Drawing up a business plan point by point. The structure of the business plan by points: learning from clear examples

For a business to flourish, planning is necessary, and for its dynamic development, it is necessary to develop a business plan. In addition, a well-written plan will help you find an investor or lender to grow your business.

  • characterize your business idea, present it as necessary at the moment
  • Give detailed description future enterprise, what exactly will represent your business
  • describe the future manufactured products, the provision of services to the public or the production process
  • Lead sales market analytics, your competitive features: low cost, unusual packaging
  • Compose detailed plan production, outline implementation steps your project
  • Give a description sales of products how you are going to organize channels and ways of selling
  • Compose financial plan . It includes the costs of organizing a business and approximate income from its implementation.
  • Conduct a complete analysis of your business project, where expert opinions about your project
  • Do development schedules, fill in sales tables, supply chains and purchases of manufactured products or services

These are the main steps in writing a business plan that will help you get investments for your project.

How to write the right business plan for production

In many ways, the production process cannot be solved without organizing the planning of the entire production, and it is best to fix this in a business plan. In him:

The purpose of writing a business plan is to determine the feasibility of investing in production, whether it will be profitable, and at what time it will take for it to start making a profit. First of all, you need to calculate the profitability of the future enterprise, in this way you can avoid problems in the future, and give yourself an answer to the question: is it possible to overcome them on your own.

What should be displayed when writing a business plan?

The first and second parts of the plan consist of a summary and a description of the main idea of ​​the business.

This should remind Commercial offer about investing in your project, sent to prospective partners or investors.

It should display:

  • Purpose of your project: what do you intend to release, or what services to provide
  • Who is your product intended for? sales audience
  • chart expected turnover volumes in the first year of existence
  • Calculate approximate cost amount to open, establish production process at your enterprise
  • Define legal form : open, closed or Joint-Stock Company you decide to organize
  • Which the number of employees you are going to involve in your production
  • Define All sources of financing your project

After carrying out all the necessary calculations, the businessman will be able to form an opinion whether it is worth organizing this business, because. the risk and ways to overcome it are found out so that the enterprise does not collapse.

The simplest example of how to draw up a business plan, for example, for an LLC that is going to set up the production of sweet pastries, can be represented by the following diagram:

Designate a target: Baking of confectionery products, mainly cakes, for the urban population. Reach the forefront in your market segment

Outline the tasks:

  1. Organize the work of a compact confectionery shop
  2. Establish the supply of the necessary raw materials and hire employees
  3. Preliminarily try to occupy a third of the market by developing marketing strategy business, which will gradually squeeze out competitors low prices and new recipe

Find the missing cash by taking a loan secured by existing real estate.

A good example of a business plan for a small business

For example, you are about to open a tailoring shop.

At the beginning need to find perspective this business in the current market.

  1. We are writing a resume where you are going to open a small production workshop.
    Describe the form of ownership, for example LLC. The planned payback period of the project is 40 months
  2. Describe general provisions enterprises:
      • purchase of equipment,
      • textile,
      • decorations and accessories.

If your own money is not enough to complete the project, write about raising borrowed funds.
Then describe for whom your services will be provided:

You can include services for tailoring curtains, bed linen for further sale.

  1. Conduct market analysis and develop a marketing plan. The plan should develop the necessary activities that will bring your shop to the forefront.
  2. Analyze the costs of the enterprise:
      • payment of salaries to employees,
      • payment for the rent of the premises where your workshop is located.

Through the analysis, the payback period of the project is calculated.

  1. Create a production schedule, gradually increasing production to 1000 units per day
  2. Analyze the investment market: where and how to find partners for joint business
  3. Make financial calculations:
      • calculate the amount fixed costs for the purchase of equipment
      • calculate the amount variable costs for the purchase of materials for production: thread, accessories, needles. This includes the rent for the premises.
  1. Find out the missing amount for the full opening of the enterprise, describe the conditions for providing credit funds
  2. Describe the form of ownership and taxation of the enterprise
  3. Calculate approximate monthly and annual revenue
  4. Based financial analysis enterprises find out the result of the work (it must be positive).

An example of a business plan for an individual entrepreneur

Financial institutions are reluctant to issue loans to individual entrepreneurs, and recent bank failures have led to the fact that in order to obtain loan funds, it is necessary to submit a detailed business plan.

This is one of the most basic documents, and it must be drawn up correctly, reflecting the financial component of the business, analyzing the market and prospects for the development of the activities of an individual entrepreneur.

How to independently and competently write a business plan

Firstly, a competent business plan for an individual entrepreneur should be as detailed as possible, displaying the conducted activity analytics (there should be taken into account various factors, including indicators of the financial component).

Secondly, it should display both current activities and make a forecast of future development, taking into account interest rates, current exchange rates.

Third, it should find a display of the state on this moment the main fund of the entrepreneur, his market price, and how the money will move:

  • purchase necessary equipment, materials,
  • ways to sell a product group or provide services to the public.

Small Business Business Plan Sample

In order to get credit funds with confidence, you can create a simple business plan and give a full description of the planned expenses and income in it, but the practical value of such a plan will be small for several reasons:

  • It will not be possible to simulate all the data, and if they change, you will have to rewrite the document
  • It does not display the full state of the business: there are no credentials of the main fund, equipment depreciation is not included
  • Such planning deprives the entrepreneur of the opportunity to follow the goals outlined earlier.

It is best to write a working business plan in in electronic format, using software, such as Microsoft Excel. Open the program and enter the names of the tables in the field:

  1. Core assets

The first table should display all the assets of the enterprise that belong to individual entrepreneur and take part in production.

Be sure to enter the form of ownership and the value of the assets. The depreciation of equipment for each year should also be entered here.

The main assets include:

  • own property and vehicles,
  • equipment and professional tools,
  • computers and equipment necessary for production.

The main assets most often act as collateral for bank lending; they reflect the actual situation in the business more clearly than other indicators. Their total cost should be shown taking into account the depreciation process in the future, for each month, quarter or year.

This key figure is required for the Balance Sheet table.

  1. The cost of production or provision of services to the population

The second table shows the full picture entrepreneurial activity enterprises.

Data is entered every month or quarter.

The data of all tables should be interconnected, because in many respects the cost will directly depend on the purchase prices for products.

The table includes not only the revenue of the enterprise, but also the quantitative indicators of the implementation itself.

  1. Sales of products
  2. Enterprise balance

The Balance table displays complete information about property and intangible assets, liabilities of the enterprise. If the balance is drawn up correctly, then the amounts for the asset converge with the amount of the liability, and this will mean that the company has a healthy financial situation, there are no unaccounted for cost items.

  1. Received dividends and list of required payments
  2. List of employees and their salary
  3. Basic indicators

Cheat sheet for dummies, how to write a business plan.

A serious project must begin with writing a competent business plan. This is a document that describes the main points of future activities, anticipated risks, financial performance and much more.

Writing a business plan from scratch is often placed on the shoulders of third-party firms. This entails a number of disadvantages:

  • extra costs - drawing up a document costs at least 50,000 rubles;
  • consultants create it according to standard tracing paper, without delving into individual characteristics things are understandable only "from the inside";
  • if the document is written in a dry language, it will not attract the attention of investors.

The work should be done by current or future project leaders. They see the intricacies of the matter and will take responsibility for the implementation.

If you figure out how to write a business plan, you will not only be able to forecast future business activities, but also strengthen faith in the success of the business.

How to write a good business plan?

If the business plan is written correctly, it will perform three tasks:

  • outlines the course of action for the entrepreneur;
  • helps to assess development prospects;

The document should answer the questions: what is the value of the described project, who is the future competitor, what risks lie in wait?

In order not to miss the details, it is worth writing the document, adhering to the standard structure.

The most important point, which is necessarily disclosed in detail, is the financial side of the issue. You need to write future income and expenses, and supplement with information about the starting capital.

P.S. As for income, it is important to write in the document not only the amount of profit, but also when the amount will begin to be credited to the account. This item is especially relevant in the case of writing a business plan for the purpose of lending.

Section with financial performance(for an existing firm) or a reliable forecast for the future are included in the text or made out as an application. Use more numbers, graphics.

Choose the type of plan

In Russia, there are several varieties of a business plan:
  • Business plan of the firm.
    The most popular and widespread type. To write a document, use a standard schema. Needed by entrepreneurs for market and financial analysis.
  • Credit document.
    Used to justify getting a loan from a bank. Answers the questions: where will the money go, how soon will the debt be repaid?
  • Investment plan.
    Used for presentation to investors. Contains detailed characteristics of the case and data on niche market research and target audience.
  • grant document.
    Used to receive development assistance from the state. Display the benefits of future activities for the region or the whole country.

Business plan structure

The plan looks like a complicated document. In fact, it is well structured. To write a business plan yourself from scratch, you need to follow each item.

The history of the existence of the company is written in stages: from the moment of creation to gaining stability. Text to be written business language, but lively and exciting enough to make a potential investor want to explore it in its entirety.

Any type of activity has its own characteristics, so the standard tracing paper of the document exists to build on it, adjusting it to your own needs.

How to write a business plan point by point?

    This part is called the “introduction” to the business plan or the “summary”.

    It briefly reveals the essence of the project and consists of 5-7 sentences. It may seem that this part is not as important as the rest. However, the more interesting the section is written, the more likely it is to captivate the reader.

    Goals and objectives.

    Here the entrepreneur must write what and how he wants to achieve. Unlike the summary, this part of the document is revealed in detail, but without "water".

    Write in the business plan the address of the location, the schedule of work, the characteristics of the building that is being purchased or rented.


    Be sure to include a section on the future state in the plan. Write a list of jobs job responsibilities, a payroll table is made.

    There should also be information about the work schedule.

    If you plan to raise your salary in the future, arrange refresher courses, or organize home deliveries for those who work late, indicate this.

    Financial part.

    The most important section of a business plan. It describes here:
    • income and expenses;
    • unexpected expenses;
    • the movement of finance;
    • taxation system;
    • form of receiving money;
    • types of contracts for future partners.

    If it seems to you that writing this part of the document from scratch is beyond your power, delegate the financial section of the business plan to professionals.

    The best data format for a business plan is graphs, tables and charts. Visual information is digested better and easier. All these figures must be supported by calculations.


    This section of the business plan includes the following sub-items: an analysis of the state of affairs in the market, the presence or absence of a niche for the company, describes competitors and the advantages that will allow them to get around, the potential target audience.
    Based on these data, you need to write in the document a conclusion about the most appropriate advertising techniques that will be used.


    This point of the business plan is necessary if a manufacturing business is planned.

    In this case, in the section you need to specify all the details of the release of products from scratch to the finish line (from ordering raw materials to shipping goods to sales outlets). It highlights all the important points: technology, the need for equipment, know-how. Taking into account every detail will help to avoid problems in the implementation of the plan.

    If you are not going to manufacture products, but make bulk purchases with further sale, indicate in the document the suppliers, the method of delivery, and the place for storing the goods.

    Risk analysis.

    If the main purpose of the document is to find investors, this section of the business plan is a must.

    It is important for any person who has a large sum of money sufficient to finance a project to invest in a reliable company. To confirm the seriousness of your intentions, you must write all possible risks for the enterprise. These may include:

    • drop in the level of demand;
    • decrease in the level of sales;
    • deterioration of the economic situation in the country;
    • failure to deliver raw materials or send products to customers;
    • emergency (war, fire, volcanic eruption).

    Problems need not only to be listed in the document, but also to write solutions in a given situation. This will not only emphasize your level of responsibility, but also instill confidence in your own abilities. In the event of an emergency, you will not panic, but will use ready-made instructions from the business plan.

At the end of the business plan, the results are summarized.

They include data on the amount invested, a graph of profit growth and the payback period of the project. All words must be supported by specific figures, calculations and graphs.

    Traditionally, calculations for a business plan need to be written for 3-4 years.

    However, in the conditions of our unstable economy, it makes sense to take a period of no more than 1-2 years. Moreover, for the first year it is necessary to make a breakdown by months. And already from the second one can be reduced to a quarterly plan.

    Don't pour water.

    A good business plan requires conciseness, but at the same time the disclosure of all necessary aspects. It is enough to write 40-70 pages of a business plan.

    It is allowed to include additional materials in a separate appendix of the document.

    Don't try to turn it into War and Peace. The presence of details and full coverage of the topic is good. But only if dry facts are used, and not “water”. Leave artistic turns for personal correspondence.

    There is no need to write in the business plan the phrases “a product without analogues”, “there is no competition”.

    The service market is huge and growing rapidly. Due to the long-term planning, no one can guarantee that a product like yours will not appear in the near future. Even if at first glance it seems that you are a monopolist, tomorrow the situation may change.

    Accurately analyze the market for prospects, potential customers.

    The data in the business plan must be written in specific numbers. If you can't do that, then you don't understand the situation well.

    Try to stick to the standard document structure above.

    Pay special attention to financial tables and charts: they must be complete and correct. Otherwise, the document may simply not be accepted for consideration.
  1. The text of the business plan should be literate, understandable and "alive".

    Your goal is to interest the investor and make them read to the end.

    Avoid strong emotional assessments in the business plan.

    To give credibility and realism, you need to use only numbers and reliable facts.

    To find an approach to future investors, study their activities: the history of projects, work with other entrepreneurs.

    Before starting to draw up a business plan, be sure to study ready-made examples.

    Even if your activity is unique in its kind, find the closest analogues. This will help you better understand the structure and writing style. But the calculations should be unique and based only on your specific indicators.

    All calculations for the business plan must be written as accurately as possible.

    Of course, it is simply impossible to correctly indicate the amount of future profit to the penny. In this case, it provides an analysis of the sales of the nearest competitors and the average cost of the most popular of your services.

A detailed methodology for writing a competent business plan

featured in this video:

« How to write a business plan? - this is only the first question that the future businessman must answer.

The finished document should not be left gathering dust on the shelf. It is not enough to simply write a development course from scratch until a break-even point is reached. You need to constantly return to it: analyze successes, correct mistakes, fill in the gaps ...

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  • How to create a business plan?

Every successful entrepreneur can confidently say that a well-written business plan acts as one of the most important elements in building your own business. Understanding how to correctly design a future enterprise, you can predict a positive result when contacting a credit institution or an investor. Let's consider further the basic rules for writing a business plan.

Purpose of the document

Writing a business plan (an example project will be discussed below) can be done in various ways. There are various aids for this. However, in most of them the information is very specific and understandable only to economists or accountants. Along with this, the need to draw up a business plan arises for all start-up entrepreneurs. The document is necessary for submission to a credit institution, obtaining a loan from an investor to develop the business at the initial stages. In addition, a business plan allows you to see the immediate and upcoming goals, predict capital investments for one or another, foresee the moment when the first profit arrives, and calculate the total income from activities.

The specifics of enterprises

To obtain a loan for the construction of a plant or factory, it is more expedient to contact the relevant organizations that can provide qualified assistance in writing a business plan. In this case, the document will contain economic calculations and supported by financial documents drawn up in accordance with all the rules for their execution. A business plan drawn up in this way can, without hesitation, be sent to both foreign investors and domestic credit companies. However, in this case, it should be understood that the services for designing a project for a future enterprise will not be cheap. To open mobile outlet or a clothing or shoe repair shop, for example, there is no need to study or calculate industry risks in detail. In this case, it will be quite competent to organize production, determine the sales market, and predict enterprises. The program for writing a business plan for such an activity will be understandable to a novice entrepreneur.

Important point

Entrepreneurs who have a fairly large experience in doing business do not recommend unconditionally relying on the experience of acquaintances or friends and only on their own intuition. Forecasting activity does not appear as an obsolete component of socialist reality. Planning is an essential element modern business. Analysis of payback periods, determination of periods of investment, development and subsequent returns are the most important aspects even with a relatively small investment. Concepts such as "market" and "plan" are fundamental both in the East and in the West. On present stage development of the economy, it is enough to adopt experience successful companies and get positive results.

Business Plan Sample

The project of the future business is necessary for the investor, as well as for the entrepreneur himself. The structure of writing a business plan includes a number of mandatory items. These include, in particular:

  • introduction;
  • a brief description of the future enterprise;
  • assessment of the sales market, competition, investment risks;
  • production formation plan;
  • forecasts for the sale of services / goods;
  • financial plan;
  • management organization;
  • application.

Adaptation to the Russian market

The above plan for writing a business plan is recommended by Western analysts. However, in the practice of domestic entrepreneurship, some of its points require clarification and additional interpretation. So, given the peculiarities of the Russian business sphere, the plan for writing a business plan should include a section that reveals an adequate understanding of the problems and issues related to the quality of services and goods. Here it is necessary to bring possible options their decisions. It is also advisable to add a paragraph to the plan for writing a business plan that describes the ability to competently manage and regulate the cost of services / products. In the same section, it is worth revealing ways to ensure its competitiveness. Another additional item will be a clear vision of the prospects for the development of the enterprise, guarantees in the ability to bring the matter to the end.

Plan for writing a business plan: independent work

First of all, it is necessary to clearly assess the competitiveness of the proposed services or goods, analyze the sales market, the timing of the first profit, the time during which the investment will pay off. The next step is to determine the amount of required capital investment. Experts recommend dividing the investment into several parts, backing up the rationale with appropriate calculations. Given the above points, it should be understood that a self-composed business plan may be fundamentally different from the above structure. It should also be noted that there is no project form regulated by norms and standards. Each entrepreneur has the right to independently establish a list of items, the amount of documentation for enterprise planning. However, if it is necessary to open a case external investment, you should still adhere to the above scheme.


This section of the business plan is a presentation of the future enterprise. It should describe the type of activity in an understandable form in the most optimistic light. It often happens that the introduction is the only section that the investor reads on his own and immediately decides whether to take the project into development or reject it. Examining the rest of the parts that display calculations, marketing research, financial justification, he will instruct his specialists. However, as practice shows, it is the introduction that decides the fate of the project. This section should be short and concise at the same time.

Characteristics of the industry and enterprise

This is the next important part of the business plan. This section gives general description enterprises and industries:

  • Financial indicators.
  • Personnel composition.
  • Direction of activity.
  • Company structure.
  • List and description of services/products.
  • Development prospects and so on.

The section should contain the characteristics of the proposed production, a number of technological aspects. These points should be described in simple and accessible language. There is no point in delving into terminology, using a professional style. In this case, it is enough to indicate the uniqueness of services or products, the demand in the near and foreseeable future. You can also draw the attention of the investor to the advantages of the products offered.

Marketing research

Here you should describe the conditions under which consumers become customers of the enterprise. The section outlines methods of sales promotion, formation positive image, distribution of services/goods. The marketing plan includes a list of advertising costs. In essence, you should justify how and why consumers will purchase a service or product.


This section should be described. Here, the characteristics of the premises are given, the established requirements for equipment and personnel are indicated. IN production plan suppliers and contractors should also be described.

Organization of the enterprise and financial component

The business plan should contain a description of the form of management, the tasks of the specialists of the administrative apparatus. For a domestic investor, a resume for each member of the management department is important. In this regard, in this section it is worth listing the partners, noting as truthfully and objectively the contribution of each of them to the development of the enterprise, functional responsibilities and role in the company. The financial part contains economic calculations. In particular, a table of income and expenses is compiled, a balance sheet is forecast, variable and direct costs are indicated, performed, and so on. Three forecasts are usually developed in this section: realistic, optimistic and pessimistic. They are displayed as graphs.

What should be in this wonderful document? You can find fairly clear requirements and even programs that automatically generate business plan template. I'm still of the opinion that this is more or less a free document. The only requirement is the presence of ALL key points of the business.
More often the business plan contains such chapters:

1. Preamble (or introduction)brief information about the project, what it is, who is the organizer, contractor, what is the main goal of the project, mission. Also in this section, you can give short plan document with a few comments on each.
Sometimes the characteristics of the project participants, the leader and the founders are given.
2. Market overview. An important part of the business plan, where an analysis of the current market situation is made. The main players and their influence are described. Be sure to consider the dynamics of the market over the past at least 3-5 years, as well as build a forecast for the near future. Affect nearby markets.
3. Competitors. If you think that you have no competitors, then you do not know your market. This part is mandatory and cannot be bypassed. Competitors can be either direct (offer similar products and services) or indirect (offer something different, but it may well replace your product). Personally, I often came across unfortunate entrepreneurs who are sure that they have no competitors, because "they have green, and we have yellow, these are completely different products." I'm exaggerating, of course, but you get the point.
In general, I think to reveal the topic of competitors separately.
So, in the business plan, it is imperative to identify the circle of competitors, describe the leaders, if any, and the distribution of the market by segments. This item should be a logical continuation of the market review.
4. Suppliers and partners. If you are in production, it is obvious that you need raw materials. Many forget and do not take into account their suppliers and other partners, but a failure in their work can have a very strong impact on you. That is why it is necessary to work out in detail the main suppliers, reserve ones, to characterize the relationship strategy. It should be understood that the cost of your products (and hence the final price) is very dependent on the cost of raw materials. And often there is a choice - to choose where it is cheaper, but there are certain risks, or to work with a reliable proven partner, overpaying for stability. In this chapter, there should be a mandatory rationale for the choice of a particular partner, as well as its alternative.
5. Goods and services. This section describes in detail your product or service. Not just a list, but a complete description, with technical characteristics, dimensions, complexities, etc. A comparison is made with analogues (intersects with the Competitors section). The product should be described so well and in detail that any person who does not understand your field after reading understands what exactly you are going to sell.
Another point is the Price of your goods, as well as its justification. Sometimes this subsection is taken out as a separate paragraph of the plan, but it can be left in this chapter.
6. Staff. An integral part of any company are the people who work in it. If the company is small (up to 20 people), then you can describe each person, what he does, his characteristics, experience, remuneration. If this large enterprise, then only key employees (director, deputies, department heads) are described in detail, and the rest are grouped according to some criterion, for example, by position (engineers, builders) or by department (accounting, production department). In the form of an application is given staffing, where there is already a complete list of all employees, their working hours, as well as wage.
If the company is developing or is just opening and it needs to hire people, you should indicate exactly where the people will be selected, what requirements are placed on them.
7. Production process. This section should describe the process of creating your product: what difficulties may arise, what is the cycle of the production itself. How long does it take to make changes, if necessary. What types of raw materials are used, possible alternatives. In general, everything important that is in the production process should be described here. There is nothing universal, because in each case it's different. If any know-how is used, they must also be indicated here, the numbers of certificates, patents, etc.
8. Consumers. Who buys your products? Who consumes it? What inner feelings should be addressed? It is necessary to distinguish between consumers and buyers (for example, parents buy toys and children play, airlines buy planes, and passengers fly). It is extremely important to build a portrait of the average consumer by segmenting the market. If this is B2B, then similarly segment the market by consumer companies. Keep in mind that there are very few goods that EVERYONE consumes! Even bread and medicine can be segmented (although, classically, these are goods for everyone without exception. Now you can add mobile connection cities).
As a result, we not only get a portrait potential buyer but also their share in the total number of people. Thus, we evaluate the entire market, as well as calculate our share, which we claim. From here it is easy to determine the expected income ...
9. Legal aspects. Many activities require careful and detailed study: the necessary certificates, permits, excises. What jurisdiction does the type of activity fall under, what difficulties can there be, etc. This section of the business plan describes in detail all the difficulties and their solution. Laws and other regulations which are necessary for the successful operation of the company.
10. Marketing and advertising. At first I wanted to write that this is one of the most important chapters, but I thought that this would be biased, because. other sections are just as important (customers, competitors, finance). But still, if in some activities the Legal section and the Production section can be omitted, marketing should be everywhere. You should designate a marketing strategy for a year, three and five. What are the goals and how should they be achieved?
We should not forget about advertising. What, where, how to advertise (knowing our target audience, this is easy to do). Sometimes, advertising is placed in a separate paragraph of the business plan, especially if the company is large and has solid budgets and detailed study. If you plan to work with advertising agency- again, describe why it is with him, what it will give, what are the selection criteria, are there any alternatives.
By all means, everything is done with forecasts of efficiency, sales volumes, market shares and, of course, the costs of these events.
11. Organizational plan. If the company is quite large, then it is not easy to manage it. That is why an organizational plan is distinguished, where all relationships are schematically and descriptively displayed: between departments, between divisions / branches, between individual key employees. Control points, areas of responsibility, etc. are signed. There should be no "white spots", i.e. process or issue for which no one is responsible (or vice versa, several people with equal authority are responsible).
12. Finance. The most difficult part and the most beloved by investors. In this section, all income and expenses are brought together, as well as a financial result. Often, instead of a finance section, separate items are made: Expenses, Income, Financial results. Sometimes it's justified. But it doesn't change the essence. By and large, all the data is already there: we take income from marketing and consumer descriptions, as well as product prices; expenses - we summarize the production costs from the production process, raw materials, advertising costs, wages ... In other words, this is just a total. BUT. Investors (or banks, for example when obtaining a loan), see ONLY this section. Therefore, it should be worked out as much as possible, and after reading it, it should be clear what the company does, its turnover, income and profit.
What must be? Necessary investments by months, point of exit to self-sufficiency, return on investment (ROI), as well as a full return on all invested funds.
If this is some investment project, then, of course, you need to compare alternatives, options for investing in stocks / bonds. But, in general, there is a slightly different approach in financial and investment projects.
13. Possible risks. Risk-free operations / enterprises simply do not exist, and what you need to strive for is their minimization. In the last chapter, a SWOT analysis of the company is usually done, it can also be PEST, or it can be without a name, just describe what can happen and how to deal with it. Some risks can be insured, others can be avoided, and others can be minimized as much as possible the possible negative effect. But for this, of course, these risks should be studied and classified. In general, many believe that this is a purely symbolic item, but this is not so. Some small thing can undermine your entire business (for example, a change in tax laws, the entry of a new competitor, a ban on your products, a change in pricing policy supplier and much more). You must be ready for such changes and have "spare moves".
Applications. The appendices contain tables, graphs, specifications- everything that was not included in the main business plan, but is necessary for a detailed study (for example, in the finance section there can only be total figures, and full tables for 2-3 spreads are placed in the application).
This is roughly the structure of any normal business plan. Some sections under certain conditions may not be, or vice versa, some will be added. The essence of the plan itself is that you really need to work on it, and a person who is unfamiliar with your industry, for example, a potential investor, having read this document, had a more or less complete picture of your business model.
I also want to note that the business plan contains a lot of commercial information, therefore it is a secret document, access to which is very few. Usually printed in two or three copies, each of which is signed. One is kept by CEO others are workers. Sometimes, a separate one is made for the founder.
That's all I wanted to write about the structure of a business plan.

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