Start in science. Research project "Television advertising and children" Research project on the development of English advertising

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  • Research

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  • Eroshenko Daria

    11 "A" class. Release year: 2013

    At school, he studies at 4 and 5, there are no special priority subjects, he likes all the subjects.

    She began to take part in scientific and practical conferences from the 8th grade, in the 10th grade she took 1st place with research papers on history and the Russian language

    Actively participates in school life: helps in organizing school evenings, in 2010 she took part in the anniversary of the school.

    In the 11th grade, she was elected to the position of chairman of the council of high school students.

    Topic:"The role of advertising in the life of my peer"

    Head: Zakovryashina Zinaida Ivanovna

    The work was written in 2012.

    MBOU "Krasnoshchekovskaya secondary (complete) secondary school No. 1"



    Eroshenko Daya

    Pupil 10 "a"

    Scientific adviser:

    Zakovryashina Z.I.

    teacher of Russian and literature



    2 Main body

    3. Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………………………14

    4. List of used literature …………………………………………………………..15

    5. Application …………………………………………………………………………………...16

    1. Introduction

    Advertising in recent decades has become a constant companion of our lives. We see it everywhere: on TV, on billboards, hear it on the radio, read in newspapers and magazines. It, like everything around us, is changing. It becomes brighter, more expressive, more emotional. Sometimes it is annoying, sometimes it has a magical effect. Many expressions from advertising texts enter our speech, become aphorisms.

    Probably, we can no longer live without advertising. But we must be attentive to the language of advertising, to distinguish good from bad. We are interested in high-quality, tasteful and humorous advertising. But this is not an easy art, requiring great tact.

    Relevance this topic is obvious. The modern world is hard to imagine without advertising. But until recently, we did not know what advertising on television and radio broadcasting is.

    Analyzing this problem, it is supposed to solve a number of problems:

      propose a way to classify advertising and indicate how it is created

      to identify the features of the language of television advertising, as well as to prove with examples what effect advertising has on the language of modern schoolchildren.

    In the course of work, I put forwardhypothesis: if advertising is built on the principle of error, illiterately and inaccurately compiled, then it leads to the consolidation of speech, grammatical and spelling errors in the oral and written speech of schoolchildren.

    I have setgoal of the work: based on the collected material, to study the features of the language of advertising.

    Object of study : advertising and its influence on the life of modern schoolchildren.

    Subject of study : the language of advertising, its expression and emotionality.

    Research methods and techniques : observation, analysis of literary and information sources, experiment, survey, viewing and analysis of television advertising.

    2.Main part

    We encounter advertising everywhere: sitting at home watching TV, listening to the radio, on the way to work or school - everywhere we go, we see or hear advertisements that talk about goods or services.

    In today's market conditions, no commercial enterprise can successfully do business without advertising in one form or another.

    For many centuries, being a constant companion of man, she changes with him. The most ancient merchants established their connections with buyers through direct verbal appeals. The places of sale were filled with loud and repeated shouts of sellers. It was these messages that carried the essential features of modern advertising and other means of promoting goods. This characteristic allows us to define this direction of communications as proto-advertising. It is no coincidence that the word "advertising" comes from lat. reclamo (reclamare) - to resume shouting, to shout again, to object loudly.

    So, for example, in ancient Rome, merchants often resorted to the services of heralds to advertise goods. Herald - a person specially hired by the merchant, whose tasks included inviting buyers and praising the goods of the employer.

    First of all, advertising carries information that is usually presented in a concise, artistically expressed form, emotionally colored and brings to the consciousness of potential buyers the most important facts and information about goods and services.

    Currently, of all types of advertising, television advertising has the greatest impact on people. Perhaps this is partly because it is impossible to ignore. Newspaper ads can be scrolled through, street ads can be easily walked past, and TV ads can't be avoided. After all, we all sit in front of the TV for several hours a day. Along with news, entertainment programs, feature films, we consume a huge amount of all kinds of advertising.

    After analyzing this problem, it was possible to determine what percentage of the time per day is occupied by advertising on television. During one episode of the feature film "Always Say Always", which lasted 2 hours, the advertisement took 30 minutes, which accounted for 25% of the TV broadcast time. Therefore, if we determine the amount of time broadcast advertising per day, it will be approximately 6 hours. It's a lot.

    The ability to attract the attention of readers - with a headline, viewers - with a video sequence;

    Impact on the emotions of advertising consumers;

    The power of influence on actions and decisions (the desire to definitely buy this product);

    Unusualness, non-standard, novelty of the presentation of advertising, manifested in the desire to watch the advertisement to the end.

    Thus, advertising, as it were, subconsciously controls the desires and actions of a person; often the advertised product is firmly remembered, and when the question arises of buying a particular product, most often we buy exactly what is advertised on TV.

    Analyzing the advertising material, we also managed to identify some types of TV advertising and combine them into the following groups: food advertising “for everyone”; advertising services of various firms; advertising of various securities; advertising of perfumery goods and medicines; advertisements for subscription campaign periodicals; advertising of household appliances; furniture advertising; vehicle advertising.


    Good day!

    I need a wedding...

    The tuxedo?


    My cutter is still busy, but would you mind a cup of coffee?

    Coffee is so tempting...

    You are so easily seduced. Are you getting married soon?

    No, my grandfather! Fifth time! Can you imagine?

    One exquisite taste, one non-random meeting!

    Digital satellite TV is even more affordable!

    Call and connect!

    On the Black Sea coast

    Among forests, rocky mountains,

    Provided a loan for furniture

    Good uncle Chernomor.

    The fairy tale comes true!

    Office furniture, home furniture,

    We are now giving loans!

    ReterSport is a square disseller, great chocolate in a practical package. Chocolate "ReterSport" with an amazing amount of mouth-watering fillings. Try a variety of tastes from "ReterSport!"

    “Discovering the energy of the morning sun with the new PalmoliveAroma propolis therapy. Shower gel with 100% natural propolis extract and essential oils revitalizes the senses and leaves the skin soft. Fills your every day with radiance and vitality.

    What is especially important for the development of intelligence? That's right, iodine balance!

    The drug "Iodine balance" helps the development of mental abilities.

    Yum, yum, yum, yum!

    Buy Mikoyan!

    Fresh news from Prostokvashino:

    “Our dear dad, mom and uncle Fedor! We live wonderfully, as they say, we are getting stronger day by day. Our milk is even better. We bottle it now. And we have kefir, and so many goodies! And yoghurts with natural fruits! Prostokvashino is always a fresh story!”

    For example: “Quick soup is a quick solution to delicious cooking!”

    “Let's take the usual powder and the new Tide powder. We wash the tablecloth with ordinary powder - as a result, the fabric deteriorates and stains remain on it. Then we wash the same tablecloth with Tide powder - the tablecloth has become much cleaner!

    "Tide" Have you tried it yet? Then we go to you!"

    So, the language of advertising should be short, precise, emotional and, perhaps, non-standard, because the main task of advertising is to draw attention to the advertised subject. On television, this is helped by the musical arrangement, and the various ways of presenting it.

    When studying the principle of creating advertising, the advertising of the First Channel of Russian public television was used.


    A large number of listened and viewed ads cannot but affect the language of children and adolescents.

    Young people are a universal consumer of mass information and advertising, which, of course, negatively affects the oral and written speech of most adolescents. There is advertising that is built on the principle of error. The creator of such advertising does not respect himself or people. It is important for him to advertise his product, he believes that he came up with an original move. This is bad! Because when misspelled words often appear on TV screens, children remember how they are spelled and pronounced, and use them incorrectly in speech and writing. Borrowed words in advertising are usually used to attract the attention of the consumer. But, having poor command of the norms of Russian speech, advertisers often get into a mess, inaccurately, grammatically incorrectly formatting the text, for example: “Lose weight forever up to 10 kilograms!” How can a sane person assimilate this advertisement, much less buy this remedy. Or else: "Women's magazine for men and women." How can a women's magazine be a men's magazine at the same time? The creator of this advertisement clearly did not understand the meaning of his work. Also, advertisers often use words that have a new sound, but do not have any new meaning, there is practically no need for their appearance, except to attract attention in commercials: sokos, Snickersney. Such words are a hallmark of today's children and adolescents.

    "Poison with your friends" is an error in a Fanta advertisement.

    "receiving a delivery from the factory"

    "... clothes ..." instead of "clothes"

    But it is impossible not to say about the positive impact of advertising on the speech of adolescents: sometimes advertising based on works of art or poems becomes an advertisement for the correct literary language, and works become known to everyone. For example, A. Blok's poem “Night. The street. Lamp. Pharmacy ... ”after a successful advertisement, everyone knows by heart. I would like to believe that the time will come when any advertisement will become a model of the Russian literary language.

    Poll of Russians:

    As in the rest of the world, the attention of Russian citizens is most attracted by television advertising (61.2%). More than a quarter of Russians (26.2%) do not pay attention to any type of advertising at all. Advertising in newspapers and magazines may be of interest to 21% of respondents. Other types of advertising attract much less attention of the respondents. So 14.9% of Russians pay attention to advertising on the radio. Billboard advertising is able to attract 6.6% of respondents, advertising on transport - 4.7% of Russians. Advertising sent by mail attracts 2.5% of respondents. Advertising agents, as well as advertising on the Internet, are paid attention to by 0.5% of respondents. The remaining 2% of the survey participants found it difficult to answer.

    Survey of schoolchildren of KSSh No. 1 (high school)

    As a result of the survey and research of this problem, I can sum up the following:

    In our school, senior (8-11) grade students pay the most attention to television advertising - 33% (sale of cell phones and electronic equipment, chips and carbonated drinks, cosmetics, automotive equipment and advertising of Internet sites)

    In second place is online advertising - 22%. (links to online stores, games, social networks, ads)

    Most of the respondents do not pay attention to advertising at all, and the same number of respondents found it difficult to answer.

    Less popular is billboard advertising -9% (advertising located along highways, posted in supermarkets and various places where trade is carried out)

    Several respondents use advertising in newspapers and magazines - 5% (central newspapers and magazines are especially popular, as well as our regional newspaper "Rayonny Vestnik", in which my peers find a lot of necessary information for themselves).

    2% of students pay attention to advertisements on vehicles.

    Thus, advertising placed in the media is the most effective, as it attracts the largest number of potential consumers. The students noted that they especially like advertising broadcast for the holidays: it is distinguished by emotionality, appropriate musical accompaniment, and a plot plot of a family environment; advertising, the heroes of which are children and animals; advertising representing various types and services of mobile communications.

    To the question: What is especially annoying in advertising?

    Almost unanimously, everyone answered: “Excessive amount of time allocated to advertising!”

    Thus, we can conclude that it is not the advertising itself that is annoying, but the frequency of its appearance on the screens of our TVs.


    It was interesting to work on this topic, because a very diverse material is presented for research. The tasks set in the introduction have been completed.

    The paper attempts to determine the place and role of advertising in human life: advertising has become a companion in the life of a modern person, it accompanies him everywhere: on the street, in a store, in public transport, on television and radio broadcasting.

    An original version of the classification and method of creating advertising is proposed: advertising built on the principle of dialogue, advertising that looks like an ad; advertising created on the basis of versification; advertising, based on which the main feature is a description of the appearance of an object or product; advertising representing the composition or quality of a product; advertising, which is based on the principle of the formation of new words; advertising that uses transliteration; advertising containing a question-answer principle of presenting material; advertising built on the principle of a call to action; advertising created on the basis of animation; advertising based on the principle of error; advertising built on the use of anaphora; advertising, which is based on the method of comparing objects.

    The influence of advertising on the language of modern schoolchildren is determined: advertising built on the principle of error, illiterate and inaccurately composed advertising leads to the consolidation of speech, grammatical and spelling errors in the oral and written speech of schoolchildren.

    I would like to believe that the time will soon come when the language material of advertising will become a model of advertising in the Russian literary language.

    A selective survey of students of school No. 1 was conducted and the main drawback of modern advertising, not even advertising itself, was identified: a large amount of time allocated for advertising on television.


    Petrozavodsk, Folium, 1999. - 347


    Advertising text is a special kind of creativity that uses its own rules and techniques. And he has his own style of writing. Failure to understand that an advertisement should be written in a completely different way than a book or article leads to ineffective advertising.

    The question of the language of advertising is little studied. At the same time, in a few studies, special turns of speech are given, the so-called stylistic figures that enhance the expressiveness of the statement, psychologically affecting a person especially strongly. It's good to know them.

    1. be simple and clear;

    2. be original;

    3. be bright, imaginative, by no means boring;

    4. take into account the peculiarities of the psyche of consumers;

    5. reflect the specifics of the speech of the target audience;

    6. take into account the psychology of perception of advertising in different advertising media (the psychology of radio perception, television perception, perception of newspaper and magazine texts, outdoor advertising differ significantly).

    1. Verbs.

    The verb denotes action, it has hidden dynamics, movement and has a much greater motive power than other parts of speech. It is especially useful in advertising to use verbs in the imperative mood, the so-called incentive constructions.

    They activate a potential consumer, stimulate action, and one of the most important tasks of advertising is to evoke the planned behavior ("Take a break - eat Twix!", "Relax with Neva!").

    2. Pronouns.

    In an advertising appeal, the use of the pronoun "we" is undesirable. By "we", you mean yourself (manufacturer, seller) and tell about yourself. The pronouns "he", "she", "they" are also undesirable.

    3. Adjectives. In advertising, definitions are most effective provided that they evoke specific associations and carry the necessary information. At the same time, text writers often use adjectives that do not carry any specific information ("good", "best", "wonderful", "special", etc.). In addition, do not use stamped adjectives. For example, instead of the hackneyed adjectives "perfect", "unique", "original", you can use "dizzy", "fabulous", "charming", "colossal", etc.

    4. Special turns of speech that enhance the impact of advertising.

    Consider some of these stylistic turns.

    Parcellation is the division of a sentence, in which the content of the statement is realized not in one, but in several phrases following one after another after a separating pause (in writing, most often indicated by a dot). A complex sentence is divided into simpler, shorter ones.

    For example, the phrase "In November, Egypt will especially delight you with the gentle sun and warm sea" can be presented differently: "In November, Egypt will especially delight you. With the gentle sun. Warm sea."

    segmented design. This is such a construction, in the first part of which the subject of advertising is called in the nominative case, in the subsequent part it receives the second designation, most often in the form of a pronoun or a synonym. For example: "Yogurts. What exactly do we know about their usefulness?"

    The segmented construction is divided, like parcelling, into two parts. The first part, setting the subject of advertising, acts as a signal that draws the attention of the consumer to it. The second part talks about the advantages of the product, the problems it solves, etc. "Nuts bar. Charge your brain! If you have any."

    Antithesis. A figure of speech in which contrasts are used to enhance expressiveness, emphasize the main and better memorize the text. In advertising, the antithesis allows you to clearly emphasize the merits of the advertised product: "Minimum calories - maximum enjoyment" (Coca-Colalight advertising), "Minimum space - maximum opportunities" (mobile phone advertising).

    Gradation is a figure of speech consisting of such an arrangement of words and phrases in which each subsequent word and phrase contains an amplifying (less often decreasing) meaning. With each sentence or paragraph, with the help of gradation, the copywriter increases the reader's interest in the subject of advertising. “The X washing machine has one quality that sets it apart from others. When it is running, you don’t notice it. It is almost silent. Even a cat can sleep next to it.”

    Question-answer structures.

    They encourage independent thinking of the reader. When using them, the copywriter (text developer) tries to anticipate the questions of the consumer, asks these questions and answers them:

    Where to relax in the evening together?

    Want to try a gourmet meal?

    Dancing to soft music?

    Restaurant "Tete-a-tete".

    Question-answer structures are very effective. They create ease of presentation, attract attention, arouse active interest on the part of consumers. Parceling, segmented constructions, and question-and-answer phrases have a colloquial coloring. This makes the ad easier to read.

    Repetition of a keyword, group of words, sentences.

    This technique allows you to emphasize the most important and give the advertising text dynamics and rhythm. This is a good way to "stand out from the crowd" and inject a "keyword" (eg brand name) into the minds of consumers.

    The most commonly used anaphora (one-name) is the repetition of individual words or phrases at the beginning of sentences or paragraphs: "New computers - new income", "Wide automation. Wide use of complex operations."

    Another type of repetition that can be used in advertising is epiphora (single ending). This is the repetition of words or expressions at the end of sentences or paragraphs. Like anaphora, epiphora creates rhythm, allows you to mention the name of the product or its advantage several times, makes advertising more lively and interesting.

    For example, you can simulate a dialogue between a firm and its client:

    "Towing from the scene of an accident? - Yes! Firm "Garant".

    Repair on the road? - Yes! Firm "Garant".

    Affordable prices? - Yes! Firm "Garant".

    In this fragment, two methods are used at once: epiphora and question-answer constructions. This is a very efficient approach.

    Another type of repetition is repetition in the middle of each phrase or language turnover (it is effective to repeat the name of the product in this way). For example, the previous ad might look like this:

    "Towing from the scene of an accident? - It's easy with the Garant company.

    Repair on the road? - With the company "Garant" - it's fast.

    Affordable prices? With the company "Garant" - always.


    For example: "If you are equipping a new house ... thinking about the original interior ... For you - furniture from Italy", "When the neighbors begin to envy ... Finishing materials from the best European manufacturers."

    Rhetorical appeal is a stylistic figure consisting in an underlined appeal to someone to enhance expressiveness. It is also used to enhance the psychological impact on advertising readers.

    For example: "Dear Women", "Moms and Dads", "Hunting Lovers", "Motorists", "Dear Toyota Owners". In this case, the reader becomes, as it were, the interlocutor of the author.

    A rhetorical question is a stylistic figure, consisting in the fact that the question is posed not in order to get an answer to it, but to attract the attention of the reader.

    In the form of a rhetorical question, not only the headline, but the entire advertising message can be created. "Isn't it tempting? To buy clothes from leading French manufacturers at half price? Only from July 1 to July 15 at the mall..."

    Kolomiets Ekaterina Igorevna




    School teacher:

    Shlykova Oksana Nikolaevna,

    teacher of history and social studies, MOBU "Secondary School No. 7"

    Orenburg, 2012

    Introduction ................................................ ...............................................

    I Chapter 1. Theoretical part…………………………………….

    1.1. The history of the emergence and development of advertising…………………

    II. Chapter 2. Practical part (research)…………………...




    Haven't heard before.

    M. Larney

    We all love comfort, convenience, good technology, household items, fashionable clothes. We want to create a special image for ourselves, our family, our home. We strive to get the best out of life. But how do we know what product (work, service) to buy, what is fashionable now, what deserves our attention? The answer is simple: through advertising. Advertising gives us such an opportunity! It allows you to choose a product (work, service), make sure or doubt its quality, give it your preference or refuse it. And regardless of whether ads annoy you or not, they undoubtedly influence your choice.

    Advertising... At first glance, it seems that this is a fairly simple and understandable topic. But the deeper you begin to study it, the more questions arise that you want to find an answer to, and maybe give your own. For me, this topic is interesting not only from an economic point of view, but also from a psychological one, because advertising is a way of imperceptibly influencing the masses. I think that advertising to children should be especially careful, as children have a limited ability to judge how trustworthy what they are watching. Therefore, advertisers should not use the imagination of children to achieve any goal and make them believe in the unrealistic capabilities of the product.

    This research topic is relevant today.The degree of knowledge of this issue is insufficient. It seems that representatives of the advertising business are studying this problem to a greater extent in order to influence us - the consumers of their goods, but we do not think about the influence of advertising on us.

    Yes, advertising has firmly entered the Russian reality. Every day, media channels bring new streams of information to every home. Modern advertising is complex and multifaceted; it has absorbed huge intellectual and material resources, turning into an independent business sector.

    Goals and tasks of the work:

    1) get acquainted with the literary sources devoted to advertising;

    2) to systematize and summarize the literature on this topic;

    4) determine the attitude of the population to advertising;

    6) analyze the results of the study.

    To solve the tasks, the following research methods were used:

    1. theoretical (analysis of literature on this topic);
    2. general scientific (personal observations, surveys, questionnaires);
    3. experimental;
    4. statistical (processing of survey results).

    Chapter 1. Theoretical part.

    What is advertising? There are many definitions. If we confine ourselves to a narrow framework, then we can say that advertising is a paid unidirectional non-personal and indirect communication that agitates in favor of a particular product or service.

    The most reasonable definition of advertising is given by well-known scientists A.P. Kuzyakin and M.A. Semechev in his book "Advertising and PR in the World Economy":"Advertising - this is a paid presence in the media of information about a company, product, service or idea, with the aim of increasing the fame (popularity) of the company and its turnover.

    Advertising provides two interrelated functions: to inform potential buyers about the company, product, service and to encourage the consumer to use the product, and in the future - to make a repeat purchase.

    1. The history of the emergence and development of advertising.

    The simplest forms of advertising existed even before our era. One of the first advertisements that has come down to our time is considered to be an Egyptian papyrus, which reported on the sale of a slave. Its text read; "He hears perfectly with both ears, sees with both eyes. I guarantee his moderation in food, honesty, humility." One of the oldest advertising texts is considered to be an inscription carved on a stone, which was found in the ruins of the ancient city of Memphis: "I, Reno, from the island of Crete, interpret dreams by the will of the gods."

    Among the texts discovered in Pompeii, many refer to the electoral struggles of Roman politicians and administrators. "I ask you to make Modest an Aedil (that is, an elected person in the select)" and even: "If anyone rejects Quintius, let him sit next to the donkey."

    The most important means of disseminating information and advertising in the ancient states of the world was the so-called institute of heralds - one of the oldest institutions of state power. These positions were defined in various ancient states.

    In ancient Greece, heralds walked the streets with advertising songs. One of them, for example, sounded like this: "In order for the eyes to shine, so that the cheeks turn red, so that the girlish beauty is preserved for a long time, a reasonable woman will buy cosmetics at reasonable prices from Exliptos." Why not a sample of modern cosmetics advertising?!

    Antique culture was an excellent example of the development of advertising activities. Therefore, it can be argued that the formation and development of advertising began long before the advent of printing.

    Thus, the origins of advertising activity go back to primitive antiquity. Antique culture gives rise to already quite mature forms of advertising, the basis of which are clots of operational information. These forms of advertising activity were expressed through various sets of verbal, sound, written and visual techniques that create images of advertised objects, whose goal is to actively penetrate the psyche of a potential consumer, attract his attention and thereby encourage him to take actions that are beneficial for the advertiser.

    A new qualitative leap in the development of advertising begins with the advent of printing.

    The invention of the printing press by Gutenberg in 1450 marked the beginning of the era of the formation of the mass media system, which resulted in a qualitatively new stage in the development of advertising. Texts, the writing of which previously required many days and painstaking work, could now be prepared quickly enough.

    A little later, newspapers began to be filled with advertisements of a commercial nature, mainly concerning the wholesale and retail sale of tea, coffee, chocolate and other food products.

    Advertising becomes one of the methods of non-price competition, one of the functions of marketing. In addition to achieving purely economic goals, it is used for political and ideological influence on people. Special firms and agencies begin to engage in advertising.

    The development of advertising in Russia dates back to the 10th - 11th centuries, when Russian merchants resorted to various methods of offering their goods. Usually they invited a barker for a fee, who, being near the shops, loudly announced the merits of the goods and its owner. The creators and virtuoso performers of oral amusing advertising were peddlers who sold small goods - ribbons, lace, combs, scarves, gingerbread, bagels.

    A certain contribution to the early period of the formation of advertising activities was made by folk pictures - popular prints. The first mention of them dates back to the beginning of the 17th century. Luboks conveyed various information and ideas in an accessible form to a wide audience, embodied in catchy colorful images.

    In the 19th century, printed advertisements for goods became widespread, although printed advertisements of an advertising nature were already found in the "Vedomosti" of Peter I at the beginning of the 18th century, receiving a new impetus somewhat later in the publications of the Academy of Sciences "Saint Petersburg Vedomosti".

    The successful development of advertising in Russia was also facilitated by the rapid growth of cities with their inherent concentration of population, the development of urban means of communication, and the production of a large mass of goods by industry designed for all segments of the population.

    After the October Revolution of 1917, the content and objectives of advertising changed. One of the first decrees of the Soviet government, advertising was monopolized by the state, entrepreneurs were deprived of the opportunity to expand their business through advertising.

    The peculiarity of the advertising market in Russia lies in its dynamics. The boundaries of this market are constantly expanding due to the emergence of new organizations, enterprises and, accordingly, new customers. Advertising in the interests of the market persistently imposes its values ​​on the audience, actively forms the mass consciousness, spreading and consolidating the moral market code and the life orientations of its customers. It begins to have a positive impact on the market: by organizing consumer demand, it contributes to the promotion of goods. In the country, thus, "Russian advertising" begins to take shape.

    1. The impact of advertising on the economy and trade.

    Speaking about the impact of advertising on the economy and trade, it is important to understand that by informing people about goods, services and ideas, advertising stimulates the growth of sales, and therefore the growth of trade. As a buyer's guide, it provides consumers with information about new products or prices, and industrial consumers with important information about new equipment and technologies. By simultaneously informing a large number of people about the goods and services offered, advertising greatly reduces marketing costs and facilitates the task of individual implementation. The result is lower costs and higher profits that can be invested in additional capital equipment and jobs.

    Freedom of advertising allows competing organizations to enter the market, which stimulates the improvement of existing products and the development of new models. Such activities are expressed in the growth of labor productivity, the improvement of quality and the disappearance of goods that do not meet market requirements. Thus, by inviting people to try new products, advertising gives impetus to the success of quality products and helps to weed out unsuitable products.

    Advertising is a necessary component in the overall structure of business activity, designed to stimulate consumption to a level comparable to the level of production. In the conditions of mass consumption and high employment of the population, advertising has become an integral part of the economy, taking its appropriate place among its components such as production, financing, distribution and entrepreneurship.

    Advertising is often referred to as bulk or impersonal commerce. It is used to inform, persuade and remind customers about specific products and services. Of course, some products are easier to advertise than others.

    1. The presence of a trend towards high primary demand for goods.

    2. The possibility of highlighting the goods among other commercial mass.

    3. Greater relative importance for the consumer of the latent qualities of the goods, rather than explicit ones.

    4. Possibility of using high emotional attractiveness.

    5. Availability of funds to provide advertising.

    Where conditions exist, such as in the cosmetics industry, significant advertising costs are beneficial, and the ratio between advertising costs and sales profits is often quite high. For commodities as completely undifferentiated as salt, sugar, and other raw materials, the importance of advertising is usually minimal, and the primary role is played by the price.

    Thus, it is unthinkable now to imagine how the modern economy and trade could develop without advertising - the main source of information.

    First of all, advertising carries information that is usually presented in a concise, artistically expressed form, emotionally colored and brings to the consciousness and attention of potential buyers the most important facts and information about goods and services. It should be noted that advertising is always information, and information is not always advertising.

    Advertising, on the one hand, brings to consumers the information necessary for the purchase and use of goods. On the other hand, combining its information content with persuasiveness and suggestion, it has an emotional and mental impact on a person. From this we can conclude that advertising itself is both work and art.

    The purpose of any advertising work is to encourage people to take a specific action (choosing a product or service, voting for a proposed candidate, participating in a cult action, etc.). The main content of the advertising message is a set of practically valuable social information combined with the "image" - the advertising image of the object.

    Trade advertising should contribute to improving the quality of trade customer service. With the help of advertising, buyers quickly find the goods they need, purchase them with the greatest convenience and the least amount of time. At the same time, the sale of goods is accelerated, the efficiency of the work of sales personnel is increased, and costs are reduced. No less important is information for the population about individual trading enterprises, the services they offer, opening hours, methods of sale, and specific features of their activities.

    Many people blame advertising for creating a need to buy something. Indeed, body deodorants are necessary for life, or did advertising create an artificial need, convincing you to watch out for "unpleasant" body odor? Do you need a VCR? Do you need canned orange juice? Do you have a need for ballpoint pens? These are all items that you can do without, but they will all be purchased even without advertising. The purpose of advertising in this case will be to help you choose a brand of VCR, orange juice concentrate or ballpoint pen.

    1. Legal regulation of advertising activities.

    Particular attention should be paid to the legal regulation of advertising activities. The current period in the development of advertising in Russia is characterized by a sharp influx of bright and varied advertising products, among which there were many unscrupulous advertisements.

    In connection with these negative processes in the advertising business in Russia, the State Duma on July 14, 1995 adopted the Federal Law "On Advertising", designed to regulate the relations arising in the process of production, placement and distribution of advertising in the markets of goods, works, services. At the same time, it should be noted that the law on advertising does not apply to political advertising and advertisements of individuals, includingincluding in the media not related to the implementation of entrepreneurial activities.

    The main objectives of the law are protection against unfair competition in the field of advertising, prevention and suppression of inappropriate advertising.

    Federal law establishes general and special requirements for advertising. In particular, Article 5 contains general requirements for advertising. The main general requirements are as follows:

    It is not allowed to interrupt advertisements in radio and television programs: children's and religious programs; educational broadcasts more than once within 15 minutes for a period not exceeding 45 seconds; radio shows and feature films without the consent of the copyright holders; other broadcasts, the duration of which is less than 15 minutes.

    Programs broadcasting between 15 and 60 minutes may not be interrupted more than twice.

    In radio and television programs that are not registered as specializing in messages and materials of an advertising nature, advertising should not exceed 25% of the broadcast volume during the day.

    Consider an advertisement for Baltimore's Provence mayonnaise, which says that this mayonnaise is "the most proven Provence." Article 7 of the Law on Advertising states that the term “most” is prohibited from being used in advertising without appropriate documentary evidence. Nevertheless, it was postponed in the minds of viewers that Provencal mayonnaise is the most. And this is important for the company.

    Article 12 of the Law "On Advertising" is devoted to the peculiarities of advertising in printed periodicals. It limits the volume of advertising materials in one issue of a periodical printed publication that does not specialize in messages and promotional materials to 40%. However, compliance with the stipulated restriction is difficult to control in periodicals because of the information they contain in the form of hidden advertising: in the form of articles about goods, methods of sale.

    Article 13 of the law defines the ban on advertising during film and video services.

    A special place in the law "On Advertising" is given to outdoor advertising. Article 14 provides that outdoor advertising should not resemble road signs and signs, impair their visibility, and also not reduce traffic safety.

    Features of advertising of certain types of goods are defined in Article 16. Of the entire set of product groups sold on the consumer market in Russia, the law "On Advertising" regulates the advertising of only four groups of goods (tobacco and tobacco products, alcoholic beverages, medicines and weapons). However, these goods were not chosen by chance, since they are attributes of an unhealthy lifestyle, and one of the main functions of the state is to take care of the health of the people and the development of their rational needs.

    Article 22 of the Law "On Advertising" obliges advertisers and advertisers to require the advertiser to present a license. However, the law does not directly establish liability for the production and distribution of advertising in the absence of a license to manufacture and sell the advertised product or service.

    Distinguish between the economic efficiency of advertising and the effectiveness of the psychological impact of individual advertising media on human consciousness. Moreover, the psychological impact is most effective if it leads potential consumers to make a purchase. Thus, the economic efficiency of advertising depends on the degree of its psychological impact on a person.

    The economic efficiency of advertising can also be judged by the economic result that was achieved from the use of an advertising medium or an advertising campaign. The economic result is determined by the ratio between the profit from the additional turnover received under the influence of advertising, and the cost of it.

    More accurately, the effectiveness of advertising costs characterizes its profitability - the ratio of profit to costs.

    The effectiveness of the psychological impact of advertising media is characterized by the number of consumer coverage, the brightness and depth of the impression that these media leave in a person’s memory, and the degree of attention. The effectiveness of the psychological impact of advertising on the consumer can be determined through observations, experiments, and surveys.

    Observation methodused in the study of the impact on consumers of individual advertising media. This method is passive in nature, since the observer does not influence the buyer in any way, but, on the contrary, conducts observations imperceptibly for him. The method of observation allows you to evaluate the psychological impact of advertising in natural conditions, in the direct communication of the consumer with a certain advertising medium.

    Such data can be obtained from the readings of checks punched on totalizing cash registers, and by registering the facts of the purchase of the advertised product by cashier controllers.

    Along with the observation method, it is widely usedexperimental method. This method is active. The study of the psychological impact of advertising here takes place in conditions artificially created by the experimenter. If the observation only fixes how the consumer relates, for example, to a certain display of goods, then the experimenter can rearrange the goods, and then observe the change in the reaction of the buyers. In the same way, the experimenter can create a variety of combinations of advertising media and, by comparing the reactions of buyers, choose the most successful of them.

    The psychological effectiveness of such an advertising medium as an ad in a newspaper or magazine is determined by experiment. For example, the advertisement includes a coupon with the text of a request to send a prospectus, catalog or sample. The buyer must cut this coupon and send it to the trading company whose address is indicated in the text of the advertisement. By the number of coupons received from readers, the advertiser judges whether his ad was noticed in the periodical press, and whether the text of this ad turned out to be sufficiently convincing and interesting.

    Poll method also refers to active methods of determining the psychological impact of advertising. This method is time-consuming, but much more reliable than others, as it allows you to identify directly from the buyer himself his attitude not only to the advertising medium as a whole, but also to the individual components of this medium. Using the survey method, you can evaluate the impact of an advertising medium on buyers and determine which elements of its design attract the most attention and are better remembered.

    To determine the effectiveness of a particular advertising medium, questionnaires are drawn up, which, according to a pre-designed program, are brought to the attention of consumers in writing, in personal conversations, on radio or television. An analysis of the responses received allows us to draw appropriate generalizations and conclusions.

    Chapter 2. Practical part (research)

    Ads must adhere to a code of advertising practice. Its content is based on the norms of advertising: decency, honesty, truthfulness, comparison, evidence and evidence, denigration, protection of individual rights, use of reputation, imitation, identification of an advertising message, security.

    Advertising is criticized not only for the role it plays in marketing but also for the way in which it affects society. Advertising, at best, provides extremely positive information about products, and at worst, it is frankly biased. Some accuse advertising of psychologically manipulating people into buying things they can't afford. Others criticize ads for being offensive in tone, bad taste, and simply for being too much.

    Many do not like intrusive advertising that tries to force you to buy this or that product. But the fact remains that no matter how much advertisers try to convince us that by using their products we will become healthier or more successful in life, they cannot force us to buy a product that we do not need. No matter how many diaper ads we see, we won't buy one if we don't have a baby. And even if advertising manages to convince you to buy a product once, it cannot force you to buy it a second time if you don’t like it. Those who accuse advertising of manipulating consumers actually have a very low opinion of people's ability to make decisions, believing that they cannot resist hypnotizing advertising messages. But if advertising has such persuasive power, then why do so many more products fail in the marketplace than succeed, and why have some products been huge successes with little or no advertising?

    Based on the results of a survey among respondents of different ages, I came to the conclusion that the power of the impact of advertising is greatly exaggerated. First, people don't pay much attention to ads, and when they do, they can't remember which product was featured in which ad.

    So, some respondents to the question: “What kind of advertising do you like?” they answered that they liked something, but they could not remember the specific advertisement (see Appendixes: Diagrams 1, Diagrams 2). Secondly, most people are very skeptical about advertising. I interviewed 200 respondents. Of these, 100 are under the age of 18 and 100 are over the age of 18. Moreover, in the older age group advertising annoys 82% of the respondents, and in the younger one only 62% (see Annexes: Diagrams 1, Diagrams 2).

    The main criticism of advertising from the public is the lack of trust. In the older group, 80% do not trust her and 84% have had cases of deception from advertising, in the younger group, 75% do not believe advertising and 78% were once deceived (see Annexes: Diagrams 1, Diagrams 2).

    On my own experience, I decided to check the authenticity of one of the advertisements. As an example, I chose Procter & Gamble's brochure (the owner of blend-a-med miracle paste), in which they assured that this "experiment, because of its clarity, is always popular with children, instilling a taste for observation ..." . As advised in the advertisement, I smeared one egg with blend-a-med paste with fluoride and calcium, and left the other unchanged. In fact, a slightly dried-up paste was an unaesthetic sight. During the four days of the experiment, no signs of strengthening were observed on the test object. Finally, on the fifth day, the eggs were thrown on the floor (see Appendix 3: Experience).

    And then ... In general, the miracle did not happen, just according to the law of attraction, both eggs fell and spread into a slimy yellow puddle (see Appendix 3: Experience). Another result should not be expected, since this experience has no medical justification. Tooth enamel and egg shells have a different structure: the base of the shell is calcium carbonate, and the enamel is hydroxyapatite. It remains to draw a simple conclusion: the trick with eggs is purely a publicity stunt.

    According to the World Health Organization, with daily cleaning with fluoride pastes, enamel is strengthened by 25%. Is it helpful? I decided to get the answer to this question directly from the dentist. “Of course, teeth become less sensitive to cold and hot, they hurt less often,” the doctor says, “and fluoride, as they say in advertising, “protects against caries.” However, there can be no talk of any white-toothed smile. On the contrary, fluoride causes the teeth to acquire a yellowish-gray tint. And from its excess, you can get fluorosis: the enamel will turn brown, in some places it will even turn black. Manufacturers try not to talk about this. Of course, someone's teeth are more sensitive, someone's teeth are relatively easy to tolerate fluoride attack. But I would not blindly trust everything that is shown in advertising. One more question randomly arises: "Why didn't the blend-a-med egg break in the commercial?". If you look closely at the egg at the moment of its impact with the floor, you can clearly see a small hole through which, probably, the entire contents of the egg were poured, so it did not crack.

    Without losing hope that there was some truth in Procter & Gamble's advertisements, I decided to brush my teeth with blend-a-med Healthy White toothpaste for 4 weeks, as it says on the package. After this period, the teeth did not become whiter, but the gums began to hurt (small grains contained in the paste caused an inflammatory effect).

    The above facts speak of the validity of criticism against advertising.

    One of the common complaints about advertising is that there is simply too much of it (see appendices: Diagrams 1, Diagrams 2). Advertising will find you in cars, elevators, parking lots, hotel lobbies and subways, at home through radio and television, in newspapers and by mail. We can say that we are swimming in the advertising sea, and this makes life less pleasant than it could be. Undoubtedly, we live in a society oversaturated with information. With so many products to choose from, firms often have to shout to be heard, and advertising is their bullhorn.

    Consumers are more tolerant of advertising in printed media than in broadcast media (see Appendices: Diagrams 1, Diagrams 2). Readers simply turn the pages and ignore the ads if they so desire. Ethereals, on the other hand, tend to be more intrusive and therefore receive a greater share of criticism.

    Many find advertising offensive to their religious beliefs, moral principles, or political views. Others consider it in bad taste to use methods in advertising that emphasize violence or describe anatomical features (see Appendixes: Diagrams 1, Diagrams 2).

    The concept of taste is highly subjective. What is good taste for some is bad taste for others. Plus, tastes change. What is considered offensive now may not be so in the future. Some people find alcohol advertisements offensive, while others find them entertaining and informative. For example, in the younger age group, some like advertising beer, which is not observed in the older one. Contraceptive advertising used to be virtually non-existent, but the fear of AIDS eventually forced TV stations and many print publications to reconsider their policy of not allowing such advertising. In the not so distant past, nudity rarely appeared in print advertisements. Today, they can be seen in advertisements for body care and personal care products. Where nudity is related to the advertised product, it is less likely to be perceived as obscene or offensive. In the younger group, advertisements that show outwardly attractive people are liked.

    Often the products themselves are not "offensive" in nature, but the way they are advertised is open to criticism. Compilers may resort to exploiting the shock factor to attract attention, but this tendency to sensationalism is often only a reflection of the tastes and interests of the audience. If an ad doesn't attract the people it's aimed at, then the ad campaign will start to stall and fade away. The audience thus has decisive power by ignoring offensive material.

    Probably the most important accusation against advertising is that it tries to mislead people (see Appendixes: Diagrams 1, Diagrams 2). Advertising deception can take many forms, and many of them are highly controversial in the absence of clear rules. Advertising must be trusted by consumers to be effective. Systematic deception is self-defeating because, over time, it causes customers to turn away from the product.

    Norilsk, for example, has its own so-called local advertising, the purpose of which is to inform customers about the provision of certain services and the availability of a wide range of goods at standard prices. At the local level, the needs of advertisers are more of a one-time nature. The most important thing here is that the cash register does not fall silent, the flow of customers does not dry up, the stock of goods in the warehouse does not run out. As a result, there are local promotions, clearances, and warehouse clearing activities that are all geared towards real action. Mostly local advertising is expressed in advertisements, as well as on street billboards. An example of incorrect advertising is the advertisement of Norilsk Pivo, which is on Leninsky Prospekt 28. The text on this poster has an ambiguous meaning: "Article 27 of the Code of the Russian Federation: everyone has the right to rest." Using this phrase, you can advertise a product that is arbitrarily harmful to health, because for everyone the concept of relaxation is different: for a drinker it is alcohol, for a drug addict it is drugs, etc. Regardless of the amount of such advertising, it will always find its audience. And to the question: "Why are there so many alcoholics, drug addicts and criminals in Norilsk and all over Russia" - the answer is simple: "Because such unaesthetic, immoral advertising agitates for this."

    It is impossible not to admit that there were and still are abuses in advertising. But the criticism that falls on advertising as a tool for marketing and influencing society is no longer justified and inflated to such an extent that all advertising is presented from the bad side. Advertising has a beneficial effect on society in several ways. From an economic point of view, it stimulates the creation of new, better products, provides consumers with more choice, keeps prices down and promotes competition.

    It is worth recalling that advertising is the most visible manifestation of business activity. What a firm has been secretly doing over the years becomes public from the moment it launches an advertising campaign. By inviting customers to try out their products, companies run the risk of public criticism if their products do not live up to their advertising promises. This makes advertised products safer than non-advertised ones, as the manufacturers of advertised products put their name and reputation on the line and are more interested in delivering on their promises and claims.


    As a result of the theoretical and research analysis of this topic, I came to the conclusion that advertising, as an engine of trade, plays a significant role in a market economy, as it allows you to navigate the huge flow of goods and services offered. However, advertisers must give a truthful and objective description of the offered product, otherwise they may lose consumer confidence, as a result of which they will be forced out of the market by stronger and more capable competitors. It is necessary to adhere to the Code of Advertising Practice, the Law "On Advertising" and the norms that it prescribes to advertisers. It is important that people who make up advertising work in their profession, be educated in this service sector. Then you can hope that there will be less and less false advertising.

    In the designated topic of my research “to be or not to be”, I reliably answer: “to be”, but the second question: “to believe or not to believe” - makes me remember the proverb: “Trust, but verify”.

    Annex 1

    The results of the survey in the younger age group (up to 18 years).

    The results of the survey in the older age group (from 18 years).

    Municipal Autonomous Educational Institution "Secondary School in Uglovka" Topic: "English Folk Art Painting" Completed by: Bagina Anna 9 "A" class Head: Fedorova Yulia Vladimirovna English teacher

    I know a lot about Russian folk art paintings. And one day I asked myself if there were any English folk art paintings. The aim of my project is: to find out the information about English folk art painting Tasks are: to collect the necessary material about English folk art painting; to make the presentation; to present the project to the class.

    Folk art is quite simply any decorative art or decor created by someone who was not professionally trained, far outside the guilds and apprenticeships that guided the style. From Colonial America to the valleys of Norway, local people have made due, creating handmade pieces of pottery, furniture, kitchen wares and sculpture. It's a tradition as old as civilization itself.

    The folk arts of England associated with the "narrow boats" of the midland canals presumably cannot predate the boats themselves, and those boats were not in existence before the middle of the eighteenth century when the narrow canals were built. That is quite recent in art history terms. The first written and pictorial references to bright colors and painted roses and castles on canal boats do not occur until even later, in the mid nineteenth century.

    As a general rule, the outer surfaces of boats owned by companies tended to have large lettering and scrollwork, supplemented with geometric patterns. Roses and castles were primarily for the interiors, although individual owner-operators tended to have their boats decorated quite lavishly on the outsides. Some companies too, had decoration outside.

    The origin of the roses and castles found on canal boats is unclear. The first written reference to them appears to be in an 1858 edition of the magazine Household Words in one of a series of articles titled "On the Canal", but while this shows that the art form must have existed by this date, it doesn't" t provide us with an origin. For some time, a popular suggestion was that it had some form of Romani origin; however, there does not appear to be a significant link between the Romani and boating communities. clock-making industry or the pottery industry. There is certainly a similarity in style and a geographical overlap, but no solid proof of a link. There are similar styles of folk art in Scandinavia, Germany, Turkey and Bangladesh.

    The boat decorations have lots of colors carefully contrasted in tone. Add to all that the boatwoman's domestic instincts, her distillation of all the outward signs of house dwelling respectability into a miniature parlour on the move, and the result was a wonderfully fertile field for the development of the folk art tradition.


    Municipal educational institution

    basic comprehensive school №2

    Balei, Trans-Baikal Territory, Russian Federation

    XII Regional Scientific and Practical Conference

    "Step into the Future - 2010"

    Performed : Ivleva Yulia Alexandrovna,

    Student of grade 9 MOU secondary school No. 2

    scientific adviser: Larionova Elena Yurievna,

    Teacher of the Russian language and literature, MOU secondary school No. 2


    1. Introduction……………………………………………………….... 2

    5. Conclusion……………………………………………………. ………………... 10

    6. List of used literature………………………….……………. eleven


    The modern world is hard to imagine without advertising. But until recently, we did not know what advertising on television and radio broadcasting is. We were only familiar with the so-called street advertising. The rapid breakthrough of advertising into the public life of people is justified by the social order of society: the increase in goods on the sales market and the need to sell them.

    The appearance of an abundance of advertising on all TV channels at first sharply annoyed the viewers, who gradually got used to it. Today we can observe the following fact: sometimes we deliberately wait for advertising in order to briefly distract ourselves from watching a movie or an interesting program to solve some minor problems, and sometimes we even get nervous when there is no advertising for a long time.

    Analyzing this problem, it is supposed to solve a number of problems: to determine the role of advertising in a person's life, to propose a way to classify advertising and indicate the method of its creation, to identify the features of the language of television advertising, and also to prove with examples what effect advertising has on the language of modern schoolchildren. It is planned to carry out this work on the advertising material of the “First Channel” of the Public Russian Television.

    Hypothesis: if

    Object of study:the role of advertising in human life.

    Subject of study:the impact of television advertising on the lives of modern schoolchildren.

    Research methods and techniques:observation, analysis of literary and informational sources, experiment, survey, viewing and analysis of TV advertising.

    We encounter advertising everywhere: sitting at home watching TV, listening to the radio, on the way to work or school - everywhere we go, we see or hear advertisements that talk about goods or services.

    In today's market conditions, no commercial enterprise can successfully do business without advertising in one form or another.

    For many centuries, being a constant companion of man, she changes with him. The most ancient merchants established their connections with buyers through direct verbal appeals. The places of sale were filled with loud and repeated shouts of sellers. It was these messages that carried the essential features of modern advertising and other means of promoting goods. This characteristic allows us to define this direction of communications as proto-advertising. It is no coincidence that the word "advertising" comes from lat. reclamo (reclamare) - to resume shouting, to shout again, to object loudly.

    So, for example, in ancient Rome, merchants often resorted to the services of heralds to advertise goods. Herald - a person specially hired by the merchant, whose tasks included inviting buyers and praising the goods of the employer.

    First of all, advertising carries information that is usually presented in a concise, artistically expressed form, emotionally colored and brings to the consciousness of potential buyers the most important facts and information about goods and services.

    Currently, of all types of advertising, television advertising has the greatest impact on people. Perhaps this is partly because it is impossible to ignore. Newspaper ads can be scrolled through, street ads can be easily walked past, and TV ads can't be avoided. After all, we all sit in front of the TV for several hours a day. Along with news, entertainment programs, feature films, we consume a huge amount of all kinds of advertising.

    After analyzing this problem, it was possible to determine what percentage of the time per day is occupied by advertising on television. During one episode of the feature film "Always Say Always", which lasted 2 hours, the advertisement took 30 minutes, which accounted for 25% of the TV broadcast time. Therefore, if we determine the amount of time broadcast advertising per day, it will be approximately 6 hours. It's a lot.

    Analyzing the advertising material, we were also able to identify some types of: food advertising "for all"; advertising services of various firms; advertising of various securities; advertising of perfumery goods and medicines; advertisements for subscription campaign periodicals; advertising of household appliances; furniture advertising; vehicle advertising.


    Good day!

    I need a wedding...

    The tuxedo?


    My cutter is still busy, but would you mind a cup of coffee?

    Coffee is so tempting...

    You are so easily seduced. Are you getting married soon?

    No, my grandfather! Fifth time! Can you imagine?

    One exquisite taste, one non-random meeting!

    Digital satellite TV is even more affordable!

    Call and connect!

    On the Black Sea coast

    Among forests, rocky mountains,

    Provided a loan for furniture

    Good uncle Chernomor.

    The fairy tale comes true!

    Office furniture, home furniture,

    We are now giving loans!

    Reter Sport is a square disseller, great chocolate in a practical package. Chocolate "Reter Sport" with an amazing amount of mouth-watering fillings. Try the variety of flavors from Reter Sport!

    “Discovering the energy of the morning sun with the new Palmolive Aroma propolis therapy. Shower gel with 100% natural propolis extract and essential oils revitalizes the senses and leaves the skin soft. Fills your every day with radiance and vitality.

    What is especially important for the development of intelligence? That's right, iodine balance!

    The drug "Iodine balance" helps the development of mental abilities.

    Yum, yum, yum, yum!

    Buy Mikoyan!

    Fresh news from Prostokvashino:

    “Our dear dad, mom and uncle Fedor! We live wonderfully, as they say, we are getting stronger day by day. Our milk is even better. We bottle it now. And we have kefir, and so many goodies! And yoghurts with natural fruits! Prostokvashino is always a fresh story!”

    For example: “Quick soup is a quick solution to delicious cooking!”

    “Let's take the usual powder and the new Tide powder. We wash the tablecloth with ordinary powder - as a result, the fabric deteriorates and stains remain on it. Then we wash the same tablecloth with Tide powder - the tablecloth has become much cleaner!

    "Tide" Have you tried it yet? Then we go to you!"

    So, the language of advertising should be short, precise, emotional and, perhaps, non-standard, because the main task of advertising is to draw attention to the advertised subject. On television, this is helped by the musical arrangement, and the various ways of presenting it.

    When studying the principle of creating advertising, the advertising of the First Channel of Russian public television was used.


    A large number of listened and viewed ads cannot but affect the language of children and adolescents.

    Young people are a universal consumer of mass information and advertising, which, of course, negatively affects the oral and written speech of most adolescents. There is advertising that is built on the principle of error. The creator of such advertising does not respect himself or people. It is important for him to advertise his product, he believes that he came up with an original move. This is bad! Because when misspelled words often appear on TV screens, children remember how they are spelled and pronounced, and use them incorrectly in speech and writing. Borrowed words in advertising are usually used to attract the attention of the consumer. But, having poor command of the norms of Russian speech, advertisers often get into a mess, inaccurately, grammatically incorrectly formatting the text, for example: “Lose weight forever up to 10 kilograms!” How can a sane person assimilate this advertisement, much less buy this remedy. Or else: "Women's magazine for men and women." How can a women's magazine be a men's magazine at the same time? The creator of this advertisement clearly did not understand the meaning of his work. Also, advertisers often use words that have a new sound, but do not have any new meaning, there is practically no need for their appearance, except to attract attention in commercials: sokos, Snickersney. Such words are a hallmark of today's children and adolescents.

    But it is impossible not to say about the positive impact of advertising on the speech of adolescents: sometimes advertising based on works of art or poems becomes an advertisement for the correct literary language, and works become known to everyone. For example, A. Blok's poem “Night. The street. Lamp. Pharmacy ... ”after a successful advertisement, everyone knows by heart. I would like to believe that the time will come when any advertisement will become a model of the Russian literary language.

    Thus, we can conclude that it is not the advertising itself that is annoying, but the frequency of its appearance on the screens of our TVs.


    It was interesting to work on this topic, because a very diverse material is presented for research. The tasks set in the introduction have been completed.



    Objective: to trace and find out what impact television advertising has on the lives of modern schoolchildren.

    Research methods and techniques: observation, analysis of literary and information sources, experiment, survey, viewing and analysis of television advertising.

    Received data.

    After analyzing this problem, it was possible to determine what percentage of the time per day is occupied by advertising on television. During one episode of the feature film "Always Say Always", which lasted 2 hours, the advertisement took 30 minutes, which accounted for 25% of the TV broadcast time. Therefore, if we determine the amount of time broadcast advertising per day, it will be approximately 6 hours. It's a lot. We conducted a sample survey of students of MOU secondary school No. 2 and found the following data:

    70% of students watch advertising, but not always listen to it and analyze it, most often, it plays the role of sound design, which gives time to solve some minor issues while watching a movie or entertainment program;

    10% of students, as soon as the commercial starts, switch the TV to another channel;

    10% carefully watch and listen to it, memorizing and analyzing it, and often use the words of their favorite advertisement in their speech;

    The students noted that they especially like advertising broadcast for the holidays: it is distinguished by emotionality, appropriate musical accompaniment, and a plot plot of a family environment; advertising, the heroes of which are children and animals; advertising representing various types and services of mobile communications.

    To the question: What is especially annoying in advertising?

    Almost unanimously, everyone answered: “Excessive amount of time allocated to advertising!”

    The tasks set in the introduction have been completed.

    The paper attempts to determine the place and role of advertising in human life: advertising has become a companion in the life of a modern person, it accompanies him everywhere: on the street, in a store, in public transport, on television and radio broadcasting.

    An original version of the classification and method of creating advertising is proposed: advertising built on the principle of dialogue, advertising that looks like an ad; advertising created on the basis of versification; advertising, based on which the main feature is a description of the appearance of an object or product; advertising representing the composition or quality of a product; advertising, which is based on the principle of the formation of new words; advertising that uses transliteration; advertising containing a question-answer principle of presenting material; advertising built on the principle of a call to action; advertising created on the basis of animation; advertising based on the principle of error; advertising built on the use of anaphora; advertising, which is based on the method of comparing objects.

    The influence of advertising on the language of modern schoolchildren is determined: advertising built on the principle of error, illiterate and inaccurately composed advertising leads to the consolidation of speech, grammatical and spelling errors in the oral and written speech of schoolchildren.

    I would like to believe that the time will soon come when the language material of advertising will become a model of advertising in the Russian literary language.

    A selective survey of students of MOU secondary school No. 2 was conducted and the main drawback of modern advertising, not even advertising itself, was identified: a large amount of time allocated for advertising on television.

    Research Plan

    Research problem:What impact does advertising have on the lives of modern schoolchildren.

    Hypothesis: if advertising is built on the principle of error, illiterately and inaccurately compiled, then it leads to the consolidation of speech, grammatical and spelling errors in the oral and written speech of schoolchildren.

    Detailed description of the method: by analyzing the advertising material, we were also able to identify some types ofTV ads and combine them into the following groups: food advertising "for all"; advertising services of various firms; advertising of various securities; advertising of perfumery goods and medicines; advertisements for subscription campaign periodicals; advertising of household appliances; advertising

    We managed to note some features of the psychological impact of advertising on viewers:

    The ability to attract the attention of readers - with a headline, viewers with a video sequence;

    Impact on the emotions of advertising consumers;

    The power of influence on actions and decisions (the desire to definitely buy this product);

    Unusualness, non-standard, novelty of the presentation of advertising, manifested in the desire to watch the advertisement to the end.

    Thus, advertising, as it were, subconsciously controls the desires and actions of a person; often the advertised product is firmly remembered, and when the question arises of buying a particular product, most often we buy exactly what is advertised on TV.

    We conducted a sample survey of students of MOU secondary school No. 2 and found the following data:

    70% of students watch advertising, but not always listen to it and analyze it, most often, it plays the role of sound design, which gives time to solve some minor issues while watching a movie or entertainment program;

    10% of students, as soon as the commercial starts, switch the TV to another channel;

    10% carefully watch and listen to it, memorizing and analyzing it, and often use the words of their favorite advertisement in their speech;

    The students noted that they especially like advertising broadcast for the holidays: it is distinguished by emotionality, appropriate musical accompaniment, and a plot plot of a family environment; advertising, the heroes of which are children and animals; advertising representing various types and services of mobile communications.

    To the question: What is especially annoying in advertising?

    Almost unanimously, everyone answered: “Excessive amount of time allocated to advertising!”


    - Petrozavodsk, Folium, 1999. - 347

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