Poltava silver rabbits. Description and productivity characteristics of Poltava silver rabbits

In the meat and skin direction of rabbit breeding, there is a breed that enjoys well-deserved popularity, but causes a lot of discrepancies. Rabbits Poltava silver, which are called differently in all sources and reviews. The most common name is Silver Rock. However, there are variations on the theme: Silver, Soviet silver - and these are all the same rabbits.

The name "Poltava Silver" contains information about the exterior and even short description origin. Rabbits bred in breeding farms in the Poltava region have a characteristic silver color. Thanks to high-quality fur and delicious meat, they are valued no less than Soviet chinchillas and Red-brown ones.

Poltava silver became the answer of Russian breeders to the French. They are bred on the basis of the French Silver with the addition of local black rabbits. As a result, the Silvers of Soviet rabbit breeders are distinguished by a darker and more uniform color, with a predominance of black.

The rabbit breed was officially registered in 1952. At the moment, enthusiasts are working to restore the standard: many purebred lines at the end of the 20th century. became crossbreds and lost their characteristic features.

Poltava silver presents prospects in terms of multiple births, early maturity, large weight gain and popular skin colors. According to reviews, the rabbit breed is pleased with its high vitality, adaptability and unpretentiousness. It was these qualities that were the priority during the targeted selection of animals in the process of their breeding.

Description and productive characteristics of the breed

Poltava Silver are strong and fairly large animals. The rabbit breed is not a giant, but they reach 6.5 kg or more. If well cared for, they will punch well above their weight. The most intense weight gain occurs from 3 to 6 months.

A distinctive feature of rabbits is the color of their skin, thanks to which this breed of rabbit is considered silver. Poltava silver has black guide hairs. Thick blue fluff. Black and white guard hairs. An important feature is that the base of all hairs is light. The color intensity varies, but in general it is darker than its French relatives.

Rabbits are harmonious in constitution. The physique is correct. Small, slightly elongated head, brown eyes. Straight proportionate ears. Wide rounded croup. Straight back and well-developed muscles. Legs are proportional with brown claws.

Control norms for the gain of Soviet silver are fixed at the level:

The slaughter yield for the Silver rabbit is up to 61%.

The reason for rejection is the discrepancy with the description of the breed.

Poltava silver has a soft, balanced psyche. They are calm and not aggressive. Suitable for keeping at home.


For Silver rabbits, any food that is available is suitable. Of course, to achieve good weight gain, industrial feed is recommended, balanced in terms of the most important nutritional components and nutritional value.

Reviews say that on a homestead farm, this breed of rabbit can be fed with everything that is available. In summer they readily eat fresh grass. Be sure to add root vegetables, fruits, and vegetables to your diet. In winter - hay and silage.

Poltava silver needs twigs for grinding teeth. The diet should contain grain mixtures or mash. Be sure to provide rabbits with a source of vitamins and minerals, as well as animal protein.


Rabbits of the Poltava Silver breed differ in color intensity. In breeding, it is important to select a pair of sires that have different levels of fur darkening. It is not recommended to breed super-dark or, conversely, super-light rabbits with each other in order to ultimately obtain a uniform color of the offspring. Inbreeding causes degeneration and significant differences from the description of the breed.

Poltava silver reaches sexual maturity starting at 4 months. To breed healthy, viable offspring, it is not recommended to allow rabbits to mate before six months. Female rabbits, according to reviews, are highly milk-producing and have a developed maternal instinct. There are at least 8 babies in one litter. Sometimes it's 12.

Rabbits become similar to their parents after the first molt. It occurs within 2-3 months. life. Before this they were painted grey.

Domestic breeds in better side different from European ones. First of all, high survival rate in our climate. It makes sense to spend time and find purebred Silvers than to spend money on gentle foreign ones, which often do not justify themselves in open wintering conditions and feeding on pasture.

The silver rabbit is a skin-and-meat breed with a uniform color of a silver shade, turning black towards the muzzle. The original shiny color of the coat is caused by the difference in shades of the skin. Partial integumentary hair has a white base and black color along the length. Some of the outer hair is white, and the underhair is blue. Animals of this breed are distinguished by their large size, bioproductivity, rapid growth, they are perfectly adapted to the characteristics of our climate zone and feed.

The average weight of rabbits of this species is 5 kg, their length reaches 56 cm. Some individuals can weigh 5.5 kilograms or more. Female rabbits are extremely productive and can give birth to eight rabbits per litter. Newborn rabbits weigh about 70 grams, they grow rapidly and gain weight. Rabbits are born black - they acquire a silvery tint by the age of one month.

The final shade is formed by four months. The meat of this breed is valued for its taste, and its fur is valued for its thick fur and original silvery tint.

Origin story

Rabbits with silvery fur come from India, from where they arrived in Spain and England four centuries ago. Despite its enormous popularity in Europe due to its wool with a silvery tint and numerous attempts to grow it in different countries. The French province of Champagne became the center of their breeding. All rabbits with a similar iridescence of fur are direct descendants of the breed called Silver Champagne.

At Poltava fur farming enterprises in the fifties, a new breed was selected based on the Champagne breeding rabbits. It is particularly productive, resistant to winter temperatures and not picky about feed. The Poltava Silver breed was bred directly for cultivation in factory conditions.

The description of Champagne rabbits highlights shorter ears and a less elongated body. Compared to their French counterparts, Poltava silver rabbits have a slightly darker color. This is a distinctive feature of the breed for different subspecies.


Individuals of this breed are distinguished by a massive body that widens towards the lumbosacral part. Average weight silver rabbits reach 5-6 kilograms. The body is not very long, the back is almost straight, the chest is wide, sometimes with a slight dewlap. The proportional rear part of the body has developed muscles. The head of the individuals is small, narrowed towards the nose, the ears are erect, long, slightly rounded.

Silver rabbits stand on strong legs of medium length and have dark brown expressive eyes. The fur is dense, with a glossy sheen. The shade of the cover is silver, which is a distinctive feature of the breed. The overall color of the fur depends on the ratio of black-and-white guides and outer components of the fur in the fur. It can vary from light to dark silver tone. Only the nose, ears, partially paws and tail remain practically black in rabbits of this breed.

Rabbits of this breed are born dark, but by the end of the first month of life signs of silvering appear. They are noticeable on the nose and abdomen. Over the next two months, the color of the head, ears, chest and back changes. By the end of 4 months after molting, the rabbits acquire a silvery tint throughout their entire body. A gradual change in color and the appearance of silver is a sign of a good breed.

Features of mating and breeding rabbits

When selecting for the birth of offspring, Silver rabbits should have a different tone of fur color. With both parents having dark or light fur, the litter will have an even greater tendency to be the correct shade. In some cases they will be too light or dark, which will damage the silver of the fur.

To determine the quality of the breed, it is enough to observe the age-related changes in the color of the young animals. The formation of a silvery tint occurs in stages, appearing first on the abdomen, nose and tail, and then on other parts of the body. Only in this case can we talk about the quality of the breed and proper breeding of rabbits.

Individuals that have reached the age of 4 months are used for breeding. Rabbits of this breed are extremely fertile and milk-producing. They are capable of producing one litter, aggressively protect their offspring and do not refuse third-party litters. Young individuals are easy to care for - silver rabbits have a calm character and a lively, inquisitive temperament. They love to meet breeders and easily get used to the feeding system.

Features of care and maintenance

In the process of selection work, the quality of growth and feeding of the breed was improved, and the bioproductivity of individuals effectively increased. The selection also provided for the possibility of industrial cultivation of this breed. Therefore, rabbits are quite unpretentious in raising and caring for, and are well adapted to temperate climates. They do not like hot weather; they tolerate winter conditions well. Reviews from Silver owners usually confirm the unpretentiousness of the breed, but nevertheless, one should not neglect the usual rules for keeping rabbits.

Silver rabbits eat any vegetation as food, both harvested hay and leaves from the garden. You can also use special feed or grain mixtures. Feeding with special feeds must be carried out in accordance with regulations, since an overdose can lead to obesity. Rabbits should have constant access to a drinking bowl with fresh water to prevent the development of gastrointestinal diseases. In winter conditions, with sufficient feeding, animals show a good level of survivability.

It is recommended to keep animals of this breed in sheds, the most optimal premises for the reproduction and growth of animals. A shed is a structure with a canopy, under which there are cages with animals open on both sides. Typically, shads are housed in two or three tiers, with cages mounted vertically or in a cascade. The lower cells should be located on a stand, at a height of at least half a meter from the ground.

During the construction of a multi-tiered cage, it is important to maintain a balance of space for one animal and the total area of ​​the entire structure. A description of the characteristics, taken from specialized literature, indicates possible shortcomings in caring for rabbits with a small shad size. It is recommended to use a compartment width for one individual of at least 250 mm.

Despite the unpretentiousness of the breed in terms of housing and feeding conditions, one should strictly adhere to the schedule of timely vaccination of animals. Be sure to vaccinate animals against common diseases on time in accordance with the veterinary schedule.

When keeping animals in cages, it is necessary to regularly treat them with antiparasitic drugs, both to clean the animal’s body and to prevent internal infections.

The next step for the amateur breeder will be timely cleaning. Since rabbit waste accumulated in the bedding can cause an intestinal infection, strictly observe sanitary and hygienic standards, strictly maintaining cleanliness in the cages.

Newly arrived animals must undergo quarantine for the duration of the incubation period of suspected diseases. The minimum period for verification is 14 days from the date of purchase. In the first 3 days, the animal must be given antibacterial drugs for prevention. At the slightest suspicion of disease, the animal should be kept separately from the main group of acquired rabbits to avoid mass infection. Rabbits of different age groups should also be kept separately from each other.

Advantages and disadvantages

Farmers and private farm owners claim that Silver rabbits are hardy and beautiful animals with a positive character. The advantages of this breed are undeniable. These include:

  • unpretentiousness in food. The silver rabbit can consume dry, vegetable and combined food;
  • good tolerance to negative temperatures and the ability to live in open cages;
  • fast growth. They gain weight well;
  • females are ready to mate starting at the age of three months and are caring parents. The offspring is 8-9 babies in a brood;
  • the fluffy fur of Silver rabbits has an attractive shade and is valued in the manufacture of fur products;
  • Rabbit meat has excellent taste and even distribution of fat.

Owners of Silver rabbits and breeders claim that there is no description of the shortcomings of this breed.

Photo gallery

Photo 1. Poltava Silver rabbit Photo 2. Gray eared Photo 3. Little rabbit on a walk

Video “Silver Rabbit Minifarm”

This video talks about keeping the Silver Rabbit.


Rabbits Poltava silver or Silver rabbits.

Today I propose to continue the conversation about local, or more precisely, local rabbits. I believe that our domestic breeds have undeservedly gone into the shadows and are increasingly being replaced by Western analogues. I won’t write much about the reasons for this. This is of little practical importance. Yes, they are obvious - this is the failure of rabbit farming as an industry as a result of the global events of the beginning of the century. However, in individual farms, despite everything, domestic breeds have been preserved and this is direct evidence of their competitiveness. And in terms of survival rate, unpretentiousness and compliance with climatic conditions, they have no equal. That is, there are some lags in terms of conditions from best brands, if there is (which is not obvious), they are more than compensated by the reduction in natural losses during farming. This is especially true for small farms. In addition, such breeds will cost a novice rabbit breeder much less, and some inevitable mistakes will not affect the business so much. Our rabbits have a greater safety margin.

Quick search:

Who are you, fluffy silver?

One of the best domestic breeds is the Silver rabbit. To continue the further conversation, I propose to define the terminology. From conversations with colleagues, I realized that there is a lot of confusion here. What is the name for gray rabbits with a silver tint? This is Silver, and simply Silver and Poltava Silver and Soviet Silver. So, this is the same breed of rabbits, bred back in the Soviet Union (1952) in one of the animal farms in the Poltava region. That's why in Ukraine they call him Poltava silver. In Russia, the old official name of the breed is more in use - Soviet Silver Rabbit. She was bred on the basis of the French silver rabbit of the Champagne region ( Champagne Silber - Champagne silver), whose ancestors, in turn, were brought from India a long time ago. By the way, you can find it here under the name European silver or simply Silver.

Domestic scientists were tasked with providing large farms with rabbits that would be frost-resistant, fertile and at the same time unpretentious in food and other respects. And this was done in particular with the help of the Soviet Silvers. After the official registration of the “Poltava” breeder, the breeders stated that the new breed has some undeniable advantages compared to the source material (Silver). For example, they are more adapted to the local climate, the fertility and milk production of females has increased, the amount of meat produced has also increased, and, importantly, its taste characteristics have been improved. In addition, rabbits are very unpretentious when it comes to food; they eat almost any vegetation, even garden tops. Nowadays it’s all about special compound feed. You couldn’t afford such chic back then. I think that even now this advantage will give many, even novice rabbit breeders, additional trump cards. As for the weight of adult animals, it is quite decent: 5.5 – 6.5 kg. And if these are not giant rabbits, then they are very strong average rabbits according to the generally accepted classification.

Features of skins.

Well, how can we not talk about skins? To say that the breed is a meat-and-skin breed means to say nothing. Rabbit fur began to look more attractive, and the products became more elegant, as the color became noticeably darker and richer. This happened because black local rabbits were used to create the breed and the percentage of black hairs became greater.

Silver fur product

The prospects for sandpaper workers have become wider, as it becomes possible to maneuver in terms of selecting shades of silver. This in turn allows you to create a very wide range of clothing models. For example, in the article on the use of skins, you can see how Irina Tylik regulates this parameter by crossing Poltava Silver with European.

On the left is a cross between European and Poltava silver, on the right is a purebred Poltava

A cross between European and Poltava silver

On the raw material market, Silver skins are valued more than the skins of many other breeds. In addition to its pleasant color, the wool has excellent density. Perhaps only the Soviet Chinchilla is inferior in this regard. It is important to add that the size of the raw material also has great importance, because the breed is quite large.

Silver skin sizes

You might be interested in where the similarity between the color of the skin and the color of silver comes from? It's pretty simple. The combination of three different colors in which the hairs of wool are dyed perfectly reproduces the color of semi-precious metal. Namely black, white topcoat (awn) and blue undercoat.

Various shades of metallic skins

It should be noted that there is no strictly defined uniformity of color in the breed. In the same family, animals can differ in degree of lightness: from very dark to very light. Therefore, experienced rabbit breeders in pairs, when crossing, select individuals with different characteristics. Two very dark or two very light future parents are never mated. If you decide to get high-quality skins, place the males on time. The fact is that in places where the fur is pulled out in clumps, predominantly white hairs grow.

How not to confuse the breed of silver rabbit?

Let's take a closer look at the color of the skins. It turns out that homogeneity is not observed over the entire surface of the body. Much like the Californian, some darker areas stand out. This is the tip of the nose, the tip of the tail, the bottom of the paws and on the ears. True, the first one has a white background, and the silver one, accordingly, has a gray background.

Light silver rabbit

Besides this similarity, there is one more thing in common. The finally formed color can be observed only in older rabbits that have reached 2-3 months. Before that they were just grey. The silver tint does not appear immediately. As a rule, at first it can be noticed only on the belly, tail and near the nose. It is important to check the color of the claws when purchasing. They should all be dark. The absence of pigmentation indicates the possibility of white rabbits being born from this individual.

PLEASE DO NOT CONFUSE Poltava Silver rabbit with other breeds also bred on the basis of Silver. For example, with the BSCK (Big Light Silver Rabbit) breed, whose skins are noticeably lighter. Individual black hairs are clearly visible only if you blow on them or run your palm against the fur. On the contrary, there are dwarf silvers. Almost all European countries where there is a developed rabbit-breeding infrastructure have bred their own silver rabbits, but they are only indirectly related to the “Poltava residents”.

Left Poltava rabbit. On the right is BSSC.

The rabbit's body shape corresponds to generally accepted standards of proportions. Although this concept is quite vague. For example, in western Europe a small round head is considered the norm (such breeds have an increased risk of malocclusion). Ours is slightly elongated. The ears are small and erect. At the same time, the knockdown index is good, reaching 60% or more. This indicator is achieved primarily due to the muscularity of the back, the wide rear part without protruding bones (roundness). The paws are strong, wide, correctly set, well furred, so they are not at risk of corns, even with a lot of weight gained. All in all, marketable condition considering the metallic color is simply wonderful.

Dynamics of growth.

I built the growth graph on statistical data from one of the most famous farms of the late Soviet period (ECAC farm), but on personal farms with an individual approach, rabbit breeders achieved even more amazing results, even surpassing the Californian growth graph. If we take an even stricter approach, then all the lines should not come from the zero point, since the newly appeared rabbits already weigh about 75 grams. As for the return to feed (a very important parameter), for this breed it is 2.5 - 3.5 feed units The feed unit serves to compare the nutritional value of different feeds. Since the times of the USSR, the norm has been preserved that a feed unit is a constant value equal to 1 kg of oats of average quality, which corresponds to 1414 kcal of clean energy. per 1 kg of live weight gain. This value is not constant, as you can see from the graph, and corresponds to the first 4 months of fattening. Another important indicator– this is the slaughter yield, that is, the ratio of live weight to carcass weight. Everything here is also very good, around 60%.

Our reliable statistics.

And in conclusion, I would like to provide you with statistical data that once again confirms the relative popularity of Poltava Silver rabbits. The information we collected from 2012 to 2017 is archived at http://servis-oprosov.ru/poll/1142/. Almost 20 thousand rabbit breeders from all regions participated in the survey former union. If you wish, you can participate in the creation of a database of new, more complete statistics. Indicate the breed of rabbits you raise. To do this, check the required box and click on the “SEND” button. If you breed more than one breed, left-click on several squares opposite them.

I hope you have a certain idea about Silver Rabbits, which will allow you to make the necessary choice. Moreover, as far as I know, it is not difficult to purchase this breed, and not only in the Poltava region. I would like to express my gratitude to Irina Tylik for her help in writing this article and for sending photographs.

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Rabbits of the Silver breed, due to their valuable, lush and thick fur, can be classified as both fur and meat production due to their high productivity, early maturity and meat yield.

History of the breed

Silver rabbits

The ancestors of the silver rabbit breed are considered to be individuals from the French province of Champagne. Although there is information about the mention of rabbits of this breed back in the middle of the last century, in Portugal and England. Nevertheless, France is still considered the official homeland of Champagne rabbits.

Rabbits were brought to the countries of the former Soviet Union in 1927-1928 from Germany. At that time, rabbits of the French breed were not very large, the color of the coat was only slightly silvered.

From this period, large-scale selection of this breed began. Breeding specialists worked to increase early maturity and fertility, increase body weight and hair quality. The result of the breeding was a new breed called the Silver rabbit, bred by A. I. Kaplevsky and I. I. Kaplevsky at the Petrovsky animal farm in the Poltava region and the Tula animal farm in the Tula region in 1946-1952.

Some old sources of information claim that a rabbit of the local breed of black color and an imported individual of the Champagne breed were used for crossing. While modern information tells that the breed appeared through the selection of individuals within the breed.

Appearance and description of the breed

The main distinctive feature of the animals is the silver-smoky color of the skin. The coloring of the fur is uniform throughout the body. On the nose, around the eyes, ears, and also partially on the paws and tail, the fur is darker in color. Silver gloss gives a special tinting to the hair: the guide hair at the base is light, and the rest is dark; guard hairs partly white; downy hair of a smoky blue color, lighter at the base. This combination of black and blonde hair ultimately led to the formation of a chic old silver color.

The skins are also valued, among other things, for the thickness and silkiness of the hair. Sometimes the fur of this breed is compared to the fur of a Siberian squirrel. The thickness of the hair is second only to the breeds and.

Rabbits of this species are born black or gray; by the first month of life, silver appears on the nose, belly and tail. Over time, the head, ears, chest and back change color. Only by 3-4 months during the molting process does the color completely change to silver. It should be noted that such a gradual change in color is a sign of a pure breed.

Adults of this breed weigh about 4.5-5 kg, some specimens reach 5.8-6.6 kg, the body constitution is harmonious, tightly built. The length of the body is about 55-57 cm, the chest is wide and deep, the girth of the chest behind the shoulder blades reaches 36 cm. The head is medium, narrowed towards the nose, the ears are erect, up to 10-12 cm long, the eyes are brown. The paws are strong and correctly placed, the back is straight and level with well-developed muscles. The sacral part is wide and has a regular shape. The knockdown index is 56-65%.

Thanks to selection, rabbits are perfectly adapted to Russian weather conditions and food. They do not like hot weather; average air temperatures suit them better.

Animals are unpretentious to feed, and with sufficient feeding in winter they show good vitality.

Silver rabbits are active and quickly adapt to staff and daily routine.

The breed is most widespread in the central and western regions of the country, although it can be bred well in all regions of the Russian Federation.

Profitability of breeding rabbits

Female rabbits of the Silver breed are very fertile and have high milk production. On average, up to 8-9 rabbits are born in one litter. The weight of newborn animals is approximately 75 grams. Females of this breed aggressively protect their cubs, although they perfectly accept strangers.

When crossing, it is not advisable to take two equally light silver parents, since the offspring lighten and lose their exclusive color of old silver.

Rabbits grow rapidly, their distinguishing feature is excellent meat maturity. Growth rate: 1 month – 1 kg, 2 month – 2 kg, 4 months – 4 kg. Consumption per kilogram of live weight gain is 2.5-3.6 feed units. The rate of weight gain is equivalent to that of the Soviet Chinchilla and Gray Giant breeds.

By 3-4 months of age, animals have excellent slaughter yields, productivity is about 57-60%. The meat of this breed is very tasty and juicy, and has a good presentation. The carcass is well muscled, the intermuscular fat layer is distributed evenly throughout the body.

Rabbit skins come out wide with original, varied toning. Very often, silver rabbit skins are used in light industry no coloring, preferring a natural look.

Although the silver rabbit is a commercial meat-hide breed, it is still not very common in our region. As a rule, they prefer meatier “” and “”, as well as breeds with light, more versatile fur.

The largest populations of the breed are concentrated in the fur-bearing state farms of the Tatar Republic and the Tula region.

Home content

Despite the fact that Silver rabbits are considered an industrial meat-and-skin breed and are quite large in size, they are perfect for. Thanks to their gentle and obedient nature, active and playful temperament, almost complete absence of aggression and quick adaptability to human presence, animals of this breed are actively gaining a reputation as a pet for home keeping.

You should also know that these rabbits, due to their active temperament, move around a lot, so you should prepare a lot of space for them. Maintenance does not require any additional effort.

Further selection of the breed can be aimed at increasing the vitality of rabbits and increasing the strength of the body constitution.

Watch a video about this breed

Igor Nikolaev

Reading time: 4 minutes


The history of this breed began several hundred years ago in a country like India. The Spaniards who got there really liked the silver rabbits for their beautiful coloring, and they brought them to their homeland. From Spain, this rabbit variety spread to other European countries, but for some reason it gained the greatest popularity in France, especially in the province of Champagne.

This province gave one of the names to this breed, which is still considered the ancestor of all rabbit varieties with a silver-colored coat. Silver rabbits (in other words, European silver) came to the territory of our country, or rather Ukraine, during the Soviet Union.

In 1952, in Poltava it was officially announced that we had silver rabbits. Further selection and breeding work of domestic specialists to improve this variety gave good results, and a new breed appeared, called “Poltava Silver”.

Poltava silver rabbits differed from their ancestors in increased fertility; weight and milk productivity were significantly improved. Animals of the Poltava Silver breed are often called “Soviet Silver”. This is the same breed.

Animals of this species are characterized by correct body proportions and a strong constitution. The length of the body reaches 57 centimeters. It is also typical for such rabbits; muscular, well developed croup; straight line of a strong back; strong proportional limbs; medium sized head; ears are short and erect.

The fur on the upper part of the tail, as well as the ears and paws, is somewhat darker than on the rest of the body. Also visible around the eyes dark spots. Rabbits of the Poltava Silver breed have beautiful silver fur. This color is obtained due to the special arrangement of differently colored hairs: black hair is long, directing; The main guard hairs are white, and the downy base is bluish in color. This color does not appear in rabbits immediately, but only after they reach the age of four months.

The live weight of an adult individual averages from five to six kilograms.

These rabbits are distinguished by high rates of early maturity. Females mature sexually by four months, and if their weight exceeds two and a half kilograms, then they can be allowed for the first mating.

The time intervals between hunts for rabbits of this species are 8 days, and the duration of the hunt is almost five days. Adult healthy females of this breed are capable of producing offspring up to five times in one year. One male breeder, as a rule, is able to fertilize up to 8 female rabbits.

Experienced rabbit breeders do not recommend allowing overweight or, conversely, too skinny females to mate. The body condition of a good female rabbit before mating should be at an average level.

Gestation time is usually one month. Average number Cubs in one litter are 8-9 rabbits (sometimes more).

Already on the second day after giving birth, the female rabbit is again ready to mate.

The weight of newborn cubs does not exceed 75 grams. It is interesting that babies of this breed are born completely black.

Only after five weeks do the first glimpses of silver appear in their color (usually in the tail area and on the belly). Over time, the head, back and ears begin to “silver”, and last of all, the chest becomes silver. Poltava silver rabbits are characterized by rapid growth rates. Two months after birth, their weight already reaches two kilograms, and after four they already weigh all four.

The coat color finally stabilizes in young animals at the age of four months.

Experts note that too light a shade of fur on these animals is not welcome. Therefore, to reduce the risk of having too light-colored offspring, it is not recommended to breed two light-colored rabbits.

These animals do not have any special requirements for the composition of their diet.

In summer and spring, as well as in early autumn, the basis of the diet of these animals is natural food. plant origin(forbs, leaves and young shoots of trees and shrubs).

In winter, when there is no natural greenery, the basis3 of the diet is mixed-grass hay. Fresh hay is the healthiest food for rabbits. An excess of grain mixtures in the diet leads to obesity in animals, so the doses of such feeds must be carefully monitored.

Hay contains a large amount of coarse fibers, which have a beneficial effect on the normal functioning of the digestive system of rabbits. This food is also no less useful for rabbit teeth, helping them to wear down evenly.

For normal growth and development of silver rabbits, sufficient supplies of green and succulent feed are required. It is better to give them in the late afternoon, since it is at dusk that rabbits begin to eat. It is necessary to accustom rabbits to fresh (and also new to them) types of food gradually in order to prevent the occurrence of bloating, diarrhea and other disturbances in the functioning of the stomach and intestines. Green food Before distribution, you should first wash and dry thoroughly. The same should be done with vegetables or fruits. Under no circumstances should they be fed to animals unwashed.

A very important point is to provide rabbits with free round-the-clock access to clean and fresh water.

This is especially true for lactating females, since their milk production directly depends on the amount of fluid they receive. In a normal diet, water plays an equally important role in helping to properly digest food. Even if you feed your rabbits luscious greens, there should still be extra water in the drinking bowl in the cage. You can’t give rabbits very cold water, much less frozen water. The design of the drinking bowl should prevent dirt, rabbit excrement and food debris from entering it. Nipple-type steel drinkers have proven themselves well.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Poltava Silver breed

For all the time during which rabbit breeders have been breeding and keeping animals of this breed, they have come to the unanimous opinion that, despite the large number of advantages of this breed, it simply does not have any significant disadvantages. Reviews about this breed are always positive.

Experts include the main advantages of the Poltava Silver breed:

  • unpretentiousness in feeding preferences;
  • good resistance to low temperatures;
  • high taste and quality characteristics of the resulting rabbit meat with an optimal combination of meat and fat; some experts even call the meat of these rabbits marbled;
  • good quality skins with fluffy, warm fur and a beautiful color of silver shades (both light and dark silver);
  • rapid puberty of female rabbits (first mating at four months);
  • high fertility (the minimum number of rabbits in one litter is eight).
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