Acquisition of construction projects. Complete set of turnkey objects

The company ArtKomplekt LLC "Stroypostavka" is engaged in the sale of finishing and building materials, complex supply of construction projects. Rich warehouse stocks, close cooperation with manufacturers and suppliers, allow our clients to choose from a huge number of materials and find everything they need for construction and repair.

Our clients

  • construction companies;
  • repair companies;
  • teams involved in finishing of premises;
  • manufacturing enterprises (those organizations that make repairs directly for their own needs);
  • people doing home repairs.

Warehouse range

Our company's warehouse stocks include the main finishing materials necessary for construction:

  • and (especially wide choice ArtKoplekt offers products under the following brands: , and );
  • floor coverings: laminate and carpet;
  • (for offices, corporate facilities and home renovation);
  • all types (Armstrong type made of mineral fiber, grilyato, cassette and rack);
  • dry mixes (universal, plasters, putties, self-leveling floors, grouts and tile adhesives);
  • (non-woven, paper and glass wallpaper);
  • paint and varnish products;
  • mounting foams and sealants.
  • thermal insulation and roofing;
  • plasterboard and gypsum fiber.

This is a basic, but far from complete list of products presented in our warehouses.

Advantages when collaborating with the ArtKomplekt company:

We minimize our own costs for office space, rent retail space, warehouse complexes and staff. We work closely with manufacturing plants and large suppliers, we work at the highest possible speed for our company, so we can offer low prices to our customers, which is called “output”.

  • convenient service “OUR MANAGER LOVES YOU!”

We are customer oriented much more than major suppliers with often unmotivated staff. The manager of the assembly company acts as a supplier for the client; he is a specialist in the construction field with at least 3 years of experience. He selects materials based on the wishes of the customer and technical features construction site, calculates logistics, organizes delivery, provides all necessary certificates, etc. Why will he do this for you with great pleasure? Because his salary and the company’s reputation depend on it.

  • - reliability “THERE IS ALWAYS A CHOICE.”

A supply chain organization has several suppliers for each product group. We reserve in advance for the most necessary goods that you need. If a particular product is not in one warehouse, it will be found in another. The assembly company's managers have impeccable knowledge of the construction market. We will always find what you need! Even the most scarce building materials can be replaced with analogues. We can keep goods in reserve in the warehouse for the client.


Our employees have been working in the packaging industry for a long time to know the characteristics of the market and the most common wishes of customers. Therefore, we will quickly calculate and carry out delivery, respond to your request (issue an invoice), and request clear deadlines for the delivery of the ordered goods to the warehouse.


We try to resolve all controversial situations in favor of the customer. One way or another, the shipping process is connected with a chain of people who perform certain actions. Our manager strives to control the entire process - from the moment of invoicing to direct shipment.


Each of our clients has an individual manager who is responsible for each sale not only administratively, but also with his own money.

We are able to assess our own strengths in order to fulfill our promises to our clients. All so-called “pitfalls” are usually calculated by our managers in advance.

Website "ArtKomplekt"

For ease of work, we are constantly working on our project on the Internet. On our page you can find all the necessary information about finishing or building material: photos, appearance, descriptions, technical specifications, application, packaging information. We try to make searching for certain building materials on our website easy and enjoyable. Very often, this is much more convenient than wandering around a cold market and trying to get information from a seller who speaks difficult-to-understand Russian, or looking for the material you need in a huge construction supermarket and “pestering” unqualified consultants.

If you need to buy finishing materials from ArtKomplekt, we are sure you have come to the right address.

I've been working for quite some time now construction business(production and supply of SSS) and during this time I saw a lot. How companies appear and how they disappear. I saw mistakes, I saw good solutions for development. Therefore, now I will describe a collective image successful company for staffing construction projects and finishing teams.

The company must be prompt, professional, not overloaded, competitive in prices, loyal and logistically developed.

To open a business, large investments is not required, and often not required at all. All that is required here is knowledge and the ability to sell. Well, let's start from the beginning:

1. We register or rent an individual entrepreneur/LLC. This is necessary to add seriousness to your company and conclude contracts with suppliers, and sometimes for “white” shipments.

2. Decide whether to rent an office or stay at home. At the first stage better at home. Many companies started at home.

3. Looking for suppliers. These must be companies with direct contracts, because Their prices are lower and availability is good. When searching, it is better to divide suppliers into product groups. Also, when negotiating with suppliers, you need to immediately clarify prices for transit shipments. Look for analogues (in terms of technical characteristics) of the best-selling products, but at a good price. This will increase your profit margin.

4. Create a price list. It is better to make several columns, such as: wholesale, large wholesale, etc.

5. Make a commercial proposal.

6. Looking for potential clients.

7. Complete.

Where to look for clients?

Everything is simple with this... there is a completely unoccupied niche. These are private finishers and small teams who do repairs. Their phone numbers are in specialized media and in newspapers with advertisements + pillars + corners of the house, etc.

How does this market segment work?

There are 2 options:

1. The client orders repairs and decoration of the premises. The finisher estimates the amount of work and writes a list of what needs to be purchased on a notebook sheet. The client goes to do his own shopping.

2. The same thing, only the finisher issues an invoice and purchases it himself.

As a percentage, the ratio of the first and second groups is 50 to 50.

You are more interested in option 2 at the first stage - it’s just easier with them!

How much does one finisher buy on average per month?
30-70 thousand rubles.
How much does one finishing team purchase per month?
100-200 thousand rubles.

What is the profitability?

How many clients can you attract per month?
from 5 clients

What is the profit in the first month?
from 15 to 100 thousand rubles

How are you better than construction markets/shops?
The entire range of building materials, efficiency, delivery, kickbacks

How are you better than your competitors?
Free delivery, deferred payment. Achieved by broadcasting from suppliers. Also efficiency due to the small number of orders at the first stage.

What are the benefits to clients of working with you?
Kickbacks coming from free shipping. Those. You supply products for free, the client takes money from the customer for it. Plus any price in the check for the client. Prices are the same as on the market - this saves the client’s time (no need to go anywhere, just one call).

IN personal experience I can say that this business is still developing, creativity and determination are welcomed in it. The unoccupied niche of frequent finishers can allow you to earn good money and rise.

Personally, I have clients who followed exactly the path described above and reached 500 thousand in six months net profit. We opened a store, rented a warehouse, rented an office and hired three managers.

Business allows you to develop almost indefinitely... from assemblers to developers and owners of large DI.

If you have any questions, ask, I will answer in detail, because... I know this business well!

Any construction, repair or reconstruction is a long and complex process that requires the selection and delivery of construction and finishing materials to the site. Typically, this task is distributed among several contractors, who delay deadlines and shift the blame to others. Turnkey completion of construction projects is a fundamentally new approach that saves the customer up to 10% of funds.

The TP-Project company is engaged in complex supplies of building materials for commercial and residential buildings. All the client needs is to sign an agreement with us, we will take care of completing the construction project.

What materials do we supply?

We supply over 10 thousand types of finishing and building materials to Moscow, so turnkey completion of projects with our company is always possible. top level. We cooperate with the world's leading manufacturers: Albes, ASP-Technology, Armstrong, Rockfon, Forbo, Graboplast, Artpole, Valtonix, etc.

Procurement of construction projects involves the supply of:

  • floor coverings (quartz vinyl tiles, porcelain stoneware, linoleum, marmoleum, carpet, raised floors);
  • wall coverings (plastic, MDF and 3D panels, wood boards, wallpaper);
  • suspended ceilings (designer, acoustic, plaster, metal);
  • finishing and general-purpose building materials (plasterboard, primers, grouts, adhesives, paints and varnishes, polyurethane foams and sealants, putties and plaster).

11 reasons to work with us:

  • We offer you exclusive brands and best conditions work on products of world industry leaders;
  • We always have a wide range of goods for interior decoration in stock;
  • We will reduce your logistics costs: there is no need to waste time waiting for the goods to be ready to collect 1 unit of vehicles, send several vehicles per individual goods to different suppliers;
  • With us you save time and nerves: there is no need to check an endless number of counterparties and constantly monitor document flow with many companies;
  • Our warehouse is located 5 km from the Moscow Ring Road (trucks can enter at any time without leaving the Moscow Ring Road);
  • We will offer various options commercial terms and consider your wishes;
  • We strictly monitor compliance with the Minimum Permitted Price on the shelves of our customers, so that everyone has a guaranteed benefit when working with products of our brand;
  • Our managers have been trained by all of our manufacturing partners and have sufficient knowledge and experience to select the optimal product specifically for your needs. retail store or for an object, based on functional purpose premises and budget of the customer;
  • Thanks to our long-term cooperation with suppliers, we can come to you with a manufacturer’s representative, and you can receive his expert opinion absolutely free of charge;
  • If you wish, we will train your salespeople and managers competitive advantages our products to make it easier for them to sell the product at a greater profit;
  • Our warehouses operate for you in 7 more regions of Russia.

Advantages of cooperation with TP-Project

  • TP-Project partners are located in 7 cities of the Russian Federation, so we quickly deliver orders not only in the capital and the Moscow region, but also in the regions.
  • The materials we sell have quality certificates.
  • We regularly update the catalog with new items that have just appeared on the market.
  • We sell products at wholesale prices, as we work directly with manufacturers.
  • Providing facilities with finishing materials in our company is a guarantee of quality services and assistance in the calculation and delivery of materials, as well as installation work(if necessary).

If you need equipment for construction projects in the Moscow region and are interested in the terms of cooperation? Call right now: 8-499-321-80-00.

The construction of residential and administrative buildings is a fairly lengthy process, which starts with the design of these facilities. It usually takes a lot of time, which can (and even should) be used to significantly speed up construction. The point is that it is necessary to take care in advance about the configuration, that is, about the structural and finishing materials that will be used in the construction of the facility. If you do just that, then construction work You can start as soon as the project is completely ready.

It is necessary to start bundling when in the development process project documentation It is already becoming clear what the building will be constructed from, in what sequence the work will be carried out, how and how the structure is planned to be finished, and what engineering systems it is expected to be equipped with. Usually, all these issues are finally clarified closer to the completion of the design, but there is still quite enough time to complete the future facility before the project is completely ready.

What is the best way to ensure the completion of a construction project?

Like any other serious work, the completion of construction projects is a procedure that should be carried out in stages. First, you need to take care of selecting suppliers and purchasing basic construction materials from them, then the agenda will include providing future construction with the equipment necessary to create engineering systems, and, finally, finishing materials (both rough and finishing).

A very important point is drawing up a clear delivery schedule for all types of materials and components. Practice shows that there is no point in purchasing everything at once, delivering it to warehouses for storage or directly to the construction site.

If you ensure a rhythmic supply of all the necessary equipment just in time when it is needed for each specific stage of construction or repair work, this will allow you to plan your money costs most rationally and avoid such troubles as the occurrence of gaps in financing the facility being built. This is especially important in the current environment, when issues of cost, material costs are one of the most important for construction (and not only for it).

If you plan the complete set in advance, at the stage of developing project documentation, you will be able to obtain a full cost estimate for materials. Of course, it can be very difficult to determine it with 100% accuracy even in this case, but it is quite possible to obtain a figure very close to the real one.

It should be noted that in the current conditions it is very important to know in advance exactly how much finishing materials will cost. It often happens that the costs of their acquisition significantly exceed the amount spent on basic construction materials, as well as for equipment for creating engineering systems. If this is clarified in advance, then it becomes possible to reduce these costs by using finishing materials that are similar in purpose, comparable in their quality, performance, and aesthetic characteristics, but significantly cheaper.

Some features of the configuration of construction projects

Some customers believe that it is enough for them to receive from design organization a list of materials required for construction, a schedule for their delivery to the site, and they can easily cope with the purchase of everything necessary, as well as the organization of supplies, on their own. In quite a number of cases, this is exactly what happens, but only for those organizations that have been working quite successfully in the construction market for a long time, are well versed in its realities, and have established connections with suppliers of various structural and finishing materials, as well as components for the arrangement of engineering systems.

If the customer does not have these conditions, then, most likely, he will have serious problems both with purchasing all the necessary equipment at truly competitive prices, and with strictly adhering to the schedule for their delivery to the site. Thus, the main advantages of completing a construction project at the design stage will be leveled out. To prevent this from happening, we recommend contacting us at construction company ERA.

Advantages of completing construction projects by our company

ERA has been successfully operating in the design, construction, repair and reconstruction market for several years. During this time, we have accumulated a wealth of experience in completing construction projects, both those that we designed ourselves and those whose designs were developed by other organizations. We have established close business contacts with many suppliers of structural and finishing materials, as well as components for creating utility networks. Therefore, we are able to ensure their purchase at the most reasonable prices, as well as delivery in strict accordance with the schedule.

It should also be especially noted that the final choice of exactly how to complete the construction project remains, of course, with the customer. In addition, for many items we offer clients several possible suppliers. Our customers can choose the one from whom purchases will ultimately be made based on parameters such as cost, quality, proposed terms and delivery conditions.

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