How to make money with SEO promotion. SEOsprint: how to make money by completing tasks? How to make money quickly with SEOsprint

    • Earning money by surfing websites
    • Reading letters
    • Taking tests
    • Completing tasks
    • How to quickly complete tasks on an SEO sprint - video

With the help of the Seosprint service, any person who is even a little comfortable with a mouse and the Internet can earn money without leaving home. The site contains tasks of varying complexity and cost that you can complete and receive money for the work done. But it’s worth warning newcomers right away that most tasks on Seosprint cost pennies. Of course, there are expensive tasks that cost more than 100 rubles, but completing them is not easy and takes a long time.

Often these are tasks with a certain activity over a period of time (several weeks). And cheap tasks are simple and completed in a few minutes. To start working on Seosprint, you need to register by indicating your nickname, password, email, WebMoney ruble wallet number and other data. After this, you can safely get to work.

How to make money on Seosprint, types of active earnings on Seosprint

Earning money by surfing websites

Reading letters

It's similar to web surfing, but you have to read a short text and then answer one question about that text. It costs a little more than surfing, but you also need to spend more time.

Taking tests

Unlike the previous two, this type of earnings on Seosprint is much more diverse, and they pay more. You only need to complete all the necessary conditions of the text, then answer 3 questions, to which 3 answer options are given. If you answered correctly, the reward amount specified in the task will appear on your balance.

Completing tasks

Passive income on Seosprint

If you do not want to complete hundreds of tasks, but want to have a constant passive income, then this service offers users a referral program. Its essence is that you attract people to the site, they register using your referral link, and you receive a certain percentage of the money they earn into your account. If these people attract more users, but through their link, then you also receive a percentage, but a smaller one.

From first-level referrals, those that you brought yourself, you will receive from 20 to 60 percent of their earnings (depending on the tasks they completed and your rating), and from second-level referrals - 5-10 percent. Thus, if you have not yet decided how to make money on Seosprint, then this will be one of the best choices. After all, once you bring a person to the site, you will always receive a percentage of his income without doing anything. Of course, first you need to find such people, explain to them how you can make money here, and encourage them to complete tasks. For this you need to work hard.

Pros and cons of making money on Seosprint

Among the advantages, one can highlight the fact that to make money on this service you do not need special education, you can learn how to earn money quite quickly, you can get your first money almost immediately, and this is an excellent type of part-time job after your main job or for schoolchildren.

The main disadvantage is the low pay for tasks, it is also quite monotonous work, which quickly becomes boring, it does not contribute to thinking and creative development.

Thus, making money on seosprint is an easy and quick opportunity to get money. But not everyone will find the money they earn a good reward for their hours spent. If you decide to take this seriously, then you should spend about a third of your time developing your referral network.

Books... they are the ones recommended for those who want to make extra money online, but don’t know where to start and don’t have any skills. It offers simple and easy tasks for a small fee that anyone can do. But I wonder how much money a person who is just taking his first steps in making money online can expect? I decided to check how much you can earn on Seosprint - the largest and most famous bookstore in RuNet.

What are axle boxes

Boxes, also known as “mailers,” belong to the backend systems of active advertising and are intermediaries between customers and performers. On such services, simple tasks of various types are given, for which they pay a certain amount. The amount of payment depends on the complexity of the task, its type, requirements and can range from a few kopecks to tens or even hundreds of rubles.

Seosprint is one of the oldest and most popular axleboxes in the CIS. It is the one that is most often recommended to those who want to start making money on the Internet, since there are a huge number of tasks of various types, and besides, it has a good reputation.

What tasks can you do on Seosprint?

Earning money on Seosprint is based on the following actions:

How I made money on Seosprint

Naturally, before I started working, I had to register for Seosprint. It was necessary not only to register an email and link a phone number to an account, but also to pass a short test. The test is easy - on knowledge of the rules of the service. It didn’t cause any problems, but what surprised me was what I read in these rules: if you don’t log into your account for 60 days, you will be banned.

This caused a terrible negative reaction for me, since 2 months is still not such a long period of time to judge the user’s activity. You never know, I changed my mind about working here, and then I wanted to again. And so the rating, reviews, and referrals, if any, are lost. For example, I have more than once had a situation where I logged into some services years later. And here... only 2 months, and “get out of here if you forgot about us.” Armed with optimism, I decided that there was still something good in this. Since all inactive and inactive users are so ardently removed, then the figure of 280 thousand participants on the site is clearly not a fiction. And since there are so many people here, there must be something worth hiding. Cheering myself up, I got to work.

First, I completed more than a dozen actions of surfing and reading letters, but earned less than 1 ruble. Spent about 15 minutes. Not at all interesting. Even though it took quite a bit of time, the earnings were too cheap, and the tasks ended quickly ((((I was completely upset. However, when I went to the list of tasks, I was stunned... More than 12 thousand different tasks, more than 600 pages with them in the feed. Where to start? Naturally, with sorting by price. Having seen the task at the top for which they pay 1001 rubles, I almost changed my opinion about axle boxes and thought: “maybe they are lying on the Internet about the low payment for axle boxes.” I opened it, I understood why they pay so much for it. The customer wants to catch a very rare bird as a referral. A person must not have a referrer, work for Seosprint for at least 2 years and complete 60 tasks on average every day! Are there any of these here?

While studying high-paying jobs, I came to the conclusion that they were not at all for me. Yes, they are willing to pay 50-400 rubles for axle boxes, but what kind of tasks are these! Judge for yourself:

Entering into HYIPs, money pseudo-games, with significant investments of $20-100, making real purchases in stores - this is what people are willing to pay “a lot” for. Only a lot compared to the prices for other tasks. Are you ready to lose $50 by investing it in hype in order to earn only 250 rubles? Personally, I don't.

Another separate category of highly paid tasks is to become a referral on another booking site or on the Seosprint website itself. But here you either need to work on this service for several months and have excellent activity statistics, completing 30-60 tasks daily, or complete a couple of hundred tasks on another axlebox. This prospect didn’t appeal to me much, so I persistently scrolled through the order feed, hoping to find something suitable.

Alas, something suitable was found only when I reached prices of 1-3 rubles. Now I was able to start working. Basically my tasks were of the following type:

In total I completed 35 different tasks. The most expensive of them cost 8 rubles, but the main part was paid within 1-2 rubles.

So what is the salary?

The experiment lasted almost a week, I worked for Seosprint for about an hour every day, catching those tasks that I liked, did not take much time and were paid more or less normally. It took me about 6 hours to complete this experiment, I earned 67.29 rubles, that is, about 11.2 rubles per hour. Of this, about 67 rubles is earnings from tasks. As you can see, you shouldn’t count on surfing and reading emails.

I must admit that a little more than half of this amount was earned in the last 2 hours, when I got the hang of it a little and figured out which tasks were profitable for me to do in terms of time/money ratio. As it turned out, these were actions on social media. networks (reposts, likes, comments, inviting friends to groups) and writing comments on websites. Even though they usually pay only 1-1.5 rubles for them, 2-5 minutes are enough to complete them.

I spent a lot of time on tasks related to YouTube. Although I only took a few of them, it took me about 1.5-2 hours. You need to watch a video, or even more than one, all the way to the end, subscribe, and write a few comments. Most of the time was spent watching videos. In total, the payment is only 1.5-2.5 rubles, but 20-30 minutes of time were wasted. If I had not done them, but had initially concentrated on other tasks, then my earnings of 11.2 rubles per hour could have easily increased to 17-20 rubles, and this is almost 2 times more.

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Comparison with Toloka

In previous articles, I looked at one interesting service for making money, a little similar to axleboxes - Yandex.Toloka. This site also presents simple tasks with low pay - $0.01-0.03 (0.6-1.8 rubles). I earned $2.03 (120 rubles) on it and spent about 10-11 hours. My earnings rate was 11-12 rubles per hour.

On Seosprint I earned 67.29 rubles in 6 hours or the same 11.2 rubles per hour. But at the same time, due to inexperience and ignorance of some points, the final amount turned out to be much less than it could have been. As I said earlier, here you can easily earn 17-20 rubles per hour, which is much more than at Toloka. In addition, Seosprint does not require training for each type of task, which takes up about a third of the total time spent. And there are a huge number of tasks on the axle box - several thousand. You can always find something you like, and you will never find yourself without work. Another advantage of axlebox over Toloka is the absence of problems with withdrawing money. In Seosprint, you can withdraw money to any of 5 payment systems, easily and quickly.

Summing up: is it worth considering making money on Seosprint?

Honestly, if you already know how to do something, for example, write articles, layout, draw designs, administer groups on social networks or anything else, then you definitely shouldn’t go to Seosprint and other axle boxes. The earnings here are not the same. You can get much more for your knowledge and skills.

But if you are a completely green beginner who dreams of earning a pretty penny on the Internet, then axle boxes are quite suitable for this. You can earn money and understand how many processes are built on the Internet, which will be useful in the future. I seem to have been making money online for several years now and know a lot of things, but I picked up a couple of ideas for myself on Seosprint, and I also added a few interesting sites to my collection. My earnings were 11.2 rubles per hour, which is very, very little. At the same time, I lost a lot of time due to the fact that I decided to do tasks related to YouTube, and because I still had trouble distinguishing which tasks were good and which were rubbish, so I had to sort through a lot of things. With experience comes an understanding of what to do and what tasks to take on. Even a few hours was enough for me to understand that I could easily raise my income to 20 rubles per hour. And one knowledgeable person, who has been working with axle boxes for a long time, told me that 500 rubles a day for completing tasks is not the limit here, if you have experience.

If you don’t know how to do anything at all, then you can consider axle boxes as a starting point that will teach you a lot and where you can earn your first money online. But if you have some skills, it’s worth looking for more worthy ways to earn money.

Hello, dear reader! In this article I will tell you about how to make money on SeoSprint and about all the nuances in this matter. Those who want to make money on the Internet should definitely read this article! Let's get started!

How to make money on SeoSprint? Introductory information.

- a site for making money on the Internet that allows everyone to earn money! Income depends on you, how many paid tasks you did, how much money you received.

In this article I will tell you how to make money on the SeoSprint website without any special skills. You only need the knowledge from this article and a WebMoney wallet to withdraw your earned money. I previously mentioned this site in the article ““

Before you start making money on SeoSprint, you must register in the project. I won’t describe this, because their registration is very simple, the main thing is to read the site rules, they will give you an easy test at the end of registration.

How to make money on SeoSprint? Ways to make money on SeoSprint.

There are 5 ways to make money on SeoSprint and this is how to make money by browsing websites (surfing), reading letters, passing tests and completing tasks:

Let me look at each method of making money in detail so that you can get a complete picture of how to make money on the SeoSprint website.

1. Surfing sites

Surfing sites is one of the easiest ways to earn money, which involves viewing sites for a certain time, after which we will receive our money directly to our SeoSprint account.

To start earning money by browsing websites, click “Site surfing” in the left menu “Earn money”. You will see a large list of sites that you can view by clicking on the site name, and then on the “View advertiser site” button:

After the timer expires, we will need to enter a captcha (code from the picture) to let the service know that we are not a robot:

Enter the captcha and get your money. Nothing complicated, but this way we can earn the maximum a couple of rubles a day, let's look at the next way to make money - Reading letters.

2. Reading letters

This is also a very interesting way to make money, it is a little similar to the previous one, but here you will have to read the letter, then answer the question, and only then it will redirect us to the site view page.

Go to the “Reading Letters” menu. You can also go to the “Earn” tab. After clicking, we again see the list, but here there is already a list of letters that we can read; to read the letter, click on the title:

After you click on the title of the letter, the letter itself appears and a small question with 3 answers:

We answer the question, browse the site page until the timer runs out, enter the captcha and get your money.

3. Taking tests

In order to receive money here you need to go to the advertiser’s page, study it and answer several questions related to the page. If we answer the questions correctly, we get money; if not, we don’t.

You can find tests in the same tab “Earn” -> “Taking tests”. As in the previous methods, click on the name of the test, then click on the “Proceed to test” button:

After clicking, we will be taken to the page with the test, it says what exactly we need to do, what to watch, study, and a little lower is the test itself:

We do everything as we are asked, answer the tests, click the “Send Report” button and receive our earned money.

4. Completing tasks

Completing tasks is a very interesting and at times difficult way to make money on the SeoSprint website.

Working this way, you need to complete simple tasks that people create. This could be just a couple of clicks on the site, watching a video, registering, or maybe investing in a project or even being active on a site.

Go to the menu item “Complete tasks” in the “Earn” tab. On the page with tasks, select the task that suits you; you can also filter out tasks using various filters and select the task that suits you by parameters, category, or even by advertiser number.

This is what the list of tasks looks like:

We select a task, complete it, send for verification what the customer requested and get our money. The tasks are very diverse, so almost anyone can earn money!

5. Referrals

The fifth way to earn money is through referrals, and referrals are people who came through our link. When referrals complete tasks, view websites, or read emails, we will passively receive a percentage of their earnings.

Later I will write a detailed article about how you can attract referrals to SeoSprint and make money from it. Now let's just tell you how it works.

In order to attract people, we need our personal link, which we can find on the page with Promotional materials. This page will also have several banners that you can install on your web resource.

How to make money on SeoSprint? How much can you earn?

I will write a separate article about how much you can earn on SeoSprint, but now you only need to know that everything depends on you.

If you want to earn more, work more, but don’t forget that there is still a real world :) In the article about making money on tasks (link above), I already said that over time it will become easier to earn money by completing tasks, since you will just get used to it and will complete tasks faster and faster.

Well, dear reader, I talked about all the possible ways to make money that SeoSprint gives us, so I am forced to finish this article on how to make money on SeoSprint. I hope the article was useful for you and please write about your impressions in the comments, I will be pleased to read it :)

If you have any questions, write, I will be happy to answer, and don’t forget to subscribe to my blog updates in the form below!

Thank you for your attention!

From this article you will learn about SEO earnings. Optimizers who know how to efficiently promote resources to the top of search engines are very highly valued. Making money from SEO websites, especially if you run them yourself, can be quite profitable. Let's take a closer look at this.

There are a lot of professions on Earth, and each of them can change, adapting to the world around us. Every day some of them end their existence, while the rest are modified and continue to live. But there are also those that appeared relatively recently, and their global network gave rise to them. And not how much it is, but the opportunity to earn money with its help. The profession of SEO optimizer is one of those things.

Representatives of various companies often mention the field of optimization and promotion; a large amount of information can also be found on the Internet. And it’s definitely worth reading about promotion!

It immediately becomes clear that a specialist who knows how to create high-quality resources and promote them on the Internet receives a lot of money for his work. But this can only be attributed to those who managed to gain a reputation and become famous. A newcomer will have to work hard to gain fame.

Those who are not afraid of the upcoming difficulties and are ready to work hard are interested in another question: Where can an SEO optimizer apply his skills and find a customer? You will have to be patient, and also learn to think more broadly and creatively, uniquely and cheerfully. After this, you can move on to looking for money on the Internet.

These could be, for example, sites for “free workers” - freelancers, that is, exchanges or services. Finding a specific place to work on a permanent basis is almost impossible, but if you have length of service and experience, you can get your first orders and eventually build a list of clients. Perhaps there are web designers among your friends? Try to contact them, because often their clients also need website promotion services, since they order design for new sites.

On some blogs and forum threads you can see topics about different conferences. Here you can not only gain the necessary experience, but also communicate with colleagues and agree on a partnership, or become an apprentice to a more experienced specialist who makes money from SEO promotion.

To find good clients, the first step is to create a portfolio. To create it, you don’t have to take money for your first orders. Thus, you will receive several benefits at once: improve your skills, increase your list of regular clients and add examples of work. You can also place advertisements on various web resources, forums or exchanges, and their topics should be close to SEO promotion. There are many studio companies that offer people to promote their websites or develop them. You can contact these companies and try to negotiate cooperation.

You can also create a personal business card online, that is, create a web page on which information about your services and a list of your works will be available. And it will also be considered a reliable tool for maintaining contact with customers. You can leave a link to your web resource in blogs and forums. Or leave a signature on business cards that you print.

Another useful method for an SEO optimizer is to create a personal blog. This way, you can cover a wide range of possibilities and enhance interaction with subscribers. It should be noted that traffic from blogs converts well, which means that it will be easier to find customers.

But social networks can be used not only as a tool for promotion. You can also find good clients here. For example, you can create your own group about SEO, or subscribe to another and search there. Also, do not lose sight of the various promotions, competitions and other events in which people working in the same room interact. Here you can also find a client. There are also other options for finding a customer in the field of SEO. By the way, the methods listed above are suitable not only for SEO optimizers, but also for any freelancers in general.

Earnings in the SEO direction.

Now this direction is generally equated to the natural science of promoting web projects. Understanding the nuances of promotion is not easy, which is why specialists in the field of SEO optimization are always in demand in the labor market. Freelancing services have a large number of advertisements for hiring SEO specialists. It is this high demand for professional SEOs that is the reason for their high salaries.

So, in what ways does a SEO specialist make money?

External promotion is a spectrum of several processes that should only be performed by an experienced SEO specialist. This includes a gradual increase in the mass of backlinks, interaction with social networks and media, and some other actions. With the wrong approach, all processes can have a negative impact on the promotion of the project, so the knowledge of the SEO specialist must be at a high level.

  • Providing services for internal promotion of a web resource.

In order for sites to be promoted, they need to be dealt with, and this requires additional skills. This can include the formation of semantics, creating a map of a web project, setting up high loading speeds for individual pages, and so on. It will be easier to make money on SEO if you know how to do it.

  • Providing services for creating articles.

Many webmasters simply need unique, well-written and optimized articles for their projects. It is worth paying attention to the last characteristic. SEO texts sell for much more than standard content.

  • Using third party software.

On the Internet you can find some programs with which you can promote sites, for example, you can run links on message boards, thematic forums or blogs. The most popular programs are far from free, but the cost of purchasing them can be recouped through subsequent work in the field of SEO.

  • Organization of seminars and webinars.

In fact, you can make money using any skills or abilities, the main thing is to choose the best options for yourself. It’s clear that experience in SEO is a valuable thing, because it’s not easy to get it; you need to practice for a long time and constantly monitor trends in the development of the field. Now let's talk briefly about how to occupy high positions at the top. So to speak, a short excursion into SEO.

Earning money on SEO sites - raising the position of a web resource.

You need to remember right away that you can improve your position in two ways: with the help of external and internal factors.

External factors include backlinks to the site, which must be used along with the text for the selected query. Internal nuances are the percentage of key phrases on the main page, description of the Title paragraph, filling out page headings, linking, and so on.

If you intend to make great money online, then the most popular niche is considered to be the optimization of commercial and entertainment projects. In our world, no one can exist without the Internet, all areas of business have moved to the global network, and now an attractive way to improve your business is considered to be increasing the popularity of your web resource and its subsequent promotion in order to achieve high positions in searches.

If you want to develop your skills in the direction of SEO, then you will have to spend a lot of time and effort to learn the basics and offer your services to clients for a decent incentive, calculated in money. Although this specialty is popular and in demand, there are still no educational universities where CEO specialists teach and train. Therefore, all professional SEO specialists are self-taught, who could previously have been ordinary engineers, students, and so on. To start making money from SEO and understand the basics of promotion, you will have to adhere to the following plan.

First, try to create your own personal projects that can be well promoted using your skills and knowledge. You can then sell them at a profit or earn income from them when they are popular. The main goal for you will be to improve your practical skills in promoting web resources in search engines. Theory is the main weapon in conquering any art or skill. Read useful information that is at least partially related to SEO promotion.

It will be no less useful to find information on forums on the topic, where freelancers discuss changes in SEO and talk about interesting tips for promoting projects; you can apply them at your own discretion. There is a lot of high-quality literature available on the Internet from real “aces” of modern promotion. It is necessary to choose a separate direction in the field of SEO and look for information only about it, so as not to immediately create an overload of information in your head. Once you have acquired the basic knowledge and some practical experience, you can begin to realize your potential. The first task can be taken without requiring money. Give it your all when working on your first project, because your future reputation and earnings will depend on it.

Earning money from SEO

The number of sites on the Internet is increasing every day, and at the same time the number of users is also increasing. Not a single serious business structure can do without representing its interests on the World Wide Web. This opens up a new type of activity for advanced users, namely making money from SEO optimization of websites and promoting them on the Internet.

A successful website makes it possible to significantly expand your customer base, however, doing it on your own is very difficult and time-consuming. When resorting to the services of optimizers, owners of Internet resources sometimes pay colossal sums. Therefore, learning how to promote websites can later become a serious business and help you earn significant capital from SEO.

How to make money on SEO?

To earn money in this way, you need to learn common methods for optimizing and promoting websites on the Internet. There is no one hundred percent way to promote websites, and each SEO specialist develops his own promotion methodology, borrowing something from colleagues and adding knowledge gained from his own experience.
This method of earning money is very popular, but there are not many true professionals who have achieved serious success in this business. Here it is also necessary to take into account the development of the Internet and the daily increase in customers.

What is the main thing in making money from SEO?

The main criterion of your work is its result. It should be as fast and inexpensive as possible, while the effectiveness of optimization should have a long-term effect. In this case, clients will recommend you to colleagues and will also use your services themselves.

At the beginning of your career, you need to undergo some training that will help you become familiar with the basics and basic techniques of SEO. These can be either paid courses or free earnings. Next, try to create your own website and achieve specific results on it (300-500 unique visitors per day). After this, you can safely take on work on a commercial basis.

Where to look for clients to make money on SEO?

First of all, where you can find clients are common freelance exchanges. The most common of them are presented in this section of our website. In addition, an excellent way to find customers is to create and promote your own website, which in itself will also be your advertisement, proof of your successful work.

Another way to promote is thematic forums. Future customers there are often looking for help not only with advice... Having given some practical advice, the customer will be able to pay attention to you and decide that it is worth thinking about ordering a particular service.

Having made a name for yourself on the Internet, you will not have problems with clients and you will be able to set very high prices for your services, without regard to competitors. In this section of our website, we will try to provide the most detailed information about making money from SEO and an overview of services and exchanges common among SEOs. We hope that together with us, all the difficulties of SEO will be overcome in a matter of days.

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