What bells and whistles are needed to make homemade sausage. Sausage shop business plan

High-quality sausages are produced not only at meat processing plants. Many entrepreneurs make homemade blood, liver, raw smoked and other sausages, which are distinguished by excellent taste. Making sausage at home as a business brings them a good profit. How to open such a mini-enterprise, you will learn from this article.

Activity registration

In order for the regulatory authorities not to close your company, you should officially register your business and fulfill all the requirements of the SES and Veterinary Supervision. In this case, the regulatory authorities will meet you halfway and help you solve all the problems that arise in the process of activity.

First of all follows. Choice legal form depends on the size of your business. If you want to organize the production of sausages at home, it is enough to register as a private entrepreneur.

In addition, you need to obtain certificates for finished products. This can be done through a declaration-statement, which is a guarantee that your company will produce only high-quality products that fully comply with all established requirements.

To obtain a certificate, you must submit the following documents to Rostest:

  1. Statement;
  2. constituent documents;
  3. Documents for the production premises;
  4. Certificate issued by SES;
  5. Product range;
  6. Documents confirming the quality of raw materials;
  7. The results of the examinations;
  8. Product examples;
  9. Certification agreement.

Before you start paperwork, you need to develop a business plan for a sausage production workshop, describe the technology and compile a list of equipment.

The choice of premises for the enterprise

If you decide to open the production of homemade sausage as a business, you need, first of all, to choose the right premises. The success of your enterprise largely depends on this, so this stage should be given special attention. The workshop cannot be opened in a residential area, since the veterinary control will immediately close it. It should be a separate building, located at a certain distance from the house and outbuildings. In order to avoid mistakes, it is advisable to seek help from a specialist. He will help you develop a workshop project and give helpful tips for equipment placement.

The most important condition put forward by sanitary and epidemiological control is the competent distribution of the flows of raw materials and finished products. They shouldn't overlap anywhere. This is a very important point that should be taken into account when equipping the workshop. In addition, the room must be equipped with all communications (water supply, sewerage, ventilation, etc.).

Raw material

Before purchasing raw materials from a supplier, be sure to ask him for all the documents. Meat, casings, threads and other materials must have quality certificates. Verification of the authenticity of veterinary documentation should be entrusted to a sanitary doctor, who can determine by the appearance of the meat whether it has passed the examination. In addition, the specialist will find out where the products were brought from and where they put the brand.

Technological scheme for the production of boiled sausages, frankfurters and sausages, meat loaves

If you buy raw materials for the production of sausages in small batches, you can conduct an examination in your own laboratory organized at the enterprise. Another option is to negotiate with a veterinary laboratory located on the market. Experienced specialists will perform all the necessary analyzes and put stamps.

To purchase raw materials from abroad, it is necessary to issue a permit for its import into the territory of our country. It is issued by the chief state veterinary inspector or his deputies. But if you want to open a mini-shop for the production of sausages, such a document is unlikely to be needed.

Technological process

Now let's consider step by step the technology for the production of sausages at home:

  1. Sorting meat. At the first stage, the raw materials are divided into grades. The best meat for making sausages is lean. They make high quality products from it. Lean meat contains only 30% fat. Semi-fat meat is suitable for homemade sausages of the first and second grade;
  2. Intestine processing. Small intestines are suitable for sausage production. They are processed immediately after withdrawal. First of all, all the contents are removed from the intestine and placed in a basin of cold water. After this, the shells should be washed well, turned inside out and scraped with a knife on cutting board. After treatment with a solution of potassium permanganate, the cleaned intestines can be used to make boiled sausage. If you want to make raw smoked sausage, the casing should be soaked in salt water for 2-4 weeks;
  3. Ground meat. For the production of homemade sausages, meat is usually taken different types. It is cut into large pieces and salted, after which it is left for a day to ripen. Next, the meat must be minced, add various spices, garlic and salt. Also do not forget to add chopped bacon;
  4. Syringing. One end of the intestine must be tightly tied with a thread, and the other must be fixed on a special syringe or a wide funnel. As the intestine fills, the stuffing itself falls down. The most important thing is to prevent the formation of voids or air cavities. It is not advisable to stuff the intestine too tightly, as it may burst when heat treatment. This does not apply to smoked sausages, the volume of which decreases during the cooking process;
  5. Draft. Filled and tied sausages should be hung in a cool, dry room for draft;
  6. Heat treatment. To get air out of the sausage, it needs to be pierced with a needle in different places. Before frying, the product is dried in an oven. The finished sausage is cooled in a separate room suspended.

This is a traditional homemade sausage production scheme. Minor changes can be made depending on the recipe.


To organize the production of sausages as a business, you need to hire the appropriate staff, since one person will not physically be able to do all the work.

First of all, you will need a professional technologist who will control the quality of products and compliance with the sausage preparation technology. In addition, the technologist develops new recipes for meat products. You also need to hire two butchers for deboning carcasses, an accountant and a shipping agent. This is the minimum staff of workers who can serve a small min-shop for the production of sausages.


Before you open it, you need to make sure that it brings good profit. To do this, you must first carry out careful calculations. To quickly return the initial investment, you need to produce at least 200 kg of finished products per day.

What equipment for the production of sausage at home should be purchased?

For work you will need:

  • Table for deboning meat;
  • Knives;
  • Electric meat grinder;
  • Machine for kneading minced meat;
  • Special syringe designed for filling sausages;
  • Bake.

The most important unit in the workshop is the oven. Product quality largely depends on its functional characteristics. At the start, in order to save money, you can purchase used domestic units. Imported sausage making equipment is expensive, but it has many convenient features and high productivity.

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Costs and profits

When compiling a business plan for the production of sausages, the following mandatory expenses should be included in it:

  • Registration of an enterprise and registration of permits - about $ 700;
  • Equipment - from 10 thousand dollars;
  • Refrigerators - from 4 thousand dollars;
  • Purchase of raw materials - from 1.5-2 thousand dollars;
  • Premises rent - 1 thousand dollars.

In total, at the start, you will need about 15 thousand dollars. In addition, you will have to spend money monthly on:

  • Room rental;
  • Communal payments;
  • workers' wages;
  • Purchase of raw materials.

To increase turnover, you can learn and engage in animal husbandry. In this case, you can significantly save on the purchase of raw materials. Experts believe that it can bring good profits. If you combine it with sausage production, you can get a decent monthly income. The production of dumplings as a business at home is another effective method to increase the profitability of the enterprise. Such products are always in demand, so you can earn good money in the manufacture of dumplings. You can additionally engage in the production of other semi-finished products: dumplings, cutlets, pancakes.

To sell your product, you must register IP or LLC. For small business registration as an individual entrepreneur is suitable.

OKVED codes: 10.13 - "Production of products from meat of slaughter animals and poultry meat" and 15.13.1 - "Production of finished and canned products from meat, poultry meat, meat by-products and animal blood".

You will also need to get permission for work from Rospotrebnadzor, SES, veterinary and fire services. An important stage is obtaining a quality certificate from Rostest. The standards are established in GOST 16290-86 - “Cooked-smoked sausages. Specifications".

The costs at this stage are estimated at approximately $1300-1500.


You can place a mini-workshop only in non-residential premises, according to the requirements of veterinary control. At home, for this purpose, you can use a garage located at least 5-10 meters from residential buildings. Ideally, you should rent a suitable building.

This will make it easier to meet the requirements:

  • Area from 60 square meters;
  • Ceiling height - from 2 meters;
  • The walls in the production department should be tiled, the ceiling should be covered with non-toxic paint;
  • Availability of sewerage, heating, ventilation, hot and cold water, fire alarm;
  • The production workshop (at least 16 sq. m) must be separated from the refrigeration compartment and utility rooms;
  • To avoid problems with SES, it is necessary to equip a separate warehouse, washing department, toilet.

For a small business, 60 sq. m. Repair and preparation of the premises for work will require a cost of $ 1,000, and monthly rent - about $ 450.

Sausage production technology

Preparation includes the following steps:

  1. Sorting. From lean meat (lean, with a content of 30% fat) products of the highest grade are made, from semi-fat meat - sausage of the second and first grade.
  2. Intestine processing. The small intestines should be treated as soon as they have been withdrawn. All excess is removed from the intestines and soaked in cold water, thoroughly washed and cleaned, then treated with a solution of potassium permanganate. For boiled sausage, this is enough, and for making raw smoked sausage, it is necessary to soak the casing for 3-4 weeks in salt water.
  3. Minced meat preparation. First, the raw material is cut into large pieces, salted and left for a day. Then it is put into minced meat, while adding salt, garlic, necessary spices, chopped bacon.
  4. Intestinal filling (syringing). At this stage, the intestine is filled with minced meat using a special syringe. It should be filled loosely so that the shell does not burst during heat treatment, but also so that no air voids remain. On both sides, the intestine is tightly tied with special threads.
  5. Draft. The almost finished product is hung out in a dry and cool place for precipitation.
  6. Heat treatment. First, the shell is pierced in several places to release air, then dried in an oven and fried. The finished product is hung in a separate room for cooling.

Sausage production equipment (prices, brands)

To organize the work, you need:

  • Deboning table(about $180). Good tables are offered by ProdPromStandard and Sprut Technology;
  • Electric meat grinder($450). Preference should be given to the companies GASTRORAG, Kitchen Robot, Hurakan, domestic counterparts are offered by Torgmash;
  • Knives trimming, boning, cutting (70-100 $). Inexpensive ones can be purchased from "MYASOMOLMASH", more "advanced" ones - from Johannes Giesser Messerfabrik;
  • Minced meat kneading machine(mechanical - $ 600, electric - from $ 2600). Quality machines are offered by TRE SPADE, Laska, Schaller;
  • Shell filling syringe(about $400). For production purposes, it is worth choosing models from Kocateq, HANDTMANN;
  • Bake(from $2200). Top Producers- "Thermix", Mauting, Ari Makina Insaat San;
  • Two cold rooms: for raw materials and finished products (from $ 2000). MariKholodmash, Reich Klima-Rauchertechnik GmbH, Polair have proven themselves well.

An almost complete set of equipment can be purchased from Orekhovo-V or KS Machines. This will require an investment of $8,000.

Raw materials for sausage production

The main - pork, beef, lamb, brisket, blood, offal.

The highest quality products come from beef. Pork is added to almost any product to increase its nutritional value and calorie content. Auxiliary materials are also used in the manufacture: dairy products, starch, eggs, spices, sugar, salt, protein stabilizer.

When purchasing raw materials, be sure to require the supplier has quality certificates, even for sheaths and threads for dressing. In addition, you can order a sanitary examination yourself.


In order for your product to be of the appropriate quality, Don't skimp on hiring employees.

You will need:

  1. Technologist;
  2. Butcher for deboning carcasses;
  3. Two handymen;
  4. Accountant;
  5. Forwarder;
  6. Manager;
  7. Cleaning woman.

For a staff of 8 employees, $ 4,000-5,000 per month is needed.

Costs and profits

Capital costs for opening a mini-factory will be about 20 thousand dollars. This also includes payment of rent and salaries for the first month.

In order for the business to quickly pay off, it is necessary to organize the production of 150-200 kg of products per day. The purchase of raw materials will require approximately 4 thousand dollars a month.

Add here the cost of rent, utility bills and salaries. Total monthly costs will amount to 9-9.5 thousand dollars. And the revenue (with one hundred percent sale of goods) - 11-11.5 thousand dollars. Net profit- about two thousand dollars.

Small-scale sausage production is fraught with many difficulties, especially with regard to sanitary and epidemiological requirements.

But you will be able to offer customers a quality product of almost "home" production. And this is a very market!

A completely feasible type of business activity that will pay for itself within six months is cost-effective, the minimum price for it will be up to 12,000 USD. No one will be left without customers, because there will always be a demand for sausage home production.

  • step by step plan discoveries
  • What equipment to choose for a mini sausage factory?
  • How much can you earn
  • How much money do you need to start a business?
  • What OKVED for business
  • What documents are needed to open
  • What taxation system to choose for a sausage shop
  • Do I need permission to open
  • Production technology

To begin with, you should have a special room or rent it for a mini sausage production workshop. It is forbidden to use equipment for the production of sausages in premises used for housing, in saunas, baths, buildings of former kindergartens, boarding houses, sanatoriums. You need to check exactly how the area you want to rent is designed.

Step by step opening plan

Starting a business, you need to be prepared to obtain licenses and permits. Since the production and sale of food products are subject to strict and mandatory certification at different stages of the process.

Steps to opening a mini-factory for the production of sausages:

  1. Selection of premises that comply with sanitary and fire regulations. With the possibility of zoning and placement of equipment for the workshop.
  2. Arrangements with reliable suppliers of raw materials.
  3. Personnel selection.
  4. Organization of the production process.
  5. Advertising and sales of products.

What equipment to choose for a mini sausage factory?

In order for the work to be established and the production line not to be idle, it is required:

  • The presence of at least several chambers for freezing. The first chamber for storage of raw materials, maturation of minced meat products. The second will be used as a place to store finished products for sale.
  • The presence of two workshops: for and for raw materials.
  • Low temperature chamber for storage of raw materials.
  • Territory for heat treatment of sausages, such as sausages, sausages, smoked types of sausages.
  • Area for boning works with meat carcasses.
  • A room that will be intended for the storage of bulk products.
  • Availability of living quarters.

But there are also ready-to-use mini workshops, which are a single piece. It fits all mandatory conditions and sanitary standards. The operation of such a workshop is beneficial and convenient because it does not need a separate room and the owner does not need to seek help from consultants who will help organize the work. This option is most suitable for those who are able to allocate land for production.

How much can you earn

Gross income for the month - 17,000. At the same time, expenses for:

1) purchase of raw materials - 9 thousand USD

2) salary fund - 2200 USD

3) communal apartment - 700 USD

4) rent - 300 USD

As a result, the profit of the sausage shop will be about 5 thousand dollars. per month. If you work in two shifts, then the income will increase. Profitability of production - 25-30%. The payback of starting investments will occur in the sixth month of activity.

How much money do you need to start a business?

But if you are planning a mini sausage workshop from scratch, you should also make sure that the production is profitable. According to rough estimates, in order for it to quickly pay for itself, it is necessary to produce at least 200 kg of finished sausages per work shift.

What equipment is required for a mini sausage shop:

  1. table for deboning meat;
  2. special knives that serve for butchering meat carcasses;
  3. meat grinder;
  4. apparatus for mixing different types of minced meat;
  5. apparatus for kneading minced meat from boiled types of sausages into pates;
  6. a syringe for filling sausage casings with minced meat;
  7. an oven for smoking sausages with a smoke generator.

The quality of the products produced depends on the functional characteristics of the furnace. It should have a whole range of functions that will increase the turnover of the enterprise. Domestic equipment can be purchased much cheaper than foreign counterparts. And it will cost up to 10,000 USD. They come in different types and differ among themselves in a number of some convenient functions.

If you have financial problems or you are experiencing difficulties with earnings, we suggest that you studymanage money. Already today you can get the necessary knowledge to be confident in the future.

Starting cash investments for domestic sausage production will consist of such cost items as paperwork, equipment, wages for workers and rent. On average, it will cost 16200 USD.

The area under the workshop and the requirements for its size

It is necessary to properly organize the working area, which should be about 55 m 2. Where do these values ​​come from? In fact, you should start from the dimensions of the equipment itself, and then you need to allocate enough space for the safe work of employees at each workplace. Therefore, based on the standards, we obtain the following data.

On average, for one year you will need about 360 USD. to pay for rented premises for a sausage shop. As a rule, such a workshop can produce 200 kg of finished sausages per day. If you want to increase production volumes, then the area will also need to be expanded.

What staff is required for this enterprise?

If you approach this issue reasonably, then you will need the following employees:

  • technologist who will be responsible for the sausage processing technology;
  • several butchers for the section of carcasses;
  • an accountant for calculating the income and expenses of the workshop;
  • forwarder;
  • handymen.

Production personnel.

But since modern technologies allow you to replace work processes with machines, then the number of staff may be less, since it will be possible for one person to occupy more than one position. However, with all this, the most important thing will be a well-thought-out business tactic, because with a negligent attitude, a business can quickly become a loss-making enterprise.

A business plan tailored specifically to your budget and the goals that the mini workshop will fulfill will not interfere. We must not forget that the salary of specialists directly depends on their qualifications. Also an item of expenditure is the accompanying security of the work process and overalls for the staff. It is worth remembering that comfortable working conditions will give not only high working speeds, but also a consistently high income. In the future, you can expand production or open another small sausage shop.

What OKVED for business

The manufacture of sausages belongs to the manufacturing industry, respectively, the main code 10 is responsible for the manufacture of food products. Namely, for the processing and preservation of meat - 10.1, as well as the production of products from the meat of slaughter animals and poultry - 10.13.

What documents are needed to open

You can register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. For this you need a passport, an application for state registration, a receipt for payment of state duty, a copy of the TIN certificate. If you plan to register an LLC, you will need: an application, the Charter in 2 copies, a decision on the establishment (if there is one participant). Minutes of the founders' meetings and the agreement on the foundation of the company, if established by several members of the company. Then a receipt for payment of state duty.

What taxation system to choose for a sausage shop

The following taxation systems are possible: UTII (single), USN (simplified).

Do I need permission to open

You will also need to register with social insurance and pension funds. Mandatory to obtain a business permit from the SES, veterinary supervision, fire inspection and ROSTEST. The product for sale must be certified and have the manufacturer's mark. Certification food product possible according to the GOST R System and with the help of an application-declaration.

For GOST R certification, one should submit: a manufacturer's or quality system certificate, a hygiene certificate, a test report of the product in a laboratory (specialized and accredited), a veterinary certificate.

Through the statement-declaration, certification occurs in this way. An application is submitted to ROSTEST with the following documents attached: constituent documents and for renting premises (we recommend reading: “”), a scanned copy of the SES permission for activities, an assortment of manufactured products indicating the regulatory and technical base. As well as copies of the NTD for new types of product, approved with the trade authority, sanitary and epidemiological control and taken into account by the All-Russian Research Institute "Standard". Then he also attaches a hygienic certificate, confirmation by production to carry out physical and chemical control. product indicators on their own or an agreement with a special laboratory. And also certification of raw materials and packaging for safety, test samples, an agreement for certification of products, a veterinary certificate.

Having verified the authenticity of the documents, the State Supervision Service inspects the workshop and issues an act of successful verification, and on the basis of it, a certificate of conformity.

Production technology

Technologically, the sausage manufacturing process consists of the following steps:

  1. butchering carcasses;
  2. Separation of pulp from bone, lived from meat (boning and trimming);
  3. Grinding, salting and maturation of meat;
  4. The second grinding of meat;
  5. Making a mass of minced meat;
  6. Syringing, i.e. filling shells with mass;
  7. Knitting and draft of sausages;
  8. Heat treatment: roasting then boiling, semi-smoking, smoking, raw-smoking of sausages;
  9. Cooling and storage.

Do you want to make good money, and at the same time have less problems, then try investing, such as investing in car rentals. It will not require too much money, but will bring good profits. See about profitable investment in cars and learn to make money on a car.


Most people dream of working from home. Working for yourself, the idea of ​​​​opening a private business attracts many. However, there is often a fear of losing money. There are many ideas for profitable business, one of which is the production of homemade sausages at home.

Sausage is one of the most popular products, without which no holiday table can do. High demand for it - the possibility of organizing a business with the least capital investment.

The production of high-quality sausage is the prerogative of not only meat processing plants. Many open independent production in private ownership. Such business ideas at home can bring rather big profits.

Features of making sausage at home

Making homemade products in a private house is a business idea with a number of enticing advantages:

  • the minimum amount of expenses for opening home-made production;
  • uselessness of the lease;
  • production in a private house;
  • no need to travel to work;
  • the absence of a boss, subordinates. As an assistant, you can take someone from your home, friends;
  • profit depends on the quality, quantity, demand for sausage.

Clearly define for yourself the ideas that you want to realize. To organize a private business, as well as to make a sausage business profitable, you need to adhere to some criteria.

The business must be:

  • Silent. If such production is very loud, there will be problems with neighbors.
  • Not explosive.
  • Low cost for electricity.
  • No harmful, toxic emissions.

It is not difficult to implement business ideas under the above descriptions. It is enough to correctly formulate the business plan of the sausage enterprise.

Required documents and business registration

First you need to register your own private business. If all the requirements of the SES are met, higher authorities will not close production and will help solve problems that have arisen during work.

After opening an IP (LLC), you will receive a certificate confirming the quality, compliance with established standards. To do this, make a declaration.

Rostest needs to present the following documents:

  • correctly completed application;
  • founding documentation;
  • confirmation certificate from SES;
  • quality certificate;
  • copies of examinations;
  • product example;
  • certification agreement.

Before submitting documents, make effective business plan for the manufacture of sausages, make a description (list) of the equipment required for work, cooking methods.

Features of the placement of the premises

The production of homemade products also requires an idea for right choice premises. Inspect the premises offered to you with special care, as a competent location affects the success of a business.

Veterinary control prohibits placing an enterprise in a residential building. Choose a separate building, located far from houses, outbuildings.

According to the requirements of SES control, raw materials and manufactured products must be correctly distributed. Provides storage separately from each other, not contact. When equipping the room, follow this rule.

You can use help professional specialist. He will create the right project, share valuable recommendations on the production, placement of equipment, raw materials. It is important not to forget about all the necessary communications (gas, water, electricity).

Requirements for the purchase of raw materials

Meat products are provided by the supplier. Ask him for the relevant quality assurance documents. Different kinds meat, thread, intestines must be certified. Contact the sanitary doctor to determine the authenticity of the documents. The specialist, looking at the meat, will tell about the results of the examination, where the products were brought from, and check for the presence of a brand.

Make a purchase of a small amount of raw materials - cooperate with the market veterinary laboratory. Professionals will take tests, make a brand. For the purchase of imported raw materials, an import permit is required, which is given by a veterinary inspector.

Necessary equipment

For effective work you will need:

  1. Meat grinder. To quickly grind meat into minced meat, only an electric meat grinder is needed.
  2. Knife. The presence of knives in the production of sausages is a must. There should be many, different types, thicknesses.
  3. Farshemes. Special machine for kneading minced meat. The quantity depends on the volume of raw materials.
  4. Refrigerators. Are intended for storage of the packaged raw materials, finished goods.
  5. Tables. Necessary for deboning meat, as well as packaging finished products.
  6. Syringes (wide funnel). Needed to fill the sausage.


The main thing necessary equipment. The quality of the product depends on its functionality. At the first stages of work, an ordinary domestic oven with a minimum number of functions is suitable. Over time, at efficient business, high profitability, you can take an imported furnace. Despite the high cost, such a unit will improve performance due to the presence of various functions and speed of cooking.

Technology for the production of different types of sausages

Sorting of raw materials

First, the meat is divided into varieties. Lean meat is the best for making, as it contains a minimum of fat. Thanks to him, a top-class product is obtained, which is why many people use it. Semi-fat meat is intended for the preparation of sausages of the first, second grade.

Shell processing and minced meat production

It is necessary to use exclusively small intestines, which are processed immediately after excavation. After removing all unnecessary from the intestines, they are placed in cold water. Thoroughly washed, turned inside out intestines are scraped off with a knife. Next, there is a treatment with a solution of potassium permanganate. Processed casings by this method are ideal for boiled sausages, sausages, sausages. For a raw smoked product, the intestines must be soaked in salt water for at least two weeks.

For such sausages, meat of different varieties is used. Coarsely chopped meat is covered with coarse salt, let it brew for a day or two. After that, chopped meat into minced meat is mixed with spices, onions, garlic. Add bacon.


The intestine, tied with a thread on one side, is attached to a special syringe. If this is not available, a wide funnel will do. Gently stuff with minced meat, avoiding the formation of voids, air. The shell tends to burst during heat treatment, so it is not recommended to fill it tightly with minced meat.


Filled with minced meat, tied on both sides, the sausage is hung out in a cool place to settle.

Heat treatment

To remove from the sausage - pierce with a needle in two places. Be sure to dry in the oven before frying. Fully cooked sausages are hung, cooled.

Staff selection

For proper organization manufacturing products, ideas are needed for the competent selection of personnel. One person simply cannot physically cope with all the processes of work. A professional technologist is required in production. He controls the quality and all cooking technologies, can develop, make changes to the recipe.

You also need a butcher to cut the carcass. If the volume of raw materials is large, you will need more than one butcher. Presence of the accountant, the forwarding agent is welcomed.

Calculation of expenses and profits

When drawing up a business plan for the production of homemade meat products, be sure to include the item “Expenses”. Add the following costs to it:

  1. Registration of IP (LLC). collection, design required documents and permissions. In general, it will be about $700-800.
  2. Purchase of required equipment - $10,000.
  3. Rental of premises for production - $ 1,000.
  4. Raw material - $2,000.
  5. Refrigerators - $4,000.

In total, it will cost about $15,000 to start production. In addition, you will have to pay for utilities pay salaries to staff. To increase turnover and save money, you can consider ideas for animal husbandry. So, reduce the cost of purchasing raw materials, get additional income.

The profitability of the idea of ​​​​opening such a business in a private house is 30%. Such a workshop will pay off in a year.

The raw materials from which homemade sausages are made must be carefully crushed to obtain a homogeneous mass of minced meat of the required quality. The resulting minced meat directly affects such sausage properties as color, taste, smell. For this, specialized electric meat sorbers are used, for which, in the preparation of different types of sausages, grates with different hole diameters are used. The use of home household meat grinders is undesirable for the following reasons:

Cooking minced meat for homemade sausages requires a certain level of power that a conventional meat grinder does not always have. The lack of power does not allow you to get minced meat of the desired consistency;

The mode of operation of a home meat grinder does not provide for the preparation of sausages, and therefore the probability of a meat grinder breakdown increases, the minced meat overheats during grinding, which leads to a sharp decrease in the quality of sausages and the appearance of various defects in them;

Using specialized electric meat grinders, you can quickly grind raw materials for different types of homemade sausages.

Reliable in operation, have a large working resource. Structural elements meat grinders are made of stainless steel, which increases the service life of the product.

An industrial meat grinder, compared to domestic analogues, operates almost silently, there is no vibration during operation, sufficient power allows you to process any type of meat, veins, cartilage.

Chopped minced meat requires cooling, otherwise not only the taste of the finished sausage deteriorates, but the risk of spoilage also increases. finished product especially if it is not heat treated. Minced meat temperature is maintained within 4-12 ºС due to the fact that flake ice is added to it, which is obtained on a special .

Fill the sausage casing with prepared minced meat. This procedure is called injection and is carried out using mechanical, electrical or hydraulic . Syringes are vertical and horizontal.

The choice of a vertical sausage filler is due to its following capabilities:

There are no jerks when filling the sausage casing with minced meat, which gives finished product neat appearance and facilitates the filling process

Filling the syringe with minced meat removes air, so there are no air voids in the finished sausages

Convenient fittings.

Minced meat is not subjected to "kneading".

No noise during equipment operation

The syringe is light in weight, so it is easy to carry, install, transport, stow away when not in use.

It is easy to fill the shells with any type of minced meat: from coarse to fine.

Horizontal performs the same functions, but is less convenient to use.

Sausage thread or twine is used to seal the ends of the filled sausage casing; clips can also be used for this purpose. This operation is carried out using mechanical clippers.

Application allows many times to speed up the process of making sausages compared to manual knitting. Wherein appearance sausage becomes more "industrial".

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