Why yota canceled unlimited internet. Unlimited Internet Yota - review of tariffs, connection

After federal mobile Yota operator announced new conditions for the provision of communication services for smartphone owners. They will be available for connection starting January 25, 2017.

“We have made the product line for smartphones simpler and clearer - new customers of the company will be able to buy a package of minutes and traffic at reduced prices, as well as enable the new “Unlimited mobile applications” option. Thanks to the unique option, customers don’t have to think about how many megabytes are spent communicating with friends or watching videos on social networks,” says general manager Yota Vladimir Dobrynin.

Depending on the region, the junior package of Yota services will cost from 250 rubles, it includes from 150 minutes and from 5 GB of traffic. The senior package costs from 2000 to 2500 rubles and includes 5000 minutes and 30 GB. When traffic and calls are exhausted, customers can purchase 5 GB for 100 rubles, as well as additional minutes of calls at a reduced price. For active users of social networks and instant messengers, the operator offers a new option “Unlimited mobile applications", which allows you to use the following services without spending a traffic package: Facebook, Instagram, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Twitter, Facebook Messenger, Skype, Telegram, as well as Viber and WhatsApp. The cost of connecting this option starts from 100 rubles, depending on the region.

Representatives of Yota explain the changes that have occurred and the refusal of completely unlimited Internet by the fact that the previously existing connection conditions have already lost their relevance and the operator managed to gather absolutely all clients interested in unlimited mobile traffic. That is why the company emphasizes that at the moment there are no plans to change the tariff rules for current customers. At the same time, they note that the strategy aimed at further expanding the subscriber base required changes in tariffs in order to attract smartphone owners who use the mobile Internet less actively and do not want to overpay for unlimited traffic.

However, we believe that these explanations can hardly be called convincing. The statement that all smartphone owners interested in unlimited mobile Internet have already connected to Yota seems too self-confident. One of possible reasons switching to a package offer may consist not only in expanding the user base, but also in increasing the operator’s income from additional traffic purchases after spending the main package and connecting to the “Unlimited mobile applications” option. In addition, the operator may be interested in limiting the load on the network due to a more economical attitude of users to mobile Internet packages. Most likely, the number of users of completely unlimited traffic has reached the point where further growth will cease to be beneficial to the operator, and customers will face a deterioration in the quality of services due to technical limitations of the infrastructure. Otherwise, new customers would be left with a choice between a packaged and unlimited tariff, or unlimited would become a separate plug-in option.

Scartel has spent its entire life outside the market. Starting from an unexpected gift in the form of frequencies for LTE and ending with those incompatible with the scale of the company advertising campaigns. But then December 2016 came and everything changed. First, the company held a press conference at which it announced the abolition of tariffs with unlimited Internet from January 2017. And then, apparently getting into a rage, she canceled the corporate event at the water park. Is the era of Yota as a mind-blowing company offering unique tariffs over? Well, actually, a long time ago.

Yota's only marketing advantage was tariffs with unlimited mobile Internet. Truly unlimited, without restrictions on downloaded traffic and connection speed. True, there were some problems with the latter. Operators may well limit the communication quality parameters of both an individual subscriber and groups of clients connected, for example, to a certain tariff. It is almost impossible to check and prove this, but when you have two phones with SIM cards of the same operator in your hands, and each of them shows absolutely different speed connection, there is something to think about.

To understand main reason, according to which Scartel refuses unlimited Internet tariffs, you don’t have to go far. You can believe the director of the company, who claims that 5 gigabytes is enough for almost everyone. You can just look at the offers of real mobile operators, and see that everyone already has tariffs with unlimited Internet on the same terms as Yota. “Everything is possible”, “Unlimited”, “Mega-unlimited” - all these names are united by a much lower price than Scartel’s and the same unlimited Internet from the phone.

Vladimir Dobrynin, who recently headed Scartel, softened the blow as best he could. These include statements that unlimited is needed by an extremely small group of subscribers, but they will not lose it - the options will no longer be available only for new subscribers. This includes the argument that everyone who Yota could connect is already using the company’s services. And the flow of new subscribers is deterred by prices and lack of alternatives. But wait, doesn't the alternative involve running additional offer without canceling existing ones? Probably, but not at Scartel.

In the late 90s, the first unlimited Internet provider appeared in our Siberian town. By paying a subscription fee, the subscriber was able to connect to one of two modem lines and surf the Internet as much as he wanted. Of course, as soon as the number of clients began to number in the dozens (not even hundreds), it became impossible to reach the modem. And when the actual owner of the Internet access could not do this, he, having found out the details, tore his son’s ears. Since the son decided to turn the state Internet access line into a small but very profitable business.

Scartel has always positioned itself as an operator for the mobile Internet. The company's heyday came at the time of its purchase by MegaFon. But not once since the acquisition, even after the complete integration of the asset, has MegaFon shown the real KPIs of its subsidiary in its reporting. Nor did it reflect the number of subscribers of WiFire Mobile, a lesser-known but similar subsidiary project launched jointly with NetByNet. One can only guess how much the profitability of unlimited Internet subscribers differed from those whom MegaFon provided with Internet packages at a price depending on the volume of traffic purchased by the subscriber.

If this profitability were acceptable, it is unlikely that MegaFon would force its subsidiary to destroy its only competitive advantage. In the past, such actions on the part of the parent company meant only one thing - the imminent oblivion of the brand and the transfer of all clients under the wing of its older brother. But what to do with those who will still have unlimited Internet after canceling the options? For this purpose, there are the already mentioned levers of squeezing the client to newer tariffs. With rare exceptions, new tariffs always lead to the subscriber starting to spend more money. How to throw it out? You can reduce the speed, you can increase the network response time, it all depends on specific groups of clients. For example, Vladimir Dobrynin announced the appearance in the future of options for unlimited access to specific applications. So, they will start with these applications.

However, all this may just be a conspiracy theory. After all, most clients don’t want to think about what mobile internet can be unlimited only when it is multiple, several orders of magnitude greater than the capacity of the data transmission channel. That is why in our apartments the Internet speed is in the tens of megabits; terrestrial channels can easily cope with the load. The radio frequency spectrum is much more demanding in terms of load, its capacity is physically limited and in the near future, at least in our country, frequencies will not be added. But the number of mobile Internet users is growing every day. As in the story about two modem lines, the Internet will soon not be enough for everyone. If you don't limit your consumption. At least a ruble.

Do you feel sorry for Scartel? Come on, everything is fine with them. Serving ten times fewer subscribers, the company manages to carry out activities that real operators don’t even think about. Delivery of SIM cards by drones? Why not? Buy a fragment of a meteorite to make cases for modems from it? Easily. It's good when you don't have to think about economic efficiency companies.

Although, judging by the regular dismissal of Scartel general directors, someone at MegaFon is still thinking about it.

According to the information that has appeared to us, all the rumors that the company has decided to cancel its approach to pricing its services are completely true. Yota’s management is preparing to abandon many years of promotion of its main “trump card” - real unlimited.

Yota 2017 - no Unlimited

From January 25, 2017, all new subscribers will not be able to see unlimited tariffs in the list of services and tariffs.

Package solutions and unlimited access to mobile applications. In short, all fans of the networks VKontakte, Twitter, Facebook and some others (the list is being finalized) will not have to worry about using traffic in some networks, but if you go beyond the tariff limits, all the benefits will end there .


The new cost of package tariffs will be close to competitors’ offers, but as we know, the fate of an MVNO operator is poor and unstable communication, which makes Yota one of the “slowest” and most problematic 4G operators in Russia.
You can study the new tariffs for Yota smartphones in more detail in the updated article -. A convenient table shows all prices, costs, minutes, traffic for each limit package.


It is a pity that instead of improving the quality of the services provided and developing fourth-generation networks, the company’s management did not come up with anything more rational than abandoning the long-standing motto - Yota Unlimited Internet. Megafon's purchase of Yota along with the frequency resource was an illegal operation that was prohibited current legislation. Unfortunately, the degradation of the company is inevitable.

Yota provides tariffs for unlimited Internet for 30 days with the ability to adjust access speed. Traffic without speed limit cost 1,400 rubles monthly.

Other Iota options with home internet (monthly payment in rubles):

  • 15 Mbit –1350;
  • 12 Mbit - 1300;
  • 10 Mbit - 1250;
  • 9.2 Mbit - 1200;
  • 8.5 Mbit - 1150;
  • 5.7 Mbit - 950;
  • 5 Mbit - 900;
  • 4.1 Mbit - 850;
  • 3.1 Mbit - 800;
  • 1 Mbit - 600;
  • 896 kbit - 550;
  • 768 kbit - 500;
  • 640 kbit - 450.

Unlimited tariffs until January 25 of this year included “64 kbit” offers, where Internet access is free.

Offers can be customized with maximum convenience. The connected tariff will be recalculated automatically.

How to connect to Yota unlimited internet

Unlimited Internet Yota available on tablets and phones. You will need to order a SIM card using an application for Android OS or iOS. The card will be delivered to the address within 59 minutes, as the operator clarifies. SIM cards can also be purchased on the website or at a sales center, where they will tell you which Yota tariffs are the most profitable in each case.

To connect Yota to your computer you will need a modem, router or Internet center. You need to connect to unlimited Internet by connecting the device to a computer.

The offer is interesting because after the expiration of the paid service, the Internet will continue to work. The speed for the modem will be 64 kbit/sec, the offer does not imply restrictions.

You can connect a laptop for 50 rubles for 120 minutes. For daily use of the service the fee is 150 rubles.

How to disable Internet Iota

To stop using the service, you need to unlink the device; to do this, go to your profile and click on “Device Management”. You can return the disconnected Internet and continue to use it.

If you need to completely remove the connection and withdraw funds from your profile, you should fill out an application stating that you want to disable the service and submit it to service center companies.

Setting up unlimited Internet Yota on a tablet and phone

It is necessary to take into account that tablets operate on the basis of different operating systems, so the setting will be slightly different in each specific case.

If we are talking about Android, select “Settings” in the menu, then “ Wireless networks" Then you need to click on the “More” and “Mobile network” tab. Having selected “Access points”, click on “Create an access point” and enter “internet.yota” in the empty section. There is no need to write anything in the remaining sections.

Before setting up the service on an iPad, you need to make sure that the device is configured for a 4G network. You need to find “Settings”, section “ Cellular connection» - “Cellular data” and in the APN section enter the same thing as in Android. Empty fields remain blank.

It is also necessary to mention how to connect the service to devices on Windows Phone. The necessary settings can be seen in the corresponding menu, there you need to find the “Access Point” - “Add” section and write down similar information.

When all actions are completed, the device must be rebooted. Next, download and install the company’s application, where you can select tariff plan or refuse it. Installing Internet on your tablet is quite simple.

If the problem was discovered after the provider sent automatic settings, no need to worry. You can configure access using manual configuration.

Sometimes auto-configured messages do not pass the device's spam filter or get lost in the forwarding process. If the settings are not received, you need to write to the company or use the mobile application.

After receiving the settings, they are installed following the prompts. When the procedure does not bring results, you need to make manual adjustments.

On your smartphone, you can configure mobile Internet using manual settings. The same applies to tablet computers if they are controlled by Android OS. The subscriber must find “Settings” on the device and select the “More” section. Next you should find “Mobile networks”. This is where the APN is created. Next – search for the section (upper right corner) and the “+” sign.

The creation operation will load APN points. Enter the name “Yota”, and in the “APN” section a combination of the words “yota.ru” or “internet.yota”.

Will Yota cancel unlimited internet?

There have long been rumors that Yota is abandoning the concept of unlimited Internet. From January 25, the company will provide only traffic and minutes packages. The changes will affect the “Sim card for smartphone” product. Experts actively discussed that Yota would give up unlimited Internet on smartphones.

Since 2017, it has become known that the majority of the company’s clients do not consume more than 5 GB of traffic per month, which means there is no need to overpay for the service. Despite the fact that Yota is canceling its unlimited Internet, existing subscribers will continue to receive the Internet option without restrictions. Previously, no mobile operator has made such a decision.

Options for working after the traffic expires are being discussed. You can reduce the connection speed or charge an additional fee for traffic on top of the established service.

It is emphasized that the company's customer base is young and advanced people with an “innovative understanding.” There is a risk that some subscribers will prefer to refuse services. The operator now faces the question of expanding its base.

Along with Yota’s cancellation of the unlimited tariff, the cost of tariffs has also decreased. The company prefers to remove high prices for better competitive advantage. Iota allows the client to buy mobile applications; their traffic will not be taken into account.

Initially, it will be possible to use separate social networks and messengers. It is known that YouTube is not on the list.

Beeline (VimpelCom) works similarly; the company does not take into account the traffic of specific resources. In 2016, Beeline WhatsApp did not count the amount of data transmitted through this messenger. The termination of the partnership dates back to January 15 last year.

The possible cancellation of unlimited tariffs on January 25 of this year was previously reported by Shell Morten Johnsen, the new head of Beeline. He stated that such measures improve customer discipline when networks are heavily loaded.

Many explain the cancellation of unlimited Internet by the fact that 3G networks are too overloaded, and 4G downloads are growing rapidly.

After Yota canceled unlimited Internet, the tariffs should be to the taste of customers. The company's management says that subscribers will not see any negative changes. The innovation is aimed at establishing order and systematizing a large amount of data.

From unlimited internet in your tariffs. According to the company, no one simply needs access without traffic restrictions.

The operator's tariff line will be completely updated in about a month - from January 25, 2017. Tariffs that provided unlimited traffic when accessing the Internet will disappear from it. Those who have connected or will connect before specified date, will be able to use communications under the same conditions.

New tariffs, like others mobile operators, will include a certain set of gigabytes, minutes for other networks and SMS. As Yota CEO Vladimir Dobrynin promised, prices for packages will also be reduced to the level of competitors. Dobrynin refused to disclose the details of tariffs. Currently, Yota offers unlimited internet, a package of minutes of your choice (the minimum is 100 minutes) and an unlimited number of SMS for an additional fee of 50 rubles per month on all smartphone tariffs. Subscription fee depends on the region. For example, in Moscow and the region you will have to pay 440 rubles for a tariff for a smartphone and 590 rubles for a tariff for a tablet. The access speed is not limited.

The reason for such an unexpected step was the lack of people who need unlimited Internet access via mobile network. The operator believes that it has already connected all such clients and there is nowhere to get new ones. According to Yota statistics, more than 85 percent of subscribers download 5 GB of data or less per month. More than 80 percent of these subscribers' traffic comes from a limited set of applications. This set is proposed to be made unlimited in the future, but as an option for an additional fee. Meanwhile, because of the remaining 15 percent, the operator is forced to keep prices high for its services, alienating those who need a few gigabytes per month, but at a lower price. This imbalance is planned to be corrected.

Although at first glance the above reasons seem logical, there are serious doubts about their truth. The statement that there are simply no customers who need unlimited is offset by the fact that the Big Four members have recently introduced similar tariffs and options. It is unlikely that they would take such measures in the absence of demand. And statistics show that consumption growth mobile traffic continues. At the same time, unlimited from Yota’s competitors is more expensive. The reference to the fact that, due to unlimited, the operator cannot attract a wider audience and does not stand up to any criticism at all - no one forbids making a new line of limited tariffs, while simultaneously connecting those who need unlimited.

Most likely, Yota’s situation is in many ways similar to Beeline’s. Let us recall that recently the general director veiled that the time of unlims is ending and the market will inevitably come to bundling due to the fact that operator networks are overloaded. For Beeline, whose network has the smallest number of base stations out of all the big four, this is really relevant. As with Yota, which does not have its own networks at all, the operator is forced to use the network of the parent Megafon. Apparently, the networks were so overloaded that the current full unlimited model no longer attracts new clients. Yota does not disclose their number, but the number negative reviews completely disproportionate to the size of the company. Users from all over the country are complaining about high ping, low speed, outages and other delights of an overloaded network. By the way, we checked the quality of the network personally. If from the beginning of use everything was quite good, then after a while the speed dropped to several tens of kilobits per second, the ping increased to hundreds of milliseconds, and the connection consistently dropped out several times a month. At the same time, Megafon worked just fine on the same BS, which directly hints at the channel being squeezed to the limit specifically for Yota.

Naturally, in such conditions there is simply no choice but to introduce limited tariffs. True, it remains unclear why we need an MVNO operator if we can just as easily connect to a full-fledged one?

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