One type of work to another. Recommendations for parents on developing attention

The selection of OKVED codes when filling out an application for registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC may seem like a real stumbling block to the applicant. Some professional registrars even list this service as a separate line item in their price list. In fact, the selection of OKVED codes should be given a very modest place in the list of actions of a novice businessman.

If difficulties with selecting codes still arise, then you can get free consultation according to OKVED, but for a complete picture, including familiarization with the risks associated with the choice of codes, we recommend that you read this article to the end.

What are OKVED codes?

OKVED codes are statistical information intended to report government agencies what exactly the new subject plans to do entrepreneurial activity. Codes are indicated according to a special document - All-Russian classifier species economic activity, which gave the name to the abbreviation “OKVED”.

In 2019, there is only one edition of the classifier - OKVED-2(another name is OKVED-2014 or OK 029-2014 (NACE rev. 2)). Classifiers of the OKVED-1 editions (another name is OKVED-2001 or OK 029-2001 (NACE Rev. 1)) and OKVED-2007 or OK 029-2007 (NACE Rev. 1.1) have become invalid since January 1, 2017.

If the applicant enters the codes of the wrong Classifier into the application, he will be denied registration, so be careful! Those who will fill out an application using our service do not need to worry, we have timely replaced OKVED-1 with OKVED-2. The documents will be filled out correctly.

When choosing OKVED codes, you must also take into account that certain types of activities require licensing; we provided a complete list of them in the article.

OKVED structure

The OKVED classifier is a hierarchical list types of activities, divided into sections with Latin letters from A to U. This is what the structure of OKVED 2 sections looks like:

OKVED sections:

  • Section A. Agriculture, forestry, hunting, fishing and fish farming
  • Section D. Providing electricity, gas and steam; air conditioning
  • Section E. Water supply; drainage, organization of waste collection and disposal, pollution control activities
  • Section G. Wholesale and retail trade; repair of vehicles and motorcycles
  • Section I. Activities of hotels and catering establishments
  • Section L. Real estate activities
  • Section M. Professional, scientific and technical activities
  • Section N. Administrative activities and related additional services
  • Section O. Public Administration and Military Security; social Security
  • Section Q. Health and Social Services Activities
  • Section R. Activities in the field of culture, sports, leisure and entertainment
  • Section T. Activities of Households as Employers; undifferentiated activities of private households producing goods and providing services for their own consumption
  • Section U. Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies

Letter names of sections are not used in the formation of OKVED codes. The code is classified within the section in the following form (asterisks indicate the number of digits):

**. - Class;

**.* - subclass;

**.** - group;

**.**.*- subgroup;

**.**.** - view.

Here is an example of OKVED 2 code from section A “Agriculture, forestry, hunting, fishing and fish farming”:

  • Class 01 - Crop and livestock farming, hunting and the provision of related services in these areas;
  • Subclass 01.1 - Growing of annual crops;
  • Group 01.13 - Growing vegetables, melons, root and tuber crops, mushrooms and truffles;
  • Subgroup 01.13.3 - Growing table root and tuber crops with a high content of starch or inulin;
  • View 01.13.31- Growing potatoes.

Such detailed code details (up to six digits inclusive) are not required to be indicated in the application. It is enough to enter the OKVED code within 4 digits, that is, only up to the type of activity group. If you specified a group of codes (that is, a code consisting of four digits), then the codes of subgroups and types automatically fall into it, so they do not have to be specified separately or supplemented later.


  • Group 01.13 “Growing of vegetables, melons, root and tuber crops, mushrooms and truffles” includes:
  • 01.13.1: Growing vegetables;
  • 01.13.2: Growing melons;
  • 01.13.3: Growing table root and tuber crops with a high content of starch or inulin;
  • 01.13.4: Growing vegetable seeds, with the exception of sugar beet seeds;
  • 01.13.5: Growing sugar beets and sugar beet seeds;
  • 01.13.6: Growing mushrooms and truffles;
  • 01.13.9: Growing vegetables not included in other groups.

If you indicated the OKVED code 01.13, then, for example, growing vegetables and growing mushrooms and truffles are included in this group, so it is not necessary to indicate them separately as 01.13.1 and 01.13.6, it is enough to limit yourself to the code 01.13.

Examples of selecting OKVED codes depending on the chosen field of activity

The applicant’s idea of ​​the proposed activity codes does not always coincide with the logic of the structure OKVED classifier. For example, it is understandable when it comes to activities related to the rental of apartments and offices. The following are suitable here OKVED codes:

  • 68.20 Rent and management of own or leased real estate
  • 68.20.1 Rent and management of own or leased residential real estate
  • 68.20.2 Rent and management of own or leased non-residential real estate

Also, quite logically, activities related to trade or the provision of taxi services are structured. But, for example, a designer associated with Internet advertising can work under the following OKVED codes:

  • 18.12 Other types of printing activities
  • 74.20 Activities in the field of photography
  • 62.09 Activities related to the use computer technology And information technology, other
  • 73.11 Activities of advertising agencies
  • 73.12 Representation in the media
  • 90.03 Activities in the field of artistic creativity
  • 90.01 Performing arts activities
  • 62.01 Computer software development

How many OKVED codes can be indicated in the application?

As much as you like, it is not forbidden to include at least the entire classifier in the application (the only question is how much you need it). In the sheet where OKVED codes are indicated, you can enter 57 codes, but there can be several such sheets, in this case the main type of activity is entered only once, on the first sheet.

Please note that if the OKVED code you have chosen relates to the field of education, upbringing and development of children, medical care, social protection and social services, children's and youth sports, as well as culture and art with the participation of minors, then you will need to attach a certificate of registration to the application for registration absence of a criminal record (clause 1(k) of article 22.1 of law No. 129-FZ). The document is submitted upon an interdepartmental request, but in order not to delay the registration process, you can, after checking with the registration inspection about this possibility, request a certificate in advance.

The law specifies this requirement only for individuals(that is, individual entrepreneur), but when registering an LLC such a certificate is not required.

Responsibility for conducting activities not in accordance with OKVED

As such, there is no liability for activities not in accordance with OKVED. AND judicial practice, and letters from the Ministry of Finance confirm that the entrepreneur is not subject to liability for carrying out activities not specified in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs or the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

At the same time, if you conduct activities using an OKVED code that is not registered or was not entered later, you may be brought to administrative liability in the amount up to 5,000 rubles according to Art. 14.25 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation for “...failure to submit, or untimely submission, or submission of false information about a legal entity or individual entrepreneur" OKVED codes are included in the list of such mandatory information in Art. 5 (5) of Law No. 129-FZ of 08/08/01, so you will need to hurry to make changes within three days after the start of activities under the new code.

Main activity according to OKVED

But here you need to be careful. The fact is that the calculation of contributions for workers for insurance against accidents at work and occupational diseases occurs according to the tariffs for the main type of activity. The more risky (traumatic or provoking occupational diseases) the activity is, the higher the insurance premium rate.

Before April 15 of the year following the reporting year, employers must submit documents confirming the main type of activity to the Social Insurance Fund in the manner prescribed by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 55 of January 31, 2006. Organizations submit such confirmation annually, and individual entrepreneurs - employers only if they have changed their main activity. The main type of activity is considered to be the type of activity from which the income received is higher in comparison with the income from other activities for the previous year.

If confirmation is not submitted, then the FSS sets the highest tariffs of all types of activities specified by the policyholder, and this is where excessively specified OKVED codes can turn out to be very inappropriate.

How are tax regimes and OKVED codes related?

All special, or preferential, tax regimes (USN, UTII, Unified Agricultural Tax, PSN) have restrictions on the type of activity if you intend to engage in certain types activities, and at the same time choose a mode in which such activities are not provided, then a conflict of interests occurs here. It will be necessary to change either the tax regime or the desired OKVED. To avoid getting into such a situation, we recommend that you consult with experts in advance on the issue of choosing an appropriate tax system.

For organizations, the procedure for notifying about changes in OKVED codes will depend on whether the relevant types of activities are indicated in the Charter. Please note that if the list of types of activities includes an indication of “... other types of activities not prohibited by law” (or something similar), then there is no need to make changes to the Charter. Changes to OKVED codes without changing the Charter are reported.

If the new codes do not come close to the types of activities already specified in the Charter (for example, production is indicated, and you decide to engage in trade), and phrases about other types of activities that do not contradict the law are not spelled out in it, then use In this case, you will have to You must also pay a state fee of 800 rubles.

A short minimum you need to know about OKVED

  1. OKVED codes are a statistical designation of the code of activities that the applicant indicates in the application for registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC.
  2. You must indicate at least one activity code in the application; the maximum number of OKVED codes is theoretically unlimited.
  3. There is no point in indicating as many codes as possible in the application (just in case), because... When registering an individual entrepreneur, among them there may be those for whose management it is necessary, in addition to the usual package of documents, to present a certificate of no criminal record.
  4. If you have chosen a special tax regime, then when choosing OKVED codes you must take into account restrictions on the types of activities in this regime.
  5. If there are employees, the main type of activity must be confirmed with the Social Insurance Fund before April 15: for organizations annually, for individual entrepreneurs only if the main code is changed, because The rates of insurance premiums for employees depend on this.
  6. There is no liability for activities not according to the specified OKVED codes, but for untimely (within three days) notification of a change in codes, an administrative fine of up to 5 thousand rubles may be imposed.
  7. If you or your counterparty do not have the appropriate OKVED codes, tax disputes are possible, with a refusal to reduce the tax base or apply another tax benefit for the transaction.

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When we are busy with something, our attention, in the vast majority of cases, is focused precisely on this process. And, of course, the ability is one of the most effective and needed by a person skills. After all, thanks to it, a person can be completely immersed in the task at hand, and all extraneous stimuli pass as if past him, without distracting him in any way. But what to do in situations when our attention is absorbed by obsessive thoughts, some object, or we simply cannot tear ourselves away from some process? The importance of a person’s ability to switch attention is no less than the ability to concentrate, and sometimes it itself is much more necessary for him. How to learn to switch your attention and develop this skill? Before answering this question, we should say a little about what attention is in general.

Attention is the process of selective perception of a particular object, which is characterized by changes in the intensity of experiences, their clarity and content. As a rule, attention is expressed in a person’s attitude towards something, and behind this attitude there are already his attitudes, needs, interests and mental orientation. The focus of attention is always on a specific object, and everything else is secondary and not so clear. But the process of attention itself is not independent and can be controlled.

Attention performs a number of special functions, can be of several types and forms, and also has its own properties. To clarify, it is worth noting that the main functions of attention are the following:

  • Selection of relevant current moment information
  • Ensuring concentration on a specific object or activity
  • Activation of primary and inhibition of secondary mental processes

You can learn more about attention and its features in more detail by reading. Now we will turn our attention to the main topic of today’s conversation - switching attention.

Switching attention is, fundamentally, a conscious and purposeful shift in the emphasis of perception from one object (or type of activity) to another. Figuratively, this process can be represented in the form of a light beam emanating from a flashlight: for example, you are walking at night and illuminate the space in front of you with this beam, but something rustled away from you and you direct the beam of light towards the rustling in order to find out more about it. its source. This ray of light is the very attention that we all use in everyday life. True, there is one nuance here: the rustling distracted you, i.e. your attention switched automatically. Switching attention should always occur consciously. This is the difference between simple distractibility and purposeful switching of attention, which depends on the tasks that are relevant at the moment.

In addition, successful switching of attention is influenced by such factors as a person’s previous and new activities, as well as his personal qualities. For example, if you just watched interesting videos on the Internet, but you need to start hard work urgently, then switching will be more difficult than if you hard work switched to watching the video. The fact is that a conscious switching of attention always implies the production of some kind of volitional effort, and it occurs much more easily and quickly from an object (or activity) of less significance and interest to a more significant and interesting one.

Switching attention always reflects the individual mental characteristics of each person. So, for example, there is a category of people who are able to quickly change the emphasis of their perception, and there is a category of those who do it slowly. But, be that as it may, this process has a direct impact on everything a person does, even on how he perceives the world around him. After all, the direction of our attention, in many ways, shapes our worldview, beliefs, direction of behavior, mood, etc. That is why you need to learn how to switch attention. And the most interesting thing is that it is quite simple to do.

Ways to switch attention

Method one

Knowing that the main factor for focusing our attention is information coming from outside, we can use a simple technique that allows us, albeit not completely, to still protect our attention from unnecessary information - this is ignoring. Firstly, there is no need to attach undue importance to what does not concern you and your life. Try to take care only of your own affairs and what is important to you. Of course, this does not mean that you should become “hard-headed” and be concerned only with yourself - just adequately perceive what is happening and do not complicate your life with what you really do not need. And secondly, limit the flow of incoming information - both many media and many people constantly “load” us with an excess of negativity: something terrible happened somewhere, someone has difficulties and problems, etc. And we perceive it all. You need to stop doing this: stop watching TV, avoid constantly complaining people, protect yourself from the flow of negative energy that is transmitted from all this. Be interested mainly in what directly affects your life.

Method two

Cultivate a positive worldview in yourself: don’t take everything too seriously, learn to laugh at yourself and perceive any events with a smile, don’t take on impossible or meaningless tasks. Remember that everything goes its own way, and if troubles arise, repeat to yourself a very effective saying: “Do what you must - and come what may.” To put it simply, you need to give up on everything. Let everything be and move freely through life. This is the only way you can learn to shift your attention in a positive direction, regardless of any extraneous stimuli.

Method three

It's no secret that attention is an empowering force for any condition. Therefore, as soon as you feel that your attention is switching to the negative, immediately try to switch to something opposite or at least neutral. For example, if you have been standing in line for a very long time to finally pay the rent, but the number of grandmothers not only does not decrease, but strangely continues to increase, you should not be indignant about this and mentally curse them, the post office, and the whole white light. Shift your attention to something else: watch what is happening, examine the environment around you or someone’s appearance, think about your plans for the evening, or remember joyful moments in your life. After some time, you will notice that your condition has changed, in fact, everything is not so bad, you have quite good mood, and you’re next in line. The situation at the post office is, of course, just an example. The method itself can be used anywhere and anytime.

Method four

If an obsessive experience bothers you and you just can’t get rid of it, try to literally look at it and study it. Concentrate on the experience itself: try to physically feel its presence in the body and find its location, see its color, feel its vibration, determine its size. In many cases, this method automatically neutralizes the undesirable condition and brings the person back to normal.

Method five

This method helps you switch from one task to another. If you notice that you can’t stop doing something, and it’s as if something is holding you back, but you realize that you need to switch, and it’s extremely difficult to do this, just think about your attention and where it is now directed. Tell yourself firmly and clearly: “STOP!” Set your priorities and determine what is more important to you now.

That side of your personality that is accustomed to succumbing to weaknesses and making concessions to itself will persistently tell you: “Everything is fine, just a little more, and I’ll get on with things,” thereby trying to return you to your previous course. Don't fall for it! No matter what, don’t go back to your previous activities and do what you need to do. Literally 5-10 minutes - and your attention will enthusiastically switch to new job. At first, this technique will most likely be difficult, but with practice it will become easier and easier. In addition, thanks to this method you will train self-control.

Method six

At any moment when you realize that you need to switch your attention from one object (or type of activity) to another, become aware of everything that is happening at the moment: your thoughts, sensations, physical condition, what you are doing, then, what are you focused on, etc. This technique will relax your concentration on something preceding, free your thoughts, have a calming effect, help you understand the essence of what is happening, set priorities and give strength to switch your attention to the desired object (or type of activity). If possible, close your eyes - this will have an additional effect.

It’s easy to notice that very simple techniques are used to switch attention. They are within the power of absolutely every person and do not require anything for their implementation except desire and regular practice.

Now you know how to switch attention, all that’s left to do is finish reading this article and purposefully direct the “beam of your flashlight” to something else, for example, writing a good comment.

Teacher GBOU secondary school No. 379

Toropynina T.V.

When it is necessary to switch attention from one type of work to another. Performing tasks on intelligence at a high pace of work.

Attention is manifested in any conscious human activity to a greater or lesser extent. Attention is the concentration of consciousness and its focus on something that matters to a person. Attention improves the outcome of other mental processes - such as memorization, thinking, imagination, but does not exist on its own. The properties of attention include:

Stability (the ability to maintain a state of attention on any object for a long time), - concentration (the ability to concentrate one’s attention on one object while being distracted from others), - distribution (the ability to focus attention over a large space while simultaneously performing several types of activities), - volume (the amount of information that a person is able to retain in the area of ​​increased attention).-

Switchability (transfer from one object to another, from one type of activity to another),

Attention this the ability of a person to concentrate his “cognitive processes” on one object for the purpose of studying it (cognition). Attention, like all other mental processes, has lower and higher forms. The former are represented by involuntary attention, and the latter by voluntary attention. A person’s attention is formed from birth, and in the process of its formation, the interconnected development of memory, speech, etc. occurs.

In our work, we encountered a problem specifically in the area of ​​switching attention, so we will take a closer look at this issue. Let's take a closer look.

Switching attention is performed by a person consciously. A simple transfer of attention to another object cannot be considered a switch: it must be associated with setting a new goal. Initially, it was believed that the ability to shift attention was innate and available to few people. Later it was proven that special training can improve attention switching.

At high concentration attention, switching it is difficult.

How to learn to quickly switch attention. How to learn to switch your attention and develop this skill?

The success of switching depends on the characteristics of the previous and new activity and on the person’s personal qualities. If the previous job is interesting, but the next one is not, then switching is difficult, and vice versa.

Switching attention is a conscious and meaningful movement of attention from one object or action to another, a restructuring of attention, its transition from one object to another in connection with a change in the task of the activity.

Switching attention is always accompanied by some tension, which is expressed in volitional effort. This makes it clear why it is difficult for a student to start a new job, especially if it does not evoke pleasant feelings, and the previous activity, on the contrary, was more interesting. For example, switching attention to the lesson from the activities that the children were doing during recess. Frequently changing types of work during educational activities can cause great difficulties for schoolchildren. And this must be taken into account when developing lessons.

If, while distracted, a person changes the object of attention involuntarily, then by switching attention, he consciously sets a goal to do something new. Attention switches faster and easier from an object that is less important to the individual to a more significant one.

In the switching of attention, the individual characteristics of a person are clearly manifested - some people can quickly move from one activity to another, while others can move slowly and with difficulty. Different types activities require different forms of attention.






carrying out

Instructions and tasks

"Münsterberg Method".

Formation of concentration and stability of attention in children; development of selective attention.

5-10 minutes.

Words are inserted into a meaningless set of letters (usually nouns, but there can also be verbs, adjectives, adverbs). You need to find them as quickly as possible and without errors. The child is given a form with printed lines of randomly typed letters, following each other without spaces. Among these letters, students must find words and underline them. Then the students exchange the notebook with their deskmate and check the assignment (correcting mistakes, underlining unfound words).

The number of correctly found words can serve as an indicator of success.

Rewrite the following lines without errors:















"Corrective exercises."

Development of concentration and self-control when performing written work.

5 minutes (at least 5 times a week) for 4 months.

Within 5 minutes you need;

Ver.1. Cross out all the letters “A” that you encounter (or circle them): both small and capital ones, both in the title of the text and in the author’s surname;

Var.2. “I” is underlined, “L” is crossed out;

Var.3.”E” circled, “D” crossed out;

Ver.4. “O” is underlined, “K” is crossed out;

Var.5. On one side the letters are circled, on the other they are marked with a tick, etc.

The students themselves check each other's completion of the task (they look for mistakes and correct them).

Game "Inverted words".

Developing the ability to concentrate in children.

10-15 minutes.

Students are presented with a set of words in which the letters are reversed. It is necessary to restore normal word order.







The task can be used when studying the topic: “Noun”, where it is additionally given to determine gender and declension. noun.

“Connect halves of words.”

Development of concentration and stability of attention.

5-10 minutes.

Words are divided into two parts. Then, the first halves are written in discord in the left column, and the second halves - in the right. You need to connect these halves together so that you get whole words.

Option 1. Option 2.










Children write down the words they make up in their workbooks and then check them. You can give additional tasks not only on the topic of the lesson, but also as material for repetition.

"Find the words."

Development of concentration.

5-7 minutes.

Words are written on the board, in each of which you need to find another word hidden in it and underline it.

Laughter, wolf, pillar, braid, bison, regiment, fishing rod, stranded, kit, injection, road, deer, pie, jacket.

Formation of attention switching in children.

5-7 minutes.

Students work in workbook.

Option 1. Fill in the blanks to make a sentence. To do this, solve examples. Replace number answers with words. Insert the first letters of these words instead of dashes. The number 1 can be replaced with the word “one” (0) and “one” (E). The number of the example block corresponds to the number of the word in the sentence.

Example: ---AND

Answer: CHILDREN, since 18-8=10 (D); 22:22=1(E); 18:6=3(T).

Option 2. Insert the missing letters instead of the dashes to form words. But first solve the examples, and in the answer, instead of the number, write down the first letter of the word denoting this number. Keep in mind that 1 is both “one” and “one” and “one”.

Example: - - - UH

We insert the resulting letters instead of the gaps and get the word COCK.

64:8= - - - - 8+8=


b 4x4= - - A - - b – 49:7=

The task is carried out at the beginning of the lesson in the form of mental calculation. The task is gradually becoming more difficult.

"Guess the word."

Development of concentration and switching of attention.

10 minutes.

Columns of examples are written on the board. If you count correctly, you will get a word that is “coded” with letters.


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

122 7112 8679 777

+334 + 1136 - 7141 -326

456 8248 1538 451


The task gradually becomes more difficult. This task helps children not only become more attentive, but also quickly and effectively master the rules of adding and subtracting numbers in a column, as well as multiplying and dividing multi-digit numbers within a million.

The work can be done both at the beginning and at the end of the lesson. Observation showed that the guys perform this task with great interest and desire. Errors in calculations have been significantly reduced.

"Edible - inedible"

Development of attention switching

The presenter takes turns throwing a ball to the participants and at the same time names the objects (edible and inedible). If the object is edible, the ball is caught; if not, it is discarded.

Development of concentration and stability

A form is given with letters printed in random order. While looking through the letters, the child should discover the lost words.






"Fly "

Development of concentration and switching of attention

This exercise requires a board with a nine-cell 3X3 playing field lined on it and a small suction cup (or a piece of plasticine). The sucker acts as a “trained fly”. The board is placed vertically and the presenter explains to the participants that the “fly” moves from one cell to another by giving it commands, which it obediently carries out. According to one of four possible commands ("up", "down", "right" and "left"), the "fly" moves according to the command to the adjacent cell. The starting position of the “fly” is the central cell of the playing field. Commands are given participants in turn. The players must, by constantly monitoring the movements of the “fly”, prevent it from leaving the playing field.

After all these explanations, the game itself begins. It is held on an imaginary field, which each participant imagines in front of him. If someone loses the thread of the game, or “sees” that the “fly” has left the field, he gives the command “Stop” and, returning the “fly” to the central square, starts the game over. "Fly" requires constant concentration from the players.

Is it necessary to register the Charter in new edition simultaneously with the submission of an application form P14001, if the type of activity is not supplemented, but it is necessary to change one main type of activity to another. Will it be correct if, without changing the main type of activity, an application is submitted to add another type of legal activity? faces


If you want to add new look activities, then changes are made by submitting to the registration authority an application for amendments to the Unified state register legal entities by (see).

If your main type of activity specified in the charter changes, then changes are made by filing. Also, if the charter does not indicate something like “The LLC has the right to engage in other types of activities permitted in the Russian Federation,” then changes must be made to the charter in any case.

For more details on this, see the materials in the justification.

The rationale for this position is given below in the materials of System Lawyer .

“Periodically, in every society, something changes and it is necessary to make changes to the charter*.

The most common reasons for this:

  • resizing authorized capital;
  • change of name;
  • changes in the structure or competence of management bodies.

Currently, changes to the charter also need to be made. If the company is , or , then the issue of changing the charter should be decided depending on the specific circumstances.

Procedure for amending the charter

The charter is the only one founding document LLC (clause 1, article 12 Federal Law dated February 8, 1998 No. 14-FZ “On companies with limited liability", hereinafter referred to as the LLC Law).

Changing the charter of an LLC is within the competence of general meeting participants and is produced exclusively. The law prohibits including in the charter a provision that changes to the charter fall within the competence of other management bodies (Clause 2, Article 33 of the LLC Law).

It is not necessary to make changes to the agreement on establishment and the decision (minutes) on the creation of an LLC when changing the charter.

It should clearly follow from the basis of the payment that the fee was paid for state registration of changes in the charter of a particular company. Incorrect indication of the reason or payer may result in refusal of registration. There is an agreement on the issue of paying state fees and processing payment documents.”

Switchability differs from distraction in that it is a conscious, deliberate, purposeful change in the direction of mental activity, due to the setting of a new goal.

Many authors believe that attention switching is reverse side its other property is distributability. Shiftability manifests itself in speed, With which a person can transfer attention from one object to another. Approximate switching time is 0.8 seconds. In this case, the translation can be either voluntary or involuntary.

However, switchability, if it occurs on an involuntary basis, may indicate its instability. This instability is not always negative quality. It often promotes temporary rest of the body, the analyzer, and the preservation and restoration of the functioning of the nervous system.

Switchability means flexibility of attention – an important and necessary quality. In general, switching attention means the ability to quickly navigate a complex, changing situation.

The ease of switching attention varies from person to person different people and depends on a number of conditions:

First of all, on the relationship between previous and subsequent activities and the subject’s attitude towards each of them. The more interesting the activity, the easier it is to switch to it,

From individual characteristics human, from such properties of the nervous system as lability, excitability and inhibition.

Some famous psychologists (in particular K. Marbe) considered this property to be innately conditioned and accessible only to a few people. Later, however, it was shown that training and special training can improve attention switching. At the same time, it is really closely related to such a property of nervous processes as their mobility - inertia, which limits the possibilities of exercise.

All switchability measurement techniques attention are built on the same principle. At the first stage, one activity is performed for a certain time, then, usually for the same amount of time, another. After this, the subject performs two types of activities for twice as long, alternating them repeatedly. Comparison of the total productivity indicator of the first two stages and the last stage allows us to judge the level of development of attention switching.

Red-black Schulte tables; method “Addition of numbers with switching”, test by K.K. Platonov (table with Arabic and Roman numerals)

Involuntary switching (fluctuations) of attention can be studied using double image techniques: “Pyramid - tunnel”, “Staircase - canopy”, etc.

End of work -

This topic belongs to the section:

General ideas about attention

Table of ideas about the essence of attention in psychology, the author defines tribo..l with Vygotsky, attention in its pure form is not observed, attention is a subjective experience..

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Development of theories of attention in the history of psychology
IN classical studies attention, and indeed any mental phenomenon, three theoretical approaches can be distinguished: 1) structural approach - studies the problem of attention in the context of tests

Attention as clarity of consciousness in the studies of W. Wundt
Wundt's main work is Attention and Consciousness. In it, he distinguishes between the concepts of “consciousness” and “attention”. The central concept for describing many mental phenomena

Concepts of attention in the structural psychology of Edward Titchener
Although Titchener considers himself a student of Wundt, his opinion on certain points does not coincide with Wundt’s opinion. 1) If Wund responds to main question– attention exists, then Titchener

Motor theory of volitional attention by N. Lange
The adaptive nature of attention and great value motor (motor) activity in the process of attention is emphasized by the authors of motor theories of attention - T. Ribot and N.N. Lange.

Motor theory of attention by T. Ribot
T. Ribot is a French psychologist and philosopher, the founder of the experimental trend in French psychology. Attention is defined by him as mental monoideism - dominant

N.F. Dobrynin. Attention as the direction and concentration of mental activity
Nikolai Fedorovich Dobrynin develops the direction of T. Ribot, where attention is associated with the activity of the individual, with his upbringing. For him, the problem of attention is a problem of the subject’s activity, an asset

L.S. Vygotsky. Attention as the highest mental function
The second line of studying attention in development, which can also be traced back to T. Ribot, is the line of attention formation. Two Russian psychologists, Lev Semenovich Vygotsky, and then Pyotr Yak

Experimental study of attention within the framework of the cultural-historical approach
Two groups of experiments can be distinguished: the first group is devoted to the study of the direction of attention or selection; the second group is concentration or retention of material in consciousness. Dl

Parallelogram of attention development
The results of this experimental study were presented in graphical form, called a “parallelogram of development” (the figure shows its general configuration

Stages of attention development
The results of the study of the development of attention within the framework of the cultural-historical approach, as well as later physiological studies of the genesis of attention, make it possible to describe the sequence of development

P.Ya. Galperin. Attention as a mental action of control
P.Ya. Galperin following L.S. Vygotsky developed the problem of attention formation. Both authors use a single term taken from the French - interiorization, as the transfer of funds from outside to inside. L.S.

Activity structure and attention
Previously, we have already examined two concepts of attention by Russian psychologists N.F. Dobrynin and P.Ya. Galperin, who are representatives of the activity approach. In "theor

The theory of installation by D. N. Uznadze
It is worth considering a theory that links attention to the concept of attitude. The theory of installation was proposed by D. N. Uznadze and initially concerned a special kind of condition preset, which in

Attention as selection. Research by Colin Cherry
The cognitive theory of attention began with an experiment not by a psychologist, but by acoustic engineer Colin Cherry in 1953. He was interested in looking at a person as a radio receiver and understanding

Model of the “attenuator” (divider) A. Treisman
A number of experiments cast doubt on Broadbent's idea that information is finally selected at the input only by physical characteristics, which aroused the interest of Anna Treisman. Firstly

Mouse eats, eats cheese
It turned out that signals arriving through an irrelevant channel are not only not completely ignored, but are also processed semantically. The experiment of A. Treisman herself for

Diana and J. Anthony Deutsch's Late Selection Model
In the early 60s, researchers Diana and Anthony Deutsch, based on experimental data from Merey, Gray, and Treisman, concluded that information is selected according to semantic characteristics. This,

Donald Norman's Model of Relevance
The next model of late selection, created taking into account all the previous models, is the Donald Norman model. One of the key concepts of the model is the concept of relevance of information, bl

D P (various manifestations
activation (excitation))

Measuring attention span: experiments by W. Wundt
The scope of attention is the number of separate, unrelated objects that can be perceived at the same time clearly and distinctly. It is known that man

Study of concentration of attention: M. Csikszentmihalyi on the phenomenon of absorption in activity
Concentration characterizes the intensity of concentration and the degree of distraction from everything that is not included in the field of attention. According to S.L. Rubinstein, conc.

Studying the stability of attention: experiments by N. Lange, N. Mackworth
Stability of attention lies in the ability to focus on the same object for a certain time, that is, it is determined by the duration during which

Distribution of attention
Distribution of attention is an organization of mental activity in which two or more actions are simultaneously performed (N.F. Dobrynin). This should

Distractibility is the involuntary movement of attention from one object to another. It occurs when extraneous stimuli act on a person,

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