Drawing on the theme of mother's love. Beautiful pictures about mom

There are legends about maternal instinct. They write about him in books, he is sung in songs and described in books. But sometimes a woman’s love for her child can be very unique and significantly influences the child’s entire future life. Humanity, as a rule, is silent about this fact. But some photographers decide to raise a sensitive topic in their works.

One of these brave souls - Anna Radchenko. It was she who created a unique photo shoot illustrating the most common mistakes that mothers make in raising their children. The first frame illustrates the desire of women to look younger and more impressive in front of their children. To achieve this, mothers force their daughters to dress more modestly.

The second photo tells about the unfulfilled dreams of adults, which they try to realize in their children. For example, a woman who never became a ballerina enrolls her daughter in ballet, despite the fact that she has no dancing ability.

But most often, mothers “tie” their children to themselves with a sense of duty and numerous illnesses.

Mothers also like to exaggerate their role in the family, demanding special treatment. As a result, a woman becomes a kind of center of the universe, and all household members are forced to obey her unquestioningly.

Manipulation is also not uncommon in father-child relationships. Parents create levers to control their child in order to influence his thoughts and actions. This could be a feeling of guilt, comparing a son or daughter with another person, as well as a demonstrative expectation of some incredible achievements from the child.

The most innocent, but no less dangerous, situation is when mothers treat their sons like children until old age, preventing them from growing up and accepting independent decisions.

Sometimes parents overprotect their children, imposing on them the opinion that the world is cruel and they need to be more careful. As a result, the child grows up distrustful and embittered.

Parents do not always feel love and tenderness for their children. Some mothers literally hate their offspring, wishing them dead. Why this happens - only a psychologist can answer. But it is a fact that children suffer greatly from the veiled hatred of their parents.

People suffer no less from the indifference of loved ones. Parents who do not take part in raising their children are common. Some even abandon newborns right in the maternity hospital, not wanting to take responsibility for the child. Such mothers are usually called “cuckoos” in honor of the frivolous birds that lay their eggs in other people’s nests. Although no less developed than in humans. One of our old reviews confirms this.

And a lot has been written, and there are plenty of pictures about mom with meaningful inscriptions. It would seem that nothing new can be said on this topic. After all, everyone thinks that their mother is the best in the world. And it’s true: every mother is truly the best, the one and only. Mother is the most important word in all languages ​​on the planet. This is the word that most children in the world say first in their lives. And therefore, in addition to parables about mothers and quotes about mothers, we decided to devote one more material to this topic - pictures about mothers with inscriptions. Among the postcards, you can choose the one with which you could express your feelings for the dearest person in the world.

We know that there is a person in this world who will love and help his child always and everywhere. And this person is mommy. Therefore, we always sympathize with orphans and those children whose mothers lead an asocial life. Of course, they have friends, the state, teachers, educators and, possibly, relatives take care of them. But there is no loved one... There is no mother.

The mother can “read morals”, even scold, but she will be the first to come to the rescue if necessary. Knowing this, people sing many songs about maternal feats. Poets and writers often turn to the theme of the mother in their work, chanting maternal love, care and tenderness. We offer you not songs, poems and stories, but pictures about mothers.

Mothers must be protected. After all, they invest all their strength and soul in us, which is why they can often forget about themselves. Take care of mothers, love them. Call your mom right now and tell her how much you love her.

While celebrating the dedication of a mother in raising children, the role of the father in this process is so often overlooked that they even created a special account on Instagram called “Don’t forget about fathers.” It publishes touching photographs of dads and their children with stories that reveal the depth of affection and love between them.

The idea behind creating an account @dontforgetdads, is not only to show fatherly love, but also to inspire men not to be afraid to show their feelings towards children and not to be afraid to appear vulnerable in these moments. “Fatherhood without fear” is the slogan chosen for this account, supplemented with the phrase “I don’t just sit with the child, I raise him as a parent.”

On the third Sunday in June, many countries celebrate Father's Day, although this date is not fixed or mandatory: for example, in Italy, Spain and Portugal this holiday is celebrated in March, in Ukraine and Australia in September, and in Germany in May.

If I didn’t know for sure that I carried him inside me for 9 months while he was beating against my ribs, that I myself gave birth to him, no one would have ever guessed that we were relatives. Well, okay, I love you both, my dears. Instagram dontforgetdad.

Not every photo shoot with newborns goes smoothly - sometimes there are embarrassments. So, in our selection "" you will find clear proof of this.

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