Networking and new trends in the information business. Completion of the infobusiness conference in St. Petersburg

Everything you need for a competent and confident start in the information business.

Literally every beginning infopreneur, on the way to creating and running his own business, faces the same difficulty - this is the technical side of the Internet business. As soon as you decide to devote yourself to business on the Internet, a whole mountain of problems falls on you.

  • You need to learn how to competently record videos and training courses.
  • You need to learn how to design them professionally.
  • You need to create selling websites and subscription pages.
  • You need to buy a domain.
  • You need to buy hosting and place your websites on it.
  • You need to connect and configure the order acceptance system to the site.
  • You need to connect and set up your own affiliate program.
  • You need to create and configure an e-mail newsletter.
  • And much more...
And for the majority, all these difficulties become an insurmountable obstacle, since the entire organization of a long-awaited business turns into a CONTINUOUS SEARCH for the necessary information.

And not finding answers to their questions right away, most give up on all their endeavors, and the information business as a whole. That’s the way we are built, if something doesn’t work out for us right away, then we immediately lose interest in it.

That is why, at the initial stage, it is more important and necessary than ever to have at hand a reference book, or better yet, a GUIDE to all technical and administrative topics of the Infobusiness.

SpoilerTarget"> Spoiler: Info


Dear friend, if you are now on this site, then I dare to believe that you are interested in making money on the Internet, moreover, perhaps you have even set yourself a specific and irrevocable goal - to organize YOUR OWN business on the web.

And you made the right decision. What else should you choose in creating your own business, if not on the Internet, because outside the window is the 21st century, CENTURY computer technology, and UNLIMITED possibilities.

And it’s true, we live in the era of planet-wide globalization of the Internet, and the day is not far off when all the businesses in the world will be managed from their own home, and the sooner we drive our peg into this fertile field, the faster our MONEY TREE will grow .

But as they say: “ It's easy to make a song, but it's hard to do things" Most novice Internet entrepreneurs quit the race right at the start, without even feeling the taste of the first profit.

The reason for this is the initial lack and constant search for the necessary information on various technical and administrative topics of Internet business. All initial activity boils down to the fact that we are looking for answers to questions, WHICH IN TURN ARE REPLACED BY OTHER QUESTIONS, and it seems that there is no end to this.

How to step over this routine?


My name is Igor Polishchuk. For more than three years now, I have been involved in the information business, and I am so passionate about it that I no longer see myself in any other activity.

Why exactly Infobusiness?

The whole point is that Infobusiness is, speaking in simple words, trade in information, and the Internet is information. As a result, the Internet and the Information business are NOT SEPARATE, and if you are passionate about the Internet and are looking for some kind of business on it, then sooner or later you will still come to the Information business. So it was with me.

The entire Internet business itself is attractive primarily because of its almost COMPLETE AUTOMATION. Here, all the routine work is done for you by services, and these services are becoming more and more numerous every year, and accordingly, working becomes EASIER AND MORE INTERESTING.

As for the Info business, unlike other businesses on the Internet, it has a moment of CREATIVITY, and this is the most interesting thing. In what other creative activity, without having any special data, can an ordinary person realize himself?

If you have decided to devote yourself to this wonderful type of activity, but you are frightened by the initial difficulties, then I want to offer you help.

At the moment, I am the author of more than twenty training courses on various technical and administrative topics of Infobusiness. From them I selected and combined into one collection: “All INFO-BUSINESS tools”, nine courses on the most important and necessary topics.

In this collection, you will find everything you need both to create your own information products and for the entire administration of your business.


To view the content you need

Gosha Polishuk - All information business tools

The entire technical side of the information business in one course, on 2 DVDs
Literally every beginning infopreneur, on the way to creating and running his own business, faces the same difficulty - this is the technical side of the Internet business. As soon as you decide to devote yourself to business on the Internet, a whole mountain of problems falls on you.

You need to learn how to competently record videos and training courses.
You need to learn how to design them professionally.
You need to create selling websites and subscription pages.
You need to buy a domain.
You need to buy hosting and place your websites on it.
You need to connect and configure the order acceptance system to the site.
You need to connect and set up your own affiliate program.
You need to create and configure an e-mail newsletter.
And much more...

And for the majority, all these difficulties become an insurmountable obstacle, since the entire organization of a long-awaited business turns into a CONTINUOUS SEARCH for the necessary information.

And not finding answers to their questions right away, most give up on all their endeavors, and the information business as a whole. That’s the way we are built, if something doesn’t work out for us right away, then we immediately lose interest in it.

That is why, at the initial stage, it is more important and necessary than ever to have at hand a reference book, or better yet, a GUIDE to all technical and administrative topics of the Infobusiness.

My name is Igor Polishchuk. For more than three years now, I have been involved in the information business, and I am so passionate about it that I no longer see myself in any other activity.

Why exactly Infobusiness?

The thing is that information business is, in simple words, trading in information, and the Internet is information. As a result, the Internet and the Information business are NOT SEPARATE, and if you are passionate about the Internet and are looking for some kind of business on it, then sooner or later you will still come to the Information business. So it was with me.

The entire Internet business itself is attractive primarily because of its almost COMPLETE AUTOMATION. Here, all the routine work is done for you by services, and these services are becoming more and more numerous every year, and accordingly, working becomes EASIER AND MORE INTERESTING.

As for the Info business, unlike other businesses on the Internet, it has a moment of CREATIVITY, and this is the most interesting thing. In what other creative activity can an ordinary person realize himself without special data?

If you have decided to devote yourself to this wonderful type of activity, but you are frightened by the initial difficulties, then I want to offer you help.

At the moment, I am the author of more than twenty training courses on various technical and administrative topics of Infobusiness. From them I selected and combined into one collection: “All INFO-BUSINESS tools”, nine courses on the most important and necessary topics.

In this collection, you will find everything you need both to create your own information products and for the entire administration of your business.

Literally every beginning infopreneur, on the way to creating and running his own business, faces the same difficulty - this is the technical side of the Internet business. As soon as you decide to devote yourself to business on the Internet, a whole mountain of problems falls on you.

You need to learn how to competently record videos and training courses.
You need to learn how to design them professionally.
You need to create selling websites and subscription pages.
You need to buy a domain.
You need to buy hosting and place your websites on it.
You need to connect and configure the order acceptance system to the site.
You need to connect and set up your own affiliate program.
You need to create and configure an e-mail newsletter.
And much more...
And for the majority, all these difficulties become an insurmountable obstacle, since the entire organization of a long-awaited business turns into a CONTINUOUS SEARCH for the necessary information.

And not finding answers to their questions right away, most give up on all their endeavors, and the information business as a whole. That’s the way we are built, if something doesn’t work out for us right away, then we immediately lose interest in it.

That is why, at the initial stage, it is more important and necessary than ever to have at hand a reference book, or better yet, a GUIDE to all technical and administrative topics of the Infobusiness.


Dear friend, if you are now on this site, then I dare to believe that you are interested in making money on the Internet, moreover, perhaps you have even set yourself a specific and irrevocable goal - to organize YOUR OWN business on the Internet.

And you made the right decision. What else should you choose in creating your own business, if not on the Internet, because outside the window is the 21st century, the CENTURY of computer technology, and UNLIMITED possibilities.

And it’s true, we live in the era of planet-wide globalization of the Internet, and the day is not far off when all the businesses in the world will be managed from their own home, and the sooner we drive our peg into this fertile field, the faster our MONEY TREE will grow .

But as they say: “It’s easy to make a song, but it’s hard to do things.” Most novice Internet entrepreneurs quit the race right at the start, without even feeling the taste of the first profit.

The reason for this is the initial lack and constant search for the necessary information on various technical and administrative topics of Internet business. All initial activity boils down to the fact that we are looking for answers to questions, WHICH IN TURN ARE REPLACED BY OTHER QUESTIONS, and it seems that there is no end to this.

How to step over this routine?


My name is Igor Polishchuk. For more than three years now, I have been involved in the information business, and I am so passionate about it that I no longer see myself in any other activity.

Why exactly Infobusiness?

The thing is that information business is, in simple words, trading information, and the Internet is information. As a result, the Internet and the Information business are NOT SEPARATE, and if you are passionate about the Internet and are looking for some kind of business on it, then sooner or later you will still come to the Information business. So it was with me.

The entire Internet business itself is attractive primarily because of its almost COMPLETE AUTOMATION. Here, all the routine work is done for you by services, and these services are becoming more and more numerous every year, and accordingly, working becomes EASIER AND MORE INTERESTING.

As for the Info business, unlike other businesses on the Internet, it has a moment of CREATIVITY, and this is the most interesting thing. In what other creative activity can an ordinary person realize himself without special data?

If you have decided to devote yourself to this wonderful type of activity, but you are frightened by the initial difficulties, then I want to offer you help.

At the moment, I am the author of more than twenty training courses on various technical and administrative topics of Infobusiness. From them I selected and combined into one collection: “All INFO-BUSINESS tools”, nine courses on the most important and necessary topics.

In this collection, you will find everything you need both to create your own information products and for the entire administration of your business.

What's new in 2016? Making money on the Internet is becoming more and more popular year after year, and this is not surprising - what other job can guarantee such freedom in choosing actions, convenience and comfort, working when you want, where you want, and who you want.

What is the most popular in the information business?

The most profitable directions Among the ways to make money on the Internet are: trading, maintaining a website or blog, information business.

  • Trading - this type of business requires the most serious intentions, the stakes are high, and you need to have remarkable mental abilities. To make money from trading, you need to constantly grow and develop, invent new schemes and strategies for conducting transactions. Many people try, not everyone succeeds, but if you succeed, then the doors to the world of big money will open for you.
  • Maintaining a website or blog is the most understandable and approved type of earning money online. In addition, being the owner of a well-promoted blog is like having your own brand, very prestigious. Having your own websites and managing them wisely, you can make good money from it, and by combining running your own successful website or blog with an information business, your revenue can increase significantly.
  • Infobusiness. Provided that the information product you create becomes in demand, this is the fastest and most reliable way to earn money. The information business in Russia is just gaining momentum, many are trying their hand at this business. But in most cases, we are talking about the same product, “served with different sauces.” Therefore, if your information creation is of high quality and original, and most importantly relevant, the profit will not be long in coming.

Information business trends in 2016

What will bring success in 2016.The success of your information business, like any other business, depends on how “in trend” you are with your product.

Based on the results of last year, it became clear that in 2016 the information product will continue to be in demand for the following:

  • Internet sales - creation of online stores, including in social networks, management, attracting clients, etc.;
  • Development, promotion and monetization of websites and blogs;
  • Consulting - reliable advice from a competent specialist is worth a lot;
  • Personal growth - all kinds of training aimed at developing a person’s abilities, getting rid of bad habits, healthy lifestyle;
  • Teaching effective communication skills - here parenting, seduction lessons, career growth etc.
  • Actually, the information business itself. It is not so difficult to get a certain result by doing this type of business. It is much more difficult to ensure that success comes to those you teach. After all, the effectiveness of any activity and the profit received from it directly depends on the benefit that your business brings to other people.

What you should pay attention to in the information business

Since competition is high and demands on the final product are growing, it is important that your information product is from 2016, not 1996.

When creating your information product, adhere to the following rules:

  • the quantity of the product produced should not be at the expense of its quality; in the information business, as elsewhere, quality goods are valued; it is better to pay attention to one project, making it impeccable, than to be scattered on several fronts, which will later turn out to be dummies;
  • strive to create and promote own brand, work for your name and reputation - this is the key to stability and prosperity;
  • be charismatic - people are drawn to people, be interesting and lively, otherwise you risk losing your audience;
  • Constantly improve your qualifications, communicate with other trainers, attend seminars, implement the acquired knowledge into your work;
  • the visibility and attractiveness of your information product should be at its best (high-quality video, clear sound, appropriate background, manner of presenting information).

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Hello friends! Today's article will tell you about the completion of the infobusiness conference in St. Petersburg— Piterinfobiz 2016. The past conference is quite a landmark event in the Infobusiness not only in Russia, but also in other countries. At the conference there were best speakers who generously shared their knowledge and experience in the field of information business and making money via the Internet.

The second part of the article "Piterinfobiz2016, how the conference went"

So, today the second part of the article “Piterinfobiz 2016, how the conference went” is published. The first part of the article turned out to be quite large, and it would have been easier to split it into two parts. Since the articles cannot be called the same, therefore the second part of the article is called a little differently - “Completion of the information business conference in St. Petersburg,” I think readers will understand me.

All participants of the Peterinfobiz 2016 conference

In the first part of the article, the speakers of the infobusiness conference were presented, the topics of their speech at Piterinfobiz 2016 were shown, and photos were presented. The first part of the article can be viewed. For those who did not read the previous article, let me remind you that the conference was attended by more than 130 participants and more than 30 speakers. The work schedule was very intense - the speakers spoke from 9-00 to 21-00 with short breaks (not counting the lunch break). The speakers generously shared useful content, tips and gifts for conference participants.

Speakers of the conference Peterinfobiz 2016

In the process of meeting and communicating, ideas arose about recording interviews; I wanted to know interesting aspects of the work not only of the speakers, but also the successes of our students in the VIP and Expert groups, the successes of our colleagues.

Colleagues in the VIP group V. Chelpachenko

Of course, theoretically, it was possible to record a huge number of interviews, with almost every speaker, with every participant, but where to find so much time?

Recording of an interview with Artyom Pleshkov

After all, the break is limited to 15 minutes, you also have to perform certain duties as an assistant, besides, loud music is played during the break and it is not entirely convenient to record an interview with such noise, even a lavalier microphone does not always help. But we write where to go. During the break, conference participants could have a snack, drink coffee or tea.

Vladlen Statny - successful graduate Group Expert V. Chelpachenko

During the breaks there was also a cultural program, famous dance groups of St. Petersburg performed, and on the evening of June 4 there was a paper show, which the participants of the Peterinfobiz 2016 conference really liked. On the evening of June 5 there was a show again, the conference participants were offered champagne, all this added positivity and good mood at the conference.

During one of the breaks

Great paper show

Official closing of the conference, you can talk with colleagues

Over the three days of the conference, I recorded only a dozen interviews; I didn’t have enough time physically for more; we agreed with some of the speakers that we would contact us later on Skype and record a joint interview. Still, the Peterinfobiz 2016 conference provides such an opportunity.

And if there had been no acquaintance at Peterinfobiz 2016, then how to find an approach - to say, I am such and such, you can record an interview - I think everything would have been different. So live dating is a great thing. I am sure that if you have questions, none of the conference participants will refuse you and the guys will be happy to answer your questions.

Day 3 completion of the info-business conferencePiterinfobiz 2016

The third day was great, there was a trip to nature (outside the city, to a camp site), to the shore of the Gulf of Finland. True, we were a little unlucky with the weather, it suddenly became cool, sometimes it rained - St. Petersburg is St. Petersburg, the weather here changes quite quickly. We had to rent a room where the participants hid from the rain and warmed up a little, but this did not stop them from eating hot kebabs, which were prepared by the conference participants themselves.

The relaxed atmosphere and availability of time allowed the participants of the info-business conference to communicate in an informal setting, take photographs and record that part of the interview that they did not have time to record during the main days. Artyom Pleshkov organized a demonstration process (show) on making money via the Internet with one of the newcomers; well-known information businessmen in the person of Evgeny Vergus, Vitaly Timofeev, Evgeny Vanin joined this process. It was very interesting to watch this.

An interesting project was born from Artyom Pleshkov

After returning to St. Petersburg, Vladislav Chelpachenko gathered us assistants to analyze the results of the Peterinfobiz 2016 conference; tasks were set for the next year - for Peterinfobiz 2017. As you understand, there was no free time left - it was not possible to wander around St. Petersburg, because we had to leave in the evening.

Andrey Khvostov, Inna Kapichnikova and Sergey Sukhin made it easier, they set the departure date for a later date, had time to see the city, and did some filming. I had to leave on June 6, because I still had to visit Ukraine, my route was clearly planned, but that’s another story.

What I received at the Peterinfobiz 2016 conference

Live acquaintance and live communication cannot be replaced by anything, I think everyone understands this. At the Peterinfobiz 2016 conference, I met many successful information businessmen, service owners who earn hundreds of thousands of rubles a month. When you are among such people, you inevitably set yourself the task of achieving the same results that they have already achieved - you must agree, this motivates.

I have long dreamed of meeting my first teachers Vladislav Chelpachenko and Evgeniy Vergus in person, now my old dream has come true. They were written about in my first articles on the blog and. By the way, we recorded an interview with Zhenya Vergus, which will later be provided on the blog (subscribe and follow the blog updates).

A lot of interesting and useful content was received; at least some of it needs to be implemented. After all, only the implemented features bring benefits and results. And most importantly, there was amazing energy at the Piterinfobiz 2016 conference; I received such a charge of energy that would last for more than one month.

Words of gratitude to the organizers and speakers of the Peterinfobiz 2016 conference

Everything that was written about in the first and second parts of this long article did not happen by itself, just like that. Behind the organization of the Peterinfobiz 2016 conference was the enormous work of its organizer Vladislav Chelpachenko and his wife Tatyana, we saw it from the inside - we thank them very much for this. After all, it was thanks to them that the infobusiness conference took place, and all the participants were satisfied.

Vladislav and Tatyana Chelpachenko

Special thanks must be given to the speakers who provided a wealth of useful and necessary content, who charged the conference participants with amazing energy and positivity. Thank you very much professional photographers and the operators for the great work they did, we received a lot of photos and videos.

One of the workplaces, great videos are made from here

White nights of St. Petersburg

I must say a few words about the white nights that took place in St. Petersburg in June. At first it seemed to me that there was nothing unusual; it began to get dark outside in the first hour of the night, but as it turned out, this was not entirely true. After all, it was cloudy, and part of the sky was covered with dense clouds, but in the north there was still a light stripe in the sky, these were white nights, and literally an hour and a half later a completely normal dawn began. It so happened that I had never been to St. Petersburg (Leningrad) in June and could not observe the white nights in principle, thanks to Piterinfobiz 2016, I was able to do this right now.

For those who were unable to come to Peterinfobiz 2016

Not everyone had the opportunity to go to Peterinfobiz 2016, the reasons are different, but many people would like to attend the Peterinfobiz 2016 conference, at least virtually. We would like to know what happened there, listen to speakers, get new tricks, and so on. There is such a possibility. For those who were unable to attend the conference and would like to receive materials, there is an opportunity to purchase them. Depending on the package, you can follow the links below:

  • standard;
  • premium

See you at Peterinfobiz 2017

And in conclusion, I would like to say that Peterinfobiz 2016 is over. The conference participants went home, but Vladislav Chelpachenko has already begun preparations for a new information business conference - Peterinfobiz 2017. Vladislav announced this to the participants at the end of the conference. There is still no complete idea of ​​where exactly the conference will be held, but Peterinfobiz 2017 will definitely take place.

So, this article concludes the review of the conference dedicated to Infobusiness and making money via the Internet - Piterinfobiz 2016. But there will be publications of new articles ahead, which will be devoted to interviews with speakers and participants of the conference. So, subscribe to blog updates and be the first to receive news.

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