Marketing research of the soap market. Liquid soap market

Resume The marketing research contains up-to-date information on the state and prospects of the Russian liquid soap market in 2018.

During the study, the following blocks of questions were considered: the volume and dynamics of domestic production, foreign trade operations, sales of liquid soap and producer prices. The current market conditions are characterized and a forecast of its development for the medium term is constructed. Particular emphasis is placed on factors that have a significant impact on the state of the industry - its drivers and stop factors.

A separate block of the extended version of the study includes a competitive analysis of the largest participants in the liquid soap market: manufacturers, exporters, importers and trading companies. This section for each of the companies reviewed (where possible) contains data on production volume and/or import/export, market share, promising projects, and also provides background information from the official financial statements (company card, balance sheet, income statement and losses, etc.).

Product group discussed in the report: Liquid laundry soap; Liquid toilet soap; Liquid soap for special purposes.

Geography of research: Russia.

Period: statistical data from 2013 to 2018, forecast until 2025.

The research will help you answer the questions:
What changes were observed in the volume of liquid soap production at the end of 2018?
What is the presence of foreign products on the Russian market?
Which regions dominate in production and consumption?
Who are the main producers on the Russian market?
How the price level on the market has changed
How the market will change in the medium term

Key facts about the liquid soap market:
At the end of 2018, the production volume of liquid soap increased by 39%. According to the results of the year, an increase in producer prices was recorded, which amounted to 21.2%. Overall production growth for 2014 - 2018 amounted to 54.0%.

Research methodology:
Analysis of materials from open sources
Collection and analysis of secondary market information
Analysis of materials received from liquid soap market participants
Study of financial and economic activities of market participants
Desk work of IndexBox specialists
Expert survey of market participants (only for the extended version of the report)

List of companies mentioned in the report:
LLC CONCERN "KALINA" (owned by Unilever) from the Sverdlovsk region (TM Clean Line, Velvet Handles), LLC "PROCTER & GAMBLE-NOVOMOSKOVSK" from the Tula region (TM Camay, Safeguard), LLC "HENKEL RUS" (TM Fa), CJSC " KOLGATEPALMOLIVE" from Moscow (TM Palmolive), CJSC "AIST" from St. Petersburg (TM Serebryanoye).



4.1. Volume of apparent consumption in 2013-2018 Forecast for 2018-2025
4.2. Market structure: production, export, import, consumption
4.3. Consumption structure by federal districts in 2013-2018
4.4. Balance of production and consumption
4.5 Average per capita consumption in 2013-2018

5.1. Production volume in 2013-2018
5.2. Structure of production by federal districts in 2013-2018
5.3. Investment projects in the industry until 2025

6.1. Average producer prices in 2013-2018
6.2. Average export price in 2013-2018
6.3. Average import price in 2013-2018

7.1. Volumes of foreign trade transactions in 2013-2018
7.2. Trade balance in 2013-2018

8.1. Import volume of liquid soap in 2013-2018
8.2. Producing countries with leading supplies to the Russian Federation in 2018

9.1. Export volume of liquid soap in 2013-2018
9.2. Recipient countries of Russian exports of liquid soap in 2018

10.1. Factors influencing market development
10.2. Scenarios for the development of the Russian economy
10.3. Scenarios for the development of the liquid soap market until 2025

11.1. Russian manufacturers and their production volumes and market shares in 2018
11.2. Russian exporters and their export volumes in 2018
11.3. Foreign manufacturers and their volumes of supplies to the Russian Federation in 2018
11.4. Russian importers and their supply volumes in 2018
11.5. Comparative competitive analysis of key players in the market
11.6. Profiles of leading market participants
List of tables Table 1. Key indicators in the liquid soap market in 2013 - 2018
Table 2. Classification of liquid soap according to OKPD
Table 3. Classification of liquid soap according to the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity
Table 4. Volume and dynamics of the liquid soap market in 2013-2018 and forecast until 2025 (within the base development scenario)
Table 5. Balance of production and consumption in the liquid soap market in 2013-2018. and forecast until 2025
Table 6. Production of liquid soap in 2013-2018,
Table 7. Volume of liquid soap production by type in 2013–2018
Table 8. Liquid soap production by federal districts in 2013 – 2018
Table 9. Investment projects in the industry in 2018-2025
Table 10. Average prices of liquid soap manufacturers in the Russian Federation in 2013 - 2018.
Table 11. Volume of imports of liquid soap by country of origin in 2018, units. change
Table 12. Import volume of liquid soap by country of origin in 2018, thousand US dollars
Table 13. Volume of Russian exports of liquid soap by country of receipt in 2018, units. change
Table 14. Volume of Russian exports of liquid soap by country of receipt in 2018, thousand US dollars
Table 15. Dynamics of the resident population 2010-2018, million people

Table 1. Structure of liquid soap production by manufacturing companies in 2018 in physical terms and as a percentage of total production in the Russian Federation
Table 2. Volume of Russian exports of liquid soap by manufacturing companies in 2018 in physical terms
Table 3. Volume of Russian exports of liquid soap by manufacturing companies in 2018 in value terms
Table 4. Import volume of liquid soap by manufacturing company in 2018 in physical terms
Table 5. Import volume of liquid soap by manufacturing company in 2018 in value terms
Table 6. Volume of imports of liquid soap into the Russian Federation by recipient companies in 2018 in physical terms
Table 7. Volume of imports of liquid soap into the Russian Federation by recipient companies in 2018 in value terms
Table 8. Comparative competitive analysis of key players in the market
List of drawings Figure 1. Volume and dynamics of apparent consumption of liquid soap in 2013-2018. in physical terms and forecast until 2025 (within the base development scenario)
Figure 2. Volume of apparent consumption of liquid soap in value terms, 2013-2018. and forecast until 2025 (within the base development scenario)
Figure 3. Dynamics and structure of the liquid soap market in 2013-2018.
Figure 4. Structure of the liquid soap market by origin in 2018
Figure 5. Consumption structure by federal districts in 2013-2018
Figure 6. Dynamics of average per capita consumption of liquid soap in 2013-2018.
Figure 7. Annual production of liquid soap in 2013 - 2018.
Figure 8. Production of liquid soap in 2015 - 2018 by month
Figure 9. Structure of liquid soap production in 2018 by type in volume and value terms
Figure 10. Structure of liquid soap production by federal districts in 2013-2018, in physical terms
Figure 11. Average import prices in 2013-2018.
Figure 12. Average export prices in 2013-2018
Figure 13. Comparison of average prices of liquid soap manufacturers by federal district in 2018
Figure 14. Annual dynamics of imports of liquid soap into the Russian Federation in 2013-2018.
Figure 15. Annual dynamics of Russian exports of liquid soap in 2013-2018.
Figure 16. Volume of foreign trade transactions in the liquid soap market in 2013-2018.
Figure 17. Trade balance in 2013-2018
Figure 18. Structure of imports of liquid soap into the Russian Federation by country of origin in 2018, in physical and value terms
Figure 19. Structure of liquid soap exports by country of origin in 2018, in volume and value terms
Figure 20. Structure of Russian exports of liquid soap by country of receipt in 2018, in physical and value terms
Figure 21. Dynamics of the physical volume of GDP in market prices in the Russian Federation in 2010 - 2018, as a percentage of the previous year
Figure 22. Dynamics of real disposable cash income of the population in the Russian Federation 2013-2018, as a percentage of the previous year of the previous year
Figure 23. Dynamics of nominal and real wages of the population of the Russian Federation in 2010 – 2018.
Figure 24. Structure of the population of the Russian Federation by income level in 2018, as a percentage of the total
Figure 25. Dynamics of nominal and real retail trade turnover in the Russian Federation in 2010 – 2018, billion rubles.
Figure 26. Structure of retail trade turnover by type of product in 2010 – 2018, in value terms
Figure 27. Forecast of liquid soap consumption in the Russian Federation in physical terms within the base scenario in 2018-2025.
Figure 28. Forecast of liquid soap consumption in the Russian Federation in physical terms under the optimistic scenario in 2018-2025.

Figure 1. Structure of liquid soap production by manufacturer in 2018 in % of total production in the Russian Federation
Figure 2. Liquid soap market structure by key players in 2018


The deadline for submitting the report is 10 working days. The study is sold with an update.

This study is a marketing analysis of the liquid soap market in Russia. Analysts have compiled a forecast for market development until 2023.

Study period: 2014 - 2018

Object of study: liquid soap market

Subject of research: market volume and capacity, liquid soap market trends, factors influencing the market, exports and imports, main competitors, consumers, prices, assessment of investment attractiveness, market development forecast

Purpose of the study: analysis and forecast of liquid soap market development

Research objectives:

  • Description of the state of the liquid soap market
  • Assessment of the volume and potential capacity of the liquid soap market
  • STEP analysis of factors influencing the liquid soap market
  • Description of main competitors
  • Assessment of current trends and market development prospects
  • Compiling a market development forecast until 2023

Main blocks of research:

  • Overview of the Russian liquid soap market
  • Competitive analysis in the liquid soap market
  • Analysis of liquid soap production
  • Analysis of foreign trade supplies of liquid soap
  • Analysis of liquid soap consumption
  • Price analysis
  • Assessment of market investment attractiveness factors
  • Forecast for the development of the liquid soap market until 2023.
  • Recommendations and conclusions

Sources of information:

  • Databases of state statistical bodies
  • Federal Tax Service Databases
  • Open sources (websites, portals)
  • Issuer reporting
  • Company websites
  • Market participant surveys
  • Media Archives
  • Regional and federal media
  • Insider sources
  • Specialized analytical portals



Part 1. Review of the Russian liquid soap market

1.1. Main characteristics of the market

1.2. Dynamics of liquid soap market volume 2014-2018 Potential market capacity

1.3. Assessment of factors influencing the market

1.4. Liquid soap market life cycle stage

1.5. Competition from substitute products

Part 2. Competitive analysis in the liquid soap market

2.1. Major players in the market

2.2. Market shares of the largest competitors

2.3. Profiles of the main players

Part 3. Analysis of liquid soap production

3.1. Volume and dynamics of domestic production of liquid soap

3.2. Export share in liquid soap production

3.3. Segmentation of liquid soap production by region

3.3.1. Production by federal districts

3.3.2. Production by constituent entities of the Russian Federation

Part 4. Analysis of foreign trade supplies of liquid soap

4.1. Volume and dynamics of imports of liquid soap

4.2. Import structure

4.3. Volume and dynamics of exports of liquid soap

4.4. Export structure

Part 5. Analysis of liquid soap consumption

5.1. Dynamics of liquid soap consumption

5.2. Analysis of the results of procurement tenders

Part 6. Price analysis

6.1. Average producer prices by federal districts

6.2. Average consumer prices by constituent entities of the Russian Federation

Part 7. Assessment of market investment attractiveness factors

Part 8. Forecast for the development of the liquid soap market until 2023.



Diagram 1. Ratio of imported and domestic products on the liquid soap market, %

Diagram 2. Dynamics of liquid soap market volume 2014 - 2018

Diagram 3. Revenue (net) from the sale of liquid soap by federal districts for 2014 - 2018,%

Diagram 4. Shares of the largest competitors in the liquid soap market in 2018

Diagram 5. Dynamics of liquid soap production volumes in the Russian Federation for 2014 - 2018.

Diagram 6. Dynamics of the total revenue of the largest manufacturers (TOP-5) of liquid soap in Russia, 2014-2018.

Diagram 7. Share of exports in production for 2014 - 2018

Diagram 8. Volume and dynamics of imports of liquid soap in physical terms

Diagram 9. Volume and dynamics of imports of liquid soap in monetary terms

Table 4. Dynamics of liquid soap production in the Russian Federation by federal districts

Table 5. Structure of liquid soap imports by importing countries in 2018

Table 6. Average manufacturer prices for liquid soap in the Federal District

Table 7. Average consumer prices for liquid soap by constituent entities of the Russian Federation

Table 8. Assessment of factors of investment attractiveness of the liquid soap market

Let's analyze the structure of the assortment of toilet soap at Tornado Cosmetics LLC for 2008 by manufacturing companies, brands, consistency, cost, groups.

Initial data on the structure of the assortment of toilet soap at Tornado Cosmetic LLC are given in sales dynamics by physical indicators.

Table 4 - Structure of the range of toilet soap sold at Tornado Cosmetics LLC by manufacturer for 2008

At Tornado Cosmetics, toilet soap is presented in a wide range, both domestic (Kalina, Red Line) and foreign manufacturers (Schwarzkopf & Henkel, Colgate-Palmolive, Unilever).

The largest quantity of toilet soap is from the manufacturer “Kalina” - 6,519,746 pcs. or 63.9% in physical terms, which is explained by the presence of a wide range and various brands.

The smallest amount of toilet soap should be attributed to the manufacturer “Unilever” - 520,355 pcs. or 5.1% in physical terms due to the high cost of goods.

A high share of sales was established for toilet soap manufactured by Kalina - 63.8% or 6,148,040 units, which is due to the presence of a wide range of such products by name and consistency. The level of implementation is 94.3%.

The smallest share in sales of toilet soap is to the manufacturer “Unilever” - 4.9% or 477,608 units, which is explained by their high cost. The level of implementation is 91.8%.

Table 5 - Structure of the range of toilet soap sold by Tornado Cosmetics LLC by brand for 2008


Offer, pcs.

Sales, pcs.

Sales level, %

Clean line

Velvet handles

Babushkina Pharmacy

Special series

Red line

At Tornado Cosmetics, toilet soap is presented in a wide range according to brands.

The largest quantity of toilet soap is from the “Fa” brand - 1,510,051 pcs. or 14.8%, which is explained by the presence of a wide number of brand names.

The smallest amount of toilet soap should be attributed to the Cliven brand - 176,006 pcs. or 1.7% due to the high cost of goods.

A high share of sales was found for toilet soap of the “Fa” brand - 14.9% or 1,440,242 units, which is due to the presence of a wide range of such products by name and consistency. The implementation level is 95.4%. The smallest share of supply is for the Cliven brand - 1.7%. The implementation level is 95.7%.

Table 6 - Structure of the range of toilet soap sold by Tornado Cosmetics LLC by consistency for 2008

At Tornado Cosmetics, toilet soap is available in solid and liquid consistency.

The largest amount of solid toilet soap is 5,438,223 pcs. or 53.3%, which is explained by consumer demand for standard products. The smallest amount of toilet soap should be classified as liquid consistency - 4764822 pcs. or 46.7% due to the high cost of goods.

A high share of sales was found for solid toilet soap - 55% or 5,303,372 units, which is due to the presence of a wide range of such products by name, brand, and volume. The implementation level is 97.5%. The smallest share of supply is for liquid toilet soap - 45%. The implementation rate is 91.1%.

Table 7 - Structure of the range of toilet soap sold by Tornado Cosmetics LLC at cost for 2008

At Tornado Cosmetics, toilet soap is available in different price ranges.

The largest quantity of toilet soap is offered at a cost of up to 18 rubles - 4,795,403 pcs. or 47.0%, which is explained by consumer demand for products. The smallest amount of toilet soap should be attributed to the cost of more than 31 rubles - 1326424 pcs. or 13.0%.

A high share of sales was found for toilet soap costing up to 18 rubles - 48.4%, which is due to the presence of a wide range of such goods by name, brand, and volume. The level of implementation is 97.3%. The smallest share of supply is for toilet soap costing more than 31 rubles - 13.8%. The implementation level is 85.4%.

Table 8 - Structure of the range of toilet soap sold at Tornado Cosmetics LLC by group for 2008

At Tornado Cosmetics, toilet soap from domestic manufacturers is presented in different groups (Extra, children's and neutral) according to the standard classification of products.

The largest quantity of toilet soap is offered in the “neutral” group - 5,144,679 pieces. or 71.2%, which is explained by the presence of a wide number of items in this group among manufacturers. The smallest amount of toilet soap should be classified as “children’s” - 955,621 pcs. or 13.2%, since such soap is available only from the Drakosha brand (manufacturer: Kalina concern).

A high share of sales was established for toilet soap of the “neutral” group - 72.2%, which is due to the presence of a wide range of such products by name and brand. The implementation level is 95.8%. The smallest share of supply is in the “children’s” group of toilet soaps - 12.9%. The level of implementation is 92.2%.

Marketing research "Soap market. Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod. Retail sales audit."

Report release date

June 2001

Report format/delivery format

Word/electronic file

Purpose of the study, objectives of the study

  • to launch a new brand of soap on the market
  • Determining the shares of competitors' brands
  • main competitor brands
  • Assessment of the capacity of product distribution channels

1. Research methodology
2. Description and population
3. Main indicators of the soap market in the surveyed cities
5. Shares of major soap brands
5.1 Shares of the main soap brands in total sales in volume terms
5.2 Shares of major soap brands in total sales in value terms
6. Weighted average prices for the main brands of soap
7. Shares of soap of various types and compositions in total sales in the surveyed cities
8. Distribution of total sales of soap of various types and compositions in each of the surveyed cities by price ranges
8.1 Distribution by price range of total sales of solid toilet soap
8.2 Distribution by price range of total sales of solid baby soap
8.3 Distribution by price range of total sales of antibacterial soap
8.4 Distribution by price range of total sales of solid laundry soap
9. Specific sales of soap of various types and compositions by price ranges
9.1 Specific sales of solid toilet soap by price ranges
9.2 Specific sales of solid baby soap by price ranges
9.3 Specific sales of solid antibactericidal soap by price ranges
9.4 Specific sales of solid laundry soap by price ranges
10. Specific sales of solid toilet soap by price range by city
10.1 Moscow
10.2 St. Petersburg
10.3 Nizhny Novgorod
11. Brands of solid toilet soap by price segments by city
12.Specific sales of solid antibactericidal soap by price range by city
12.1 Moscow
12.2 St. Petersburg
12.3 Nizhny Novgorod
13. Brands of solid antibacterial soap by price segments by city
14.Specific sales of solid baby soap by price range by city
14.1 Moscow
14.2 St. Petersburg
14.3 Nizhny Novgorod
15. Brands of solid baby soap by price segments by city
16.Specific sales of solid laundry soap by price range by city
16.1 Moscow
16.2 St. Petersburg
16.3 Nizhny Novgorod
17. Brands of solid laundry soap by price segments by city


1 Basic principles of marketing

1.1 Marketing principles……………………………………………………...5

1.2 Basic principles of marketing in Russia……………………………..7

2 Marketing research on soap

2.1 Characteristics of the assortment of the retail network of IP “Vinogradova”……..14

2.2 Features of the external environment of the enterprise……………………………14

2.3 Analysis of the macro- and microenvironment of the enterprise. PEST- and

EFAS analysis……………………………………………………………..16

2.4 Competitive analysis……………………………………………………..20

2.5 SWOT analysis………………………………………………………………………………25


List of references……………………………………………………………...31


Today's world is a world of dynamics and speed. To survive in it, you need to constantly change with it and constantly acquire new knowledge and skills. Moreover, it is not enough to possess them. They must be able to be used wisely so that they bring the greatest benefit to their owner.

Today we all need to understand marketing. Whether we're selling a car, looking for a job, raising money for a charity, or promoting an idea, we engage in marketing. We need to know what the market is, who operates in it, how it functions, what its needs are.

Knowing marketing allows us to behave more intelligently as consumers, whether it's buying toothpaste or a new car.

Marketing is one of the fundamental disciplines for market professionals, such as retailers, advertising workers, marketing researchers, managers of new and branded products, etc. They need to know how to describe the market and break it into segments; how to assess the needs, demands and preferences of consumers within the target market; how to design and test a product with the consumer properties required for this market; how to convey to the consumer the idea of ​​​​the value of a product through price; how to choose skillful intermediaries so that the product is widely available and well presented; how to advertise and promote a product so that consumers know it and want to buy it.

The main goal of the socio-economic reforms carried out in modern Russia is to build an open market economy in the country. For the successful development of such an economy, it is necessary that the needs and demand of specific consumer groups become the main guideline for the production and sale of goods. Effective work in the domestic and foreign markets requires knowledge and consideration of objective market laws, the ability to organize the regular receipt and prompt use of market information, the ability to increase the competitiveness of one’s products, etc. All these are elements of marketing - one of the most effective concepts of a market economy. It is on the basis of the results of marketing activities that most commercial operations in the world market are carried out. The growing importance of marketing on a global scale is evidenced, in particular, by the results of special studies, according to which more than 75% of commercial failures in the world market occur for reasons related to errors in marketing activities, and only less than a quarter of them are due to other reasons. Each product certainly requires promotion on the market, this means the need for high-quality and original advertising, various promotions to promote the product. In addition, it is highly desirable for an enterprise to have the widest possible retail sales network or a network of intermediary organizations, unless, of course, it is engaged in very large and expensive production. Such a network must have a high level of service, since today's buyer is accustomed to high-quality service and a wide list of additional services. And only by fulfilling all these requirements can a company count on being able to take a strong place in the heart of the buyer. At the same time, we should not forget about the effectiveness of market behavior and the development of the company. The most important thing in understanding and satisfying the buyer’s needs is to study his opinion about the company’s products, competing products, problems and prospects for the life and work of consumers. Only with this knowledge can we fully satisfy the needs of consumers. And this is exactly what a company should do within the distribution system - where it comes into closest contact with the buyer.

1 Basic principles of marketing

1.1 Marketing principles

Marketing principles are the fundamental provisions, circumstances, requirements that underlie marketing and reveal its essence and purpose. The essence of marketing is that the production of goods and services must be oriented towards the consumer, demand, and the constant coordination of production capabilities with market requirements.

In accordance with the essence of marketing, the following basic principles are distinguished:

1. Careful consideration of the needs, state and dynamics of demand and market conditions when making business decisions.

Consumers often don't know what exactly they want. They only want to solve their problems as best as possible.

Therefore, one of the main tasks of marketing is to understand what consumers want.

2. Creating conditions for maximum adaptation of production to market requirements, to the structure of demand, based not on immediate benefits, but on a long-term perspective.

The modern concept of marketing is that all activities of an enterprise (scientific and technical, production, in the field of capital investments, sales, maintenance, etc.) are based on knowledge of consumer demand and its changes in the future. Moreover, one of the goals of marketing is to identify unsatisfied customer needs in order to direct production to satisfy these requests. Marketing means developing, producing and marketing something for which there is actual consumer demand. The marketing system makes the production of goods functionally dependent on requests and requires the production of goods in the range and volume required by the consumer. When implementing the marketing concept, the center of business decision-making is shifted from the production units of enterprises to the units that feel the pulse of the market. The Marketing Service is a think tank, a source of information and recommendations not only for market, but also for production, scientific, technical and financial policies of enterprises. Here, on the basis of a thorough analysis of the state and dynamics of demand and business conditions, the question of the necessity, prospects, and profitability of the production of a particular product is resolved.

3. Influence on the market, on the buyer using all available means, primarily advertising.

West German marketer Gunther von Brieskorn, in one of his lectures, characterizing the content and principles of marketing, gives the following diagram (Fig. 1.):

Fig. 1 – Scheme of G. von Brieskorn

He reasons something like this. The market is the sea. Riding the waves of the market are consumers whose behavior in the market is characterized by the vector of their needs. It is subject to frequent changes. The market is our boss (boss) and when entering it (going to an appointment with the boss), we need to be well prepared. The consumer is our king, any requirements of which we must unconditionally fulfill.

The concept of marketing can be characterized as follows: from the producer to the consumer there is a general flow of money necessary for the normal functioning of the enterprise and in order to satisfy future needs even more effectively than at the present moment. And the task of marketing is precisely to ensure that the manufacturer and consumer, during a meeting on the market, most fully realize their goals and needs.

Thus, marketing is the process of coordinating the company’s capabilities and consumer demands. The result of this process is the provision of goods to consumers that satisfy their needs, and the company obtaining the profit necessary for its existence and better meeting the needs of consumers in the future.

      Basic principles of marketing in Russia

The basic principles of marketing in Russian conditions are:

Maximum adaptation of product production and all production and marketing activities of the manufacturer to market requirements;

Taking into account the needs of the consumer, business conditions, the state and dynamics of demand;

Active influence on demand using various methods that do not contradict the law;

Making strategic decisions as a sales problem is discovered (situational management);

Availability of multiple solutions to emerging sales problems;

Focus on ensuring long-term commercial success; manifestation of marketing initiative as a form of production and sales management.

The marketing mix in Russia is a combination of marketing elements that influence the demand for a product and ensure the desired market response. All these elements are combined into four groups: product (service); price; distribution (sales); stimulation (promotion).

The principles and complex of Russian marketing are applicable to all areas of activity: production, sales, finance. Each of them has an area of ​​application. Therefore, the principles and elements of the marketing mix are useful to everyone: doctors, lawyers, economists, financiers, engineers, management consultants, scientists, and trade workers.

The basis of marketing activities are goals. They can be not only commercial. In addition, they must be formulated in such a way that they can be expressed quantitatively. For example, by the end of the year, increase the product’s market share to 20%, or receive 20% of the profit. The more clearly the goal is formulated and communicated to each employee, the more benefits the marketing service will bring. In marketing, goals are divided into 5 groups:

Market (market share, market conquest, identification of promising markets);

Marketing (creating the company's image, activities to form public opinion (Public Relations), sales volume, profit volume, competition);

Structural and managerial (improving the management structure);

Providing (pricing policy, sales promotion, consumer properties of goods, product distribution parameters);

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