Scenario New Year's fairy tale Princess Nesmeyana and Koschey. Script for the dramatization of “Princess Nesmeyana” based on a Russian folk tale

Olga Lyubaeva
Script for the dramatization of “Princess Nesmeyana” based on the Russian folk tale

Characters : Princess Nesmeyana, king, nannies, buffoons, sultan, Frenchman, Vanyusha, owner, beetles, mouse, catfish.

Buffoons stand in front of the curtain

1 buffoon: - Oh, the white light is great!

If you go, there is no end!

Different people live

There are different tales.

2 buffoon: - This - proverb. Now -

I'll tell you mine story

ABOUT Princess Nesmeyane

And about Ivan’s generosity

About kindness and affection

We'll show you fairy tale!

Buffoons: - Magic fire

Burn the candle!

Fairy tale, come visit!

Fairy tale, come visit...

Screams are heard from behind the curtain. The crown flies out. The curtain opens.

Scene. The king lies near the throne, his collar is on his side, his robe is wrinkled, his crown is lying nearby. The buffoons run up to the king and lift him up

Tsar: Oh!

Buffoons: Oh, oh, oh

adjusting clothes

Tsar: Ay!

Buffoons: Ay, ay. ah

put on a crown, etc. sit on the throne

Tsar: Oh!

The king sits sad on the throne. Screams are heard, he enters Nesmeyana I don’t want! I WILL NOT! Nesmeyana plops down on the throne.

King - Well, well, Nesmeyanushka Why are you crying again? (the buffoon serves the king ice cream) Will you eat ice cream? (carefully gives her ice cream)

Nesmeyana: I don’t want to!

Tsar: Your scream can be heard from the yard,

There are already two buckets of your tears.

Nesmeyana: I cry all day in the morning

And just two buckets?

(The king stands up and looks around)

Tsar: Nannies, run quickly,

Princesses cry, calm down.

The nannies come in and bring new beads and a mirror.

Nanny 1: Nesmeyana calm down,

There's no need to cry, believe me

Look, here are the new beads

Come on, try it on quickly (puts beads around her neck)

Nanny 2: Yes, and look in the mirror, (holds a mirror to her face)

Quickly wipe away the tears from your eyes. (Nesmeyana looks at himself in the mirror)

Nesmeyana: No! I won't wipe away the tears, (waves away from the mirror)

Give me a bucket, I'll cry some more.

Tsar: All! We need to do something! (grabs his head)

I can't live like this anymore!

Skomorokh 1: What should I do?

Tsar: Guess it, otherwise I’ll blow your heads off!

Skomorokh 2: We need to gather the suitors,

We will I'm not a fool to marry.

Tsar: Agree! Prepare a decree.

Skomorokh 1: Listen, people Tsar's decree,

he issued this order:

I urgently command - I declare to the whole kingdom,

Who surprise the princess - Who will make the princess laugh,

He will be my son-in-law - I will give you half a kingdom and a horse!

Tsar: And who is it? will make the princess laugh?

Buffoon: Someone seems to be running!

The Sultan appears.

Sultan: I am an overseas sultan,

Came from distant lands.

I know he will laugh Nesmeyana,

Seeing the Sultan's precious gifts.

(Presents a chest of jewelry.)

Nesmeyana: Ah-ah-ah, ooh-ooh,

I don’t want foreign stones! (kicks the chest)

Sultan: How long are you going to cry like that?

It's impossible to endure (takes the chest and leaves)

All: Ho-ho-ho,

Laugh the princess is not easy.

Tsar: What to do? That's the problem.

Buffoon: Someone is coming here again!

The French prince enters.

Frenchman: Sharman, Sharman,

I'm delighted

Accept the gift of cologne! (sniffs the bottle and hands it over Nesmeyane)

Nesmeyana: I don't want cologne

Let him get out soon!

Tsar: I was told to make you laugh, make me laugh,

If you can’t, leave!

All: Ho-ho-ho, Ho-ho-ho.

Laugh the princess is not easy.

The curtain closes.

2 scene

Vanyusha at work.

Vanya: (dreamily) I would like to see Nesmeyanu,

She's too good.

(puts the hammer away, takes off the apron)

Although the road is beyond my means,

But my soul is eager to go.

(Approaches the owner)

Vanya: Master, I ask for payment,

I rush to the king's palace.

Master: Well, here’s a reward for work (puts a bag of money on the table)

Take as much money as you need.

Vanya: To make my dreams come true,

I'll take three coins. (takes coins and sets off)

Sings a song: Eh, the path is untrodden,

Eh, the path less traveled,

Only a paved path.

The mouse runs out: Vanyusha give me some money,

I'll be useful to you too. (takes the money and runs away)

Vanya sings a song: Eh, the path is untrodden,

Eh, the path less traveled,

Only a paved path.

Horned beetles are flying: We will also ask for money,

We won’t leave Vanyusha in trouble.

(they take the money and run away)

Vanya approaches the river, gets on the raft (the river is imitated by a blue cloth held by buffoons on the sides)

Whiskered catfish emerges: Do you have any money?

Vanya: There is one more coin.

Som: I really want money

I will repay you with kindness. (takes the money and swims away, taking the river away)

The scenery has changed. ( Nesmeyana sits, looks out the window and wipes his tears with a handkerchief)

Vanya saw Nesmeyanu: Here's a girl Nesmeyana,

Beautiful face, without blemish,

Go around the whole world,

A there is no more beautiful princess! (falls into a large puddle, flounders, a mouse runs towards him, beetles and catfish pick him up and begin to shake him off)

The princess begins to laugh looking at Vanyusha:

Here is my betrothed Vanyusha,

He was sitting in a huge puddle,

They managed to make me laugh

Vanya and his friends!

The king comes out: Well, Vanyusha, well done!

Lead princess to the crown!

Skomorokh 2: Come out people join in the round dance!

(Music sounds, everyone dances around Vanya and Nesmeyany to Russian dance music, then the round dance disengages, everyone stands in a semicircle behind Vanyusha and Nesmeyanoy)

The buffoons come out

1 buffoon:

IN our fairy tale

happy ending,

Nesmeyana with Vanyusha

going down the aisle.

2 buffoon:

Sadness and boredom


Kindness and generosity


Everyone bows.

Publications on the topic:

"The Frog Princess." Musical performance based on a Russian folk tale Characters: Storyteller (teacher) 1. Birches 2. Tsar 3. Ivan Tsarevich 4. Elder brother 5. Middle brother 6. Vasilisa 7. Boyarskaya.

Dramatization of the Russian folk tale “The Frog Princess” in the preparatory group Preschool kindergarten No. 15 "LADUSHKI" Kozelsk Kaluga region THEATER FESTIVAL 2017 – 2018 PREPARATORY GROUP No. 10.

Scenario for dramatization of the Russian folk tale “Teremok” in the preparatory group Goal: To develop children's creative abilities through musical and dramatic art. Objectives: To form clear intonation diction.

Synopsis of a dramatization game based on the Russian folk tale “Zayushkina’s Hut” Goal: enrich the gaming experience. Objectives: Educational: teach children to distinguish and convey intonations, characters of fairy-tale characters.

The script of the play is based on the Russian folk tale “The Man, the Bear and the Fox” Russian folk tale “A Man, a Bear and a Fox” Arranged by K. L. Yushkevich Characters: Bear Man Fox Dog (doll) Voice behind the scenes.

Valeria Yakusheva
“How Princess Nesmeyana was made to laugh.” New Year's scenario for children of senior and preparatory groups

"How Princess Nesmeyana was made to laugh» .

New Year's scenario for children of senior and preparatory groups.

MBDOU No. 20, 2014.

Music supervisor: Yakusheva V. I.

To the music, children enter the hall in a chain, walk around the Christmas tree, and perform dance moves to the music.

1 How beautiful it is in our hall!

We invited our friends

All the people are having fun

All. We meet New Year!

2 Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

With a song, a Christmas tree, a round dance,

With beads, firecrackers, new toys!

3 Congratulations to everyone today

And with all our hearts we wish,

So that your hands clap, so that your feet stomp,

Everyone was smiling, having fun and laughing today!

4 Oh guys, look -

For some reason the tree became sad and dropped all its branches.

We will cheer her up and won't let her get bored!

Let's say it together: one, two, three

Our Christmas tree, shine!

The lights on the Christmas tree light up.

5 The tree burst into flames,

Having fun with us.

We'll start a round dance.

Hello, hello, New Year!

New Year's round dance"Christmas tree" (ELDER) .

When finished, the children sit down.

Winter circles the entire planet

And the fairy tale wanders around the world with her,

On New Year's Eve he comes into the house,

And we are waiting for her today.

The Tsar enters the hall to the music.

Hello guys!

I'm so glad I came to you kindergarten!

Christmas tree - simply beautiful: both beautiful and slim!

There are songs and dances in your hall!

Well, I came from a fairy tale.

In the distant kingdom there is a king,

The sides of that sovereign.

My daughter, friends, is sick - she’s sad all day.

He cries, whines and roars, gives me no peace.

I can't bear to listen anymore! The daughter's name is Nesmeyanaya.

Enters the hall to the music Nesmeyana(adult).


Nesmeyanushka, dear, my dear daughter,

Stop crying, finally, - the whole palace was soaked.

Leading. You'll flood the kindergarten!

Tell us, what do you want?

Maybe you'd like some candy?

Nesmeyana. No!

Maybe you want cutlets?

Nesmeyana. No!

Tsar. Maybe a tape recorder?

Nesmeyana. No!

Tsar. Maybe a brand new smartphone?

Nesmeyana. No!

He sits down and cries. The king wipes the tears of the Nesseans with a handkerchief. Squeezes into 2 buckets

Tsar. (shows Nesmeyane buckets) .

Daughter, you cry more loudly with your right eye than with your left!


Why is this?

Tsar. There are more tears in the right bucket than in the left one (shows her the buckets).

Nesmeyana. Same!.

Tsar. No, more.

Nesmeyana. No, the same, the same! Ah-ah-ah!

Tsar. Tell me, children, what should I do? How can I cheer my daughter up?

Children name options.

Leading. We can sing, dance, we can write poems to her tell.

Guys, let's read it Nesmeyane poems?

Poems about the Christmas tree, about winter, about the New Year.

Tsar. What good poems! Thanks guys! Nesmeyanushka, are you having more fun?

Nesmeyana(being capricious) No! And I read the poems myself I can: a fly sat on the jam - that’s the whole poem!

The king and the children laugh.

Nesmeyana. Oh, you're laughing at me! (whines).

Leading. Guys, maybe Nesmeyane Will you like our song about winter?


Tsar. What a song! Well done guys!

Nesmeyana. The spoons were knocking, the tambourines were ringing! My ears hurt! ( "cries").

The lights on the tree go out.

Tsar. Look how damp it has become from tears! All the lights have been extinguished!

What to do, how to be here!

Leading. Santa Claus must be invited! He's a wizard after all.

Tsar. Help me, guys, call Santa Claus!

Together they call Santa Claus. After the 3rd time a voice came from behind the door.

Father Frost. I hear, I hear! I'm coming, I'm coming!

To the music, Santa Claus slowly enters the hall and stands in front of the Christmas tree.

Father Frost.

Happy New Year to you, friends!

I'm very glad to see you!

You gathered at the Christmas tree new year's bright hour.

We haven't met for a whole year.

I miss you!

It's good for you, but only

The lights on the tree are not on.

So that the fun does not stop,

So that we don't get bored,

Let's have a holiday tree

Rock with you.

Let's say together: "One, two, three"

Our Christmas tree is shining!

The children say everything. The lights come on.

Father Frost.

How do we tried with you -

The tree glows with lights.

Santa Claus is calling you all

IN New Year's round dance!

Children stand around the Christmas tree.

"Round dance with Santa Claus".

Father Frost.

Oh yes the song! How wonderful!

Here's what's interesting:

How will I get out of the circle?

We won't let you out!

Father Frost.

And I'll run out!

There is a game with Santa Claus.

Father Frost. Friends, while I was playing, I lost my mitten.

Tsar. I have it, look! Catch up with the mitten!

Game with a mitten.

The children pass the mitten around, Santa Claus runs and wants to grab it. At the end of the music, the mitten is taken away.

Father Frost. Oh, I ran too fast, I was tired, I barely caught up with her! Help me, kids!

Tsar. Santa Claus, now dance!

Father Frost. No one is interested! Let's dance together near the Christmas tree!

Dance with Santa Claus.

Santa Claus starts dancing, the children clap for him. Then they dance together.

Father Frost.

I've trampled my heels, it's time to rest, guys!

And you, too, take a rest, everyone, go to your chairs!

The children sit down.

Santa Claus, we have a surprise for you!

Father Frost. Well done! I love surprises!

The children come out.

1 child: I'm guys, right? I think:

Santa Claus is not a stranger to us!

Prepared for the holiday

We are a small gift.

2 child: Mittens will come in handy

So that he doesn't catch a cold

After all, already old frost

He will warm his red nose.

(puts mittens on the chair).

3rd child Grandfather needs a new belt

(shows new belt)

The old one faded a lot.

(puts it on top of the mittens)

4 child: Scarf - save your voice for songs

To sing louder

(puts a scarf on top of his mittens).

5 child:Cap the old one will do,

But let's decorate with tinsel

Grandpa will be surprised

There was a hat with a star.

(Places tinsel).

6 child New staff, it will be stronger,

It will shine like a star

Grandpa will feel better

Wander through forests and fields.

(place a new staff near the chair).

7 child:What kind of boots does grandfather have?

They're worn out, that's the problem!

We bought from a neighbor

It's a blizzard and cold today.

(put new felt boots on the chair).

All. Happy New Year and please accept gifts!

Father Frost. This is the first time this has happened to me - I give the gifts myself. Thank you, friends!

And you, king, why are you sad?

Tsar. Santa Claus, my daughter is sick - she is sad all day. He cries, whines and roars, gives me no peace. I can't bear to listen anymore! The daughter's name is Nesmeyanaya.

Father Frost. Where is your daughter? This? (points to the girl)

Tsar. No, not this one.

Father Frost. This?

Tsar. No, not this one! This one!

Nesmeyana sighs loudly, trying to attract attention.

Father Frost (surprised) This! Looks like it's too big for kindergarten!

Tsar. Santa Claus, the guys are helping me, Nesmeyana is entertained.

Father Frost. Have you read poetry to her?

Children. Read it!

Father Frost. Did you sing songs?

Children. Sing!

Father Frost. Did you play games?

Tsar. We didn't play!

Father Frost. Let's Play! Who can run the fastest around the tree on a sled?

Game "Sleighing around the Christmas tree".

Two pairs play. Children in each pair stand one after another, hold hands and run around the tree in opposite directions. Who's faster? We play 3-4 times.

Tsar. Let's go, Nemeyanushka, and we'll play.

Couples compete: Tsar s Nesmeyanoy and Santa Claus with a child. Santa Claus and the child come running first. Nesmeyana is unhappy, whines.

Father Frost. If you cry like a baby? Then get a pacifier!

Gives Nesmeyane lollipop in the form of a pacifier.

Tsar. What silence! What a beauty!

Father Frost. And we will continue the holiday, have fun and play!

Go to the Christmas tree, take each other’s hands.

Song-game with Santa Claus “There are freezing snowstorms outside”.

At the end, the children sit on chairs. Nesmeyana is capricious.

Father Frost. Crying again?

Tsar. Crying again! Maybe she has an ARVI virus? Santa Claus, help me cure my daughter! (let's down Nesmeyan to Santa Claus) .

Father Frost. Come on, Nesmeyana, breathe!

Nesmeyana is deliberately not breathing.

Father Frost. Now don't breathe.

Nesmeyana is breathing heavily.

Father Frost. Tell "A".

Nesmeyana(sticks out tongue) Ah-ah-ah!

Father Frost. Wow! Your daughter is sick, king!

Tsar. What is the name of the disease?

Father Frost. Caprisius,

Tsar. Oh! The name is kind of foreign! Is there a cure for this disease?

Father Frost. There is also a medicine, our Russian one, "Remenius"!

Tsar. Isn't there something softer?

Father Frost. Eat. Nesmeyana, spin! Turn into an ice one!

To the music Nesmeyana spinning, approaches the chair, sits down and freezes.

Tsar. What silence!

Father Frost. What a beauty! I see animals on our Christmas tree! Maybe you can sing a song now?

Song "Bear's Dream".

Father Frost. Thank you, little animals, a funny song!

Tsar. Santa Claus, why My Nesmeyana is silent?

Father Frost. So I froze it.

Tsar. How frozen! Let's defrost!

Father Frost. I can freeze, but I can’t defrost.

Tsar. What to do?

Father Frost. Maybe my snowflakes will help you?

Dance of Snowflakes (all girls).

When finished, the girls sit down. One of them approaches Nsmeyana.


I'm flying! I'm sparkling! And I'm spinning, spinning, spinning!

I grant wishes to those whose nose I sit on!

Do you want a little joy? Come on, put your palms up

And catch the winter fluff - New Year's snowflake!

Throws a snowflake Nesmeyane. Nesmeyana catches her, gets up, stretches.

Tsar. My daughter has defrosted and is not crying! But he just doesn’t smile, doesn’t laugh. Santa Claus, maybe you know another remedy?

Father Frost. I knew, but I forgot - there are a lot of fairy tales. Maybe you guys will remember who Made Nesmeyana laugh in a fairy tale?

Children. Emelya!

Father Frost. And definitely - Emelya! (Nesmeyana perks up) .

Tsar. Santa Claus, you should call Emelya!

Father Frost. At the pike's command, in my opinion, Frost, at will, come on, Emelya, come to us for the holiday!

To the music of a Russian dance, Emelya comes in with a balalaika and stands in front of the Christmas tree.

Emelya. Hello, honest people! Happy holiday! Santa Claus, why did you take me from the warm stove and call me here?

Father Frost. Help the Tsar Father, Nesmeyana was cheered up.

Tsar. And I to you Nesmeyanu I'll give you half a kingdom as a wife!

Emelya. I don't need half a kingdom. Let Nesmeyana will dance with me!

Dance of Emelya and Nesmeyany.

Then Father Frost and the Tsar join in the dance.

Upon completion Nesmeyana laughs bursts into laughter (I laughed in the recording)

Tsar. My daughter was having fun! Guys, Santa Claus, Emelya, thank you! Low bow to you! It's time for us to go into our fairy tale.

Nesmeyana. How to leave? And the gifts!

Father Frost. Christmas tree New Year's, sparkle with lights!

You, bag of gifts, come to us quickly! Doesn't work.

Emelya. At the pike's command, at my will, come a bag of gifts!

Tsar. It doesn't work!

Nesmeyana. We didn’t sing the main song - so he doesn’t come!

Father Frost. Stand up near the Christmas tree and sing a song together!

Moms, dads, help!

Round dance “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” (in modern processing).

The Tsar and Emelya bring a bag of gifts. Distribution of gifts. The children thank you.

The characters stand near the Christmas tree.

Emelya. We wish you guys not to be bored!

Tsar. Don’t upset your moms and dads!

Nesmeyana. Smile, have fun, sing songs!

Father Frost. I'll come and see you in a year!

All. Happy New Year! The characters leave. The holiday is over.

New Year's party script in preparatory group. See all New Year's Eve scenarios at the link

New Year's songs are played, children gather in the hall and stand around the Christmas tree.

To the accompaniment of a beautiful New Year's song, the Snow Maiden waltzes into the hall and addresses the children.

Snow Maiden:Hello guys!
I live in a dense forest. The Ice Palace is my home.
Call me Snegurochka. Snow and blizzard are my relatives.
Where are the mischievous snowflakes, my dear sisters?
Let them fly here quickly, let them dance around more joyfully.

A melody sounds and snowflakes run into the hall (2 girls animators)

1 snowflake: The Christmas tree is calling all guests,
Get ready for a round dance.
2 snowflakes: The tree will flash brightly with lights,
The fun will make you hot!
Snow Maiden: Soon Santa Claus will come.
Hello, hello, New Year!

(The Snow Maiden sings a song with the snowflakes and organizes a round dance)

Snow Maiden: The tree mysteriously glows with lights,
It’s as if he’s in a hurry to invite us into a fairy tale.
And we will certainly want to be with you
To be a participant in today's fairy tale.

Repeat after me:
We will clap our hands together and stamp our feet together.
They turned around and sat down and looked at each other,
And they said: “One, two, three, come on, a fairy tale, come to life!”

Music sounds and Nesmeyana enters the hall, sobbing.

Nesmeyana : My father built it for methe best palace in the world,
It contains dolls and marmalade, and foreign chocolate.
Day and night I eat bananas, the brownie watches my every step,
Why is it that everyone in my palace calls me Unlaughable?
Nesmeyana: A-A-A, I’m unhappy! Oh, wretched me !(cries, wipes his nose with a handkerchief).Oh, trouble, trouble, trouble, there’s quinoa in the garden,
I am Princess Nesmeyana, I will not stop crying.
I don’t want to have fun, I can’t take away the sadness,
And in my burning tears, I will drown very soon.

Snow Maiden: Don't laugh, don't shed any tears. And have pity on the kids. Santa Claus will not come to us if someone sheds tears.
(Nesmeyana cries even louder.)
Snow Maiden: She doesn't hear anyone, and roars without a break. How can I help her stop? Should we dance? ( addressed to children)

Fun mass dance with children

Snow Maiden: Well, did we cheer you up with a funny song?

Nesmeyana: No, I'm bored, sad!

Snow Maiden: We guys will have to make Nesmeyana laugh and play with her.

The Snow Maiden plays a game

After the game, Nesmeyana is crying again, Snegurochka gives her the ball

Snow Maiden: Nesmyanochka, don’t cry, here, take the magic ball.
Twist it, throw it up, and a guest will appear here.

Nesmeyana spins and tosses the ball, cheerful music sounds and Drakosha appears

Drakosha:Happy New Year, kids! Both girls and boys! I heard you are in trouble - Tears are flowing like water. Who ruined the children's holiday? Show me where the prankster is.

Nesmeyana sobs, blows her nose into a handkerchief

Drakosha:It's a shame for a girl to cry. You are the Princess! Not a bear. It's better to dance with us. And laugh heartily.

Drakosha dances a mass dance with the guys.

Nesmeyana is crying and capricious again: Your song is good, but my soul hurts.

Drakosha:There is no escape from the roar. My ears will burst soon. Don't cry, clear princess,Beautiful princess, To make it more fun,We'll invite the orchestra soon.

Sounds fast music, the guys pass a bag of musical instruments to each other, whoever has the bag for the word “stop” takes the instrument out of the bag and goes on stage.

Then the guys with instruments play to cheerful music.

Playing with children “Merry Orchestra”

Nesmeyana:Oh, just think, an orchestra!I would play like that tooIf only I knew the notes! ( crying)

Snow Maiden: And now, my guys, I’ll tell you riddles.

1.They come to us in winter

And they circle above the ground.

Very light fluff.

These are white...SNOWFLAKES.

2.We made a snowball,

They made a hat on him,

The nose was attached, and instantly.

The result was... A SNOWMAN.

3.He flies from the sky in winter,

Don't go barefoot now

Every person knows

That it's always cold...SNOW

4.He is both kind and good,

He's got a beard up to his eyes,

Red-nosed, red-cheeked

Our cheerful...SANTA CLAUS!

Snow Maiden:I know who will help cheer up Nesmeyana!

On New Year's Eve, the fun never stops, and miracles still await us.
Magic ball, turn around. Santa Claus, come here. Guys, let's call him together.

All the children shout “Santa Claus!” Music sounds, Santa Claus enters the hall

Father Frost: I am a real Santa Claus, from a deep, dense thicket,
Where there are spruce trees in the snowdrifts, where there are snowstorms and blizzards.
I brought you gifts because Santa Claus!

Nesmeyana's loud crying is heard. Santa Claus looks at her menacingly.

Father Frost:But I won’t give you gifts! Who turned on the tap here?
And the water is knee-deep! Oh, there must be treason here!
So I'm in the summer! The problem is, am I late?
Snow Maiden: Grandfather, my dear, hello! Don't be sad in vain.
This is dampness - not water. These are tears... Yes, yes, yes!

Father Frost:What should we do, what should we do? Can we defeat this dampness?

Snow Maiden:We need to sing about the Christmas tree , and everyone danced very amicably.

Father Frost and the Snow Maiden sing a song about the Christmas tree with the children

Game "Mitten" with Santa Claus

Nesmeyana: (is capricious): I want mittens too, AAAAAAAAA!

Father Frost:Snow Maiden, granddaughter, I need to make Nesmeyan laugh,
Well, entertain, amuse. I am sure without a doubt that children know poems!

Children read poetry.

Drakosha:I think I understand why Nesmeyana cries all the time. She just doesn't have any friends. Guys, let's make friends with the Princess.

Golden, bright, radiant stars, fly to us here so that trouble goes away, so that the princess laughs, and happiness smiles on people!

Dragon throws up confetti, magical music sounds and Nesmeyana begins to smile.

Nesmeyana: Thank you, dear friends, I just came to life,
After all, starlight is so beautiful, greetings to a tender heart.

Mass New Year's dance with children

Snow Maiden: Friends, it's time to say goodbye,

Drakosha: But you shouldn't be upset!

Nesmeyana: May blizzards and bad weather not affect you,

Father Frost: Happy New Year to you all! Happy new happiness to you!!!

Santa Claus gives New Year's gifts to children. All fairy-tale heroes say goodbye to the guys.

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Scenario “Princess Nesmeyana”

(The game “Show the answer” is played)

Storyteller: Well done, guys, you guessed all my riddles! And today, I invited you to visit for a reason, I want to tell you very an interesting fairy tale! Want to listen?
Well, then put your ears on top of your heads,
Listen carefully.
I'll tell you a story
Very wonderful!

(Music sounds)

There are many fairy tales in the world
Sad and funny
And live in the world
We can't live without them.
Anything can happen in a fairy tale
Our fairy tale is ahead.
A fairy tale is knocking on our door,
Let's say to the fairy tale: “Come in!”

(Music sounds)

Once upon a time there lived a princess.
The princess is not easy, she is so capricious!
It was obvious from everything -
I don't know why-
No one will please her
Everything is roaring and screaming!

(A scream and cry is heard from behind the scenes. Nesmeyana appears and cries)

Nesmeyana: I don’t want to wash my hands!
I don't want to eat!
I'll whine all day long
Don't listen to anyone! (Crying)

Storyteller: She roared like that all day
And she’s not too lazy to cry!
Our poor father is our king.
He allowed everything to the princess.
And he consoled me all the time -
I read her bedtime stories.
He goes to her this way, this way and that,
It's not like that, not like that.

King: What happened to our princess? She cries, screams, doesn't want to do anything! I'll try to talk to her and console her!
Daughter, let's go for a walk! Look how nice the weather is, listen to how merrily the birds are singing!

Nesmeyana: I don’t want good weather, I want bad weather! Let it rain! (Crying)

Tsar: Well, what are you talking about, daughter! After all, if it rains, you will get wet!

Nesmeyana: I want to get wet! (Crying)

King: Or maybe you’re hungry? And I’ll feed you delicious sweets. Hey, nanny, bring sweet, soft, fragrant candies for the princess!

Nesmeyana: I don’t want anything: neither candy, nor cutlets; no tea, no milk, no cocoa. (Crying)

Tsar: Would you like some ice cream? Creamy…

Nesmeyana: No! (Crying)

Tsar: Or maybe chocolate7

Nesmeyana: No! (Crying)

Tsar: Well then, strawberry...

Nesmeyana: I don’t want ice cream or cake! (Crying)

King: Maybe you are cold? Hey, nanny, bring a scarf for our princess: warm, downy.

(The nanny runs in and runs up to the princess)

Nesmeyana: I’m neither cold nor hot! And I don't need anything! (Crying)

(Nanny sighs heavily and leaves)
Tsar: You don’t need anything, you give up everything! Why are you screaming and crying then?

Nesmeyana: Why do I keep screaming?
What do you care?
I don't want anything
I'm tired of everything!

King: What to do?
What should I do?
How to make a princess laugh?

Storyteller: And thinking, at that same hour,
The king issued such a decree!

Tsar: “Listen to the Tsar’s decree
And hurry at the same hour
To carry out the order,
Fill the kingdom with joy.
Who will make the princess laugh?
He will live in the palace,
I will give him gold
I’ll make him rich!”

Storyteller: And ends in all countries
Messengers have been sent!

How much time passes?
Petya the cockerel comes.
Sings a song loudly
He's going to make the princess laugh!

Cockerel: (sings a song)
1. I am a loud rooster,
I have excellent hearing.
I'll sing a song loudly
I won't make you laugh.
Ave. Ku-ka-re-ku! Ku-ka-re-ku!
I sing songs loudly!
Ku-ka-re-ku! Ku-ka-re-ku!
I won't make you laugh.
2. I wear spurs on my feet
And I walk along the fence,
In the morning I get up with the sun,
"WITH good morning! - I say!
Ave. the same

Cockerel: I am Petya the Cockerel,
Golden comb.
I heard your decree,
I hurried to you at the same hour.
I will entertain you
On musical instruments play.

Nesmeyana: Well, come on, have fun. Play your musical instruments!

Cockerel: (takes out a rattle)
This is a rattle
A ringing toy.
Very fun ringing
Everyone around is having fun.

(Music sounds - Rooster plays on a rattle)

Nesmeyana: Put away your rattle: it doesn’t ring happily, and it doesn’t amuse anyone. (Crying)

Cockerel: And I have something else! (takes out spoons)
I went to the fair
I bought the spoons cheaply.
Voiced, carved
Painted spoons.
From dawn to dawn
They make people happy.

(Music sounds - Rooster plays spoons)

Nesmeyana: Your spoons gave me a headache. (Crying)

Cockerel: Well, don't cry. Don’t cry, I’ll show you something else now (takes out a tambourine).
A cheerful ringing tambourine,
We won't be bored with him.
Oh, it's ringing, it's ringing,
The game makes everyone happy!

(Music sounds - Rooster plays the tambourine)

Nesmeyana: But I’m still not happy! (Crying)

Storyteller: Guys, let's help Petya the Cockerel make Nesmeyana laugh.

(Children play musical instruments)

Nesmeyana: Stop rattling and ringing! I don't want to listen to your music! (Crying)

Storyteller: Petya - Petya - the cockerel hung his head,
He became completely sad.
He failed to make Nesmeyana laugh.
And then he decided that he would live and not bother!

(Music sounds - Cockerel leaves)

Storyteller: How much time passes?
A new guest comes to the kingdom.
To make the princess laugh
The red fox is hurrying towards us.

(Music sounds - Fox appears)

Fox: 1. I am a little fox
Forests of wondrous beauty
I'll make you laugh if you don't laugh
And I will receive half the kingdom.
Ave. La-la-la-la-la-la-la
I'll make you laugh if you don't laugh
And I’ll get half the kingdom!
2. I'm a funny fox
I came here to visit you.
Laugh, play
And see the princess.
Ave. the same

Fox: I'm Little Fox
Red-haired beauty.
I heard the decree
I hurried at the same time.
I will sing songs, dance,
I dare not entertain.

Nesmeyana: Well, let's have fun!

(It sounds like “Apple” - Fox dances)

Nesmeyana: This is very fast music! I don't like this dance! (Crying)

Lisa: Maybe you’ll like this dance?

(“Gypsy” - Fox dancing)
Nesmeyana: Stop spinning around, you’re making me dizzy! (Crying)

Lisa: Well, I can’t please you, but maybe you’ll like this?

(“Waltz” - Fox dances)

Nesmeyana: This is a very sad dance! (Crying)

Storyteller: Guys, let's try to help Chanterelle! Maybe together we will be able to make the princess laugh!

(Russian folk music sounds - all the children dance)

Nesmeyana: Stop this disgrace! Don't make noise, don't stomp! (Crying)

Storyteller: The little fox is sad
She lowered her sad eyes.
I couldn’t make Nesmeyana laugh,
And get half the kingdom.

(Music sounds - Fox leaves)

How much time passes
Petrushka comes to us.
Promises to surprise -
I can't make you laugh.

(Music sounds - Parsley appears)

Parsley: 1. I am Parsley the merry fellow
I will jump and jump.
I'll have fun frolicking
Have fun with Nesmeyana.
Ave. Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta
I'll have fun frolicking
Have fun with Nesmeyana!
2. I am cheerful and funny,
It's a lot of fun with me.
Nesmeyana smile
Dance with us.
Ave. the same

Parsley: I am a funny toy - wonderful Parsley!
I heard that Nesmeyanushka lives in this kingdom
Everything is roaring, she is roaring.
And it doesn’t give you life.
And I’ll try to help you -
I'll make the king's daughter laugh!

Nesmeyana: Well, try, make me laugh! (Crying)

Parsley: Well, then listen to Nesmeyan, jokes and jokes,
And don’t forget – you must answer jokes.

(Parsley plays the game “Say a word.” First he turns to Nesmeyana - she cannot answer or speaks incorrectly, then Parsley turns to the children)

1. They read books about the war
Only the brave... (boys)

2. Sew vests for dolls
Needlewomen - ... (girls)

3. If it suddenly becomes difficult,
That will come to the rescue... (friend)

4. They can’t live without each other
Inseparable... (girlfriends)

5. Both for business and for beauty
Hanging on the wall... (clock)

6. When leaving, my friend, check
Is the door locked tightly?

7. She’s everyone’s friend to Sonya.
Soft with down... (pillow)

8. All kolobok made of yarn
It's called... (tangle)

9. About all the news in the world
We will read in ... (newspaper)

10. Every day I am early
I chew with milk... (steering wheel)

11. I put all my toys aside
I eat it with cottage cheese... (cheesecakes)

12. Only the guys sat on them -
Spun... (carousel)
13. They love bright clothes
Wooden ... (matryoshka dolls)

14. Fidgety, jumping,
Live by the water... (frogs)

15. In the morning he looks at us through the window
And the ray tickles... (the sun)

Nesmeyana: Well, that’s enough! I don't want to listen to your jokes anymore! (Crying)

Storyteller: And Petrushechka could not make Nesmeyana laugh
He turned around and headed back!

(Music sounds - Petrushka leaves)
(The king appears)

King: What should I do? What should I do?
How can Nesmeyanu make him laugh?
You guys, help and make the princess laugh!

Storyteller: Guys, we need to help the father - the king! Let's think about how we can make the princess laugh? Maybe we can tickle her? (Tries to tickle the princess - she cries). No, it doesn’t work, but maybe we’ll show her funny faces. (Children show funny faces - the princess is crying). No, nothing happened again. Guys, let's try to tell Nesmeyana about how fun you are in kindergarten. Let's sing her a song about our kindergarten.

(Children sing the song “Our Garden”)

Nesmeyana: It’s really so interesting in your kindergarten!
Father, I also want to go to this kindergarten and be friends with the children! It turns out to be so interesting there! (Laughs, rejoices)

King: Oh, guys, thank you. You have performed a real miracle. My Nesmeyana is now not Nesmeyana at all. She smiles and laughs.
Well, Nesmeyanushka, let’s go quickly and tell the nanny about the kids, about the kindergarten and how they cheered you up!
Goodbye guys!

Storyteller: That’s the end of the fairy tale,
And whoever listened - well done!
This is the fairy tale I told you,
This is the fairy tale I showed you.
And now it's time to say goodbye -
It's time for me to return to my fairy tale!

I suggest you familiarize yourself with the script for New Year's holiday. This script can be used for both students junior classes, and average. The text is written in poetic form, which is very convenient for quick learning. The images are varied and emotionally vivid. Musical numbers - songs and dances - are successfully woven into the text. The script is also good in that there are a lot of roles written out, so a large number of children will be able to take part in the holiday.



New Year. “About the Princess - Nesmeyan in a new way”

Choir: Song from the film " New Year's adventures Masha and Vitya"

“There are no miracles in the world these days...”

1 Buffoon: They sat on the golden porch

The Tsar, the Princess - a very bad character,

Crying day and night

She doesn’t know what she wants.

2 Buffoon: The king's head is spinning,

A big holiday is coming - New Year!

He doesn’t know what to give Marfusha,

He decides to approach her with a question.

Tsar: I have a problem for you

Just don't interrupt

Think carefully

And then answer.

My dear, what a gift

Do you want it for the New Year?

Princess: I…? I want a star! I'm alive!

Tsar: Stupid jokes don't count!

Princess: I want a star! And period!

Tsar: Have pity on daddy, daughter!

Princess: I'll cry all week!

Tsar: Eh!! Call Emelya to me!

Song : (to the melody of “Oh, you canopy...”)

Ah, Emelyushka, Emelya

Travels to the stove

Travels to the stove

Finishes the rolls

Emelya: Here I am, why did you call me?

My sweet dream was interrupted.

Tsar: Don't look at the princess

Get ready, hurry up!

And go ahead! The trumpet is calling!

Let's go for a living star!

Emelya: Where should I look for her?

Tsar: I can't tell you.

1 Buffoon: Get ready quickly.

2 Buffoon: Don't come back without a star!

(Emelya at the trough) Music

1 Pike: Oh! Why is Emelyushka not cheerful?

Why did the riot hang his head?

Emelya: The king came up with an order,

Emelino is in torment.

For his capricious daughter,

Get a star! And period!

Straight from the sky. Not simple,

And, imagine, alive!

2 Pike: You go get the bubbles

Behind the forests, behind the fields,

There is a hut near the swamp,

Yaga, a friend, lives in it.

1 Pike: In a mortar he flies above the ground,

He sees a lot, knows a lot.

You, Emelya, hurry up.

Emelya: I am grateful from the bottom of my heart.

1 Buffoon: Emelya has a long way to go

And we have no time to take a nap.

2 Buffoon: After all, a fairy tale waits for no one,

And everything goes forward.

Dance of Babok-Jozhek (Mozart, 40th symphony)

Baba Yaga: What did you say, Emelya,

Are your joints hurt?

Al have a fever?

Report everything in order.

Emelya: I have a good guy,

Very fresh complexion.

I am both handsome and handsome,

And not a penny's luck!

I need to find a star

And bring it to the Princess!

Baba Yaga: How I understand you!

It's a pity, but I don't fly at night.

I don't have the same strength,

I can't stand on my broom.

And here is a brave snowman,

What stands in the forest all night,

He will show you that star

And he will show the way to it.

Emelya: Well, thank you!

Baba Yaga: Hurry up, don't get lost in the forest.

Dance of the snowman and snowflakes.

Emelya: Hello, good snowman.

It's dark in here!

Snowman: Yes, I'm used to it).

The stars create comfort

They sing songs at night!

Song of the Stars (from the film “Little Red Riding Hood”)

The Tsar and Princess appear.

Tsar: Look, what miracles!

Marfa, the stars are alive!

I have a big palace.

I invite you with all my heart!

Stay with us for a little while.

Emelya: Agree, for God's sake!

Princess: You, Emelya, are great!

Emelya: Finally smiled!

Princess: I promise not to cry!

I will sing in the star choir!

Tsar: May all our honest people

He will sing in a friendly choir.

After all, today is a glorious holiday,

Glorious holiday - New Year!

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