PSR: decryption. Polysemantic terms

Multi-valued abbreviated terms formed from the first letters of words are often difficult to decipher. This is especially true in cases where the surrounding text does not give reason to assume several options. What does the abbreviation PSR mean? The decoding of such a combination of letters will be the subject of a review. Let's take a look at the most common options.

What is PSR: decoding

According to reference publications, this combination was used for the abbreviation of the Party of Socialist Revolutionaries. This association no longer exists. But now there is another party in politics - "Fair Russia". In another context, this may be referred to as silver solder RPS in combination with two-digit numbers characterizing the percentage of this metal in it.

Often such a designation is used when explaining the management principles of the Rosatom Production System. When it comes to natural disasters or natural disasters, RPS is usually understood as search and rescue operations. It can also be called a comprehensive program of training and testing the level of preparedness (sports competitions) of specialists of this profile.


There are also several less common, but still common, abbreviations of the RPS. Deciphering them can lead to the most unexpected combinations. It should be noted the pneumatic sporting gun, which was produced at the Izhevsk Arms Plant until 1946. So designate a complete balanced diet in feeding farm animals.

In texts of a technical orientation, this can be referred to as a drill chuck (self-clamping) threaded or a detachable connecting profile. In preparation for construction, RPS is understood as the design (pre-project) cost of work (reconstruction, repair), including topography, plans, soils, etc.

RPS: Rosatom

What is the main message of this Similar methods have been developed by many structures: Sberbank (PSSB), KamAZ (PSK) and other concerns. The creators of the RPS (Rosatom) claim that when determining the methodology, they took into account the experience of proven industrial giants. So, part of the developments of the TOYOTA production system has gone into the base model. But the basis remained from the domestic organization of labor. True, everything superfluous that did not relate (came into conflict) with a rational managerial approach was swept aside.

The most valuable things were taken, starting from the organization of the employee's place and ending with the most thorough analysis of the concern's key products with the identification of their competitiveness. Emphasis was placed on the creation of universal approaches to managing production processes and their testing at the main and subsidiaries of Rosatom.

Key goals were set, methodologies were developed for the application of toolkits. A clear diagnosis of processes and labor resources was established, so that in the end it was possible to fully meet the needs of consumers, ensuring product quality at the highest possible level.

rescue work

In this context, RPS is most often understood as sports tourism competitions. Applications for participation are submitted not only by teams of registered climbing clubs, search and rescue teams and units of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Delegations of educational institutions, groups of athletes can also compete. It should be understood that this is not a simple tourism, but a special extreme type of team competition at distances with combined obstacles. A busy schedule, the continuity of fulfilling the conditions of the task, the complexity of passing the stages - all this makes the competition as similar as possible to real search and rescue operations.

Such trainings teach how to act in situations where there is not enough information, there is no pre-planned action plan, there are no proven routes, and there is a real danger to the health and even life of the participants. For some, this is extreme, adrenaline, risk and play, but not for the sake of superiority and a podium. There they teach to move over rough terrain using available means of orientation. On the way, one has to overcome natural and special obstacles, survive in harsh conditions, find "victims", provide them with first aid, and transport them to the place of possible evacuation.

Soldering work

RPS is used to repair various metals and their alloys. Three-component compositions (silver, zinc and copper) in various ratios are most widely used. Solder usually has a number. It depends on the amount of silver in the total mass (PSr-40, PSr-50, etc.).

Usually products are produced in the form of strips or wire in small coils. When used, the solder connects the parts well and firmly, seals the cracks in the seams. It is equally good for ferrous and non-ferrous metals. In addition to zinc and copper, phosphorus, cadmium, nickel, manganese can be added. The melting temperature of the solder must be less than the temperature of the materials being processed.

The resulting seams, in addition to strength, are resistant to corrosion. It is also important to note their high resistance to vibrations, shocks and various kinds of deformations. Due to these characteristics, silver-based solders can be used for conductive joints in the electrical industry and for various types of soldering in mechanical engineering.


From the history of the last century, the revolutionary activity of the "Socialist-Revolutionaries" is known. The name of their political force in an abbreviated version is the abbreviation of the AKP. The decoding is clear and understandable: Party of Socialist Revolutionaries. In 1917, they were unable to hold on to power, although in February they had maximum support. At that time, the total number of party members exceeded 1 million people. But the revolutionary-minded masses already in October rewrote history.

"Fair Russia", formed in 2006, also has the abbreviation PSR in an abbreviated version. The party is not a follower of the Socialist-Revolutionaries. However, some of its members are called "Socialist-Revolutionaries" for their similar ideology and declared principles.

The goal of political education, as the leaders say, is to build a just state on the basis of social equality, where the result of the country's economic development is correlated with the real well-being of ordinary citizens. Among the bright and memorable slogans are: a progressive tax, an increase in percentage deductions for luxury goods (expensive cars, yachts, real estate), as well as harsh punishment for bribery.

We thank the editors of the journal "REA" (Concern Rosenergoatom») for providing this material.

When setting the task, Andrey Petrov emphasized that we need changes that give a real economic effect and have a direct impact on production. This decision was based on the positive experience of Smolensk and Balakovo NPPs, which started implementing the RPS as early as 2007, and by the end of 2015 received the status of the “RPS Leader Enterprise” at the industry level.

The introduction of production (or business) systems in recent years has become widespread in Russia. Companies that want to win the competition need to keep up with the times, but it is better to be “one step ahead”. Lean production is a philosophy of doing business, management. For those who have carefully studied the essence of lean technologies, it is clear that they are the future of management, and the theory of lean manufacturing overturns the usual idea of ​​doing business. Realizing this, the State Corporation Rosatom has been actively implementing RPS since 2008 at its enterprises.

At the beginning of 2016, when we launched the Concern's transformation program into an RPS division, we understood that a functional vertical was needed, since it would be difficult to implement what was planned without an effective management system. To this end, the directors of NPPs allocated active, initiative specialists, and the Concern's management decided to create a department for the development of RPS and operational efficiency in the central office, the task of which was the overall coordination of the development of RPS in the division, methodological support for RPS divisions of NPPs and divisions of the central office of the Concern .

Summing up the work of enterprises on the systemic implementation of the RPS is carried out with the help of developing peer reviews of the quality of the system deployment (in short, we call them RPKK), the teams of which involve highly qualified industry specialists.

RPPC allow to carry out diagnostics in the areas of RPS deployment, assess the level of development of the production system at the enterprise, determine development zones and best practices. Representatives of 18 enterprises participating in the RPS development program of Rosatom State Corporation take part in the work of the RPPK at the industry level, and employees of our leading enterprises, RPS divisions of NPPs and the RPS Development and Operational Efficiency Department participate at the divisional level. Inspections are held twice a year.

In the middle of the year, an intermediate check is held - "Previsit", within which the current level of development of the RPS at the enterprise is assessed, problem areas are identified for the prompt solution of emerging problems, and recommendations are given for managing the deployment program. At the end of the year, the results of the program implementation for the whole year are summed up. The RPPK team gives an opinion on the achievement of indicators in all areas.

Before each visit of the inspectors, the enterprise conducts a self-assessment of the implementation of all indicators of RPS deployment in five areas: “Goal decomposition”, “RPS flows”, “Project and change management”, “Training”, “Motivation”.

In the middle of the year, the level of performance of the indicators was different at each station. The RPPK teams made recommendations for each of the directions, on the basis of which the stations developed action plans to achieve the indicators, which were fully implemented by the final RPPK, which made it possible to achieve such results.

However, since one of the principles of the RPS is continuous improvement, as a result of the final inspections, the stations received new recommendations from experts, which will form the basis of plans for the further development of the Production System at the sites.

Based on the results of the work of the divisional-level RPPK, seven nuclear power plants and the central office of the Concern, adopting the experience of Smolensk and Balakovo NPPs on the principle of "leaders teach leaders", under the guidance and with the help of the RPS Development Department, are assigned the status of "RPS-enterprise". According to the results of the branch RPPK, Balakovo and Smolensk NPPs must confirm, and Leningrad NPP - receive the status of "Enterprise - leader of the RPS". Confirmation and receipt of this status will take place in early 2017 based on the results of financial statements.

The audits also identified best practices that will be recommended for implementation at other sites. For example, at the Kola NPP, the following were recognized as the best practices: organizing the safe operation of lifting mechanisms, using industrial polyethylene landing ladders, introducing workplace standards according to the 5C system at production sites. At the Kalinin NPP, the application of the “Memo on working with PPU”, the development and implementation of standards for cleaning and inspection of equipment at the production sites of the centralized repair shop with visualization were noted.

One of the tasks of the outgoing year set by Rosatom State Corporation for the division is to reduce the inventory turnover of the Electric Power Division (in terms of revenue) by 27%. The fulfillment of this task would have been impossible without the opening of a personal RPS project of the General Director of the Concern and his deputies to reduce stocks.

The analysis carried out as part of the RPS project showed that this can be done through:

  • bringing production reserves for REW to the normative ones;
  • development and approval of standards for the presence of fuel assemblies in the operational reserve;
  • development of schedules for the reduction of reserves in each direction;
  • procurement of materials and equipment, taking into account the analysis of warehouse stocks;
  • efficient supply of materials and equipment (delivery just in time) and other activities.

In the information center of the General Director of the Concern, monitoring was organized to reduce the turnover of current inventories. The dynamics of all current stocks of nuclear power plants and subsidiaries is monitored monthly. In the event of a deviation from the predicted reduction in stocks, those responsible for the directions report at which enterprise, in which of the directions, the deviation occurred and what measures were taken.

However, unscheduled shutdowns at Smolensk, Kalinin, Rostov NPPs and Novovoronezh NPP-2 complicated the task. Due to the fact that the current production reserves consist of 75% of fresh nuclear fuel (SNF) and core components (KAZ), due to unscheduled shutdowns of power units, there was an incomplete predictive burnup of the fuel located in the core, and, as a result, non-commissioning of this fuel from the company's balance sheet.

Participation in industry competitions led to a clear understanding of the need to plan activities, coordinate the timing of the opening and implementation of RPS projects in the division

After the completion of the project, it will be necessary to analyze the range, quantity of stocks and the formed minimum stock in the production cycle (from overhaul to overhaul), and then make a decision on further work with stocks and establish their standards.

The main task of the RPS is to search for and eliminate losses, as well as solving problems that arise in various life processes of enterprises. Learning to see losses is the task of every employee. Unfortunately, we get so used to reality that we no longer notice the problems that are nearby. To learn how to see our processes from the point of view of lean manufacturing, to notice losses, such RPS tools as value stream mapping and production control and analysis help. To learn how to use them, this year each leader was given the task of implementing two RPS projects. RPS project is a project aimed at process optimization.

If the solution to the identified problem is obvious, then any of us can submit an Improvement Proposal (PEP). This work is now being carried out at all enterprises of the industry, and for the sixth time the industry competition of PPU and RPS projects has been held at Rosatom State Corporation. Our division has repeatedly participated in it. The competition is held in three stages. At the first stage, the nuclear power plants and subsidiaries of the Concern determined the best PRP and RPS projects implemented in 2016. Selected proposals and projects were submitted for participation in the second stage, which was held at the division level. The selection committee considered more than 80 works from nuclear power plants, as well as from JSC Atomenergoremont, JSC Atomtechenergo and other organizations of the division, choosing the most effective PPU and RPS projects from them. Thus, we entered the third stage of the industry competition with 12 PSP and 12 RPS projects.

The best RPS projects and PPU in 2016 (with economic effect)

The selection of the winners from the projects and proposals selected for the State Corporation took place within the framework of the annual RPS Leaders Forum. Each of the applicants was given the opportunity to personally present the implemented improvements. As a result, one of the winners of the PPU competition was the repair engineer of the Kursk NPP Denis Romanovich Vikhasty. His proposal - "Development of a plug for the repair of the lower tract of the technological channel (TC) sb.26", allows you to cut off the TC from the PVC without dismantling the clips sb.25-33r.

The program for the transformation of the Electric Power Division into the RPS Division in 2017 provides for the systematic deployment of the Rosatom Production System not only at nuclear power plants, but also in all other branches and subsidiaries of the Concern, which have yet to go through the path of learning RPS principles and tools. Serious assistance in this will be provided by NPP workers who have been certified by the ANO Corporate Academy of Rosatom as RPS trainers.

An important task for the next year is the implementation of the approved by the General Director of the State Corporation "Rosatom" A.E. Likhachev in December 2016 of the roadmap for the implementation of RPS engineering standards at Rosatom facilities under construction.

Results of the RPPK at seven NPPs

Already this year, relying on the positive experience of JSC ASE EC (power unit No. 2 of NVNPP-2 was recognized by the State Corporation Rosatom as an exemplary RPS unit), as well as focusing on the upcoming key event of 2017 - the physical launch of power unit No. 1 of Leningrad NPP- 2, the Concern, together with the general contractor, developed a Joint Action Plan for the implementation of RPS during the construction of power units No. 1 and 2 of Leningrad NPP-2 and an Action Plan for the creation of a unified information database of the customer, general contractor and designer. As part of the implementation of these plans, a unified information database was deployed on the servers of Leningrad NPP and Concern Titan-2 JSC, training was organized and conducted for employees of Leningrad NPP-2 and contractors led by the general contractor on the basic RPS course, developed on the basis of JSC IK standards "ASE" RPS-standards for management of construction and installation works, production control and analysis, application of the 5C system at the construction site, "Help Chain" and "Proposals for Improvement" standards. The general contractor was given for application the adapted methodological recommendations on the motivation of employees involved in the implementation of the RPS.

Another serious task for the next year is to look at the processes of "New Products", "R&D and Innovation", "Quality" from the standpoint of the RPS in order to optimize them and determine the possibilities and ways of implementing inter-sectoral and inter-divisional RPS projects.

Achieving the ambitious tasks set for the division for the systemic deployment of RPS is impossible without the involvement of all personnel in the philosophy of thrift and the use of production system tools. Let me remind you that RPS is a culture of lean manufacturing and a system of continuous improvement of processes to ensure competitive advantage at the global level.

Culture is a set of codes that prescribe a certain behavior to a person with his inherent experiences and thoughts, exerting a managerial influence on him. RPS is a new culture of production, organization of work and workplaces. It will take a long time to instill it, and therefore we assign a separate role in the formation of this culture to the involvement, training and motivation of personnel. Only together we can achieve results. When planning work on involvement in the RPS, we need to form a positive attitude towards the Production System.

At the RPS Leaders forum this year, the results of a study of attitudes towards the Rosatom Production System at the enterprises of the State Corporation were presented, in which employees of the enterprises of our division also took part. The attitude towards RPS is dramatically changing at enterprises where the system has been introduced for more than a year.

A positive attitude towards RPS requires an engaging style of implementation. A high level of reputation is typical for enterprises where managers are actively involved in implementation: they personally explain, demonstrate by example. The presence of RPS leaders who demonstrate the effective tools of the system, clearly and convincingly explaining the need for its implementation, is an important factor influencing the high reputation of the RPS. Education, "cultivation" of such employees should be a priority for the heads of enterprises of the division at all levels.

Typical RPS reputation at different stages of implementation (results of a qualitative study; illustrated with figures collected during the study)

Much work has been done to develop the RPS this year, and more remains to be done next year. I would like to wish our leaders in 2015 - Smolensk and Balakovo NPPs - to successfully confirm their title, Leningrad NPP - to receive it at the industry level. Nuclear power plants, participants of the 2016 transformation program, who have reached the target indicators of the RPS enterprise, to reach a new level and become RPS leaders. And to the subsidiaries and branches (not NPPs), participants of the 2017 transformation program, I wish successful implementation of the RPS development plans using the experience of the Concern's nuclear power plants.


Justice and Development Party

Great Britain, polit., Turkey

A source:


complete mixed ration

  1. SRs

party of socialist revolutionaries



search and rescue


solder silver


programmable rhythm synthesizer


pre-project cost of repairs;
pre-project cost of reconstruction


Production system "Rosatom";
Rosatom production system

state, RF

A source:

. Academician. 2015 .

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    Kamkov, Boris- At the V All-Russian Congress of Soviets. 1918 Boris Davidovich Kamkov (real name Katz; 1885, Soroca district of the Bessarabian province August 29, 1938) socialist, leader of the Russian Socialist Revolutionaries, one of the founders of the Left Socialist-Revolutionary Party. ... ... Wikipedia


  • Dreams of a new Russia. Viktor Chernov (1873-1952), Hannu Immonen. V. M. Chernov (1873-1952) - one of the founders and leaders of the Socialist Revolutionary Party from 1900 until the early 1920s. He was the main theorist of the party and consistently ... Buy for 744 rubles
  • Dreams of a new Russia Victor Chernov 1873-1952, Immonen Kh. He was the chief theoretician of the party and consistently...

The production system of Rosatom (RPS) is a method of managing a production site through the control of emergency situations in terms of parameters: production plans, safety, quality and loading of operators and equipment.

The main goal of the RPS is to identify and reduce all types of losses in production and business processes.

RPS is the successor of the NOTPIU approach and the developments of the Ministry of Medium Machine Building of the USSR. The RPS includes and adapted for the nuclear industry the best achievements from other modern methodological platforms, primarily the production system of the Toyota company.

The system ensures the implementation of strategic goals through staff training, as well as through continuous improvement and continuous improvement opportunities to increase labor productivity, improve quality, reduce costs and meet customer requirements.

According to the development concept of the Rosatom Production System, all enterprises where the system is being integrated are divided into three levels: "RPS Leader", "RPS Candidate" and "RPS Reserve". RPS Leader enterprises receive a package of privileges (business coach visits to the enterprise, the opportunity for employees to travel to exchange experience at foreign and Russian advanced enterprises, family vouchers, certificates for training at the Rosatom Corporate Academy, participation in the Workspace Design project and etc.).

The introduction of RPS is aimed at embedding the ideas of prudence and optimality into the logic of managerial decision-making in production, and through production into other processes and structural divisions of the company.

RPS is designed to maximize productive actions per unit of time at each workplace by consistently eliminating losses in production and management processes.

RPS ensures the progressive growth of the productivity of production processes, the reduction of production costs and the improvement of the quality of work and managerial work. In addition, RPS is aimed at combating any losses: excess inventory, backlogs, downtime, unnecessary movements.

The development and implementation of the RPS began in the second half of 2008, when Sergey Kiriyenko, Director General of Rosatom State Corporation, set a goal to quadruple labor productivity in the industry by 2020, reduce costs and, as a result, reduce the cost of manufactured products.

On December 29, 2008, an order "On the implementation of the Rosatom production system in industry organizations" was signed.

Since 2009, practical work has begun at the pilot sites of NPPs under construction and operating, and at the machine-building complex.

In 2010, 54 projects were successfully implemented under the RPS.

Since August 2011, the second stage of RPS development has been launched, when the system is being implemented at the main production chains of Rosatom enterprises.

At the beginning of 2015, a decision was made to apply a systematic approach to the deployment of the RPS. 10 pilot enterprises of the industry were selected, where the implementation of a single package of RPS activities began (setting goals to the level of leaders of small groups based on the goals of the enterprise, training the methodology of top management and project participants, implementing RPS projects in the office and production according to a single methodology, motivation programs for different levels of employees).

In 2015, seven pilot enterprises met all the target indicators for the deployment of the production system and achieved the status of "Leader". These are PJSC KMZ, Balakovo NPP, JSC UEIP, JSC OKBM, Smolensk NPP, FSUE PO Start and PJSC MSZ, they set new ambitious goals and continue to optimize processes.

In March 2016, the selection of "Reserve" enterprises, applicants for systemic deployment in 2017, began.

At present, the introduction of RPS at the enterprises of the industry has already made it possible to achieve significant savings, reduce stocks in warehouses and the timing of scheduled preventive repairs at Russian nuclear power plants.

The Engineering Division is one of the leaders in the implementation of RPS among the enterprises of Rosatom State Corporation.

Since 2009, JSC ASE EC has successfully used the production system of Rosatom as a tool to improve the efficiency of production processes. In 2010, the company introduced a system to motivate employees for introducing RPS into their activities, in particular for submitting proposals for improvements (PRP).

Since 2016, the process of working with the ideas of employees in JSC ASE EC has been automated - the industry information system began to work for employees to make suggestions for improvements "Idea Factory". In 2016 alone, about 2,000 PSPs and PSSs (cost reduction proposals) were submitted with a total economic effect of about 9 billion rubles.

The introduction of the production system at the NPP construction sites is aimed at improving the controllability of the construction process according to uniform standards, reducing costs, eliminating losses, increasing safety and labor productivity. At the construction sites of the Belarusian NPP, Kursk NPP-2, Novovoronezh NPP-2, Rostov NPP and in all contractors involved in their construction, work is carried out strictly in accordance with 8 RPS standards of JSC ASE EC - a unique set of lean manufacturing standards created for the first time in the world. Since 2016, the implementation of RPS standards has begun at other foreign sites.

Production system tools are used not only at the construction site, but also to optimize office and business processes. Company executives open and successfully implement personal RPS projects aimed at optimizing activities. In particular, the use of RPS tools in daily work has allowed the design and commercial departments to achieve results that are an example for the entire nuclear industry.

Novovoronezh NPP-2: exemplary site for RPS implementation

In 2015, the management of Rosatom State Corporation assigned JSC ASE EC the task of creating an exemplary RPS site on the basis of the construction site of NV NPP-2 power unit 2. As a result of the work done, the following were created:

· RPS implementation algorithm in all contracting organizations;

· system of end-to-end training;

· system of distribution and control over the implementation of RPS-standards;

· transparent and well-built visualization system of the construction progress;

exemplary warehousing;

Comfortable construction site and exemplary territory;

· reference areas of labor culture, industrial life, organization and management of production, etc.;

· the system of planning and control of execution of works is optimized.

As a result of the work done, in May 2016, the commission of the State Corporation Rosatom awarded the site the status of an exemplary one.

The Director General of the State Corporation Rosatom decided to extend the experience of NV NPP-2 to all construction sites in the industry.

Process Factory

"Process Factory" is a unique form of training that simulates real work using RPS tools carried out on a construction site. Participants time the total cycle time when assembling formwork elements, during the course of observations they determine losses, identify causes, share their experience in using production system tools, discuss proposals for improving the formwork assembly process and implement them to increase the time and economic indicators of the process.

Knowledge transfer

RPS specialists of JSC ASE EC conduct training on RPS standards and tools of the Rosatom production system for employees of both the company itself and contractors. All training is carried out in accordance with the license of the Ministry of Education.

In accordance with the instructions of the General Director of Rosatom State Corporation, in 2016 a seminar "Implementation of RPS engineering standards" was developed to train all organizations in the industry on the basis of the reference power unit 2 NV NV NPP-2. The purpose of this seminar is to gain knowledge and skills in building an effective management system at the enterprise, mastering methods to reduce all types of losses and costs in production.

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