Specifics of business journalism. The best business magazines Online reference business publications

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After the crisis of 2008-2009, we lost a huge number of extremely interesting business publications. Here are just some of the losses: $mart Money, D’, Finance, Personal Budget. Many great projects were closed. Some held out a little longer, some gave up immediately. What is left for us?


Forbes is an international magazine. The Ukrainian version of Forbes.ua recently opened. For some reason, also in Russian. Overall, an excellent magazine. Its disadvantage is that it is forced to follow the “Dress Code” imposed from overseas. Therefore, you won’t find too much creativity here. Everything is strict and dry. I would say in German. The advantage of the magazine is that there is a version on the Internet, and there is also an offline version on paper. The price is quite reasonable - no more than 4 dollars. Even the simplest people can afford Forbes.


What I like about the expert is that there are a lot of numbers. And there are interesting and thoughtful articles. The downside of the expert is that he is boring, just like Forbes. Here you won’t see an article about how “the new iPhone ate the brains of Korean fans.” Everything will be reserved and cold here. Plus, the articles are very disconnected from ordinary people and entrepreneurs.


Too boring. This is generally a problem with Russian publications. Is the nation aging and becoming uninteresting?


Sekret Firmy is without a doubt one of the best Russian business magazines. There is a magazine that costs less than $2, and there is a website where all the content is duplicated. The articles are very down to earth. Lots of advice for entrepreneurs. Lots of interesting analytics, infographics and numbers. Perhaps, if there is anyone worth focusing on, it is the company’s secret. It is noteworthy that everything here is absolutely clear even if you do not have an economic education. All examples here are written in accessible language. Test.


Your Business is a quality magazine for entrepreneurs. However, if it’s hard to find, it’s on the shelves. And the subscription is quite expensive. Little material is published on the site. But this is undoubtedly one of the best publications on entrepreneurship. After the crisis, the magazine became somehow different. But I still like him.


The main business newspaper of the country. She is stingy with banter articles. But the newspaper gives a good picture of the day. The downside is that they introduced some restrictions on the site of 30 articles per month. For what?


This is my personal project that you are reading now. The opinions here are unbiased, there are typos in the texts, but there is a lot of interesting and different information. People send thanks by email and say “it’s good that you exist.” Sometimes, however, they throw obscenities at you, but what can you do without it? There is a lot of creativity and frivolous things here. The project was a great success, but has its significant drawbacks. Actually, now the author of these lines is thinking about creating a new version of the project, in which past mistakes will be taken into account, and the quality will be brought to the point of absurdity. Interesting? Wait!


The Harvard Business Review is notable for being very expensive. Honestly, 700 rubles for a room is too much to pay. There is an opinion that at least 60% is an overpayment for the brand. However, the articles here are notable for their depth. They are closer to the scientific style. At the same time, they are not boring. Try it.


A good online business publication. But there is no deep analytics here. All I saw was a banal copying of materials from The Economist. And the news here smells yellow. All the time Putin, Pussy Riot, Medvedev, iPhone. MBA in 5 minutes is generally full of strange advice. The magazine is becoming somewhat boring. Although there are some very chic materials!


“Money” magazine is interesting, but in itself is not a magazine about entrepreneurship. However, I recommend paying close attention to it.

I also advise you to read the magazines Russian Reporter, MenHealth, Snob and the Dozhd TV channel. Although they are not about entrepreneurship, they often touch on entrepreneurial topics and write/show interestingly.

Colleagues, what business publications and blogs, besides those mentioned above, do you read? Write in the comments.

To successfully conduct business, it is necessary to regularly monitor innovative ideas in business. The ideal option to learn about the latest events in the business world is to study business magazines. These periodicals offer information that will help small and medium-sized entrepreneurs make their business more profitable and reliable.

Rating of Russian business magazines

Based on statistical data, it is possible to compile a list of the most authoritative and popular business periodicals in the Russian Federation. 1. First place: Forbes(citation index - 739.39) The most popular and influential financial and economic publication in the global business sphere. The magazine was founded by Bertie Charles Forbes in 1917. It went on sale in Russia in April 2004. The magazine is published weekly in English, and once a month in Russian. In addition, it is published in seven more languages: Chinese, Georgian, Polish, Estonian, Korean, Japanese, Portuguese. The main topics of the magazine:

  • advanced investment ideas;
  • review of the most profitable business projects;
  • information about the defeats and achievements of famous entrepreneurs;
  • analysis of the reasons for the failure of large-scale business projects;
  • learning the best business strategies;
  • rating of the richest people, etc.

The high popularity of Forbes is due not only to the availability of valuable information, but also to an objective assessment of events taking place in this industry. The magazine is read by more than 5 million people around the world.

2. Second place: Kommersant-Vlast(citation index - 132.53)"Kommersant-Vlast" is the largest information, analytical, as well as socio-political magazine in Russia. Its founder is M.V. Rogozhnikov, the date of creation is 1992. This is an independent publication that is published weekly (on Mondays). Available in two versions: printed and electronic. On its pages are presented:

  • information about the main political organizations of the Russian Federation;
  • comments from leading economists on the events of the past week;
  • analytical forecasts of business development.

Purchasing an existing business

The magazine includes approximately 60 pages containing practical recommendations on how to earn, save and invest money wisely. The total circulation is 60 thousand copies. 3. Third place: Expert(citation index - 8.49) Expert is one of the most authoritative business publications in Russia. It is popular not only among domestic businessmen, but also foreign ones working in the Russian Federation. Published in Moscow since July 1995. Issue frequency is once a week. Magazine structure:

  • "Russian business".
  • "International Business".
  • "Finance and Economics".
  • "Science and Technology".
  • "Policy".
  • "Books."
  • "Society".
  • "Culture".

More than 200 qualified economists and experienced journalists work on the creation of the magazine. The main goal is to promote the development of small and medium-sized business activities in Russia.

The concept of “business journalism” is very broad; in this regard, scientist A.A. Grabelnikov proposes to separate the concepts " business press" And " business journalism". According to the researcher, the business press includes publications that actively use journalistic texts, especially analytical ones; disseminates legislative and regulatory information, informs readers “about the world of business.” At the same time, A.A. Grabelnikov divides business periodicals into high-quality publications for elite groups: corporate and departmental publications; popular publications for the general reader; industry analytical publications. Business journalism contains newspapers and magazines where journalistic texts may not be found. They are replaced by stock exchange reports, quotes, commodity price lists, announcements and advertising (publications serving wholesale and retail trade and the service sector).

E.I. Mordovskaya clarifies the concept business press- “this is a type of printed publications designed primarily to provide the information needs of entrepreneurship through the publication of certain materials (journalistic, statistical, legislative, advertising and informational, etc.) in order to create an information field that promotes business development.”

A.V. Eremenko offers a more capacious definition: " business press- this is a special information system, the functions of which are to ensure business communication, with a single categorical feature - business issues that reveal the economic nature of the analyzed subject."

D.P. Gavra believes that the business format of journalism can be identified in absolutely any publication. He distinguishes between business, economics and business journalism. Business journalism is “journalism associated with providing the necessary information to subjects of economic action.” That is, it is broadly intended for all levels of audience, in contrast to business journalism, which is intended for business entities.

V.S. Kulev introduced the following concept of the business press: “It is designed for a very specific audience. Its task is to create an information infrastructure that meets the needs of entrepreneurs, promote the principles of a market economy, disseminate legislative and regulatory information, create a positive image of a domestic businessman, and widely inform the reader about the world of business. This is “First of all, high-quality publications for elite groups, corporate publications, analytical publications.” These are business newspapers and magazines intended for specialists - issues of economics, politics, science, culture.

Business journalism- a specifically isolated sphere of professional activity, the development of which is determined not only by socio-political, but also by economic processes occurring in the world and the country: the globalization of financial markets, the emergence of databases of financial and economic information (in particular, on the Internet), reports available for analysis commercial enterprises, facts reflecting the essential aspects of the development of enterprises.

The field of activity of a business journalist is economic-analytical, marketing, research and entrepreneurial activities in the business environment. The business press reflects the situation on economic markets, talks about the functioning of enterprises, and the introduction of new technologies into the industrial sphere.

The structural and functional specificity of business journalism is determined by three groups of factors: object-subject content; method (“journalistic prism”); the nature of the audiences with which it implements communicative relationships.

Object-subject area business journalism comprises all aspects and spheres of public and private life in the economic and production dimension. Business journalism is associated with providing the necessary information to subjects of economic development.

Gavra D.P. distinguishes three levels of audiences business journalism:

business entities - subjects of professional business activities;

subjects of professional non-entrepreneurial behavior , associated with the production of values;

subjects of ordinary economic behavior.

As a result, three levels of business journalism can be distinguished depending on the type of audience:

in the narrow sense - business journalism, for business entities;

in an expanded sense - professional (specialized) business journalism - economic journalism;

in a broad sense - for all levels of audience.

M.A. Berezhnaya characterizes the audience of business media by levels:

· Audience of economic journalism (managers, economists, financiers, accountants, logistics, suppliers);

· Audience of business non-economic journalism (qualified professionals);

· The audience of general business journalism is subjects of ordinary (non-professional) economic action.

Most print researchers divide the entire business information sector into:

· Economic information;

· Exchange and financial information;

· Business news;

· Statistical information;

· Commercial information.

Previously, business media were considered within the structure of economic media. Since the mid-1990s, publications have appeared that analyze the business press from the point of view of different scientific approaches.

Over the past two decades, a system of business media has developed. They include business publications ( only business information - news and comments from the economic sphere) and publications for business people ( providing business people with both business and other necessary information). Today, business publications are produced by:

· Media groups;

· Businessmen for whom publishing is not their core activity;

· Authorities;

· Organizations and funds working in the field of economics.

Business publications are also developing in the regions. This is facilitated by the economic life of the regions, the work of all structures and organizations operating in different areas of business (banks, insurance companies, trading and exhibition companies, various types of financial institutions, manufacturers; logistics; management; enterprise management; taxation; real estate; quality management; electronic commerce; construction; trade; stock market; law; Regional publications act as one of the sectors of the regional infrastructure - information. Often, local newspapers become not only the only source of satisfying the needs of a certain region, publishing all relevant information - from restaurant ratings to bank offers - but also an indispensable resource for advertisers.

Regional business publications vary depending on:

· Media material (paper, electronic);

· Regularity of release (periodic, non-periodic);

· Purposes of information use.

Readers of business magazines are managers and owners of companies, industrial enterprises, middle managers, government officials, and people who want to start their own business. For the most part, publications claim just such an audience. Most often, this audience is implied, but not always identified, - “a socially active part of society with a consistently high income, predominantly men 35-50 years old.” The publications have subtitles in spiegel: “magazine for the business elite”, “for top officials”, “for wealthy people”, “magazine of the executive class”. There are examples of appealing to managers and specialists of enterprises and nominating themselves as a “popular business” magazine.

All researchers of the business press phenomenon agree that its content is business information - text and digital materials intended for the service and development of entrepreneurship. Special permanent columns or sections containing business information are contained in such publications as “Expert”, “Itogi”, “Business World”, “Financial Newspaper”, “Economy and Life”.

V.S. Kulev, depending on the purposes and nature of use, distinguishes the following types of business information: recording, analytical, operational and reference, advertising and commercial.A. A. Grabelnikov distinguishes operational information, advertising and commercial.

Misonzhnikov B.Ya. conditionally divides business media into:

· General business publications - publications that, while maintaining the unconditional features of this typological model, are distinguished by sufficient thematic universality;

· Business publications with a political and economic focus - publications in which, first of all, the theoretical political and economic component is strengthened and important socio-political events are examined through its prism;

· Business publications with financial orientation - publications that cover the dynamics of bank capital, the actions of financial institutions, lending trends and levels, exchange rates, etc.;

· Exchange business publications - publications that reflect aspects of exchange life: purchase and sale of securities, stock quotes, etc.;

· Quality publications are a special type of daily newspaper periodicals, crowning the entire typological model and formed as a result of the long evolution of the best business publications in the world. High-quality publications are characterized by a high analytical, journalistic and printing level. Economic and financial information is published here to make independent management decisions on the part of the reader - industrialist, banker, financier, businessman, who for this requires accuracy, comprehensiveness, and efficiency of newspaper products. These publications do not just write about business, they serve it (for example, "Die Welt"). What is valued here is not so much the journalistic reasoning of journalists as the opinions of competent specialists. To quickly collect and process a large amount of information in such publications, there is a structurally and functionally developed editorial apparatus (Financial News, Vedomosti, Expert). B.Ya. Misonzhnikov: “Its editorial office is actually an analytical center of global significance, with the ability to independently express views and opinions, and has a network of its own correspondents in leading foreign countries.” Typically, a high-quality publication is thematically designed as follows: political life, social sphere, economics, culture, sports, thematic issues (science, education, tourism, etc.). The circulation of quality publications is inferior to that of mass newspapers: "Times" - 400 thousand copies, "Moi Rayon" St. Petersburg - more than 1 million copies. .

Thus, the fundamental characteristics by which the media can be classified as a business type are:

· Classroom: The target audience for the Expert magazine is people involved in the processes taking place in the economic life of the country. The magazine's audience (according to 2006 estimates) was structured as follows: "managers" - 42.1%, "specialists" - 28.6%, "employees" - 11.3%, "workers" - 4%, "students" , students" - 3.9%.

· Subject and thematic focus: The main theme of the Expert magazine is economics - an economic magazine.

· Purpose: business media serve to provide the target audience with the information they need about what is happening in the economic world.

To confidently lead your business to success and stay up to date with all the important developments in the business world, it is extremely important to have reliable sources of information. And although the “live” press is gradually losing its position to information services and online blogs, many legendary magazines are still in demand among the rich and successful of this world. We will tell you about the most popular global and regional business publications.

TOP 5 best business publications


Our top five, of course, opens with the world-famous Forbes. The magazine was published in 1917 and still remains the most authoritative and popular business publication, informing twice a month about the latest world business and economic news. Russian-language issues appeared only in 2004 and almost instantly spread throughout the CIS.

  • List of billionaires;
  • List of celebrities;
  • America's Rich List;
  • List of the world's largest corporations;


Fortune is Forbes' main competitor and a structural division of the corporation. Time Inc. The world saw the first issues of the magazine in 1930 and the circulation only increases every year. Like Forbes, Fortune maintains its own ranking of the world's largest companies, but it also features interesting materials about specific companies, their management and activities.

The pages often contain advice on management and business development, which makes Fortune interesting for businessmen of various ages and fields. And although the popularity of Fortune lists is somewhat inferior to the popularity of Forbes, only the best entrepreneurs in the world can get on the pages of the magazine.

Harvard Business Review

Rightfully the best magazine for business, specializing in management and finance. First published with the assistance of Harvard Business School in 1922, appeared in the CIS only in 2004. Unlike Forbes, Harvard Business Revie pays more attention to management problems and provides specific and evidence-based advice for solving them. Even in the Russian-language edition the bulk of the material is devoted to international business and the latest strategies and only 1/5 of Russian business.

Material for Harvard Business Revie is prepared by professional business analysts and journalists, as well as top managers of major companies and even professors from various business schools in Europe.


A Russian magazine for businessmen with no less high-quality material than previous editions. Entrepreneurs from the Russian Federation and the region will be able to find here the latest news on the world economy, investment strategies and advice on business management, as well as ratings of the highest paid company executives in the Russian Federation and the world.

The main target audience of the magazine is managers and people with leadership ambitions. The majority of readers are men with high incomes, but 40% of the circulation is also purchased by women. A new issue of RBC appears every month and sells out in just a few days. You can also meet the publication on business class airplanes and in the rooms of five-star hotels, 10% of circulation are supplied to television companies, from where they are distributed to the owners of some satellite packages.

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