Description of Internet technology via radio channel. Internet via radio channel in the Moscow region Wireless broadband Internet access via radio channel

Today, high-quality high-speed Internet is necessary for normal office operation. When choosing JoinNet, you will be confident in fulfilling your obligations and in high quality services provided.

The main parameters that are taken into account when choosing services are data transfer speed, reliability and quality of connection. An important factor when choosing a provider is the cost of services and the availability of additional services.

In business, saving is an important factor, so cheap tariff plans seem more attractive, but in the pursuit of savings, you can miss important factors - the quality and reliability of the connection, which sometimes leads to sad consequences and inconvenience.

Poor connection, slow internet and lack of technical support can paralyze the work of the office for a long time, which will entail material and moral losses.

Connection options - pros and cons

When choosing a provider, the first thing you should pay attention to is the type of connection. Today for corporate clients They offer three main connection types:

Fiber optic connection

It will provide excellent Internet speed, some companies offer up to 1Gbps, and there may be pitfalls here. This speed may be shared across all clients, so your office speed may be significantly slower, especially during peak business hours. Therefore, try to choose experienced and dynamically developing companies that are constantly improving their technical capabilities, guarantee high-speed Internet and use modern technological solutions.

Fiber optic channels allow you to connect to global network V short terms, usually do not require the installation of additional equipment and provide the opportunity to select optimal unlimited tariff plans.

Fiber optic connection is the most best way connection to the Internet, with the help of which a dedicated communication channel is organized. The throughput of a fiber optic channel can reach up to 1 Gb/s. Once you start using a fiber optic Internet connection, you will appreciate the benefits and advantages.

Advantages of connecting with an optical cable

Fiber optics is the modern and most optimal way to connect to the Internet. This connection method ensures reliable and high Internet speed.

  1. Stability. The quality of the connection is not affected by external interference (for example, lightning), so the Internet connection speed remains unchanged.
  2. Reliability. Fiber optic equipment is more durable, as it fails less often than those connected to metal lines.
  3. By connecting a fiber optic cable, you can organize a reliable and inexpensive virtual private network (VPN).
  4. Additional IP addresses and unlimited possibilities for expanding the number of connections.
  5. Special conditions providing services to legal entities:
    • double channel redundancy,
    • reconnection of the fiber optic connection, in case of moving the office to another location.
  6. Our managers will answer all your questions and promptly advise you.
  7. 24/7 tech. support will solve all problems, and the repair team "JoinNet" will come to you within a few hours after completing your application.

Professionalism of Internet provider employees "JoinNet" and quality service will definitely please you. We are happy to cooperate with each client and connect to the Internet in the most suitable and at the same time optimal way.

Using ADSL technology

Allows you to connect to the Internet using a regular telephone line. With this connection, the phone number does not change and remains free for calls. Such a connection often does not require laying new lines, so the connection is carried out in a significantly short time.

Internet connection via radio channel

It is advisable in some cases:

  • if there is no possibility of connecting to cable Internet
  • if laying new lines is not economically profitable
  • if in the rented premises the monopoly provider significantly inflates the tariffs for its services and limits the ability to connect to other providers.

The Internet connection speed obtained via radio signal is significantly lower than when connecting via a fiber optic channel or ADSL technology. Connecting via radio requires installation of equipment and takes approximately two weeks.

If it is not possible to connect to dedicated lines or a fiber optic channel, or when connecting to a cable channel is unprofitable, it is advisable to connect via a radio channel. Today, the cost of installing equipment for data transmission via radio frequency Internet is constantly decreasing, which ensures its availability.

Internet connection in country house using a radio channel will take approximately two weeks. You will receive high-speed Internet that will work uninterruptedly around the clock, seven days a week.

Another advantage of this type of connection is the absence of a telephone line, but after installing the equipment, it becomes possible to use the telephony services offered by the provider.

Technological features and requirements for connecting via radio channel.

Technologies and equipment

Before installing the equipment, a specialist visits the connection site JoinNet, which establishes the presence of direct access to the base transmitting station.

If there is no such access, or the base station is located at a great distance, you will need to install additional equipment, such as signal amplifiers or mast support. After conducting an on-site survey, our specialist uses instruments and equipment to test the quality of the radio signal and the data transmission speed. The service for testing and drawing up a preliminary equipment installation diagram is free.

Internet access speed when connected via radio channel

What Internet speed will be obtained as a result of installing the equipment? Specific indicators of Internet connection speed can only be reliably determined at the point where the equipment will be installed and after testing.

Wireless Internet speeds may vary and will depend on the equipment used, interference and weather conditions. On average, the speed of a radio connection to the Internet ranges from 2 to 50 Mbit/s. The closer the access point is to the base station, the higher the speed and the less interference. We can recommend several options for connecting to the Internet via radio, the speed of which will be adjusted to suit your needs.

The radio channel is also intended for organizing large networks and broadband communications outdoors, so one access point through the radio channel can serve villages and subscribers will be provided with equal access to the Internet. This solution is very beneficial cottage villages and owners of country houses, whose residents can pool financial resources and install high-quality equipment for Internet access.

The equipment will provide high speed - from 11 Mbit/s, which will allow you to view high-definition videos, transfer files, and ensure high-quality transmission of voice traffic and online games.

High-speed Internet via radio channel in the office

Modern communication technologies LTE WiMAX and pre WiMAX can equip the office with a reliable and wireless Internet connection. For example, if the office is located in hard-to-reach areas or on manufacturing enterprises, where laying cable networks is impossible or very expensive, a radio connection is optimal.

Modern technologies make it possible to provide an office with an Internet connection; it is also possible to install telephone numbers and conduct digital television.

Wireless Internet is good decision for offices because the equipment can be moved to any location and a connection can be quickly deployed, while all the company’s telephone numbers are preserved.
Wireless lines have high degree protection against unauthorized connection, this is achieved through the use of information encoding methods.

Installing wireless Internet will help you bypass monopoly providers who inflate the cost of their services for Internet connection and telephony. They often use devices that interfere with connections to other providers. We have technologies that easily bypass such interference and provide our customers with a high-quality Internet connection.

To access the Internet via radio channel, Russia uses technologies known collectively as 4G and corresponding to fourth generation communication standards. In fact, these are two mobile communication standards:

  • LTE Advanced. It became most widespread, although it began to be used somewhat later than WiMAX. Allows the user to access data on the network at speeds of up to 300 Mbit per second.
  • WiMAX. It exists in service delivery formats for landline and mobile subscribers. The technology is designed for long-range operation and allows for network access at speeds per cell of up to 1 Gbit per second.

Technologies for accessing the Internet using a cable connection have a number of advantages, the main one being the possibility of high-speed access. Their key disadvantage is the high cost of laying communications necessary to connect subscribers, and in some cases, the unprofitability of laying cables to connect an individual user.

Radio Internet access technologies solve this problem. With their use, the main thing for the subscriber is to be within the coverage area of ​​the relay towers. From the operator’s point of view, this type of subscriber connection is also cheaper: installing and maintaining antennas is cheaper than laying cable communications.

Advantages and prospects for the development of Internet access technology via radio channel

Internet via radio channel is considered the most promising technology network access and already offers users many benefits. Let's highlight the main ones:

  • high speed connection sufficient to solve a variety of work tasks and organize leisure time;
  • the ability to provide reliable and stable access to the network for subscribers, bypassing landscape features that make laying cable conductors difficult;
  • minimum term for connecting new subscribers. For landline communication with the network, it is enough to install equipment for receiving and transmitting data at the subscriber. For mobile users, you only need to insert the card into the mobile Wi-Fi router, smartphone, tablet or laptop;
  • security of transmitted data from third-party access;
  • Competitive cost of services in comparison with traditional cable connection.

Internet via radio channel is used by commercial and government agencies, private users. In the future, the development of technology is aimed at increasing the speed and stability of network access, increasing the coverage area for each antenna.

Already, world experts information technology It is believed that by 2020 wireless internet will become a mass product, significantly displacing cable providers. Even remaining within the framework of the 4th generation communication standard, Internet access using a radio channel will cover the populated areas of our planet by 2025.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which connection technology should you prefer?

Most providers use LTE equipment. Finding a company that provides services based on WiMAX technology is very problematic.

What should you pay attention to when choosing a provider?

First of all, make sure that your home, place of study or work is included in the coverage area. After this, it is worth comparing the proposed tariffs with competing offers. Some of the lowest tariffs for fast communication with large coverage are provided by the Wifire brand.

Tariffs and services of Net By Net Holding LLC may be changed by the operator. Full current information about tariffs and services - in the “tariffs” section or by calling the phone number indicated on the website.

Besides everything known methods Internet connections such as mobile internet and the Internet via fiber-optic lines; recently, the Internet via radio channels has been gaining great popularity.

This type of Internet connection is built on carrier-grade equipment. At this method connection, directional antennas are used, which are directed to sector antennas installed at base stations. One client can be tied to one sector (if it needs high speed and availability) or several clients with low connection parameters.

The guaranteed speeds provided with this connection method are up to 100 Megabits/sec.

The advantage of this connection method is that it is possible to provide high-speed communication to a remote object to which it is impractical to lay optical communication lines, or it is not technically possible to lay them. The distances over which a subscriber can be connected using this technology with a guaranteed speed are up to 20 km! At the same time, the cost of connection is several times cheaper than “optics”.

Another advantage of the Internet over radio channels is the rapid restoration of communication in the event of equipment damage. Unlike the time-consuming restoration of a fiber optic line, if a base station is damaged, the client's antenna is simply rotated to the adjacent base, and the client continues to operate while engineers restore the previous base. The same thing happens when some kind of interference occurs (for example, if someone has installed other radio devices on your frequency, which leads to a deterioration in communication): either turn the client’s antenna to another base station while the interference is eliminated, or transfer to another frequency. This ensures stability and a constant stated speed, unlike mobile operators.

Another big advantage of radio link technology is the speed of its deployment. It takes no more than 4 hours to connect a client, unlike, for example, connecting via fiber-optic lines, when the connection can take months, since you will have to coordinate the route of laying the “optics” with different services and obtain permits.

Thus, if your company requires stable, high-speed Internet with guaranteed speed at an affordable price, then you can safely give preference modern technology Internet connections via radio channels. They will install it for you promptly necessary equipment, and you can get to work right away.

The Telecom Without Borders company offers its clients various solutions for organizing a stable Internet connection, and for each client we select exactly the option that will meet the client’s business requirements and at the same time be affordable.

Write to us the parameters of your current Internet connection (or attach a copy of the latest bill from your Internet provider), and we will make you an offer that you will find difficult to refuse!

We are waiting for your letters at

Internet access technologies are constantly evolving. What seemed eternal and unshakable yesterday looks completely outdated today. And vice versa, what seemed impossible becomes commonplace. Access to the network via a radio channel, having recently appeared, is developing by leaps and bounds.

It is impossible to imagine a modern enterprise or the smallest settlement. Technologies for providing access to world wide web are constantly being improved, and one is being replaced by another.

Not so long ago even large enterprises To connect to the Internet, telephone lines were required; today few people remember this way of using the network. Today, the largest sector in the provider service is the provision of traffic through fiber optic lines, however, their technical capabilities are close to exhaustion.

Trails from optical cable laid, it seems, wherever possible, and further development of networks based on them is slowing down. Yes, and not everywhere it is possible to lay cables according to technical and organizational reasons. Therefore, Internet consumers have a great interest in organizing wireless networks and systems.

Advantages and prospects for the development of Internet access technology via radio channel

Among wireless technologies, the most widespread today are:

  • Wi-Fi;
  • mobile internet;
  • Internet via radio channel.

Pay attention! Each method and scheme for accessing the network has its own niche of use, but today the most promising method is the method of providing a connection to the World Wide Web via a radio channel.

Its advantages are:

  • no need to perform design work and cable laying works;
  • the ability to provide communications in places where laying optical fiber is impossible;
  • minimum coordination with other organizations;
  • low price and speed of installation;
  • the ability to quickly transfer equipment;
  • relatively high speed.

The disadvantages of the Internet via radio channel include:

  • high cost of traffic;
  • very narrow coverage area;
  • a certain dependence of the quality of communication on external factors(weather, track profile, etc.).

Data transmission over a radio channel is not fundamentally different from Wi-Fi, which is also a radio bridge. The differences lie in the use of other protocols, including non-standard ones, as well as the use of directional antennas (as opposed to the predominant use of antennas with a circular pattern in Wi-Fi equipment) and increased radiation power.

Important! Today, the development area in this area is to increase the speed and stability of the connection, but even with the current development of equipment and technology, the level of service provided in the publicly available price sector in these parameters is a serious competitor to wired and fiber-optic networks.

When is this relevant?

The balance between the advantages and disadvantages of a technology determines the niche of its use. This method of connecting to the Internet is indispensable in the so-called “last kilometer”, when you have to push further optical fiber impossible for technical, economic or organizational reasons.

The Internet via a radio point in many cases has no alternative for organizations located far outside the city, in industrial zones, for citizens living in remote small settlements.

How is the connection made?

Equipment for Internet via radio channel consists of receiving and transmitting parts. The transmitting antenna is mounted at the nearest convenient point where there is optical fiber - most often, on the roof or facade of a building. For installation of receiving equipment prerequisite is the presence of direct radio visibility between the antennas (the laws of propagation of radio waves at the frequencies used in this technology are close to the laws of propagation of optical waves).

Modern equipment for radio Internet and directional antennas make it possible to provide stable communications at distances of up to 30 km.

Important! Permission to use the radio frequency spectrum is issued by the Radio Frequency Center (RFC). U specialized organizations Permission for installation is usually available. When installing equipment by private individuals without necessary permits there may be problems with government agencies, entailing serious fines.

Internet speed indicators via radio channel

Today, most providers provide radio access services at speeds of up to 100-200 Mbit/s. This speed is comfortable when used by one or even several consumers. It should be remembered that this technology is in the process of development, its capabilities are growing and have not yet reached the threshold from a technical or economic point of view.

Therefore, in the near future we should expect an improvement in speed parameters and the achievement of transmission characteristics over a radio channel to values ​​that suit those potential subscribers who need increased communication speeds or need to provide communications to a large number of consumers.

Important! Actual speed in all cases will depend on local conditions, including the distance between the receiving and transmitting parts.

Office use of the radio channel

Using a radio channel in offices legal entities preferably in cases:

  • location of the office inaccessible for laying a fiber optic route;
  • high subscription fee for the Internet set by the office landlord (in this case, the trick of registering a connection to individual- employee or owner of the company);
  • the need to organize a backup communication channel;
  • the need for periodic relocation of the office with the transfer of equipment.

Important! The technical feasibility of connecting the Internet radio is determined after an inspection of the potential installation site by specialists.

Hard to reach objects

In many Russian cities there are still private buildings; it is not economically feasible to install fiber optics there, and in many cases it is impossible. Provide internet via radio private house- often the only opportunity for providers to work with the population living in such neighborhoods.

The presence of multi-storey buildings near the private sector makes the task easier. It is very convenient to install the transmitting part of the equipment on the roofs or facades of high-rise buildings, directing the main lobe of the antenna diagram to single-story buildings. You cannot do without a radio bridge in dacha areas, small settlements and detached remote houses.

Additional features

As additional features can't help but mention:

  • IP telephony and digital television services provided via the same channel;
  • organization of a network (VPN) with branches of a legal entity;
  • building a local telephone network;
  • connecting new points to the head office if necessary.

Pay attention! Thus, thanks to its rapid development, the Internet through a radio point is winning its technical and economic niche from other wired and wireless access technologies.

However, it is premature to say that in the foreseeable future this method of providing global network connection services will completely replace traditional fiber. The most likely scenario is when new technologies will occupy their sector in the provider services market and will exist simultaneously with older, traditional methods.

How to connect to the Internet via radio?

Typically, this method of connecting to the network is used if it is not possible to connect a fiber optic channel or a leased line. As alternative option In this case, a radio channel is perfect.

Nowadays, between providers there is high level competition. Thanks to this, the cost of installing the equipment necessary to connect to the network is significantly reduced. Accordingly, the Internet is becoming much more accessible. All work does not take much time, and the connection price is not exorbitant. The result is uninterrupted high-speed Internet access. You don't need to have a phone line to do this. In addition, after the equipment is installed, you will be able to use telephony services from the provider of your choice.

Key Benefits

  1. High speed.
  2. Affordable price and ease of use.
  3. Easy installation.
  4. Reliable equipment.
  5. Release of landline telephone lines.
  6. Possibility of organizing local networks.

Equipment and technological process

After you submit your application, specialists will determine whether you can gain access to the network. To carry out all work, a specialist will visit the connection site. If there is no technical possibility, or the nearest data transmission station is located too far away, additional equipment is installed. This allows you to expand coverage areas and create an individual dedicated channel for the client.

During the connection process, the technician tests the quality of the radio signal and also checks the speed of the Internet connection. Equipment adjustment, channel testing, as well as subsequent remote final configuration and issuance of addresses are included in the connection price.

When connecting to the Internet via a radio channel, you do not have to lay cables or plan wiring. In addition, there is no need for approval from the owners utility networks and communications, real estate located along the route of laying the cable connection. By organizing local Wi-Fi broadcasting with the help of our specialists, you can access the network from anywhere within a radius of up to several hundred meters. The use of a radio channel for Internet access on site does not impose restrictions on the construction of local networks on the customer’s territory. If desired, you can use wired and wireless technologies.


Consumers often ask the question, what is the speed of the Internet if you use a radio channel to connect? Our company offers its customers only the most advanced equipment, the reliability of which has been tested by time. Practical experience confirms the possibility of organizing symmetrical channels with a guaranteed access bandwidth of 50-80 Mbit/s. This opportunity is efficiently implemented for our clients. However, this question can be answered in relation to a specific connection object only after all the necessary equipment has been installed and testing has been carried out.

In each specific case, the connection speed is determined by the competent selection and configuration of equipment, which is performed by qualified personnel. All necessary measures are taken to neutralize the influence of interference. Any possible problems and malfunctions are eliminated by professionals during testing.

Using a radio channel, you can organize a large network, the participants of which will be several dozen users. One access point is enough for subscribers small village could use this data transmission channel. Residents of cottage villages can jointly purchase and install the appropriate equipment to receive uninterrupted high-frequency Internet. This best option Internet connections for areas where cable networks are not installed.

Connection to the office

Thanks to new technologies, owners of objects remote from cities have the opportunity to connect high-quality wireless Internet. This is especially true for industrial enterprises, agriculture and other companies that are located outside of large settlements. In this case, laying cable networks is too expensive a process, so usually the choice falls on connecting to the network via a radio channel.

Using the latest innovative developments, you can not only provide your office with high-speed Internet, but also conduct digital television and set telephone numbers. In addition, if necessary, the equipment can be easily dismantled and moved to any other location. In this case, all phone numbers are saved. Such wireless lines are reliably protected from unauthorized access using special data encryption technologies, which helps prevent the leakage of confidential information.

Connection in a residential building

To connect several subscribers to the network via a radio channel apartment building or a group of residential buildings, you can use one of two options:

  1. Residents of an apartment building create a kind of cooperative. One of them becomes a network administrator. Each member of the cooperative contributes a certain amount that will be spent on connection, subscription fee and equipment for local network. In addition, part of this money is allocated for the salary of the network administrator.
  2. Residents can contact the operator with a request to organize a node in the house at his expense. Some operators put own equipment, but the cost of services for subscribers will be slightly higher. In addition, they take care of network administration and all operational costs.


Many modern enterprises have branches or production facilities located outside the city. In such cases, it is the radio channel that will help you connect to the World Wide Web at the lowest cost. Since this trend is quite stable, the demand for technology will only grow.

Equipment designed to connect to the network is becoming more advanced every day. Innovations are being introduced to improve connection stability and provide impressive speed increases. Thus, the radio channel is already a worthy alternative to a wired connection today.

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