How to ask an employer for a wage increase. How to correctly ask an employer for a wage increase so that he does not refuse - examples of arguments and justifications

It is sometimes easier to defend other people's interests than your own. If you know you deserve more, talk to your boss about a pay raise. We asked business coach Andrey Anuchin to tell you how to benefit from these negotiations, regardless of their result.

Stage one. Preparing for negotiations and managing the situation


People are much kinder and more positive towards everyone around them and their requests when they are full. Therefore, it is better to negotiate in the afternoon.

Prepare and practice your first phrase

The first phrase must be accurate. She sets the tone for the entire conversation.

“I want a raise,” or “I think I deserve better,” or “pay me more or I'll leave,” all have their pros and cons. Which option is right for your case?

Be sure to rehearse the first phrase at least in a dialogue with your wife or husband. You must pronounce it in such a way that you are believed and you yourself believe in it.

Consider the interests of third parties

How does the leader reason? “If I raise now, it may become a habit. If I raise one, everyone will have to raise. " Your reward can be a political issue for your leader that will affect many people.

On one of the projects, the following situation developed. There were simple tasks that everyone could solve. And complex tasks that only I could solve.

I negotiated a pay raise, but I got nothing. Later, I found out what the leader was afraid of: colleagues could find out that my reward for solving simple problems was increased, and they would also begin to demand a raise.

Therefore, it was necessary to ask for a promotion only for solving difficult problems and to convince the manager that no one would know about the promotion.

Define your negotiation situation

Is this "the last fight" for you? Or is it "reconnaissance in force"? A way to test the strength of a stone wall or a game of roulette on the principle of "what comes out"?

These negotiations can be viewed in different ways. If this is the "last battle", then we must act more seriously and decisively.

Determine the Best Alternative to Failed Negotiations

Think about what you will do if your boss refuses to raise salaries.

Will you continue to work as before? Or will you write a statement? Or will you tell nasty things about the leader behind his back? Or do the next feat to prove yourself worthy of a promotion?

Maybe your boss just doesn't have the resources to raise remuneration right now. Will you offer your help to find these resources?

Determine what kind of negotiations you are going to conduct

At manipulative negotiations each side uses different tricks and tricks, hoping to deceive the enemy. Usually in such a game the leader is stronger, but the employee can also create a successful situation. For example, when you demand a salary increase at a corporate party: playing in the same team, you save the boss's life and hint at reciprocal gratitude from him.

Force negotiations associated with power struggles and power demonstrations. You can negotiate forcefully when you pose a threat or possess a valuable resource. For example, threaten to go to competitors if from tomorrow your fee does not double.

Once you have power, there is always a temptation to use it. But remember, people don't like being pushed against a wall. You can be refused just in order to maintain power. And if they agree, they will hide their anger and sooner or later they will remind you of this.

Business meeting come from a partnership between you and your manager. You are doing one thing, and in order to achieve the best results, ask for the necessary working conditions for yourself. You evaluate your benefits and losses, benefits and losses of the boss and bargain, showing how each of the parties can minimize losses and increase mutual benefits.

Stage two. To battle

In the process of negotiations, two tasks must be solved in sequence.

The first task is to get the very fact of discussing your salary.

The second task is to achieve what you want in the negotiation process.

Make sure that nothing distracts you and your manager

If the conversation is not very pleasant to the leader, then he wants to avoid it under some pretext. Therefore, you should have enough time to discuss all the issues.


If you believe that you need this money, and if you want to receive it, then do not smile. A good leader is a good psychologist. He will determine in about 15 seconds whether it will be easy to refuse you. If you are smiling, then you have come in peace. So you will leave in peace. And no money.

Define the purpose of the negotiation

Your memorized confident phrase is important here.

"I would like to discuss the issue of raising the fee by 10%." Or "Can we talk about raising my wages?"

A few seconds are enough for the manager to understand whether it is worth taking your request seriously, so you need to be as natural and confident as possible.

Explain why you are applying for a raise

Maybe you have accomplished a feat? Maybe you have obvious and objective merit?

Tell us about your strengths and achievements. There should be at least three reasons why you deserve the best.

Do not dump everything at once - save the strongest arguments at the end of the negotiations. You don't think the manager will immediately agree with you, do you?

Don't ask "Why?"

There are no ideal workers. There will always be reasons to refuse. You have come to talk not about why you cannot raise your salary, but about why you need to do it. Therefore, instead of examining cockroaches in the head of the head, bend your line - argue your own merits and advantages.

Don't leave without a clear answer

Your task is to achieve a certain reaction. Yes means yes, no means no.

Managers often use manipulation and evasion. Remember, they often have more negotiating experience than you.

“I don’t solve it”, “let's wait”, “show what you are capable of” - all this is avoiding the answer and the desire to leave everything as it is.

Stage three. After negotiations

If the negotiations were successful, thank the manager, praise yourself and accept congratulations.

If the negotiations have failed, it's time to do what you decided in advance: to implement the best alternative to unsuccessful negotiations.

Remember that negotiation is a game in which you can always make a new move. Therefore, approach this issue strategically. Use any manager's decision to achieve your own goals.

Thoughts that you are doing well, but you are not paid enough, visit everyone from time to time. Financial enhancement plays an important role in professional activity: it provides an incentive to develop within the company, a sense of value for the management and the team, motivates to perform tasks even better, and also helps to feel more comfortable in a changing economic situation. If the increase in wages does not happen by itself, then the first thing that comes to mind is to go to the authorities. We will tell you in what cases it is worth contacting a manager and how to ask in order to achieve results.

Arguments against

Let's say you clearly decided to go to the director to ask for a raise. Live a little with this decision and weigh everything again. Analyze what in the current situation may not work in your favor. Among the main arguments against business coaches are the following:

Wrong moment for the company

Before you go to ask for a salary increase, assess what times are going through now. Are there a lot of orders and things are going well? This means that there is theoretically the possibility of an increase. The company has just lost a large customer and reduced its staff - it is better to wait for a better moment.

It should also be remembered that the salary fund is usually formed once a year. Accordingly, it is better to declare yourself before the budget is signed. This is usually the third or fourth quarter.

You don't know how much you want

Most often, refusals are received by those who do not know what they want. Think - how much do you want to receive? How much more is that? Convert the amount into percent (so it doesn't seem too big). According to statistics, almost half of those who go to ask for a raise do not know how much they want.

There are jambs in the work

Analyze the last few years of work. Have there been times when others have suffered because of your mistakes? Or were you not meeting deadlines? Or made so many mistakes that it took a lot of time and effort to correct them? Try to see yourself through the eyes of colleagues and management. If there are problems, then before asking for a higher salary, it is better to solve them first.

Arguments for

If there are no mistakes in your work, the company is developing steadily, and you know exactly how much money you want, then check if the list below contains those arguments that suit you. If so, then it is important not to forget about them during the conversation with the boss.

The volume of work has grown

Previously, you performed tasks on one large project. Now another one has been added. And you are perfectly within the set deadlines and do not ask for help. You work quickly and efficiently during times of emergency and are ready to work on weekends and evenings. You can do more (and have proven it more than once), which means you could get more.

You have grown professionally

When you came to the company, your skills were barely enough to do basic work. But you didn’t sit idly by - you were mastering new technologies, raising your qualifications. And now you are already a specialist of a completely different level. And with your growth, salary growth is also natural.

You train the future shift

The company has employees to whom you transfer your skills. You have become a mentor for aspiring programmers. Their work is your area of ​​responsibility. It takes a lot of time to learn, and at the same time, your tasks do not go away. And again - you are doing it. And they deserve a raise. Without a mentor, beginners will make mistakes, break the deadline, and misunderstand the task. This can affect customer relationships.

New features added

For example, on a project, you began to perform the duties of a team lead. You control the general state of the project, distribute tasks, hold meetings, keep in touch with the customer and management, check if there are any serious mistakes in the work. You make sure that people in the team feel comfortable and do not lose motivation, conduct conversations with them, and also deal with reporting documentation. All of this needs to be done on a regular basis, and these tasks are time-consuming. At the same time, your main functions have not gone anywhere, and you have time to write code.

You are always on hand

The employee went on maternity leave and during the search for a new person her tasks fell on you. A colleague is sick - and you replace him. The tasks of vacationers also fall on you. You are always on hand and ready to help in the future.

Have you ever had a salary increase for a long time or never?

You skillfully cope with the tasks set, you bring value to the company, you are praised by your bosses and even your customers. But your salary is still at the same level as three years ago. If this is really the case, then this is a reason to go to the boss and ask for a raise.

Controversial arguments

The money issue is always one of the most difficult in the world of work. And each situation with a wage increase, of course, is considered individually. Much depends on your merits, on how much your superiors know about them, on whether there are any complaints about you. When an employee has few arguments “for”, he often resorts to those that are usually not very pleasant to the management. Although, sometimes they, of course, can bring results. Here is some of them:

More salaries in the market

Is your friend from a competing company doing the same job but getting an order of magnitude higher? Think he might be a lot better tech savvy than you are. Or, for example, he works for three, or he has tasks for a dozen projects. It must be remembered that someone else's salary is hardly a good argument for you. The same applies to the situation when you see a higher salary for open vacancies in other companies - there is no point in comparing it with it if you do not have an offer in your hands. The ad may indicate a "ceiling", which can only be reached by a super-high-class specialist, or even write a lie in order to collect more responses.

Life situation has changed

You took out a mortgage, acquired a dozen loans, or you already have three children and a fourth is on the way. All these are just your problems, which do not concern the boss and the company. They cannot be a reason to add your salary.

You are an activist

In December, you helped organize a corporate party, in January - Student's Day, in February - Defender of the Fatherland Day, and also held a tennis tournament, assembled a team of walruses, helped move furniture on the floor, participated in a brainstorming session on the development strategy of a neighboring department and generated ideas for new design of the company's souvenir products. Yes, it is commendable that you are such an activist, but will your bosses have questions about when you worked, if you had time to participate in all this?

How to ask?

  • It is better to start talking about salaries when the boss is more or less free. The reports have been submitted, he is not busy preparing for a global event, there is no queue at the doorstep of his office.
  • Rehearse - ask a loved one to play the role of a strict boss. Let him evaluate how weighty your arguments are, how confident you are, and whether you start the dialogue correctly. This method really works - during a real conversation, you will feel lighter.
  • It is best to come to your boss after you have successfully completed a work task or, for example, saved a project. And without you, nothing would have happened.
  • It is necessary to go to the boss at the end of the working day and working week. In this case, starting a new life on Monday is not a very good move - at the start of the week, the management has enough worries without you.
  • Do not resort to blackmail like "or 20 thousand more, or I'm leaving." Nobody likes to be given conditions.
  • Do not use comparisons like "Developer Ivan from the next office gets 10 thousand more than me." Firstly, it is indecent to count other people's money, and secondly, you do not know how the situation with Ivan really is.
  • Leave your emotions at home. Speak calmly and reasonably. Don't raise your tone. Be confident in yourself.
  • Avoid the phrases “I work alone in our department” or “I work without lunch or days off” - anything that puts pressure on pity. You don't need to be pitied, you need a raise.
  • If your boss goes into rejection, ask what you need to do to get more.

Of course, everyone has their own career history. We wish that yours will definitely be promoted.

How to ask your boss for a salary increase? In foreign countries, people do not consider it shameful to remind their leaders about the need to increase wages. Employees independently initiate this conversation, because a positive result is only in their interests. It is important to research all sources in advance and figure out how to ask your boss for a salary increase correctly. Otherwise, he may consider the employee an upstart or find him too self-confident.

How to ask for a salary increase from the management? Psychologists recommend taking control of emotions and thinking through the individual nuances of the conversation in advance. The correct reasoning must be conveyed to the management. According to statistics, it is the arguments that significantly increase the positive outcome of the conversation. Additionally, it is suggested to study the list of common mistakes that people make. They can lead to aggression and deterioration of relationships with superiors.

The employee is encouraged to prepare for the interview and write them on a separate piece of paper. You can refer to him at any time of the conversation. Thanks to the "cheat sheet", the person will be able to cope with the excitement and correctly continue the dialogue. In the conversation, the current and desired salary must be mentioned.

Professional psychologists know how to ask for a salary increase from the bosses. They suggest that only indisputable arguments be conveyed to the management.

If the question arises of how to start asking for a salary increase from the management, then attention is drawn to the mood of the management. It should be interested in improving the work and interaction of the team. An increase in salary is an excellent stimulation and one of the most effective methods of reward.

It is allowed to apply for promotions after careful preparation.

  1. The employee is encouraged to use his connections and scout the situation. For example, some organizations prefer to make a salary increase only once a year. This issue is not always decided by the immediate superior. You may have to draw up an application for a salary increase and pass it on to higher management. The employee must follow the rules that were previously established in the company.
  2. Another trump card in the sleeve will be the level of inflation in the region. The indicator is calculated once a year. He plays a direct role in the indexation of wages. Management always promotes this way.
  3. A conversation about a salary increase cannot be started during the rush period. Monday and Friday are also considered unfavorable days for discussion. If a meeting with the management on this issue is scheduled, then it is strictly forbidden to be late for work that day. Psychologists advise thinking about a promotion after making a successful deal or completing a global project. The employee will also be able to mark their participation in the event. They refrain from talking during inspections, restructuring and reorganization of the company.
  4. You need to initiate a conversation when you receive an offer from a competing organization. This period is considered the most favorable for talking about a salary increase. A person has an alternative option that he can use in case of refusal.
  5. Psychologists advise to schedule a meeting at one o'clock in the afternoon. In advance, you can find out about the mood of the director from the secretary or other employees.
  6. The conversation should take place in private. The presence of other employees can negatively affect the outcome. If the director has many meetings that day, then the plan will have to be postponed until a more favorable period.
  7. You should ask for an increase only after analyzing all the positive and negative aspects of your own work. The achievements and the feasibility of the salary increase should be communicated to the management. If letters of gratitude or gratitude have been received recently, then this should be mentioned in passing during the conversation.
  8. You must ask for the exact amount of the premium. According to statistics, the company annually raises the salary of its employees by no more than 10%. It is recommended to raise the bar initially. Thanks to this, as a result of the auction, it will be possible to achieve the amount that was originally planned. The boss will also be pleased that he was able to slightly lower the original figure.

During communication, rudeness or pitying tone is not allowed. Such communication will only anger the boss, and he will no longer want to continue to negotiate. It is best to choose a business communication in which the employee puts forward his requirements. In some cases, it is impossible to do without a business plan. It will be an added benefit of the process.

It is recommended that you analyze the list of possible questions before the meeting. In advance, you should think over the answers to them with arguments. In some cases, communicating with friends or meeting with a psychologist helps to adjust yourself correctly. If the director does not make contact or refuses to meet, then a memo is sent to him for a salary increase. The document contains arguments that are set out in writing.

When talking about raising wages, you cannot be led by emotions. The chief must hear a competent speech with a sufficient number of arguments. There is no place for unreasonable manipulation. It can only cause aggression and provoke a negative result.

The employee must think about his reputation and image. He will feel the time that will be favorable for conversation.

However, the most important point is still the arguments. They need to be balanced and the main ones to be highlighted. What arguments can be considered successful?

It is recommended to take a note to the meeting, which details its advantages and achievements. At the first stage of communication, it is allowed to use only indisputable arguments. In their veracity, not only the person should be sure, but also his leadership.

According to statistics, in 28% of cases, managers raise salaries if the employee has significantly expanded the scope of duties or responsibilities. They can be listed on the application and sent to the senior management.

The right way to start a conversation is to set the tone for further conversation:

  • You should start the conversation by arguing that you are bringing clear benefits to the whole company.
  • additionally, it should be noted the achievements in front of the team;
  • the employee must assure the boss that he will be even better at coping with the tasks;
  • the end result is the maximization of the company's profits;
  • the last argument is that wages should grow in proportion to new responsibilities.

Only in this case will the employee pay due attention to them, and not ignore them.

Your colleagues in similar positions get more

According to the rules of modern companies, employees should not discuss their own salary. However, there are remnants of the past. If a person gets the information that his colleague receives more money, then he can discuss this issue with the management. Moreover, the range of their responsibilities should be approximately the same.

The management also takes into account experience and work experience. That is why this argument can only be made when the situations are completely identical. Perhaps there was an error in the calculation in the accounting department, so the management should find out about it in a timely manner. However, it is unacceptable to focus on other people's earnings.

You should not point out to the management about their mistakes or shortcomings. Reception is considered prohibited. The boss not only will not raise the salary, but may also doubt human qualities. Additionally, he can convey information to the team. They will definitely not like it.

The service contribution of each employee should be assessed by management. According to statistics, thanks to this criterion, 32% of employees increase their salaries.

However, one's own merits should not be exaggerated. The boss will look at work objectively. If it was done well, then he is guaranteed to go to meet the employee.

It will not be superfluous to document your success. You can prepare graphs or reports that clearly reflect the work and its high quality. Thanks to this, the topic of raising the salary for the boss will be more understandable and justified.

Are you willing to work harder to increase your income?

As one of the arguments, the employee can cite their willingness to work harder and harder.

  1. Management must see ambition and commitment to increasing the company's income as a whole.
  2. You can offer a ready-made business plan with calculations. It will suggest further development paths for an industry, department, or the entire organization.

Perhaps the leadership will consider them necessary and adopt them. In any case, it will understand the employee's interest. However, overdoing it is not allowed. The director should not understand that the person is ready to work more for the same pay.

Controversial arguments. It is recommended to proceed to this group of arguments only if the previous ones did not give the desired result. They can also be used if the employee is fully confident in their reliability. It is important to adequately evaluate your work and not exaggerate what has been achieved.

If a person is very worried and worried, then he should learn how to write a letter about a salary increase. In this case, he will be able to state his reasons and demands in writing. However, not all management will find such an appeal worthwhile. The letter may be left without reading or due attention.

When there are almost no arguments, you can specify the following:

  • during the period of work, the employee gains additional experience and skills - a person who has just crossed the threshold of the enterprise will not have them;
  • refresher courses are considered a positive aspect;
  • It is also recommended to indicate the regularly attended seminars and lectures that are directly related to the work of the enterprise;
  • salary should increase in direct proportion to knowledge and skills.

Management will see the employee's desire to do their best. This should not be left out.

Experience and knowledge is another argument in favor of increasing salaries. The management should value qualified people. Today, this argument helps to increase the salary of about 17% of employees.

If your pay rises, you move mountains.

It will be easier for the director to make a decision if the employee first provides him with development projects. Additionally, one can also note the courses or seminars that are planned to be attended in the near future for advanced training. A notepad with notes will allow you not to miss important points. They need to be emphasized in the first place.

If the salary was offered to be increased by a smaller amount, then it is possible to convey to the management ideas that will be implemented, provided that the initial requirements are met. Try to get a monosyllabic answer at the end of the conversation.

A reward is always offered for the proposed idea. The employee, for his part, must show confidence and commitment to achieve the goal.

No one is immune from unforeseen situations in which money is needed. When discussing a promotion, you should tell your manager about it. In this case, it is worth refusing to describe unnecessary details. He should receive information in its purest form.

It is better to refuse a pitying tone and tears right away. Such actions can only anger the boss. He also has problems that he does not seek to tell you about.

Excessive pessimism is unacceptable in this matter. The director needs confident and motivated employees. He must understand that the team will not mix work and personal problems. Only then will a person be able to work for the common good.

You have been working in the company for a very long time

Salary is another way to motivate a person.

  1. With proper remuneration, he will strive to cope with the task as efficiently and quickly as possible.
  2. He can mark the period during which the employee works for the good of the company.
  3. Additionally, you can recall the times of crisis and cite them as the main argument.

This conversation is best supported by charts and documents. They reflect the contribution and financial profit from the work of a particular person.

Decisiveness and perseverance are loved by all leaders. They need to see aspiration in their employees. If a specialist is of really high quality, then his salary will be guaranteed.

Unfortunately, only 9% of employees manage to achieve a positive result in such a situation. Before you go to the boss's office, you need to make sure that you are a truly valuable employee. In such a situation, only an adequate assessment is appropriate.

Blackmail and attempted manipulation are unacceptable. The manager should not feel pressure from the employee. Otherwise, he can refuse him on principle. A gross mistake should not be made. Reputation is at stake. Wage increases should be pursued in more tactful ways.

Ask for a specific increase

An employee should not offer a salary increase as his own decision. Only the leadership can finally accept it. Therefore, this information should be conveyed to them as a recommendation.

It is best to start the conversation with the need for indexing:

  • the director must receive calculations that indicate the specific amount that you expect as an increase;
  • due to this, a complex psychological maneuver is made - it almost always works, so a person receives long-awaited additional funds in the form of a reward;
  • the manager must receive information about a specific amount, which the person sees as an increase in the basic salary.

You should not shift the responsibility for incorrectly performed work to colleagues. A situation in which a person appropriates the laurels of others will also not lead to a positive result. The conversation should take place in a friendly environment.

The calculations can also refer to the current inflation rate. For example, over the past year, prices have increased by an average of 10%. It is this amount that the employee wants to add to himself to ensure the previous standard of living.

Indexation of wages is an unconditional obligation of all firms and private entrepreneurs. To work effectively, you should perform the promotion at least once a year.

Unfortunately, the management does not always meet the needs of the employees and raise the salary. It can refuse or take time to think. You should not be upset about this. In any case, the person was heard and, perhaps, soon his financial situation will be improved.

Things don't always go as planned. In the following cases, it will be a mistake to expect an increase.

  1. The employee was unable to provide evidence or arguments for a salary increase.
  2. The company is in a downturn and is facing financial difficulties.
  3. The management did not like the inflated self-esteem.
  4. The employee has no obvious achievements, and he does not have time or does his main job poorly.
  5. Any person does not like a pessimistic attitude and a pitying tone in communication, and even more so to the leadership.
  6. Do not use blackmail or an ultimatum - they drive the director into a corner and make him less accommodating.
  7. You should not rely on the experience or merit of your colleagues.
  8. You can also not be overly persistent and intrusive.

Before visiting the manager's office, you should once again think about every word. It is useful to indicate the main points in a notebook. In this case, it will be possible to spy on him.

The conversation should be postponed to a favorable time if the leader is too busy with more important things. In this case, you can send your request in writing. It will be reviewed at a convenient time.

Quite often there are cases when an employee clearly overestimates his importance in the company's achievements. The boss may take this as a joke. In the future, he will not take the employee seriously.

An unsatisfactory result in work, lack of professionalism, can lead to dismissal instead of the desired promotion. It should not be forgotten that the boss is not obliged to help the employees. He must evaluate them in terms of the total contribution to the firm's profits.

High-ranking officials try to avoid stalemate situations, so they can react radically. When communicating with them, you should not confuse a request with a threat. The latter option can negatively tune the leadership.

You shouldn't compare your salary with a manager's pay. It shouldn't be discussed. It is recommended to use only your own merits as the main argument for the increase. Otherwise, a positive result will not be achieved. It is necessary to turn the conversation so that the impression is not only about the material interest of the applicant. This situation is unacceptable, because every employee works for the common good of the company and to achieve its goals.

According to statistics, only half of the employees decide to start a conversation with the management about a wage increase. Most often it is done by men. However, women achieve a positive result faster, because they are easier to make contact and feel the mood of the interlocutor.

Don't be afraid to take the initiative, as many executives believe that only valuable employees are willing to do this. That is why they easily raise their salaries.

Even if the attempt was unsuccessful, then there is no need to be upset. It is important to adhere to a number of rules when talking and observe a business tone. Rudeness and obsession will not please any person. They should always be avoided when communicating. And if an employee is focused on results, then he is guaranteed to receive approval from the management another time.

The procedure for salary increases and job changes is different for each company. If in a conditional startup you can contact the owner directly for a promotion, in a large company this procedure is regulated, several managers are involved in it at once, with whom the promotion must be agreed.

Companies may have different approaches to the frequency of consideration of such issues, the limits on salary increases are set. Lack of understanding of these processes stops some employees from starting a conversation about raising wages in principle, others risk not achieving the desired result due to lack of information. What to do? I advise you to first talk to: this is the simplest and easiest step, after which you will understand how to proceed.

2. The employee talks too emotionally

Try to avoid emotionally charged phrases such as “In the department, everything depends on me” and “I can’t plow like a horse anymore.” If something does not suit you in your work - the volume of tasks, the level of salary, responsibilities - talk about it calmly, constructively and preferably not when you yourself have already reached the extreme point.

Be prepared for the fact that the leader may have a different view on the same issues, and this should not cause you violent emotions.

A separate story is pressure attempts. You should not show your boss the offers from other companies and threaten with dismissal: most likely, he will not meet you halfway, even if he appreciates it a lot. And your attempt will certainly end in vain if you decide to use this technique twice. But if you identify your concerns and concerns in advance, then the leader is much more likely to pay attention to them and make efforts to solve the problem.

3. The employee argues for the need to improve his personal life

If you are counting on a pay rise, your main argument should be in the employer's world. During my career, I have heard many personal reasons for promotion: weddings, mortgages, having a child, buying a new car, helping relatives, loans. Each of these events is very important for the employee, but has little to do with the company. The manager can heed this when making a decision, but the salary increase should be based solely on your merit and role for the business.

4. The employee is asking too much

In foreign companies there are levels and grades, in large Russian companies there is a staffing table with a salary level set for each position. As a rule, this framework cannot be extended for one person. Find out if this information is available to employees at your company to understand what you can count on.

If you work in a department in which there are a dozen other employees with similar responsibilities in the same position, the employer, with all the will, will not be able to greatly increase the salary only for you.

We try to avoid distortions where people who perform the same tasks receive different incomes just because someone works longer or is simply more disruptive in nature and does not hesitate to persistently ask for a raise. Raising salaries is always new and more complex functions, more tasks and responsibilities. Perhaps, in your case, you need to rely not on a salary increase, but on expanding the functionality, changing the position, followed by the desired increase.

5. The employee did not fulfill the previous agreements

Any relationship is a series of agreements. Each side expects that, having agreed on something, everyone goes according to the plan. In my practice, there was such an example: an employee went through an interview and accepted an offer for a certain salary during the probationary period with a specific increase after its end.

In three months he completed the training, got used to the team - colleagues spent time and effort to help and explain everything. And by the end of the probationary period, of course, he showed good results - those that were expected of him. And then he came and announced that the previously agreed amount of the increase had ceased to suit him. Either offer more or he leaves.

No one wants to succumb to manipulation, so as a result, the employee left to look for a new job, and we - a new employee. And everyone wasted three months. Talking about raising wages should be approached with the understanding that you have no unfulfilled agreements with the employer.

6. The employee starts talking about the salary before summing up the results of the work

This item concerns primarily the increase in large companies. In them, job changes and salary increases are strictly regulated, and most often any changes are possible only after an assessment (review) of employees, which occurs once or twice a year.

Coming between reviews is most often pointless: with a high degree of probability, you will be carefully asked to wait for the next review.

For example, before OneTwoTrip I worked on Skype, and the review was carried out there twice a year: a preliminary half-year and an annual one. An increase in salary or position was only possible after an annual review, and there was no way to bypass this system: even if the employee was not satisfied with something, he had to wait for the review deadline. If your company is in a similar situation, wait for the review and raise the issue of promotion on it.

How to avoid mistakes

  • Talk to HR, find out how the promotion process works in your company.
  • Take out all the brightly colored phrases: when asking for a raise, facts are important, not emotions. Don't threaten to be fired. Be persuasive but polite.
  • Appeal not with the changed circumstances of your personal life, but with the results of your work.
  • Assess the size of the promotion appropriately. Be prepared to take on additional tasks and responsibilities.
  • Do not violate previously accepted agreements.
  • If the company regularly undergoes reviews (assessments), prepare for the next one and ask for a raise.

Irina Davydova

Reading time: 8 minutes


The mercantile issue of raising wages has always been considered inconvenient and "delicate" in our society. However, a person who knows his own worth well, will be able to find ways to resolve this issue, and will enter into a direct conversation with his superiors. Today we will look at advice from experienced people on how to adequately ask for a salary increase.

When to ask for a pay raise? Choosing the right moment

As you know, the management of any company will not be too quick to raise wages to its employees until it is interested in their more energetic activities, while increasing their efficiency. Wage increases are often a lever of influence on workers, a means of stimulating their involvement in affairs, bonuses for good work with a job prospect “even better”. Thus, a person who has decided to ask the management of a company for a salary increase must "collect in an iron fist" all his emotions, and very thoroughly think over the reasoning .

How do you prepare for a pay raise conversation? Determining the arguments

  1. Before you start talking about a pay raise, you should accurately determine all your positive qualities, as well as your significant role in work the whole team. Remember and first list for yourself all your merits, production achievements and victories. If you had any special incentives - letters of gratitude, gratitude, it is worth remembering them and then mentioning them in the conversation.
  2. In order to ask for a wage increase, you must firmly know the amount you are applying for , you need to think it over in advance. It often happens that an employee's salary is raised by no more than 10% of his previous salary. But there is a little trick here - to ask for an amount a little more of your salary, so that the boss, bargaining a little and lowering your bar, still stops at the 10% you expected at the beginning.
  3. In advance you must abandon the pleading tone , any "pressure on pity" in the expectation that the boss's heart will tremble. Tune in to a serious conversation, because this is, in fact, business negotiations necessary in normal work. Like any business negotiations, this process requires an accurate formulation of a business plan - it must be drawn up, going to go to the authorities.
  4. Before an important conversation, you need define for yourself a range of questions that you can ask To you as well think over accurate and most reasoned answers on them. Insecure people can rehearse this conversation with any other understanding person, or even go to a psychologist for a consultation .
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