Congratulations on Veterans Day of the Customs Service. Congratulations on the Customs Service Veterans Day in prose Postcards on the Customs Service Veterans Day

It is interesting that domestic customs officials have two holidays of their own – Customs Officer’s Day and the holiday itself, which is called Customs Service Veterans’ Day.

They cannot be confused, and the history of these solemn dates is also significantly different. Veterans Day is not dedicated to customs officers who continue to serve, but exclusively to those who have already completed their careers.


So far, Customs Veterans Day has not been given official status. Since no one is involved in its establishment government structure, and the public organization is the “Union of Veterans of the Customs Service of Russia.” At its congress in 1999, on June 10, it was decided to begin celebrating this date as Customs Service Veterans Day. The initiative that led to a positive result came from below, expressed in numerous wishes received all the time from public organizations, former customs officials.

Customs Veterans Day is not tied to the date of May 29th by chance. In 1918, on May 29, a decree of the Council of People's Commissars came into force, defining the procedure for the actions of customs institutions. IN Soviet era All customs officers in the country gathered on this day to celebrate, until the dissolution of the USSR. Is it any wonder that in modern times customs officers chose the same day as a professional holiday.


Although this holiday is dedicated to customs veterans, that is, mainly pensioners, almost all people who have at least some connection to customs take part in its celebration. Despite the fact that the celebration is not of an official nature, in reality, in all customs institutions and even in the central office, the working day on May 29 is greatly reduced.

Since the establishment of the holiday, all structures of the Federal Customs Service have been holding a wide variety of events. All of them, naturally, are dedicated to honoring fellow veterans.

Former employees are awarded:

An obligatory element of the celebration are performances by honored veterans and their meetings with newcomers, sharing experiences and stories about the past. The traditions of service must be preserved. Of course, cultural events are also organized - concerts, competitions, exhibitions. Well, meetings at festively set tables usually take place at home.

I wish you happiness, luck, friendship,
Peace, tranquility, glorious fun,
Clear skies, long-awaited dreams!

Let everyone remember you, call and come,
In life, good luck always dances,
May you find joy during your holidays,
Everything you wanted, now you will find it!


All my life on the border, all my life I served,
Today is your holiday - and you deserve it!
The customs officer is an idol, customs is a calling,
And veterans are worthy of recognition.

Thank you for your long, honest service,
Thank you for your rigor, loyalty and honor.
Thank you for protecting us all!
Thank you for simply being!


Happy Customs Veterans Day!
You spent so much effort for the country.
Your work has always been truly necessary,
From afar, all the merits are visible!

May you be greeted with joy in life
With a warm smile and glorious kindness.
So that you do not know worries and sadness.
Happy May Day, happy solemn day!


Veterans of the customs service,
Greetings for you today:
Let everything you need in life be
So that the fire in the eyes does not go out!

Health, love and happiness,
Peace of mind and a strong family.
Happy and wonderful days,
Find harmony for you!


Veterans of the customs service
On this day my congratulations,
Glory to you, honor, respect,
Wishes of goodness and love.

Experience, knowledge, clear conscience
Unlimited loyalty to the law,
You are close in soul to the customs office,
It became your second home.

We wish you a peaceful service,
The joy that work brings,
So that to worthy successors you
They shared their invaluable experience.

Congratulations on Veterans Day of the Customs Service


The day of valor and honor is in the yard,
Day of courage, example and bravery,
Day of those who dedicated themselves to the country
The day who defended the border for years.

And I wish you from the bottom of my heart,
On Veterans Day of the Customs Service,
To make your dreams come alive
May everyone in the world live together!


Congratulations to the veterans
I Customs Services,
You have a great responsibility
Was always packed.

Today I want to wish
Calm, peaceful life,
Goodness and joy in the family,
Recognition by the Fatherland.

Thank you for your years of service,
For work, effort, courage.
I wish you health, good strength,
May life give you only blessings.


I want to congratulate you on the holiday
Today you, veterans,
The best years of your life
You gave it to customs.
The country was protected from smuggling,
The cargo was carefully checked
I wish you your skills
Now they have handed it over to the young people.
On Customs Veterans Day
Glory to you, honor and honor,
The relay is in good hands,
Customs will not let you down.


You carried out customs control,
They devoted so many years to work!
Thank you for keeping our peace
And saved the country from hundreds of Troubles!

I wish you health like steel,
More money, more joy, goodness,
And, of course, only great happiness,
May you live happier than yesterday!


Their duty is to guard our border,
A keen eye does not sleep at customs.
I wish you more good things,
And so that your work makes you happy.

All hope is on their shoulders today,
So don’t let their work make them old.
May there be a lot of health,
And there are more joyful days in life.

Good luck to you in any of your endeavors,
May your sorrows not leave you.
We value and respect you,
Your work does not go unnoticed.

Poems for Customs Veterans Day


Go through customs
There's a customs officer there
We will prepare for you
Listen -
And be nice!


On Customs Veterans Day,
We are glad to congratulate you today!
On this Day it is important, on this Day it is necessary,
Give us all a smile!

We wish you happiness, luck,
Laughter and joy, peace, kindness,
Let the mood be wonderful
We congratulate you, gentlemen!


If you are bringing from abroad,
Daughter, grandmother, wife
Funny different things
Then the Customs Officer is three times happy.

And if you pull illegally
Something across the border
We are officially warning you -
Forget about freedom.

Sometimes the customs officer is strict,
And this service is difficult.
We owe them peace of mind
After all, they protect us from evil.

We congratulate the veterans
Customs throughout our country,
We wish them every success,
And silence overhead.


Customs officer, you are now a veteran,
The blizzard has silvered your temples,
But all the same, you’re on our board, bro,
Customs is our best friend.

Don't be sad and don't be sad without us,
Use everything to the fullest,
Veterans have a great chance
There is a river, a forest, a foamy mug.

We wish you to be healthy, like an oak tree,
It's great to live, in a good mood,
Don’t be discouraged, but visit a sports club,
Causing admiration among women!


Customs service is not simple,
The enemy flock does not sleep at the border.
We know you did a great job,
So that there is no offense for the state.

But time moves quickly forward
And now it’s your turn to rest.
May the years not be harsh on you,
And the holiday will bring everyone together again.


With silver heads,
Cobwebs of wrinkles,
Respect worthy
We will hasten to congratulate you!

You, customs veterans,
We don’t pay for your work,
Behind us is a working path,
Full experience!

Import-export on guard
You stood for many years
And the younger generation
Holds your answer proudly!


You can no longer check the quality of the goods
Imported into the native country.
But being, even a veteran
In your thoughts you are standing at your post!

We congratulate you on this holiday.
Let your life be joyful and bright!
Smugglers don't need to celebrate
Customs does not give the go-ahead for marriage!


Young people look up to you,
You are the pride of our entire state,
Fighters with smugglers,
Honor, praise, bow and glory to you.

Many years to you, veterans,
Full of strength and health.
And so that you can live without troubles,
As they say, and with love.


I wish you a life without troubles,
So many years at customs!
There is no peace, no sleep.
Let your soul be full of joy.

And health every year
Nature gives you more.
Let the warmth warm the house,
Only happiness will be in it!


Who guards the borders
And the goods do not pass
Smuggled, unpaid,
Banned and expired.

Who's a budget hole
It helps to patch up
From the goods that pass
Charges fees.

Who are citizens of relatives, strangers,
Strictly checks
And not every one of them
He lets you into the country.

The traveler knows
From country to country:
The customs officer is waiting for him
At his post.


Our border was defended
For many long years without troubles
We all lived calmly, quietly,
Thank you - you kept your vow!

Congratulations to our veterans
The customs service is not easy -
Live long in happiness, peace,
Thank you for our peace!

Congratulations on Veterans Day of the Customs Service


Happy Customs Service Veterans Day! Over the many years you have seen a lot, you performed your duty flawlessly and with great dignity! But even now you are not going to leave us yet! Accept Best wishes about ensuring that everything is in perfect order both at work and in your personal life, as you undoubtedly deserve!

They stood guard over the national border as heroes for many years... Their rich service experience was combined with their duty to the country, with an honest and strong character, with a kind soul... Today we congratulate on Veterans Day of the Customs Service not only the glorious workers, but also simply wonderful guys, and wish them all the best!

Thank you for your work, customs service veterans! Happy professional holiday to you! Let's be honest - over all these years you have not lost your skills, but only acquired and improved them, become wiser and more careful! And now – generously share your experience with the young shift! And this means that the borders of the Motherland will be in order! Long life to you, good health and spiritual family happiness!

The strength of a country depends a lot on the protection of its borders, and of course, they cannot be closed with an iron lock! And so that nothing bad crosses them, be it criminals or harmful cargo, special people are put on their guard... Today we unanimously congratulate them on the Day of Veterans of the Customs Service, thank you for the work that they have performed for many years so smoothly and well, as if one day flew by, and we wish them everything that could be useful for a happy life!

Many tons of cargo and thousands of people passed in front of you, and you had no chance of error! How not to praise such workers? Now the occasion has come - Customs Service Veterans Day! Needless to say, you are in the right place! Happy holiday to you! Stay the same until retirement and be cheerful and full of strength every day!

For many years, the border lived under your watchful eye... The service flowed according to the regulations, and although anything happened, you never regretted the choice you made... And today we have the honor to congratulate you on Customs Service Veterans Day! We also have the opportunity to wish you not to stop there and continue to work with the same zeal! And in free time, just live happily and don’t be sad!

On Veterans Day of the Customs Service, I would like not only to congratulate the heroes of the occasion, but also to admit that with such people it is simply not a service, but some kind of holiday! Responsible and sincere, smart and a little strict... in a word, as needed! Accept best congratulations from those who are eager to learn from you, learn and learn again!

You gave the go-ahead in fairness and sometimes said a decisive “no”, you knew that the whole of Russia was behind you, and in front of you was a foreign country, which also needed supervision... On Veterans Day of the Customs Service - accept my congratulations! May your years bring only the best to life, and may the series of fulfilled wishes never dry up!

The customs officer's service is not sugar. But you never thought to grumble! On the contrary, they are devoted to the cause with all their hearts and another reason to respect you and congratulate you most heartily on Veterans Day of the Customs Service! Live easily, let the burden of work worries not weigh you down, but only enrich you professional experience, and let spring reign in your personal life!

The customs service has a special structure. Responsible work is in full swing, the employees are friendly and formalities are carefully carried out... But now an hour of rest has come for us, and the most worthy reason for this is Customs Veterans Day! We, still a slightly “green” shift, cordially congratulate you, wish you all the best and hope to become worthy successors under your leadership!


On May 29, 2018, Russia celebrates Military Motorist Day and congratulates veterans of the Russian Customs Service on their professional holiday. In addition, Russians celebrate World Healthy Digestion Day and International Day of UN Peacekeepers. Alexander, Arkady, Georgy, Efrem, Modest, Nikolai, Peter, Fedor and Muse will celebrate their name day today.

May 29, 2018 Orthodox Church honors the memory of St. Feodor the Sanctified. He was famous for his holiness of life and the creation of miracles.

People call the holiday Zhitnik, since this day was previously considered the last day of sowing spring crops. If the mountain ash blossomed on Fedor, the ancestors knew that no more frosts were expected.

Since 2000, on May 29, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have been celebrating Military Motorist Day. This professional holiday is celebrated not only by those who serve in the Automobile Troops, but also by everyone who drives any vehicle on duty.

More than a hundred years ago in St. Petersburg on this day the first Training Automobile Company was formed. Its main task was to train specialists for driving vehicles different parts of the Russian army. For short term it became a center for automotive technical support for Russian troops.

Military Motorist Day helps to remember our historical traditions, the merits of specialists in peacetime and wartime, and also pay tribute to the contribution to the country's defense.

Veterans Day of the Customs Service of the Russian Federation is celebrated on May 29

The Day of Veterans of the Customs Service of the Russian Federation also began to be celebrated in 2000. On May 29, 1918, customs services began working on the territory of the USSR for the first time. That is why this date was chosen as a holiday.

On this day in all departments Russian customs It is customary to organize festive events at which honorary veterans perform, prizes and awards are presented, and concerts are organized. Thanks to this, young specialists have the opportunity to join the wonderful traditions of the customs service.

Every year on this day it is customary to honor the memory of deceased customs officers by laying flowers at their burial places.

Folk holiday Fedor Zhitnik

On May 29, people celebrate the holiday of Fyodor Zhitnik. The church on this day honors the memory of St. Theodore the Sanctified. The holiday received another name due to the fact that May 29 is considered the last day for sowing wheat, barley, wheat, oats and rye.

On May 29, the rowan tree will definitely bloom. In ancient times, this meant that there would be no more frosts and only warm days ahead. Healers and herbalists collected rowan blossoms on this day, carefully dried them and put them in linen bags. Later it was used to prepare decoctions.

People said that thunder on Fyodor meant a good grain harvest. And if butterflies don’t fly after the rain, then bad weather will soon return.

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