In-demand products. What goods are profitable to trade: an overview of profitable areas for trading

Our century high technology The good thing is that you can do many things without leaving your computer. For example, today it is not at all necessary to spend time shopping - all purchases can be made on the Internet. This makes it easy for a novice entrepreneur to establish and successfully develop a business selling goods online. Before creating an online store, you should carefully study sales statistics over recent years. If you understand what is popular with consumers in 2019, your business will be profitable. However, you should not rely only on popularity, because bread, alcohol and tobacco products are very popular, but their sale will not bring much profit. So what is profitable to sell? So, according to statistics, we can assume that in 2019 the best-selling products on the Internet will remain:

  • Smartphones, tablets, irons, hair dryers, vacuum cleaners and other small household appliances;
  • Shoes and clothing;
  • Tickets for transport, cinema, theater, concerts;
  • Perfumes and cosmetics;
  • Medicines;
  • LEDs;
  • Books;
  • Goods from China.

Depending on size starting capital you need to select the price category of what will be sold in your online store.

According to statistics in 2019, the most sold goods on the Internet are cheap goods. In times of crisis, the cost becomes more important criterion than quality. Therefore, budget furniture, inexpensive clothing and food are beginning to be in demand. In addition to ordinary buyers, this price category Former representatives of the “middle class” are also interested.

What should you not sell?

Among the best-selling products on the Internet in Russia in 2019, there are categories that should not be sold due to fierce competition. These include gadgets and household appliances. If you decide to sell the most popular products on the Internet in 2019, then your competitors will be not only well-known and little-known trading platforms Russia, but also Chinese online stores.

Clothes and shoes

Although buying clothes and shoes usually requires trying on, these are the best-selling items online today. Why? - yes because quality item It's much cheaper online than in a boutique. In addition, people need to dress and put on shoes regardless of the economic situation in the country. Therefore, there will always be a demand for “clothing” goods. Online clothing store – different. The main thing is to choose the right assortment, make high quality photos and product descriptions. Of course, there is a possibility that the item will not suit the buyer, so the risks of returns must be taken into account. To minimize such risks, you should carefully approach client consultations. With the right approach, selling clothes and shoes will bring good profit. Statistics show that, for example, last year dresses became the best-selling product for women.

Tickets for transport, cinema, theater, concerts

The times of resellers earning fabulous money are gradually gone. New technologies, including e-commerce, make it possible to purchase a ticket for any type of transport, as well as for all kinds of events, without leaving the couch. Electronic tickets can be called one of the best-selling products on the Internet. Of course, it will not be easy for a newcomer to this business, since the competition in this segment is quite high. But if you are committed to serious work on the promotion and promotion of your ticket resale resource, then your business will be successful. Those who have potential partners – event organizers – can also make good money on tickets.

Perfumes and cosmetics

These categories are undoubtedly in demand among buyers even in difficult times. When opening an online store of perfumes and cosmetics, it is important to have a good website and conduct regular advertising campaigns and, of course, sell exclusively high-quality products from well-known brands. If you think about what products are the most sold on the Internet during the holidays, then perfumes and cosmetics are one of the first options that come to mind. This product makes a wonderful gift for New Year, Valentine's Day and March 8th.


Medicines, herbs, medicinal teas and dietary supplements are also among the best-selling products in Russia. These categories, despite their popularity, can be harmful to human health. When reselling such products, be careful to sell only high-quality products. Pay special attention to the expiration dates of the product and the authority and reliability of the manufacturer.


LED lamps can be considered the best-selling products in online stores in 2019. First of all, this is due to the fact that they consume half as much electricity as conventional lamps and last several times longer. The demand for these products is growing every day, as during the crisis people strive to save energy. The LED resale business is profitable, although competition in this area is already quite strong.


Rapid market development e-books could not completely replace traditional ones. Are books among the best-selling products on the Internet, how to find out? – It’s very simple: take a closer look at what many people are doing on public transport. – They read paper publications! Finding a bookstore that sells the necessary literature is a troublesome task. Therefore, buyers look for books on the Internet. Therefore, the resale of traditional books is profitable business, despite the fact that many of us believe electronic view publications and documents more convenient. The markup for this category of goods can reach 50–60%, the payback of the business is at least a year.

Cheap goods from China

Chinese businessmen have successfully implemented ideas for producing in-demand items. Purchase price Chinese goods ridiculous. And in 2019, the best-selling goods from China on the Internet remain counterfeits or, more correctly, replicas of things from famous brands:

  • Adidas;
  • NIKE;
  • UGG Australia;
  • Timberland;
  • iPhone from Apple;
  • Converse;
  • Lacoste.

Many of the best-selling items on the Internet are not original, but are made by the Chinese of very high quality. Consumers do not see the point in overpaying “for the name” of the manufacturer. In addition, many brands locate their production in China, so local craftsmen learn the secrets of the masters and successfully use them in their technological processes.

First of all, find suppliers. To avoid dependence on one supplier, keep several wholesalers in stock in order to quickly reorient yourself in the event of a sharp increase in the purchase price of the items being sold. You can search for them on specialized forums, ad sites, and at thematic exhibitions.

Depending on your capabilities, you need to choose a scheme for working with a supplier. There are several interaction options.

Recently, e-commerce has attracted many aspiring entrepreneurs. If you decide to open your own online store, you first need to carefully consider what you will sell in it. The best-selling products on the Internet in 2018, collected in this article, will help you choose the right assortment that will attract the attention of buyers.

What to sell?

As a rule, beginners who open their own business online choose 2-3 categories from the top best-selling products on the Internet. In the future, they gradually expand their range. For example, if you sell shoes and clothing, over time, when free funds become available, you can offer watches and jewelry to consumers. Thanks to this, you can significantly increase your profits.

Since the Internet is visited by a huge number of people every day, any product can be sold here. But if you want to receive good income, you first need to carefully study the ranking of the best-selling products on the Internet. After this, you can begin to form an assortment.

Internet commerce in crisis

Let's try to figure it out, shall we? If you believe the statistics of the best-selling products on the Internet, in complex economic conditions demand for expensive goods begins to grow elite products. It is bought by wealthy people who have worried about their financial well-being in advance. In addition, during a crisis, many citizens try to invest their savings in jewelry made of precious metals and antiques in order to protect money from inflation. Therefore, such goods are sold in relatively large volumes.

During periods of economic instability, demand for products in the mid-price segment drops significantly. This is due to the fact that people with average incomes have reduced wages, therefore, in order to save money, they are forced to give up many usual purchases. Therefore, if you decide to do e-commerce in 2018, you should not bet on a product in the middle price category.

During a crisis, the best-selling products through an online store are cheap products. The bulk of the population of our country saves money, so they prefer to buy inexpensive goods of low and average quality. Demand for budget clothing, furniture and food is beginning to grow rapidly as buyers from the former middle class move into this segment.

If you cannot determine what the best-selling product in Russia is online, choose one of two strategies:

  1. Sell ​​expensive goods to wealthy people;
  2. Engage in mass supplies of cheap goods, for example from China.

We form an assortment

Let's try to make a list of the 10 best-selling products on the Internet.

Quadcopters and accessories

You probably know what drones or quadcopters are. Such aircraft were originally developed for military purposes. Over time, these devices began to be actively used in everyday life and for entertainment. If you're looking, try trading drones. The demand for such a product is constantly growing, so you can make good money on it.

Gadgets and mobile phones

Marketers have found that such products are the top sellers on the Internet. This category includes any product costing no more than $600. The attractive prices offered by many online stores attract consumers. About 10% of citizens of our country can afford to regularly update various gadgets and mobile phones. Moreover, most often, they make such purchases online. Consumers compare prices online and in physical stores, and see that there is a significant difference. After this, they have no problem parting with their money, because they realize that they have saved a decent amount.

Household appliances

These products are among the top 10 best-selling products on the Internet. But many people today are afraid to make expensive purchases online. Despite the fact that prices in online stores are much lower, most buyers still go to supermarkets.

The fact is that such expensive things are rarely purchased, so consumers want to personally compare different models and make sure that they do not have any defects. In addition, some people have never experienced sending goods by mail. They believe that it is much more convenient and profitable to order delivery within the city. Therefore, if you have not yet decided, start with another, more popular product.

Green tea

Trading different varieties of green tea is an excellent business. Modern people people care about their health, so green tea, which has healing properties, is very popular. Another popular product is green coffee. But the demand for it is starting to gradually decline, so if you want to earn good money, focus on trading green tea with different extracts.

Products for cleansing the body

Healthy, nutritious foods, known as detox foods, are rapidly gaining popularity. At the moment, various herbal teas and decoctions are in greatest demand. They filled all social networks. Surely each of you has at least once come across such a product in your feed. Some products are truly healthy, but there are also those that are similar in composition to regular tea with different toppings. And, nevertheless, it is quite profitable, since detoxes are sold online in huge volumes.

LED lighting

This segment opens up broad prospects for budding entrepreneurs. Experts say that in just 10 years, all lighting fixtures in the world will be replaced with LED ones, since they can significantly save energy. In addition, LED lamps last much longer than conventional incandescent lamps.

Such an idea for your business with minimal investment in 2016, with the right approach, will make you a wealthy person, since LED lighting is becoming indispensable in everyday life modern people.


Despite the fact that recently many people have begun to use electronic reading devices, regular paper books continue to be a popular product. Literary publications on specialized online sites are much cheaper than in real bookstores. In addition, many online stores offer customers good discounts and profitable bonus programs. The buyer can find any publication he needs online. Each book is accompanied by an annotation with which you can familiarize yourself with its contents.

Shoes and clothing

This is a product that is in demand on the market in any economic conditions. So that consumers can choose the right things for themselves, online stores provide detailed information about each product:

  • Color;
  • Textile;
  • Size;
  • Basic operational characteristics.

In addition, they post photographs in which you can see what this or that thing looks like. As a rule, clothes are shown by models, so the buyer can visually assess how it looks on a person. Despite the fact that many citizens of our country continue to buy clothes in regular stores, this product is among the top ten best-selling products online. By the way, reselling clothes is a great option for people who are interested in...

Children's toys and gifts

Many modern consumers prefer to order gifts and children's toys on the Internet. There are many websites on the Internet that offer their services for choosing gifts. Thanks to this, a person can easily choose a suitable surprise to please his family or friends. To make the gift unique, you can personalize it, that is, order some original inscription or engraving.


Experts believe that cosmetics and perfumes are the best-selling products online. Many online stores that sell products from well-known brands offer consumers video tutorials and master classes from experienced specialists. Thanks to this, consumers receive quality products at affordable prices and learn how to properly use purchased cosmetics. If we talk about perfumes, usually only proven popular fragrances are purchased online.

10 criteria for a profitable niche: What to sell online?

During the crisis, many entrepreneurs who trade on the Internet go bankrupt or lose most of their profits. This happens because they don't want to change the way they work. If you choose the best-selling products on the Internet and fill the site with them, online trading will bring huge profits, regardless of economic conditions.

Before choosing a profitable one, first thoroughly research the market and study consumer demand. Each city has its own product categories that are most in demand in your region. Trading such products will allow you to earn a good, stable income.

The Russian market is considered the most favorable for the sale of all kinds of products. Beginning businessmen are often interested in what the best-selling products are in Russia and whether they are bought around the world. Therefore, the article will present products that will be purchased in the Russian Federation and other countries.

Raw materials

It is easy to guess that the most sold goods on planet Earth are raw materials. They usually conclude major transactions and, as a rule, the participating parties are large companies. The TOP best-selling raw materials products look like this:

  1. Oil. Counts expensive goods due to high demand for products final production. Crude oil is the world's most traded commodity.
  2. Coffee. This is an ancient crop; it is grown in more than 70 countries around the world.
  3. Natural gas. It is an important source of energy used for heating and electrification.
  4. Gold. From ancient times to the present day, gold has been used as a currency (however, now it is not exchanged for essential goods, but funds are invested in it for resale and capital increase).
  5. Copper. It is mainly used in trading purposes- now in the form of alloys, thousands of years ago - in its pure form.
  6. Silver. Exists in nature in its pure form, mainly used for making jewelry, devices, widely used in industry.
  7. Sugar. Used by all people in everyday life.
  8. Corn. Oddly enough, the eighth place of the most sold goods in the world is corn as the oldest crop on the planet.
  9. Wheat. It is the main food product among grain crops.
  10. Cotton. Its use is not only limited to clothing, paper and coffee filters - it is also used to make cosmetics, medicines, oil, fishing nets and fire hoses.

Other global sales products

But although raw materials are considered the most traded commodity in the world, the average office clerk will not buy a barrel of oil. Therefore, the most popular products are usually intended for entertainment, they are small and accessible to everyone, and they are also well advertised:

  1. Rubik's cube. It was invented by the Hungarian sculptor and architect Erne Rubik in 1974. After 6 years American company I bought the copyright for this toy and began producing it. Very quickly the puzzle became a worldwide sensation, which is why the cube has been considered a best-selling product for many years.
  2. iPhone. This phone is considered the best-selling product even in Russia. In just 5 years, more than 290 million models were purchased worldwide.
  3. "Harry Potter." The book first saw the world in the 90s of the last century and has not left bookstore shelves since then. The total profit from book sales was $8.1 billion.
  4. "Thriller". Another top-selling product is Michael Jackson's Thriller album. In just a year after its release, it received 8 awards.
  5. "Mario." This video game first appeared in 1981 and has been featured regularly in gaming products since then. Each copy sold over 1 million copies.
  6. iPad. It was first seen by the world in 2010 and immediately became the best-selling product of the year.
  7. "Star wars". In 2009, Avatar was recognized as the highest-grossing film; according to other sources, Gone with the Wind (1939) is considered the highest-grossing film. But if we take into account the category of “series”, then none of the existing ones can compare with “Star Wars”.
  8. Toyota Corolla. No matter how strange it may sound, a car also made it into the list of best-selling products. Corolla has been on the market for more than forty years, and during this time more than 11 models have seen the world.
  9. Lipitor. This drug is used to lower cholesterol levels in the body. The total profit from the sale of the drug is $126 billion.
  10. PlayStation. The first model of this game console was released in 1995. After 5 years, consoles of the second and third generations - PS2 and PS3 - entered the market. Over the entire period, more than 310 million copies have been sold.

Successful investments

So, what is the best-selling product in Russia? As a rule, it all depends on the category. Beginning entrepreneurs usually work with several products, because with a large assortment it is very difficult to track the popularity of the product. If you choose only one direction, then later you can expand the line with related products. This trend brings good profits if you use the Internet space for implementation.

Also, when starting to work with sales, it is important to understand that during a crisis, the list of best-selling products in Russia will certainly change. This will especially affect the wealthy segments of the population, who will prefer to save money and begin to invest in things. Mainly in precious metals, real estate, art or antiques.

But since there is a priori no middle class, and society is divided into two categories of people: some skim off the “cream”, others are below the poverty line. Due to this feature, goods for sale are usually selected. But here you also need to think: if you choose cheap products, you can quickly win an audience, but here there is a lot of competition from online platforms and more well-known organizations. As statistics show, gadgets were the best-selling product in Russia in 2016, but it is almost impossible to grab your market share in this segment.

Clothing, shoes, accessories

It is this group that heads the top 10 best-selling products. The desire to express oneself and stand out is almost in the first place for a person. This group of goods will be in demand in any economic conditions. Despite the fact that people are accustomed to choosing things by trying on and by touch, today more and more buyers order the necessary goods via the Internet.

The Internet provides information regarding size, color, fabric composition, and there are also photographs showing the item from all sides. Although for a client buying a product online is a real pig in a poke, the buyer will never guess what exactly he will receive in reality. But in terms of searching, the Internet is very convenient.

The best-selling products on the Internet are clothing and shoes. According to statistical results, 12% of consumers buy goods in this category online. This is done mainly by women, and the most popular product is, of course, dresses.

Quadcopters, smartphones and accessories

Such aircraft were originally created for military purposes, but after a while they were enthusiastically used in everyday life and for entertainment. Marketers believe that 2018 will be the most profitable business There will be a trade in drones. The demand for this product is growing all the time, so you can make a lot of money on resale. Apparently, people have already satisfied their need for smartphones and now want something new.

By the way, about smartphones. These gadgets have been the best-selling products on the Internet for several years now. This category includes any item whose cost exceeds $600 (34.5 thousand rubles). According to statistics on best-selling products, about 10% of Russian residents can afford to constantly change their mobile phones to new models.

Household appliances

Also among the 10 best-selling products on the Internet are household appliances. Even if we take into account the fact that most buyers are afraid to shop online, the demand for these products is growing every day. No matter how you look at it, the cost of household appliances in stores is much more expensive than on the Internet, even if you take into account delivery, you can save a decent amount.

Basically, people buy large household appliances from stores to preview them in person. Therefore, small household appliances such as an iron, kettle, blender, etc. are more popular. Beauty products are also popular in this product category: epilators, electric razors, curling irons, flat irons, etc.

Green tea and medicine

As for 2018, then great idea There will be trade in green tea. As statistics show, the average buyer is more and more focused on healthy eating (more precisely, on the fashion for healthy eating). In any case, green tea, like green coffee, is now very popular.

Recently, healthy nutritious products, in other words, detoxes, have become worthy competition for them. In first place are herbal teas and decoctions, in second place are detox juices. Despite the fact that many detoxes turn out to be fakes, the demand for them is not decreasing.

A healthy lifestyle is good, but medications are still more popular. No matter how you look at it, people will always get sick; there are pharmacies at literally every step in the country. When purchasing pharmaceutical products, the buyer is mainly guided by blind trust. Even dietary supplements and herbs, which do not always have a positive effect on the body, are in demand.

Books, toys, gifts

Even in an age when people have started using electronic devices to read books, regular paper copies are still in demand. Be that as it may, ease of use cannot overcome the desire to sniff the newly printed publication. According to statistics, the best-selling products on the Internet are books (this is if we take into account only online transactions). On the sites printed publications They are much cheaper and you can get good discounts.

Also, the modern buyer cannot do without toys and gifts. After all, every person has many relatives, friends and acquaintances, and no one has yet canceled holidays and the rules of good manners. In addition, there are now many services that can make a gift personalized, original and unique. And toys are popular among people of all ages.


As strange as it may sound, the list of best-selling products online also includes tickets. If previously you had to go somewhere and stand in line, now you can purchase the required ticket without leaving your home: buy it, print it out and you’re done. True, novice businessmen should not focus on this segment of the market: not only is there pathologically high competition here, but they will also have to spend a lot of effort searching for potential partners.

Cosmetics and perfumes

These products were, are and will be popular. The peak of sales increases especially on the eve of the holidays. Cosmetics buyers are generally conservative; they will constantly choose a product that once suited them. So if you want to start a business in this area, then you can try your luck.

It is worth noting that profit will directly depend on the quality of the product and its advertising. Basically they can boast of a stable audience here famous brands, whose products have been tested both by time and experience. About 20% of buyers purchase cosmetics and perfumes online.

LEDs and furniture

Lighting devices powered by diodes can also be considered one of the best-selling products in Russia. At the end of 2017, the new product became a real breakthrough, because the use of this product for household purposes is considered more economical. LED lamps consume 3-4 times less electricity and last much longer than conventional lamps.

It may seem that only wealthy people buy furniture, but this is not at all true: it is popular among the entire population. They buy it not only during renovations, but also to simply update their home.

The East is a delicate matter

Buyer requests don't end there. Not long ago, Russian residents mastered a site like Aliexpress, and in most cases prefer it to domestic online stores. Goods from China have long flooded the world market, but now buyers can order things, equipment, toys, cosmetics and all kinds of accessories directly from manufacturers and suppliers, rather than overpaying the cost of the seller’s markup. Statistics show that Russian residents order the following products on Aliexpress:

  1. Tempered, protective glass for iPhone. This product takes first place in the ranking, and this is not a mistake: either everyone in the Russian Federation can afford an iPhone, or the glass is not very tempered.
  2. Gel nail polish. The new fashion of modern girls obliges them to buy it.
  3. Women's seamless cotton briefs. The top three are lingerie, and although buying it online is a dubious proposition, consumers don't think so.
  4. Matte waterproof liquid lipstick.
  5. Cosmetic sponge.
  6. Metal headphones. They look stylish and sound good, it’s not for nothing that they made it into the top ten.
  7. Purifying black mask. It appeared on the market in 2016 and immediately became popular.
  8. Cotton blouse with buttons.
  9. Warm women's leggings.
  10. Silicone transparent case for iPhone.
  11. Xiaomi fitness bracelet. Similar products from other manufacturers are many times more expensive, but so far there have been no complaints about this company. People buy products literally for nothing.
  12. on a magnet or tape. Since they cost almost pennies, buyers from Russia do not miss the chance to decorate their home.
  13. Balaclava hat. This is a hat that is pulled over the neck, and only the eyes and forehead are visible. But this product is seasonal, and its popularity was apparently inspired by modern fashion.
  14. Lace bra with push-up effect.
  15. LED waterproof flashlight. An irreplaceable and useful thing in every home.
  16. Women's blouse with lace. Perhaps, women's clothing is the most popular product category on Aliexpress, so it appears more than once in the Top 20 most purchased products.
  17. Silicone nibbler for feeding children. This is a special device designed for feeding babies fruits and berries.
  18. Lithium battery charging module. The popularity of this product is questioned: according to statistics, 19,000 orders were made, but in fact, a rare buyer knows what it is and what it is eaten with.
  19. Seeds of flowers, fruits and vegetables.
  20. Faucet attachment to save water.

What is the world buying?

If you look at the situation with goods from Aliexpress in the world, the only thing that can be included in the Top most purchased products is women's clothing. It is equally actively purchased both in the Russian Federation and in other countries of the world. Abroad, people mainly focus on those goods that will be useful in the household or that are too expensive in their country. For example, in 2018, the most ordered items from Aliexpress abroad were baseball caps, sneakers, sweatshirts, vacuum food packers, quadcopters, 3D construction kits, silver rings, LED devices and brushes for cleaning car air conditioners.

Purchasing needs are different for each category of the population; some are ready to give their lives for a Rubik’s cube, while others can’t wait to get a smartphone case from China. Just a few decades ago it was possible to make a rating of the best-selling products, but today there can be a hundred or even more such ratings. The world is changing, and if before there wasn’t much to choose from, now the range of goods is too wide.

What to offer the consumer, and make a profit from it yourself? What is more profitable to sell on the market in the coming years will be discussed in this article.

What is a hot commodity

A hot commodity is a product that is in great demand and is easy to find a buyer for. However, not in every case, popular goods can be unambiguously recognized as reliable and profitable for the seller - those for which a person will come, even if he is limited in supply. cash. Therefore, before choosing products for sale, you always need to take into account not only the level of sales at the moment, but also in the future, and also calculate the profit per unit of goods sold at the checkout.

Good selling product– this is a product that will be equally taken both in times of crisis and in moments of economic development.

It is easier and more reasonable for an entrepreneur to earn a little less income by selling reliable products (always necessary) than expensive risky products that are purchased situationally. Compare cereals and delicious seafood: a person can eat buckwheat several times a week, while he will eat caviar or shrimp only on a holiday.

The simplest examples of in-demand products

If you sit down for a minute and think about the most frequently purchased in Russia goods, then bread, cigarettes and alcohol come to mind. This is true, but this does not mean that opening a business selling any of these products is guaranteed to bring high and stable income or any advantages compared to other products.

Take, for example, cigarettes - one of the most popular products in the Russian Federation. The cigarette business is far from the most profitable. This is all due to the system, which is aimed at creating maximum prices in this particular niche.

Or take alcohol for consideration.

Not every drink from the huge variety will be on the list of popular leaders. Expensive elite drinks - wines, cognacs, whiskey in rare cases can be brought stable income business owner in the same way that cheaper and more accessible drinks do. Beer is considered the most popular drink. For the past 5 years, its sales have confidently maintained their position at one high level. But the success of sales of low-alcohol products is influenced by many additional factors: location, assortment, competition, brand.

But no matter how high and massive the sales of alcohol and tobacco products may be, there is another profitable product for a business that every person purchases every time they go shopping. And this place of honor belongs to the ordinary plastic bag. Start off polyethylene production It’s not that simple, but people make millions of rubles on this insignificant product.

Popular popular products in Russia (in examples)

Now in the Russian Federation the population is mainly interested in simple baked goods, vodka and cigarettes. But here the entrepreneur needs to be careful at the start: all specified pricing positions are subject to certain restrictions provided for by law. Thus, it will be necessary to ensure an extremely large turnover in order to make a profit, and this is difficult in the sales market, since competition in these segments is very high.

To those in demand in the territory Russian Federation currently include:

  • small household appliances, budget electronics;
  • electrical goods;
  • household chemicals and personal care products;
  • children's toys;
  • simple foods (mostly bakery products, semi-finished products, oils, cereals and cereals, vegetables, tea).

However, a popular product and a profitable one are not the same thing.

The latter includes everything that the buyer is willing to spend his money on, without thinking too much about the amount. Such products, small and rather banal at first glance, can be sold with a good profit. Usually the assortment of this retail " cheap» is presented in small shops and stalls, and is purchased for free in China: dishes, hygiene products, stationery, small things useful in the household (clothespins, hangers, hangers, adhesive tapes, etc.). Thus, a profitable product is everything that surrounds us every day, which a person uses regularly.

The buyer will always need food, so even in a crisis, food products do not give up the leading position in sales. Consumers try to avoid expensive offers and look for affordable analogues, for example, instead of natural cheese, they take a cheese product.

Another profitable position is gastronomic products by weight. Nuts, teas, dried fruits, dried seafood and other small items, which are purchased in huge quantities in China or Asian countries, and then sold in small containers at a premium. So much and cheap turns into little and expensive.

How to choose a popular product for your business niche

Everyone chooses a certain strategy for themselves:

  • sale of risk-free goods with smaller but stable profits;
  • trade goods from a high-risk group and obtaining unstable, but at times high profits.

Most entrepreneurs will choose reliability, that is, the first option. When looking for goods for commerce, you should start not from the most popular varieties, but from promising and profitable ones.

The most purchased goods in the country can be grouped into the following categories:

  • small household appliances - among them kettles, irons, mixers, blenders, hair dryers and others, without which life is in principle possible, but with them it becomes more comfortable and simpler;
  • electrical goods - this includes sockets, switches, light bulbs, adapters and other similar items that a person needs;
  • sanitary items - plumbing fixtures and components that tend to be damaged - these are gaskets, valves, taps, showers and others;
  • tools for daily use - include hammers, saws, nails, screws, screwdrivers, axes and many other household essentials;
  • household chemicals - includes various cleaning products, detergents, personal hygiene items that people purchase on a regular basis;
  • items of clothing and shoes are goods that a person will not buy every day, but cannot do without them;
  • goods for children - clothes, toys, shoes, accessories, accessories for everyday life, etc.;
  • other daily goods.

There are also leaders among food products. According to statistics, the most purchased for last year steel in the country:

  • meat, including chicken, pork, beef and turkey;
  • chicken eggs;
  • semi-finished products - are in great demand among women;
  • frozen seafood and fish;
  • vegetable oil and butter;
  • cow's milk;
  • pasta, flour and flour products;
  • salt, sugar;
  • cereals – rice, buckwheat, oats;
  • black tea;
  • fruits – bananas, apples;
  • vegetables - onions, potatoes, cabbage, carrots.

Among all the variety, some products are in great demand, while others are in less demand. How to do right choice and stop at a certain type?

  1. Focus on your own knowledge, interest and dictates of the heart. Not every product will bring equal satisfaction from working with it. Somewhere there will be a lack of knowledge, somewhere experimental knowledge, somewhere the frequency of implementations. The key to the success of any sales should not lie in the thirst for a quick profit. First of all, you need to love your own business.
  2. Comparison of product groups that are most suitable for you. If you are torn between several types of products and do not know which one to give preference to, a detailed analysis will help you decide.

The first steps towards a big deal

Once you have decided what to sell , you need to answer a number of questions that will help develop a business strategy. So this is:

  • where to sell;
  • to whom to sell.

The solution to the first question can be found in two ways:

  1. Open a retail outlet, go to the market , rent premises for a store, rent a stall or retail space and so on.
  2. Trade via the Internet. This method will reduce the prices of goods and attract more buyers.

Any of these options has both advantages and disadvantages. Not every product can be successfully sold on the Internet, and not every product on store shelves can attract the same interest as on the Internet.

Now let's return to the second question - who will we sell the goods to?. If products are in demand mostly among the elderly population, then there is no point in organizing trade via the Internet. Regarding real trade, it is also important to decide on buyers in order to profitably locate your sales markets in the future.

The next step is to take into account all your capabilities in the following aspects:

  • availability and volume of start-up investments for starting a business;
  • When opening a retail outlet, it is advisable to carry out preliminary marketing research in the proposed territory: demand opportunities, traffic flow, likelihood of competition, etc.;
  • care must be taken to ensure maximum demand in the chosen location, as well as sustainability of demand for the product even with changes in the economic situation.

Upon detailed study of the listed aspects and correct answers to the proposed questions, opening a business It won't seem so complicated and scary.

Online trading

Offering products online is beneficial for several reasons. First, coverage global network in the Russian Federation is over 70%, and this figure is growing every year. One way or another, almost all residents of the country have access to online stores. Secondly, if previously online shopping was popular among young people, now these people are getting older, and the “army” of young visitors to sites is constantly replenished, that is, sales volumes are also growing. And finally, thirdly, the rhythm of life forces us to look for more quick ways purchasing the necessary products, so online stores come to the rescue (they are visited from computers, and 1/3 of users are from tablets and smartphones). In addition, shopping in them becomes more profitable and saves your budget.

Hot products on the Internet

What to build an online business on, what is most required by users who prefer to make purchases online?


The first group includes all kinds of electronic devices and electrical goods with compact dimensions: home and kitchen appliances, mobile gadgets, laptops, readers, tablets. As for various kettles, toasters and coffee makers, it is better to organize their sale on well-known sites, since opening your own online store is an expensive business, and you will also need to constantly compete with major players.

Perfumes and cosmetics

This group includes eau de toilette and perfume, cologne, face and body skin care products, cleansing serums and gommages, and decorative cosmetics. The range can also be supplemented with accessories for applying and removing products.

Gift items and toys

Even in the absence of money, people strive to pamper a loved one with a gift. Unusual items are purchased for adults, and toys (plush, plastic, radio-controlled) are purchased for children. Quadcopters and their accessories are becoming popular.

Clothing and shoes, accessories

People are forced to turn to online stores for such a seemingly simple product due to the high price in regular stores. retail outlets. Often on the Internet it is possible to find a similar product much cheaper, plus with free delivery - a double benefit, and the person does not need to leave home anywhere.

Green tea, coffee

Trade in these products is promoted by customers seeking to lead a healthy lifestyle, advocating for cleansing the body and saturating it with useful elements. Despite the crisis, many people cannot deny themselves a cup of delicious drink.

Prices for online purchases

Any person organizing a business is interested in what price premium can be made on the assortment, how much revenue he will ultimately receive by selling all the purchased goods.

For the most everyday goods, the markup cannot be large, from 5 to 35%, and only large stores can afford to do this. But even they, like smaller entrepreneurs, strive to find goods with a high markup from 100% (umbrellas, bags, gifts) to 300% (cases for gadgets, seasonal products). It is most profitable to purchase cheap Chinese products, and only then sell them on the territory of the Russian Federation at several times more expensive.

If you plan to open a store from scratch, then it is better to refuse to sell equipment and electronics, since they need to be purchased in large quantities, and customers may experience breakdowns during operation.

At the start of opening a business, it is quite possible to start trading wow goods (purchases of impulse demand). This includes various items that will help a person do something without much effort (weight loss belt, exercise equipment for individual muscle groups, devices for savingelectricity, fuel). The main thing is that such products are not considered perishable (since the percentage of disposal of expired raw materials is high) and do not require special conditions storage (humidity, temperature), since you will have to look for additional premises and spend money.


As an illustrative example, we present information collected using the well-known Avito portal, where both individuals and companies sell. So, over the past year, users spent almost 34 billion rubles on the purchase of products from 5 categories:

  • personal goods – 6.5 billion;
  • products for home and garden – 5.5 billion;
  • products for recreation and activities – 3.5;
  • household appliances – 15.2;
  • everything for pets – 4.7.

The leaders according to statistics were seasonal goods(for example, fans, tents, gadgets and components, and clothes were well purchased in the summer.

General statistics for 2016 allowed us to create the following list of the 10 most frequently purchased products on the Internet:

  1. Small household appliances have become the top sellers on the Internet.
  2. In second place are cosmetics and perfumes.
  3. Mobile phones took an honorable third place. Moreover, approximately 10% of citizens RF They regularly update their gadgets by purchasing phones on the Internet at better prices. On average, people purchase models that cost up to 600 US dollars.
  4. Then there are tablets and laptops.
  5. Toys and original gifts.
  6. Licensed software.
  7. Shoes, clothing, accessories.
  8. Books. It is quite interesting that, despite the free, easily accessible and convenient nature of the electronic version of books, paper-bound literature is sold at a good pace via the Internet.
  9. Order and pay for tickets online.
  10. Large household appliances.

But most of the most popular goods are not suitable for starting online trading from scratch. For example, even if you have enough money to invest in a large household. equipment, then you need to purchase it only in bulk and in large quantities. The costs of breakdowns cannot be excluded. A market is already crowded with large entrepreneurs with whom it will be difficult to compete.

Difference by region

In many ways, demand depends not only on how much money the client has in his wallet, but also on seasonality. The selection service will help you evaluate this parameter. keywords On this site you need to enter the query you are interested in and select the region. Next, the system will show how many times the word was requested during the month. To assess the seasonality of a product, just switch to the “query history” and look at the data provided. Based on the information received, it is easy to conclude which product will be more interesting to people in summer or winter.

Of course, you can make assumptions based on life experience, but statistics are much more reliable than subjective hypotheses.

For example, a person should need a rain umbrella in the fall or spring, but in reality this product is most purchased from May to September.

Another direction for local trade is regional branding. This means the production and sale of T-shirts, sweatshirts, mugs and other souvenirs with the logos of a district, city or region, or, for example, clothing for Siberians.

As you can see, determine the most profitable product not so difficult, because in fact all these products are everything that we need almost every day. Those things that a person cannot refuse even in a crisis will always be in the shopping cart when leaving the store.

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From the author: Hello, friends, readers of our blog! If you are thinking of starting a business in World Wide Web and you don’t know what niche to choose for trading, and what is best to sell in an online store, then this is definitely the place for you. IN modern world The number of online purchases is growing every day, and today I will tell you what people buy most often in online stores.

Nowadays it is very difficult to imagine a person without access to the Internet, and some even began to live in social networks! Today you won’t surprise anyone with an online purchase, but in Russia there are still many shops that don’t want to completely go into the virtual world and leave their offices and stores in real life, and our mentality is to blame for all this. However, I note that the scope of online trading is increasingly increasing, and this process can no longer be stopped - its growth rate can be compared to geometric progression or the proliferation of microbes.

Online shopping statistics

As I already noted, the number of online purchases is increasing every year, and this happens for several reasons:

in online stores it is convenient to leaf through catalogs and select products with photographs and text descriptions;

the purchase price is below market value;

you can place an order without leaving your home, and couriers bring purchases directly to your home;

you can order exclusive products, even those that are not available in our country;

convenient way payment - you can pay for purchases by cash on delivery or by bank transfer;

free shipping from another country - many consumers value this factor.

Some statistics from global indicators: the volume of purchases by visitors to online stores has doubled over the past 4 years! If in 2012 this figure was equal to 1.07 trillion. dollars, then by the end of 2016 it approached 2.3 trillion. dollars, and the forecast for 2017 is almost 2.38 trillion. Doll.! Can you imagine these scales?

I will give general statistics on what people buy more often in online stores in the Russian Federation. In 2016, sociological surveys provided the following figures: 7% prefer to make purchases in foreign stores, 43% of respondents choose domestic and foreign goods equally, 50% of respondents admitted the fact that over the past year they have purchased at least once using the Internet.

The current 2017 promises to be even more promising than the past for online commerce. According to survey results: 21% of Russian buyers want to learn how to purchase goods from abroad and 22% want to get acquainted with the offers of the Russian online market.

Here is a list of countries that are in greatest demand among Russian consumers:

China - 46%;

Germany - 16%;

Türkiye -12%;

France - 5%;

UK - 2%.

Respondents also admitted to being cautious about online shopping, for the following reasons:

fear of not receiving an order (51%);

risk of purchasing a low-quality product (52%);

costs for product delivery (44%);

long delivery time (45%).

Now I'll try to answer main question our article on what is most often ordered in online stores. The popularity of online shopping has reached the point that today everyone buys everything online - from batteries to cars, but not all products are equally popular. So…

Rating of the most popular products that people order through the online store:

1. Clothes.

There are 55% of buyers who prefer to purchase fashion items through the World Wide Web. It's no secret that shoes, clothes and accessories are most often ordered from online stores. In this category, the main consumers are, naturally, women.

The only obstacle is that in most cases it is impossible to try on the product. But online stores are actively working in this direction, providing customers with reliable dimensional grid and 3D viewing of the product. Recently, online stores have increasingly appeared, from which you can order clothes to your home along with delivery and fitting services.

2. Electrical engineering.

42% of respondents purchase gadgets and small household appliances from online stores. Prices for this group of goods are usually lower than in regular store, so even if you add shipping costs, it’s still cheaper to buy online. But large household appliances are purchased less often - 22% of respondents.

3. Entertainment goods, toys.

36% of users buy. This category is popular among young mothers because low prices. Children's products can be found at a cost 10-40% lower than the market price. Large assortment allows you to choose a unique product without “shocking” your wallet. Nowadays, children's products from Poland, such as strollers and shoes, are especially popular. This is European quality at a low price - besides, delivery time from Poland cannot be compared with China.

4. Cosmetics.

32% of respondents prefer to purchase skin care products online. Perfumes and cosmetics are very popular due to their wide range and the possibility of delivery anywhere in the world. By the way, beauty products are in great demand not only among women, but also among men - recently, a strong half of humanity has begun to actively master the purchase of beauty products in online stores. Korean brands and ECO cosmetics are especially popular.

5. Software.

The Runet is now flooded with sites where you can buy high-quality and inexpensive software. There is no doubt that this product will soon move entirely to Internet content.

6. Tickets.

Nowadays, few people go to buy tickets - no one likes to stand in a huge line among a bunch of people. Many people prefer to do this remotely, and it doesn’t matter what the ticket is for - an event, a concert, a bus or a train. You can buy a ticket online in a matter of minutes, without being distracted from your daily routine.

7. Payment systems.

Since many users want to pay for services and goods without leaving home. By downloading the application, you can be aware of the balance on the card, pay public utilities, replenish your account, etc. The market has moved quite far in this area.

I would also like to note the following types of goods that sell well through the online store (they, of course, make up a much smaller percentage than previous products, but at the same time, they sell well): spare parts and accessories for a car - 14% of users buy them; sporting goods - 12% of respondents purchase items in this category in an online store.

This list of the most popular products has not changed recently, except that the leaders sometimes change places. But there is a forecast that smartphones will soon take first place in this ranking.

Perhaps the above data will help you and where you can invest your money. After all, there is no longer any doubt that online shopping will soon completely replace regular shopping.

On this note I will end my article. If you found it useful, subscribe to our blog and tell your friends about it on social networks - maybe they will soon become your customers or partners. See you again!

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