Marketing plan for the furniture factory OOO Mebelin. Marketing in the furniture market Marketing moves for sales of upholstered furniture

Concept of marketing

Marketing Understanding market

In marketing theory, a very specific understanding of the market is used. The market must be specific and have well-defined parameters characterizing it, such as, for example, location, size, capacity. In light of the above, the market is most often defined as the totality of existing or potential buyers, united either by geographical location or by the needs that generated the corresponding demand.

Depending on what needs determined the demand for the corresponding product, five main types of market can be distinguished:

Consumer market;

Producer market;

intermediary market;

Market of public institutions;

International market.

The consumer market (or consumer goods market) is defined by individuals who purchase goods and services for personal consumption.

The market of producers (the market of goods for industrial purposes) consists of organizations and enterprises that purchase goods and services for their further use in the production process.

The intermediary market is enterprises, organizations and individuals who purchase goods and services for their further resale in order to obtain a certain profit.

The public institutions market consists of public organizations that purchase goods and services to carry out their functions.

The international market consists of all buyers of goods and services located outside a given state, including individuals, manufacturers, resellers and government agencies.

Market capacity is defined as the volume of goods (in value terms or in physical units) that can be sold on a given market, usually in a year.

marketing concept

Traditionally, in marketing theory, the following marketing concepts are distinguished, which developed as the economic situation changed.

1.Production concept

2.Commodity concept

3. Sales concept

4.Traditional marketing concept

5. The concept of social and ethical marketing

6. Concept of interaction marketing

The production concept of marketing focuses on increasing the production of an existing range of products.

The production concept of marketing assumes that demand exceeds supply. With the improvement of production, it becomes possible to increase the output of goods and reduce their cost, and hence the price for the consumer, which in turn will lead to an increase in demand.

The basis of the product concept of marketing (product-oriented concept) is the assumption that the consumer will always favorably treat the product if it is of good quality and is sold at a reasonable price.

The emphasis is on the development of new models of goods, and the modernization of existing ones, in order to improve the quality characteristics of products. It is assumed that the consumer is interested in such goods, knows about the availability of similar products and makes his choice by comparing the quality and prices of similar products from other manufacturers.

The concept of sales marketing (sales-oriented marketing) assumes that the consumer will buy any product if the company actively promotes them.

Promotion is reduced to the use of aggressive marketing methods, active advertising policy and to the use of a set of sales promotion methods (discounts, markdowns, exhibitions, lotteries, etc.). An important role is played by packaging, which is used by the manufacturer to give its products distinctive features from competitors' products.

The activity of the company, in accordance with the concept of traditional marketing, begins with the identification of real and potential buyers and their needs. According to the concept of traditional marketing, the goals of an enterprise, especially long-term ones, can only be achieved by studying the needs and desires of such consumer groups, to which the organization directs and offers products and services that satisfy the consumer in terms of quality and efficiency.

The concept of social and ethical marketing was intended to replace the traditional concept of marketing, in order to rationalize consumption and environmental protection of society from undesirable production processes.

The emphasis is on integrated marketing activities aimed at meeting the needs of the target market and at the same time taking into account the social and ethical needs of society as a whole.

The concept of relationship marketing is in demand by companies that cannot get competitive advantages only through the marketing mix. In this case, it is not so much the manufacturing companies that compete, but the interaction systems as a whole.

The emphasis is on communications aimed at establishing long-term relationships with customers and partners in the process of commercial and non-commercial interaction with them.

Market research

Market research - sequential actions to collect information about markets or consumers. It is a very important component in developing a business strategy. Market research should be distinguished from marketing research, as marketing research refers to the marketing process, while market research refers only to markets.

Market research should provide answers to questions about what consumers want, need, and trust. Research may also include the study of consumer actions, behavior at various stages of the buying process, etc.

When researching the market, it is especially important:

Market information

The main market information is the prices of suppliers of the studied market, the situation on supply and demand. Such information should be obtained from independent sources, in various formats.

Market segmentation

Market segmentation is the division of the market into subgroups, united by one or more essential features. The following segmentations are often used: geographic, gender, demographic, etc.

Market trends

It is necessary to take into account the trends in the growth or decline of the studied market in a certain period of time. It is quite difficult to estimate the size of the market when starting a new business, as historical statistics and expert data from insiders are needed. In this case, you can try to get derived figures from the number of potential consumers by dividing them into segments.

The objects of market research are trends and market development processes, including analysis of changes in economic, scientific, technical, demographic, environmental, legislative and other factors. The structure and geography of the market, its capacity, sales dynamics, market barriers, the state of competition, the current situation, opportunities and risks are also being studied. The main results of market research are forecasts of its development, assessment of market trends, and identification of key success factors. The most effective ways conducting a competitive policy in the market and the possibility of entering new markets. Market segmentation is carried out, i.e. selection of target markets and market niches.

Price management

Price management is a process involving the adoption of a special kind of monetary and financial decisions.

A distinctive feature of this process and financial decisions on it at the enterprise is the increased limitation of the range of control, which is set by the actually emerging very tough market conditions.

The complex of operational-tactical and strategic actions of the financial service of an enterprise, firm, company for the purposeful use of price as a category of commodity production, subject to the action of the law of cost, supply and demand, is a process of price management. The functioning of price as an economic and value category in the conditions of commodity-money relations takes place in conjunction with other economic and financial categories, such as, for example, goods, money, wage, taxes as part of the price, cost, profit, credit, bank interest, etc. At the same time, the formation, control, change and interconnection of price parameters with the financial performance of the enterprise are carried out.

Price management is carried out by financial services in the current system of prices and tariffs.

This system largely determines the total costs of production and sale of goods and the most important financial indicators of business activity - proceeds from the sale of products (sales volume), gross income of the enterprise, marginal income (gross margin), profit, profitability. Numerical values ​​used in financial management indicators of fixed and working capital, enterprise value, operating (production) leverage, financial leverage, return on investment, present value of the project, and many others are also affected by prices.

Sales promotion.

Sales promotion is a type of marketing communications that refers to a set of measures to promote sales along the entire route of movement of goods - from the manufacturer through distribution channels to the consumer - in order to accelerate the sale of goods. These activities are based on a short-term increase in sales by providing the buyer (both the end consumer and the retailer) with a certain benefit.

Types of sales promotion:

Retail Promotion:

additional deals with sellers

competitions for companies-sellers or their personnel

Consumer incentives:

Loyalty program

providing free samples

gift offers

contests and sweepstakes


Sales promotion comes in many different forms, which can be classified as follows:

depending on the initiator and target group;

price promotion of sales or value promotion of sales;

horizontal or vertical effect;

penetrating or widespread impact;

direct or indirect sales promotion;

sales promotion, focused directly on sales growth, or having an information and communication focus

Developed various forms sales promotion. There are the following types of consumer sales promotion:

price promotion of sales;

value promotion of sales;

sales promotion using the lottery principle;

sales promotion, which has an information and communication focus.

The essence of management.

Management - from English - management, organization - production management, a set of principles, methods, means and forms of production management, developed with the aim of intensifying production and increasing profits.

Management is also called the science of managing human relations in the process production activities and relationship between consumers and producers.

IN modern management There are various ways to solve problems: specific methods for solving management problems, modeling management processes, information and technical support for decision-making, etc.

Management principles reflect the theoretical ideal of management, the achievement of which must be strived for. The implementation of these principles is a criterion for the effectiveness and scientific nature of management at all its levels. The principles summarize the known laws and regularities and proven management experience. The principles are not introduced from outside, they follow from the very essence of society, from the level of development of its productive forces, culture, etc. (for example, Japanese and American models of management).

The principles of managing production, society and the individual are based on the dialectical law of development, which generalizes the experience of human civilization. With the change of socio-political formations, with the continuous development of all phenomena in the world, methods, forms, techniques and the very principles of management are changing and improving.

The principles of management are universal, i.e. applicable to influence the individual and for the optimal management of any society.

Goals and objectives of management.

The tasks of management as a science are the development, experimental verification and practical application of scientific approaches, principles and methods that provide sustainable, reliable, promising and efficient work collective (individual) by issuing a competitive product.

The task of management is the development and testing of scientific approaches that are designed to ensure the stable and efficient operation of the organization in practice. In addition, there are tasks such as:

Formation of production of goods and services focused on consumer demand.

Attracting highly qualified specialists to work.

Motivating employees to effective execution their duties by improving working conditions, increasing wages.

Determination of the enterprise development strategy;

Development of goals and plans to achieve them.

Determining the required resources and methods for their provision.

Implementation of the control function.

The goals of the management system, or management, are aimed at achieving the desired results that an economic entity needs to obtain, based on the chosen concept of marketing management (production, commodity, marketing, traditional or socio-ethical) and development strategy, including four target areas:

1) deeper penetration into established demographic and geographic markets with old products and services;

2) penetration into new geographic and demographic markets with old services;

3) development and production of new products for old, developed markets;

4) diversified development, which consists in the development of the production of new products and services for new geographical and demographic markets.

Management functions.

Management functions are types management activities, which provide the formation of ways to influence the activities of the organization.

Management processes at the enterprise occur on the basis of functional distribution. The essence of management activity at all levels of management is provided by management functions.

Today, the functions of management include:






The planning function is number one in management. Implementing it, an entrepreneur or manager, based on a deep and comprehensive analysis of the situation in which the company is currently located, formulates the goals and objectives facing it, develops an action strategy, draws up the necessary plans and programs. The planning process itself makes it possible to more clearly formulate the goals of the organization and use the system of performance indicators necessary for the subsequent monitoring of results. In addition, planning provides a clearer coordination of the efforts of structural units and thus strengthens the interaction between the heads of various departments of the organization. And this means that planning is a continuous process of studying new ways and methods to improve the organization's activities due to the identified opportunities, conditions and factors.

The function of the organization is the formation of the structure of the organization, as well as the provision of everything necessary for its work - personnel, materials, equipment, buildings, in cash. In any plan drawn up in an organization there is a creation real conditions to achieve planned goals, this often requires restructuring production and management in order to increase their flexibility and adaptability to the requirements of a market economy. When planning and organizing work, the manager determines what exactly this organization should do, when and who, in his opinion, should do it. If the choice of these decisions is made effectively, the manager gets the opportunity to translate his decisions into reality, using an important function of management as motivation.

The function of motivation is an activity aimed at activating people working in an organization and encouraging them to work effectively to achieve the goals set in the plans. To do this, they are provided with economic and moral stimulation, the very content of labor is enriched, and conditions are created for the manifestation of the creative potential of workers and their self-development. From the late 18th century to the 20th century, it was widely believed that people would always work better if they had the opportunity to earn more. Motivation was thus thought to be a simple matter, which boils down to the offer of appropriate monetary rewards in exchange for effort. Managers have learned that motivation is the result of a complex set of needs that are constantly changing.

The control function is a process that ensures the achievement of the objectives of the organization. There are three aspects of managerial control. The first aspect - setting standards - is the precise definition of a goal that must be achieved at a certain time. It is based on the plans developed during the planning process. The second aspect is the measurement of what was actually achieved in a certain period, and the comparison of what was achieved with the expected results. If these two phases are done correctly, then the management of the organization not only knows that there is a problem in the organization, it also knows the source of this problem. The third aspect is the stage at which actions are taken, if necessary, to correct serious deviations from the original plan. One of the possible actions is to review the goals so that they become more realistic and correspond to the situation. Control is a critical and complex management function. One of the most important features of control, which should be taken into account in the first place, is that control should be comprehensive.

The function of coordination is the central function of management. It ensures the achievement of consistency in the work of all parts of the organization by establishing rational connections (communications) between them. The most commonly used reports, interviews, meetings, computer communications, radio and television broadcasting, documents. With the help of these and other forms of connections, interaction is established between the subsystems of the organization, resource maneuvering is carried out, unity and coordination of all stages of the management process (planning, organization, motivation and control), as well as the action of managers, is ensured.

Management control

Control is necessary wherever there is a system designed to perform certain tasks and achieve certain goals. Management control (that is, control over the activities of organizations) can be carried out in many different areas:

technical control,

energy control,

environmental control

sanitary control,

financial control etc.

Need for control:

Justification of the need for control in management activities:

Uncertainty disappears: no planning, even the most thorough one, can take into account all possible complications and circumstances. Control measures identify them and provide an opportunity to adjust the program of action.

It becomes possible to prevent crises: no organization of the functioning of an object insures against a number of minor errors and omissions. If they are not corrected in time, their number may exceed a certain “critical mass”. Control measures make it possible to identify and correct them without waiting for a crisis.

Not only destructive, but also constructive phenomena are revealed: control allows you to identify effective solutions, identify promising areas of activity.

Control functions:

Identification of deviations from the requirements of regulations of various levels.

Analysis reasons for deviations(including personnel).

Correction, that is, the development of proposals to eliminate the identified violations.

Prevention, that is, the development of measures to prevent such violations in the future.

Law enforcement, that is, bringing to justice those who committed violations.

Control principles:

Compliance principle: The content, goals and objectives of control must comply with:

tasks of the checked object,

tasks of the supervisory authority.

The principle of consistency: When conducting control, all aspects of the object's activity in interconnection should be considered in full.

Principle of universality: Any social or economic activity committed in the state should be subject to systemic and comprehensive control in terms of:




Continuity principle: All objects of control must be subject to constant monitoring. Control measures should be carried out consistently and regularly. It is also necessary to control the actions taken by the object of control to eliminate previously identified violations.

The principle of objectivity: The assessment of the activity of the object of control and its results is carried out only on the basis of the compliance of the verified facts with the requirements of legislative and other regulations governing the audited activity.

The principle of independence: The inadmissibility of the situation in which the subject of control in the implementation of control measures is guided by any considerations other than competent and conscientious performance control tasks. A ban on any kind of forceful, material or moral impact on the subject of control.

The principle of publicity (follows from the principle of compliance): The results of the control must be communicated to:

to the object of control,

to the subject of decision-making based on the results of control.

Principle of effectiveness: The results of the control should provide:

completeness of detection of deviations (the actual state from the required one),

timely detection of such deviations,

establishing the reasons for deviations,

identifying the perpetrators

assistance in the development of preventive measures.

The principle of scientific character: Control is carried out by applying scientifically based methods and techniques.

The principle of planning: Control should be carried out according to plan:

measures of control of a certain subject (supervisory body) are planned for a period of time,

a set of specific control actions is planned as part of the control measure,

control actions should be preceded by a preliminary study of the object of control in order to achieve an understanding of its activities.

Principle of legality: Exercising control in accordance with the law; ensuring the protection of the legitimate interests of both the state and society as a whole, as well as citizens and legal entities.

The principle of responsibility: Regulatory responsibility of the subject of control:

for observance in the process of control of laws and legal acts,

for the reliability of the results of control (since decisions are made on their basis, including legal ones).

Concept of marketing

Marketing - sale, trade in the market) - the process of identifying, anticipating customer needs, organizing advertising and production that meet expectations in order to increase sales and maximize profits, this is a social process aimed at satisfying the needs and desires of individuals and groups through the creation and supply of value goods and services and their free exchange.

Marketing adheres to the following five basic principles:

1. The production and sale of goods must meet the needs of buyers, the market situation and the company's capabilities;

2. full satisfaction of the needs of customers and compliance with the modern technical and artistic level;

3.presence on the market at the time of the most effectively possible sale of products;

4.constant updating of manufactured or sold products;

5.unity of strategy and tactics for quick response to changing demand.

Goods as a means of satisfying needs.

A product is a complex, multifaceted concept that includes a combination of many properties, the main ones being consumer properties, i.e. the ability of a product to satisfy the needs of its owner.

A commodity is any thing that participates in a free exchange for other things, a product of labor capable of satisfying a human need and specially produced for exchange. Items produced for personal consumption are not commodities in the economic sense.

The consumer value of a product acts as a set of properties that are directly related to both the product itself and related services. These properties one way or another appear before the buyer and determine his intention to buy the product and become a regular customer of this manufacturer. And since for the stable success of the enterprise it is necessary to take care of the formation of a permanent clientele, special attention in the competitive market is given to such qualities as: color, packaging, design, ergonomic features (ease of use, maintenance, repair), accompanying documentation (description, operating instructions) .

At the moment, in Russia, the development of markets for durable goods is moving to a new level, when competition intensifies and more efforts are needed to maintain its market position.

As practice shows, few Russian regional companies, manufacturers and sellers of durable goods, constantly apply marketing analysis methods and conduct comprehensive marketing research. This makes it easy for multinational companies to enter the market. The latter have long appreciated the great market potential Russia and use the whole variety of integrated marketing research to analyze the market and achieve their goals.

Most Russian regional manufacturers of durable goods face the problem of marketing their goods. Demand in many market segments is close to saturation, it is necessary to search for new market niches and develop new product models that will successfully occupy them. So, due to high competition, regional furniture companies are increasingly oriented towards households with medium and high financial income, which, in turn, have a significant impact on the formation of the furniture market. The main reason for this is the increase in the level of consumption and the increased awareness of households about the prevailing market conditions.

In order to survive in the existing market conditions each regional company operating in the markets of durable goods needs to solve many research issues in the transition from sales to marketing orientation, in particular, customer research, the formation of a consumer portrait, the definition of consumer preferences, assortment optimization, market segmentation, analysis of the effectiveness of marketing activities. But the main issue, often omitted in the flow of operational tasks, the development of the company and maintaining its position in the market, is the development and implementation of a methodology for comprehensive market research, marketing analysis and long-term planning of production and sales activities.

However, at the present time, it can be stated that current trends in the management of regional companies operating in the markets of durable goods in many constituent entities of the Russian Federation (RF) confirm the absence of a management methodology in demand in practice for researching regional markets and planning marketing activities these companies.

One of the main tasks of the marketing service in a manufacturing company is to develop marketing strategy. However, many regional Russian companies after 15 years of market reforms, there is still no sufficient experience of a systematic approach to the analysis of markets for durable goods, the development of a marketing strategy. One of the most opaque durable goods markets is still the furniture market.

1. The furniture market as a market for durable goods

Let us define the meaning of the main terms that are used below. Furniture - mobile or built-in products for the equipment of residential and public premises, landscape gardening and other areas of human stay.

The produced range of furniture is formed on the basis of the layout of the premises, their purpose and the content of labor and domestic processes, quantitative and professional staff people in the premises.

According to GOST 20400, furniture is classified according to the following criteria: operational, functional, constructive and technological, by materials, and by the nature of production.

By functional purpose, furniture can be segmented as follows: household furniture, furniture for hotels, office furniture, furniture for shops, restaurants. According to functional purpose, household furniture is divided into living room/living room furniture, bedroom furniture, kitchen furniture, dining area furniture, upholstered furniture, hallway furniture, children's room furniture, home office, bathroom furniture.

Under the furniture market, we will understand the industry, which is a combination of manufacturing companies, furniture sellers and end buyers of furniture and the structure of furniture purchase and sale relations between them.

The main characteristics of durable goods on the example of the furniture market:

  1. Complex production cycle and high technology impact. Most TDPs have a complex production technology and, accordingly, a fairly high retail price. Thus, the average cost of a one-time purchase of furniture, according to various estimates, is about 15-20 thousand rubles, and the cost of furniture takes from 7 to 10% of the family budget, and the retail price of a serial wardrobe 2 meters long varies from 7 to 20 thousand rubles, depending from the configuration and materials used.
  2. Long time to market new models. For example, large furniture manufacturers have an average time to market new program serial production is from 7 to 15 months. Go-to-market activities include:
    • preliminary study of demand by the marketing department (MD),
    • development of technical specifications for OM,
    • development of a technical proposal, technical project, working documentation by the R & D department,
    • production of prototypes in production,
    • testing and development of prototypes of OM, sales department (OP), R&D department,
    • survey of potential consumers of OM and OP,
    • introduction of adjustments to the working documentation by the R&D department,
    • production of a trial batch in production,
    • development of an advertising offer for wholesale and retail companies OM,
    • distribution of proposals and registration of applications for OP,
    • distribution of a trial batch by the logistics department,
    • receiving and processing feedback on the OM furniture series,
    • finalization of working documentation by the R&D department,
    • launching a program of serial furniture into mass production.
      Since the launch of production and the introduction to the market of new TDPs and the period of their use takes a long time, planning, forecasting of core needs and demand for TDPs in the medium and long term is of particular importance.
  3. High quality requirements. The consumer chooses TDP on the basis of how long with the appropriate level of quality this product can satisfy his needs. Based on this, most furniture manufacturers are solving questions about identifying an acceptable level of quality and the use of high-quality fittings and components designed for a certain number of years of use. For example, many furniture manufacturers develop a marketing strategy using an explanation of the level of quality and durability of their products as the main idea.
  4. The need for warranty and post-warranty service. The total purchase and operating cost to the consumer consists of the sum of the retail price and lifetime maintenance costs. In this aspect, the maintenance costs for the entire life of the furniture are not significant, but can reach up to 20-25% of its original cost. In particular, Kaliningrad consumers change cabinet facades and upholstery of upholstered furniture, and make structural changes to kitchen furniture. Separately, it is worth mentioning the cost of assembling furniture, which can range from 5 to 10% of the original cost.
  5. Market competition for new and used products. The TDP market implies, in addition to the existence of a market for new products, the existence of a market for second-hand supported TDPs. And the competition between them can be very intense, depending on the type of TDP. In this connection, most manufacturers face a significant problem of determining the optimal service life of the produced TDP and creating an after-sales service infrastructure. For example, some small furniture manufacturers focus on service development and offer services for furniture repair and restoration, upholstery or facade replacement. In particular, the share of furniture repair and restoration services in the structure of household services in 2003 was 1.9%.
  6. Long period of choice and purchase by the consumer. TDPs are pre-selected products with, as a rule, a lack of complete and accessible information about the expected characteristics of a future purchase, which the consumer compares in terms of convenience, quality, price and design. The consumer's choice of furniture is from 2 to 4 weeks (and in some cases is postponed for several months until the next exhibition) and up to 10 models fall into his comparison table, which are compared according to 10-15 characteristics. Main compared characteristics: price, appearance, colors, ease of use, build quality, quality of materials, ease of care, discounts, durability.
  7. Obsolescence of durable goods. In addition to the physical wear and tear of TDP, obsolescence is of particular importance. TDPs currently produced and sold affect the value of goods sold in the past. Some major operators of the world furniture market (Ikea, Nolte, Natuzzi, Rolf Benz, etc.) stimulate the development of the market through an aggressive advertising policy and introduce the concept of fashion trends in furniture, which allows them to constantly change their collections.

2. Matrix of the marketing strategy of a furniture factory

Taking into account the above characteristics and conducting marketing research, it is possible to propose a variant of a marketing strategy for the development of a regional furniture factory that produces cabinet and upholstered furniture and deals with wholesale and retail sales in the regions of the Russian Federation. Elements of a marketing strategy include distribution, assortment policy, advertising and sales promotion (see Table 1) and are categorized by goal, achievement criteria, historical benchmarks, and necessary activities for implementation. The main goal of the factory: to carry out intensive expansion to the regions of the Russian Federation at the time of the general growth of the furniture market, to seize a leading position in the regional markets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the next 3 years.

Table 1.
Marketing Strategy Matrix

Goal Evaluation Benchmarks Activities

Distribution Growth in the number of new stores (in %) Number and area of ​​stores opened in the next 3 years > 90 stores at the end of year 1 (20,000 sqm)
> 250 stores at the end of year 3 (50,000 sqm)
Development of coverage formats.
Selection of regions for development trading network
Average number of days to fully cover one region > < 30 дней для 1-го года
< 20 дней для 3-го года
Development and standardization of the network schedule of the project of actions to cover the region
Increasing sales efficiency Turnover per 1 sq.m. > 10,000 rubles at the end of the 1st year
> 15,000 rubles Y at the end of the 3rd year
Development of a merchandising plan
Assortment policy Increasing the number of successful new furniture series on the market Average number of episodes per year > 3 series following the results of the first year
> 4 series following the results of the 3rd year
Development of a plan for introducing new series to the market
The share of the new series in the turnover of the factory (in%) > 2% at the end of the 1st year
> 3% at the end of the 3rd year
Development of a plan to promote a new series on the market
Satisfied new series buyers (in %) > 70% at the end of the 1st year > 85% at the end of the 3rd year Development of a feedback system and customer loyalty support program
Advertising and sales promotion Increasing the level of fame of the factory Share of the population who know the factory and its products (in %) < 30 % для 1-го года < 70 % для 3-го года Developing an Effective Media Plan
Growth of factory brand adherents Share of those who are inclined to make a purchase among those who know the factory (in %) < 20 % для 1-го года < 40 % для 3-го года Development of advertising messages with detuning from competitors' products
Change in turnover in the city (in %) > 10% at the end of the 1st year
> 20% at the end of year 2
Increasing and standardizing the level of service in stores

3. Trade infrastructure of furniture enterprises

An analysis of the activities of the largest manufacturers (furniture factories Shatura, Katyusha, Skhodnya mebel, Stolplit) shows that the development of distribution is one of the key success factors for development in the furniture market. For an optimal presence in the Russian furniture market at the leader level, it is necessary to implement a program to create a retail infrastructure that meets the requirement of 1 sq.m. selling area of ​​the manufacturer's assortment per 1,000 population. Average turnover from 1 sq.m. should initially be 10 thousand rubles. Thus, it is possible to become a leader due to the trade coverage of the regions of the Russian Federation.

The lower limit on turnover allows you to gradually and systematically create new retail space in new cities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, achieve the necessary sales from them and carry out further promotion in the furniture market. Depending on the level of quality of life in the city, it is possible to offer coefficients of requirements for increasing areas or turnover from them. The coefficients are calculated based on data on retail trade turnover, the level of construction, investment in fixed assets, and average prices per 1 sq.m. residential real estate.

If the factory does not have the financial capacity to develop its own retail space and shops, or products are already presented in the region with the help of a trading partner, then negotiations are underway with him to increase the area on favorable terms for them and the factory. In particular, if a trading partner does not have the desire or ability to develop infrastructure, the factory's branded stores are opened, or new trading partners are searched.

The development of the trading network should be carried out in clearly defined formats according to target audience, the level of competition and the specifics of regions and cities. Each format assumes the presence of its own brand that characterizes consumer opportunities.

The practice of developing the trade of manufacturers in Russia shows the expediency of singling out cities and the urban population on the regional market as the main potential segment of the furniture market. The prerequisites for this are that the urban population has higher levels of income compared to the rural population, and the development of trade infrastructure. Three types of cities should be distinguished by the criterion of population - cities with a population of more than 800 thousand people - the category "large", cities with a population of 450 to 800 thousand - the category "medium" and from 450 to 200 thousand - the category "small". In order to cover the entire solvent population interested in furniture in each of them, it is possible to develop several formats at once, depending on competition and current sales.

Suggested furniture trade formats:

  1. "Mebel-dom" - furniture trading house(independently or jointly with loyal trading partners) with an area of ​​about 1500-2000 sq.m. Filling them with 5-10 sets of different styles and designs of furniture 3-4 mid-price ranges for each type of furniture (bedrooms, living rooms, etc.). Presented assortment: 30-40% of the manufacturing factory, the rest - 20% of Eastern European furniture, 20-30% - Russian furniture of competing factories and 10-20% - local regional manufacturers. Recommended opening in large and medium cities. Coverage density: 1 store per 400,000 population. The main difference from the existing large furniture centers with fuzzy positioning and a chaotic assortment offer: the organization of the optimal assortment and pricing, designed for middle class, convenient location sets in trading floor by type of furniture. The initial advertising budget is 2% of the planned turnover.
  2. "Furniture Practitioner" is a medium-sized company store. Area - 200-250 sq.m. Trade assortment represented by 4-5 furniture sets in the form of filling 3 typical medium-sized apartments. Demonstration blocks of the available range of different types of facades and color schemes, in particular, wardrobes, beds, chests of drawers. This format is considered as the main one. Also suitable for franchising shop in case of partnership trade relations. Opening in all categories of cities, depending on the level of competition and the current situation. Estimated coverage density: 1 store per 200,000 population.
  3. "Furniture Club". Format for the upper-middle income segment. Area - 350-450 sq.m. The price range is mostly above average. Accommodation in the form of filling 2-3 large-sized apartments - 90-120 sq.m. Opening in large and medium cities. Coverage: 1 store per 400,000 population.
  4. "Furniture Stock" is a discount furniture store. Sale of stale assortment in other stores.
  5. "Promo-furniture" - a small salon for use in trade construction networks, in the form of exhibiting 1 set of furniture with a specific price offer and quarterly rotation of sets.

These formats require teamwork several departments at once with transparent internal information, fulfillment of the set goals and objectives according to the marketing strategy matrix, and appropriate funding for the project to create and develop formats. In particular, it is recommended to expand the marketing and sales department, organize positions responsible for their format, and form a furniture purchasing department.

4. Assortment matrix of a furniture company

It is advisable to divide the produced assortment depending on the style and design of furniture and the level of income of potential buyers and the proposed distribution formats. The assortment matrix offers:

  1. Separate the direction of classic and modern design. Form two price ranges: medium and medium-upper.
  2. Main specialization: furniture for bedrooms and living rooms. Upholstered and kitchen furniture are seen as supporting segments of these areas.
  3. Directions of furniture for children's and bathrooms are proposed to be formed at the expense of deliveries from other factories.

Sizes, specific colors and internal content in stores, and recommended retail prices are formed based on the preferences of the population in specific regions of the Russian Federation after preliminary research directly in the regions. The main reason for not using a unified pricing and merchandising policy is the lack of flexibility, because there is a large discrepancy in the standard of living and consumer preferences in the subjects of the Russian Federation.

table 2
Assortment matrix of the factory

Direction's share in the total household furniture market*, %Quantity recommendationsColorsMaterialsDesignNumber of items in a series

Living rooms (furniture for living rooms) 29 7 Beech, walnut, cherry Classical 6
Cushioned furniture 24 6 Light brown, white, gray shades Leather, fabric Modern, continental 4
Kitchen furniture 16 6 Beech, walnut, oak MDF, chipboard Classical 12
Bedroom furniture 15 6 Beech, walnut, white Veneer. Chipboard, chipboard, solid wood Classic, modern 8
Furniture for dining areas 5 2 Beech, walnut, maple Veneer. Chipboard, chipboard, solid wood Classic, modern 7
hallways 3 2 Beech, walnut, cherry chipboard Classic, modern 4
Children's furniture 3 0
home office 3 2 oak, walnut Veneer. chipboard, chipboard Classical 7
Bathroom furniture 2 0

*Cm. research report: Home furniture market. M.: Express review. 2005. 134 p.

5. Advertising and sales promotion of a furniture company

The general mechanism for choosing furniture by the consumer can be represented as a decision algorithm consisting of the following steps:

  1. Lack of need (the consumer has no need for furniture, and he is indifferent to external information). The period of the stage can be from 1 to 30-40 years, depending on the category and type of furniture and the economic activity of the consumer.
  2. Search and the process of accumulating a household budget item for the purchase of furniture (a potential consumer has faced the problem of choosing furniture, is open to external information and is searching). Stage period: from 1 week to several years.
  3. Making a purchase decision (comparing options available on the market, assessing their quality, communicating with the seller). Average period: several days.
  4. Installation, installation of furniture (delivery, self-installation or communication with the masters). Average period: 1 day.
  5. Operation (use of furniture, perception of quality). Depending on the category of furniture and the social level of the consumer: from 1 to 30-40 years.

As you can see from the above steps, the buying process is complex and time-consuming. On this basis, depending on the period of use of the TDP and the frequency of the need and seasonality of sales, an advertising campaign should be implemented with a media placement scheme of the “awareness” type, typical for products with a long acquisition cycle and a long decision time in the off-season period of time. And in the pre-season period, use the "seasonal lead" scheme. In addition to the advertising campaign in the media, it is necessary to carry out:

  1. Development of a complete package advertising materials for placement and distribution in stores.
  2. Consistent training of sales consultants. They are the ones that influence the buying decision. To do this, it is necessary to develop a sales training seminar. Inside the factory, a project team of trainers (from the R&D, sales and marketing departments) is created, which conducts seminars several times a quarter, teaches new sales techniques, and informs about the competitive features of new series.
  3. Organization of the competition "best seller within the network" and "best seller among trading partners" (it is possible to hold a competition and "best trading partner"). As a rule, such competitions motivate sellers-consultants who are not interested in selling a particular product of the factory.
  4. Cross-marketing with interior stores, for example, lighting, textiles, sanitary ware, wallpaper (in connection with the purchase of furniture during renovation, construction, the selection of these goods and the purchase occurs in many respects in parallel with the purchase of furniture).
  5. Cooperation with design bureaus and interior salons. Organization of seminars on the use of factory furniture in different interiors.
  6. Organization of promoters in large furniture centers and construction networks, in places of accumulation of retail space of competitors.
  7. Semi-annual rotation of the assortment in the city (coverage of retail space in the city with the entire assortment and its shift to stores).
  8. Organization of an online store that reflects the quality of the entire range of the factory, with a description of all the characteristics compared during the purchase process by the buyer, and works for all regions and cities of the Russian Federation where there are own stores.

6. Conditions for the implementation of the strategy

As a rule, in the course of implementing strategies, a large number of barriers arise, related to both human and commercial values ​​of the established business. For the successful implementation of the elements of a marketing strategy, the following conditions must be present:

  1. Agreement with the strategy of the board of directors of the factory and its CEO and change management during its implementation. The implementation of the strategy involves significant changes in the organization of production and commercial processes in the factory. The participation and initiative of the leadership allows to overcome the barriers that arise during the implementation of the strategy.
  2. Awareness of the strategy and the commonality of the factory employees in its implementation. Complexity in the implementation of the strategy is carried out by training and raising awareness of the factory employees, including the formation of systems of indicators of ongoing processes so that departments, workshops and individual managers perform mutually agreed activities. Marketing strategy alignment should be observed at all levels of the customer value chain.
  3. Formulation of strategy in the form of a set of operational tasks. In order to implement the strategy into the operation of the factory, it is necessary to divide the main marketing activities into operational tasks with the help of auxiliary tools, such as working sequence diagrams of internal processes, benchmarks and indicators. The use of these tools allows us to consider the implementation of a marketing strategy in the form of daily operational tasks.
  4. Stability and consistency of ongoing activities. Should be used expert surveys employees and benchmarks as feedback, allowing you to monitor the implementation of operational tasks.


Raising the standard of living in Russia implies the development of markets for durable goods. Companies operating in these markets face high competition from both regional producers and foreign manufacturers represented by regional trade organizations. One of the main options to fight competition is to develop and implement a marketing strategy that takes into account the specifics of the operation of durable goods. It is she who will allow you to understand where the company is currently located, and what development paths it has.

Representing the strategy in the form of matrix elements allows you to clearly understand the success factors in the market. And appropriate benchmarks and evaluation criteria help to adhere to its implementation.

The main result of the work is to determine the characteristics of durable goods markets and develop elements of the marketing strategy matrix using the furniture market as an example. The proposed matrix and the considered elements of the marketing strategy can also be used in developing a marketing strategy in other durable goods markets, for example, in markets household appliances and lighting fixtures.


  1. Waldman M. Durable Goods Theory for Real World // J. Economic Perspectives. 2003. V. 17. P. 131-154.
  2. Posmygaev V.A. Dynamics and capacity of the furniture market // Marketing and marketing research in Russia. 2002. No. 1. S. 64 - 68.
  3. Malhotra N.K. Marketing research. Practical guide. Moscow: Williams, 2003. 960 p.
  4. Ansoff I. New corporate strategy. St. Petersburg: Peter Kom, 1999. 416 p.
  5. Shafranov V.V. Research and forecasting of the furniture market // Marketing. 2006. No. 4. S. 38-48.
  6. Akoff R.L. Planning for the future of the corporation. M.: Sirin, 2002. 256 p.
  7. Bartashevich A. A. Fundamentals of furniture design. Minsk: Vyscha shk., 1997. 343 p.
  8. Swan P.L. Durability of Consumption Goods // American Economic Review. 1970. V.60. P. 884-894.
  9. Akerlof G.A. The Market for Lemons: Quality Uncertainty and the Market Mechanism // Quaterly J. Economics. 1970. V. 84. P. 488-500.
  10. Coase R. H. Durability and Monopoly // J. Law and Economics. 1972. V. 15. P. 143-49.
  11. Brown M.G. Balanced scorecard: on the route of implementation. Moscow: Alpina Business Books, 2005. 226 p.
  12. Nikitina S.Yu. Furniture market in Russia // Design and production of furniture. 2003. No. 1. pp. 2-4.
  13. Berman. B., Evans J.R. Retail: a strategic approach. Moscow: Williams, 2003. 1184 p.
  14. Kutlaliev A.Kh. Regional differences and prospects of regional markets // Marketing and Marketing Research. 2002. No. 5. P.13-18.
  15. Rossiter J.R., Percy L. Advertising and promotion of goods. St. Petersburg: Piter, 2002. 656 p.
  16. Goncharuk V.A. Enterprise development. M.: Delo, 2000. 208 p.
  17. Prigogine A.I. Methods for the development of organizations. M.: MTsFER, 2003. 864 p.

Course work

Subject "Marketing"

Topic: "Organization of marketing activities at the furniture factory "Two Captains"


In the presented course work, studies of the organization of the marketing activities of the company and the results of a marketing study of the furniture market in Abakan are presented. These studies were carried out in order to segment the main groups of customers using the services of firms in the furniture market in order to identify the most promising of them. Time of marketing research - May 2010. The place of the study was the Furniture Factory "Two Captains", located in the city of Abakan. Marketing research was conducted by interviewing customers of the furniture store "Two Captains".

The course work consists of three parts. The first part of the course work is theoretical. It discusses the main theoretical aspects of marketing research, such as:

    aspects of conducting marketing activities of enterprises - manufacturers of consumer goods;

    organization of marketing at the enterprise;

    marketing service in the enterprise: tasks, functions, relationship with other services.

In the second part of the course work, a company development strategy was developed. To determine the strategy, the mission of this organization, its philosophy, core values ​​and targets were developed. In addition, the main opportunities and ways of carrying out activities, the desired image of the company were considered. This part of the course work presents the results of the marketing research, the main of which are:

    identification of the most promising segments of potential consumers of furniture;

    analysis and assessment of the external environment of the activities of the Furniture Factory "Two Captains" and the identification of factors affecting its activities;

    analysis of the competitive environment and its competitors, as well as the choice of the optimal development strategy.

The third part of the course work is project. It considers the implementation of marketing policies in the enterprise. A marketing complex for the company "Two Captains" was developed. The parameters of the company's marketing activity are determined. The options for improving the marketing management system at the enterprise are considered, as well as the calculation of the economic effect of the proposed measures.


In today's economically complex world, everyone needs to understand marketing. You need to know what the market is, who operates on it, how it functions, what its needs are.

Marketing provides an answer to the question of how to compete on the basis of principles other than price. Because of overproduction, marketing is becoming more important than ever.

The subject of marketing is still misunderstood by both business and society. Companies believe that marketing is there to help the industry get rid of the created products. But the truth is the opposite: production exists to help marketing. The company can always cut costs. But prosperity and prosperity are brought to the company by its marketing ideas and proposals.

Marketing is about monitoring results and improving market offerings. He decides whether, and if so, when to terminate the market life of a product or service.

Marketing activity is about transforming the changing needs of people into profitable opportunities for the organization. The goal of marketing is to create value by offering high-quality solutions that save time and effort that the buyer spends on finding and closing a deal, and provide society as a whole with a higher standard of living.

Marketing activity at the enterprise is a hot topic today. The process of managing marketing activities involves a system of various activities that need to be analyzed and the best option selected.

The problems of organizing marketing activities are very relevant, since there are enterprises that do not have optimal system marketing organizations.

The purpose of the work is to study and master the methodological and practical foundations of marketing activity management, identify weaknesses, analyze and develop them. The object of the study is the Furniture Factory "Two Captains" - an enterprise specializing in the production and sale of furniture.

The methodological and theoretical basis of this study was not only the results of the marketing research, but also the translated works of Western scientists, as well as Russian scientists in the field of marketing research.

1. Theoretical aspects of conducting marketing activities at the enterprise

1.1 The essence and objectives of the marketing approach in enterprise management

Ensuring the effective development and functioning of both large enterprises and young firms in a market economy is difficult complex problem. First of all, this concerns its aspects such as management and marketing.

As practice shows, in the context of the transformation of the domestic economy into a market, marketing is often the most "bottleneck". With an inefficient marketing system, the flexibility and resource capabilities of the production, financial and other subsystems of firms remain unclaimed.

The marketing approach is a generally recognized direction in the creation and sale of products and services by firms in various areas. In countries with developed market economies, much attention is paid to the marketing sphere, since an inefficient marketing system of an enterprise can lead not only to lost profits, but also to direct losses. The marketing system as a subsystem of organizational management exists in any company, however, the degree of its development and effectiveness can vary significantly. In organizational terms, in large and medium-sized firms, the control link of the marketing system is special services and divisions. In a small firm, this may be directly one of the leaders.

Many domestic enterprises are currently slowly realizing real marketing activities and research. However, along with this, there is often a lack of a correct understanding of the very concept of “marketing activity”, “marketing system”, “marketing management”, “marketing management”, as an integral subsystem of company management.

The objective reasons for this are related to the fact that marketing touches and intersects with the most diverse aspects of the enterprise's activities, but at the same time does not duplicate them. Marketing, in the broad sense of this concept, is understood as a system for implementing the following principles: consumer orientation, economic efficiency as the basis of the company's activities; coordination of efforts of all services and departments to achieve the set goals. Here, marketing takes on some management functions.

Marketing and management are the basis of any activity of any enterprise or firm. The functions of management and marketing reflect different objects of their application (personnel, finance, construction, insurance, trade, production, investment, innovation, projects, information, knowledge, etc.), as well as various concepts that reflect the technological aspects of management and marketing itself as methods of management (methodological, organizational, instrumental, information-legal, informational, etc.).

In management, one of the management approaches is called "marketing", which implies the marketing management of a company, enterprise, that is, it is such management that is consumer-oriented, in accordance with their needs, needs, and requests. But, unfortunately, not in many textbooks, articles you can find a clear definition of the concepts of "marketing management" and "marketing management".

According to the logic of the above reasoning, it would be advisable to define these two concepts: marketing management; marketing management.

Marketing management is a purposeful activity to regulate the position of the company in the market, by means of planning, organizing, accounting, controlling, executing each phase of the positional and activity behavior of the company, taking into account the influence of the patterns of development of the market space, the competitive environment to achieve profitability and efficiency of the subject on market.

The sphere of marketing management, occupying a certain place in the overall system of marketing knowledge, includes analysis, planning, control over events, designed to establish, strengthen and maintain beneficial exchanges by solving certain organizational objectives, such as generating profits, increasing sales, increasing market share, etc.

In the field of management, the motivation of the company, the assessment of economic decisions, strategic planning, the choice of the form of management, the management structure, personnel management, simulation modeling, etc.

Therefore, the functions of management are the types of activities necessary for the implementation of management (impact).

From the foregoing, we can conclude that the concepts of "marketing management" and "marketing management" are included in the set of management tools and follow from the general concept of enterprise management.

In the theory and practice of marketing activities, these two concepts are often endowed with equal characteristics and perform the same functions. The parameters of similarity and difference between these concepts are given below (Table 1).

Table 1 Comparative characteristics

Marketing Management

Marketing Management

The object of management is marketing, namely positional activity in the market, taking into account the totality of factors of the external and internal environment

The object of management is the enterprise, market, segment, existing consumers and potential buyers.

The subject of management is the activity of a specific owner this enterprise, or on his behalf, the activities of the manager.

Analyzing, planning, implementing and overseeing activities designed to establish, strengthen and maintain beneficial exchanges with target customers in order to achieve specific organizational objectives such as generating profits, increasing sales, increasing market share


A set of human actions leading to the achievement of the set goal (improving the image, increasing profits, etc.), which include the management of joint activities, methods of influencing people's activities, changing their motivation, attitude to work, to a product, service ...

Carrying out activities to find the optimal number of customers necessary for the implementation of the entire volume of production produced by the company at the moment. This means not only the creation and expansion of demand, but also the problems of changing it, and sometimes even reducing it.

The marketing management process covers such aspects of the company's activities as sales organization and promotion, advertising campaigns and marketing research, product management and pricing.



Formation of a “marketing way of thinking” among employees of the enterprise, partners, following the marketing ideology, that is, a complete orientation to the market, ensuring a “marketing microclimate” at the enterprise. Plus all those activities that are included in the concept of "marketing management"

Therefore, the task of marketing management is "to influence the level, time and nature of demand in such a way that it helps the organization achieve its goals." Those. Marketing management is demand management. Based on this, marketing management concerns the study of the desired level of demand for the goods of a particular company; analysis of the situation when real demand exceeds the desired one, their compliance and the situation when the real demand is lower than the desired one.

Therefore, marketing management is one of the forms of enterprise management, in which the enterprise is completely market-oriented, responds to today's market demands, thereby satisfying the needs of consumers and potential buyers.

Such management functions as forecasting, planning, are, in fact, the justification and adoption of management decisions implemented within the framework of information and analytical tasks, marketing. Not all managers are able to resolve these issues on their own, and in complex cases this is unlikely.

In large and medium-sized enterprises, these tasks are assigned to special organizational units - marketing divisions, services. They perform the role of internal consultants, carrying out the preparation of decisions (for this, external consultants may also be involved). The relationship between management and marketing is defined as follows.

On the one hand, they can be treated as two separate adjacent areas.

On the other hand, marketing can be viewed as a part of management focused on tracking the macroeconomic environment, external factors, internal changes, and developing an adequate response to them in the form of indicative management decisions. The more complex the enterprise management system, the more expedient is a clear separation of management and marketing tasks. Then the decision-making process becomes more observable and manageable, and the decisions themselves are justified and adequate.

Management can be person and problem oriented. In the first case, the most important aspect of management as a type of professional activity of subjects (managers) is the ability to manage personnel.

In the second case, we are talking about business intuition, which is determined by the ability of managers to carry out (on their own or with the support of specialists) the formulation and solution of management problems.

At the same time, the company's management can be considered as its adequate and timely response to changes in the macroeconomic situation, external and internal changes in the company. In particular, if management is understood as business management, then in any conditions it should be aimed at making a profit.

Marketing in a broad sense is associated with the second case. At the same time, the difference between a manager and a marketing specialist has a specific meaning: the specialist makes indicative (recommendatory) decisions, and the manager makes directive (directly executable) ones. Thus, in specific cases, the same subject can act in different capacities.

1.2 Marketing service at the enterprise: tasks, functions,interaction with other services

The main tasks of the marketing information department in accordance with the main strategic goals of the company and its current tasks, reflected in the business plans and documents on the establishment of this enterprise, the marketing information department in its daily activities is obliged to implement the following main tasks:

Providing the management of the company with the necessary marketing information in the interests of developing a strategy and tactics for the development and market behavior of the company. The department is obliged, if necessary, to clarify and supplement the specified information, as well as to perform all the necessary work on the analysis and assessment of various kinds of current and prospective market situations.

Carrying out the whole complex of market research related to the market, product and consumers, both according to the approved marketing research plan, and according to special instructions from the management and on the instructions of other departments of the company. To determine the goals and functions of the marketing department, it is necessary to conduct a complete analysis of the company's activities and identify bottlenecks and imbalances in its functioning. Based on the data obtained, build a hypothesis for resolving these problems by the forces of the marketing department being created, i.e. develop a marketing plan. Based on the marketing development strategy and the goals of the marketing department, we can hypothesize about the rational structure of the marketing department. In this case, it will look like this: the marketing director reports directly to the CEO and / or the Board of Directors. He coordinates and is responsible for the work of the department as a whole. The optimal size of the department is 7 employees (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Structure of the marketing department

Employee responsibilities should include the following:

    constant participation in the development of the strategy and tactics of the company's market behavior through: the formation of a commodity, price, sales, advertising and service marketing strategy;

    consulting assistance to the management of the company and other departments involved in the development of the strategy and tactics of the company's market behavior;

    organization of advertising activities, as well as the development of a set of measures for the formation and maintenance of public relations, providing both the necessary profitability and profitability of the company, and maintaining its good name in the eyes of the public;

    constant analysis and evaluation of the effectiveness of marketing in the company and the corresponding development of the service;

    assisting and providing marketing advice to all divisions of the firm;

    methodological guidance (and partial implementation on their own) and training of all company personnel in the basics of marketing. Evaluation of the psychological compliance of employees hired by the company for the position being applied for;

    analysis of the general psychological state of groups, teams and individual employees of the company;

    development of new products based on the received marketing information, design developments and cost-functional analysis.

Structure of the marketing information department:

    The marketing information department is independent structural unit and reports directly to the CEO of the firm;

    The head of the marketing information department is appointed and dismissed by order of the general director of the company;

    the marketing information department consists of the following divisions, directly subordinate to the head of the marketing information department: marketing research sector; design sector; advertising sector; sector of psychoanalysis.

In accordance with the tasks set and based on the adopted organizational structure, the marketing information department performs the following types of work:

1. Marketing research sector: market segmentation; studying the needs of consumers and the formation of "maps of needs"; analysis and evaluation of goods and market policy of competitors; comprehensive market research; development of forecasts for the development of markets with the identification and evaluation of the main groups of consumers; "technological forecasts" and the study of industry trends; analysis and evaluation of advertising effectiveness; analysis and evaluation of sales effectiveness (including studies of the effectiveness of the marketing organization, as well as the study of various sales promotion systems). The Marketing Research Sector also conducts a comprehensive assessment of new products and services and develops the main elements of a marketing strategy (product, prices, sales and advertising).

2. The advertising sector develops and organizes all advertising and promotional campaigns of the company. It also assists the marketing research sector in the analysis and evaluation of branded advertising.

3. The design sector carries out the development of design parameters for new products based on the marketing information received, design developments and cost-functional analysis.

4. The sector of psychoanalysis evaluates the psychological suitability of employees hired by the company for the position being applied for, as well as an analysis of the general psychological state of groups, teams and individual employees of the company.

5. All work of the marketing information department is carried out according to the approved schedule, and one-time (unscheduled) work is carried out in accordance with the orders of the general director of the company and notes agreed with the head of the department.

Financing the activities of the marketing information department:

1. To perform its functional tasks, the marketing information department is endowed with financial resources, the volume and direction of use of which is regulated by the budget of the marketing information department, annually developed as part of the financial plan of the company and approved by the chief accountant and general director of the company.

2. In the budget of the marketing information department, a special amount is allocated for each of the areas of financing, which is used to pay for invited consultants and invite contractors to work in the interests of the marketing service. The amount of funding is planned based on prices and accepted commercial levels of remuneration for consultants. The head of the marketing information department has the right to independently redistribute the funds allocated for payment for consulting work, within 25% of the amount established for each direction.

3. On the proposal of the head of the marketing information department and depending on the results of sales of the company's products and services, the budget of the marketing information department may be revised. Such revisions may be made at the end of each quarter.

4. Staff members of divisions temporarily seconded to work in the marketing information department are paid from the budget of the respective divisions.

The Marketing Information Department has the right to:

    participate in the development of all programs, plans and schedules related to the planning of new products and the provision of services, as well as monitor their implementation;

    require the relevant departments of the company to provide all the necessary information that ensures the work of the marketing information department;

    make proposals for recruiting full-time employees of other divisions of the company to work in the marketing department, as well as independently determine the composition of consultants and contractors performing work in the interests of the marketing information department;

    require the production unit to comply with all standards, developed models;

    require the sales department to comply with the marketing standards established for the sale of both test and production models developed by the design sector.

1.3 Financial and economic analysis of economic activity in terms of marketing

The analysis of the enterprise's activities is carried out in three areas of its activity: supply, production and marketing. The areas of activity that ensure the normal operation of the enterprise should also be studied: finance, information service, personnel policy.

The cost of production is a qualitative indicator that characterizes the production and economic activities of a production association, enterprise. The cost of production is the cost of the enterprise in monetary terms for its production and marketing.

The cost price as a generalizing economic indicator reflects all aspects of the enterprise's activities:

    degree of technological equipment of production and development of technological processes;

    the level of organization of production and labor, the degree of use of production capacities;

    economical use of material and labor resources and other conditions and factors characterizing production and economic activity.

Depending on the volume of included costs, there are shop, production and full costs. The shop cost includes the costs of individual shops for the manufacture of products. It is the initial basis for determining intermediate intra-factory planned and estimated prices when organizing intra-factory economic accounting. The production cost covers the costs of the enterprise for the production of products. In addition to the shop cost, it includes overhead costs. Full cost product includes all costs associated with its production and sale. It differs from the production cost by the amount of non-production costs and is calculated only for marketable products. /17/

Cost reduction is planned according to two indicators: for comparable marketable products; at the cost of 1 rub. marketable products, if the share of products comparable with the previous year in the total volume of output is small.

Comparable marketable products include all its types produced at a given enterprise in the previous period in mass or serial order.

The planned amount of cost reduction is determined on the basis of the following calculations.

In terms of comparable commercial products.

First, the absolute amount of savings is determined by the formula

E abs.av.t.p = N ni C bi - N ni C ni . (one)

Having determined the amount of absolute savings in the planning period, calculate the desired percentage of cost reduction in the planning period (Savg):

S av.t.p = E abs.av.t.p. 100, (2)

where E - absolute savings from reducing the cost of comparable marketable products, thousand rubles;

N ni C bi - planned release of comparable marketable products at the cost of the reporting period;

N ni C ni - the same, at the cost of the planned period;

n is the number of types of comparable marketable products.

In terms of costs per 1 rub. commodity products.

The absolute savings from reducing the cost of commercial products in the planning period is calculated by the formula:

E abs.t.p = Z tnb - Z tpp TP (3)

Based on the same data, the percentage of cost reduction per 1 ruble is determined. marketable products in the planning period in comparison with the reporting period (S’ etc.):

S’ t.p = Z tpb - Z tpp. 100, (4)

where Z tpb - costs per 1 rub. marketable products in the reporting period, kopecks;

Z tpp - the same, in the planned period;

TP - the cost of marketable products in the planned period, thousand rubles.

It should be borne in mind that a number of factors influence the level of costs, including changes in consumption rates and prices for materials, growth in labor productivity, changes in production volume, etc.

In this regard, when calculating, it is necessary to determine the influence of each of them in the overall effect.

1.4 Methodology for planning marketing activities in the enterprise

Goal planning.

A goal is a benchmark towards which an enterprise should strive in its activities. Planning the goals of the enterprise consists of several stages. To choose the right path, you need to know the initial position of the enterprise. To do this, at the first stage of planning, a comprehensive analysis of its current activities (situational analysis) is carried out. Such an analysis makes it possible to assess the internal capabilities and resources of the enterprise, its strengths and weaknesses, to determine trends in change external environment and the degree of adaptation of the enterprise to these changes. After conducting all the research and answering the questions of interest, you can proceed to the second stage - the development of enterprise goals. Goals should be characterized by:

    Specific and measurable


    Orientation in time


    The participation of employees in their production.

The specificity and measurability of goals involves the establishment of precise tasks in various aspects of activity. Objectives must be quantified, which is necessary to verify their fulfillment.

Achievability of goals is a fundamental requirement in planning. Goals should be achievable and suggest a course of action. They should allow for the division into private tasks, the implementation of which can be entrusted to specific departments or employees.

Orientation in time determines the ratio of goals of different time horizons (long-term, medium-term, short-term). This allows you to know not only the result, but also the timing of its achievement (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. The ratio of the company's goals over time

The choice of goals must be approached selectively. Of the many tasks facing the enterprise, it is necessary to single out the most significant as goals so that the resources of the enterprise can be concentrated on them. Goals must be prioritized. To do this, it is recommended to use the goal tree construction method, which is as follows: based on the main goal and to achieve it, lower main goals are formed, then intermediate ones, etc. When determining the goals of the enterprise, the company should pay special attention to ensuring that they reflect the goals of its employees, strengthen their interest in the success of the common cause. The main basic goals, based on the experience of foreign firms, are: sales volume, growth rates (sales or profits), market share, capital structure, competitiveness, use of resources (return on invested capital, return on total costs).

Choice of marketing strategy.

To achieve marketing goals, a marketing strategy is formed, which is most closely related to common strategy. Marketing strategy - fundamental, medium or long-term decisions that provide guidance and guide individual marketing activities to achieve their goals. The strategy is developed on the basis of the goals set, the forecast of long-term prospects for the development of the market (markets), the analysis of the needs of buyers, the assessment of the resources and capabilities of the enterprise. /19/

Development of a marketing strategy is a program-targeted approach to the activities of an enterprise. The global basic directions of the marketing strategy are:

Segmentation strategy - deepening the degree of saturation with the offered goods and services of all consumer groups, choosing the maximum depth of market demand;

Diversification strategy - the development of the production of new goods, new markets, including not only the diversification of goods, but also the distribution entrepreneurial activity to completely new and unrelated areas of the company's core activities;

The strategy of internationalization is the development of new, foreign markets.

Within the framework of the general strategy, more specific private strategies are developed, which may be different. The following strategic determinants are used to describe them:

    Spatial allocation of the market (local, regional, national);

    Getting to know the market old market, sister market, new market);

    Degree of market processing (differentiated, undifferentiated);

    attitude towards competitors (passive, neutral, aggressive);

    relation to growth rates (rapid growth, moderate rates, reduction in production).

Marketing program planning.

At the planning stage, there is a choice of marketing elements that are combined into the most optimal, in terms of goals, complex (“4 P”), as well as the distribution of financial resources within the marketing budget.

In terms of marketing programs can be short-term, medium-term, long-term. Depending on the range of tasks covered, the programs are divided into regular and targeted ones. Ordinary ones provide for resolving issues in all areas of the company's marketing activities. Target programs are aimed at the implementation of a separately allocated, special task (for example, the development of a new product or the development of a new market segment). The marketing program is drawn up after the completion of a serious scientific and practical research: analysis of the marketing environment, comprehensive market research, consumer requirements for the product, market conditions, its capacity and market demand, pricing system, price level and dynamics, competing firms, counterparties and neutrals, forms and methods of marketing, the behavior of buyers and the motives for making a decision when buying, assessing production resources and marketing opportunities of the enterprise.

The structure of marketing programs may be different, however, its essence, as a rule, is typical.

Marketing budget. A marketing program cannot be implemented without an appropriate budget. In marketing practice, various methods are used to determine the marketing budget. The most common are shown in Fig. 3.

The most common methods for determining the marketing budget

Opportunity Funding

Fixed Interest Method

Competitor matching method

Maximum cost method

Method based on goals and objectives

Marketing program accounting method

is. 3. Methods for determining the marketing budget

Opportunity funding is on a “whatever you can afford” basis. This method is used by firms focused on production, not marketing. The absolute arbitrariness of the allocation of specific amounts, their unpredictability from year to year and, as a result, the impossibility of developing long-term marketing programs, planning the marketing mix and all the activities of the company.

Fixed interest method. Determination of the budget by matching with last year's percentage of sales, with the level of expected sales for the next year. This percentage is mainly based on the level of sales in the whole industry, on the experience of the company, or is set arbitrarily. Profit percentage. It is used similarly to the "percentage of sales" method, except that the percentage takes the profit - for the past year or estimated for the next year.

competitor matching method. Money is distributed in an amount corresponding to the costs of the main competitors. Otherwise, this method is called the method of self-defense.

The maximum spending method assumes that you need to spend as much money on marketing as possible.

The goal-and-objective approach requires a clear system of well-defined goals and objectives. The essence of the method is to calculate the costs to be incurred within the framework of individual activities that ensure the achievement of the relevant goals.

The method of accounting for a marketing program involves carefully accounting for the costs of achieving specific goals, but not in themselves, but in comparison with the costs of other possible combinations of marketing tools, i.e. when implementing other "chains" of alternatives" marketing strategy.

2. Research part. Development of the firm's strategy

2.1 Brief description of the factory "Two Captains" as a subject of marketing activities. Company mission

The furniture factory "Two Captains" is a part of the Group of Companies "Two Captains" - a dynamically developing holding, whose scope of activity covers both production and trade areas and new investment projects.

A significant place in the company's activities is the production and sale of high-tech furniture with trademarks"SMILE" and "MARCELLO", produced at a furniture factory using the latest technologies in furniture production.

Furniture is sold in several studios owned by AGK Dva Kapitana. The total number of wholesale dealers selling "Smile" and "Marcello" kitchens exceeds 50 throughout Russia.

The recently opened store "Two Captains" presents exclusive works of leading furniture and interior designers.

The proposed range of furniture selection factory "Two Captains" has already won a steady reputation among retail customers.

The mission of the company is the philosophy of the organization, those values, beliefs and beliefs that underlie its activities. Mission development is the task of top management, but marketing has a direct impact on this process. Marketing establishes a kind of bridge between the capabilities of the company and the needs of the market (consumers).

The mission of the factory is to provide the population of Abakan with quality furniture. The consumer can choose from the available range of furniture or place an order for the manufacture of a specific model.

The quality of the furniture is guaranteed by the manufacturer, but in addition, all materials supplied to the factory undergo a thorough quality control by the factory's specialists. In addition, a careful selection of suppliers of materials for the manufacture of furniture is carried out.

The range of furniture is regularly updated, there is a flexible payment system, a furniture order system and a system of price discounts.

The desired image of the company in the eyes of consumers is based on the completeness of the range, when the buyer at any time can find in this company everything he needs, high quality furniture and affordable price. To form this image, it is necessary to maintain strict quality control of furniture manufacturing, develop the range of products available and improve the ordering system (in terms of quality, speed of delivery, affordability of prices and variety of assortment).

The strategic development goals of the furniture factory ""Two Captains" include expanding the scope of activities, increasing the market share, identifying the most promising target groups (segments). To achieve this goal, the company's management conducts market research. The results of one of the marketing researches will be presented below.

2.2 Analysis of the competitive environment and competitiveness of the Furniture Factory"Two captains"

The problem of quality and competitiveness is modern world universal character. Much depends on how successfully it is solved in the economic and any social country, almost any consumer.

An objective factor that explains many underlying causes of economic and social difficulties, declining rates of economic development over the past decade, on the one hand, and the reasons for increasing production efficiency and living standards in developed Western countries, on the other, is the quality of products created and manufactured.

Competitiveness and quality are a concentrated expression of the totality of the country's capabilities, of any manufacturer to create, produce and sell goods.

To assess the competitiveness of the company, it is advisable to conduct a comparative analysis of the main forming factors, relative to the leading competitors. This procedure is an important element of competitive marketing.

In the furniture market of the Republic of Khakassia, there are several salons for the manufacture of cabinet, upholstered, kitchen furniture. However, the main competitors of the Two Captains furniture factory are such large manufacturers as the Abakan Furniture Factory and the Twelve Chairs Factory.

For a short period of their existence, these manufacturers were able to cover a solid part of the market.

Conducting market analysis, the Two Captains factory studies external factors- phases of the business cycle, economic conditions, as well as internal - requirements for a product or service, market segmentation, methods used by market participants.

The basis for the stable development of the economy in Khakassia was the favorable changes in the production and financial spheres. The characteristics of the demand for appeal to furniture are as follows:

    high level of demand for furniture;

    increase in demand for furniture.

Despite the state of the country's economy as a whole, the consumption of furniture products fell slightly. The number of shops and furniture enterprises is increasing. There are also marketing promotions that offer discounts on these products.

“A necessary object of study in a comprehensive market research is the consumer. Knowing your customer is essential for a firm to better adapt to its requirements and operate effectively in the market.

The breakdown of buyers into separate groups, as you know, is called segmentation, and a market segment is a group of consumers characterized by the same type of reaction to the offered goods and to a set of marketing incentives.

Segmentation, as well as taking into account major events in people's lives, enables the company to find new target markets and thus expand the offer of furniture products.

The segmentation of the furniture factory "Two Captains" includes several stages: the choice of segmentation criteria, a detailed study of their characteristics, combining potential buyers into more or less homogeneous groups in the process of research in order to apply a marketing strategy to them.

Speaking about market development trends, it should be noted that the development of the target segment seems to be quite favorable. In Khakassia, there is a rapid development of production, and what is especially significant in this case, its “civilization” is increasing. There are more and more large trading companies, aimed at long-term actions in the market, caring about their prestige and paying due attention to the improvement of the technological process.

The study of the behavioral response of buyers in the consumer furniture market is based on the concept of a multi-attribute product and a hierarchical model of the buyer. The main goal of the concept is that the buyer does not search for goods, but the solution to the problem that the product can provide. Consumer response to marketing stimuli is any activity triggered by a marketing stimulus.

As the potential market expands, so does competition. In the competitive market of Khakassia, the model of which is represented by the following figure (Fig. 4), there are many substitute products, there is a very high difference between the loyalty of satisfied and completely satisfied consumers.

A high level of satisfaction entails an increase in consumer loyalty, which leads to an increase in the financial well-being of the Two Captains company.

Specialists of the commercial department of the factory empirically established the nature of the relationship between customer satisfaction and loyalty, using various types of competition in the Khakassia market.

Different products satisfy the same need

Better meet the need product with better qualities

The advantage is the one who better captured the attention of the buyer

Fig.4. Main types and methods of competition

If we consider the state of the market, then it is determined in Khakassia by the ratio of supply and demand.

Demand and supply are interdependent elements of the market mechanism, where demand is determined by the solvent needs of buyers, and supply is determined by the totality of goods offered by sellers. The ratio between them develops in an inversely proportional relationship, determining the corresponding changes in the level of prices for goods.

The values ​​of demand in the market of Khakassia have a certain value and refer to a certain period of time. The fundamental property of demand is as follows: with all other parameters unchanged, a decrease in price leads to a corresponding increase in the quantity demanded. There are cases when practical data contradict the law of demand, but this does not mean its violation, but only a violation of the assumption, other things being equal. The need to choose a strategy dictates the state of the market and its participants.

There are many buyers on the furniture sales market, the company works in an accelerated mode of delivery of goods to the consumer, therefore, an important fact is trusting and strong relationships with suppliers located both on the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad.

Since there are many furniture sellers and buyers on the Khakassia market, it would be advisable to consider the market demand.

Change in demand. Price is the most important determinant of the quantity of any item purchased, but there are other factors that influence purchases. These are non-price determinants. When they do change, the demand curve shifts. Therefore, they are also called demand change factors. Consider the influence of non-price determinants:

    consumer tastes. A favorable change in consumer tastes or preferences for a given product, caused by advertising or a change in fashion, will mean that demand has increased at every price. Unfavorable changes in consumer preferences will cause a decrease in demand and a shift in the demand curve to the left. Technological change in the form of a new product manifestation can lead to a change in consumer tastes.

    The number of buyers. An increase in the number of buyers in the market causes an increase in demand. A decrease in the number of consumers is reflected in a reduction in demand.

    Income. The impact of demand changes in money income is more complex. For most goods, an increase in income leads to an increase in demand.

    Prices for related products. Whether a change in the price of a conjugated good will lead to an increase or decrease in demand for the one in question depends on whether it is a substitute good or an accompaniment to it. When two products are interchangeable, there is a direct relationship between the price of one and the demand for the other. When two goods are complementary, there is a difference between the price of one and the demand for the other. Feedback. Many pairs of commodities are independent commodities, and a change in the price of one will have little or no effect on the demand for the other.

    Expectation. Consumer expectations regarding future furniture prices, availability and future income can change demand. The expectation of falling prices and lower incomes leads to a reduction in the current demand for furniture. The converse is also true.

An increase in demand, ceteris paribus, generates a price increase effect and an effect of an increase in the quantity of furniture. A decrease in demand reveals both the effect of a price reduction and the effect of a reduction in the quantity of a commodity. In the market of Khakassia, a direct connection is found between the change in demand and the resulting changes in the equilibrium price and quantity of a given commodity.

A feature of modern factory planning conditions is the search for ways aimed at creating a competitive advantage in order to survive in adverse external conditions.

The matrix of the market field of the Two Captains factory can be determined according to the teachings of M. Porter (Fig. 5), which shows that following one of the market strategies of functioning can lead to success in a highly competitive environment: leadership strategy in cost reduction; differentiation strategy; focus strategy.

Appearance Threats

New market participants

Vendor Threats

Threats from

existing real competitors

Consumer Threats

Threats of emergence of substitute services

Rice. 5. Matrix of the market field of the factory

The choice of a competitive strategy is formed under the influence of the market field of the Two Captains factory as follows (Fig. 6).

Threats from newcomers to the industry:

ease of penetration into the industry for large investors with huge financial opportunities

Supplier power: can raise prices as the factory does not want to lose old connections

Competition in the furniture market


Consumer Power:

demand is high, consumer power is not strong

The threat from substitute products is negligible, since the product on the market is better

Rice. 6. Matrix of the market field of the restaurant "Primavera"

The purpose of the analysis is to use resources efficiently, optimize the company's actions in using external factors. From time to time, the management of the factory conducts assessments of marketing performance as a whole, re-evaluating its approach to the market, using a marketing audit - an impartial, regular study of the marketing environment of the business, objectives, strategies, operations in order to identify problems, opportunities and make recommendations for an action plan for improvement of marketing activities. An assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the company in the SWOT analysis is shown in Figure 7.


Significant market shares in several types of furniture

good image factories

Sustainably maintained, providing key competencies in smooth operation

The competence and activity of the staff is higher than that of competitors

Value for money

The factory uses the latest technologies and sales methods

Development of the furniture market

The factory is forced to increase investment in its development

The revival of certain sectors of the economy increases the need for furniture


Insufficient ability to use human potential

Unacceptable time-to-market for new products

A large share of overhead costs in the structure of production costs, which reduces the reserve for maintaining competitive prices

Increased competition from companies selling similar furniture

Increased pressure from inspection services

Fig.7. SWOT-analysis of the factory "Two Captains"

To determine the position of services in the furniture market, it is necessary to understand how customers determine value for themselves, what their choice is based on, taking into account the offer of competitors. Marketing positioning involves the construction of a positioning map - a graphical model that indicates the most significant criteria for the consumer to evaluate and select a service. To analyze growth strategies, it is recommended to use the "commodity - market" matrix (Fig. 8).

Rice. 8. Matrix "product-market"

The model is designed to develop strategies depending on the market update. Within the framework of this model, an enterprise can evaluate its capabilities, additional services and activities.

The model allows the enterprise to develop the main strategic recommendations. The choice of strategy depends on the resources of the enterprise and the willingness to take risks.

Considering the specificity of its products, the Two Captains Furniture Factory has chosen concentrated marketing. According to his concept, the furniture promotion strategy is planned both taking into account the needs of consumers, and taking into account the personal qualities of the representatives of the target group.

2.3 Carrying out marketing research and analyzing the data obtained

The furniture factory "Two Captains" is an enterprise engaged in the manufacture and sale of furniture in the market of the Republic of Khakassia, one of the leaders in sales of services in the region. Despite the activity, there is some competition in this market. For this reason, a marketing study was carried out, the purpose of which is to solve the problem that an enterprise may face - a decrease in sales. The collection and analysis of research data was carried out in order to increase the market share and improve the marketing activities of the factory.

The type of research is descriptive. One of the well-known methods of conducting marketing research was used - a survey of visitors, focused on mass respondents of various qualifications and competencies. The study proceeded in one direction - determining the attitude of customers to the products of the Two Captains factory.

The objectives of the study were defined:

    determine the demand for the goods of the factory,

    find out the reasons for preferring to use factory furniture,

    identify preferences when choosing furniture companies,

    receive an assessment of the work of the enterprise,

    find out the opinion of consumers about the convenience of the location of the factory's salons;

    find out what assessment of the quality of work the given enterprise deserves,

    identify the intention of customers to remain regular users of the factory's goods;

    determine the opinion on the range of furniture;

    analyze prices for furniture products;

    determine the demographic profile of visitors, using parameters such as age, gender, education, income.

The tool for implementing the survey in this work is a questionnaire (Appendix 1).

With the help of a questionnaire developed by the author, the primary information was obtained, which was necessary to determine the shortcomings in the organization of the factory's activities, the coverage of the problem under study. The type of questions is closed. Variants of the questions used in the study are dichotomous and multivariate. Respondents of various qualifications and competences were interviewed. The number of respondents - 50 people (Appendix 2) to the term paper.

An analysis of the questionnaires showed that the main part of the respondents (27 people) was well acquainted with the Two Captains factory, 16 people said they did not know, 7 people found it difficult to answer (Fig. 9).

Fig.9. The degree of fame of the factory

When asked about the frequency of purchases of furniture products (Fig. 10), respondents gave the following answer:

57% of respondents answered that they buy furniture 1-2 times in 5 years, 27% - 1 time in 10 years, 12% - 1-2 times in 2-3 years, 4% of respondents noted different reasons.

Fig.10. Frequency of purchasing furniture

To the 3rd question of the questionnaire of this study, where it was necessary to answer which furniture stores the respondents additionally used, the following results were obtained (Fig. 11):

Rice. 11. Factory preference

To the question indicated in paragraph 4 of the questionnaire, where it turned out what influenced the choice of a furniture store, the respondents indicated that the main reasons for choosing - Better conditions services, as well as advertising of the enterprise (Fig. 12).

Answer options

Total respondents, people

more friendly attitude towards visitors

more convenient location

professionalism and competence

range of furniture

dissatisfaction with contact with other firms

for no particular reason

Rice. 12. Reasons for choosing preference

Answers to paragraph 5 of the questionnaire showed that the prices in the factory's stores are quite acceptable for visitors, which was noted by 20 respondents. 15 people said that prices were high, 15 others also noted that prices are low (Fig. 13).

Rice. 13. Height of furniture prices

The range of furniture is quite wide, as can be seen from the answers to question No. 6 of the questionnaire. The majority (30 people) noted that the assortment was wide, the average assortment was noted by a smaller part of the respondents, and only a small proportion (5 people) "got" a narrow assortment (Fig. 14).

Rice. 14. Evaluation of the breadth of the range of furniture

Evaluation of furniture design is quite positive. The assessment was based on a 10-point system. The rating "5" and "6" was given by most of the respondents; the smallest gave preference to low scores (Fig. 15).

It is gratifying, but also a high score of "10" and "9" was given by a considerable part of the respondents.

Rice. 15. Furniture Design Evaluation

The location of the factory store, as seen in Fig. No. 16, convenient. This is due to the excellent transport interchange in the area where the enterprise is located.

Rice. 16. Convenience of factory location

The answers to question No. 9 of the questionnaire about the intention of customers to continue using the furniture of this enterprise are encouraging - the majority of respondents answered “yes” (Fig. 17).

Rice. 17. Intention to remain a customer of the factory

Thus, the study made it possible to trace the behavior of customers and evaluate the activities of the furniture company "Two Captains". Most customers know about the factory. The degree of customer commitment to a particular given enterprise is strengthened. The main factors in choosing a restaurant are professionalism and prices for services. There is a positive trend in the evaluation of the customer service level at the enterprise. Respondents consider prices acceptable. Most respondents noted the convenience of the location - this is due to the presence of an excellent transport interchange in this area of ​​the city. The majority of respondents stated their intentions to continue to be customers of the enterprise. It's reassuring.

Thus, the implementation of the goals and objectives set in the marketing research plan confirmed the hypothesis: the furniture factory "Two Captains" has a strong competitive position, but its position cannot be considered sufficiently stable due to the active offensive of competitors. The choice of the strategy of this enterprise is influenced by the general state of the market situation in the field of furniture, the degree of balance between supply and demand, their development trends, the level of saturation of the Khakassia market with furniture products, pricing policy, the assortment structure of the enterprise, the average profit margin for individual services, the growth rate of furniture sales , as well as the attitude towards the customers of the Two Captains factory.

3. Design part. Development of a marketing plan

3.1 Development of marketing activities for the company "Two Captains"

Analyzing the activities of the factory "Two Captains", we can draw the following conclusion - the company has a future and is able to compete. As a result of the analysis of the marketing activities of the enterprise under study, certain shortcomings were identified.

Working in the field of commodity policy, the factory seeks to increase the competitiveness of the products sold through its quality characteristics and optimization of the product range. Analyzing its positions, the company decides on its own positioning, however, it needs a more persistent offer of the products themselves and its image, which will allow the target market segment to: clearly understand the content of the offer and the reputation of the company and understand its difference (advantage) from competitors.

Positioning will make it possible to determine the nature of the perception of the enterprise by target buyers. But to determine the position of the product on the market, it is necessary to understand how the consumers to whom the company addresses determine the value for themselves, what their choice is based on, taking into account the proposals of competitors, to evaluate the external environment of the enterprise. In addition, the enterprise does not analyze the use of its resources in order to optimize actions for the use of external factors.

In the field of pricing policy, the following shortcomings have been identified. The company becomes a market leader, it owns, although not the most, but a large share of it. It achieves this in the hope of having high long-term profits and goes for the maximum possible price reduction. A variant of this goal is the desire to achieve an increment in market share. With this in mind, it forms the price and marketing activities. With regard to gaining leadership in terms of quality, the enterprise can and should set itself the goal of achieving that its product is of the highest quality on the market. In order to apply this or that price policy in practice, it is necessary to monitor the prevailing price level in the Republic of Khakassia on a daily basis. The enterprise needs to apply various methods of pricing - costly, economic or market methods of pricing.

Analysis of the marketing activities of the company "Edel". In most cases, food production and consumption do not coincide in time or space. Therefore, no matter how diverse consumer properties the furniture possesses, the company can count on real commercial success only under the condition of a rationally organized distribution of furniture, i.e. their sales.

Conducting a marketing policy requires improving the efficiency of all departments of the company. The enterprise does not have the necessary staff units designed to solve the following major tasks: development of a short-term, medium-term and long-term sales strategy; study of the factors that determine the structure and dynamics of consumer demand for furniture; studying the demand for products and developing long-term, medium-term and short-term forecasts for the purchase of furniture; organization of advertising and sales promotion.

Marketing policy is inextricably linked with demand and with its own production and marketing, financial, organizational, managerial and other capabilities. If the marketing policy of competitors is obviously more effective, then the company should either leave the target market, or radically modernize the entire sales system in order to significantly increase its competitiveness, or change its production and marketing specialization. For a better implementation of the marketing policy, it is necessary to introduce a marketing unit into the staff, whose duties will include regular research not only of the market, but also of the policies of competitors.

Communication policy. The company in its activities uses such a type of advertising as branded advertising (the company advertises the advantages of the enterprise); product advertising (informs about the merits of the product). Distribution channels are impersonal mass media. The company uses advertising mainly when participating in exhibitions and city advertising (billboards). However, the use of advertising by the company is quite minimal.

Based on the results of marketing research, in order to improve the marketing activities of the furniture factory "Two Captains", the following proposals can be formulated within the framework of the marketing concept, namely:

Measures within the framework of commodity policy . Due to the strong competition in the region, when forming your product policy, you must:

    offer the buyer a product that is distinguished by the quality and reliability of the manufacturer's brand;

    ensure availability in warehouses and outlets a wide and sustainable range of furniture to meet customer demand;

    providing customers with additional services related to the purchase of furniture, namely:

    delivery of furniture and its lifting;

    placement of up-to-date information on the cost of furniture and assortment on the Internet.

Activities within the framework of the pricing policy:

    realization of the economic interest of the factory on the basis of satisfying the maximum effective demand of buyers;

    analysis of prices for furniture of competing firms;

    development of a pricing strategy by analyzing all external factors influencing decisions;

    supporting both existing and potential buyers by offering them installment payments, purchasing through a bank.

Measures within the framework of the marketing policy:

    ensuring the long-term market stability of the factory, using marketing research of the Khakassia market and the activities of competitors according to the questionnaire developed by the author (Appendix 1);

    distribution of sales volumes by regions of the republic;

    selection of distribution channels and taking into account which distribution channels competitors use, market availability, frequency of purchases and other evaluation criteria;

    When forming its distribution network, an enterprise must constantly take into account the following factors:

    features of the target segment and the profile of the buyer: their number and purchasing power, geographical location;

    competitive conditions: distribution network configuration, price parameters, competitors' advertising costs;

    characteristics of competing enterprises: financial capabilities, range of furniture, own marketing strategies;

    features of the external economic environment: tax policy of the state, certification and licensing requirements.

Activities within the framework of the communication policy:

One of the main components of the communication policy is advertising. The factory needs constant promotion of its activities in the territory of Abakan and the Republic of Khakassia through advertising. But we must not forget that advertising is a rather expensive event, so the company needs to analyze how justified the costs of its implementation. All this will depend on the correctness of the calculations of the economic effect and the foresight of the company's management.

    study and analysis of the marketing situation;

    determination of the costs of achieving each of the goals and the total amount of the estimated costs;

    comparison of the amount received with the allocated funds;

    final determination of economic efficiency

In order to increase the competitiveness of the company, it is possible:

    placement in newspapers of information about the activities of the factory;

Do not forget about such an important component of the communication policy as Public Relations. It is necessary to establish friendly relations with the general public, namely, charitable activities, participation in exhibitions and fairs.

3.2 Improving the marketing management system

An enterprise needs to think over a marketing plan that will enable the enterprise to maintain its business at the proper level. To avoid such loss of customers, the following measures must be taken:

    training and education of sales personnel;

    acquiring more complete knowledge of the existing markets in which the factory operates;

    study and analysis of potential markets.

It is necessary to conduct quarterly surveys of furniture buyers to identify consumer preferences.

The marketing and sales department needs to keep track of the demand for each type of product and make a plan based on the statistics received.

The lack of information about the enterprise in the media adversely affects its image, and also affects the demand for goods, therefore, before launching new products on the consumer market, it is necessary to conduct a large-scale advertising campaign.

When stockpiling warehouses with released furniture, hold a 1-2 week sale with price reductions, you can time the sale to coincide with any holiday or event in the public life of the city, country, etc., be sure to use the information support of the media.

It is necessary to develop new types of furniture with a preliminary study of the needs and requirements of potential customers.

It is also necessary to allocate monthly funds for promotional activities.

In order to study and analyze the demand for factory furniture as productively as possible, it is necessary to develop a demand study system.

First you need to segment the market, try to break each segment into sub-segments and then study the needs, needs, motivations, prospects. It is necessary to segment the market based on several characteristics of the segment.

Such information can be useful when planning an advertising campaign - knowing which segment is the consumer of certain types of furniture, we promote the corresponding class of products for the corresponding segment. And when a new product is released to the market, we will find out who the potential consumer is, which will allow us to more accurately “tailor” the characteristics of the product to the requirements of buyers.

One of the methods for determining the priority of furniture products from the point of view of the interests of buyers is a questionnaire, which allows you to find out the degree and motives of preference when choosing a product. Here you can apply the following methods of studying demand:

Survey of visitors at exhibitions - sales and specialized exhibitions, sales. It is effective for surveying buyers on new models to determine the priorities of the assortment policy. This method, in addition to studying demand, helps to increase sales. Exhibition-sale, sale is preceded by a powerful advertising campaign, the central laboratory presents new models for studying demand. A survey of visitors is conducted directly at the event itself. All wishes are recorded in a specially compiled table.

Population survey every 8 to 10 months to track trends in preferences. The marketing and sales department needs to keep track of the demand for each type of product and make a plan based on the statistics received.

Also, in order to improve marketing activities at the enterprise, it is possible to introduce a special computer program so that the results of marketing research are taken into account centrally and it is possible to trace the change in consumer preferences, demand, prices for factory furniture. This will allow the company to more accurately track changes in the furniture market and respond to market changes.

3.3 Preparation of cost estimates and planned financial results

The final financial result (profit or loss) is the sum of financial result from the sale of products of the Two Captains factory.

An analysis of the relationship between the costs of marketing by an enterprise and sales allows you to determine the effectiveness of marketing measures and the proportionately spent funds and does not allow you to spend unreasonably large amounts to achieve marketing goals.

The management of the factory analyzes marketing costs in 3 stages:

    study of financial statements, comparison of sales proceeds and gross profit with current costs;

    recalculation of expenses by marketing functions: expenses for marketing research, advertising, planning and control, i.e., current costs are associated with specific marketing activities;

    breakdown of functional costs by individual goods, methods and forms of implementation, sales territories, market segments, etc.

The design part of this work of the plan is one of the main ones, as it allows you to predict the financial consequences of making changes to the process of providing services. It also allows you to determine the financial resources needed to execute the marketing plan and evaluate the effectiveness of their use.

Let's analyze the planned financial results for the store-salon of the factory "Two Captains" in the sale of furniture for 2011 (Table 2).

Table 2 Financial results of the Two Captains factory for 2011

Other income

Total income

Depreciation deductions for fixed assets

payroll fund

Deterioration of the MBP

Material costs (purchase of products)

Deductions to off-budget funds

The amount of the single tax on imputed income

Premises for rent


Power grids



Heating networks

Total expenses

An important role in organizing the circulation of the factory's funds is played by its own working capital, which ensures property and operational independence, determines the financial stability of the enterprise.

One of the sources of formation and further replenishment of working capital is profit.

By analyzing the activities of the factory, one can trace the increase in profits. This is primarily due to the increase in sales of furniture. In addition to profit as its own source of replenishment working capital the enterprise has funds equivalent to its own. These are stable liabilities that do not belong to the enterprise, but are constantly in circulation and are used on completely legal grounds. The minimum constant value of sustainable liabilities is always at the disposal of the enterprise, it uses them without specifically looking for additional sources to finance economic activity and form its own working capital. In the activities of the factory, the main share of sustainable liabilities include: the minimum carry-over debt for wages; debts to suppliers for uninvoiced deliveries and accepted settlement documents, the due date for which has not come.

In the turnover of the factory, in addition to its own financial resources, there are borrowed funds which are based on short-term bank loans. Attracting borrowed funds covers the temporary additional need of the furniture enterprise, which is due both to objective reasons related to the operation of the enterprise and to violations of the cost mechanism of capital circulation that arose during the transition to the market.

The presence of an enterprise's own working capital, its composition and structure, the speed of turnover and the efficiency of the use of working capital largely determine the financial condition of the enterprise and the stability of its position in the market.

All of these factors affect the use of working capital, regardless of the interests of the enterprise. Unlike other sectors of the economy, in the composition and structure of working capital in this area, the largest share is occupied by commodity stocks. This is due to the following reasons related to the peculiarity of service: the uniformity of circulation processes; unforeseen fluctuations in demand and rhythm of production; the need to form insurance reserves, as well as other reasons.

Inventories are presented in absolute and relative terms. The absolute value of commodity stocks can be expressed in natural or in cost units. The absolute value of commodity stocks is not constant. It changes all the time depending on the receipt and sale of services. Therefore, in the analysis and planning, it is important to compare inventory with turnover.

Efficient use of working capital plays an important role in ensuring the normalization of the factory, increasing the level of profitability of production and depends on many factors. In modern conditions, the factors of the crisis state of the economy have a huge negative impact on the efficiency of the use of working capital and the slowdown in their turnover: a decrease in production volumes and consumer demand; high inflation rates; rupture of economic ties; violation of contractual and payment discipline; high level of tax burden; reduced access to credit due to high bank interest rates.

Thus, an increase in production and sales volumes will lead to an increase in the net profit of the Two Captains factory, and in the future the company will significantly benefit from an increase in sales of furniture products.

3.4 Determining the parameters for controlling the marketing activities of the Two Captains factory

Since there are many surprises in the implementation of marketing plans, the marketing department needs to constantly monitor the progress of their implementation. Marketing control systems are needed in order to be confident in the effectiveness of the enterprise. However, marketing control itself is by no means an unambiguous concept. There are three types of marketing control (Table 3).

Table 3 Types of marketing control

Type of control

Responsible employees for its implementation

Purpose of control

Techniques and methods of control

Monitoring the implementation of annual plans

Top management.

middle management

Make sure you achieve the intended results

Market opportunity analysis.

Market share analysis.

Analysis of the relationship between marketing costs and sales.

Monitoring customer relationship.

Profit control

Marketing Controller

Find out how the company makes money and how it loses money

Profitability by product, territory, market segment, trade channel, order volume

Strategic control

Top management.

Marketing Auditor

Find out if the company is really using the best marketing opportunities available to it and how effectively it does it

Marketing audit

Monitoring the implementation of annual plans lies in the fact that the marketing service of the enterprise compares the current indicators with the target figures of the annual plan and, if necessary, takes measures to correct the situation. The purpose of the control is to make sure that the restaurant really went beyond the sales, profits and other target parameters planned for a particular year.

The activity of any enterprise is aimed at achieving its goals. These goals are the starting point in the development of marketing plans and programs, the implementation process of which should ensure accurate progress towards the intended milestones. The assessment of the degree of fulfillment of the intended goals and programs is provided with the help of a marketing control system.

At the planning stage, there is a choice of marketing elements that are combined into the most optimal, from the point of view of the goals set, “4P” complex, as well as the distribution of financial resources within the marketing budget.

Depending on the addressee, the marketing program may be for senior management or grassroots. For senior management, the programs are short and concise, highlighting only the most important areas for future work. For the lower levels, they are detailed, detailed and include specific systems of marketing activities.

In terms of marketing programs can be short-term, medium-term, long-term.

Marketing control - a constant, systematic and unbiased check and evaluation of the situation and processes in the field of marketing.

The control process usually proceeds in 4 stages: setting targets and standards - goals and norms; clarification of the real values ​​of indicators; comparison; analysis of comparison results.

The stages of the marketing control process are aimed at the timely identification of all problems and deviations from the normal progress towards the set goals, as well as at the appropriate adjustment of the activities of enterprises so that the existing problems do not develop into a crisis. Its specific tasks and goals can be: establishing the degree of achievement of the goal, clarifying the possibilities for improvement, checking how the enterprise's adaptability to changes in environmental conditions corresponds to the required one.

The marketing control system of the Two Captains factory involves the implementation of certain types of control designed to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the enterprise, identify all shortcomings and take appropriate measures by management.

The control of results is aimed at establishing the coincidence or discrepancy between the main planned indicators and the actually achieved results according to economic (sales, market share) and non-economic (consumer attitude) criteria. Control is aimed at both the marketing mix as a whole and its individual components.

The dynamism of the market, structural changes in the economy, new social guidelines, for example, to improve the quality of life, social - ethical standards production and consumption of goods, environmental aspects - all these and many other important factors for an enterprise can lead to the abandonment of previously set goals, a change in development models, and a significant adjustment of previously outlined plans.

The marketing service of the factory periodically evaluates its approach to marketing activities and its compliance with changing environmental conditions, i.e. conducts marketing reviews. This is a comprehensive, systematic, impartial and regular study of the company's marketing environment, its objectives, strategy and operational - commercial activities. The purpose of this control is to identify emerging problems and opportunities to develop recommendations for improving the marketing activities of the enterprise. As part of the marketing audit, a detailed analysis is carried out information base planning, control goals and strategies, marketing activities, organizational processes and structures.

The scope of control includes the actions of the enterprise to assess its own activities and, if necessary, change the strategic course of the enterprise. It is clear that the enterprise must exercise control of economic incentives, control of production activities and input control.

The analysis of sales opportunities consists in measuring and evaluating actual sales in comparison with planned ones. At the same time, the enterprise must check whether all specific quantities (services) ensured the fulfillment of their share of the turnover.

Market share analysis. Sales statistics do not yet indicate the position of the restaurant relative to its competitors. Let's assume that the volume of sales is growing. This growth can be attributed either to an improvement in economic conditions, which benefits all institutions, or to the improvement of the restaurant's performance in comparison with competitors. Management needs to constantly monitor market share performance. If this share increases, the competitive position of the enterprise is strengthened, if it decreases, the enterprise begins to yield to competitors.

Analysis of the relationship between marketing costs and sales. Monitoring the implementation of the annual plan requires making sure that the enterprise does not spend too much in its quest to meet the intended sales targets. Constant control over the ratio between marketing costs and sales will help the company keep marketing costs at the right level.

Monitoring customer relationship. By detecting changes in consumer attitudes before they affect sales, management is able to take the necessary actions in advance. The main methods for tracking customer relations are complaint and suggestion systems, consumer panels and customer surveys.

Corrective action. When actual performance deviates too far from the annual plan targets, management needs to take corrective action. Profitability control consists in determining the actual profitability of various services, territories, market segments and distribution channels. Such information will help management decide whether to expand, reduce or completely curtail the production of certain products, conduct a particular marketing activity.

Strategic control consists in regularly checking the compliance of the initial strategic settings of the enterprise with the available market opportunities.

One form of marketing control is an audit of current competitors. Most businesses fail to undertake a comprehensive analysis of their competitors, their strengths and weaknesses. But individual competitors deserve close attention, as it becomes obvious that they are the ones who claim to capture the company's existing market share.

Identification of the most active competitors requires a preliminary determination of those rivals, at the expense of whom you win, or those competitors, at the expense of whom you lose. This analysis will show those direct competitors who may be using a similar technology to yours.

Competitor analysis should begin with a general assessment of the competitor's furniture positioning, current challenges, strategies, major strengths and weaknesses, and anticipated next steps. Competitor's vulnerabilities that appear during the strategy planning period, as well as possible reasons hindering the growth of a competitor and reducing its ability to respond to changes, should also be taken into account.

The collected information will enable the Two Captains factory to predict the behavior of a future competitor and its reaction. The management of the restaurant needs to systematically work on data on firms - competitors.


Marketing as a global function of enterprise management in market conditions gives any manager an extensive base of options for achieving positive commercial results. The management of organizations and enterprises that have timely understood the need for knowledge in the field of marketing have prepared specialists and managers of this profile for themselves, and they work much more efficiently in today's business environment.

Success in the furniture sales market, achievements in marketing are largely predetermined by the quality of enterprise management. As a result of writing a term paper and conducting a marketing research, the author of the term paper achieved the main goal set at the beginning of the work, and the following conclusions were made:

Organization of marketing in the enterprise is important. It is necessary, as part of marketing efforts, to monitor market trends and competitors. The tasks of marketing research are as follows: studying the characteristics of the market, measuring the potential of the market, analyzing the distribution of market shares between firms, analyzing sales, studying business trends, studying the services of competitors, short-term forecasting, studying the reaction to a new service and its volume, long-term forecasting, study of price policy.

Marketing research involves the systematic determination of the range of data required in connection with the marketing situation facing the company, their collection, analysis and reporting of results. The firm conducts marketing research either on its own - by the marketing department, or by specialized organizations.

Since the successful penetration and consolidation of a trading enterprise on consumer market associated with the search and completeness of the development of a particular niche, the formation of a specific range of goods corresponding to the parameters of this market niche is given a paramount role.

In this course work, the study was conducted on the example of the furniture factory "Two Captains".

The object of research was considered - the furniture market of the Republic of Khakassia. The subject of the study was the study of the attitude of potential customers of the factory to the manufactured products, directly to the factory.

The purpose of the study is to obtain and analyze primary information to identify factors influencing the choice of potential customers - individuals factories. To achieve this goal in the course work, the following tasks were solved:

    aspects of conducting marketing activities of enterprises - manufacturers of consumer goods;

    the organization of marketing at the enterprise is characterized;

    the marketing service at the enterprise is considered: tasks, functions, interconnection with other services;

    developed a strategy for the development of the company, the mission of this organization, its philosophy, core values ​​and targets, ways of carrying out activities, the desired image of the company;

    marketing research of furniture consumers was carried out;

    the implementation of marketing policies at the enterprise is considered;

    developed a marketing mix for the enterprise;

    the parameters of the company's marketing activities are determined;

    options for improving the marketing management system at the enterprise are considered.

Based on the results of the conducted marketing research, the conclusion presents recommendations for optimizing the marketing activities of the enterprise.

An analysis of the state of the furniture industry shows that the provision of these services in Abakan is developed quite widely. Having mastered the market of Khakassia, the factory "Two Captains" confirmed its desire to be leaders in the field of furniture supply.

In the process of marketing research, it turned out that today such an organization as the Two Captains factory needs to more accurately represent the needs of the client, both existing and potential, to work out special high-quality work technologies focused on making specific decisions.

The results of the study allow us to say about the large potential capacity of the furniture market. The enterprise must know its customers well, understand the goals and objectives of the corporate consumer and offer various options for optimizing and improving mechanisms.

Having studied the behavior of the customers of the Two Captains factory, we can draw the following advisory conclusions:

    it is necessary to take control of the organization of work to develop the quality of furniture;

    take measures to mobilize internal reserves to increase volumes;

    improve the quality of furniture manufacturing;

    study the strategies and policies of competitors.

According to the results of a comparison of alternative development strategies, the most promising for the Two Captains factory is the diversification strategy - one of the company's development strategies by expanding activities beyond existing services and markets, by attracting additional financial resources. It is aimed at counteracting the growth of risks, the unpredictability of the market situation and to a large extent guarantees the stability of the enterprise in the Khakassia market.


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    Basovskiy L.E. Marketing: a course of lectures. - M.: INFRA - M, 2006.

    Belyaevsky I.K. Marketing research: information, analysis, forecast: Tutorial. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2001.

    Bronnikova T. S., Chernyavsky A. G. Marketing: Textbook. – M.: PRIOR Publishing House, 2002.

    Weissman A. Marketing strategy: 10 steps to success; Management strategy: 5 success factors: Per. from German. - M .: AO Interexpert, Economics, 1995.

    Golubkov E.P. Marketing research: theory, methodology and practice. – M.: Finpress, 2005.

    Golubkov E.P. Fundamentals of Marketing: Textbook. – M.: Finpress, 2006.

    Dichtl E., Hershgen H. Practical marketing: a tutorial. - M.: INFRA - M, 1996.

    Doyle P. Marketing - management and strategies. 3rd edition. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2002.

    Kovalev A.I., Voilenko V.V. Marketing analysis. - M .: Center for Economics and Marketing, 2003.

    Kotler F. Fundamentals of marketing: Per. from English. - M.: Progress, 1990.

    Kretov I.I. Marketing at the enterprise: Prakt. Benefit. – M.: Finstatinform, 2004.

    Levshin F.M. Marketing: Textbook. - M.: 2001.

    McDonald M. Strategic marketing planning. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2001.

    Marketing: Textbook / A.N. Romanov, Yu.Yu. Korlyugov, S.A. Krasilnikov and others - M .: Banks and stock exchanges. UNITY, 2005.

    Pankrukhin A.P. Marketing: Textbook. – M.: IKF Omega-L, 2004.

    Parsyak V.N., Rogov G.K. Marketing research. - Kyiv: Naukova Dumka, 2003.


Attachment 1



In an effort to achieve the highest standards of customer service and improve the quality of work, the management of the FURNITURE FACTORY "Two Captains" conducts a survey among its customers, offering to answer questions in order to improve the level of service and quality of furniture.

1. Are you familiar with the Two Captains factory?

    How often youbuying furniture?

 1-2 times in 2-3 years  1 time in 10 years

 Once every 5 years  Other___________________

    Which salons of furniture factories did you use orare you currently using?

    Furniture factory Abakanskaya

    The twelve Chairs

    Krasnoyarsk furniture company


    Why did you prefer to buy furniture from our factory?

    more friendly attitude towards visitors

      more convenient location

      high professionalism and competence of the staff

      wider range of furniture

      dissatisfaction with contact with other firms

      for no particular reason

    In your opinion, compared with other firms, prices for furniture from the Two Captains factory?

 low

 high

 acceptable

    What do you think of the range of furniture offered by the factory?

 wide

 medium

    What is your assessment of the furniture design of the factory?

Low___1___2___3___4___5___6___7___8___9___10 High

8. Is it convenientIn your opinionlocationfactory showroom?

 Yes  No  Difficult to answer

9. Do you intend to remain a customer of our factory in the future?

 Yes  No  Hard to say

Please provide some information about yourself:

10. Your gender? husband  wives

11. Your age?

 up to 25 years 46-55 years

 25-36 years old 56-65 years old

 37-45 years old over 65 years old

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  • Krasnikova Ekaterina Ivanovna, Dudchenko Lyubov Alexandrovna, Shteynikova Olga Evgenievna Department of Commerce and Commodity Science, Amur State University

    The most important task in consumer research is to find out what primarily influences their behavior. This allows you to modify products in a timely manner, improve sales channels, and change your advertising policy.

    The furniture factory "Dauria" has been operating in the cabinet furniture market of the Amur Region for 11 years. The collection of comfortable and functional furniture is created taking into account the living conditions of the region. The factory specializes in the production of bedrooms, children's rooms, kitchens, computer tables and office furniture. It offers models that best meet the needs of customers, because the main requirement for products is quality. The products offered by the Dauria factory meet all the requirements of state standards for safety and quality. All furniture is subjected to mechanical tests in laboratory conditions and has certificates of conformity. Production is carried out on machines of German and Italian companies. Most of these machines are computer controlled to provide high quality products.

    In 2009, the proceeds from the sale of the factory's products amounted to 56,281 thousand rubles, which exceeds the results of 2007 by 43.8%. In 2009, kitchen furniture occupied the largest share in the structure of marketable products - 45.4%; bedroom and children's furniture is also in good demand (23.7 and 12%, respectively).

    In order to study the preferences of furniture consumers, Dauria Furniture Factory LLC conducted research on March 13-17, 2008 and March 14-22, 2009.

    The locations for the surveys were shopping malls furniture factory.

    Both in 2008 and 2009, 200 people were interviewed: 50 people in each furniture store.

    Analysis of the results of the study of furniture consumers "Dauria"

    In 2008, every fourth respondent believed that the range of furniture in Blagoveshchensk was wide. Two times less respondents thought that the assortment was narrow.

    In 2009, it was noted that the furniture in the city is good, but at the same time expensive and has a narrow assortment (Table 1).

    Table 1. Analysis of respondents' opinions about furniture in Blagoveshchensk

    In 2008, every fourth respondent planned to purchase furniture for the living room and kitchen.

    In 2009, the main preferences have not changed. The share of those wishing to purchase a computer desk increased by 3%, while the demand for children's and bedroom furniture decreased by 6% and 3%, respectively (Table 2).

    Table 2. Types of furniture planned for purchase

    In 2008, every third respondent was going to purchase new furniture due to the wear and tear of the old one, every fourth in connection with a change in living conditions or renovation of furniture after the repair of the apartment.

    In 2009, the share of respondents purchasing new furniture after apartment renovation increased by 6%, and by 4% due to the increase in the number of family members. At the same time, the proportion of respondents wishing to purchase furniture decreased by 10% due to the wear and tear of old furniture, which is to some extent associated with a decrease in the purchasing power of Blagoveshchensk residents during the economic crisis (Table 3).

    Table 3 Analysis of the reasons for purchasing furniture

    In 2008 every fourth respondent was ready to pay from 20 to 25 thousand rubles for a bedroom, and in 2009 already from 25 to 35 thousand rubles.

    In 2008, every third among the respondents was ready to pay from 25,000 to 40,000 rubles for a kitchen, while in 2009 price preferences vary greatly.

    The amount that the respondents are willing to spend on furniture for children's rooms has significantly increased: in 2008 it was from 15 to 20 thousand rubles, and in 2009 it was already from 25 to 35 thousand rubles.

    In 2008, every third respondent was ready to spend 25,000 to 40,000 rubles on living room furniture, while in 2009 about half of the respondents were ready to pay only 20,000 to 35,000 rubles (Table 4).

    Table 4 Estimation of funds planned for the purchase of furniture, %

    The main factors for choosing furniture in 2008 were:

    • for the bedroom - is the quality, color, price;
    • for the kitchen - functionality, quality, color;
    • for a children's room - color, quality, environmental friendliness;
    • for the living room - quality, color, design;
    • computer desk - price, quality, functionality.

    In 2009, the main factors for choosing a bedroom, a computer desk and a nursery have not changed. For the kitchen and living room, the price came to the fore, and then the quality and color. Thus, due to the crisis, the price has become one of the main factors of choice for all types of furniture.

    In 2008, the main criteria for choosing a store to buy furniture were the assortment, high quality of goods and the availability of discounts. In 2009, the value of the "assortment" criterion, as well as "own purchase experience" and "advertising" increased slightly. But at the same time, the share according to the criterion “high quality of goods” decreased by 7.5%, the image of the company became less significant for consumers. (Table 5).

    Table 5 Evaluation of criteria for choosing a store to buy furniture

    In 2008, 43% of buyers had no preference for a furniture manufacturer. A third of the respondents preferred domestic manufacturers from other regions, and only every fifth respondent preferred furniture from local manufacturers.

    In 2009, more than half of the respondents had no preferences regarding the manufacturer. The proportion of respondents who prefer local producers has halved, which is a serious problem for the Dauria factory (Fig. 1).

    Rice. one. Evaluation of buyer preferences by furniture manufacturers

    In 2008, more than half of the respondents preferred to purchase ready-made furniture with delivery on the day of purchase. When ordering on an individual project, 20% of customers were willing to wait up to two weeks.

    In 2009, respondents still prefer to buy ready-made furniture, but the number of respondents for whom the option of purchasing furniture does not matter has more than doubled. At the same time, the number of those who are ready to wait two weeks for an order for an individual project has significantly decreased (Fig. 2).

    Rice. 2. Analysis of respondents' preferences by options for purchasing furniture

    In the first study, more than a third of respondents believed that it was necessary to purchase new furniture for the bedroom and living room every 6-8 years. 2/3 of the respondents considered it necessary to change the kitchen set every 6-11 years.

    In the second study, the opinion about the frequency of purchasing furniture for the living room and bedroom did not change. At the same time, in 2009 the number of those who believe that the kitchen set should be changed more often - once every 6-8 years (Table 6) increased.

    Table 6 Assessment of the frequency of furniture acquisition

    In 2008, about 2/3 of the respondents had heard of the Dauria furniture factory. In 2009, the situation remained virtually unchanged.

    In 2008, almost half of the respondents confirmed the possibility of purchasing furniture from the factory. In 2009, the number of respondents who noted a certain probability of purchase increased significantly, while the number of those who doubt whether they will buy or not buy at all is decreasing (Fig. 3).

    Rice. 3. Analysis of the intention of visitors to purchase furniture from the Dauria factory

    As a result of the study, a portrait of the target segments of furniture buyers was revealed (Table 7).

    Table 7 Analysis of furniture buyer segments in 2008 and 2009

    Segment of kitchen furniture

    In 2008, these are women aged 21 to 30, higher or incomplete higher education, employed, married and having a family of three. They live in three-room comfortable apartments. Income for each family member from 9,001 to 12,000 rubles.

    In 2009, only the level of income per family member changed noticeably: up to a level of 12,000 to 15,000 rubles.

    Bedroom furniture segment

    In 2008, these are women aged 21 to 30, higher or incomplete higher education, employed, married and having a family of two. They live in two-room comfortable apartments. Income for each family member from 12,001 to 15,000 rubles.

    In 2009, the following changes took place: the age increased - these are women from 31 to 40 years old, the number of family members increased to three people, and the number of those who live in three-room apartments also increased significantly.

    Children's furniture segment

    In 2008, these were women aged 21 to 30, higher or incomplete higher education. By socio-professional status - employees or workers. Married and having a family of three. They live in three-room comfortable apartments. Income for each family member from 3,001 to 6,000 rubles.

    In 2009, there were changes in the socio-professional status of consumers - now they are entrepreneurs, housewives and employees. Income per family member increased to more than 15,000 rubles per family member.

    Segment of living room furniture

    In 2008, these were women aged 41 to 50, higher education or incomplete higher education, employees. Married and having a family of four. They live in three-room comfortable apartments. The income for each family member is more than 9 thousand rubles.

    In 2009, the following changes took place: women aged 21 to 30 became the main consumers of living room furniture, the number of family members decreased to three people, and the number of those who live in two-room apartments increased. Income per family member increased to more than 15,000 rubles per person.

    The information obtained during the study is useful for making or correcting the following management decisions:

    • organization of purposeful work with each of the consumer groups, segmented in relation to the types of furniture;
    • building advertising messages targeted at each of the four consumer groups;
    • improving consumer information about the characteristics of furniture: color, size, material of manufacture, etc.;
    • provision of additional services required by consumers;
    • improving the quality of service.

    So, at the moment the company has a rather limited exhibition space, in furniture stores it needs to look for other ways to inform customers about the full range of the factory and its capabilities.

    Knowing your customer allows a company to better understand what the customer needs and what guides them in making a purchase decision. This information will help the company produce a product that will meet the requirements, expectations, image and status of the consumer, which will ultimately affect sales.

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