Second degree in advertising and public relations. Mgutu name to

Advertising universities

About the profile

Program higher education“Management in Advertising” training area 03/38/02 Management is focused on training specialists for brand management, advertising agencies, projects and teams in the areas of communications, digital advertising, event marketing and others.

Graduates who have mastered professional competencies, are capable of:

  • manage brand communications, the image of the organization and its advertising campaigns
  • successfully market products and services
  • develop advertising campaigns in the Internet environment, social networks and on blogs
  • plan, develop and produce promotional products
  • create effective design and creative teams in the advertising industry
  • manage a creative business project


Training program

Educational program "Advertising Management" developed in accordance with the federal state educational standard, taking into account the requirements of the Russian professional standard and international practices.

Curriculum structure:

Business practice

Business practice is a unique academic discipline based on the integration of business into the educational process. The discipline develops skills in project activities, teamwork and interaction with representatives of the professional industry.

Business practice is:

  1. Projects based on real briefs from the 1st year
  2. Interaction with experts from Russian and foreign companies
  3. Collaboration on projects of students from the faculties of Business and Design
  4. Communication and project presentation skills
  5. Formation of a portfolio of diplomas and letters of recommendation
  6. Invitations to practice and internship
  7. Competitiveness and successful employment, opening your own business

Read more about events, open lectures and project defenses on our social networks Instagram , YouTube.


The Advertising Management program is implemented by a unique teaching team, including experienced teachers with academic degrees and knowledge of innovative teaching methods, employees of leading advertising agencies, experts and heads of organizations.



Business practice consultant. Expert in student projects.

Founder and general manager DA Creative Group agency, whose clients include: PepsiCo, Henkel, Nivea, EFES, Mars, Danone, Russian Sea, Baltika, Dymov, Bosch and other.

Educational process

Classes are held in modern lecture halls and computer labs. Coworking areas and classrooms for independent work are used to discuss projects and communicate with students and teachers.

Training is clearly expressed practice-oriented nature, based on the integration of business and education.

Electronic information educational environment of the institute, electronic library system provide access to educational, methodological, analytical materials and statistical data from anywhere in the world 24/7.

Individual and group consultations with teachers are carried out both in classrooms and using modern online and offline technologies.

An important part educational process are lectures, master classes successful entrepreneurs, company managers, as well as on-site practical training.

In addition, students actively participate in professional and scientific competitions and conferences different levels.

Admission conditions

1. Pass exams in RUSSIAN LANGUAGE, MATHEMATICS (profile level) and SOCIAL STUDIES:

School graduates who are citizens of Russia provide Unified State Examination results in the Russian language, mathematics (professional level) and social studies.

Graduate qualifications: Bachelor

based on vocational education

About the specialty "Advertising and Public Relations"

During graduation, every graduate thinks about professional self-determination for the future. Many people strive to acquire higher education. The doors of universities are always wide open for applicants, offering training in different faculties.

With the advent of capitalism in Russia and the influence of the West, a new specialty is gaining more and more popularity - “advertising and public relations”. Professionals in this field are in demand in many modern segments of socio-political functioning. A specialist in this field, as a rule, is called a PR manager, that is, a professional who provides “public relations” (from the English public relations). In conditions market economy and publicity without this specialist, neither companies nor politicians will achieve success. This explains the high popularity and prevalence of specialists in the field under consideration.

The direction of advertising and public relations has close connection with marketing, journalism, sociology, law and psychology. Qualified knowledge in these sciences can be obtained at an institute or university. When enrolling in advertising and public relations, you must pass the Russian language, social studies, as well as history or a foreign language. Many universities offer training in this specialty - economics, humanities, law and even pedagogy.

The presence of knowledge thoroughly determines the success of a PR manager, but not one hundred percent. For a successful career and fulfillment, a specialist must also have a set of useful personal qualities, which will complement his professional competence and help him achieve success for himself and the client with whom he will cooperate. These qualities include:

  • stress resistance;
  • communication skills;
  • broad outlook;
  • the ability to lead people and interest them;
  • the ability to devote oneself to the profession 100 percent.

If you have these qualities, then you have every chance of becoming a highly paid and sought-after PR manager in the future.

A specialist in this field can work both in commercial companies of any size and in government agencies. Getting a job will not be difficult for politicians or individuals who care about their image.

The responsibilities of a PR manager in a company usually include the following:

  • development and implementation of various communication projects, concepts and programs;
  • filling the content with information and promotional materials companies;
  • filling and editing the content of the company’s Internet resources;
  • organization advertising companies;
  • organizing and coordinating work with printing houses and advertising agencies;
  • conducting seminars and participating in conferences, exhibitions, etc.

Often a PR manager takes on the functions of a marketer; develops and promotes the company's brand. This is the responsibility of a specialist trained in advertising and public relations.

By choosing this specialty when entering a university, the applicant has the opportunity to become a modern professional, the need for which in the social and business environment is determined by the realities of the 21st century. And if he can successfully complete his studies and show himself in the future as a professional high level- the demand for his knowledge and skills in the skilled labor market will be guaranteed to him, since successful businessmen and politicians do not skimp on their image.

And studying public relations is interesting and contributes to the development of high intelligence!

Disciplines studied for the entire period of study in the field of "Advertising and Public Relations"

  • Visual communications
  • State and public regulation advertising and information activities
  • Genres of mass communication
  • Imageology in intercultural communications
  • Foreign language (professional)
  • Internet advertising
  • History of cinema
  • History of world art and literature
  • History of modern advertising business and design
  • Computer technology and information science
  • Copywriting
  • Logic and theory of argumentation
  • Marketing research and situational analysis
  • Mathematics and Statistics
  • Media management
  • Media economics
  • International advertising
  • Non-media communications
  • Organization of work of advertising and public relations departments
  • Fundamentals of Consumer Behavior Analysis
  • Fundamentals of state and law of the Russian Federation
  • Fundamentals of Integrated Communications
  • Marketing Basics
  • Fundamentals of media competence
  • Media planning basics
  • Fundamentals of Management
  • Fundamentals of reputation management
  • Basics of communication theory
  • Domestic history
  • Planning and execution of communication campaigns
  • Political science
  • Legal regulation advertising activities in Russia
  • Application packages for advertising and public relations
  • Design in advertising and public relations
  • Psychology of Mass Communications
  • Psychology of advertising activity
  • Working with texts in advertising and public relations
  • Development and production technology of an advertising product
  • Advertising in the marketing system
  • Advertising and public relations in business
  • Advertising and public relations in non-profit organizations
  • Advertising and public relations in politics
  • Advertising and PR technologies for brand support
  • Speech communications
  • Rhetoric
  • Russian language and speech culture
  • Public Relations in Crisis Situations
  • Modern exhibition activities
  • Sociology
  • Sociology of mass communications
  • Stylistics and literary editing
  • Theory and practice mass media
  • Advertising and public relations technologies
  • Technologies for managing public opinion
  • Philosophy
  • Economy
  • Business ethics

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