CNC milling machine capabilities. Capabilities of modern CNC milling machines

The invention of a mechanical drive made it possible to free a person from physical labor, but control was carried out manually. The development of production led to automation. By the middle of our century, a system had developed: ACS - an automatic control system of a mechanical type, i.e. The control program is implemented in the form of real-life analogues.

Fists (music box):

Physical storage media has 2 disadvantages:

    The information of a part drawing turns from digital to analog in the form of a complex curved surface; this transformation is associated with the loss of information, and this material form is associated with wear and tear of the carrier program.

    It is necessary to produce carrier programs in metal with high precision, and to stop the equipment for a long period to carry out its adjustment.

Digital electronic control systems:

CNC - such a system in which the program for moving working parts and command technologies are transmitted to the control computer in the form of digital alphabetic codes.

Throughout the entire process of preparing information transfer, the CNC system deals only with digital its shape.

This form of information allows you to apply all modern means microprocessor technology, i.e. automate the preparation of the program itself, and quickly change program control. Resetting to new program CNC machine takes 1-2 minutes.

The general direction of modern progress is the replacement of all fur. electronic systems and the creation of a single digital field.

Structurally, the CNC is an autonomous electronic unit, consisting of: BTK - block of technological commands; MP - microprocessor controls two coordinates (currently up to 20).

There are:

NC(Numeral Control) - numerical control; system with frame-by-frame reading of punched paper tape.

SNC(Stored Numeral Contral) - stored program; The control command is read once and processing cycles are carried out using it.

CNC (Computer NC) is a CNC device with a built-in computer that can simultaneously store several dozen programs, correct and edit them.

DNC (Director NC) - direct control of the machine from a computer. Management of the order of operations, the entire area.

HNC(Handed NC) - operational software control; manual data entry on the control panel.

By principle motion control There are 3 groups of equipment:

    With a CNC positional system, the tool is automatically controlled from point to point, along the path of implementation. processing: (drilling machines).

    With CNC contouring system; movement along a complex trajectory occurs continuously (milling machines).


    With a combined CNC system, it combines 1 and 2 control systems, therefore the most expensive.

By number of tools used machines are distinguished:

    With one tool

    Multi-tool with RG (tool control turret) up to 12 pieces.

    Multipurpose; equipped with special tool magazine and manipulator for changing tools (from 12 to 80-120 pcs.)

Indexing of CNC machines:

C-cyclic control.

F1 - digital indexing, machine. equipped with simple devices, information can be read on the screen (little used).

F2-position CNC.


F4-combined, also used in the designation:

R-CNC with a revolver.

M-CNC with a tool magazine (precision indication is retained)

P.V.A. (P - increased accuracy, B - high accuracy, A - special high accuracy)

6B76ПМФ4 (6-on a milling multi-purpose machine, P -increased accuracy, M-with tool magazine, 4-combined control system).

The main technological feature of CNC machines is that a high concentration of processing occurs on one machine at one workplace. Consequently, the number of operations is reduced by 10-15 times, the entire technological process is completed in 2-3 operations, and the duration of operations is reduced by several hours.

These features impose additional organizational conditions for CNC machines. Now 15-20% of the fleet are CNC machines.

Limitation of the use of CNC: expensive equipment with complex mechanics and electronics. In modern production - 15-20% of the fleet of CNC machines.

In production, where various CNC machines operate program controlled, a lot of different software is used, but in most cases all control software uses the same control code. Software for amateur machines is also based on similar code. In everyday life it is called " G-code" IN this material presented general information by G-code.

G-code is the conventional name for the language for programming CNC (Computer Numerical Control) devices. It was created by the Electronic Industries Alliance in the early 1960s. The final revision was approved in February 1980 as the RS274D standard. The ISO Committee approved G-code as the ISO 6983-1:1982 standard, the State Committee for Standards of the USSR - as GOST 20999-83. In Soviet technical literature, G-code is designated as ISO-7 bit code.

Control system manufacturers use G-code as a basic subset of the programming language, expanding it as they see fit.

A program written using G-code has a rigid structure. All control commands are combined into frames - groups consisting of one or more commands. The block ends with a line feed (LF/LF) character and has a number, except for the first block of the program. The first frame contains only one character "%". The program ends with command M02 or M30.

Basic (in the standard called preparatory) commands of the language begin with the letter G:

  • movement of the working parts of the equipment at a given speed (linear and circular;
  • performing typical sequences (such as machining holes and threads);
  • management of tool parameters, coordinate systems, and work planes.

Summary table of codes:

Table of basic commands:

Code Description Example
G00 Rapid tool movement (idling) G0 X0 Y0 Z100;
G01 Linear interpolation G01 X0 Y0 Z100 F200;
G02 Circular clockwise interpolation G02 X15 Y15 R5 F200;
G03 Circular interpolation counterclockwise G03 X15 Y15 R5 F200;
G04 P millisecond delay G04 P500;
G10 Set new coordinates for the origin G10 X10 Y10 Z10;
G11 Cancel G10G11;
G15 Cancel G16G15 G90;
G16 Switching to polar coordinate system G16 G91 X100 Y90;
G20 Inch operating mode G90 G20;
G21 Metric Operating Mode G90 G21;
G22 Activate the set movement limit (the machine will not go beyond their limit). G22 G01 X15 Y25;
G23 Cancel G22G23 G90 G54;
G28 Return to reference point G28 G91 Z0 Y0;
G30 Lifting in Z axis to tool change point G30 G91 Z0;
G40 Canceling Tool Size Compensation G1 G40 X0 Y0 F200;
G41 Compensate tool radius left G41 X15 Y15 D1 F100;
G42 Compensate tool radius right G42 X15 Y15 D1 F100;
G43 Compensate tool height positively G43 X15 Y15 Z100 H1 S1000 M3;
G44 Compensate tool height negatively G44 X15 Y15 Z4 H1 S1000 M3;
G53 Switch to machine coordinate system G53 G0 X0 Y0 Z0;
G54-G59 Switch to the coordinate system specified by the operator G54 G0 X0 Y0 Z100;
G68 Rotate coordinates to the desired angle G68 X0 Y0 R45;
G69 Cancel G68G69;
G80 Canceling drilling cycles (G81-G84)G80 Z100;
G81 Drilling cycle G81 X0 Y0 Z-10 R3 F100;
G82 Delayed drilling cycle G82 X0 Y0 Z-10 R3 P100 F100;
G83 Drilling cycle with waste material G83 X0 Y0 Z-10 R3 Q8 F100;
G84 Threading cycle
G90 Absolute coordinate system G90 G21;
G91 Relative coordinate system G91 G1 X4 Y5 F100;
G94 F (feed) - in mm/min format. G94 G80 Z100;
G95 F (feed) - in mm/rev format. G95 G84 X0 Y0 Z-10 R3 F1.411;
G98 Cancel G99G98 G15 G90;
G99 After each cycle, do not retreat to the “approaching point” G99 G91 X10 K4;

Technology code table:

Technological language commands begin with the letter M. They include actions such as:

  • Change tool
  • Turn spindle on/off
  • Turn cooling on/off
  • Call/end subroutine

Auxiliary (technological) teams:

Code Description Example
M00 Pause the operation of the machine until the “start” button is pressed on the control panel, the so-called “technological stop” G0 X0 Y0 Z100 M0;
M01 Pause the machine until the start button is pressed if the stop confirmation mode is enabled G0 X0 Y0 Z100 M1;
M02 End of the program M02;
M03 Start spindle rotation clockwise M3 S2000;
M04 Start spindle rotation counterclockwise M4 S2000;
M05 Stop spindle rotation M5;
M06 Change tool M6 T15;
M07 Enable additional cooling M3 S2000 M7;
M08 Enable main cooling M3 S2000 M8;
M09 Turn off cooling G0 X0 Y0 Z100 M5 M9;
M30 End of information M30;
M98 Calling a subroutine M98 P101;
M99 End of subroutine, return to main program M99;

Command parameters are specified in letters of the Latin alphabet:

Constant code Description Example
X Coordinate of the trajectory point along the X axis G0 X0 Y0 Z100
Y Coordinate of the trajectory point along the Y axis G0 X0 Y0 Z100
Z Coordinate of the trajectory point along the Z axis G0 X0 Y0 Z100
F Cutting feed speed G1 G91 X10 F100
S Spindle speed S3000 M3
R Radius or canned cycle parameter G1 G91 X12.5 R12.5 or G81 R1 0 R2 -10 F50
D Correction parameter of the selected tool M06 T1 D1
P Delay value or number of subroutine calls M04 P101 or G82 R3 Z-10 P1000 F50
I,J,K Arc parameters for circular interpolation G03 X10 Y10 I0 J0 F10
L Calling a subroutine with a given label L12 P3

Description of the presentation Technological capabilities and advantages of CNC machines Lecture on slides

Technological capabilities and advantages of CNC machines Lecture 3 General information about control systems. Structure of CNC machine and CNC system. Advantages of CNC machines. Recommendations for increasing the efficiency of using CNC machines. Classification of CNC systems: digital display systems, positional, contour, combined (mixed) systems. Designation of the type of CNC device. Designation of the CNC machine model. Systems CN, CNC, SNC, HNC, DNC; open-loop, closed-loop, self-adjusting CNC systems.

General information about control systems and CNC machines Control of a machine tool is usually understood as a set of influences on its mechanisms, ensuring that these mechanisms carry out the technological processing cycle. A control system is a device or a set of devices that implements these influences. Manual control - the decision to use certain influences of the elements of the work cycle is made by a person - the machine operator. Operator based decisions made turns on the corresponding machine mechanisms and sets the parameters of their operation. Manual control operations are carried out both on non-automatic universal and specialized machines for various purposes, and on automatic machines. In automatic machines, manual control is used to implement adjustment modes and special elements of the work cycle. Here, manual control is often combined with digital display of information from position sensors executive bodies.

Automatic control means that decisions about the use of work cycle elements are made by the control system without operator participation. It also issues commands to turn the machine mechanisms on and off and controls its operation. A processing cycle is a set of movements of the working parts of a machine that are repeated when processing each workpiece. The complex of movements of the working parts in the machine operating cycle is carried out in a certain sequence, i.e. according to the program. An algorithm is a method of achieving a goal (solving a problem) with an unambiguous description of the procedure for its implementation. By functional purpose automatic control are divided as follows: control of constant repeating processing cycles (for example, control of aggregate machines that perform milling, drilling, boring and threading operations by implementing motion cycles of multi-spindle power heads); control of variable automatic cycles, which are set using individual analogue material models for each cycle (copiers, sets of cams, stop systems, etc.) An example of cyclic control of machine tools (CPU) are control systems for copying lathes and milling machines, multi-spindle automatic lathes etc.;

Numerical control (CNC), in which the program is specified in the form of an array of information recorded on one or another medium. Control information for CNC machines is discrete, and its processing during the control process is carried out using digital methods. Cyclic program control (CPU) The cyclic program control system (CPU) allows you to partially or completely program the machine operating cycle, processing mode and tool change, as well as set (using preliminary adjustment of the stops) the amount of movement of the machine's executive bodies. It is an analog closed-loop control system and has fairly high flexibility, i.e., it provides easy change in the sequence of switching on the equipment (electrical, hydraulic, pneumatic, etc.) that controls the elements of the cycle.

Block diagram of a cyclic program control device 1 – program setting block, 2 – step-by-step program input block, 3 – machine cycle control block, 4 – control signal conversion block. 5, 6 – drives of the machine’s executive bodies, electromagnets, couplings, etc., 7 – sensor feedback From block 1, information enters the automation circuit. The automation circuit (usually performed using electromagnetic relays) coordinates the operation of the cycle programmer with the actuators of the machine and the feedback sensor; strengthens and multiplies teams; can perform a number of logical functions (for example, provide execution of standard loops). From block 3, the signal enters the actuator where actuators 5, 6 ensure execution of the commands specified by the program. Sensor 7 monitors the end of processing and, through block 4, gives a command to block 2 to turn on the next stage of the program.

In cyclic control devices, in numerical form, the program contains information only about the cycle and processing modes, and the amount of movement of the working bodies is set by adjusting the stops. The advantages of the CPU system are ease of design and maintenance, as well as low cost. The disadvantage is the laboriousness of dimensional adjustment of stops and cams. It is advisable to use CNC machines in conditions of serial, large-scale and mass production of parts of simple geometric shapes. CPU systems are equipped with turning-turret, turning-milling, vertical drilling machines, aggregate machines, industrial robots(PR), etc.

Numerical control (CNC) Numerical control (CNC) of a machine tool refers to the control, according to a program specified in an alphanumeric code, of the movement of the machine’s executive bodies, the speed of their movement, the sequence of the processing cycle, the cutting mode and various auxiliary functions. Based on the achievements of cybernetics, electronics, computer technology and instrumentation, fundamentally new program control systems were developed - CNC systems, widely used in machine tool building. In these systems, the magnitude of each stroke of the machine's executive body is specified using a number. Each unit of information corresponds to a discrete movement of the executive body by a certain amount, called the resolution of the CNC system or the value of the impulse. Within certain limits, the actuator can be moved by any multiple of the resolution.

In CNC systems, all the way from preparing a control program to its transfer to the working parts of the machine, we deal only with information in digital (discrete) form obtained directly from the part drawing. The trajectory of the cutting tool relative to the workpiece being processed in CNC machines is represented as a series of its sequential positions, each of which is determined by a number. All information of the control program (dimensional, technological and auxiliary) necessary to control the processing of the part, presented in text or tabular form using symbols (numbers, letters, symbols), is encoded (ISO code -7 bit) and entered into the memory of the control system from the computer or directly using the keys on the control panel. The CNC device converts this information into control commands for the actuators of the machine and controls their execution. Therefore, in CNC machines it has become possible to obtain complex movements of its working bodies not due to kinematic connections, but thanks to the control of independent coordinate movements of these working bodies according to a program specified in numerical form. In the conditions of serial, small-scale and single production, reduction of production preparation time by 50-75%, reduction of the total duration of the processing cycle by 50-60%, reduction of costs for the design and manufacture of technological equipment by 30-85%.

The CNC device is designed to issue control actions to the working parts of the machine in accordance with the control program entered into the information input and reading block. The block of technological commands is used to control the cyclic automation of the machine, consisting mainly of executive elements such as starters, electromagnetic couplings, solenoids, limit and limit switches, pressure switches, etc., providing execution of various technological commands (tool change, spindle rotation speed switching, etc.), as well as various interlocks during machine operation.

The interpolation unit is a specialized computing device (interpolator) that forms a partial tool trajectory between two or more points specified in the control program. The output information from this block, supplied to the feed drive control unit, is usually presented in the form of a sequence of pulses for each coordinate, the frequency of which determines the feed speed, and the number - the amount of movement. The specified feed rate along the machined contour of the part, as well as the processes of acceleration and braking are provided by the feed rate block.

The program correction block is used to change the programmed processing parameters: feed speed and tool dimensions (length and diameter). The canned cycle block allows you to simplify the programming process when processing repeating elements of a part, for example, when drilling and boring holes, threading, etc. The feed drive of the working elements consists of a drive motor, its control systems and kinematic links.

The accuracy of the movement of the working bodies of a CNC machine tool depends on the feed drive control scheme used: open (without a system for measuring the actual movements of the controlled working body) or closed (with a measurement system). In the second case, control of the accuracy of control signals for each controlled coordinate of the machine is carried out by a feedback sensor (FOS). The accuracy of this control is largely determined by the type, design and location of the sensors on the machine. Depending on the type of basic machining operations, machine tools are divided into technological groups: turning, milling, drilling-milling-boring, grinding, multi-operational. According to the number of tools used, CNC machines are divided into: multi-tool, with the number of automatically changing tools up to 12, usually machines with a tool turret; multi-operational, with a number of automatically changing tools of more than 12, equipped with a special tool magazine of a chain or drum type.

Advantages of CNC machines. 1. Increased processing accuracy; ensuring the interchangeability of parts in serial and small-scale production, 2. Reduction or complete elimination of marking and lapping work, 3. Simplicity and short changeover time; 4. Concentration of processing transitions on one machine, which leads to a reduction in time spent on workpiece installation, a reduction in the number of operations, working capital in work in progress, the cost of time and money for transportation and control of parts; 5. Reducing the preparation cycle for the production of new products and their delivery time; 6. Ensuring high precision in processing parts, since the processing process does not depend on the skills and intuition of the operator;

7. Reduction of defects due to the fault of the worker; 8. Increased machine productivity as a result of optimization of technological parameters, automation of all movements; 9. Possibility of using less qualified labor force and reducing the need for skilled labor; 10. Possibility of multi-machine service; 11. Reduction of the machine fleet, since one CNC machine replaces several manual machines. The use of CNC machines makes it possible to solve a number of social problems: improve the working conditions of machine tool workers, significantly reduce the share of heavy manual labor, change the composition of workers in machining shops, make the problem of labor shortage less acute, etc.

General recommendations for increasing the efficiency of using CNC machines: 1. Make extensive use of multi-location devices. ensuring the processing of several parts of the same or different design (this is especially important when using GPS, since sets of parts for one product can be attached to the device and manufactured in one cycle). 2 Use intermediate plates with precisely machined holes or grooves, which reduces the time of setup and changeover of equipment to a new part; in addition, this protects the working surfaces of the table, etc. from wear. 3 Use a combination tool of short length and precision design, preferably with replaceable coated inserts (including for drilling and reaming). This helps to improve processing conditions, tool life and reliability, as well as reduce the time spent on tool changing and table positioning, and reduce the number of tools required to process a part and the number of slots in the tool magazine.

4 The machine should have a device for monitoring the condition of the cutting edge, recording the operating time, indicating the moment of tool change; 5 All tools must be set up outside the machine. 6 Assign a sequence for processing holes based on real time costs, i.e., process a number of holes of the same diameter with one tool, or process each hole completely with a change of tool; 6 In the machining process, first carry out transitions that require the highest spindle speed, for example, it is first advisable to drill a hole of small and then large diameter; 7. Avoid frequent abrupt changes in spindle speeds; 8 CNC machines, regardless of the accuracy class, should be used only for work limited by the technological purpose of the machine, permissible loads, sizes of cutters, drills, etc. 9 CNC machines of a high accuracy class should not be used for processing parts that, according to the accuracy specified drawing, can be processed on machines of a lower accuracy class.

Classification of CNC systems based on the nature of the movement of working bodies Classification of CNC systems based on technological tasks of processing control

CNC positional systems - provide control of the movements of the working parts of the machine in accordance with commands that determine the positions specified by the control program. In this case, movements along different coordinate axes can be performed simultaneously (at a given constant speed) or sequentially. These systems are mainly equipped with drilling and boring machines for processing parts such as plates, flanges, covers, etc., in which drilling, countersinking, boring holes, threading, etc. are performed (for example, mod. 2 R 135 F 2, 6902 MF 2, 2 A 622 F 2 -1).

The feed rate of the working body of the machine, the direction of which coincides with the direction of the tangent at each point of a given processing contour. Contour CNC systems, unlike positional ones, provide continuous management by moving a tool or workpiece alternately or simultaneously along several coordinates, as a result of which the processing of very complex parts can be ensured (with control simultaneously along more than two coordinates). Mostly turning and milling machines are equipped with CNC contour systems (for example, mod. 16 K 20 FZ, 6 R 13 FZ). Contour CNC systems - provide control of the movements of the working parts of the machine along the trajectory and at the contour speed specified by the control program. The contour speed is the resulting

Combined CNC systems combine the functions of positional and contour CNC systems. They are the most complex and more universal. Due to the increasing degree of automation of CNC machines, increasing complexity) and the expansion of their technological capabilities (especially multi-operational ones), the use of combined CNC systems is significantly increasing (for example, mod. IR 500 MF 4, IR 320 GShF 4; 2206 PMF 4, 6305 F 4).

A separate group includes machines with digital display and pre-set coordinates. These machines have electronic device to set the coordinates of the required points (preset coordinates) and a cross table equipped with position sensors, which gives commands to move to the required position. In this case, each current position of the table is displayed on the screen (digital display). In such machines, you can use a preset of coordinates or a digital display. The initial work program is set by the machine operator. In models of CNC machines, the letter F with a number is added to indicate the degree of automation: F 1 – machines with digital display and preset coordinates; F 2 – machines with CNC positioning systems; F 3 – machines with CNC contour systems; F 4 – machines with a combined CNC system for positional and contour processing.

In addition, prefixes C 1, C 2, C 3, C 4 and C 5 can be added to the designation of the CNC machine model, which indicates different models of CNC systems used in the machines, as well as the different technological capabilities of the machines. For example, a machine model 16 K 20 F 3 S 1 is equipped with a CNC system “Kontur 2 PT-71”, a machine model 16 K 20 F 3 S 4 is equipped with a CNC system EM 907, etc. For machines with cyclic control systems, where in The control elements are limit switches, stops, etc., the index C is introduced in the model designation, and the index T is used with operating systems (for example, 16 K 20 T 1). According to the method of preparing and entering the control program, they are distinguished: CNC operating systems (in this case, the control program is prepared and edited directly on the machine, during the processing of the first part from the batch or simulating its processing); adaptive CNC systems, for which the control program is prepared, regardless of where the part is processed. Moreover, independent preparation of the control program can be performed either using computer technology included in the CNC system of a given machine, or outside it (manually or using an automated programming system.)

In accordance with the international classification, all CNC devices are divided into main classes according to the level of technical capabilities: NC - Numerical Control - created on the basis of analogue counting devices, as a result of which they have a “rigid” architecture adapted to a specific machine model, usually based on stepper drive. With each workpiece processing cycle, the NC is read frame by frame - one is processed, the other is written to the buffer memory. In this mode of operation, there is a significant load on the reading device and the program carrier material, so system failures often occur. SNC - Stored Numerical Control - retain all the properties of the NC class but differ from them in increased memory capacity. CNC - Computer Numerical Control - are made on the basis of micro. Computers allow you to create CNC devices that combine the functions of machine control (usually with drives based on DC motors) and solving individual problems of NC preparation. The peculiarity of systems of this class is

The ability to change and adjust during operation both the CP for processing the part and the functioning properties of the system itself, in order to take into account as much as possible the features of the model and this machine. The NC is entered into the memory device of the CNC system completely, from the software or in dialogue mode with the machine control panel. DNC - Direct Numerical Control - retain all the properties of CNC class systems and at the same time have the ability to exchange information with a central computer servicing a group of machines, a production area or a workshop.

Feed drive control systems in CNC machines Scheme of an open-loop control system for the feed drive of a CNC machine: 1, 2, 3, - hydraulic drive elements; 4 – gear pair; 5 way screw; 6 – working element of a CNC machine. Open-loop systems are characterized by the presence of one flow of information coming from the reading device to the executive element of the machine. Disadvantage - there is no feedback sensor and therefore there is no information about the actual position of the machine’s actuators.

Block diagrams of closed-loop CNC systems: a) - closed with a circular DOS on the lead screw; b) – closed with circular DOS and rack and pinion transmission c) – closed with linear DOS on the working part of the machine Closed-loop CNC systems are characterized by two flows of information – from the reading device and from the feedback sensor along the way. In these systems, the discrepancy between the specified and actual displacement values ​​of the executive bodies is eliminated due to the presence of feedback. The operation of closed-loop CNC systems is based on the principle of servo control systems.

Closed-loop CNC system with a circular DOS on the lead screw In such CNC systems, the position of the working element is indirectly measured using a circular DOS mounted on the lead screw. This scheme is quite simple and convenient from the point of view of installing DOS. The overall dimensions of the sensor used do not depend on the magnitude of the measured movement. When using circular DOS installed on the lead screw, high demands are presented to the accuracy characteristics of the screw-nut transmission (manufacturing accuracy, rigidity, absence of gaps), which in this case is not covered by feedback.

Closed-loop CNC system with circular DOS and rack and pinion gear Closed-loop CNC systems of this type also use a circular DOS, but measuring the movement of the working body of the machine through a rack and pinion gear. In this case, the feedback system covers all transmission mechanisms of the feed drive, including the screw-nut transmission. However, the accuracy of displacement measurements may be affected by manufacturing errors of the rack and pinion gear. To avoid this, it is necessary to use a precision rack and pinion gear with a rack, the length of which depends on the stroke of the working part of the machine. In some cases, this complicates and increases the cost of the feedback system.

Closed-loop CNC system with linear DOS on the working body of the machine. Similar CNC systems are equipped with linear DOS providing direct measurement of the movement of the working body of the machine. This allows feedback to cover all transmission mechanisms of the feed drive, which ensures high precision of movements. However, linear DOSs are more complex and more expensive than circular ones; their overall dimensions depend on the stroke length of the working body of the machine. The accuracy of linear DOS operation can be affected by machine errors (for example, wear of guides, thermal deformations, etc.).

Block diagram of a CNC system with compensating consideration of machine errors. CNC systems with compensating consideration of machine errors are equipped with additional systems feedback, with sensors that take into account machine errors (thermal deformations, vibrations, wear of guides, etc.)

Block diagram of an adaptive CNC system Adaptive (self-adapting) CNC systems are characterized by three flows of information: 1) from the reading device; 2) from a feedback sensor along the way; 3) from sensors installed on the machine and monitoring the processing process according to such parameters as wear of the cutting tool, changes in cutting and friction forces, fluctuations in allowance and hardness of the material of the workpiece, etc. Such systems allow you to adjust the processing program taking into account real conditions cutting

Questions for self-control 1. What is meant by machine control? 2. What is the difference between manual control and automatic control? 3. What types of controls are automatic control divided into according to their functional purpose? 4. What is meant by numerical control? 5. Name the main elements included in the CNC device. 6. What are the main advantages of CNC machines? 7. What are the general recommendations for increasing the efficiency of using CNC machines? 8. How CNC systems are classified and their designation. 9. Name the methods for entering control programs. 10. Name the classes of CNC devices according to the level of technical capabilities. What is their difference? 11. What feed drive schemes are used in CNC machines and what is their difference?

Depending on the type of work performed, milling machines are:

  • engraving and milling,
  • drilling and milling,
  • turning and milling and many other types.

Milling can process materials such as:

  • tree,
  • plastic,
  • graphite,
  • as well as all types of metals and their alloys (steel, cast iron, aluminum, brass, bronze, copper, etc.)

The cutting tools used, cutters, are also very diverse. The complex design of the machines allows them to perform a wide range of operations for processing materials: engraving, drilling, milling, carving, cutting large slabs and much more.

The operating principle of the milling machine is such that it allows, within the framework of one program being executed, to automatically change the tool - the cutter, change the rotation speed of the cutter and the angle of rotation of the spindle. All of the listed functions and properties of the equipment open up very great opportunities for the use of milling machines in a wide variety of fields and industries. They can be used to perform both cutting and cutting of large slabs and fine processing of the smallest parts.

For example, a milling and engraving machine, despite the impressiveness and massiveness of its design, can perform, in addition to drilling, cutting and cutting materials, very delicate engraving, accurately and clearly transferring the smallest details of the original image onto the workpiece. The engraving accuracy of a properly adjusted machine is a fraction of a millimeter.

The latest generation milling machines allow you to process not only flat parts, but also process workpieces using 3D programs, creating three-dimensional shapes. Such universal capabilities of CNC machines are appreciated by manufacturers of modern furniture. The machines allow you to realize the most complex design solutions: bent furniture facades, carved furniture overlays, complex cutting of furniture boards, decorative milling on both sides of a furniture board.

It is impossible to do without milling machines at woodworking enterprises specializing in country house construction. Carved stairs with elaborate balusters made of ash, oak or walnut, doors with complex ornaments, wooden arches and other decorative and functional interior elements cannot be made without the use of universal CNC milling machines.

The enormous advantages of this universal equipment how CNC milling machines opened the way for them into all areas modern production. Among the most important advantages it is worth noting the high productivity and manufacturability of various products, easy control, rapid entry into a working production line, almost complete absence of defects in the manufacture of parts, since CNC milling machines are controlled by a computer, which eliminates the human factor influencing production.

I would like to tell you about my project to get your opinion on it. Informed criticism and suggestions are welcomed with open arms. If there is interest, I will write a series of articles about how the project was created and share some of my experience. So let's begin.

Recently, an idea came up to create a completely open project for a universal 3-coordinate platform that can perform the functionality of a 3D printer, a milling machine for processing plastic, and much more. The platform is built in a modular manner. This means that it has completely interchangeable carriage drives and tools. We called this thing “RRaptor Platform”. In the future I will provide a number of images and photographs of design models and what has already been implemented.

Here's what happened in reality. And yes. The screw at the Y coordinate is not secured

Let's see what modularity means in the context of a project. For example, we want to get a 3D printer: we install the appropriate drives + a printing unit (3 units can be installed at the same time) - and that’s it. We can print our own parts. For various reasons, rack-and-pinion gears with a stepper motor are used for platform printing.

The model shows an installed rack-and-pinion drive on the Y coordinate

Or we needed to mill something. Then we will install screw-nut drives with a NEMA23 ball motor and a cutter. Ready! We experimented with different screws. Starting from the “collective farm”, such as an ordinary hairpin, and ending with high-quality ball screws. It is possible to install various types of screws on the platform. Depends on the budget of the machine. Milling spindle options also range from standard drills to our version of a small and compact spindle for milling plastic (which is still only at the drawing stage). At the moment, in our tests we are using a drill on an aluminum stand with a power of 650W.

Here's a plastic milling machine for you

It also folds

As I said above, we want to make the project open to third-party developers. Make all drawings and patents publicly available, including software. But more on that later.

The next important component of the project is the control unit. All the electronic stuff is located there. Without going into details of what is there (as I already said, there will be interest - I will describe everything in separate articles), I will note its main feature. This control unit can “steer” several platforms simultaneously. This will allow you to create a small infrastructure of devices (or rather platforms) that perform various functions, controlling them centrally (probably a strong word, but still...). The block is also modular. Its filling varies. You can add various communication interfaces: wi-fi, Bluetooth, ethernet, etc. Whatever your heart desires.

Photo of the control unit housing

Software is a separate epic. We wrote it (and are writing it) from scratch. Absolutely everything, from stepper rotation algorithms to the application on an Android smartphone, is our work. I'm not saying that we came up with something innovative and new. Although there are key differences from analogues (for example, Marlin firmware). I just want to emphasize that we took the project and the idea as a whole very seriously. And I hope that we can fully implement it. Namely, to mass-produce such platforms.

This is our first prototype. We made a plotter based on it for the very first tests

Although we still need to grow to mass production and refine both the shortcomings in mechanics and software. Nevertheless, we already have some experience.

First series for 5 pieces

I hope (or rather I am sure) that your feedback, opinions and comments will help us. Unfortunately, it is simply unrealistic to describe and show many details of the project in one article. But we have to start somewhere.

Thank you for your attention.

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