Production instructions for an electrician: tasks and responsibilities. For electricians for repair and maintenance of electrical equipment of lifting machines Electrician of lifting machines

The “Job Descriptions” section contains the necessary information on how a job description is drawn up. Here you can find typical job descriptions for different specialties. Our bank of job descriptions includes more than 2,500 different documents. These job descriptions were compiled and edited in 2015, which means they are relevant today.

From this article you will learn:

  • what responsibilities, powers and rights are reflected in the job description of an electrician for the repair and maintenance of electric lifting mechanisms;
  • what provisions are contained in the standard job description of an electrician for the repair and maintenance of electric lifting mechanisms;
  • For which areas of work according to this job description is this specialist responsible in your organization.

Limited Liability Company "Alfa"

General manager
_________ A.V. Lviv

Job description No. 67
electrician for repair and maintenance of electric lifting mechanisms

Moscow 01.10.2015


1.1. This job description defines the duties, rights and responsibilities of an electrician for the repair and maintenance of electric lifting mechanisms (hereinafter referred to as the electrician).

1.2. An electrician belongs to the category of workers.

1.3. An electrician is appointed to a position and dismissed from his position by order of the director of the organization upon the recommendation of a senior electrician.

1.4. The electrician reports (receives orders, work orders, etc.) directly to the senior electrician.

1.5. An electrician is guided in his activities by:

– technical regulations and other guidance materials regulating the performance of work entrusted to the electrician;

– the organization’s charter;

– local regulations, administrative documents issued by the head of the organization, orders of the senior electrician;

– this job description.

1.6. During the absence of an electrician (vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed in accordance with the established procedure, who acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for the performance of the duties assigned to him.


2.1. A person who has a specialized education (electrical engineering, energy specialties) of at least secondary specialized education and work experience in the electric power industry in specialized specialties for at least one year is appointed to the position of electrician.

2.2. An electrician must know:

– orders, instructions, instructions, instructions and other regulatory and administrative documents regulating the work of an electrician;

– guidelines for the inspection of lifting mechanisms that have reached their standard service life, and for the prevention of accidents during the operation of these mechanisms;

– Regulations on production control, organization of supervision and maintenance of electric lifting mechanisms in the organization;

– requirements for the operation of electric lifting mechanisms (in particular, the frequency of maintenance and repair of components and mechanisms, possible damage to metal structures and how to eliminate them, the frequency and methods of checking safety devices, methods of adjusting brakes, a list of wearing parts and tolerances for their wear, criteria for limiting condition of electric lifting mechanisms to send them for major repairs);

– arrangement of electric lifting mechanisms, safety devices and removable load-handling devices;

– the procedure for registering and deregistering electric lifting mechanisms, installing and putting them into operation;

– a system of scheduled preventive maintenance of electrical lifting mechanisms, the procedure for bringing them out for repairs and putting them into operation after repairs;

– organization and procedure for installation, repair, reconstruction and technical examination of electric lifting mechanisms, as well as inspection of mechanisms that have expired their standard service life;

– fundamentals of electrical engineering, radio engineering, telemechanics, electronics, design and electrical circuits of electrical lifting mechanisms;

– design, principle of operation, technical characteristics and design features of the serviced electric lifting mechanisms;

– design, methods and rules for checking the accuracy of electric lifting mechanisms, electrical devices and devices of any power and voltage;

– rules for servicing complex logic circuits;

– methods of comprehensive testing of electric lifting mechanisms, electrical devices and instruments;

– technology for working with epoxy materials;

– rules for drawing up electrical diagrams and other technical documentation for electric lifting mechanisms;

– load standards on electric motors, transformers, cables and wires of various sections and voltages;

– electrical circuits of primary and secondary switching of distribution devices;

– operating principle of protections with high-frequency blocking;

– characteristic types of damage to electric lifting mechanisms and methods for eliminating them;

– organization and technology of electrical installation work;

– standards for consumption of materials, spare parts and electricity;

– Labor regulations;

– rules of labor protection, industrial sanitation and personal hygiene, fire safety.



3.1. Maintains electric lifting mechanisms (including lifting machines, containers and crane tracks) in good condition (if the maintenance of the latter is not entrusted to other services) by:

– carrying out periodic inspections, maintenance and repairs within the time limits established by the schedule;

– systematic monitoring of the correct maintenance of a log of periodic inspections and timely elimination of identified faults;

– regular personal inspection of electric lifting mechanisms, removable lifting devices and containers.

3.2. Ensures good condition, trouble-free and reliable operation of electric lifting mechanisms, their correct operation, timely high-quality repairs, in particular:

– disassembly, overhaul, assembly, installation and alignment of high-voltage electric lifting mechanisms;

– adjustment, repair and regulation of critical, especially complex, experimental circuits of technological equipment, complex electrical circuits of automatic lines, as well as critical and experimental electrical lifting mechanisms;

– checking the accuracy classes of instrument transformers;

– performing work on repair, installation and dismantling of cable lines in special pipelines filled with oil or gas under pressure;

– complex epoxy terminations in high-voltage cable networks, as well as installation of couplings between copper and aluminum cables;

– comprehensive testing of electric motors of electrical devices and transformers of various capacities after major repairs;

– preparation of repaired electric lifting mechanisms for commissioning.

3.3. Studies the operating conditions of electric lifting mechanisms, identifies the causes of premature wear, takes measures to prevent and eliminate them.

3.4. Instructs employees using electric lifting mechanisms on the rules of their operation and measures to prevent work-related injuries.

3.5. Participates:

– in troubleshooting electrical lifting mechanisms, their repair, installation and adjustment, electrical measurements and testing;

– in the development of measures to improve the reliability and quality of operation of fixed technical means, in the development and modernization of existing electric lifting mechanisms.

3.6. Masters and implements progressive methods of maintenance, repair, installation and other work on electric lifting mechanisms.

3.7. Participates in the preparation of requests for materials, spare parts, tools and ensures their economical and rational use.

3.8. Performs work on repair, assembly and regulation of particularly complex, critical experimental electric lifting mechanisms.

3.9. Carries out:

– comprehensive testing of electric motors, electrical devices and transformers of various capacities after major repairs;

– balancing the rotors of electric lifting mechanisms, identifying and eliminating vibration.

3.10. Prepares repaired electric lifting mechanisms for commissioning.


The electrician has the right:

4.1. Require the creation of normal conditions for the performance of job duties provided for in these instructions. Including the provision of the necessary equipment, inventory, personal protective equipment, benefits and compensation for work in working conditions that deviate from normal ones.

4.2. Get acquainted with the decisions of the organization’s management regarding its activities.

4.3. Make proposals for improving work related to the responsibilities provided for in these instructions.

4.4. Request through your immediate supervisor information and documents necessary to perform your job duties.

4.5. Improve your professional qualifications.


The electrician is responsible for:

5.1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s job duties as provided for in this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.3. For causing material damage – within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.4. For violation of labor regulations, fire safety and safety regulations established in the organization.

The job description was developed in accordance with the director’s order dated March 4, 2015 No. 80.



Deputy Minister of Labor
and social development
Russian Federation

Standard instructions
on labor protection for electricians
for repair and maintenance of electrical equipment
lifting machines

TI R M-O16-2000


1.1. Workers who are at least 18 years old, who have undergone a medical examination, trained in an appropriate program and certified by a qualification commission, and who have received instruction on safe working methods directly at the workplace with registration in the Instruction Logbook are allowed to perform electrician work on repair and maintenance of electrical equipment of lifting machines.

1.2. An electrician authorized to repair and maintain lifting machines must have an electrical safety group of at least III.

1.3. A certified electrician is issued a certificate for the right to repair and maintain electrical equipment of lifting machines, signed by the chairman of the commission, sealed with the official seal.

1.4. Permission to work as an electrician in the repair and maintenance of lifting machines is issued by order of the enterprise (shop, site) after the issuance of a certificate and instructions on labor protection.

1.5. Repeated testing of the knowledge of an electrician who repairs and maintains lifting machines is carried out:

periodically, at least once every 12 months;

when moving from one enterprise to another;

at the request of the employee responsible for the supervision of lifting machines at the enterprise, or the inspector of Gosgortekhnadzor. Knowledge testing is carried out in the scope of the labor protection instructions, the relevant sections of the “Safety Rules for the Operation of Consumer Electrical Installations” and “Rules for the Design and Safe Operation of Load-Lifting Cranes”.

1.6. An electrician authorized to independently work on the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment of lifting machines must know:

instructions on labor protection for electricians when servicing general industrial electrical equipment with voltage up to 1000V;

basic provisions of general electrical engineering;

purpose, design and principle of operation of components, mechanisms and electrical equipment of lifting machines;

electrical circuits fixed for servicing lifting machines;

the relevant sections of the “Safety Rules for the Operation of Consumer Electrical Installations” and “Rules for the Design and Safe Operation of Load-Lifting Cranes”;

the main causes of damage and accidents on electrical equipment of lifting machines, be able to find and eliminate them.

1.7. An electrician is obliged to comply with the internal labor regulations of the enterprise.

Smoking in production and auxiliary premises and on the territory of the enterprise is permitted only in places specially designated for this purpose.

1.8. When carrying out work, an electrician may be exposed to the following dangerous and harmful production factors: noise and vibration from operating mechanisms; electric current; production microclimate.

1.9. The electrician must be provided with personal protective equipment:

cotton overalls; dielectric gloves; dielectric galoshes.

1.10. An electrician authorized to independently work on the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment of lifting machines must:

inspect and repair electrical equipment of lifting machines;

prepare electrical equipment of lifting machines for technical examination.

1.11. An electrician who repairs and maintains lifting machines must know and observe the rules of personal hygiene.

1.12. An electrician for the repair and maintenance of lifting machines must be able to provide first aid (first aid) to the victim in the event of an accident.

1.13. If any questions arise during the work related to its safe performance, it is necessary

contact the employee responsible for safe work performance.

1.14. A trained and certified electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment of lifting machines bears full responsibility for violation of the requirements of these Instructions in accordance with current legislation.


2.1. Before starting work, the electrician must familiarize himself with the entries in the operational log, accept from the electrician who passed the shift the technical documentation approved by the power engineer, safety equipment, make an entry about acceptance of the shift in the operational log and sign.

2.2. Make sure there is sufficient lighting in the workplace.

2.3. Clean up your work area and remove all items that may interfere with safe work.

2.4. Wear the required protective clothing, prepare serviceable and tested personal protective equipment (insulating gloves, galoshes).

2.5. Notify the foreman or work manager about any noticeable deficiencies in the workplace and do not begin work until their instructions.


During maintenance between repairs

3.1. Work carried out to eliminate malfunctions of electrical equipment of lifting machines at the request of drivers and non-electrical personnel, and inspections regarding the safety of their implementation are divided into:

for work performed in the order of current operation, with an entry in the operational log;

for work performed by order of administrative and technical personnel with an electrical safety group of at least IV, with an entry in the operational log.

In the course of routine operation, the electrician on duty for servicing electrical equipment of lifting machines is allowed, in the presence of a driver (crane operator) with electrical safety group II, to carry out the following work:

inspection of electrical equipment;

replacement of burnt-out lamps and fuse links;

repair and replacement of electrical devices located in the driver’s (crane operator’s) cabin;

checking the proper operation of safety devices and devices, lighting, alarms and interlocks, with the exception of voltage alarm devices on the main trolleys.

3.2. An electrician, having received an application from a driver (crane operator), must make an entry in the operational journal, indicating the date and time of receipt of the application, the name and position of the person who submitted the application, the contents of the application and the start time of work.

After eliminating the detected faults, it is necessary to make a record in the same journal about the content of the work performed and the time of its completion.

At the same time, a record of troubleshooting is made in the driver’s (crane operator’s) logbook.

3.3. If malfunctions are detected that are not related to the list of works performed in the course of routine operation, the electrician on duty must report to the shift supervisor about the detected deficiencies.

3.4. Work performed by order, with an entry in the operational log:

replacement of burnt out electric motors; replacement of electromagnetic coils and brakes; limit switch adjustment; Carrying out periodic inspections.

3.5. Work according to the order must be carried out by two workers with an electrical safety group of at least III, with complete voltage relief, with the implementation of the necessary organizational and technical measures in accordance with the requirements of the “Safety Rules” for the operation of consumer electrical installations with an entry in the operational log.

3.6. The employee giving the order must determine the composition of the team, the work performer and organize the team’s access to work.

3.7. For all types of repairs and inspections of the electrical equipment of a crane located between two operating cranes, a permit must be issued with entries in the logbooks of all cranes of this span.

3.8. Periodic inspection of electrical equipment of lifting machines is aimed at identifying and eliminating possible malfunctions in electrical equipment, instruments and safety devices, power circuits, control circuits, alarms, checking the serviceability of safety protective equipment and fire extinguishing equipment and confirming in the periodic inspection log that the electrical equipment of lifting machines is in good condition.

3.9. When inspecting electrical equipment of cranes, adjustment and activation of mechanisms must be carried out at the signal of the person performing the inspection.

3.10. When moving the crane bridge, workers inspecting and troubleshooting the electrical equipment of the crane must be in the cabin or on the bridge deck, and they should be careful not to touch the protruding parts of the ceiling, columns, and fittings.

When entering the crane gallery deck, the switch in the driver’s cabin must be turned off and a poster “Do not turn on - people are working” should be posted on its drive. Remove the poster only upon instructions from operational personnel.

3.11. When inspecting and troubleshooting the electrical equipment of the crane, it is necessary to observe all precautions and use the necessary working and tested protective equipment.

3.12. Upon completion of the repair and inspection, all removed fences on electrical equipment and electrical devices must be put back in place and strengthened.

3.13. The inspection results for each crane separately must be recorded in the periodic inspection log, indicating the date, time of inspection, a summary of the deficiencies identified and corrected, and must be signed by the personnel performing the repairs.

3.14. When troubleshooting, adjusting and inspecting the electrical equipment of the crane, it is prohibited:

enter and exit the crane while it is moving;

go out onto the crane tracks, walk along the crane tracks, climb from one crane to another;

adjust the brake of the mechanism with a lifted load, and also install devices for releasing the brake manually;

leave tools, as well as loose equipment and parts on the gallery floor or on a cart;

dump tools, materials and spare parts from the crane.

3.15. For portable power tools and portable lamps, use a safe voltage of no higher than 36 V.

3.16. When performing all work, the electrician must remove the key-mark from the crane operator in the manner established at the enterprise for using the key-mark system.

During planned repairs

3.17. The crane must be taken out for repairs by an employee responsible for maintaining lifting machines in good condition, in accordance with the schedule of scheduled repairs with the issuance of a work order for work in electrical installations.

The work order is issued by representatives of the electrical technical personnel of the site, authorized by order of the chief power engineer of the enterprise.

The lines of the work order “Separate instructions” record additional safety measures related to working at height, to prevent running cranes from colliding with the one being repaired, repair personnel entering the crane tracks of operating cranes, etc. The completed work order is handed over to the employee responsible the day before the start of repairs. for maintaining lifting machines in good condition, which by signing authorizes the work in the lines “Separate instructions” of the order and returns it to the employee who issued the order.

The employee responsible for maintaining lifting machines in good condition, before starting repairs, is obliged to make an entry in the logbook of the driver (crane operator) of the crane being repaired with the following content: “. I authorize the work contractor __________ to carry out repairs to the electrical equipment of crane No. _____ according to ________ type of repair from __ hours __ minutes _____ day_________ month _____ year, until __ hours _____ minutes____ day ____ month ________ year.” and subscribe.

3.18. The work order for work on electrical devices must indicate the composition of the team, the work performer who allows work, and the employee issuing the work order; necessary technical measures to ensure the safety of work when repairing electrical equipment of the crane; date and time of start of work, admission of the crew and completion of work.

3.19. The team's permission to repair the electrical equipment of the crane is carried out by an employee of the operating personnel on the basis of the work order for work in electrical installations and the permission of the personnel responsible for maintaining lifting machines in good condition. The person admitting him makes an entry in the operational journal of the energy service, filling out the appropriate columns in the work order, and allows the team to enter the crane.

3.20. To ensure safety when repairing the electrical equipment of the crane, it is necessary to place it on the repair site, make the necessary shutdowns, lock the switch drive, hang safety warning posters, install portable grounding and make a fence under the repair site.

3.21. Repair of electrical equipment of the crane can be carried out by electricians who have a certificate for the right to repair and service lifting machines; at least two of them must have an electrical safety group of at least III.

3.22. Do not allow strangers onto the tap. It is prohibited to enter the crane tracks without obtaining a special permit.

3.23. Upon completion of the repair and closing of the work order, the employee responsible for maintaining the lifting machines in good condition checks the readiness of the crane for work and makes an entry in the crane logbook: “I authorize the operation of the crane from ___ hours _____ minutes _____ day ______ month ____ year” with my signature.


4.1. In the event of an accident, the victim or an eyewitness who was present is obliged to immediately notify the foreman or the head of the site, who must organize the provision of first (pre-medical) aid to the victim and send him to a medical institution. In the event of a serious accident, immediately call an ambulance and notify the administration.

4.2. Troubleshooting the electrical equipment of lifting machines should only be done when the crane is disconnected from the power supply.


5.1. At the end of a shift or work, an electrician must:

tidy up the workplace;

remove parts, materials, electrical equipment and tools;

put electrical circuits and other technical documentation in order;

make an entry in the operational journal about the technical condition of the electrical equipment of lifting machines in the assigned area;

hand over to the electrician accepting the shift the technical documentation approved by the power engineer of the workshop (site), safety protective equipment, make an entry about the handover of the shift in the operational log and sign about the handover of the shift.

What is the profession of an electrician and what types is it divided into? What are the responsibilities of an electrician? Answers to these and many other questions will be given in the article.

What is an electrician?

The lights in the rooms are lit only thanks to electricians. If some electrical device breaks down, then, of course, they call an electrical installer for help. Thanks to representatives of the profession in question, constant high-quality control over electrical engineering is carried out. In Russia and other CIS countries there is a serious shortage of workers. The country needs high-quality, competent specialists. That is why the profession of an electrician has remained in high demand in the labor market for a long time. All the necessary conditions for workers are created: wages are increased, the working environment is optimized, professional training is improved - if only more people enter the profession.

And what does the production instruction for an electrician prescribe about a representative of the profession in question? This document establishes that the employee is obliged, if necessary, to assemble, install, install, align, adjust or repair various types of electrical equipment and technical equipment. In addition, the employee needs to know the basics of electronics, the principles of operation of various mechanisms, the design of electrical appliances, etc. A complete list of disciplines that the employee must have an understanding of is regulated in detail by the production instructions for an electrician.

Production responsibilities of an electrician

The results of the surveys show that a person working as an electrician must carry out primarily physical work. A representative of the profession in question must have good, good health, a high level of endurance and excellent physical fitness.

If we talk about the responsibilities of the employee, then everything will depend only on the category and qualifications of the worker. Thus, the production instructions for an electrician prescribe that a 2-3 category worker is required to wash parts and elements of various devices. Cleaning contacts of electrical equipment is also the responsibility of a 2-3 class professional. Workers with grades 4 or 5 are required to engage in more difficult and complex work. Accordingly, the responsibility of such specialists will increase significantly. Carrying out diagnostics of various hardware circuits - both electrical and mechanical, eliminating various types of problems and malfunctions - all this is included in the group of job functions of the represented employee. Among other things, it is specialists of the 4th and 5th categories who are required to draw up various production sketches, drawings and diagrams.

It is also worth noting that the professional sphere itself includes more than 40 different subtypes. Each of them is an independent specialty, the basics of which are contained in the standard production instructions for an electrician. Next, the most basic and most common subtypes of this profession will be considered.

Electrician's rights and responsibilities

The production instruction for an electrician assigns to a representative of the profession in question a number of specific rights and a group of criteria for which the employee must be responsible. It is worth noting that the entire presented list will not be changed or shortened in any way depending on the working category and function groups.

So, what rights does an electrician have? Like most other working professionals, the person in question has the right to:

  • to a workplace secured by an employment contract and other legal and regulatory acts;
  • for timely and full wages;
  • on vacation;
  • for safe work;
  • to provide him with all information, as well as any plans in one way or another related to the work of electricians;
  • to participate in the management of the enterprise;
  • to protect your rights and much more.

Only the most basic professional rights of an employee were mentioned above. What types of responsibility can be distinguished? Here are the most common types:

  • for the conscientious and high-quality performance of their labor functions;
  • for internal regulations;
  • for labor safety;
  • for careful attitude to the property of the enterprise and more.

Thus, the electrician’s production instructions for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment quite competently and clearly organize all types of responsibilities and rights.

Electrician 4 categories

A 4th category electrician is a very important person in production. That is why it is worth revealing the essence of his work in a little more detail. Since the general concept of the profession “electrician” has already been described, we will have to turn directly to the responsibilities of the employee. So, what do the production instructions for a 4th category electrician prescribe? What common functions can be identified here? Here are the most basic ones:

  • Disassembly, timely inspection and repair of operating equipment.
  • Carrying out a full technical inspection upon completion of the repair.
  • Control over signaling - light and sound, over magnetic stations, control posts, etc. Timely elimination of various problems.
  • Carrying out work at power plants - departmental, transformer, etc.
  • Full control over lighting; Timely troubleshooting of voltage lines.
  • Soldering.
  • Drawing up drawings and diagrams and performing work on them.

Electrician 5th category

Of the eight possible, an electrician of the fifth category is a rather important and valuable person in production. The production instructions for a 5th category electrician assign the following responsibilities to the employee:

  • disassembly, inspection, repair, assembly and commissioning of high-voltage electrical machines and electrical equipment (up to 15 kV).
  • Working with automation and telemechanics: eliminating defects and setting up.
  • Work with lighting and power installations that have particularly complex switching circuits.
  • Work with cable networks with power from 35 kV.
  • Working with high-frequency installations and mercury rectifiers.
  • Carrying out work with furnaces (steel-smelting, tunnel and blast furnaces), with rolling machines, with welding equipment, etc.
  • Inspection, repair and commissioning of particularly complex type vacuum furnaces.
  • Work to identify, eliminate and prevent vibrations and noise in production that exceed the norm.
  • Carrying out work with production transport lines, with voltage and current feedback.

Of course, representatives of the profession in question with the fifth category can be endowed with many other functions. However, everything will depend on the company and place of work. An electrician's work instructions for repairing electrical equipment involve a wide variety of functions and responsibilities.

About the electrician for winding repairs

What is the work performed by the type of worker in question?
The electrician's production instructions for winding repair stipulate that a representative of this profession is obliged to identify defects, determine the volume and production of labor activities related to the repair of "monolith" type windings of any voltage with cooling - indirect or direct. This also includes solid winding and work on connecting parts of electric machines, testing windings for strength.

Above was a brief description of the work performed. However, what examples of the work activities of the workers in question can be given? Here are the most common:

  • The old winding is dismantled and new winding is installed on the rotors of turbogenerators and large electric machines.
  • Carrying out similar work with generators with water, hydrogen or oil cooling.
  • Working with centering and banding rings on generator rotors.
  • Detection, repair and prevention of moisture leakage from the winding.

Of course, the representative of the profession in question is also endowed with many other functions. However, they are all described in full in the job description.

About an electrician for repairing electric meters

The electrician's production instructions for the repair and maintenance of electric meters assign the employee a number of rights, duties and responsibilities. Next, we will talk only about the main functions of the presented employee, since they will help reveal the image of this specialist as widely as possible. So, what can be highlighted here?

In short, the employee is obliged to change electricity meters in a timely and efficient manner. However, in addition to replacement, the specialist is also required to deal with finances. We are talking about ensuring high-quality receipt of funds for the use of electricity from ordinary consumers. It is worth mentioning documentation - almost no profession can do without it these days. Thus, the electrician in question is obliged to timely draw up, execute and submit to management all the necessary papers on repairing meters or replacing them.

In general, the work of the specialist in question is not much different from other types of electrical installation: elimination of defects, control over equipment, timely replacement of equipment and much more - all this makes up the profession presented.

Who is a gas turbine maintenance electrician?

First, it’s worth understanding what GPM is and how it stands for. Everything here is quite simple: these are lifting machines.
However, the question may arise: “What does the electrician have to do with it? What does he have to do with cranes?” The thing is that lifting equipment directly connected to the network went into oblivion many years ago. Today it will be very difficult to drive machines of this kind. Needless to say, how important a person here will be a person who can diagnose the device, repair and service it. But a representative of the profession in question is just such a person. Without exaggeration, we can say that an electrician of this kind is probably the most prestigious specialist in his professional environment.

The production instructions for a GPM electrician assign a number of responsibilities to the employee. What are they? This will be discussed further below.

Responsibilities of an electrician for PMG repair

The duties of the employee in question are regulated by special production instructions for an electrician. According to this document, almost all objects are subject to maintenance of gas and grouting equipment.
The specialist himself must:

  • Maintain all production equipment in optimal and working condition.
  • Conduct periodic inspections and checks of existing equipment.
  • Keep a periodic inspection log (typical for specialists with a certain rank).
  • Eliminate any problems that arise within a short or specified period of time.
  • Carry out work with experimental technical schemes. equipment that is particularly complex (adjustment, testing, repair, commissioning, etc.)
  • Working with instrument transformers (checking available accuracy classes).
  • Work with special pipelines, systems filled with various liquids (oil, gas, etc.)
  • Studying the operating conditions of certain types of hydraulic and mechanical engineering machines; “practice development” - searching for wear, eliminating defects, and more.
  • Conducting briefings for workers who are in one way or another involved in the gas and mechanical engineering operations.

Thus, the responsibilities of a representative of the profession in question are no different. The production instructions for an electrician for repairing PMG establishes the most common range of functions. Shifting responsibilities to a PMG environment certainly seems exponentially more difficult. However, this complexity is easily compensated by prestige.

Safety requirements when working as electricians

Safety clauses are contained in the electrician's production instructions. This document pays great attention to the maintenance of electrical equipment. But worker safety is of much greater importance here.
So, the instructions prescribe the following about the safety of specialists:

  • If you find an injured person, you must call an ambulance as soon as possible. In this case, it is necessary to inform management and the administration.
  • Troubleshooting work on equipment should only be carried out when the power supply is turned off.
  • Workers must keep their work areas neat and clean.
  • Existing documentation must be in perfect order at all times.
  • All information about the condition of a particular piece of equipment must be recorded in a log.

Compliance with all of the above requirements will help avoid accidents at work.


for electricians servicing overhead cranes equipped with

RD 7-88-02

This Standard Instruction has been developed in accordance with the Regulations on the Federal Mining and Industrial Supervision of Russia, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 03.12.01 No. 000, Rules for the use of technical devices at hazardous production facilities, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 25.12.98 No. 000, Rules organization and implementation of production control over compliance with industrial safety requirements at a hazardous production facility, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 10, 1999 No. 000, Rules for the design and safe operation of load-lifting cranes (PB 10-382-00), approved by the Decree of the State Mining and Technical Supervision of Russia dated December 31. 99 No. 98, and other regulatory documents relating to overhead cranes.

This Standard Instruction outlines the responsibilities of electricians servicing overhead cranes equipped with radio-electronic remote control equipment (remote control equipment with transmission of command signals via radio or single-wire communication channel)*.

If this instruction fully meets the requirements for ensuring the safety of work at the enterprise, the administration of the enterprise must introduce it for execution. If this instruction does not fully reflect the features of safe maintenance of cranes in a workshop or at an enterprise’s work site, the owner of the cranes is obliged to draw up and approve additions to these instructions or draw up production instructions.

This Standard Instruction (both with and without additions) or production instructions is approved by the head of the enterprise and issued against signature to the electrician.


1.1. To service bridge-type load-lifting cranes equipped with radio-electronic remote control equipment, by order of the head of the enterprise, electricians are appointed to repair and maintain electrical equipment of load-lifting cranes **, who have studied these Standard Instructions and the operational documentation of the crane remote control equipment.

1.2. The electrician is given an identification card with a photo, signed by the head of the enterprise. The electrician must have his identification with him while working.

1.3. An electrician who has a certificate for servicing remote-controlled cranes is obliged to:

1) comply with the requirements of the production instructions for the maintenance and repair of electrical equipment of cranes;

2) carry out production tasks, comply with the maintenance schedule for crane remote control equipment;

3) carry out maintenance and repair of crane remote control equipment within the established time limits within the limits of their duties;

4) make entries in the crane operator’s logbook based on the results of work, draw up protocols (acts);

5) comply with the requirements of the rules and manuals for the operation of cranes (it is prohibited to operate cranes and sling loads when performing work on cranes);

2.2. When servicing remote control equipment located on the crane, the following operations must be performed:

1) in the crane remote control equipment cabinet, check for visible damage to electromechanical relays, electromagnetic starters, automatic switches, transformers, terminal clamps;

2) check the condition and reliability of the connection of connecting wires to the crane remote control equipment;

3) if necessary, clean the crane remote control equipment from dust and dirt, check the integrity of the seals.

2.3. After the maintenance has been carried out, the crane operator, in the presence of an electrician, must check the operation of the crane in remote control mode.



3.1. To identify a malfunction of the crane remote control equipment, the electrician must use the sections of the operational documentation: “Possible malfunctions and their causes”, a diagram of the inclusion of light indicators that control the passage of control command signals in the electronic part of the crane remote control equipment, as well as executive relays and electromagnetic starters.

3.2. The electrician, within the scope of his duties, must replace the faulty product and restore the functionality of the crane remote control equipment.

3.3. After the repair has been completed, the crane operator, in the presence of an electrician, must check the operation of the crane in remote control mode.

If the test results are positive, the electrician makes an appropriate entry in the passport for the crane remote control equipment, in the “Maintenance and Repair” section, and in the logbook.


4.1. An electrician is required to comply with personal safety requirements when on the work site or near moving cargo, compliance with safety requirements in the area of ​​operation of lifting machines, and when storing cargo.

4.2. The passage of control command signals must be checked visually, with the door of the remote control equipment cabinet open, while on the working platform of the crane, with the mains voltage turned on, but the power part of the electric drive turned off (the line contactor in the protective panel is turned off).

A sign “Do not turn on, people are working” must be posted in the designated place.

4.3. Maintenance of the crane remote control equipment and replacement of faulty products on the crane should be carried out only when the mains voltage is turned off (the remote control equipment is de-energized) and the exit hatch to the crane working platform is open.


The electrician is responsible in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation for violations of the production instructions, the requirements of the operational documentation of the crane remote control equipment and the operating manuals for lifting cranes.



Deputy Minister of Labor
and social development
Russian Federation

Standard instructions
on labor protection for electricians
for repair and maintenance of electrical equipment
lifting machines

TI R M-O16-2000


1.1. Workers who are at least 18 years old, who have undergone a medical examination, trained in an appropriate program and certified by a qualification commission, and who have received instruction on safe working methods directly at the workplace with registration in the Instruction Logbook are allowed to perform electrician work on repair and maintenance of electrical equipment of lifting machines. 1.2. An electrician authorized to repair and maintain lifting machines must have an electrical safety group of at least III. 1.3. A certified electrician is issued a certificate for the right to repair and maintain electrical equipment of lifting machines, signed by the chairman of the commission, sealed with the official seal. 1.4. Permission to work as an electrician in the repair and maintenance of lifting machines is issued by order of the enterprise (shop, site) after the issuance of a certificate and instructions on labor protection. 1.5. Repeated testing of the knowledge of an electrician who repairs and maintains lifting machines is carried out: periodically, at least once every 12 months; when moving from one enterprise to another; at the request of the employee responsible for the supervision of lifting machines at the enterprise, or the inspector of Gosgortekhnadzor. Knowledge testing is carried out in the scope of the labor protection instructions, the relevant sections of the “Safety Rules for the Operation of Consumer Electrical Installations” and “Rules for the Design and Safe Operation of Load-Lifting Cranes”. 1.6. An electrician authorized to independently work on the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment of lifting machines must know: labor safety instructions for electricians when servicing general industrial electrical equipment with voltages up to 1000V; basic provisions of general electrical engineering; purpose, design and principle of operation of components, mechanisms and electrical equipment of lifting machines; electrical circuits fixed for servicing lifting machines; the relevant sections of the “Safety Rules for the Operation of Consumer Electrical Installations” and “Rules for the Design and Safe Operation of Load-Lifting Cranes”; the main causes of damage and accidents on electrical equipment of lifting machines, be able to find and eliminate them. 1.7. An electrician is obliged to comply with the internal labor regulations of the enterprise. Smoking in production and auxiliary premises and on the territory of the enterprise is permitted only in places specially designated for this purpose. 1.8. When carrying out work, an electrician may be exposed to the following dangerous and harmful production factors: noise and vibration from operating mechanisms; electric current; production microclimate. 1.9. The electrician must be provided with personal protective equipment: cotton overalls; dielectric gloves; dielectric galoshes. 1.10. An electrician authorized to independently work on the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment of lifting machines must: inspect and repair electrical equipment of lifting machines; prepare electrical equipment of lifting machines for technical examination. 1.11. An electrician who repairs and maintains lifting machines must know and observe the rules of personal hygiene. 1.12. An electrician for the repair and maintenance of lifting machines must be able to provide first aid (first aid) to the victim in the event of an accident. 1.13. If any questions arise during the work related to its safe performance, you must contact the employee responsible for the safe performance of work. 1.14. A trained and certified electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment of lifting machines bears full responsibility for violation of the requirements of these Instructions in accordance with current legislation.


2.1. Before starting work, the electrician must familiarize himself with the entries in the operational log, accept from the electrician who passed the shift the technical documentation approved by the power engineer, safety equipment, make an entry about acceptance of the shift in the operational log and sign. 2.2. Make sure there is sufficient lighting in the workplace. 2.3. Clean up your work area and remove all items that may interfere with safe work. 2.4. Wear the required protective clothing, prepare serviceable and tested personal protective equipment (insulating gloves, galoshes). 2.5. Notify the foreman or work manager about any noticeable deficiencies in the workplace and do not begin work until their instructions.


During maintenance between repairs 3.1. Work carried out to eliminate malfunctions of electrical equipment of lifting machines at the request of drivers and non-electrical personnel, and inspections regarding the safety of their implementation are divided into: work performed in the order of routine operation, with an entry in the operational log; for work performed by order of administrative and technical personnel with an electrical safety group of at least IV, with an entry in the operational log. In the course of routine operation, the electrician on duty for servicing electrical equipment of lifting machines is allowed, in the presence of a driver (crane operator) with electrical safety group II, to carry out the following work: inspection of electrical equipment; replacement of burnt-out lamps and fuse links; repair and replacement of electrical devices located in the driver’s (crane operator’s) cabin; checking the proper operation of safety devices and devices, lighting, alarms and interlocks, with the exception of voltage alarm devices on the main trolleys. 3.2. An electrician, having received an application from a driver (crane operator), must make an entry in the operational journal, indicating the date and time of receipt of the application, the name and position of the person who submitted the application, the contents of the application and the start time of work. After eliminating the detected faults, it is necessary to make a record in the same journal about the content of the work performed and the time of its completion. At the same time, a record of troubleshooting is made in the driver’s (crane operator’s) logbook. 3.3. If malfunctions are detected that are not related to the list of works performed in the course of routine operation, the electrician on duty must report to the shift supervisor about the detected deficiencies. 3.4. Work performed by order, with an entry in the operational log: replacement of burnt-out electric motors; replacement of electromagnetic coils and brakes; limit switch adjustment; Carrying out periodic inspections. 3.5. Work according to the order must be carried out by two workers with an electrical safety group of at least III, with complete voltage relief, with the implementation of the necessary organizational and technical measures in accordance with the requirements of the “Safety Rules” for the operation of consumer electrical installations with an entry in the operational log. 3.6. The employee giving the order must determine the composition of the team, the work performer and organize the team’s access to work. 3.7. For all types of repairs and inspections of the electrical equipment of a crane located between two operating cranes, a permit must be issued with entries in the logbooks of all cranes of this span. 3.8. Periodic inspection of electrical equipment of lifting machines is aimed at identifying and eliminating possible malfunctions in electrical equipment, instruments and safety devices, power circuits, control circuits, alarms, checking the serviceability of safety protective equipment and fire extinguishing equipment and confirming in the periodic inspection log that the electrical equipment of lifting machines is in good condition. 3.9. When inspecting electrical equipment of cranes, adjustment and activation of mechanisms must be carried out at the signal of the person performing the inspection. 3.10. When moving the crane bridge, workers inspecting and troubleshooting the electrical equipment of the crane must be in the cabin or on the bridge deck, and they should be careful not to touch the protruding parts of the ceiling, columns, and fittings. When entering the crane gallery deck, the switch in the driver’s cabin must be turned off and a poster “Do not turn on - people are working” should be posted on its drive. Remove the poster only upon instructions from operational personnel. 3.11. When inspecting and troubleshooting the electrical equipment of the crane, it is necessary to observe all precautions and use the necessary working and tested protective equipment. 3.12. Upon completion of the repair and inspection, all removed fences on electrical equipment and electrical devices must be put back in place and strengthened. 3.13. The inspection results for each crane separately must be recorded in the periodic inspection log, indicating the date, time of inspection, a summary of the deficiencies identified and corrected, and must be signed by the personnel performing the repairs. 3.14. When troubleshooting, adjusting and inspecting the electrical equipment of the crane, it is prohibited to: enter and leave the crane while it is moving; go out onto the crane tracks, walk along the crane tracks, climb from one crane to another; adjust the brake of the mechanism with a lifted load, and also install devices for releasing the brake manually; leave tools, as well as loose equipment and parts on the gallery floor or on a cart; dump tools, materials and spare parts from the crane. 3.15. For portable power tools and portable lamps, use a safe voltage of no higher than 36 V. 3.16. When performing all work, the electrician must remove the key-mark from the crane operator in the manner established at the enterprise for using the key-mark system.

During planned repairs

3.17. The crane must be taken out for repairs by an employee responsible for maintaining lifting machines in good condition, in accordance with the schedule of scheduled repairs with the issuance of a work order for work in electrical installations. The work order is issued by representatives of the electrical technical personnel of the site, authorized by order of the chief power engineer of the enterprise. The lines of the work order “Separate instructions” record additional safety measures related to working at height, to prevent running cranes from colliding with the one being repaired, repair personnel entering the crane tracks of operating cranes, etc. The completed work order is handed over to the employee responsible the day before the start of repairs. for maintaining lifting machines in good condition, which, by signing, authorizes work in the lines “Separate instructions” of the order and returns it to the employee who issued the order. An employee responsible for maintaining lifting machines in good condition, before starting repairs, is obliged to make an entry in the logbook of the driver (crane operator) of the crane being repaired: “. I authorize the work foreman __________ to carry out repairs on the electrical equipment of crane No. _____ according to ________ type of repair with __ hours __ minutes _____ date____ month _____ year, until __ hour _____ min____ day ____ month ________ year” and subscribe. 3.18. The work order for work on electrical devices must indicate the composition of the team, the work performer who allows work, and the employee issuing the work order; necessary technical measures to ensure the safety of work when repairing electrical equipment of the crane; date and time of start of work, admission of the crew and completion of work. 3.19. The team's permission to repair the electrical equipment of the crane is carried out by an employee of the operating personnel on the basis of the work order for work in electrical installations and the permission of the personnel responsible for maintaining lifting machines in good condition. The person admitting him makes an entry in the operational journal of the energy service, filling out the appropriate columns in the work order, and allows the team to enter the crane. 3.20. To ensure safety when repairing the electrical equipment of the crane, it is necessary to place it on the repair site, make the necessary shutdowns, lock the switch drive, hang safety warning posters, install portable grounding and make a fence under the repair site. 3.21. Repair of electrical equipment of the crane can be carried out by electricians who have a certificate for the right to repair and service lifting machines; at least two of them must have an electrical safety group of at least III. 3.22. Do not allow strangers onto the tap. It is prohibited to enter the crane tracks without obtaining a special permit. 3.23. Upon completion of the repair and closing of the work order, the employee responsible for maintaining the lifting machines in good condition checks the crane’s readiness for work and makes an entry in the crane’s logbook: “I authorize the operation of the crane from ___ hours _____ minutes _____ day ______ month ____ year” with his signature.


4.1. In the event of an accident, the victim or an eyewitness who was present is obliged to immediately notify the foreman or the head of the site, who must organize the provision of first (pre-medical) aid to the victim and send him to a medical institution. In the event of a serious accident, immediately call an ambulance and notify the administration. 4.2. Troubleshooting the electrical equipment of lifting machines should only be done when the crane is disconnected from the power supply.


5.1. At the end of the shift or work, the electrician must: tidy up the workplace; remove parts, materials, electrical equipment and tools; put electrical circuits and other technical documentation in order; make an entry in the operational journal about the technical condition of the electrical equipment of lifting machines in the assigned area; hand over to the electrician accepting the shift the technical documentation approved by the power engineer of the workshop (site), safety protective equipment, make an entry about the handover of the shift in the operational log and sign about the handover of the shift.

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