Professional composition of the personnel management service. HR Services

Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation

Federal Agency for Education GOU VPO

All-Russian Correspondence Institute of Finance and Economics

Department of Economics and Sociology of Labor


in the discipline "Personnel Management"

on the topic: "Organization of personnel management services."



Practical part



Today, business development requires organizations of various sizes and forms of ownership to search for more and more ways, solutions and technologies that allow them to more fully use the existing potential for acquisition and development. competitive advantage. Previously, in the foreground (at different times) were production technology, ways to promote goods and services on the market, as well as information, today it is personnel.

Personnel management in such a situation is of particular importance: it allows you to generalize and implement a whole range of issues of human adaptation to working conditions, take into account personal factors in building an organization's personnel management system, which ultimately contributes to more efficient operation of the entire organization as a whole.

Thus, the purpose of this work is to show the ever-increasing role of personnel management services in organizations.

1. Tasks and purpose of the personnel management service

Personnel management is an activity performed in enterprises that contributes to the most efficient use of people (employees) to achieve organizational and personal goals.

Depending on the size of the organization, the composition of personnel management services changes, but generalization of the experience of domestic and foreign organizations allows you to form the main goal of the personnel management system: providing personnel, organizing their effective use, professional and social development. In accordance with this goal, the personnel management systems of the organization are formed.

The personnel services of efficiently operating companies and, accordingly, their managers solve the following tasks (Fig. 10.1.1):

Recruitment of personnel at various levels, taking into account changes that occur with employees (marital status, official travel with a change in functions, etc.);

Training, advanced training or retraining of personnel (internship abroad, provision of specialized literature on the profile of activity and other channels of professional knowledge and professional skills);

Creation of optimal conditions for the effective activity of employees (psychological climate, comfortable workplace, nutrition, etc., i.e. development of adequate recommendations to the management on improving the activities of the enterprise related to the working life of the personnel and relations between employees, for a variety of emerging specific situations);

Social issues, i.e. care for the rest, health, living conditions of employees, programs of encouragement and attention (birthdays, gifts for holidays, benefits of various types - from a car to a trip to prestigious resorts);

Legal and disciplinary aspects of the coexistence of an employee and an organization - from different types of contracts to the consideration of complaints, conflict situations, clarification of authority;

Contacts with external organizations (labor inspectorate, legal authorities and advocacy, higher organizations, sectoral trade unions, educational institutions, local authorities, etc.).

Even a simple enumeration of the tasks of the personnel management service shows their complexity, and the implementation of each of them is associated with the need for personal assessments of personnel.

The structure of the personnel service in a particular organization should be determined by its functions and tasks, and not vice versa. In other words, the quantitative composition of the personnel management service in an organization depends on the front of the work performed by it, on the areas of activity of the personnel management service.

2. The most important areas of activity of personnel management services

IN modern conditions the most priority areas of work of personnel management services is the solution of the following tasks:

ensuring that the level of qualifications meets the requirements of a modern economy, where basic skills and knowledge require continuous updating;

controlling rising labor costs;

determining the policy of multinational corporations in the field of combination of hiring cheap work force foreign countries and the population of their own countries;

expanding the norms governing labor and organizational relations, from compliance with labor laws to moral and ethical standards (for example, in the field of discrimination, healthy lifestyles, etc.);

development of methods to support employees who work on a virtual basis using telecommunications at home and do not visit the office.

In modern organizations, the functions of the personnel management service can be conditionally divided into two types:

Labor relations management;

Documentation of labor relations.

Labor Relations Management includes the following features:

Personnel planning;

Providing the organization with personnel;

Personel assessment;

Professional training and development of personnel;

Organization of the system of remuneration and social development;

Coordination of work on quality management of working conditions and compliance with safety regulations.

In total, these functions correspond to the functions of the personnel management system described above.

Registration of labor relations includes the following features:

Preparation of personnel orders;

Maintaining forms of mandatory primary accounting documentation for the accounting of labor and its payment;

Registration and accounting work books;

Conducting personal affairs;

Employee consulting;

Preparation and adjustment of vacation schedules;

Preparation of documents related to various payments, allowances and benefits;

And some other features.

The solution of these tasks is carried out through the fulfillment by the employees of the personnel management service of their functional duties.

3. Functional responsibilities and technology of work of personnel management services

It can be defined as follows functional responsibilities personnel services:

Advice and advice to managers on identifying and solving problems related to personnel.

Advice and advice to managers in the field of labor relations.

Ensuring consistent and balanced relationships with all employees of the enterprise.

Overseeing the handling of complaints.

Formation of a personnel reserve and work with it.

Coordination of procedures related to recruitment.

Ensuring compliance with employment laws.

Organization of a systematic assessment (attestation, etc.) of personnel by representative commissions.

Communicating to managers payroll and remuneration programs regarding the legal meaning of payroll practices.

Registration and communication to employees of reward programs.

Assignment of allowances, compensations, pensions, etc.

Assistance and advice to management in solving payment problems.

Maintenance, storage and systematization of personnel documentation.

Explanation of the main directions and goals of personnel programs and personnel policy of the organization.

Discuss with management the practical issues of implementing these programs.

The work of the personnel management service is connected with the introduction of personnel technology. The concept of personnel technology includes a description of the sequence of actions to manage the behavior of people (organization staff) in order to achieve a given result, namely: the desired state of the organization, its constituent groups and individuals.

The development of a technology for working with personnel makes it possible, firstly, to simplify the traditional functions associated with solving current, everyday tasks, by formulating them in terms of private personnel technologies (selection, evaluation, certification, personal file management, etc.), requires less costs of effort and money, and most importantly - minimizes possible errors and accidental failures. Secondly, new areas of activity of personnel services (forecasting the need for personnel, reorientation to personnel development, etc.) due to technological development are much easier to integrate into the overall work plan (in the form of a sequence certain actions with a predetermined result and in conjunction with other areas of activity).

4. The structure of the personnel service in various enterprises (organizations)

The structure of the personnel management service is largely determined by the nature and size of the organization, its traditions, product features and other factors.

Smaller organizations typically do not have HR departments, so managers perform numerous HR responsibilities, such as scheduling, hiring and selecting staff, and setting rewards. In small family-type firms, as a rule, there is no personnel officer at all, his functions are carried out either by the owner of the firm or by the line manager. When expanding the business, they hire an employee to perform accounting and clerical work, and then a specialist. Small firms can turn to specialized firms that provide them with the necessary services for working with personnel, or to the services of individual specialists. In medium-sized organizations, many HR functions are performed mainly by line managers, while in large organizations, independent structural units are formed to implement functions.

Currently, in large organizations, the personnel management service consists of the following specialists:

Head of Human Resources Responsible for all HR matters of the organization.

HR manager (hr-manager): solves all issues of personnel management from personnel records management to social benefits.

However, in practice, the following position “HR manager” is distinguished, it may imply the performance of various functions. There are the following specializations of hr-managers:

compensation manager. The duties of this specialist include the calculation of rates wages depending on the labor contribution for each employee, as well as an analysis of the level of wages for the industry as a whole and participation in the financial planning of the organization.

social benefits manager. To increase the level of interest and motivation of staff allows such effective tool as a package of social benefits. It is the responsibility of the Social Benefits Manager to design and manage the optimal package according to the needs and capabilities of the organization as well as its employees.

Recruiter (hiring specialist). One of the key functions of personnel management is the selection of suitable specialists for vacant positions. Recruiters are responsible for ensuring that candidates are attracted to vacant positions and that the most suitable candidate is selected.

Training Specialist. His responsibilities include: adaptation of new employees in the workplace (familiarization with the organization and directly with the work), as well as the development and implementation of training events for employee training.

Recruitment Specialist. Such specialists work with those employees who are fired from the organization. Such a position is rather typical for a foreign company, where they often take care of the employment of their former employees. An employment specialist helps to determine the direction of the search new job, find a job and prepare a resume.

HR business specialist. The duties of such employees fully include the function of registration of labor relations (maintenance of work books of employees, preparation of personnel orders, maintenance of primary reporting documentation, registration sick leave etc.) Due to the regular change in modern Russian legislative framework a specialist in the field of personnel records management should periodically improve their skills in this area.

5. Features of the professional skills of a personnel manager

An active and well-functioning HR manager is a person who is able to make a diagnosis by looking at various aspects of the enterprise environment. It takes into account the size, structure, goals, style of the enterprise, the nature of employees, tasks, characteristics of work groups, leaders. He is aware that the personnel management policy must comply with all these factors, as well as others, if it contributes to the efficiency of the enterprise.

The necessary skills and natural features for an HR manager are (in descending order of importance):

ethics - respect for the rights of the individual, responsibility for the promises made, reliability, honesty, fairness;

sociability - the ability to use oral and written speech, stylistic and other expressive means to influence partners and achieve mutual understanding;

ability to listen - the ability to perceive, assimilate and use information extracted from oral communication;

contact - the ability to establish business and creative relationships with partners;

team orientation - understanding the need for joint activities and the ability to work in collaboration with others;

conscientiousness - high demands on the results of their work;

prudence - the ability to make reasonable, realistic and reasonable decisions;

performance - focus on the final result;

perseverance - the ability to overcome the limitations imposed by the current situation;

self-confidence - willingness and ability to solve extraordinary problems;

dedication to the organization and business orientation - willingness to follow the norms of the organization, passion for work and responsibility for the quality of their work.

Is it a coincidence that it was ethics that turned out to be a priority area of ​​​​competence of the personnel manager? The reputation of a professional, the accumulated social and moral capital largely determine the success of his activities in professional networks.

Insofar as network forms organizations imply a transition to contractual (usually urgent) forms of attracting personnel, then the HR manager must work with him on the basis of not only formal and informal methods of contraction, but also using the methods of a psychological contract. Establishing an atmosphere of mutual trust is the key to the effective operation of the entire personnel management system, which necessarily includes not only full-time employees of personnel services, but also almost the entire managerial corps of the organization, as well as external consultants. Moreover, each employee of the personnel service must play another mandatory role - a kind of "tuning fork" of the moral and psychological climate in working groups and teams.

6. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the personnel management service

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the organization's personnel management service is based on determining how it contributes to the achievement of the organization's goals and the fulfillment of its tasks. The results of the assessment reveal the main problems of relations with the personnel related to the quality of the work performed, employee satisfaction, discipline and staff turnover.

The evaluation of the effectiveness of personnel management must be based on the use of such principles as:

involvement in the process of evaluating the effectiveness of all stakeholders;

harmonization of economic and social indicators for assessing personnel decisions;

comparison of the results obtained from the implementation of personnel decisions with an assessment of the costs that led to their achievement;

assessing the cost recovery associated with the implementation of personnel decisions both in the near future and in the future.

The personnel performance evaluation system includes the following groups of indicators:

Indicators of economic efficiency. The first group of indicators characterizes the economic efficiency of the personnel management services. Evaluation of economic efficiency involves the mandatory determination of the costs necessary to implement the organization's personnel policy. In this case, one should take into account not only the overall costs of the organization for personnel, but also the costs of maintaining the personnel service itself in the implementation of management functions.

Indicators of social efficiency. It is possible to determine the social efficiency of the personnel management system using indicators of the personnel structure by professional, qualification composition, by age and length of service; educational level and level of organization of advanced training and retraining; indicators of humanization of labor (enrichment of the content of labor, reduction of monotony, etc.); indicators of improvement of labor protection, safety measures and sanitary and hygienic requirements; ensuring compliance of personnel decisions with the requirements of labor legislation; improving the validity of personnel decisions. It should be noted that among the indicators of social efficiency there are those that can be valued and can be included in the economic results when calculating the effectiveness of personnel management.

Indirect performance indicators include the following: staff turnover (the number of dismissals of employees at their own request, as well as at the initiative of the administration (for a certain period)), reduction in the number of conflicts; the level of absenteeism (the number of unauthorized absences of employees from work); product quality indicators; indicators of satisfaction with work, team, management, remuneration system.

It should be noted that all groups of indicators are closely interconnected, and this is explained by the fact that, on the one hand, social efficiency in the form of incentives for staff can only be ensured when the existence of the organization is reliable and it makes a profit that allows it to provide these incentives; on the other hand, economic efficiency can only be achieved if employees put their workforce at the disposal of the organization, which they are usually willing to do only if there is a certain level of social efficiency.

Practical part

Task #1

Condition: The number of the enterprise at the beginning of the year was 1600 people. During the year, 98 people were hired, 46 people left of their own free will, for violations labor discipline- 10 people, for other reasons - 42 people. Calculate average headcount and staff turnover rates for hiring and firing, as well as the rate of turnover and stability of staff.


1. Find the number of employees at the end of the year:

Ch.y. = 1600 +98 - 46 -10 -42 = 1600 (person)

2. Find the average headcount:

H avg \u003d (1600 + 1600) / 2 \u003d 1600 (person)

3. Calculate the flow rate:

K tech \u003d (46 + 10) / 1600 * 100% \u003d 3.5%

4. Calculate the stability coefficient:

K st \u003d (1600 - 98 - 98) / 1600 * 100% \u003d 87.8%

5. Calculate the staff turnover ratio for hiring and dismissal:

K about. pr \u003d 98 / 1600 * 100% \u003d 6.13%

K about. uv \u003d (46 + 10 + 42) / 1600 * 100% \u003d 6.13%

Answer: H avg \u003d 1600 people, K about. pr \u003d 6.13%, K vol. uv \u003d 6.13%, K st \u003d 87.8%, K tech \u003d 3.5%

Task #2

Condition: The volume of output increased by 8%, the number of employees - by 4%, the payroll - by 5%. Determine the change in labor productivity and average wages.


1. The coefficient of change in the volume of output will be

K ov \u003d 108/100 \u003d 1.08

2. The coefficient of change in the number of employees will be

K h \u003d 104/100 \u003d 1.04

3. The coefficient of change in wages will be

K cp \u003d 105/100 \u003d 1.05

4. We find the change in labor productivity

Δ pt \u003d 1.08 / 1.04 * 100% \u003d 103.8%

This indicates that labor productivity increased by 103.8 - 100 = 3.8%

5. Find the change in the average wage

Δ cp = 1.05 / 1.04 * 100% = 101%

This indicates that the average wage increased by 101 - 100 = 1%.

Answer: Labor productivity increased by 3.8%, average wages increased by 1%.


In this work, the ever-increasing role of personnel in the management of the organization and in its development was substantiated.

After completing the work, I would like to note the following.

First, the staff is currently the first value of the organization. Now an enterprise that wants progressive development and expansion directs all its efforts to the formation of a professional "backbone", and not even to the acquisition the latest technologies because without the person who brought the technology to life, it is nothing.

Secondly, in connection with the increase in the value of personnel, the role of their management service has also increased. Because a properly organized personnel service contributes to the smooth operation of the entire enterprise.

And in this regard, thirdly, people working in the personnel management service become important. The consequences of any changes - in social values ​​and in the field of technology, age-related and motivational, regarding the shift of emphasis on product quality, etc. - are well understood by personnel management practitioners. They are well aware that a single plan or program (selection, training, performance evaluation) cannot be suitable at any time, for different employees and in all organizations. In addition, they understand that leaders demand plans and programs that work not only today but also in the future. The traditional methods of remunerating workers, selecting workers, compensating, maintaining discipline, improving the safety and health of workers are being replaced by increasingly sophisticated approaches. These and other changes require effective programs that are difficult to start, maintain and evaluate without the help of HR professionals. However, the heart of HR is people. The HR manager will play an even greater role in the future than he does today in our fast-paced, dynamic world.

List of used literature

Kibanov A.Ya., Durakova I.B. Organizational personnel management: strategy, marketing, internationalization: Proc. allowance.- M.: INFRA-M, 2005. - 301 p. - (Higher education).

Makarov V.V. Personnel management: Educational and methodical manual. - M., MFYuA Publishing House, 2001. - 80 p.

Mehdiyev Sh.Z. Personnel Management: Tutorial. - Vladimir: VGGU, 2008. - 228 p.

Personnel management: Textbook for universities / Ed. T.Yu. Bazarova, B.L. Eremin. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: UNITI, 2003. - 560 p.

Tsypkin Yu.A. Personnel management: Proc. allowance for universities. - M.: UNITI-DANA, 2001. - 446 p.


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Organizational structure personnel management systems are a set of interrelated divisions of this system and officials.

Subdivisions perform various functions, their totality is personnel management service(personnel department). The role and place of the personnel management service in the structure of the entire organization is determined by the role and place of each specialized unit of this service, as well as the organizational status of its immediate supervisor.

The level of authority of the personnel management service depends not only on its managerial powers, but also on the level of special knowledge of employees, the usefulness of the service in terms of its positive impact on. Therefore, in world practice, the following pattern is observed: personnel management services begin their activities as headquarters units with exclusively accounting functions, and then, as its personnel potential develops and its positive impact on the production process becomes more and more obvious, the personnel service is vested with managerial powers and begins direct participate in the management of the organization.

In modern practice of personnel management there is several options for the role and place of the personnel management service in the structure of the organization's management, which depend on the degree of development and characteristics of the organization. Let's consider these options.

The first version of the structural position of the personnel service is that the personnel management service is subordinate to the head of administration. The main idea of ​​this option is to concentrate all the central coordinating services in one functional subsystem. This option is schematically shown in Figure 3.

Rice. 3. Location of the PM service in the organizational structure: subordination to the head of administration

The second variant of the structural position of the personnel service is that the personnel management service is directly subordinate to the head of the organization (Fig. 4). The advantage of this position of the personnel service is that this option excludes the plurality of subordination of the personnel service, as well as the fact that all areas of personnel policy are controlled by the head of the organization. This structure is used by small organizations at the beginning of their development, when the status of the personnel service is not clearly defined.

Rice. 4. Location of the PM service in the organizational structure: subordination to the head of the organization at the third level of management

The third variant of the structural position of the personnel management service is also associated with direct subordination to its head of the organization, but at the second level of management (Fig. 5). This option is most appropriate at that stage of the organization's development, when the manager is trying to raise the status of the service in this way, although the hierarchical level of deputies is not yet ready for its perception as a subdivision of the second level of management.

Rice. 5. Location of the PM service in the organizational structure: subordination to the head of the organization at the second level of management

The fourth variant of the structural position of the PM service - the PM service is organizationally included in the management of the organization (Fig. 6). This option is typical for developed companies and is the most common in modern practice. With this option, the personnel management subsystem acquires an equivalent status relative to other organization management subsystems.

Rice. 6. Location of the PM service in the organizational structure: inclusion in the management of the organization

The organizational structure shown in Figures 3-6 is called functional and is built on the principle of division of responsibilities between functional units responsible for one of the areas of activity (finance, equipment, production, sales, personnel, etc.). On the example of a functional organizational structure one can most clearly trace the development of functions and powers, as well as the increase in the importance of the PM service in accordance with the development of the organization itself. These functions and powers are also characteristic of the PM services of organizations with a divisional organizational structure, while the area of ​​responsibility of the PM service is determined by the specifics of the organizational structure, and the functions are determined by the level of development of the organization. Consider two types of divisional structure - product and geographical.

With the product type of organizational structure, when the division of labor is based on the products or services provided, and the production of certain types of goods (services) are separated from each other, each direction of production has its own personnel service. The organization of the PM service for this type of organization is shown in Figure 7.

Rice. 7. Organizational structure of the personnel management system in the product structure of the organization's management

For multinational corporations, the most common type of organizational structure is the geographical (or regional) type, which is based on the geographical principle of division of production of goods or services in different states or in different geographical areas.

Another common form of organizational structure is the matrix structure. With such a structure, the project structure is superimposed on the permanent functional structure of the organization's management. At the same time, the project structure means a temporary structure created for the implementation of a specific project, for which the personnel are united into project teams. In a matrix organization, members project team report to the project manager and heads of functional units where they work constantly. Project managers establish the content and sequence of work, and department heads are responsible for their implementation. The structure of the personnel management system for a matrix organization is shown in fig. 8.

Rice. 8. PM service in an organization with a matrix management structure

So, the organizational structure of the personnel management system varies depending on the specifics of its activities. In addition, the structure of the PM service depends on the size of the organization, as well as on the level of human and methodological potential in the field of personnel management, which determines the degree of involvement of third-party consulting services.

If the staffing of the organization is not numerous, then one specialist, and not a unit within the PM service, can perform some tasks in the field of personnel management. Also, a number of functions of the personnel management system can be transferred to other departments of the organization (for example, the function of information and technical support of the personnel management system can be transferred to the information technology director).

Today, personnel management services are functional and do not directly participate in the management of the core activities of the organization's employees, but help managers at all levels to resolve issues related to hiring, relocation, dismissal, training, social security of personnel and a number of other issues. Therefore, it is optimal to combine the powers of the line managers of the organization and personnel specialists on the basis of their joint responsibility.

When building an organizational structure, the following principles must be observed:

  • Flexibility. It characterizes the ability to quickly restructure in accordance with changes in personnel and production.
  • Centralization. It consists in a reasonable centralization of the functions of employees in departments and services of the enterprise with the transfer to the lower link of the function of operational management.
  • Specialization. It is provided by assigning certain management functions to each division.
  • Ruleability. This is the observance of a rational number of subordinates for each leader: the top link - 4-8 people, the middle link (functional managers) - 8-10 people, the lower link (masters, teams) - 20-40 people.
  • Unity of rights and responsibility. It means that the rights and responsibilities of departments and employees must be in dialectical unity.
  • Delimitation of powers. Line management provides decision-making on the release of products, and functional management ensures the preparation and implementation of decisions.
  • Profitability. It characterizes the achievement of the minimum necessary costs for the construction and maintenance of the organizational structure of management.

Design Factors for Organizational Structures

In the very general view There are four groups of factors that must be considered when creating a draft organizational structure:

  1. 1) the external environment and infrastructure in which the organization operates;
  2. 2) technology of work and type of joint activity;
  3. 3) features of personnel and corporate culture;
  4. 4) prototypes and already existing, and proved to be effective organizational structures of similar organizations.

When creating an organizational structure, it should be taken into account that, depending on the nature of the environmental factors, an organization can exist in four situations that are fundamentally different from each other.

The initial data for building an organizational management structure are:

  • calculation of the number of management levels;
  • calculation of the number of personnel;
  • typical management structures.

The organizational structure of management consists of two independent management bodies that perform certain functions. The top is central office enterprise management, and the basis of the management apparatus of structural divisions (production, workshops, etc.). Each body, in turn, consists of two separate levels of linear and functional management. The organizational structure is built on the levels (steps) of management.

Functional structure of the personnel management system

The functional structure reflects the division of management functions between management and individual units.

Control Function - Special Kind management activities, a product of the process of division and specialization of labor in the field of management, which is part of the management process, singled out according to a certain attribute. Usually allocated from 10 to 25 management functions of the firm. A set of tasks is a part of the management function, distinguished on the basis of the main management functions (rationing, planning, accounting, analysis, etc.).

A set of tasks combines a set of tasks related to a specific function and, as a rule, is implemented by a small functional unit. For example, as in fig. 8.

Rice. 8. A set of tasks for the function "personnel management"

When constructing a functional structure, as a rule, the matrix method of distribution of control functions is used (Table 5). The rows of the table are specific management functions, and the columns are the structural divisions of the management apparatus. At the intersection of columns and rows, the main management operations for a specific function are marked, for the implementation of which the structural unit is responsible. The matrix of distribution of management functions allows you to clearly distribute them between the management of the organization and departments of the management apparatus, to determine the technological sequence of operations for specific managers or employees.

The role of the organization's human resources function

Personnel management as a theoretical and applied branch of management science and practice began to take shape at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Special units dealing with issues related to personnel began to emerge in the 20-30s of the last century. Since then, the functions of these services have been intensively developed from ancillary technical work to the solution of almost all key issues related to the organization's personnel management.

Currently, personnel management services perform a number of functions that used to belong to economic, production, technical and other departments. This concentration of functions in one structural unit allows you to implement an effective toolkit for managing human resources of the organization. Today, the attention of personnel management services is mainly focused on improving labor relations, selecting candidates for vacant positions, developing and implementing training programs and social development programs, as well as motivating and stimulating labor activity. Decision-making on the above issues is carried out not only by the head of the personnel service, but also by other line managers of the organization.

Thus, today the work of personnel management services is increasingly dominated by not accounting, but analytical and organizational aspects of activity. At the same time, a sharp increase in the professional level of employees of personnel services was noted. Today they include specialists in the field of psychology and sociology, labor relations, specialists in the development and organization of curricula, as well as managers.

Recently, a number of new professions and specialties have appeared in intra-organizational management, such as specialists in the selection and hiring of personnel (recruiters), specialists who interview applicants for vacant positions (interviewers), specialists in curriculum development, trainers (teachers) , career development, career guidance and organizational planning consultants.

It should be noted that at present, many Western organizations in the field of HR issues use the services of outsourcing companies, which are recruiting agencies, training centers, consulting firms, etc. HR outsourcing companies include, for example, developers automated systems management for PM services, organizations specializing in building a system of payments and compensations (benefits). Also, at the moment there is a specialization of recruiting companies and the separation of the function of selecting management personnel, as well as high-class specialists. The most significant in terms of the scale of personnel services is the sphere vocational training and advanced training, it accounts for 20 to 40% of the costs of organizations.

Functions of the personnel management service

In modern conditions, the most priority areas of work of personnel management services are the solution of the following tasks:

  • ensuring that the level of qualifications meets the requirements of a modern economy, where basic skills and knowledge require continuous updating;
  • controlling rising labor costs;
  • determining the policy of multinational corporations in the field of combining the hiring of cheap labor from foreign countries and the population of their own countries;
  • expanding the norms governing labor and organizational relations, from compliance with labor laws to moral and ethical standards (for example, in the field of discrimination, healthy lifestyles, etc.);
  • development of methods to support employees working on a virtual basis using telecommunications at home and not visiting the office.

In modern organizations, the functions of the PM service can be conditionally divided into two types:

  • labor relations management;
  • documentary registration of labor relations.

Labor Relations Management includes the following features:

  • personnel planning;
  • providing the organization with personnel;
  • personel assessment;
  • professional training and development of personnel;
  • organization of the system of remuneration and social development;
  • coordination of work on quality management of working conditions and compliance with safety regulations.

In total, these functions correspond to the functions of the personnel management system described above.

Registration of labor relations includes the following features:

  • preparation of personnel orders;
  • maintaining forms of mandatory primary accounting documentation for the accounting of labor and its payment;
  • registration and accounting of work books;
  • conducting personal affairs;
  • employee counseling;
  • preparation and adjustment of vacation schedules;
  • execution of documents related to various payments, allowances and benefits;
  • and some other features.

It should be noted that the structure of the personnel service in a particular organization should be determined by its functions and tasks, and not vice versa. The quantitative composition of the UE service

As can be seen from the above lists, these services perform a wide range of functions associated with significant labor costs. When calculating the quantitative and qualitative indicators of the composition of the personnel management service, the following factors must be taken into account:

  • the total number of employees of the organization;
  • the specifics of the organization's activities, as well as the production scale;
  • the social characteristics of the organization, the structural composition and qualifications of personnel (the presence of various categories of personnel - workers, specialists with secondary or higher education);
  • the level of complexity and complexity of the tasks solved by the personnel management service.

Calculation of the number of personnel various departments of the organization, including the personnel management service, can be performed using various methods.

Economic and mathematical methods imply the development of mathematical models for real organizational processes and allow you to identify the optimal indicators for the processes under consideration.

Comparison method(analogues) allows you to draw up requirements for the personnel management service based on an analysis of the composition of the personnel departments of other organizations.

expert method allows you to determine the need for personnel management specialists based on the opinion of experts in the field of personnel management.

Direct Calculation Method allows you to determine the number of employees of the personnel management service through such a coefficient as the labor intensity rate. Labor intensity, as a rule, is determined by the following methods: empirical, computational and analytical, analogy method, expert method. Having established the labor intensity rate, you can calculate the number of departments for a certain period of time (for example, for 1 year) using the following formula:

H \u003d T * C / F p, (6)

  • H - the number of units;
  • T - total labor intensity all work performed in the department for the year (in man-hours);
  • K is a coefficient that takes into account the time spent on performing work not provided for in T (K ~ 1.15);
  • F is the useful working time fund of one employee per year (in hours).

The modern experience of foreign countries has shown the effectiveness of the method for determining the number of employees of personnel management services based on service standards that characterize the number of employees of an organization that can be served by one employee of the department. In various countries, the following average service standards have developed: in the USA, for 100 employees working in an organization, there is 1 employee of the personnel management service; in France for 130 employees - 1 employee; in Japan for 100 employees - 2-3 employees.

These ratios are average and may vary significantly by industries and sectors of the economy. In the most large companies In the United States, the number of such services reaches 150 people. Russian HR departments mostly stick around lower level This indicator is 100 employees per HR specialist.

It should be noted that when planning the number of personnel management departments, several of the listed methods can be used at once. So, for example, the peer review method is used as an integral part of other methods.

At this stage, there is a trend of not absolute, but relative growth in the number of personnel management departments, which is associated, first of all, with the automation of workplaces of personnel management specialists and with the involvement of services external companies in the field of solving personnel issues, in the second place.

The qualitative composition of the personnel management service

The calculation of the quantitative need for specialists in personnel management services is carried out in parallel with the determination quality needs, that is, the need for workers for certain areas of activity with the required qualifications.

The main regulatory document designed to justify the rational division and organization of labor, the correct selection, placement and use of personnel is the Qualification Directory for the positions of managers, specialists and other employees. The directory contains a list and description of positions, including those for the personnel management system. In accordance with the handbook (1998, as amended in 2001), the following types of positions are provided for the personnel management system:

  • positions of managers (deputy director for personnel management; personnel manager; head of the laboratory (bureau) for labor organization; head (bureau) of the laboratory (bureau) for sociology of labor; head of the regulatory research laboratory for labor; head of the personnel department; head of the organization and wages; head of the labor protection department; head of the personnel training department);
  • specialist positions (labor standardization engineer; labor protection engineer; personnel training engineer; personnel inspector; occupational consultant; psychologist; sociologist; personnel specialist; labor technician; labor economist);
  • positions of technical performers (timekeeper, accountant, timekeeper, etc.).

For each of the above positions Qualification Handbook is given qualification characteristic. Qualification characteristic has the following three sections:

  • in the section "Job Responsibilities" the main labor functions are established, which can be entrusted in whole or in part to the employee holding this position, taking into account the technological homogeneity and interconnectedness of work, allowing for optimal specialization of employees;
  • the “Must know” section contains the basic requirements for the employee in relation to special knowledge, as well as knowledge of legislative and regulatory legal acts, regulations, instructions and other guidance materials, methods and means that the employee must apply when performing official duties.
  • in the "Qualification Requirements" section, the level vocational training the employee necessary to perform the prescribed job duties, and the requirements for work experience. The levels of required vocational training are given in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education".

As already noted, the composition of personnel management services is determined by the level of complexity and complexity of the tasks being solved. For example, the number of employees in the organization of personnel training is determined by whether the training is carried out by the organization independently or with the involvement of the services of external training companies and educational institutions, as well as the number of training programs implemented simultaneously, and the duration of training.

Based on the analysis of the experience of foreign organizations, as well as the experience of some Russian organizations, we can say that today in the personnel services (departments, offices, etc.) there are the following positions occupied by specialists in the field of human resource management.

Head (HR) of Human Resources Responsible for all HR matters of the organization. Currently, the head of the HR service (HR director) is one of the key figures in the top management of the company and, along with other managers, makes decisions in the field of its strategic development, as well as current work.

HR manager (HR manager): solves all issues of personnel management from personnel records management to social benefits. However, in practice, the following specializations of hr-managers are distinguished:

compensation manager. The duties of this specialist include calculating wage rates depending on the labor contribution for each employee, as well as analyzing the level of wages for the industry as a whole and participating in the financial planning of the organization.

social benefits manager. To increase the level of interest and motivation of the staff allows such an effective tool as a package of social benefits (social package). Given the variety of benefits that can be included in the social package ( different kinds insurance, including medical and life insurance for employees and members of their families, food during the working day, transportation costs, employee leisure, etc.), the cost of it can significantly exceed the financial capabilities of the organization. It is the responsibility of the Social Benefits Manager to design and manage the optimal package according to the needs and capabilities of the organization as well as its employees.

Recruiter (hiring specialist). One of the key functions of personnel management is the selection of suitable specialists for vacant positions. Recruiters are responsible for ensuring that candidates are attracted to vacant positions and that the most suitable candidate is selected. Recruiters should have a good knowledge of the company they work for and should be able to explain to applicants for the position the policy of the company, the conditions of work in the position, and also be able to answer applicants' questions regarding the requirements of the vacant position. In addition, recruiters must be proficient in a wide range of methods for attracting and evaluating candidates for vacant position.

Training Specialist. His responsibilities include: adaptation of new employees in the workplace (familiarization with the organization and directly with the work), as well as the development and implementation of training events for employee training. The purpose of such activities may be: the acquisition of new skills necessary for work (for example, with new equipment, software); preparation of personnel in lower positions for leadership positions; development of interpersonal communication skills among middle and top managers.

Recruitment Specialist. Such specialists work with those employees who are fired from the organization. In foreign practice, companies often take care of the employment of their former employees. An employment specialist helps to determine the direction of the search for a new job, find a vacancy and prepare a resume.

HR business specialist. The duties of such employees fully include the function of formalizing labor relations (maintaining employee work books, preparing personnel orders, maintaining primary reporting documentation, issuing sick leave, etc.) Due to the regular changes in the modern Russian legislative framework, a specialist in the field of personnel records management must improve your skills in this area.

It is worth noting that some of the above specialists in the field of personnel management can work in the organization as full-time employees, as well as freelancers. It depends on the frequency and regularity of certain personnel events (for example, recruiting campaigns, training events, layoffs, etc.)

In addition to the professional knowledge listed above in various areas of personnel management, as well as in the field of labor law, HR managers of various specializations also have a number of requirements for the qualities that they must possess in modern conditions. These include:

  • knowledge of the field of activity and the specifics of the organization- HR-specialists must have a clear understanding of the needs of the organization's clients, the driving forces of growth, understand the specifics of production and see the strategic development prospects. This ensures the effectiveness of personnel activities.
  • leadership and ability to manage change- HR plays a key role in the management modern organization, therefore, its employees must have skills critical for this process, such as planning, analysis, decision-making, effective communication, creation of working groups, motivation and conflict resolution. All this is necessary for the successful management of changes that organizations undergo in an unstable external environment.
  • ability to learn and develop- the ability to constantly update professional knowledge and skills allows you to manage the process of updating the knowledge and skills of employees throughout the organization.
  • financial planning skills- Personnel management activities are costly and require strict financial planning. In practice, the budget of the personnel service is the most discussed at the level of the head of the organization, because. the payback of these expenses is not always as obvious as, for example, investments in obviously profitable activities, such as investments in construction and investment portfolios, etc. In addition, the presence today of a huge range of developed effective methods personnel management (which are often expensive and "affordable" for large organizations), forces the head of the personnel service to make a choice in favor of those. which are most adequate to the set goals and available financial opportunities.
  • effective cooperation with other departments- the ability of HR employees to carry out horizontal interactions in order to solve current work tasks, as well as receive feedback for staffing activities. For example, such interactions are necessary with the financial and legal services of the organization, with the information technology department, as well as with production units.

It should be noted that there can be no ideal point of view on the role of an HR manager - each organization is unique in its own way and what place an HR manager will take in it will depend on the specifics of its activities, as well as on its personality.

Once again, it is worth emphasizing that the structure and composition of personnel management services are determined by the specifics of the organization's activities and the range of personnel issues addressed in this organization.

The second article from the series of articles on the internal social policy of the company. The first text can be read here:. Four differences between the personnel department and the personnel management department, how the personnel block in the company can be arranged (options). What place should the “social worker” occupy in the structure?

Novikova Marina Lvovna , business consultant and career coach. Education: economist, MBA "Personnel Management", internships: Germany, Switzerland, France. Work experience: head of the remuneration division, head of the social policy division (EAST LINE Group), deputy chairman of the PPO of JSC Russian Railways (more than 1 million employees), adviser CEO(ANC "Corporate University of Russian Railways"), coach.

Having worked for more than 10 years in leadership positions and dealing with issues of staff motivation, I can say that the great delusion of company leaders is that they consider social policy only in terms of spending Money on the staff, while it can become the anchor that keeps the “ship” of high labor productivity afloat. That is why the methodology appeared: “Integration of an individual social package and methods of remuneration of the company in order to save payroll without reducing labor productivity”, which is the basis of the motivational policy.

In this article, I would like to say this: there is a stable stereotype of the profession of a personnel officer and head of the personnel department. The stereotype is called - "they have nothing to do there and they don't need to know much." That is why the personnel block is often headed not by a specialist with an education in economics, a lawyer, in the field of personnel management and with experience in the personnel field, but by an acquaintance of the director or someone who will soon retire, while this may be a former military man, Chief Engineer, payroll specialist, etc. Naturally, the work of this personnel department leaves much to be desired, and the director - after visiting labor inspectorate and the imposition of appropriate penalties - only makes sure that the personnel officers are not very, say, smart specialists.

You can be indignant and say that the direction of HR is developing in Russia, and many directors put just employees with the necessary education in the position of head of the personnel department. But this will be the first difference between the personnel management service and the personnel department. So:

First difference - the head of the personnel department has experience in the field of personnel management, is well versed in the formation of budget funds and their management.

Second difference - division functionality.

In the personnel department, as a rule, this is a personnel document flow, hiring and dismissal, and labor protection is often included here. In the personnel management department you will also find psychologists, motivators, trainers, social workers and, oddly enough, "veiled economists" involved in budget planning.

Third difference - attitude towards staff.

The personnel department can look at the entire staff of the company from the position of "what did you forget here." I think every reader in his life has come across such an attitude. The HR department can't afford it. There is a hardening of McDonald's here: no matter what happens - always with a smile and "free cash desk!" ;)

Fourth difference - operating mode.

In the personnel department after the official end of the working day you will not find anyone. In the personnel management service, as practice shows, at this moment there is no only personnel providing services for the reception - dismissal and maintenance of personnel documents. The rest go about their business for at least an hour.

However, I want to note that if your HR department sits after eight o'clock in the evening and works, then either they do nothing during working hours, or they do not have enough staff. This is one of the wake-up calls to the leader!!! It is necessary to pay attention to the work of the department !!!

This is how the above differences look in the table:

Human Resources Department Human Resources Department
The manager does not have a specialized education and experience in the field of personnel management (or less than 3 years of experience). The manager has one or more higher educations in the field of economics, personnel management, law (most often he specializes in labor law), as well as relevant work experience in the field of personnel management (more than 5 years of experience).
Functionality: personnel document flow, functions of hiring and dismissal, labor protection. Functionality: training, development, adaptation, personnel reserve, placement of personnel, personnel document flow, remuneration, provision of benefits and guarantees at a professional level, budgeting of personnel and social cost items, psychological assessment, etc.
Attitude towards staff according to the principle “what are you forgetting here, or - I don’t care, I’m just doing my job!” Attitude towards staff: "We need you."
Working hours: “at 17-30 - everyone went out, see you tomorrow, at 17-45 - we are already dressed, at 18-00 - to the start, attention, march. Life - wait for me, I'm coming! Working hours: “at 18-00, of course, we will finish everything today, at 18-30 we will sum up the results of the day, at 19-00 - “Goodbye, work! Hello life!

The main functions of the HR department:

    Personnel block (hiring, dismissal, keeping records of personnel, movement of personnel, personnel records management, training, advanced training, placement of personnel, personnel reserve).

    Social block (staff support, adaptation, retention).

    Motivational block (staffing, remuneration, development of motivational methods, budgeting of personnel and social activities).

    Psychological block (personnel assessment).

In the personnel management department there is always a place for a social block and a motivational block. I will note right away, in order to avoid questions and indignation of those who deal with wages in the economic bloc. At the time of writing this article (perhaps an experienced "payer" in the future will be able to convince me and prove the opposite), the author is sincerely sure that the remuneration department should be in the personnel block, with all the ensuing consequences, namely, planning functions, spending analysis, management as a whole wage fund.

The payroll specialist methodical work on the development of methods of remuneration, plans the wage fund, uses financial analysis, provided by the financial service, and conducts individual planning of salary payments. (Based on the developed methods for remuneration, approved staffing and timesheets, the financial unit conducts payroll. Who will be given such an honor - financiers or accountants, the head decides. In large organizations, the function is divided, in medium and small ones it is carried out by an accountant).

A social work specialist develops local regulations in terms of non-material and material motivation of personnel, while understanding what an organization’s budget is, having the skills to plan and account for it (that’s why there are so few competent specialists) and can answer for items of social payments. When developing benefits, a social work specialist works in close conjunction with the personnel block and the remuneration block. The benefits and guarantees provided should be based on the development strategy of the enterprise, the importance of positions for the company, the personnel reserve, and methods of remuneration.

Given the above, "payers" and "social workers" can be combined into one motivational block, which, in fact, is reflected in the flowcharts below for building a personnel block.

Structure options:

The first option is preferable, because with such a scheme, the head of the HR department has complete information on the personnel block, or rather, on the personnel block.

6.3.1. Requirements for the composition of the personnel management service

In the Qualification Directory of the positions of managers, specialists and other employees, this specialty is divided into positions: “HR inspector” and “HR specialist”. If the first position, according to this directory, is mainly assigned to work with personnel documents, then the positions of "HR specialist" are charged with the following types of jobs : selection and placement of personnel; study and analysis of the staff structure of the enterprise; certification of employees; creation of a personnel reserve of the enterprise; study of the labor market; career planning for employees of the enterprise; training and adaptation of personnel; maintenance of labor discipline of the enterprise; registration of documents on the admission and dismissal of employees; drawing up methodological recommendations on the activities of officials of the enterprise; preparation of documents for periodic reporting.

According to the same handbook, the HR specialist must know : legislative and regulatory legal acts; labor law; guidelines on the work performed; structure and staff of the enterprise; the procedure for conducting attestations and methods for analyzing the structure of personnel, forming a data bank of employees of the enterprise; the procedure and sources of staff replenishment; the procedure for compiling reports on the work performed; fundamentals of psychology and sociology of labor, economics, management; Information Technology(PC tools), communication tools (fax, Email, Internet); rules and norms of labor protection; procedure for registration, maintenance and storage of personnel documentation.

Basic education, according to the same directory, for this position is indicated as higher professional, and without presenting requirements for length of service. This completes the information about this position in the directory.

Among the many personal and professional qualities that employees of the personnel management service should have, the following four can be distinguished.

1. Knowledge of the manufacturing industry . Employees of the personnel management service should have a clear understanding of the types of products and services provided, the technology and organization of their production, the needs of the main customers of the enterprise, the composition and structure of the workforce, the economy and finances of the enterprise, the strategy and tactics for the development of the company and the industry, labor management, production and personnel, methods economic evaluation costs and results, organization of wages, etc.

2. Professional knowledge in personnel management . Employees of the personnel management service must have deep theoretical knowledge and practical skills on such scientific problems as the interaction of the sciences of labor and personnel, human needs and potential, labor efficiency and the standard of living of people, organization and regulation of labor, motivation and stimulation of personnel, career planning, employee assessment, psychology and physiology of labor, etc.

3. Leadership and change management . Employees of the personnel management service should be able to determine the main directions of the organization's development, formulate strategic goals, develop methods for achieving goals, improve the work of personnel management, choose the best solutions in the field of human factor management, etc.

4. Ability to learn and develop . IN modern production there is a continuous improvement of technology and technology, forms and methods of management, the products are being updated. The ability to increase professional knowledge and develop creativity is an essential requirement for human resource managers.

The personnel manager, or HR manager (human resources, translated from English means "human resources"), must meet the following requirements:

Have higher education(the requirement for the presence of a psychological education is less common, the presence of two higher education is welcome, for example: psychological and legal);

Two to three years of experience in a similar position;

Good knowledge Labor Code;

Possession of methods for searching and hiring specialists, good knowledge of the labor market and the HR consulting market;

Development skills job descriptions, motivation systems, performance appraisal of employees, formation of a personnel reserve, rotation of personnel;

Participation in making strategic decisions on the development of the company.

To date, there are the following positions in the divisions for human resource management.

Head of Human Resources (HR Department).

Helps to establish and maintain relationships between employer and employees. Currently, the head of the HR department is one of the key figures in the company's management and, along with other senior officials, makes decisions in the areas of market research, finance, day-to-day operations of the company, sales and marketing.

General HR Manager.

Smaller companies tend to employ the services of a general HR manager who handles all aspects of HR and social benefits.

Head of HR department.

This is the HR director, a professional HR manager who is responsible for developing and implementing HR decisions for the entire company. The head of HR works alongside hiring managers and job placement managers who oversee company departments or deal with specific issues such as compensation, social benefits, or subcontracting work.

Compensation Manager.

Sets wage rates in accordance with the labor participation of employees, ensures that wages are paid in strict accordance with changing laws and regulations. Must be familiar with financial planning and forecasting.

Social Benefits Manager.

He is required to develop and implement benefit packages that will benefit both the employee and the company. The standard benefits package includes health insurance, including dental services, life insurance, and disability insurance. The following benefits may be included in the pension package: participation in the company's profits, the allocation of a certain number of shares and savings deposits on favorable terms.


Recruiters can be part of the company's staff or outsourced. They determine the needs of the company in the field of personnel. They are required to be able to contact candidates for vacant positions and explain to them the company's personnel policy, answer questions about salary, social benefits packages, working conditions and promotion opportunities. They select candidates, conduct interviews with them, tests and check the recommendations of the guarantors. Many full-time recruiters specialize in one area, such as interviewing in a company.

Training Specialist.

The responsibilities of these specialists include: familiarization with the work process of new employees, conducting trainings, improving the professional qualifications of employees and preparing personnel in lower positions for work in administrative positions.

North-West Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation

Department of personnel management and personnel policy

Course work in Human Resource Management

Topic: " Human Resources Services”


Klein Veronika Viktorovna

311 group, day department


St. Petersburg, 1998

D e c o n t i o n s :

1. Introduction 3

2. Main part 5

2.1. Concept modern management UP 5

2.2. Human Resources Goals 8

2.3. Functions of the personnel management service 10

2.4. Personnel management service (organizational aspect) 18

3. Conclusion 26

4. References 27

1. Introduction.

As shown by the all-Russian survey conducted by the Kommersant magazine, the problem of personnel development is not yet among the main concerns of the average Russian leader. Those executives who indicated that they deal with personnel issues seem to prefer to do it themselves: according to the same survey, they have to deal with these problems “all the time”.

Of course, this survey was conducted in 1995, but, as other sources testify, the situation has changed little in recent years. In Russia, there is a chronic discrepancy between the level of work with personnel and the requirements that are now being made. For example, until now, the main type of questionnaire for employment in many organizations remains the “Stalinist” leaflet on personnel registration of the 1938 model. Typically, personnel departments occupy a very low status in the management system, leaving it with a purely accounting or design function. And how do we select personnel for key positions of managers and specialists? Are competitions often held? Are there objective evaluation criteria? It is no secret that family or friendship ties with management most often play a decisive role in hiring.

Against this sad background, in some organizations, special divisions for personnel management (PM) began to appear, replacing the old personnel departments and receiving a new name - personnel management services (HMS).

The purpose of this work is to show what the new PM services are: the goals of their activities, functions, structure and role in the organization. In addition, I would like to emphasize the peculiarities of the Russian UE services, which, although they are created according to the Western model, have a number of characteristic features that reflect local specifics.

As examples, the work often uses the experience of creating and operating PM services in banking structures, since they are currently at the forefront of Russian business and are the first to try to introduce the latest achievements in the field of PM management.

2. Main body

2.1. The concept of modern management of personnel management

Human labor activity has become the object of systematic scientific research relatively recently - since the second half of the 20th century. The first explosion of interest in production management (including human resource management) was noted in 1991, when the American Frederick W. Taylor published his book “Principles scientific management". The main force that spurred interest in management was the industrial revolution, which made new demands on entrepreneurs.

Frederick W. Taylor pioneered what became known as “ scientific organization labor." As M. Meskon notes, this scientific direction for the first time drew attention to the importance of the human factor. An important contribution of this direction was the systematic use of incentives to interest workers in increasing productivity and output. Managers were advised to set “production standards” that were feasible and to pay extra to those who exceeded the established minimum. The key element in this approach was that people who produced more were rewarded more.

The School of Scientific Management was born when psychology was still in its infancy. Therefore, although the authors of the scientific approach recognized the importance of the human factor, their main attention was directed to such aspects as increasing labor productivity through the introduction of fair pay, economic incentives and the establishment of formal relations. The Human Relations Scale was born in 1990 as a response to a failure to fully understand the human element as a core element of organizational effectiveness.

Mary Parker Follette and Elton Mayo are the greatest authorities on the development of the human relations school. It was they who, as a result of experiments, discovered that well-defined work instructions and good wages do not always lead to an increase in labor productivity, as representatives of the school of scientific direction believed. The forces that arise in the course of interaction between people could surpass any efforts of the leadership. Sometimes employees reacted much more strongly to pressure from colleagues than to the desires of management and material incentives. More recent research by psychologist Abraham Maslow explained the reason for this phenomenon: people's actions are motivated mainly not by economic forces, but by various needs that can only be partially satisfied with the help of money. The concept of this school was that the manager should take great care of his employees, which will lead to an increase in the level of satisfaction and, accordingly, to an increase in productivity. They recommended the use of human relations management techniques, including more effective actions of immediate superiors, consultation with employees and giving them greater authority.

In practice, the influence of these led to the fact that a special type of manager appeared, who was not necessarily the owner, and became an intermediary between the workers and the owners of the enterprise. The first personnel managers were called "welfare secretaries" and, "they were mainly engaged in distributing signs of the twenty-fifth anniversary of their tenure in the service and preparing annual picnics", that is, their role was generally insignificant. Until the 1960s, UP was seen solely as a solution to blue-collar problems.

In the late 1960s, David McGregor published the book The Human Side of the Enterprise, which became famous and generally shaped the view of the role of human resources in an organization. The main idea of ​​this book is that only an increase in the efficiency of human resources will lead to an increase in the efficiency of the organization as a whole.

Thus, by the 70s of our century, based on empirical data, as well as on the basis of the achievements of economics, statistics, human physiology and psychology, sociology, law and the science of organization management, a modern concept of personnel management has developed.

The essence of this concept is as follows: today the most important factor in the sustainability, competitiveness and prosperity of an enterprise is the formation of what we (in the USSR) used to call the human factor, and in the West it is called human capital. If until the 70s the personnel of the enterprise was considered as one of the sources of costs (wages, infrastructure, etc.), now Western researchers believe that this is the main source of investment (that is, the source from which they receive the greatest profit). Indeed, after all, the prospects of a particular company largely depend on the competence of people, their knowledge of all the nuances of work, the specifics of the company. No investment in equipment or in the renewal of production can replace human capital. Therefore, all exemplary Western companies today profess the ideology: "productivity - from a person", "quality of goods and services from a person",

With a change in outlook, the role of personnel services (or personnel management services) has also changed. According to the current management concepts, PM is one of the main elements of the organization's strategy and should help the company through providing it with competent and interested in the results of their work employees. Once again, this goal can be achieved if top management views human capital as the key to organizational performance.

All the work of the PM services should be carried out from this angle, the angle of purposeful formation and development of the company's human capital, the personnel potential that will ultimately ensure the existence of the company as such.

It remains to be added that all this is well understood abroad, but not always in Russia.

2.2. Goals of personnel management services.

“In the past, HR (in our country) at best saved the organization money by filling out all the paperwork correctly to protect the firm from litigation with employees. From now on, HR should be profitable for the company because it facilitates the implementation of its strategy,” said Vladimir Maleshin, Head of Human Resources at Sunrise.

Thus, the main goal of the activities of personnel management services in organizations of the modern type is "to bring profit to the company."

Western theory says that the PM service has the following goals:

1) Providing the organization with well-trained and motivated employees;

2) Effective use of efficiency, qualifications, practical experience and skill of all employees in the organization;

3) Achieving maximum responsiveness of employees to the goals and needs of the organization, convergence of the interests of employees and the expectations of the company related to professional activities;

4) Systematic communication to employees of the organization's policy and its own policy of personnel management services.

PM management is needed, ultimately, to focus the efforts of employees on the implementation of the planned strategies of the company; ensuring the effective use of the intellectual and physical capabilities of employees, the realization of their potential; promote the strengthening of labor relations in the spirit of cooperation and improvement of the moral climate in the team.

Since only fruitful cooperative activity team guarantees the success of the company, the ultimate goal of working with personnel is the maximum convergence of the expectations of the enterprise and the interests of employees.

The journal “Problems of Theory and Practice of Management” tells about an interesting study: experience has shown that when integrating the expectations of the company and the interests of employees related to professional activity up to 60%, labor productivity will be 100% of the calculated one, which, of course, brings profit to the company.

It remains to add that the list of goals of the EMS varies from the goals of the organization.

2.3. Functions of the personnel management service in the organization

Experience has shown that the activities of personnel management services cannot be reduced to the very limited set of activities that have traditionally been performed by human resources departments in Russia. The new approach to PM management is characterized by complexity. For a long time, unified personnel management services have been operating at Western enterprises, which perform the entire range of functions to rationalize labor processes and PM processes.

Such an integrated approach to the personnel management service in an organization leads to the fact that the CMS begin to expand the range of its functions from purely personnel (formation, selection and placement of personnel) to a wider range of issues, including not only personnel policy, but also staff motivation, remuneration employees, harmonization of interests of employees and firms, etc.

In a broad sense, the functions of the EMS are a branch of the general policy of the company, one way or another connected with the human factor.

Management in Organizations by Herbert A. Simon and Donald W. Smithsburg categorizes the functions of the CMS in an organization as follows:

1) Subsystem of working conditions:

Ø compliance with the requirements of psychophysiology

Ø compliance with the requirements of technical aesthetics

Ø Health and Safety

Ø organization production processes, analysis of costs and results of labor, establishing the optimal ratio between the number of pieces of equipment and the number of personnel.

2) Subsystem of labor relations:

Ø analysis and regulation of group and personal relationships

Ø analysis and regulation of management relations

Ø management of industrial conflicts and stresses

Ø socio-psychological diagnostics

Ø observance of ethical standards of relationships

Ø management of interaction with trade unions.

3) Subsystem of registration and accounting of personnel:

Ø registration and accounting of admission, dismissals, relocations

Ø information support of the personnel management system

Ø career guidance

Ø providing employment

4) Subsystem of planning, forecasting and marketing of personnel:

Ø HR strategy development

Ø analysis of personnel potential

Ø analysis of the labor market, planning and forecasting the need for personnel, organizing advertising

Ø Personnel planning

Ø relationship with external sources providing personnel to the organization

Ø evaluation of candidates for a vacant position

Ø current periodic evaluation of personnel.

5) Personnel development subsystem

Ø technical and economic training

Ø retraining and advanced training

Ø work with personnel reserve

Ø professional and socio-psychological adaptation of new employees

6) Subsystem of analysis and development of labor incentives:

Ø Rationing and billing labor process

Ø Development of wage systems

Ø Use of means of moral encouragement

Ø Development of forms of participation in profit and capital

Ø Work motivation management

7) Subsystem legal services

Ø solution of labor issues in terms of legal standards

Ø coordination of administrative documents on personnel management

Ø solution of legal issues of economic activity.

8) Subsystem for the development of social infrastructure:

Ø organization Catering

Ø management of housing and welfare services

Ø development of culture and physical education

Ø Ensuring health and recreation

Ø management of social conflicts and stresses

9) Subsystem for the development of the organizational structure of management

Ø analysis of the existing organizational structure of management

Ø designing the organizational structure of management

Ø staffing development

Ø building a new organizational structure of management

This classification provides an exhaustive list of functions attributed to the personnel management service in terms of a new approach to PM management. However, the set of certain functions of the CMS in different companies is different, since usually each manager chooses those elements that, in his opinion, are better suited to a particular situation (the size of the company, the specifics of its activities, etc.) and seem useful to him. successful operation of the organization. But despite all the differences between organizations, there is standard set functions of the CMS, which in their totality represent the personnel policy of the company. Let's consider these functions in more detail.

1) Planning labor resources, which includes:

assessment of available resources (i.e. analysis of the scope of work and existing personnel)

assessment of future needs (forecast of internal and external labor supply and labor demand)

· development of a program to meet future needs in human resources based on the ratio of internal and external labor supply to demand and the company's development strategy. For correct forecasting, it is necessary to take into account the average staff turnover, natural retirement (death, retirement, etc.) and other factors.

2) Recruitment is the creation of a reserve of potential candidates for all positions

3) Personnel selection - evaluation of candidates for the job and selection of the best from the reserve created during the recruitment.

The main evaluation criteria include: professional, educational, organizational, and then personal qualities of the candidate. In that order, because otherwise the company risks hiring a wonderful person, but a bad specialist.

The main selection methods include: tests, assessment of abilities and interviews.

4) Determination of wages and benefits - the development of a salary and benefits structure in order to attract and retain an employee.

At this stage, we must remember that wages are monetary rewards for work performed and play the role of a decisive argument for many employees. The salary structure is determined by the salary level of competitors, conditions in the labor market, productivity and profitability of the organization. It should be added that today the system of additional benefits, and not their own salary, is of great importance for employees. Benefits may include: profit sharing, share payments, vacation pay, etc.

5) Adaptation - the introduction of hired workers into the organization and into all its divisions of what the organization expects from them and what kind of work in it receives a well-deserved assessment.

The main goal of adaptation is to bring the personal knowledge, experience and values ​​of the employee into line with the values ​​and traditions of the organization, to train him in relationships in a particular company. Adaptation proceeds through formal and informal channels

6) Training - development of programs for teaching labor skills to effectively perform work.

Training is necessary to maintain high productivity of all staff and individual workers in case of admission to new position and lack of qualifications. In order for training programs to be effective, it is necessary to create an EMS in conjunction with top management firms an appropriate climate conducive to learning: encouragement of students, support from teachers, etc.

7) Assessment of labor activity - development of methods for assessing labor activity and bringing it to the attention of employees.

Today, we can speak of two types of personnel assessments, the methods of which are directly related to the attitude towards the employee of the company as a valuable resource: the first is the assessment of personnel when hiring, the second is the assessment of personnel performance (this is the most difficult part of personnel work, requiring the highest qualifications and from company executives and from specialists in personnel management services).

The main requirements for assessment are the requirement of objectivity on the part of the assessor, and for the EMS - the development of competent procedures and technologies for assessing personnel.

8) Promotion, demotion, transfer, dismissal of personnel - to perform this function, personnel management services must:

develop a methodology for moving an employee from a position of greater or lesser responsibility

· to develop the employee's professional experience by moving to other positions or areas of work (in other words, the CMS are engaged in career planning of employees).

This classification is given based on the materials of the book by E.A. Utkin and A.I. Kochetkova "Personnel management in small and medium-sized businesses" .

On the example of these two classifications, I wanted to show that today there is no single strictly defined view of the functions of the CMS in the organization. As already mentioned, business leaders rarely use theory in its pure form, but, as a rule, adapt it to the conditions of the functioning of a particular organization. However, the results of the study showed that with all inter-company and inter-country differences in the field of personnel management (in two firms in the same industry in one country you will not find two documents similar in form and content regulating the activities of the PM service), they all profess a common ideology and methodological basis personnel work.

According to a study by the American Society for Personnel Management, the following HR functions take the most time (in descending order):

v solution of personnel problems (selection, orientation, assessment of personnel)

v determination of compensation and benefits

v training, advanced training

v labor Relations

v other activities

In order to get an idea of ​​the situation in our country, let us turn to an express survey conducted by Kommersant magazine among members of the Russian Personnel Center, a union of personnel officers created in Moscow in the wake of the formation of personnel services in the “new” Russian organizations. Thus, the results of the survey showed that most of the newly formed personnel services in their functions gravitate more towards the Western scheme. However, in Russian conditions, the emphasis is shifting so much that the scheme becomes almost unrecognizable. For the majority of representatives, the following are put in the foreground: firstly, selection, training and advanced training. “Other areas” were next on the list of priorities, a fairly wide range of problems has already been named, “from “organizing recreation” and “creating a moral climate” to “development of job descriptions” and “interrelations between services and departments” ”. According to the heads of personnel services themselves, the increased attention to these “other areas” distinguishes their model from the Western one and is the result of adaptation to Russian conditions.

One-fifth of the respondents answered that they were in charge of “Soviet-type” personnel departments. Paradoxically, both the “Soviet” and the “Western models” of the PM service have common priorities: firstly, these are “compensations” (all kinds of benefits that reward labor), and secondly, “labor relations” (settlement of relations this organization with the Labor Code). True, there is a very significant difference between them: if the "Westerners" such areas as the selection, orientation and evaluation of personnel, as well as the training of personnel and the improvement of their qualifications, appear in the first place, then in the "Soviet" version they are most often simply missing.

2.4. Personnel management service: organizational aspect.

This section discusses a number of issues related to the mechanism for organizing the personnel management service in the enterprise.

First question : when should a specialized structure responsible for working with personnel appear in the organization?

The question is not idle. The fact is that at the first stages of the development of the company, the manager can take on the function of working with personnel, using improvised means (involving consulting firms, labor exchanges, recruiting agencies, etc. for help). Western theory says that the first personnel manager (PM - manager) should appear when the number of the organization reaches 100 - 150 people, and the specialized unit - the level of 200 - 500 people, depending on the field of activity of the enterprise. At the same time, it is recommended to have one PM - manager on average for 100 - 300 staff units.

An example is the Moscow-McDonald's project: at the initial stage personnel work She was in charge of the business there. With the advent of several restaurants, a directorate for personnel management arose.

Specialists of the Russian Personnel Center, which has already been mentioned, recommend lowering the bar for the number of personnel at the time of the appearance of the PM service compared to Western standards. In addition, in their opinion, there should be less than 100 people per UE manager. These recommendations are based on the peculiarities of the Russian situation: the underdevelopment of the market mechanism in the labor sphere, the burden of social issues that are very acute in our country, the lack of corporate traditions - all this requires increased attention to the PM process in the organization.

If the company's management is late with the creation of a special PM service and continues to act independently, then the organization threatens to “crumble”, as its composition becomes too motley to form any unified personnel policy. The reason for this is that in our country, the determining factor in hiring is family or friendly ties with the management, so different people come to the company with their own goals, claims and ambitions. In such a situation, a team of like-minded people turns into an amorphous group, which cannot but affect the results of the company's activities.

Second question dedicated to the place of service of the UE in the structure of the organization.

Despite the fact that the very concept of “personnel management” was absent in the practice of Russian management until recently, each organization had personnel departments (which are now renamed in the Western style into personnel management services), which were entrusted with the functions of hiring and dismissing personnel, and also on the organization of training and advanced training of personnel. However, and this is well known, the role of personnel departments in the affairs of the company's management was insignificant, and most of the work on personnel management was performed (and still is, as shown by sociological research) directly the head of the department. In order to understand why CMS occupy such a position in the organization, consider the scheme of the current organizational structure of the company:


Ch. engineer Director Deputy Director Deputy director of legal

on economy by personnel by sociol. the Department

questions questions

Department of security Department of organizational department Department of rest house

labor and personnel technicalization

nicks of labor safety and wages

Department of security Department of organization - Department of promotion institution

env. Environment downgrading qualifications - commonly. nutrition

Soldier. Gardens, etc.

As can be seen from the diagram, the personnel departments (or PMS) structure is disconnected from the departments of labor protection and safety; departments of organization of labor and wages; the legal department and other departments that perform part of the functions of personnel management in the organization. These departments are in no way subordinate to the head of the PM service, therefore the personnel department is neither a methodological, nor an information, nor a coordinating center for personnel policy in the company.

This is where the most the main problem Russian EMS: having a low organizational status in intra-company management, they do not take part in strategic planning companies and making other critical decisions, and thus HR departments do not perform a number of tasks for PM.

Let me explain this situation with an example. As has been repeatedly said, the main function of the personnel department (HRD) is the selection of candidates for the position. Personnel officers should be able to select the most worthy; you need to know how, it is better to do it (procedures), how to promote, train, move them later. But! The PM service should not act autonomously, it is necessary that all these procedures correspond to the goals and objectives of the enterprise. While the PM service will not be engaged in the development of the organization as a whole, it will have to play the role of an agency - a recruiter.

Therefore, according to IBS (one of the first Russian firms that created its own EMS), based on its own experience, the ideal option is when the EMS, having a significant status in the organization's hierarchy, although it does not have the right to directly make changes in other divisions, but has a recommendatory right when it comes to the direction of such changes. To strengthen the authority of the CMS, it is better when it is headed by one of the closest assistants to the head, for example, vice president: “on the one hand, everyone in the organization knows him and trusts him, including the head himself, and on the other hand, he knows organization from within.

Third question is devoted to the already partly touched upon topic - the relationship between the PM service and line managers (heads of departments).

Both line managers and personnel officers are leaders of one level or another, authorized to present work to people and ensure its execution. This is their similarity. The difference lies in the fact that line managers are entrusted with the management of the main departments (production, household, etc.), and the PM service is authorized to advise and help them achieve these goals.

This situation is shown in the diagram

Manager Manager

for production for marketing

Master A Master B Master A Master B

linear linear linear linear

manager manager manager manager

The problem is that most line managers prefer to solve their own problems with subordinate personnel. This creates serious difficulties, since, being professionals in a narrow field and not having special training in the field of human relations, each of the line managers solves personnel issues in the most appropriate way in the current situation, which does not favor the implementation of a unified personnel policy of the company.

At the same time, the task of the enterprise management is to “ensure the cooperation of middle and lower-level managers, understanding the increasing importance of the personnel service for the joint solution of human resource management problems by these departments,” the participants concluded. round table dedicated to the problems of UP, held by the newspaper "Business Express". The conclusion is obviously correct, but how to create a mechanism for such effective work?

One of the options for the division of responsibilities between the CMS and line managers was proposed by N. Mausov in the article “Personnel management is a key element of intra-company management”.

In the field of employment (where he included the recruitment, selection, hiring, etc. of personnel), it is the responsibility of line management to accurately determine the classification of an employee necessary to perform specific duties. Then the UP service comes to the fore, the employees of which are looking for applicants, conduct selection interviews with them and test them. The best candidates are referred to the appropriate line manager, who, through the selection process, decides to hire those individuals who, in terms of their potential and qualifications, are suitable for work in specific jobs.

In the field of training, the CMS manager is responsible for conducting research in order to develop comprehensive plans, directions for training and needs for it; establishing external contacts; collection and analysis of relevant information. His responsibilities also include assisting the president of the firm in meeting the growing needs of the company by developing and coordinating training programs; advising on the training of departments of the company involved in the development of new ideas and products; setting goals, preparing training plans based on the latest scientific research in the field of education. And, in the end result, providing managers with final materials on the economic efficiency of the training system.

If the PM-manager is busy with such planning, then the line manager solves the problems of training at his own level. Line manager responsibilities include the following:

q identify and facilitate the implementation of the training needs of individuals working in the unit; consult with the PM manager regarding targeted training;

q involve personnel training specialists in the development of programs designed for different categories of personnel workers;

q decide on the most promising areas of study for the unit.

Question four : the structure of the EMS. The concept of “personnel management service” is mentioned all the time in the work. However, it is not a homogeneous division. A typical scheme for organizing the structure of the UE service includes:

1. Sector for studying personnel problems and planning for personnel development.

2. Bureau of personnel assessment and work with the reserve.

3. The sector of training and advanced training of specialists and managers.

4. Sector of professional selection and career guidance.

5. Sector for training workers.

6. Sector of labor organization, development of a system for stimulating productivity and monitoring working conditions.

7. Sector of social programs, benefits.

8. Compliance Group labor law; interaction with employee representatives.

9. Central filing cabinet.

Depending on the size of the organization, the composition of the divisions of the personnel management service will change: in small organizations, one division can perform the functions of several sectors, and in large organizations, the functions of each sector, as a rule, are performed by a separate division.

3. Conclusion.

As a conclusion, I would like to cite the words of Mikhail Dodonov, Head of the Human Resources Department of Menotep Bank, who, when asked how much it costs to create a modern PM service and whether the organization needs it, answered: “If you invest in people, then this is saving space Less people for more work. This is also saving resources, because you invest not specifically in a person’s salary, but in the atmosphere that surrounds him. Less money should be invested in salaries in principle, because the team is stable and is updated infrequently. If the moral climate is good, then people's work efficiency increases. They feel good, they like to develop this business, this company. That is, it brings such a number of pluses ... ".

More and more people are trying to take advantage of these advantages. Russian companies.


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3. Krasnova V. Management is the number one topic. /Kommersant. - 1995. - No. 10.

4. Krasnova V., Kiseleva E. Directorate for “care” for personnel. /Kommersant. - 1995. - No. 20.

5. Mausov N. Personnel management is a key link in intra-firm management. /Problems of theory and practice of management. - 1995. - No. 6.

6. Herbert A. Simon, Donald W. Smithsburg. Management in an organization. - M.: Economics, 1995.

7. Utkin E.A., Kochetkova A.I. Personnel management in small and medium business. – M.: Akalis, 1996.

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HR Services


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