Types of management of modern organizations. Types, levels of management and their characteristics

Lecture 10. Concept and content different types management

Types of management - special areas of management activities associated with the solution of certain management tasks. On the basis of the object distinguish between general and functional management (Fig. 1).

Figure 1. Objects and types of management

General or general management consists in managing the activities of the organization as a whole or its independent economic units (profit centers).

Functional or special management is the management of certain areas of the organization or its links. For example, innovation, personnel, marketing, finance, etc.

On the basis of content, they distinguish between normative, strategic and operational management.

Regulatory management provides for the development and implementation of the philosophy of the organization, its business policy, determination of the organization's position in the competitive market niche and the formation of common strategic intentions.

Strategic management involves the development of a set of strategies, their distribution over time, the formation of the organization's success potential and the provision of strategic control over their implementation.

Operational management provides for the development of tactical and operational measures aimed at the practical implementation of the adopted strategies for the development of the organization.

Organizations have certain object management processes. These include personnel management, operations management, etc. However, these are also private types of management that take place in organizations. They have corresponding names: personnel management, operational management, etc.

To achieve goals in any type of management, it is necessary to purposefully influence the teams of departments, individual employees, and coordinate their activities.

Operations management. Operations management has always been one of the main factors that determine the efficiency of an enterprise. Various operational management strategies provide significant improvements in performance indicators, process reliability and competitiveness of the company as a whole. There are several definitions of the concept of "operational management" (operations management):

This is the activity of managing the process of purchasing materials, converting them into a finished product and delivering this product to the buyer;

This is the management of the production of goods and services;

These are activities related to the development, use and improvement of production systems on the basis of which the main products or services of the company are produced, etc.

Strategic management. A strategic approach to management means the creation of a unified enterprise management system focused on stable operations in the long term, strengthening competitiveness and increasing efficiency. Strategic management is a management activity associated with setting the goals and objectives of the organization and maintaining a number of relationships between the organization and the environment that enable it to achieve its goals, correspond to its internal capabilities and allow it to remain responsive to external requirements.

Innovation management. Innovation management (R&D and the implementation of their results in production) is one of the main areas of activity of any company. In the world economic literature, "innovation" is interpreted as the transformation of potential scientific and technological progress into real, embodied in new products and technologies. There are many definitions of innovation, so, for example, I. Schumpeter interprets innovation as a new scientific and organizational combination of production factors, motivated by an entrepreneurial spirit. Innovation management- a set of principles, methods and forms of management of innovation processes, innovation activities, organizational structures engaged in this activity and their personnel. Innovation management, like any direction of management, is associated with the implementation of management functions (planning, organization, motivation, control). The subject of innovation management is an innovation management system that covers innovation processes at the level of one organization and on the scale of the state economy.

Personnel management. One of the key factors in the production of any type of goods and services, along with investment capital (fixed assets and working capital), are labor resources. Effective management of labor resources as a special function of activities related to the recruitment of workers, their training, assessment and remuneration of their labor, is an important prerequisite for the effective functioning of production. Trained and skilled workers on the staff of the enterprise are called its personnel, or cadres. The main goal of personnel management is to provide the enterprise with employees who meet the requirements of the given enterprise, their professional and social adaptation. Personnel management is an activity in enterprises (organizations) aimed at the most effective use of employees to achieve organizational and personal goals.

Quality management. There is a direct relationship between such categories of management as efficiency and quality. The quality of the manufactured product increases the market share of the enterprise, helps to withstand the competitive environment, leads to lower costs and, ultimately, contributes to an increase in the efficiency of the entire production. Quality management is a system of measures to ensure the guaranteed quality of a product or service.

In contrast to operational management, the concept production management already and is associated only with production activities. However, it should be discussed in more detail, since for manufacturing enterprises, it is essential. Production management is an activity that relates to the creation of goods.

The activity of creating goods and services exists in all organizations. In industrial organizations, this is a production activity. It is best to use the term "production management" for such activities. In other organizations that do not create physical goods, production functions are "hidden" from the customer. This could be an activity that takes place at a bank, airline office, or university. Such production activity (service) is usually related to operations or operational management.

In production management, economic managers and numerous management bodies most often act as the subject of management. Management objects are enterprises, labor collectives, workers, factors of production in the form of tools and objects of labor, natural resources, scientific, technical and information potential. Managing influences are represented by laws, decrees, plans, programs, decrees, regulations, recommendations, instructions, materials and financial incentives and levers, moral influence. Feedbacks are the results of direct observation and control on the part of the subject of management: documentation, reporting, etc.

The center of production management is the enterprise. Each enterprise produces products, goods, services, carries out its main activities. This is its main goal and task, the meaning of existence. It follows that the management of the enterprise is based on the management of the production process, regardless of whether the organization produces goods or services, knowledge or information.

In order to produce any economic product, it is necessary to use production factors, economic resources: labor force, equipment, raw materials, materials, information, money. Consequently, enterprise management includes the management of workers, means of production, production resources, finance, technology.

All of the above is the basis of production management, is its subject. Based on this, production management can be defined as a system of forms and methods of managing the economy of an enterprise, aimed at achieving optimal results in its production, commercial and financial activities.

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1. History of management development

To begin with, let's say that the history of management development is rooted in the distant past. It was born back in the days ancient greece and the Sumerians. The very history of the formation and development of management is rather confused at the first stages, but it is indisputably important for the present.

How did management come about?

The beginning of the history of the development of management was laid by the thinker Plato, who wrote works that there must be a division of labor to achieve high results. Then Socrates made his contribution, noting that regardless of the type of activity, the employee's duties are the same, the main thing is to correctly distribute the labor force and powers, then the production process will be much more efficient. Later, Cato the Elder described how the managers reported to the owner on the work done and made him profit statements compared to previous results.

Modern scientists and economists bit by bit collected the history of the emergence and development of management, identifying the main factors that influenced the evolution of management from simple ideas to science:

· Development of social, and then industrial production;

· Innovators and theorists appeared who collected and generalized the experience gained;

· The logic of management began to develop on the basis of the above two factors, which brought out a system of principles in work and made management a science.

Historical development of management

As you can see, the history of the emergence of management is based on the experience collected by our distant ancestors. It was noticed that using certain rules for the division of labor and the right motivation, any activity began to bring much better results. Over the years, the basic principles have not changed, but only with each round of development of civilization began to grow overgrown with additions and new approaches to subordinates.

The main stages in the history of management development:

1. Ancient period. The longest, from the 9th millennium BC. to the 18th century. The period of accumulation of knowledge and experience.

2. Industrial period from 1776 to 1890 Labor management was classified and divided according to the forms of labor. We owe this to A. Smith. Management is becoming a doctrine, and it is actively used in the management of both production and the state.

3. The period of systematization from 1856 to 1960. Management is actively and rapidly developing, new teachings and approaches to issues appear effective management, the countdown of the history of the development of management as a science begins, the first managers appear - representatives of the owner at the workplace.

4. Information period, from 1960 to the present day for. The logical process can be expressed mathematically using computing technology... This makes it possible to quickly choose the program of work. There is a revision of the internal structures of organizations, new forms of internal planning appear in the history of management development: simulation modeling, analysis method, mathematical assessment of management decisions. Not a single modern direction of science can do without these forms.

Management as a science

Management from the point of view of science solves the following tasks:

Explains nature managerial work;

· Establishes causal relationships in the work;

· Identifies the factors and conditions necessary for joint work;

· Develops effective management methods and strategies;

· Predicts possible further events.

Development history today modern management as science is constantly replenished with new works and directions, this is due to the rapid development of mankind in all branches.

Management is: a rational way of managing business organizations, management focused on profitability and profitability, supervision activities that use special forms of labor organization, contractual and contractual relations between labor and capital; a special branch of scientific knowledge and professional specialization of managers-managers, are the administrative staff of an entrepreneurial organization and others. From a scientific point of view, management is the ability to use those objective laws and patterns that express cause-and-effect relationships in the field of management activities. Management views the enterprise not so much as a technological chain social production, but above all as a social and production subsystem market relations... The approaches that are most often used in defining the essence and content of management can be presented in the form of the following model.

Features of management as a science. Management is, first of all, the management of people, the science of a person, his interests, behavior and interaction with other people. Generic features of management as a science. First, it is an interdisciplinary science that includes theories and concepts of psychology, sociology, economics, systems theory, operations research, etc. Secondly, the truth of certain theories and concepts of management as a normative discipline depends on the behavior of people, their actions and decisions. Thirdly, management is a practical discipline that has an applied nature, expressed in the actions and skills of a person. At the heart of management as a practical management activity is not knowledge, but action, that is, it is not enough to explain a certain phenomenon, it is necessary to show how the theory works in practice.

2. Goals and objectives of management

A goal is the result of an organization's activities, a set point to be achieved. The goals that management sets for the development of the organization are the main guiding lines of the enterprise as a whole. Goal-setting is based on hypotheses and predictions. A positive result in the future will depend on how accurately predictions are made and hypotheses are substantiated. The larger the time component of the forecast, the more difficult it is to make assumptions and put forward hypotheses, the more uncertain the future. The tasks include a specific time period for the implementation or achievement of certain goals. A task is a certain sequence of tasks, the execution of which leads to the achievement of the goal. So, let's consider the goals and objectives of management in more detail. The general goals of management are forecasting, planning and achieving planned results. The fundamental goal of management in any organization is to ensure that the organization is profitable. They also highlight such goals as production management, disclosure of human potential and its use, raising the level of qualifications of personnel and its stimulation. The goal of management is management that focuses on the ultimate positive result and the successful operation of the entire organization. Naturally, for each individual organization, the concept of success is associated with different goals and objectives. Therefore, the goals and objectives of management of different organizations can and should be different. Successful company- not necessarily a huge corporation. Perhaps the achievement of "large" sizes is not one of the priority tasks of the organization, but the fulfillment of the set goals is quite indicative of the success of even small firm... There are even organizations that cease to exist after all the tasks have been completed. But more often, of course, it is important for an organization to stay on the market for as long as possible. The task of management is to develop and test scientific approaches that are designed to ensure a stable and effective work organizations, in practice. In addition, there are such tasks as: - the formation of production of goods and services, focused on consumer demand. - attraction of highly qualified specialists to work. - motivating employees to efficiently perform their duties by improving working conditions, increasing wages. - determination of the development strategy of the enterprise; - development of goals and plans to achieve them. - determination of the required resources and methods of their provision. - implementation of the control function. It should be noted right away that the goals and objectives of management in general and the goals and objectives of strategic management have much in common, but at the same time there are significant differences. Strategic management consists of the following: creating a strategic vision for the further development of the organization, setting goals, developing a strategy, analyzing the results obtained and adjusting goals and objectives, as well as a strategic vision.

3. Principles of management according to A. Fayol

1. Division of labor

Increase in the quantity and quality of production under the same conditions. It does this by reducing the number of targets. The result is a specialization of functions and divisions of power.

2. Authority and responsibility

Delegation of authority to everyone who works, and where there is authority, responsibility also arises.

3. Discipline

Discipline involves the fulfillment of the terms of the agreement between workers and management, the application of sanctions to violators of discipline.

4. Unity of management, or one-man management

Receiving orders and reporting to only one immediate supervisor

5. Unity of leadership and direction of action

Combining actions with the same goal into groups and working according to a single plan

6. Subordination of private, personal interests to general

The interests of one employee or a group of employees should not prevail over the interests of a larger organization up to the interests of the state as a whole.

7. Reward

Employees receive fair remuneration for work.

8. Centralization

The right balance between centralization and decentralization in order to achieve better results

9. Hierarchy or scalar chain

A hierarchy, or scalar chain, is a series leadership positions, starting with the highest and ending with the lowest. It is a mistake to avoid unnecessarily from the hierarchy, but a much larger mistake is to maintain it when it can be detrimental to the organization. ("chain of chiefs")

10. Order

A workplace for each employee and each employee in his place.

11. Justice

Fair enforcement of rules and conventions at all levels of the scalar chain

12. Stability of personnel (consistency of composition)

High employee turnover is a cause and a consequence of poor business conditions. A mediocre leader who values ​​his job is definitely preferable to an outstanding, talented manager who quickly leaves and does not hold on to his place.

13. Initiative

Initiative is the development of a plan and its successful implementation. Freedom of proposal and implementation also falls under the category of initiative.

14. Corporate spirit (staff unity)

Harmony, unity of the staff is a great strength in the organization.

Enerson's management principles:

1. Clearly set production goals and clearly defined personnel tasks.

2. Common sense. This means not just everyday sharpness, but the courage to face the truth: if there are difficulties in organizing production - it does not bring profit, the goods produced are not sold out on the market - then there are specific reasons that depend primarily on the organizers and managers. It is necessary to find these reasons and boldly and decisively eliminate them.

3. Competent consultation. It is advisable and profitable to involve specialists in this field - sociologists, psychologists, conflictologists, etc. - in the continuous improvement of the management system.

4. Discipline. Real discipline requires, first of all, a clear distribution of functions: every manager and performer must clearly know their responsibilities; everyone should be aware of what he is responsible for, how and by whom he can be encouraged or punished.

5. Fair treatment of personnel, expressed in the idea of ​​"the better you work, the better you live." Arbitrariness in relation to employees must be excluded.

6. Feedback. It allows you to quickly, reliably and fully take into account and control the actions taken and the released products. Violation in feedback leads to malfunctions in the control system.

7. Order and planning of work.

8. Norms and schedules. Good work results are not associated with an increase, but with a reduction in effort. Reducing efforts is achieved thanks to the knowledge and consideration of all reserves of productivity, the ability to implement them in practice and avoid unnecessary labor costs, waste of time, materials, energy.

9. Normalization of conditions. It is not necessary to adapt a person to a machine, but to create such machines and technologies that would enable a person to produce more and better.

10. Rationing of operations. Labor must be rationed so that the worker is able to complete the task and earn good money.

11. Written standard instructions. They serve to free the employee's brain for initiative, invention, creativity.

12. Reward for performance. It is advisable to introduce a remuneration system that takes into account both the time spent by the employee and his skills, which are manifested in the quality of his work.

Taylor Control Principles:

1. Creation of a scientific foundation replacing the old, purely practical methods of work, scientific research of each individual species. labor activity.

2. Selection of workers and managers on the basis of scientific criteria, their selection and vocational training.

3. Cooperation of the administration with workers in the practical implementation of NOT. 4. Equal and fair distribution of duties (responsibilities) between workers and managers.

Modern management principles:

1. The wide variety of existing approaches to personnel management, due to (including historical) differences in national, institutional and organizational contexts, has led to the fact that not a single body of professional knowledge, nor a general professional ideology of this management discipline is still did not work out.

2. HR work has traditionally been on the periphery of the attention of corporate executives. The marginal role of HR specialists was determined by the fact that they served as advisers to management and were not directly responsible for the development and implementation of the organization's strategy. And financial and operational considerations have tended to prevail over proposals. cadres running counter to overall strategy corporations.

3. From the very beginning, HR specialists had an aura of defenders of the interests of ordinary workers, which, in the opinion of their fellow managers, hindered the achievement of the goals facing the organization.

4. Personnel management was interpreted as an activity that does not require special training; unlike other management specialties, it was possible to be content with considerations of common sense, and there was a widespread belief that any experienced leader could easily cope with the functions of a personnel manager.

5. Lack of specialized vocational training and the corresponding professional qualifications reduced the authority of cadres in the eyes of bosses and line managers.

4. Types of management and their characteristics

1. Let's start with strategic management. It is needed in order to plan and ensure the implementation of long-term tasks that are created for a period of more than 1 year. This can be the management of the construction of a large facility, the business plan of an organization, or even the well-known state budget for the next year. In order for the plan to be executed exactly and on time, there are people who control and manage the performers. As a rule, this creates a whole group of managers, the main task of which is to lead the execution of the strategic plan. Moreover, it is important to understand that far-reaching plans are very approximate, they do not give clear instructions, so managers need to think about how best to fulfill a certain prescription. For example, it was ordered on the second floor of the business center to locate 6 offices, a toilet and a manager's office, but in what order and how to do this, the responsible managers who carry out the management decide.

2. The second type of management is tactical management, it is also medium-term. This includes all plans for which a month to a year has been allocated. For example, it can be a restructuring of departments in an enterprise, a marketing campaign, etc. To perform such tasks, new groups can be created, or cases are entrusted to existing ones (marketing department, labor protection department). The directions in these plans can be both approximate and accurate, so the manager is still required to be able to think and make the right decisions.

3. Operational leadership is the last type of management. Its characteristics are as follows: an operational plan is created with time for its implementation no more than a month, entrusted, as a rule, to a small manager or immediately to an executor, after which it is put into action. This can include scheduled and unscheduled inspections, small projects at the enterprise, etc.

5. Approaches The effectiveness and quality of managerial work is determined, first of all, by the validity of the methodology for solving problems, ie. approaches, principles, methods; without a good theory, practice is blind. However, to date, only some approaches and principles are applied to management, although more than 13 scientific approaches are currently known:

1. Integrated. When applying an integrated approach, technical, environmental, economic, organizational, social, psychological, political and other aspects of management and their interrelationships should be taken into account. If you miss one of them, then the problem will not be solved.

2. Integration. An integration approach to management is aimed at researching and strengthening the relationships: - between individual subsystems and elements of the management system; - between stages life cycle control object; - between the levels of control vertically; - horizontally between control levels.

3. Marketing. Provides for the orientation of the control subsystem in solving any problems on the consumer: - improving the quality of the object in accordance with the needs of the consumer; - saving resources from the consumer by improving quality; - saving resources in production due to factors of the scale of production, scientific and technical process (STP); - application of the management system.

4. Functional. The essence of the functional approach to management lies in the fact that the need is considered as a set of functions that need to be performed to satisfy it. After establishing the function, several alternative objects are created to perform these functions, and the one that requires the minimum total costs for the life cycle of the object per unit of useful effect is selected.

5. Dynamic. When applying the dynamic approach, the control object is considered in dynamic development, a retrospective analysis for five or more past years and a prospective analysis (forecast) are performed.

6. Reproductive. This approach is focused on the constant resumption of the production of goods, services to meet the needs of the market in comparison with the best technological object in the given market.

7. Process. Considers management functions as an interconnected management process, is the total sum of all functions, a series of continuous interrelated actions.

8. Normative. The essence of the normative approach is to establish management standards for all subsystems of the management system. The standards should be set for the most important elements: - target subsystem; - functional subsystem; - a supporting subsystem.

9. Quantitative. The essence of the quantitative approach is the transition from qualitative to quantitative assessments using mathematical statistical methods, engineering calculations, expert assessments, scoring systems, etc.

10. Administrative. The essence of the administrative approach lies in the regulation of the functions of rights, duties, quality standards, costs, duration, elements of management systems in regulations.

11. Behavioral. The purpose of the behavioral approach is to assist the employee in realizing their own capabilities based on the approach of modern behavioral sciences. The main purpose of this approach is to improve the efficiency of the firm by increasing human resources. Behavioral science will always contribute to improving the efficiency of both the individual employee and the company as a whole.

12. Situational. Focuses on the fact that the suitability of different management techniques is situational. Since there is such an abundance of factors both in the firm itself and in the external environment, there is no better single approach to managing an object.

13. Systemic. With a systematic approach, any system (object) is considered as a set of interrelated elements that have an output (goal), input, connection with the external environment, feedback.

The most important principles: - The decision-making process should begin with identifying and clearly formulating specific goals; - the necessary identification and analysis of possible alternative ways to achieve the goal; - the goals of individual subsystems should not conflict with the goals of the entire system; - ascent from the abstract to the concrete; - the unity of analysis and synthesis of the logical and the historical; - manifestation in the object of different quality connections and interactions.

6. Scientific schools of management

School of the quantitative approach (since 1950) A significant contribution of the school was the use of mathematical models in management and a variety of quantitative methods in the development of management decisions. Among the supporters of the school are R. Ackoff, L. Bertalanffy, R. Kalman, S. Forrest, E. Rife, S. Simon. The direction is intended to introduce the main scientific schools management, methods and apparatus of exact sciences. The emergence of the school was due to the development of cybernetics and operations research. Within the school, an independent discipline arose - the theory of management decisions. Research in this area is associated with the development of: methods of mathematical modeling in the development of organizational decisions; algorithms for selecting optimal solutions using statistics, game theory and other scientific approaches; mathematical models for phenomena in economics of an applied and abstract nature; scale models that simulate society or an individual firm, balance models for costs or output, models for making forecasts of scientific, technical and economic development.

Empirical School Modern scientific schools of management cannot be imagined without the achievements of the empirical school. Its representatives believed that the main task of management research should be the collection of practical materials and the creation of recommendations for leaders. The prominent representatives of the school were Peter Drucker, Ray Davis, Lawrence Newman, Don Miller. The school contributed to the separation of management into a separate profession and has two directions. The first is the study of the problems of enterprise management and the implementation of the development of modern management concepts. The second is a study of the job responsibilities and functions of managers. The "empiricists" argued that the leader creates something unified from certain resources. Making decisions, he focuses on the future of the enterprise or its prospects. Any manager is called upon to perform certain functions: setting goals for the enterprise and choosing ways of development; classification, distribution of work, creation organizational structure, selection and placement of personnel and others; stimulation and coordination of personnel, control based on relations between managers and the team; rationing, analysis of the work of the enterprise and all those employed on it; motivation depending on the results of the work. Thus, the activity of a modern manager becomes complex. The manager must have knowledge from different areas and apply methods proven in practice. The school solved a number of significant management problems that arise everywhere in large-scale industrial production.

School of Social Systems The social school applies the achievements of the school of "human relations" and considers the employee as a person with a social orientation and needs that are reflected in the organizational environment. The environment of the enterprise also influences the formation of the needs of the employee. Jain March, Herbert Simon, Amitai Etzioni are among the prominent representatives of the school. This trend in the study of the position and place of a person in an organization has gone further than other scientific schools of management. The postulate of "social systems" can be briefly expressed as follows: the needs of the individual and the needs of the collective are usually far from each other. Thanks to work, a person gets the opportunity to satisfy his needs level by level, moving higher and higher in the hierarchy of needs. But the essence of the organization is that it often contradicts the transition to the next level. The arising obstacles on the way of the employee's movement towards his goals cause conflicts with the enterprise. The task of the school is to reduce their strength by researching organizations as complex socio-technical systems.

management science management control

8. Manager in the control system

Among the key roles specific to the HR manager profession are the following:

1) "HR strategist" - a member of the management team responsible for the development and implementation of HR strategy, as well as organizational mechanisms for its provision; systems of management and management of services that carry out the functions of personnel management (usually in an organization, this role is most successfully implemented in the position of one of the top managers, for example, vice president for personnel management);

2) "head of the personnel management service" - the organizer of the work of personnel departments;

3) "HR technologist" - a developer and implementer of creative approaches in specific areas of the HR manager, competent in special and technological knowledge, able to attract a variety of internal and external resources and use them effectively, taking into account the business prospects of the organization (head of the organizational development service or staff development);

4) "personnel innovator" - a leader, a leader - a developer of experimental, initiative or pilot (pilot) projects that require great attention and careful study before they become widespread in the practice of the organization's personnel management;

5) "executor" - a specialist who implements the operational personnel policy;

6) "HR consultant" (external or internal) - a professional who uses a panoramic vision of the corporation's prospects, practical knowledge in the field of human resource management and expert skills to determine the needs, opportunities and solutions to problems related to the development of organizational and personnel potential.

MANAGER'S FUNCTIONS - a special type of activity that takes place in the control system and is performed by special methods and methods. The management process must be sustainable, i.e. preserve the basic properties when the external and internal environment changes. Functions are divided into general and private. General management functions do not depend on the management object and reflect the essence of management processes.

These include:

* forecasting






Private or specific functions reflect the content of the control process for various objects. The allocation of management functions is associated with the division of labor specialization.

PLANNING - activities for the development and adoption of management decisions determine the prospects for development and the future compilation of the production system as a subject and object of management.

It enhances the rate of growth of production, reveals additional resources, material sources, requires the use of advanced methods and forms of influence on the entire production organism. The plan includes goals and objectives; ways and means; resources necessary to achieve the assigned tasks; proportions; organization of plan implementation and control.

ORGANIZATION is the building of an enterprise structure that enables people to work together to achieve their goals. The organizational process includes the following stages:

1) Definition certain types works to achieve the assigned tasks.

2) Assessment of available labor resources.

3) Revealing the degree of responsibility and the nature of the powers of management personnel.

4) Definition of specialized activities. 5) Registration and approval job descriptions, provisions structural units, schemes and standards.

When organizing, it is necessary to be guided by the following necessary principles:


* proportionality (departments must be commensurate with each other)

* direct flow (shortest path of information passage)

* continuity (rhythm).

CONTROL is the process of ensuring that the organization achieves its goals.

Control is closely related to accounting and analysis. 3 types of management control:

1) Preliminary. It is closely related to the planning function and is carried out at the planning stage. The purpose of preliminary control is to predict material, financial and human resources so that the goals of the organization are real.

2) Operational (current). Is carried out from the beginning of the managerial or production activities until the result is obtained. The goal is to detect significant deviations from the planned plan in time in order to prevent serious disruptions in the operation of the enterprise.

3) Control of the solved problem and analysis of the effectiveness of the results obtained. The goal is to motivate you for a successful job.

Control should be:





Stages of the control process:

1) Development of standards and criteria

2) Comparison real results with planned

3) Correction.

Leadership is an essential component of effective leadership.

Manipulative - characterized by the desire to use employees in their own interests, while the feelings of the partner are indifferent. A very low position is occupied by the attitude towards equality, while attitudes towards understanding and creativity occupy the dominant positions.

Comfortable - characterized by uncritical compliance of the subject of the partner's influence. The attitude towards understanding is expressed, and the attitude towards equality and creativity - occupies a low position.

Alterocentric - the refusal of the subject from his own goals. Attitudes towards understanding and creativity occupy high positions.

Indifferent orientation is characterized by the underdevelopment of each of the three attitudes.

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Scientific management- based on the application of scientific approaches and principles, modern methods of development and management decision-making at different stages of the object's life cycle.

Information management- the type of functional management, the system for providing the control subsystem with quality information for decision-making and operational management... Basic requirements: application the latest technology and technical means; ensuring the possibility of coding information through the use of block diagrams, graphs, diagrams, dependencies for the disclosure of materials, ensuring the quality of information, reliability, sufficiency, timeliness.

Organizational management- a type of functional management, revealing questions of the theory of organization, research of management systems of a firm, organizational behavior of a person. Basic requirements: knowledge of the essence of the laws of organization, trends in the construction, functioning, development and withering away of various organizational structures.

Marketing quality- the type of functional management, characterizing the issues of quality theory, research competitive advantages on quality, construction and functioning of quality systems, certification tests and certification. Basic requirements: application of scientific approaches to product quality assurance; quality certification; application of the foundations of standardization and metrology; product quality management system in accordance with international standards(ISO 9000 series).

Development of a management solution (RUR)- a type of functional management, revealing theoretical and practical issues of RHR and its implementation on various management issues. Primary requirements; SD classification, parameters and conditions for ensuring the quality and effectiveness of management decisions, ensuring comparability alternative options, taking into account risk factors and uncertainties when making management decisions.

Investment management- a type of functional management, revealing theoretical and practical issues of selection and justification of investment areas, organization and development of implementation investment projects... Primary requirements; classification of investment directions, priority of innovative investments in the conditions of a transitional economy, classification of investment projects and technology for their development, feasibility study of investment projects, registration, coordination and approval.

HR management- reveals theoretical and practical issues of personnel management using administrative, economic, socio-psychological methods. Basic requirements: determination of the place of personnel management in the entire management system; knowledge of the principles and methods of personnel management and the use of scientific approaches; the ability to compose a psychological portrait of a person, to assess the business qualities of a manager, to form teams, to identify formal and informal leaders; selection, training and retraining of personnel; labor motivation system; legal and methodological resource support; scientific organization labor (NOT); styles of leadership and management of stress and conflict.

Financial management - a type of functional management, revealing theoretical and practical issues of ensuring stability, reliability, progressiveness and efficiency of management of financial organizations, as well as the finances of the organization. Basic requirements: application of scientific approaches and management principles to the financial activities of the organization; system financial indicators application of analysis and synthesis of the formation of financial indicators; methods of marketing and forecasting in financial management. Types, structure and content of the balance sheet, tax and credit policy.

Strategic management- a type of functional management, revealing the theoretical and practical issues of forming an organization's strategy. Basic requirements: management of product development cycles, development of a management solution strategy; analysis of competitive advantages; methodology for the formation of the company's strategies, the methodology for improving the quality of goods, the strategy of resource conservation and organizational and technical development of the company.

Innovation management- a type of functional management, revealing the theoretical and practical issues of organizing R&D of technological preparation of the production of innovations, their sale and service in order to increase competitiveness and efficiency. Basic requirements: evolution of technical structures, classification of innovations and their coding; support mechanism innovation activities; personnel management in an innovative organization, comprehensive support and the formation of a portfolio of innovations and innovations.

Production management- a type of functional management, revealing theoretical and practical issues of planning and creation of production. Basic requirements: structure and content of the production management system; types of leaders; personality and team; groups and their importance, organization of preparation for production of new products.

There is also social environment management, banking, tax, administrative, emergency management, risk management, international, tourism, hotel industry.

4. Stages of development of management as a science. School of Management.

Scientific management concept (20-30s of the 20th century).

In the United States, management is developing as a science and an independent type of activity. The founder of the concept of scientific management is Frederick Taylor. He wrote the book "Principles of Scientific Management", after the publication of which management began to be considered an independent area of ​​research. Taylor substantiated and articulated the conclusion that management work is a specific specialty and that the organization as a whole benefits from a group of workers who focus on what it does best.

At this stage, an approach was determined from the position of various schools of management:

School of scientific management

Classical (administrative) school

School of Human Relations and Behavioral Science

Quantitative school (school of management science)

Initially, management began to develop as a theory of production management, and then it was transformed into a theory of managing the activity behavior of people.

It is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of "management", "management" and "leadership".

Management- goal setting of the organization and management.

The main goal of management- ensuring harmony in development, that is, the coordinated and effective functioning of all external and internal elements of the organization.

The task of harmonization in relation to the organization has an internal (endogenous) and external (exogenous) aspects.

  • development trend of the organization;
  • specific national factors of economic development.

The composition of the main categories of management:

  • objects and subjects of management;
  • management functions;
  • types of management;
  • management methods;
  • management principles.

Management subjects, managers- leaders at various levels who hold a permanent position in the organization and are empowered to make decisions in certain areas of the organization.

The "manager" category applies to:
  • leaders of the organization;
  • heads of structural links and profit centers;
  • organizers certain types works (administrators).

Types of management- special areas of management activities related to the solution of specific management tasks.

On the basis of the object are distinguished general and functional management(fig. 1.1).

General or general management consists in managing the activities of the organization as a whole or its independent economic units (profit centers).

Functional or special management consists in the management of certain areas of the organization or its links. For example, innovation, personnel, marketing, finance, etc.

Rice. 1.1. Objects and types of management

On the basis of content, they distinguish regulatory, strategic and operational management.

Regulatory management provides for the development and implementation of the philosophy of the organization, its business policy, determination of the organization's position in the competitive market niche and the formation of common strategic intentions.

Strategic management involves the development of a set of strategies, their distribution over time, the formation of the organization's success potential and the provision of strategic control over their implementation.

Operational management provides for the development of tactical and operational measures aimed at the practical implementation of the adopted strategies for the development of the organization.

Management methods is a system of rules and procedures for solving different tasks management in order to ensure the effective development of the organization.

Management principles- these are general patterns and stable requirements, subject to which the effective development of the organization is ensured.

Among the most important principles effective management the following principles apply:
  • integrity;
  • hierarchical ordering;
  • target orientation and optimality;
  • a combination of centralization and decentralization;
  • democratization.
There are several approaches to management:
  • process approach: management is considered as a process, for example, planning, organization, motivation, control;
  • systems approach: goals, tasks are indicated in an indicative form. A goal tree is built, where the system is divided into subsystems, for example, an organization - into divisions (Fig. 1.2):

Rice. 1.2. Goal tree

Systems approach

This is the direction of the methodology of special scientific knowledge and social practice, which is based on the study of objects as systems.

A systematic approach contributes to the adequate formulation of problems in specific sciences and the development of effective strategy studying them.

System- a set of elements that are in relationships and connections with each other, which forms a certain integrity, unity. When defining the concept of a system, it is necessary to take into account its close relationship with the concepts of integrity, structure, connection, element, relationship, subsystem, etc.

Basic systemic principles:
  • integrity(the fundamental irreducibility of the properties of the system to the sum of the properties of its constituent elements and the intolerance of the last properties of the whole; the dependence of each on its place, function, etc. within the whole);
  • structure(the possibility of describing the system through the establishment of its structure, that is, the network of connections and relations of the system; the conditionality of the behavior of the system not only by the behavior of its individual elements, but by the properties of its structure);
  • relationship between structure and environment(the system forms and manifests its properties in the process of interaction with the environment, being at the same time the leading active component of the interaction);
  • hierarchy(each component of the system, in turn, can be considered as a system, and the system under study in this case is one of the components of a wider, global system);
  • multiplicity of descriptions of each system(due to the fundamental complexity of each system, its adequate knowledge requires the construction of many different models, each of which describes only a certain aspect of the system).
The most important principles of the systems approach (systems analysis) are as follows:
  • the decision-making process should begin with identifying and clearly articulating specific goals;
  • it is necessary to consider the whole problem as a whole, as unified system and identify all the consequences and interrelationships of each particular decision;
  • it is necessary to identify and analyze possible alternative ways to achieve the goal;
  • the goals of individual subsystems should not conflict with the goals of the entire system (program);
  • ascent from the absolute to the concrete;
  • the unity of analysis and synthesis, logical and historical;
  • identification in the object of different-quality connections and their interactions, etc.

Let's consider the elements of the "black box" principle of the systemic approach.

With a systematic approach based on marketing research First, the parameters of the output - the product or service - are formed: what to produce, with what quality indicators, with what costs, for whom, in what time frame, to whom to sell and at what price. These questions are answered simultaneously. The output must be competitive in terms of regulations.

Then the login parameters are determined: what resources and information are needed for the process. The need for resources and information is predicted after studying the organizational and technical level of production of the system (level of technology, technology, organization of production, labor and management) and parameters external environment(political, economic, technological, social, etc.).

Systems are open and closed.

Open system Is a system that is fed from the outside by any energy or resources.

Closed system has a source of energy (resources) within itself. Examples of closed systems: a running clock with an internal power source, a running car, an airplane, automatic production with its own power source, etc. Examples open systems: calculator or solar-powered radio (energy supplied from outside), industrial enterprise, factory, firm, company, etc.

It is obvious that business organizations cannot exist autonomously; to carry out their activities, supply, sales, work with potential buyers, etc. are necessary. That is why they can be legitimately classified as large open systems.

One of the options for the systems approach is the situational approach, which focuses on the fact that the application of various methods and approaches to management is determined by the situation. Since the significant internal and external factors for different organizations are very diverse, there is no single, "best" way to manage an organization. The most effective method a particular situation is the method that best suits the given situation.

The concept and types of management functions

Management functions determine the stable composition of specific types of management activities, characterized by the homogeneity of goals, actions or objects of their application.

They have common tasks and areas of management work, the composition and proposal of which is least dependent on the specifics of a particular organization (its industry affiliation, size, organizational and legal form, etc.).

Differentiation of management functions allows you to highlight individual tasks and types of management activities and regulate rational rules and procedures for their implementation.

Management review as the totality of the process of interrelated functions, it provides a synthesis of various schools of scientific management and the possibility of implementing a situational approach when making managerial decisions.

Different management concepts provide for a wide variety of composition and content of management functions.

With a systematic consideration, it is possible to distinguish three groups of management functions, which are the most common for all types of organizations and any operating conditions (Figure 1.3):
  • general management functions;
  • socio-psychological functions of management;
  • technological management functions.

Rice. 1.3. Management functions system

General management functions reflect the content of the main stages of the process of managing the activities of the organization at all hierarchical levels.

Successful management in any organization must include the following general functions:
  • formation of goals;
  • planning;
  • organization;
  • control.

Functions are often added to them: motivation, coordination, management.

Socio-psychological management functions are mainly associated with the nature of industrial relations in the team. They contain two kinds of functions: delegation and motivation.

Technological management functions define two main types of activity that make up the content of the labor technology of a manager at any level of the hierarchy: decisions and communications.

General, socio-psychological and technological functions complement each other, create an integral management system that allows you to differentiate the methods and techniques of managerial influence on the activities of the organization, to specialize the management bodies and the work of individual managers.

In general, the area of ​​activity called firm management can be divided into separate functions, which are concentrated in three main groups:
  • general management(establishment of regulatory requirements and management policies, innovation policies, planning, work organization, motivation, coordination, control, responsibility);
  • enterprise structure management(its creation, subject of activity, legal forms, relations with other enterprises, territorial issues, organization, reconstruction, liquidation);
  • specific management areas(marketing, R&D, production, personnel, finance, fixed assets).

If the structural aspects of the enterprise are defined, then all management functions are divided into general and specific.

Control function- a type of activity based on the division and cooperation of management and characterized by a certain homogeneity, complexity and stability of the impact on the object from the side of the subject of management.

The function of managing and setting the scope of work for each function is the basis for the formation of the structure control system and the interactions of its components.

General functions are distinguished by stages (stages) of management. In accordance with GOST 24525.0-80, these include:
  • forecasting and planning;
  • work organization;
  • motivation;
  • coordination and regulation;
  • control, accounting, analysis.
The functions allocated by the field of activity are called specific. GOST recommends their typical composition:
  • prospective and current economic social planning;
  • organization of work on standardization;
  • accounting and reporting;
  • economic analysis;
  • technical preparation of production;
  • organization of production;
  • process control;
  • operational management of production;
  • metrological support;
  • technological control and testing;
  • sales of products;
  • organization of work with personnel;
  • work organization and wages;
  • material and technical supply;
  • capital construction;
  • financial activities

The nature and composition of management functions

General and specific management functions are closely related and represent different sections of the management field (Fig. 1.4).

Rice. 1.4. Control field

If we recall the model of the production process, then the last scheme can be expanded to three-dimensional (Fig. 1.5).

Rice. 1.5. Control scope

Content of the innovation management process

Common functions reflect the procedure for managing the activities of the organization. They are equally necessary both in the framework of strategic and in the framework of operational management.

Management process in accordance with the schematic diagram of general subject functions, it begins with the formation of a system of goals and objectives of the organization's activities for a certain period of time. Then the planning of activities aimed at achieving the established development goals is carried out. The implementation of the planned activities requires the creation of certain organizational structures, the involvement of performers, the coordination of their work in time and space. Successful implementation of the planned activities within the framework of the adopted organizational structures requires accounting, constant monitoring of the progress of ongoing processes and regulation of the organization's activities. Each of a pair of interconnected common functions is a closed loop of management decisions, functioning in the cycle "goal - means" (Fig. 1.6).

Rice. 1.6. Relationship between general management functions

In the first loop "goal - planning", the planning process is completed provided that the planned activities and planned resources, of course, ensure the achievement of the established development goals. Otherwise, it is required to adjust the originally formulated development goals.

At the second stage, in the “planning - organization” contour, the search for such organizational solutions is carried out that would ensure the unconditional and most effective implementation of the established plan targets.

In the third loop "organization - control" in the adopted organizational conditions, continuous monitoring of the progress of the fulfillment of planned tasks and the development of decisions aimed at eliminating emerging disagreements is carried out.

Composition and content of social and psychological functions of management

Socio-psychological functions of management ensure the regulation of relations between people arising in the process of functioning of the organization.

Socio-psychological aspects of management in modern conditions often become a decisive specific factor in the success of an organization's entrepreneurial activities.

The socio-psychological functions of management include delegation and motivation.

Both of these functions make it possible to determine the composition of tasks and powers of each of the participants in the ongoing processes and to form the most favorable conditions for its activities, stimulating the receipt of high results.

Delegation as a management function, means the process of delegating tasks and defining the competence of the person or group of persons who take responsibility for their implementation.

Tasks formulate the final and intermediate results of the activity of the participant or the head of the unit.

Competence means the limited right of an employee or department to use the funds and resources of the enterprise to perform specified tasks.

A responsibility means the obligation of a person or unit to perform assigned tasks within the framework of the powers presented, that is, rights and resources.

Motivation as a management function means the process of stimulating all participants in the organization's activities, aimed at achieving the established development goals of the organization.

Motivation is associated with the use of a number of specific categories and concepts related to both an individual person and a group of people, that is, an organization.

Needs Is a fundamental category of classical and modern concepts of motivation, meaning a conscious feeling of lack of something or lack of it.

Motivation in the motivational mechanism, it is a manifested desire to satisfy perceived needs, that is, the motives of purposeful activity.

The motivations of a person and a team are manifested in motivational behavior, that is, behavior aimed at the realization of conscious and accepted motives.

Striving to achieve a goal becomes a stimulus for all activities of an employee or team.

Stimulus in the motivational mechanism is the result towards which the incentives employee activities. Evaluation of the achievement of this result by a person is felt through the reward received.

Reward Is a material or moral (psychological) assessment of the result of satisfying a need, that is, of the entire process of motivation. Remuneration as an assessment can be external (from the side of the manager, organization) and internal (as a self-assessment of job satisfaction).

Composition and content of technological management functions

Technological management functions characterize the content of processes and management methods.

They have two main components: communications and solutions.

Communications in management, it is the exchange of information in the preparation and implementation of management decisions.

Communication as a management function deals with rational organization information flows in the enterprise for the purpose of effective management innovative processes... The main tasks of communication in management are as follows:
  • determining and planning the need for information for each level of management in the enterprise;
  • organization of information support for the management system at the enterprise;
  • the formation of rational methods and procedures for the preparation and implementation of management decisions;
  • development and implementation of progressive information technologies in the management of innovations at the enterprise;
  • coordination and control of management decisions, ensuring executive discipline at the enterprise;
  • development and implementation of a unified technical policy in the field of information technology in enterprise management.

Management solution constitutes one of the main tools for the development and implementation of an effective management concept in an organization.

Management solution - it is the choice of the state and behavior of the management system that is expedient from the point of view of the accepting option. The composition of the main decisions on management functions is presented in table. 1.1.

Basic requirements for management decisions are as follows:
  • target orientation (decisions should be aimed at achieving specific development goals);
  • hierarchical subordination (manager's decisions must correspond to the powers delegated to him);
  • validity (decisions must have an objective justification of rationality);
  • targeting (solutions should be oriented in space and time, that is, they should be directed at a specific performer and limited in time);
  • security (solutions should provide for the necessary resources and establish the sources of their receipt);
  • directiveness (decisions must be binding on the executor and be of a planned nature).
Table 1.1 Composition of the main decisions on management functions

Management function

Typical management decisions

Formation of goals

  • Acceptance of the enterprise mission
  • Formation of target parameters
  • Adoption of the strategic concept of the enterprise
  • Approval of the target parameters of the project


  • Formation of a thematic R&D plan
  • Approval of the project schedule
  • Project cost estimate approval
  • Formation of the production program of the enterprise
  • Statement staffing table by divisions
  • Loan request for innovation
  • Adoption financial plan enterprises
  • Product sales plan approval


  • Establishment of an enterprise
  • The choice of the organizational and legal form of the enterprise
  • Acceptance of the organizational structure of the enterprise
  • Approval of regulations on enterprise services and job descriptions
  • Creation of new or abolition of existing divisions of the enterprise
  • Opening a branch or subsidiary of an enterprise


  • Assessment of the state of work on the project
  • Assessment of the financial condition of the enterprise
  • Analysis of the work of services and departments of the enterprise
  • Order to change the timing of the work on the project
  • Establishment of the procedure for assessing the activities of performers
  • Assessment of the implementation of the strategic concept of the enterprise

Types of management are special areas of management activity associated with solving specific management problems.

The complexity and variety of management activities allows, according to experts, to single out up to 80 types of management. Consider the characteristic features of the most important and significant types of management.

Depending on the object, the following main types of management are distinguished.

Organizational management manages the processes of creating an organization, developing a structure and a management system for an organization, a management mechanism; systems for the implementation of management functions, the development of norms, regulations, rules, standards, regulations, instructions and others. As a result, the normal functioning of the organization is ensured, the successful achievement of the organization's goals. Achieving the goals of the organization is based on strategic management, tactical or day-to-day management and operational management.

Strategic management is a management activity aimed at setting and realizing long-term goals, maintaining effective relationships between the company and its environment in a strategic aspect.

Strategic management defines human potential as the basis of the organization, orients the organization of production to the needs and desires of consumers, adapts the organization to the external environment, which results in the achievement of the organization's long-term goals. Strategic management is in the spotlight top management organizations. The results of strategic management have not been fully revealed for several years. Within the framework of strategic management, long-term goals of the organization are set, ways to achieve them are determined,

Tactical (current) management is developed in the development of strategy. While strategic management is mainly developed at the highest levels of management, tactical (current) management is developed at the level of middle management. The perspectives of tactical (current) management are designed for a shorter period of time than strategic management. It usually covers a one-year period. The results of tactical (ongoing) management appear quickly and are easily correlated with specific actions.

Tactical (current) management is associated with the activities taking place at a given time; refers to daily work. It provides short-term flow of processes in the organization, such as marketing, research and development, production, financial, personnel, social; implementation of short-term plans. Short-term plans are drawn up in organizations for a period of up to one year. Then they are concretized for half a year, quarter, month, decade, depending on production needs.

Operational management is an activity focused on solving current issues that require immediate solutions; includes the organization and management of the implementation of operational plans and dispatching. Actions are carried out by distributing work, resources, making the necessary adjustments to production and financial processes, the progress of current tasks. Operational management boils down to making decisions that can quickly and in time correct or direct the course of labor, production and financial processes in specific situations that are currently developing. Tactical (current) and operational management are associated with the formulation of specific medium-term and short-term tasks, coordination of their solution with the provision of the necessary human, financial, material, information resources, control of the achieved results, their assessment, analysis and implementation of the necessary corrective actions.

Depending on the functional affiliation - a certain area of ​​activity of the organization or its links - management is divided into the following types.

Marketing management deals with the management processes of market research, the existing and promising market conditions, the creation of sales channels, the formation pricing policy, advertising activities. It is used to study the latter, assess the current and future market conditions, select target markets, form sales channels, develop pricing and advertising policies, etc.

Production management includes the management of the main, auxiliary and supporting processes that result in the production of goods supplied by the organization to the market. The objects of production management are setting goals, choosing a strategy, planning, optimizing the volume and structure of product output, organizing the labor and technological process, regulating them, eliminating failures and malfunctions, monitoring, managing people, stimulating, placing personnel, etc.

Management in the field of material and technical supply and sales of products consists in managing the processes of registration of business contracts for the supply of materials, semi-finished products, components, their delivery, the processes of incoming control, packaging, storage and delivery of finished products to consumers.

Personnel management focuses on workforce planning; personnel selection; assessment of personnel and selection of the best from the pool created in the course of recruitment; determination of wages and benefits; vocational guidance and adaptation, training and advanced training, assessment of work performance.

Financial management focuses on traffic management financial resources and management of financial relations arising between economic entities in the process of movement of financial resources. Financial management is the process of developing a goal for managing the finances of an organization and implementing an impact on finances using methods (planning, lending, payment systems, insurance) and funds (profit, depreciation, prices, rent) to achieve the goal.

Innovation management carries out innovation management. It has as its object the implementation, coordination and control scientific research, applied developments, creation of prototypes of goods and services, their introduction into production; formation and evaluation of plans and programs of innovative activities, the organization of their resource provision; stimulating creativity.

Innovation management is aimed at managing materialization (reification) creative activity people to create products that are technical, organizational, economic characteristics surpass existing ones or have no analogues.

Investment management is management that specializes in investment management. Since an investment is an investment of capital with the aim of obtaining profit in the future and (or) a positive cash flow in favor of business owners, then the investment manager must have the qualities of a strategic manager. He must correctly identify priorities, organize "long" flows of material and financial resources, inspire staff for long-term goals. Investment project managers must have a special vision of the organization's future lifestyles, create momentum for continuous action, and be a professional participant in the construction process.

Ekouting management is associated with managing the collection, processing and analysis of data on the organization's performance, comparing it with the baseline and planned indicators of other organizations in order to timely identify unresolved issues and establish reserves for a more complete use of the organization's potential.

The list of the variety of management types does not end there. Consider the most important and significant species management.

Adaptive management is a type of management in which the main goal is to adapt to changes in the external environment. At the same time, a "tracking system" is created, the main indicators of external changes are monitored and a block responsible for the flexibility of the organization is carried out.

So, almost all investment institutions, especially brokerage houses that play on the market valuable papers are adaptive systems. The main thing for them is to notice in time certain tendencies developing in the stock market, jumps in the rates of certain shares, in order to react quickly and flexibly by concluding adequate deals. Adaptive management is also applicable to those small businesses, the success of which is more than two-thirds dependent on the state of the environment.

V last years begin to actively talk about the management of knowledge, which controls the processes of their identification, selection, storage, distribution, giving them additional value, improving their quality through filtration, synthesis, investing in new forms, etc., allowing them to be used more effectively in practice. In addition, knowledge management is associated with the creation of a learning environment, including an interactive one, where people constantly exchange information and there are all opportunities for its effective comprehension and assimilation.

The central challenge in knowledge management is to facilitate the identification, exchange and use of existing information resources, excellence, creativity. This is important, and because in the future, all large organizations should be divided into small self-governing structures, which, due to their relatively small information and intellectual potential, will have to obtain and assimilate other people's knowledge.

All of these types of management in practice are closely intertwined and interdependent, which significantly complicates management activities, but the use of the possibilities of the species diversity of management systems leads to an increase in their potential and efficiency.

In general, we can state the fact that the variety of types of management is associated, first of all, with a variety of areas of use and implementation features of the management process and that the differentiation of management is objective.

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