Improving restaurant services at the present stage. Improving service at a public catering enterprise using the example of the “own company” restaurant chain The restaurant business in Ukraine has finally grown into a professional one

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for a thesis

Student(s) Chuvilina Polina Andreevna

Group 222

Speciality Hotel service 101101

InstituteSt. Petersburg State Economic University

Subject thesis: Improving restaurant service in hotels, using the example of Business Hotel Karelia

Scientific supervisor: Boytsova Ekaterina Alekseevna

Polina Andreevna Chuvilina’s thesis was written on a very relevant topic “Improving restaurant service in hotels, using the example of the Karelia Business Hotel” - an important element of economic and social work, on which the efficiency of the enterprise as a whole depends.

The work examines the theoretical foundations, retrospective analysis of the features of motivational activities, foreign experience, Swot analysis, which is the basis for an in-depth study of the organization and analysis of the Karelia Business Hotel.”

Diplomat researched analysis external environment and analysis of the internal environment of the enterprise, identified the main directions of development of the enterprise and formed a Swot analysis matrix.

The thesis consists of an introduction, three chapters and a conclusion. At the end of the work there is a list of references and applications.

The introduction discusses the relevance of the chosen topic, sets the goal and defines the main objectives of the work. The arrangement of the material in chapters reflects the logic of the final qualification research and consistently reflects the progress of the study of issues of analysis of improving restaurant service in hotels

The theoretical aspects of the first and second chapters are consistently applied to the organization under study and its effectiveness; for a specific hotel, it is confirmed by the practical material of the Swot analysis in the third chapter. The proposed methodology for studying hotel potential can be successfully applied to other hotel establishments.

All of the above refers to the advantages of graduation qualifying work. However, it is impossible not to note some aspects that are not sufficiently covered in the final qualifying work.

Thus, the work does not contain examples of analysis of financial activities, diagnostics of the sales system, diagnostics of the management accounting and reporting system

However, it should be noted that a detailed consideration of these topics deserves a separate final qualifying study.

Despite the above shortcomings, the final qualifying work was completed by the student in her usual manner conscientiously, diligently, accurately, quite interestingly and competently, at a high level. This work showed that the student had fully worked through a large number of different sources of information, independently analyzed and presented the chosen topic. A rather creative approach was applied to the development of a number of issues, which made it possible to fully take into account the uniqueness of both the enterprise itself and the scope of its activities.

Based on the above, I believe that the thesis on the topic “Improving restaurant service in hotels, using the example of the Business Hotel “Karelia”” by a 2nd year student of the specialty of hotel service 101101 full-time study at the St. Petersburg State Economic University Chuvilina P.A. deserves an “excellent” rating and can be admitted to defend a diploma with the assignment of the appropriate qualification based on the results of the defense

The thesis is logically holistic, meets the requirements, completed by the author P.A. Chuvilina.

Date "____"_________200_

Scientific supervisor Boytsova Ekaterina Alekseevna

Restaurant service is a social and cultural service.

Restaurant services are provided to a large number of people, vary depending on individual characteristics consumers and include a large number of different components. Based on this, we can conclude that restaurant services can be classified as public, creative, non-productive, mixed services.

Public catering is important industry national economy, in which the production and sale of prepared food and customer service are organized. Activities of enterprises catering characterized by some features, such as:

1. combination of production, sales and consumption organization functions finished products;

2. production of products that have predominantly limited sales periods;

3. dependence of the assortment on manufactured products and purchased goods sold on the nature of demand and characteristics of the population served (professional, age, national, and so on);

4. dependence of the operating modes of public catering establishments on the operating modes of the enterprises, organizations, and educational institutions they serve.

Public catering is a set of enterprises of various organizational and legal forms and citizen-entrepreneurs engaged in the production, sale and organization of consumption of culinary products.

A public catering enterprise is an enterprise intended for the production of culinary products, flour confectionery and bakery products, their sale and (or) organization of consumption.

Let's move on to consider the classification of public catering establishments.

Catering establishments can be classified according to various signs: by form and mode of service, by assortment, by location, by form of ownership, by the completeness of the technical cycle, and so on.

All catering establishments depending on the organization technical process, production capacity, accepted forms services to the population, the range of products are divided into the following types: procurement, pre-production and working on raw materials, that is, with a complete production cycle.

Procurement enterprises process raw materials and produce semi-finished products various types for supplying pre-production enterprises. Prerequisites organizations technological process at these enterprises - the flow of production of semi-finished products, the possibility rational use high-performance equipment and the associated increase in worker productivity. All operations for the production of semi-finished products should be mechanized as much as possible. At large procurement enterprises, as a rule, canteens, snack bars, and shops are organized culinary products.

Pre-production enterprises organize the production of dishes and culinary products from semi-finished products received from procurement enterprises, and the sale of culinary products to the population. Working with semi-finished products reduces the need for pre-processing enterprises in equipment and allows for a reduction in space production premises. This creates conditions for increasing product output without increasing production space, and for expanding the range of dishes and culinary products produced.

In enterprises with a complete production cycle in production cycles all stages of primary processing of raw materials, production of semi-finished products and organization of production of culinary products for their subsequent sale in the sales areas of the enterprise are carried out.

The main types of catering establishments are restaurant, cafe, bar, canteen and snack bar. When determining the type of enterprise, the following factors are taken into account:

1. range of products sold, their diversity, complexity of production;

2. technical equipment (material base, engineering and technical equipment and equipment, composition of premises, architectural and planning solution);

3. maintenance methods;

4. personnel qualifications;

5. quality of service (comfort, communication ethics, aesthetics, and so on);

6. range of services provided to consumers.

A bar is a catering establishment with a bar counter that sells mixed, strong alcoholic, low-alcohol and non-alcoholic drinks, snacks, desserts, pastry and bakery products, and purchased goods.

A cafe is an enterprise that organizes food and recreation for consumers, providing a limited range of products compared to a restaurant. Sells branded, custom-made dishes, products and drinks.

A canteen is a public catering establishment that is open to the public or serves a specific group of consumers, producing and selling dishes in accordance with a menu varied by day of the week.

Snack bar is a public catering establishment with a limited assortment of simply prepared dishes from certain type raw materials and intended for quick service to consumers.

A restaurant is a catering establishment that provides guests with a wide range of dishes, drinks, confectionery, including branded and complex preparations. Service in restaurants includes the organization of recreation and entertainment for customers.

Restaurants, in turn, can also be divided into several types. According to the completeness of service and range of services, all restaurants are divided into full-service and specialized, including national, themed and fast-food establishments.

Full service restaurants offer wide choice There are usually more than fifteen portioned dishes. The menu is dominated by complex haute cuisine specialties in the traditions of French or Italian cooking. Exquisitely designed interior, furniture, menu, dishes, well-trained staff - all these are integral components of full-service restaurants. This type of restaurant occupies a relatively small segment of the market, aimed at a sophisticated audience. Creating and maintaining a high level of culture of such a restaurant requires significant funds. As a result, the menu prices are very high, so only a small percentage of the population can afford to visit them.

Specialty restaurants are very diverse. This class of food establishments includes restaurants specializing in certain dishes, for example national ones, as well as one or more dishes (dumpling shops, pancake houses, pizzerias, etc.). Specialized restaurants include numerous national restaurants, the menu of which includes dishes of national cuisine: Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Italian, Mexican, and so on.

Restaurants for the whole family are very popular. The ambience and menu in such restaurants are simple and cozy. Each family member is served individually, that is, there is a special approach to him. A corner or room with toys is equipped for children, where a teacher works with them.

Specialized restaurants also include themed restaurants, the design of which uses a specific theme - football, airplanes, musical genres, the Wild West, and the like. The main task is to create the right environment and atmosphere; The dishes also follow the theme whenever possible. Such restaurants usually have a regular clientele.

From the point of view of working with clients, all restaurants can be divided into three categories:

1. flow-oriented restaurants - located on busy highways and squares, which ensures a continuous flow of visitors, including through directional advertising;

2. restaurants focused on service standards (chain restaurants) - have standard set dishes with characteristics that are familiar to every visitor, waiters dressed in uniforms with the same attributes;

3. restaurants focused on regular customers- the distinctive feature is the specific audience of customers inherent only to this restaurant; To retain them, all kinds of incentives are used: discounts, tastings, discount cards, systems of bonuses and gifts. The main thing in the work of the staff in such restaurants is not gifts, but a creative approach to business. Any non-standard forms of attracting clients work much more effectively and really attract and interest clients.

Let's move on to consider the features of service in public catering establishments.

A public catering enterprise is a collection of its workshops, production areas, and premises for serving consumers.

The consumer service process is a set of operations performed by employees of public catering establishments in direct contact with clients - consumers of services during the sale of culinary products by leisure organizations.

The catering company provides a whole range of services:

1. material - sale of dishes and drinks, confectionery, as in trading floor, and their delivery upon special order;

2. trading - providing consumers with orienting advertising, as well as accepting pre-orders, oral information from consumers about the taste characteristics of certain dishes and drinks;

3. cultural - related to satisfying the aesthetic needs of consumers (music programs, concerts, and so on).

When organizing customer service, the following tasks are set:

1. meeting the needs of the population for public catering services at the place of work, study, residence, and recreation;

2. use of the most economical forms and methods of service for the enterprise and convenient for the population;

3. the use of advanced technologies and the latest equipment in the work of cooks and confectioners;

4. production of high-quality culinary products, as well as achieving high level service and service culture.

The level of service and service culture are one of the most important elements of a restaurant. Nowadays, the service of any enterprise should be focused on the interests of the client. This especially applies to social and cultural service enterprises, the goal of which is to make the guest happy. For this purpose, a client-oriented approach is used. It allows you to find an approach to each guest, satisfy his needs as much as possible, and form guest loyalty. And, of course, it is not unimportant that this allows you to increase the profit of the enterprise. A satisfied guest is ready to leave more money in this establishment, in addition, he will come here again and tell his friends and acquaintances about his received emotions.

Famous Russian restaurateur Arkady Novikov says that in order to open successful restaurant, you need to be smart, have money, know your profession, choose good place(almost 50% of success depends on the location), and the most important thing is to create a good atmosphere - an atmosphere of hospitality. Arkady Novikov claims that “at the moment, it’s not so much the food that works, but the party. If you manage to bring a fashionable audience, it goes, you manage to create an atmosphere, you manage to bring your client, it works.”

Thus, despite the fact that, by definition, a restaurant must primarily satisfy people's need for food, in the modern restaurant business, food itself fades into the background. In the first place is the atmosphere, hospitality, which entirely depends on the staff and service.

Service is usually understood as the entire process of servicing a client - from placing his car in the parking lot to seeing off a well-fed and satisfied (or hungry and angry) guest by the doorman. The main part of the difficult relationship “client - restaurant” is undoubtedly built by the waiters. “It is the waiter who most often personifies the establishment for visitors. Therefore, it depends on him whether the client will like it in the restaurant and whether he will come here all the time...”

Service is the most “social” side of restaurant activity. That is, one hundred percent depends not on objective conditions, but on the human factor. “And this factor, in turn, is associated with a lot of possible aspects. The general level of culture in society. Social origin specific person. Psychological structure of personality. Motivation to work. The personal life of each individual."

So, taking into account the opinions of restaurant business theorists and modern restaurateurs, we can highlight the following features of public catering:

1. simultaneous satisfaction of a large number of guests’ needs (needs for food, relaxation, communication, and so on);

2. the importance of the overall atmosphere of the restaurant;

3. direct dependence of the success of the enterprise on the employees of the contact zone. Good service => satisfied guest => regular visitors => good revenue.

4. food - optional main factor when choosing a catering establishment by consumers.

Public catering is a set of enterprises in the service sector whose activities are aimed at meeting the nutritional needs of consumers. There are a large number of different catering establishments of different types, classes and levels of service. In these enterprises, consumers can simultaneously satisfy several different needs. An important tool in meeting these needs is service, a service culture, the quality of which directly depends on the employees of the contact zone of the enterprise. The better the work of these employees is done, the more consumer needs will be satisfied, and the more satisfied the guest will be. The amount of money that the guest will be willing to leave in this establishment will depend on how well the guest’s needs are met. Therefore, a satisfied guest is the key to the success of any hospitality enterprise.

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The purpose of the thesis: - study of restaurant service and the formation of a set of measures aimed at improving the quality of restaurant service. Objectives of the thesis: 1. Talk about restaurants and restaurant complexes at the hotel. 2. Describe the Riviera Club hotel. Hotel&SPA" and its restaurant services. 3. Offer recommendations for improving restaurant service.

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