exams in English and social studies.

It is important for school graduates to understand that enrolling as a logistician after 9th grade and passing exams is easier, but secondary vocational education is not a substitute for higher education. Those who enter university have much more opportunities.

What exams should I take to become a logistician after 11th grade?

After graduating from 11 grades of school, an applicant can choose whether to enroll in a college or university. It is logical that after graduating from high school, it makes sense to focus on higher education.

What to take for logistics after 11th grade? This depends both on the chosen training profile and the educational institution.

There are many specialties related to logistics at universities. For example, after 11th grade you can become a logistician by graduating from the specialty “Trading”. But there are also specialists who deal separately with rail or air transportation. It will be much more interesting for them to study in the direction of “Train (aircraft) traffic support systems.”

Of course, the specialty with the same name “Logistics” will become more universal. What exams should I take to become a logistician after 11th grade in this training profile?

At the Unified State Exam, the key subjects will be:

  • Russian language;
  • Mathematics (profile);
  • Social studies or foreign language.

What the student will get - social studies or foreign - depends on the university. In some it will be social studies, and in others it will be English that will be the core language.

What to take for transport logistics? What are the entrance exams?

Most often, at the Unified State Exam after 11th grade, transport logisticians will have to take social studies, but English is also not uncommon. To be able to apply to the best universities in the country, it is worth considering taking both social studies and a foreign language.

Where to submit documents is up to the applicant himself. There are a lot of universities where after 11th grade you can study to become a logistician.

In Russia, the education received at the Higher School of Economics is most valued, but not every student will be able to go there on a budget. The contract department is very expensive. At the same time, in almost any average higher educational institution there is one of the logistics specialties.

By the way, you can take exams to become a logistician at the Unified State Exam after 11th grade by applying not for logistics, but for the Management major. In many universities, this training profile is only called Management, but at the same time, it also has a specialization in “logistics” or “supply chain management” - you enroll in management and receive the education of a Logistics Manager.

Let's summarize. Logistics – promising direction for study, so after graduating from school, applicants should definitely consider this specialty. Those who are good at mathematics will have a better chance of getting in - this is the main subject that must be taken for logistics after 9th and 11th grade. At the OGE and the Unified State Exam, social studies and English will also be important exams for passing logistics exams.

    In order to become a logistician, you must graduate from a university in your chosen specialty. And to get there, arm yourself with knowledge of the Russian language, mathematics and foreign or physics. With rare exceptions, knowledge of social studies will be asked. Check with your specific university.

    When entering a higher education institution at the Faculty of Logistics, you may be required to provide Unified State Examination results in mathematics, social studies and the Russian language. Some universities additionally require results from a foreign language.

    As such, the Logistics specialty does not yet exist in Ukraine, and is unlikely to appear in the near future. However, a logistician profession can be obtained by studying to become a manager, merchandiser, or transport worker. After all, in essence, who is he? This is a person who, possessing remarkable organizational skills and nerves of steel, is capable of moving trains with goods or people thousands of kilometers in the shortest possible time. That is why the above professions will provide you with the opportunity to get necessary knowledge for work in the field of logistics.

    So, in order to enroll in specialty 6.030601 Management, you must pass the External Assessment Test in the following subjects: Ukrainian language and literature, mathematics, geography or foreign language, depending on the university; specialty 6.030510 Commodity science and trade entrepreneurship: Ukrainian language and literature, mathematics - compulsory, and geography or chemistry by decision of the admissions committee of a higher educational institution; specialty 6.070101 Transport technologies: of course, Ukrainian language and literature, mathematics, as well as physics, or a foreign language.

    All I can do is wish everyone high exam scores!

    To enter a university at the Faculty of Logistics, you will need to send several compulsory subjects, these are the subjects: mathematics and also the Russian language. Also, universities may offer you to take a foreign language (English) or physics. See what exactly you need to take on the university website.

    Since I live in the Republic of Belarus, my answer will talk about what subjects need to be passed to obtain a specialty logistician in Belarusian universities.

    To obtain a specialty, an applicant must pass an exam in Russian or Belarusian language, mathematics, and a foreign language.

    You can find out about universities that teach this specialty here.

    Logistics is a very interesting science and specialists in this field are in great demand today. Choosing a profession logistician, a person chooses an interesting, varied job in which there is no routine. This is an excellent opportunity for good career growth.

    Logistics is a specialty that does not have a clearly defined connection with the school curriculum. Therefore, to enroll as a logistician, you will need to pass the most common and popular exams in mathematics and the Russian language.

    To enroll as a logistician, however, you will need, as elsewhere, to pass compulsory subjects such as Russian and mathematics. And then everything is at the discretion of the university you will enroll in. This could be a foreign language (most likely English), or social studies, chemistry and physics.

    In addition to the main exams, which include basic disciplines such as mathematics and the Russian language, the applicant must also have a variety of qualities that will directly help in the future when studying, and then at work. Since this specialty is quite in demand, it is not amiss will attend preparatory courses and try to prepare himself with tests. It is also important that it would be advisable to know some foreign language.

    When applying to become a logistician, the obligatory subjects for passing will be mathematics, Russian and a foreign language. Everything is due to the specifics of the profession, as it is associated with transport and cargo transportation not only across countries former USSR, but also in Europe and Asia. At the moment. due to the deterioration of relations with the Western world, there is less work for logistics companies, but this is a temporary moment, do not forget about the constantly growing market transport services, the world becomes smaller for a person with every new day.

    To enroll as a logistician, you need to pass the Unified State Exam in mathematics and Russian. Plus, a third subject is added, sometimes at the request of the applicant, and sometimes at the request of the university. This could be English, physics, chemistry or social studies. It’s worth checking with your chosen university in advance.

    Regardless of the chosen educational institution, upon admission to the Logistics department, you will need to pass an exam in the specialized subject of mathematics. The rest of the exams differ slightly from one educational institution to another. So, at MSTU. Lomonosov, in addition to mathematics, you need to take physics at the Russian Chemical Technical University named after. Mendeleev chemistry, at the State University-Higher School of Economics social studies, and at the Russian Academy of Economics named after. Plekhanov foreign language. A Russian language exam is required for admission to any university.

Logistician(from Greek logistics- the art of calculating, reasoning) - a specialist involved in the control and management of movement inventory, organization rational process promotion of goods and services from supplier to consumer. Also, the scope of activity of a logistician may include ensuring the functioning of the sphere of circulation of goods, services, products, organizations and directly creating a distribution infrastructure. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in geography, labor and economics (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Business logistics is divided into purchasing, distribution, sales, transport, customs, warehouse, information, integrated, as well as inventory logistics.

Until recently, no one, except a small number of people, knew what logistics was. Now this word is firmly entrenched in the field of managing the flow of goods or services. The industry is developing rapidly, no large company can do without a logistics department, and therefore the logistics industry has great potential for career growth and development in general. If previously organizations had one or more people responsible for logistics, now entire departments, structures, departments are created, and teams are formed. Currently, the role of distributors is increasingly being reduced, and goods are delivered directly from the manufacturer.

Today in the field of logistics, the greatest demand is for procurement specialists and logisticians for intercity and international transportation. The field of international logistics has been developing in Russia for no more than 15 years, therefore qualified specialists There are quite a few people with experience in this field, which forces employers to hire young specialists with little work experience.

The logistician enters into contracts with transport companies, monitors the location of cargo in transit and ensures it customs clearance. The logistician also decides how many warehouses need to be rented, what cargo should be stored in them and which should not.

One of the tasks of a logistician is to organize the movement of goods as rationally as possible, saving time on delivery of goods and money, which, if business is not managed rationally, will be spent on renting unnecessary premises and salaries for unnecessary personnel.

Required professional skills and knowledge

  • be a confident negotiator;
  • the ability to see the entire process of movement of goods or services;
  • knowledge various types transportation;
  • knowledge of purchasing and warehouse logistics;
  • knowledge modern technologies, necessary software, for example, SAP, Axapta;
  • experience of interaction with suppliers;
  • Fluency in English or multiple languages.

Personal qualities

  • persistence;
  • activity;
  • hard work;
  • ability to learn and gain experience.

Pros of the profession

  • in connection with the actively developing field of logistics, including in the regions, specialists in this field will always be in demand in almost all specializations;
  • enough high salaries after a certain period of work.

Place of work and career

Most logisticians work in manufacturing, trading, forwarding, logistics companies, as well as in companies that provide warehouse services. Many of the logistics organizations include a service sales department (working with current clients and attracting new ones) and a production department (it organizes the process of customs clearance, warehousing, transportation, and courier delivery).

The optimal start for a graduate may be a position as an intern in one of the departments of the logistics division. Next, the employee will have the opportunity to continue work and development in this department or transfer to another area. In most cases, after about five years successful work a specialist can take the place of a mid-level manager in one of the areas of the logistics department. Progress speed career ladder will generally depend on the skills, ambitions, specialization and capabilities of the employing organizations.


Salary as of March 25, 2020

Russia 25000—90000 ₽

Moscow 30000—100000 ₽

Logistics training

IN large companies A huge plus is that the future employee has a Western specialized education, has completed a professional development program or has experience working in a Western organization.

In this course, you can obtain a logistics profession remotely in 3 months and 15,000 rubles. In this course, you can obtain the profession of a specialist in organizing transportation and transport management in 3 months and 15,000 rubles.
- One of the most affordable prices in Russia;
— Diploma of professional retraining established sample;
— Training in a completely distance format;
— Certificate of compliance with professional standards worth 10,000 rubles. as a gift!
— The largest educational institution of additional professional education. education in Russia.

Russian Institute vocational education"IPO" - recruits students to obtain a specialty

Trade turnover modern enterprises has reached such large volumes, and the producer-consumer chain has become so intricate and complex that the slightest mistake made in the process of delivering goods to the shelves retail outlets, can lead to multi-million dollar losses. This became a prerequisite for the emergence of the relatively “young” profession of logistics, which today is becoming more and more popular among applicants, and no less in demand in the labor market.

The turnover of modern enterprises has reached such large volumes, and the producer-consumer chain has become so intricate and complex that the slightest mistake made in the process of delivering goods to the shelves of retail outlets can lead to multimillion-dollar losses. This became a prerequisite for the emergence of a profession whose representatives are responsible for developing the most optimal schemes for delivering the products of a particular enterprise to the end consumer with minimal time and material costs, and manage and control the movement of goods. We are talking about a relatively "young" profession logistician, which today is becoming more and more popular among applicants, and no less in demand in the labor market.

By the way, despite the fact that literally a few years ago most Russians had no idea what a logistician does, today no one can do without the services of this specialist. large enterprise. Thanks to this, the field of logistics seems very promising to many applicants in terms of career growth and achieving material well-being. And this is true. But only if the future specialist knows all the features of this profession and is ready to put up with its shortcomings, which we will talk about in this article.

Who is a logistician?

A highly qualified specialist who is responsible for organizing the supply, transportation and warehousing of goods and services. In other words, this is a professional, on whose qualifications the turnover of the enterprise entirely depends (including customs clearance of goods and the provision of information services).

The name of the profession comes from the Greek logistike (calculation, thinking). This suggests that the main task of the logistician is, through careful calculations, to develop the most rational process for delivering goods from manufacturer to consumer. The first logisticians appeared in Ancient Greece, however, they had little in common with modern specialists, since their main responsibility was organizing army supplies. Later, logistics switched to civilian life, and the function of logisticians began to be performed by merchants and trading companies. In Russia, these specialists, who replaced warehouse managers and storekeepers, first appeared only at the very end of the 20th - beginning of the 21st century.

Functional content of the work of modern logisticians ( logistics managers ) is strikingly different from the usual duties of a storekeeper or supply manager during the USSR period. If warehouse workers in the Soviet Union worked exclusively within the boundaries of their enterprise, then the logisticians of our time resolve all issues related to trade turnover.

The responsibilities of a logistician today include: developing and coordinating the delivery route, monitoring the storage and shipment of goods, preparing primary documentation, systematizing it and creating a register, placing a finished order, issuing permits (passing customs control, cargo insurance, supply of Russian-language documentation, etc.), control over actions transport service, making a forecast of optimal purchases.

What personal qualities should a logistician have?

Since logistician job includes, among other things, the purchase of goods and constant communication with a huge number of people, representatives of this profession must have such personal qualities, How:

In addition, it is impossible to imagine a successful logistician who would not have such professional knowledge and skills as knowledge of all types and methods of cargo transportation, features and nuances of warehouse and procurement logistics, modern technologies and software, at least one, and even better, several foreign languages.

Advantages of being a logistician

Since logistics in Russia is still in the development stage, the main advantage of the logistics profession is, of course, the absence of problems with employment. After all, today all large companies need logisticians (some of them even have entire logistics departments), but there is a catastrophic shortage of real professionals in this field.

Another advantage is that in order to become a logistician, it is desirable, but not necessary, to receive special education - it is enough to be proactive and know all the features of logistics. However, as practice has shown, in the process of work, such specialists still enter a university to receive an appropriate education.

It is also worth noting the optimal ratio of “office” and field work. That is, the work of a logistician can hardly be called boring and monotonous, which is ideal for young people who are constantly on the move and looking for new experiences.

Disadvantages of the logistics profession

If we talk about disadvantages of the logistics profession, then, first of all, it is necessary to note the enormous responsibility. The slightest mistake made by a specialist can result in consequences for the company big problems: from unexpected cash expenses before losing regular customers.

In addition, the disadvantages of this profession include:

  • small salaries at the beginning of a career (however, as experience is gained, the salary also increases wages, therefore, after 2-3 years of work, a young specialist can count on a quite decent level of payment);
  • career growth possible only in very large companies with logistics departments: here you can start working as an operator or dispatcher, and after 3-4 years take one of the management positions;
  • Getting a special education of proper quality is quite problematic, since it is now only at the stage of formation.

Where can you get a logistician profession?

Russian Institute of Professional Education "IPO" - is recruiting students to receive

The name of the logistics profession comes from the English word “logistics”. It means “providing material and technical values”, “supply”. Representatives of the direction are responsible for the passage of goods through a complex path from the manufacturer to the final consumer. The main goals of the logistics profession are to simplify this process as much as possible, to maintain established deadlines, increasing the benefits of the parties. The income of highly qualified employees in this field is high, but difficult work requires a number important skills and qualities.

Expert opinion

Ekaterina Kolokolova

Career guidance. Certified specialist in the problems of children's involvement in learning. She has more than 10 years of experience in conducting seminars, trainings and lectures with audiences of all ages.

Experienced logisticians are required in various areas of commodity circulation. When receiving a specialized education, it is advisable to decide in advance on the preferred course of further service. If the specifics of the logistics industries become clear only during the training process, it is not necessary to change the chosen faculty. Often it is enough to take special courses to obtain information about the nuances of a specific position.

The list of responsibilities of a professional representative depends on the direction of logistics:

  • transport – is responsible for carrying out the process of delivering goods from one point to another by all possible transport routes;
  • warehouse – organizes a rational process for promoting goods and storing them on the territory of warehouse premises, and is responsible for the safety of items;
  • commodity - manages the receipt of items at the warehouse and their shipment to counterparties, manages the circulation of accompanying documents;
  • work as a logistician in the field of foreign trade ( foreign economic activity) consists of monitoring the implementation of contracts with foreign suppliers and the passage of products through customs authorities;
  • job title customs declarant implies the fulfillment of obligations to declare goods.

A logistician is a specialist who organizes transport flows. He coordinates the delivery of goods from production to points of sale.

In each of these cases, the logistics process has its own nuances. Not only the amount of profit depends on the level of knowledge of a representative of the profession specific organization. If the rules for moving and storing products are violated, logisticians may be subject to administrative and criminal liability.

History of the profession

In ancient times, the transportation of goods was simplified as much as possible. The birth of the first rules for the purpose of controlling and optimizing the process is associated with military operations in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. Special positions were created there for officers who were in charge of the supply of weapons and food to military bases. They were responsible for quantitative and financial accounting of resources and their correct distribution.

In the VIII-IX centuries. n. e. in Byzantium, logisticians were engaged in the collection and distribution of taxes in kind under the emperor. Further development of the direction was connected with military affairs. The need to keep strict records of food supplies forced emperors and kings to hire learned logisticians who minimized the costs of aggressive and defensive campaigns.

In Russia, the logistics profession in its modern sense originated at the beginning of the 19th century. In 1815, a special educational institution was opened in Moscow that trained quartermasters. Representatives of the profession were in charge chores and were responsible for replenishing supplies. After World War II, logistics began to develop in a peaceful direction. Its principles began to be used to systematize the transportation of goods between countries, and then within one state.

What does a logistician do?

In theory, all the basic information about the logistics profession can be contained in a couple of sentences. Its representative ensures the movement of goods between specified points, their storage at intermediate and final points. The process takes into account all the little things that can affect the quality of the product and its cost. In practice, everything is much more complicated. Different areas of logistics require specific knowledge and skills. There are no guarantees that a professional who thoroughly knows the basics of foreign economic activity will be able to properly organize warehouse logistics.

Responsibilities of a logistician

The responsibilities of a logistician may be as follows:

  • communication with suppliers and clients in order to optimize the process of moving cargo;
  • work with primary documentation, databases and registers;
  • formation of orders together with the purchasing department, tracking their implementation;
  • cooperation with customs, inspection and licensing authorities;
  • organizing and optimizing the work of warehouses and transport companies;
  • drawing up optimal routes for the movement of goods.

This is a list basic responsibilities logistician It can be increased several times or reduced to one point. Sometimes requirements are added to the job description of a professional representative that do not correspond to his position or qualifications. This is usually done in order to save money on maintaining the company's staff.

Example job description Example instructions (page 2) Example instructions (page 3)

Personal qualities

When planning to build a career in logistics, you should make sure that you have a number of important qualities. They will help you organize your work process correctly and achieve maximum heights in your profession.

According to experienced employees, logisticians must be sociable, active, observant and resistant to stress. Ability to analyze information and memorize large amounts of data is preferred.


The need for logisticians is constantly growing against the backdrop of the rapid development of commerce and the establishment of connections between countries. Even young specialists without the necessary experience can easily find a promising place of employment. Representatives of the profession with high level qualifications, are able to count on prestigious positions in large state and international companies.

Places of work

The profession of a logistician implies that an employee has skills that are in demand in various areas of government and commercial activities. Specialists with a large amount of knowledge can count on getting a position in a foreign company.

Depending on his specialization, a logistician can work at the following enterprises:

  • companies that import and export goods;
  • warehouses;
  • transport companies and hubs;
  • customs authorities and terminals;
  • municipal institutions;
  • factories for processing raw materials, producing goods, and recycling waste.

A wide range of positions in the field of logistics at the listed enterprises allows you to count on quick employment and various career development options. The opportunity to undergo additional training while on the job helps employees continually improve their qualifications and acquire new useful skills.

Logistics career and prospects

The speed at which a member of the profession moves up the career ladder directly depends on his education, qualifications and ambitions. An active worker in the field is able to climb several steps up in just a couple of years and take a leadership position in his enterprise. For example, from an ordinary warehouse worker there is a chance to grow into the head of a warehouse terminal.

Career of a logistician owning foreign languages, promises even more prospects. Cooperation with foreign counterparties or working for a foreign company guarantees high and stable income. Having multidisciplinary experience allows experienced logisticians to count on positions in government agencies.

Pros and cons of the logistics profession

The main advantages of the direction are considered to be high chances of employment in the field. The lack of qualified specialists allows us to count on an abundance of offers even in the absence of experience. Another advantage is the ability to work without higher education. True, for career growth you will still need a university diploma.

The work of logisticians implies an even distribution of physical and mental stress. It cannot be called boring, routine or monotonous. The need to constantly resolve some issues keeps the employee on his toes. Many representatives of the field are attracted by the fact that acquiring experience and additional skills allows them to count on salary growth.

When considering the pros and cons of the profession, it is worth considering a number of negative aspects. These include the need to adapt to the requirements of customers, departments and services, which complicates the work. We must not forget about high degree logistician's responsibility. His mistake can cause losses, damage to goods, and problems with inspection authorities.

Logistics is both a practical and scientific field that studies methods for optimizing the transportation of goods and people. The goal of every transportation process, no matter how long it may be, is to ensure that goods or passengers are delivered.

Where to study

When deciding in which institution to obtain a logistician profession, you need to decide on the direction of activity. A good base in specialized specialties is provided at Moscow State University, MGIMO, Plekhanov Russian Economic University, State University of Education and International Center Logistics Department of the Internal Affairs Directorate. To become a logistician, it is enough to take specialized MBA courses. This option is best suited for people who have already completed their studies at a university, but in a different field.

What subjects need to be taken for admission to an educational institution depend on the specifics of the field. More often educational institutions pay attention to Unified State Exam scores in Russian language, mathematics and social studies. Applicants for a number of areas additionally take exams in computer science and English.

How much does a logistician earn?

The salary of representatives of the profession starts from 20-25 thousand rubles per month for ordinary positions without work experience. In the regions, these numbers are slightly lower, and as experience is gained they do not increase too much. In large cities and large enterprises there are significant prospects for salary increases. Today, the salary of a mid-level logistician reaches 45-60 thousand rubles. For managers it is 80-120 thousand.

The heads of regional centers of logistics companies and branch employees can boast the highest earnings in Russia foreign organizations. In their case, the salary is 120-160 thousand rubles and more. The profits of the owners and founders of warehouse premises amount to tons of thousands and even millions of rubles.

Salary as of 02/29/2020

25000-95000 ₽

40000-120000 ₽

Ambitious and active representatives of the profession are guaranteed rapid career growth, which will bring them good profit. If you constantly improve your qualifications, attend logistics forums and learn new skills, you can count on success in this field. professional field. According to scientists, logistics is one of the few areas whose demand will only grow in the next 10-20 years.

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