Responsibilities of a Reservation and Sales Manager. Job description of an employee of the reservation department

This job description has been developed and approved in accordance with the provisions Labor Code Russian Federation and other normative acts regulating labor relations in the Russian Federation.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The Reservations Manager is a professional and reports directly to the Hotel Director.

1.2. A person with a specialized tourism education, a bachelor's level or higher, is appointed to the position of a manager of the reservation department, without presenting requirements for work experience.

1.3. The reservations manager is accepted and dismissed from work by order of the Hotel Director.

1.4. The Reservation Manager must know:

foreign languages: English (according to the requirements of the hotel) within the scope of their work;

– culture of interpersonal communication;

- abbreviations accepted in the international tourist business / hotel industry;

– fundamentals of labor legislation;

– rules and norms of labor protection;

– rules for the operation of communication facilities;

standards for organizing work with tourists;

- systems for booking and issuing services;

– schemes for working with hotels, hotels, carrier companies (air, rail, bus, cruise, etc.) and other organizations;

- basics of psychology;

- the theory of interpersonal communication;

- conflictology;

– systems for booking and issuing services.

1.5. The Reservation Manager must be able to:

enjoy modern means communications (telephone, copier, personal computer, etc.);

Store and retrieve information from the file system;

Manage implementation tourism products And after-sales service;

Prepare and organize work.

2. Responsibilities of the Booking Department Manager:

2.1 provides the client with oral and written information about the placement and sale of rooms in the language of the client;

2.2 answers the client's questions within the scope of his work;

2.3 makes a preliminary reservation of places in the hotel by phone, e-mail.

2.4 leads telephone conversations(incoming and outgoing calls,) ;

2.5 accurately receives and transmits information, checks the receipt of information by the addressee;

2.6 maintains the established documentation and prepares reports on time.

2.7 accurately receive and transmit information to the relevant departments, checks the receipt of information by the addressee;

2.8 send booking confirmations to guests;

2.9 creates bookings in the program

2.10 keeps track of unpaid bookings

2.11 works with OTA: control of quotas, prices, channel efficiency.

2.12 leads the development of the OTA base;

2.13 advises private and corporate clients about hotel services.

2.14 is commercial offers clients.

2.15 makes reservations through intermediaries: tour operators, travel agents;

2.16 controls the timely payment of prepayments from customers;

2.17. issuing and sending invoices;

2.18. keeps records of cash receipts

2.19 conducts the conclusion of contracts for the sale of tourist products, the provision of tourist services.

2.20. organizes the acceptance of requests from tourists, the execution of payment documents.

2.21 sends SMS congratulations to club guests on their birthday;

2.22. monitors guest reviews on, Tripadvisor weekly;

2.23. provides different kind reports;

2.24 hands over cases at the end of the shift.

The reservation manager has the right to:

3.1 for all social guarantees provided for by law;

3.2 get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the enterprise concerning its activities;

3.3 submit proposals for the management to improve the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction;

3.4 within the limits of its competence, report to the immediate supervisor on all shortcomings identified in the course of activities and make proposals for their elimination;

3.5 receive from structural divisions and specialists information and documents necessary to carry it out official duties;

3.6 sign and endorse documents within their competence;

3.7 involve specialists from all (separate) structural divisions of the enterprise in solving the tasks assigned to it (if it is provided for by the regulations on structural divisions, if not, with the permission of the head of the enterprise);

3.8 require the management of the enterprise to assist in the performance of their duties and rights;

3.9 improve their professional qualifications;

3.10 other rights provided labor law.

4. Responsibility

The Booking Manager is responsible for:

4.1 for non-performance or improper performance their official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation;

4.2 for causing material damage to the employer - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation;

4.3 for offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal, civil legislation of the Russian Federation.


Hotel manager [Name]


[Company name]

Legal. address:

Fact. address:

We have read and agree with the job description:

Full name ____________________________________________ Signature ____________

The hotel, like any other structured enterprise, consists of various departments - services. The first service that each guest meets is - reception and accommodation service (SPiR), sometimes called "reception" (reception). In European hotels, it is part of the Front Office - a division that also includes concierges, porters, luggage carriers, telephone operators, a guest relations manager, and often reservations employees. The SPiR employee is practically the first hotel employee with whom the client contacts. The assessment of the hotel as a whole will largely depend on what impression it will make on the guest.

The staff of the service, i.e., the quantitative composition, as well as the distribution of responsibilities depend on the capacity of the hotel and its category. The larger the capacity and the higher the category, the larger the composition of the service. According to the currently existing standards in European hotels of the "three - four stars" level, the calculation of the number of employees is based on the fact that there should be one service employee for 50 ... 80 rooms.

When forming the SP&R staff, it is necessary to take into account that people work in shifts, have the right to regular leave, sick leave, and may be absent for other valid reasons. At any time, a situation may arise when two out of five employees leave and you have to attract people from another shift. Thus, the number of employees should not be minimal, but the staff should not be inflated either.

According to the Rules for the provision of hotel services in the Russian Federation, "the contractor must ensure round-the-clock registration of consumers arriving at the hotel and departing from it." This determines the shift nature of the work of the SP&R (as a rule, in two shifts: day and night). Naturally, the night shift works in a reduced composition. IN Soviet time the practice of daily duty was widespread, which reduced the quality of work, since by the end of the working day even the most collected and efficient employee works less efficiently. Currently, the following division of shifts is accepted: from 7.00 to 15.00, from 15.00 to 23.00 and from 23.00 to 7.00. In the USA, work is organized in two shifts: the first - from 9.00 to 21.00, the second - from 21.00 to 9.00. Such a schedule is typical for small hotels, where the number of rooms is not more than 400 rooms.

The main functions of the SPIR are:

    hotel reservations;

    selection and provision of rooms (places) arriving at the hotel;

    registration of guests;

    keeping records of the movement of hotel guests;

    storage, issuance and receipt of room keys;

    providing various background information;

    issuing invoices and making settlements with residents for services rendered.

The service consists of a manager (chief), administrator, porter (duty administrator), administrator (agent) for booking. Positions such as Mechanized Settlement Operator and Concierge could be introduced.

The manager belongs to the category of managers, is appointed to the position and dismissed from it by order (instruction) of the head of the hotel. He reports directly to the General Manager of the hotel. The manager directs the service and provides cultural customer service.

Job description

  1. General provisions

1.1 This job description defines functional responsibilities, rights and responsibilities of the booking and sales manager.

1.2 The booking and sales manager belongs to the category of managers.

1.3 The booking and sales manager is appointed and dismissed in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order of the director of the travel agency.

1.4 Relationships by position:


direct submission

Travel agency directors


Additional submission


Gives orders

Agency employees


The employee replaces

A person appointed by the director of a travel agency


The employee replaces

  1. Booking and Sales Manager Qualifications:



Higher or secondary special



work experience for leadership positions V tourism industry at least 3 years.



federal law "On the fundamentals of tourist activities, paragraph 1 in Ukraine", resolutions, orders, orders, other guidelines and regulations superior and other organizations in the field of tourism;

basic concepts and organization of the tourism industry;

methods of collecting, processing and analyzing information;

conjuncture of the market of tourist services;

fundamentals of the theory of statistics and analysis;

reporting methods;

theory and methods of marketing of tourist products;

management in tourism;

methods of organizing work With customer requests

systems for booking and issuing services;

travel insurance rules;

transport systems in tourism;

geography of the countries of the world;

foreign language (main clientele);

office work standards (classification of documents, procedure for registration, registration, passage, storage, etc.);

techniques for working with databases and computer reservation systems;

text editors and spreadsheets for working on a personal computer;

the procedure for concluding and executing civil law contracts;

schemes of work with hotels, hotels, carrier companies (air, rail, bus, cruise, etc.), other organizations;

basics of psychology;

theory of interpersonal communication;


fundamentals of labor legislation;

rules and norms of labor protection;




Additional requirements

  1. Documents regulating activitiesbooking and sales manager

3.1 External documents:

Legislative and regulations regarding the work being done.

3.2 Internal documents:

Charter of the travel agency, Orders and orders of the director of the travel agency; Travel Agency Regulations, Booking and Sales Manager Job Description, Internal Rules work schedule.

  1. Job Responsibilitiesbooking and sales manager

The Booking and Sales Manager is responsible for the following:

4.1. He studies the conjuncture and development trends of the tourism services market.

4.2. Participates in the development of a methodology for finding clients.

4.3. It studies and analyzes the motivation of demand for realized tourism products, the needs of buyers and customers of services.

4.4. Develops programs for expanding the complex of tourist and other additional services

4.5. Determines and agrees on contractual prices for tourism products and tariffs for services.

4.6. Organizes the receipt of requests from customers, processing of payment documents.

4.7. Advising clients:

About the rules for placing orders and booking;

On the rules of entry into the country (place) of temporary residence and the rules of stay in it;

On the procedure for issuing visas;

On currency and customs control;

About the features of the geopolitical situation in the host country;

On the customs of the population, religious rites, shrines, monuments of nature, history, culture and other objects of tourist display that are under special protection;

On the state of the environment;

On the sanitary and epidemiological situation;|

On the conditions for ensuring personal safety, observance of consumer rights and safety of clients' property;

On the conditions for obtaining insurance and urgent medical care.

3.8. Provides clients with informational and accompanying materials, advertising materials according to the tourism product they are interested in

3.9. Organizes negotiations with clients, negotiation of the terms of the contract:

About the program of stay and routes of travel;

About the date of the beginning and end of the trip, its duration;

On the procedure for interaction with accompanying persons;

About receiving additional services;

About the prices for tourist products and rendered services;

On the minimum number of tourists in a group;

On ways to inform clients about the occurrence of circumstances that prevent the fulfillment of obligations (force majeure circumstances);

About the time and place of purchase of tourist products, travel tickets.

4.9. Ensures the conclusion of contracts for the sale of tourist products, the provision of services.

4.10. Organizes the booking of services, their confirmation and execution.

4.11. Manages the booking and sale of travel tickets, hotel reservations.

4.12. Coordinates the fulfillment of obligations for:

Accommodation, accommodation and meals for tourists;

Transport, visa, excursion, medical (treatment and preventive) services;

Provision of additional services (cultural and sports nature, guide-interpreter and accompanying persons);

Tourist insurance for the period of the tour;

4.13. Organizes visa support.

4.14. Prepares, draws up and endorses the documents necessary for concluding contracts on behalf of the organization with clients.

4.15. Concludes agency and other contracts.

4.16. Provides interaction with travel agencies, tour operators, tour agencies, hotels, hotels and ticket offices and other third-party organizations.

4.18. Provides, against personal signature, the issuance of leaflets to tourists “To citizens traveling to countries disadvantaged by especially dangerous infections (plague, cholera, yellow fever, HIV infection)” and “Malaria prevention”.

4.19. Participates in the development and implementation of promotional events.

4.20. Supervises subordinate employees.

4.21. Instructs staff to ensure the quality of the services provided and the tourism products sold.

4.22. Monitors staff compliance with the requirements for standards and quality of customer service.

4.23. Examines the reasons for sending complaints and claims by customers to the quality of tourism products and services provided or the terms of concluded contracts and takes measures to prevent their occurrence, to eliminate deviations in the execution of accepted applications and contracts.

4.24. Organizes the preparation of tourist documentation, compilation, accounting and storage of reporting data.

4.25. Maintains personal contact with category VI? clients.

4.26. Maintains the established documentation and prepares reports in a timely manner.

  1. Rightsbooking and sales manager

The Reservation and Sales Manager has the right to:

5.1. Participate in the discussion of draft decisions of the head of the organization.

5.2. Dispose of the property and funds entrusted to him in compliance with the requirements determined by legislative and regulatory legal acts, Charter of the organization.

5.3. Sign and endorse documents within their competence.

5.4. Initiate and hold meetings on organizational, financial and economic issues.

5.5. Request and receive necessary information and documents from structural units.

5.6. Conduct quality and timeliness checks on assignments.

5.7. Demand the termination (suspension) of work (in case of violations, non-compliance with established requirements, etc.), compliance with established norms, rules, instructions; give instructions for correcting deficiencies and eliminating violations.

5.8. Submit to the head of the organization ideas on the admission, transfer and dismissal of employees, on the promotion of distinguished employees and on the application disciplinary actions to workers who violate labor discipline.

5.9. Participate in the discussion of issues related to their official duties.

5.10. Require the head of the organization to assist in the performance of their duties and rights.

  1. Responsibilitybooking and sales manager

Booking and sales manager is responsible:

6.1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of Ukraine.

6.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of Ukraine.

6.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of Ukraine.

  1. Conditions of work of the manager of booking and sales

7.1. The working hours of the booking and sales manager are determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established in the travel agency.

7.2. Due to operational needs, the reservation and sales manager may be sent on business trips (including local ones).

7.3. To solve operational issues of the booking and sales manager, official vehicles can be allocated.

  1. Terms of payment

The terms of remuneration of the manager for booking and sales are determined in accordance with the Regulations on remuneration of personnel.

9 Final provisions

9.1 This Job Description is made in two copies, one of which is kept by the travel agency, the other by the employee.

9.2 Tasks, Responsibilities, Rights and Responsibilities may be specified in accordance with the change in the Structure, Tasks and Functions of the structural unit and workplace.

9.3 Changes and additions to this Job Description are made by order of the director of the travel agency.

Head of structural unit


(surname, initials)


Boss legal department


(surname, initials)


Familiarized with the instructions:


(surname, initials)


Job description of the manager of the hotel reservation department [name of organization, enterprise, etc.]

This job description has been developed and approved in accordance with the provisions and other regulations governing labor relations in the Russian Federation.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The Reservation Department Manager belongs to the category of professionals and reports directly to the head of the reception and accommodation service.

1.2. The Reservations Manager is a person with [level of education] education with no work experience requirement.

1.3. The Reservation Department Manager is hired and dismissed from work by order of [the position of the head of the organization].

1.4. The Reservation Manager must know:

Foreign languages: [according to the regular clientele] within the scope of their work;

Culture of interpersonal communication;

Abbreviations accepted in the international tourist business / hotel industry;

Basics of labor legislation;

Rules and norms of labor protection;

Rules for the operation of means of communication.

1.5. The Reservation Manager must be able to:

Use modern means of communication (telephone, fax, copier, personal computer, etc.);

Store and retrieve information from the file system;

Prepare and organize work.

2. Job responsibilities

Booking manager:

2.1 provides the client with oral and written information about the placement and sale of rooms in the language of the client;

2.2 answers the client's questions within the scope of his work;

2.3 makes a preliminary reservation of places in the hotel by telephone, telex and fax;

2.4 conducts telephone conversations (incoming and outgoing calls, call forwarding, standby mode, receiving and sending telephone messages);

2.5 accurately receives and transmits information, checks the receipt of information by the addressee;

2.6 hands over cases at the end of the shift.

3. Rights

The reservation manager has the right to:

3.1 for all social guarantees provided for by law;

3.2 get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the enterprise concerning its activities;

3.3 submit proposals for the management to improve the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction;

3.4 within the limits of its competence, report to the immediate supervisor on all shortcomings identified in the course of activities and make proposals for their elimination;

3.5 receive from structural divisions and specialists information and documents necessary for the performance of his duties;

3.6 sign and endorse documents within their competence;

3.7 involve specialists from all (separate) structural divisions of the enterprise in solving the tasks assigned to it (if it is provided for by the regulations on structural divisions, if not, with the permission of the head of the enterprise);

3.8 require the management of the enterprise to assist in the performance of their duties and rights;

3.9 improve their professional qualifications;

3.10 other rights provided for by labor legislation.

4. Responsibility

The Booking Manager is responsible for:

4.1 for failure to perform or improper performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - to the extent determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation;

4.2 for causing material damage to the employer - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation;

4.3 for offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal, civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

The job description was developed in accordance with [name, number and date of the document].

Head of structural unit [initials, surname]


[day month Year]


Head of Legal Department [initials, last name]


[day month Year]

Acquainted with the instruction: [initials, surname]


[day month Year]

Booking and sales manager


(name of company)




(Job title)


───────── ─────────────────────

(signature) (initials, surname)

Booking Manager 00.00.0000

and sales

1. General Provisions

1.1. The Reservation and Sales Manager belongs to the professional category.

1.2. Recruited for the position of Reservation and Sales Manager

person with higher professional education in tourism

(tourism/socio-cultural service and tourism/tourism and sightseeing


business/management of tourism and hospitality organizations/economics


and management at enterprises of tourism and hotel industry)

without presenting requirements for work experience or secondary vocational

education in the specialty "Tourism" and work experience in the field of tourism

at least 3 years.

1.3. The booking and sales manager must know:

- ______________________________________________________________________.

1.4. The Reservation and Sales Manager in his activities is guided by:

Charter (Regulations) _______________________________________________;

(name of company)

- ____________________________________________________________________.

(other acts and documents directly related to labor

function of a booking and sales manager)

1.5. Reservations and Sales Manager reports directly to


(name of the position of the head)

1.6. During the absence of the booking and sales manager (holidays, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by an employee appointed in in due course who acquires the relevant rights and is liable for non-performance or improper performance of the duties assigned to him in connection with the substitution.

1.7. ___________________________________________________________________.

2. Functions

2.1. Holding marketing research tourism products.

2.2. Control over the implementation of tourist products and after-sales service.

3. Job responsibilities

The Booking and Sales Manager is responsible for the following:

3.1. He studies the conjuncture and development trends of the market of tourist products and tourist services.

3.2. It studies and analyzes the demand for tourism products sold, the needs of tourists.

3.3. Organizes the reception of requests from tourists, registration.

3.4. Organizes negotiations with tourists, harmonization of the terms of the contract for the implementation of the tourist product.

3.5. Organizes and provides tourist services: program of stay and travel routes; start and end date of the trip, its duration; the procedure for interacting with accompanying persons and obtaining additional services; prices for tourism products and services; the minimum number of tourists in the group; ways of informing tourists about the occurrence of circumstances that impede the fulfillment of obligations.

3.6. Ensures the conclusion of contracts for the sale of tourist products, the provision of tourist services.

3.7. Manages the booking and sale of travel tickets, hotel reservations.

3.8. Maintains the established documentation and prepares reports in a timely manner.

3.9. Organizes control over the implementation of tourist products and after-sales service, the fulfillment by the tour operator of obligations under the concluded agreements.

3.10. It studies the complaints and claims of tourists regarding the quality of tourist services, conducts a statistical analysis of complaints and claims, and takes measures to eliminate shortcomings in servicing tourists.

3.11. Instructs employees of the travel agency on the need to ensure the quality and safety of the tourism products sold and the individual tourism services provided.

3.12. ________________________________________________________________.

(other duties)

4. Rights

The Reservation and Sales Manager has the right to:

4.1. Participate in the discussion of draft decisions of the organization's management.

4.2. In coordination with the immediate supervisor, involve other employees in solving the tasks assigned to him.

4.3. Request and receive from employees of other structural units the necessary information and documents.

4.4. Participate in the discussion of issues related to the duties performed.

4.5. Require the management of the organization to assist in the performance of official duties.

4.6. _________________________________________________________________.

(other rights)

5. Responsibility

5.1. The Reservation and Sales Manager is responsible for:

For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - in the manner established by the current labor;

For violation of the Charter (Regulations) of the organization;

For offenses and crimes committed in the course of their activities - in the manner prescribed by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation;

For causing damage to the organization - in the manner prescribed by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.2. ___________________________________________________________________.

6. Final provisions

6.1. This job description has been developed on the basis of

Qualification characteristics of the position "Reservation manager and

sales" (United qualification guide leadership positions,

professionals and employees. Chapter " Qualification characteristics posts

employees of organizations in the tourism sector", approved by Order

Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated 12.03.2012 N 220n),


(details of other acts and documents)

6.2. Familiarization of the employee with this job description

carried out upon employment (before signing).

Familiarization of the employee with this job description

confirmed by ____________________________________________________________

(handwritten on the familiarization sheet, which is an integral part of


part of this instruction (in the journal of familiarization with official


instructions); in a copy of the job description,


held by the employer; otherwise)

6.3. ___________________________________________________________________.

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