We choose professions related to traveling around the world. Work related to traveling around the world. What professions are there in the field of tourism?

Traveling to different parts of the Earth seems to be not only relaxation and entertainment for a person, but also a kind of psychological treatment for any problems. After all, a change of environment allows you to get distracted, forget troubles, no matter what they are connected with, as well as find new friends, experience unusual adventures and gain new positive impressions and memories. For some, traveling on vacation or a weekend is enough, but there is also a category of people for whom constant travel is the meaning of life. And for them there are professions related to travel, the number of which is not so small.

Professions for those who love to travel

Many professions are associated with travel and traveling to different countries. This list can be divided into several types:

  • predominantly male occupations, for example, truck driver, archaeologist, sailor and others;
  • professions popular among women are railway conductors, flight attendants and others;
  • professions suitable for both men and women are occupations related to language translation, journalism and writing;
  • non-specific occupations - representatives of professions that, at first glance, have nothing to do with traveling to different countries or regions can also travel on duty. These include doctors working on rotation, athletes, sales representatives, biologists, research scientists and others;
  • professions directly related to travel, for example, tourism manager, guide and others.

What skills and abilities are needed?

Constant travel requires compliance with several qualities. Firstly, it is good health and stamina, since climate change and unfavorable weather conditions can have a negative impact on well-being. Secondly, to travel abroad you need to know at least one foreign language. In most cases, knowledge of English is sufficient, since almost half of the world community is English-speaking. Also the most popular are Chinese, Japanese, and among European languages ​​- French and German. Thirdly, you need to know the traditions and characteristics of the country you are visiting. Each nation has its own established national practices and customs, sometimes unusual and incomprehensible. And in this regard, work related to traveling around the world requires special knowledge and skills in communicating with people of different nationalities.

Useful tips

Each country has its own unspoken rules of behavior, for example, gestures or signs, the meaning of which should be correctly understood. Otherwise, a misused word or just a simple hand movement could be misinterpreted and you'll end up in a sticky situation. Travel-related professions require knowledge not only of languages ​​and dialects, but also of gestures and facial expressions. Below is information about gestures that may be useful when traveling.


An interesting and at the same time profitable occupation sometimes becomes the meaning of life, and it would be nice to have such a job to express all your creative abilities and get a good pay for it. And for those whose responsibilities also include traveling to various regions of the world, this is double luck. Working in a specialty in the field of tourism has its own characteristics and specifics, knowledge of which will be very useful when traveling.

And there are those specialists who organize these trips. Tourism is now an incredibly developed field of activity not only in Russia, but throughout the world. Work within this system can be clearly organized only thanks to the efforts of various qualified specialists. Analysis of the demand for tourism vacancies on recruiting sites allows us to draw a conclusion about which of them are most in demand today and which are losing popularity

Hotel administrator

Image source: 101biznesplan.ru

They look for good people more often than they look for managers, and even more so. Translated from English. “administrator” means “manager”, and from here it is easy to guess what the work of this employee is related to.

Few people have an objective idea of ​​the culture of communication with clients in the tourism industry, but not the hotel administrator. He is always friendly, resourceful and has a complete understanding of the methods of organizing life in the area where guests are staying.

No visitor should leave with a negative opinion of the hotel. Therefore, the main goal of the administrator is to make the guests’ stay as comfortable as possible. And all this is possible thanks to a polite attitude towards visitors, timely preparation of rooms for their arrival, maintaining cleanliness and safety of guests’ property. Of course, the administrator does not do all this alone, and he has a whole staff of other important employees under him.

Tourism Manager

Image source: Conceptos Turisticos

The travel industry also needs good services, without which, in fact, there will be no visitors to hotels. Therefore, employers are very careful when choosing this type of employee.

The manager is subject to the same requirements regarding the culture of communication with clients, but they are engaged in attracting them and selling tourist packages. This includes regularly consulting people, selecting the most interesting tours for them, issuing insurance, visas and other documents, and booking hotel rooms. The work is not easy, requiring complete dedication, but anyone who likes to organize everything without falling behind in a crazy rhythm should like it.

Reservation Agent

Image source: bez-tebya.ru

If a person wants to take, return or change a plane or train ticket, then he turns to booking agent. Currently, those wishing to travel to one country or another (and within their own state too) are not decreasing, as are the workloads of this specialist.

Politeness, organization and resistance to stress are the main qualities of a booking agent. In his work one can come across a lot of intractable moments, but resourcefulness always helps out, and then business communication or correspondence with clients takes place in a positive mood. You can’t do this without knowledge of the relevant booking systems.

Visa Center Specialist

Image source: Single Visa Application Center

Most tourists prefer to holiday abroad, which means that before the trip they are most likely contacted visa center specialist. This employee receives documents, checks them, processes them in special programs and prepares them for submission to the embassy or consulate.

Naturally, the visa center specialist has more than just “paper work”. In addition to this, he conducts consultations with clients, provides explanations of specific information, and after the process of working with documents is completed, hands over their originals. As in other professions, an employee here cannot do without the ability to control himself, goodwill and organization.

Mtourism development manager

Image source: freelancertestbd.blogspot.com

There is little to surprise the modern traveler, and more and more travel companies are opening. This creates an urgent need for mtourism development manager, whose task is to open new horizons of this very profitable business. This profession is worth pursuing for an organized and sociable person who knows how to keep his emotions under control.

To develop a travel company, the manager must constantly look for what will be especially attractive for the client in his vacation, so he selects interesting offers from new partners, negotiates with them, takes into account all resources (including competitors’ prices), and monitors demand statistics. Of course, this is only part of his responsibilities, but one of the most important.

Despite their different responsibilities, all these professionals share one common goal - to provide a comfortable rest for people. If the customer likes everything, he will turn to the travel agency for services more than once.

Nowadays, you don't need anything special to travel, it's completely simple. There are no problems with transport; you can get to almost anywhere in the world. However, for this you will need to spend a lot of money. True, there is a way out. You can travel around the world at the expense of your employer; to do this you just need to choose a profession related to travel.

Where can you work today? The list of specialties that involve the opportunity to travel, see the world with your own eyes and get acquainted with another culture is quite large. There are more than a hundred of them. These are sailors, cruise ship employees, truck drivers, foreign language teachers and translators. In a word, all types of activities that involve travel can be listed for quite a long time.


Tourist destination

This is one of the very interesting and in-demand options for current graduates that involve traveling to fulfill their duties.

We offer a list of specialties:

  1. Guide
  2. Tourism representative.
  3. Tester of services or products.
  4. Event manager.

A guide who speaks Russian is quite in demand in many countries, since our tourists travel all over the world, they can be met everywhere.

Many of them go not only to sunbathe on the beach, but also to get acquainted with the customs and culture of the local people. Consider working in a museum, park, or on bus tours.

In almost every country there are regional tourist offices or national representative offices. The task of these companies is to promote and popularize their country among organizations that hold conferences and seminars. The job of a tourism representative requires excellent knowledge of the advertised country, its language, as well as the basics of marketing.

Each travel agency that provides a high level of services has a department that monitors the quality of service provided to clients. A specially trained employee travels to all areas that his company sells and studies the service provided. In a word, he lives both in expensive hotels and in economy class.

Then the tester reports on the compliance of the quality of service and the level of the hotel with the declared one. This specialization requires a person to have good health and nerves, since they will have to travel a lot, without delays for a long time in the place they like.

The responsibilities of an event manager include clear planning and competent execution of various cooperatives. It is important to be able to choose appropriate entertainment, know the intricacies of organizing a premium vacation, where and how to buy air tickets at the lowest price, and get discounts. In short, organize an event at the highest level and save money at the same time. Such a manager must be at the “scene of the events” himself and control the process of holding events, so he will have to travel often.

Useful video: 10 ideal professions for travelers

Aid workers

International volunteers are people who risk their lives to save others. As a rule, these specialists are sent to places where the city has been destroyed due to war, natural disaster or famine. These could be doctors, teachers, agronomists, engineers. Their work may involve travel, allow them to see the world, and also make their hearts a little kinder.


A specialty that is closely related to nature and travel. The profession is ideal for those who want to reveal the secrets of our ancestors. To work, you must graduate from a special higher education institution.

Only in this case will it be possible to obtain archaeological supervision over a particular historical site or another leadership position in this direction.

In addition to education, you will need good physical data and excellent health. Both girls and boys can be archaeologists. The main thing for owners of this profession is emotional calm and balance. You can work either alone or in a team. A specialty related to nature, traveling around the world, allows you to always be in the fresh air.

Translators and foreign language teachers

Professions related to languages ​​and travel are always in demand. It's no secret that English is considered an international language. However, in any country you can meet someone who wants to learn spoken English from a person who speaks Russian well. Yes, you can work as a translator. True, for this it is important to have the appropriate education, knowledge and qualifications. Only in this case can the specialty be in demand.

Foreign language teaching

Creative specialties

What is important here is knowledge of the language of the country in which you plan to work! In this area, professions that are related to travel have a fairly large list.

Among them:

  • animators;
  • musical performers;
  • DJs;
  • photographers and videographers;
  • dancers and others.

Job openings are often available at the most prestigious resorts. In addition, you can do without higher education. The main thing is to graduate from a choreographic or music school and take the appropriate courses. In addition, you need to have the ability to behave in public, a sense of humor, be charming and sociable.



The professions associated with traveling in this direction are very interesting. Among the most in demand, it is worth highlighting: PR specialists, press secretaries, cameramen, and journalists.

PR specialist in various fields. As a rule, we are talking about the tourism industry. The duties of such an employee include traveling around the world, or rather to places where his customer intends to promote his product. Direct responsibilities include meeting with partners, accompanying journalists, and writing reports to your superiors. It is possible that such travelers sometimes fly economy class and live in cheap rooms.

A press secretary of a large company, as a rule, always has a packed suitcase in his house. Quite often, he accompanies his boss on business trips; he needs to be aware of all events and have time to react in a timely manner to a particular situation. This work is very stressful and involves many conflict situations, so the main criteria are a strong nervous system and the ability to “smooth corners”, regardless of the circumstances.

Video operators include creators of commercials and bloggers. Their work involves travel, and there are many such vacancies. Their work can be in demand in any corner, provided they are highly professional. Therefore, it is impossible to do without special knowledge, perseverance and constant improvement.

They can also be travelers. Among them are correspondents and reporters. Their responsibilities include writing beautiful texts or filming videos. It is very important to have competent speech and a good knowledge of the grammar of the language in which the events will be narrated in written or video format. There is absolutely no need to shoot on a tourist theme here. After all, journalists write on any topic and talk about what is happening in the world.

Pilots and flight attendants

Among the professions for girls related to travel, one can highlight. Here the main requirements are excellent health: the cardiovascular system, lungs, as well as blood pressure and the vestibular apparatus must be normal. Pilots and flight attendants regularly undergo a medical examination during training and work. If any health problem is identified, you can forget about your career.

It is worth noting that you can become a pilot after piloting courses in specialized flying clubs. There is a stepped education system and a large amount of practice.

Long-distance sailors

As a rule, this profession appeals to romantics and those who love the sea. Such an employee must also have good health and a considerable amount of knowledge. Today, seafarers are more protected. However, natural disasters and pirates still exist today. This is not the entire list of professions related to travel.

Important! All of the above professions require, in addition to special knowledge, good command of languages ​​and excellent health.

Pros and cons

Quite often, people do not understand what disadvantages there may be in a profession that allows them to constantly travel: discover new countries, get acquainted with another culture. However, be that as it may, there are some disadvantages to traveling. The main one is isolation from home and family. This fact is important for those who value personal relationships and have small children. After all, during constant travel it is difficult to pay maximum attention to your family and friends. True, this drawback is only the only one, but professions related to travel have much more advantages, and they are obvious.

In short, among the endless possibilities it is worth highlighting;

  • getting to know culture, interesting places, people;
  • the opportunity to expand your horizons;
  • gaining new knowledge and experience.

Useful video: TOP professions that allow you to travel around the world


If traveling is your calling, and it is with this profession and field of activity that you would like to connect your life, then all that remains is to decide on the direction and get an education. To do this, we recommend that you first familiarize yourself with universities where you can obtain the appropriate profession. There you also need to find out the conditions for admission and the intricacies of the educational process. Remember that the comfort of your future life depends on your choice and desire to travel.

Traveling nowadays is not difficult - transport problems no longer exist. But this pleasure costs a lot of money. It turns out that you can travel around the world at the expense of your employer if you choose the right profession. Let's consider the real possibilities of combining business with pleasure.

A hundred years ago, the main obstacle for travelers was time, because they had to travel by trains and horse-drawn teams. Now all you need to travel is money and desire.

Everyone, or almost everyone, wants to see the world. You can watch the “unlucky” wanderings of Dmitry Krylov without getting up from the couch, but we understand that this is reminiscent of a cake “at a close glance.” And every morning we go to work in the office or not in the office - a place that is familiar and not associated with happiness. Sometimes I manage to go abroad on vacation, sometimes even twice a year. But a beach holiday quickly gets boring, and traveling to really interesting places requires a lot of money.

This is how dreams break into reality. But there are lucky people who travel around the world and get paid for it. Everyone can name a dozen professions associated with constant movement around the world: pilot, flight attendant, truck driver, seafarer, employees of embassies and consulates, trade missions, etc. Office workers, by the way, also have a chance to go on business trips abroad . Let's consider the most realistic possibilities of combining business with pleasure.

It is quite possible that in a couple of months you would give up endless moving from place to place, but you can only be convinced of your own attachment to home by changing your usual lifestyle.

Profession: traveler

AU pair

This option is suitable for people of any age and gender - working in the house, caring for children or the elderly, maintaining a garden, etc. There are volunteer programs in many countries, you just need to choose the one where you want to live and apply. Your host family will provide you with a roof over your head, food and pocket money.

Agritourism (WWOOFer – Willing Workers on Organic Farms)

“Voluntary Workers on Organic Farms” is a new direction that has already been appreciated. There are organic farms in at least 50 countries. You come to a farmer and work for him 4-6 hours a day, for which you will be provided with housing and food. And no one owes anyone anything anymore - such a natural exchange without money.

To become a participant in the program, a farmer provides evidence of the environmental friendliness of his farm and pays an annual fee. Volunteers also pay a fee to the organization (up to $60) in the country where they plan to work. After joining the organization, the volunteer is sent a catalog of farms participating in the program; all that remains is to select the appropriate one and contact the farmer. You can pick coffee in Brazil, grapes in France, olives in Italy or peaches in Australia.


There are animators at many resorts, beaches, and hotels. If you are artistic, have a good sense of humor and natural cheerfulness, and also know a foreign language, try your luck.

Member of an archaeological or geological expedition

Not only scientists are involved in excavations and geological developments; unqualified employees are also suitable for performing simple work. Join an expedition and you will visit a historical place, touch antiquities and interact with meaningful people. Few people decide to stay in the profession, but during their student years many young people choose this way of traveling.


At first glance, the work of an expert accountant has nothing to do with travel. It is unlikely that auditors often go on business trips abroad, but they are guaranteed a long stay within the country. Traveling to different cities for inspections, specialists in this profession spend weeks and months in one place.


A profession that many people dream of, but the number of places in diplomatic missions is very limited. It must be admitted that it is easier for diplomats to get to know the country than for housekeepers or builders.

Pilots and flight attendants

The work is dangerous, difficult and highly paid. Often, when flying into a country, pilots and flight attendants see nothing but the airport building and hotel room.

Sales manager in a foreign company

There are more and more vacancies every day, but you need to know a foreign language. Frequent business trips and trips to seminars, trainings, etc. are expected.


You don't have to be a captain or navigator to get on a sea liner or yacht. The team includes a cook, a doctor, a maid, an animator, a waitress, a sailor, etc.


Knowledge of foreign languages ​​is highly valued, and it is easier to find work for a polyglot in any country.

Reporter, journalist, photographer

Not all journalists can go on business trips abroad, but sports commentators or political journalists from reputable publications often travel abroad. Still, reporters working in hot spots are at serious risk, and this should not be forgotten. Photographers can make money by selling their work to various publications, but to do this you need to be the best of the best.


An interesting job, in demand in countries where Russian tourists traditionally go.

Event manager

Specialists in organizing corporate events are in demand by corporations and agencies. An event manager must be able to organize a premium vacation, choose entertainment, get discounts in hotels, and buy inexpensive air tickets. The organizer personally goes to the site and monitors the progress of the event.

Employee of a large travel agency

Developed countries are opening their representative offices and tourism offices all over the world. If you manage to get a job in such a company, you are guaranteed trips to seminars and conferences.

Travel agency testing specialist

Large travel companies always have departments that monitor the quality of the tourism product. The employees’ task is to travel around the world and experience the company’s offers for themselves: hotel rooms, quality of food, excursion services, etc. The level of services will not always correspond to what is stated, but long business trips to other countries are guaranteed.

Press Secretary

Press secretaries of the heads of large companies travel a lot because their duties include accompanying the boss on all business trips. The work cannot be called easy, but if you are ready to live on a volcano, constantly finding ways to dodge awkward questions and finding arguments to defend the company, go for it!

I need more professions

Didn't find something you liked on the previous list? No problem, catch more:

  1. Tour guide
  2. Guide
  3. Tourism Manager
  4. Tour product testing specialist
  5. Conductor on a long-distance train
  6. Flight engineer
  7. Trucker
  8. Sea captain
  9. Cruise ship staff
  10. Videographer
  11. Program presenter
  12. Artist
  13. Photographer
  14. Designer (clothing, landscape, interior, graphics)
  15. Art critic
  16. Top model
  17. Musical performer (singer/singer)
  18. Dancer
  19. Producer/agent/manager of music artist/dancer
  20. Showman (woman)
  21. DJ
  22. Organizer of events abroad (for example, weddings)
  23. Clown (international circus)
  24. Juggler (international circus)
  25. Gymnast (international circus)
  26. Naturalist/Traveler (remember Into the Animal Kingdom, Untraveling Notes, etc.)
  27. Ufologist
  28. Biologist
  29. Culturologist
  30. Foreign language teacher
  31. PR manager in a large company
  32. Creator of commercials
  33. Bayer
  34. Blogger
  35. Internet trainer
  36. Internet producer
  37. Psychologist / Psychotherapist
  38. Internet marketer
  39. Copywriter
  40. Information businessman (woman)
  41. Information Business Assistant
  42. Administrator of groups in social networks
  43. Traffic Manager
  44. Internet advertising specialist
  45. Programmer
  46. Webmaster
  47. Video editing specialist
  48. Director
  49. Writer/screenwriter
  50. Actor/actress
  51. Operator
  52. Film crew member
  53. Stuntman
  54. Make-up artist
  55. Dresser
  56. Deputy
  57. Leader of the country (president/king/prime minister)
  58. Volunteer

If the idea of ​​staying within the four walls of a dusty office that will surround you 5 days a week leads to a panic attack, or perhaps this is already your usual routine and you are starting to feel like you need to change something, then don’t you think that It's never too late to become Walter Mitty. Exchange a measured life for daily incidents; exchange meetings with colleagues whose problems you know better than the back of your hand for meeting new interesting personalities, and the view from your office window for a daily change of scenery - make up your mind, because those who do not take risks will never win.

These professions are in one way or another connected with travel; they allow and even oblige you to visit other countries.

1. Journalist/correspondent.

Every day there are thousands of events happening around the world that require coverage. Working in leading media always involves business travel, that is, the opportunity to be in the very center of events and convey information live or by writing an article. As experience shows, to become a journalist it is not necessary to have a specialized education; practice and your communication skills will help you climb the career ladder to become a journalist who will work in different parts of the world.

2. Long-distance sailor.

It resonates in us with a sense of romance, which is associated with the books of Jules Verne and exciting sea adventures. In fact, everything is much more complicated, and the profession is only for real men. Such voyages can last more than a year, and therefore you need to be prepared physically and psychologically that you will not see your family during this time, and such a significant period of stay on the ship, often fighting the elements, solving complex issues and regular physical work can radically change person. Maritime educational institutions and even courses will help you first become a sailor, and then, suddenly, a naval officer.

3. Pilot.

Another romantic male profession, which in reality is dangerous and very responsible. A joke immediately comes to mind: “My teacher said that looking out the window will not make me any money. I became a pilot." To work as a pilot, you need a flight license, the same as a driver's license, only to fly an airplane. To do this, you can graduate not only from a special educational institution, but also from flying clubs, while a prerequisite is good health, the absence of disorders of the vestibular apparatus - medical examinations are carried out regularly both during training and during work.

4. Stewardess.

Many girls dreamed of becoming a flight attendant in childhood, but not all of them actually decide to connect their lives with the sky. The romance of the profession again dissipates in reality, which requires painstaking work on oneself and psychological endurance. However, the opportunity to constantly travel is an integral part of the profession. Moreover, men consider her one of the sexiest.

5. Programmer/web designer.

Everyone knows about the salary level of programmers; isn’t that why more and more people are striving to work in this area. And combined with the ability to program from anywhere in the world where there is Internet, this is an ideal opportunity to combine work and getting to know many cultures on any continent. In addition, to obtain this profession, you will only need courses, and then, of course, many years of improving the basic knowledge acquired from them. Since the IT sector is one of the most dynamic in our time, don’t lag behind.

6. Archaeologist/Geologist.

An interest in history, a desire to touch the past and solve at least one of the many mysteries hidden underground will lead you to master the profession of an archaeologist. To do this, you need to have a higher academic education, but this is not all the requirements: good health, endurance, good physical fitness and such personal qualities as patience, attentiveness and balance due to the specifics of the work must be inherent in you.

7. International humanitarian worker.

International humanitarian workers travel to countries that have been devastated by natural disasters, war or famine. Humanitarian workers can work in any useful social field - be teachers, engineers, psychologists, doctors, agronomists, etc. Their task is to make efforts to overcome the material and moral consequences of negative events.

8. Tour guide/guide.

If you, as people say, are tongue-tied, and you know how to present even sometimes boring historical events in an interesting way, then the profession of a tour guide will be an excellent choice. By the way, these concepts “tour guide” and “guide” are correlated as part and whole, although they are increasingly being identified. A guide is a person who shows and talks about a certain object, such as a museum or gallery. A guide leads a group of tourists along a specific route, noting all the cultural and historical sites that are found along it. Often guides accompany bus tours and therefore have the opportunity to travel.

9. TV presenter.

We are talking not only about TV presenters of such programs as “Heads and Tails” or “The World Inside Out,” which occupy a thematic niche among other television shows. They have their own specifics, which involve research and visiting what is written in the script. We are talking about any TV presenter who hosts entertainment, news or documentary television programs and has the opportunity, in his free time from work, to create his own list of attractions that he will visit.

10. Translator.

To work as a translator, you need to be fluent in several languages. Even if you work with tests, the work usually does not require constant stay in one place, and therefore suitcases and a laptop in hand - combining this work with travel is quite possible. However, a more successful combination is interpreting and travel.

11. Work on cruise ships.

Among the vacancies that are in demand on ships are cooks, waiters, musicians, animators, photographers and the like. That is, those who will ensure a comfortable stay for passengers on the ship. In addition to experience in the position you want to occupy, a high level of English language proficiency and, again, physical and psychological readiness to be on the high seas for a significant period of time are required.

12. Press secretary.

In other words, a media specialist, that is, a person who stands behind the information that appears in the media regarding his employer - any public figure: a politician, the head of a large corporation or an official. Since their employers are authorized to visit a particular country, press secretaries accompany them, because organizing press conferences, briefings and other business meetings, preparing speeches, interviews and press releases is only a hundredth part of the responsibilities assigned to such an employee, which sometimes require immediate response.

13. Travel blogger.

A profession that has been gaining increasing popularity over the past few years and is directly related to travel, because it is there that the blogger draws not only inspiration, but also material that should be updated frequently. It’s kind of a vicious circle: you need to travel in order to write, and you need to write in order to earn money from it for new travels. A profession for active and tireless travelers.

14. Tourism manager.

Since the earnings of a tourism manager mainly depend on the number of tours sold, the ability to convince a person, guess his desires and describe the bright prospects for his future vacation is not just a skill, but a talent. And in order to be able to sell something, you need to understand it, know it perfectly, in this case, visit countries to talk about them as vividly as possible.

15. Photographer.

It doesn’t matter at all whether you are a wedding photographer, work in the field of journalism or fashion, or maybe urban planning and landscapes work better for you and can serve as a platform for your income - you can travel. But for this you need to reach the international level by improving your professional skills.

16. Animator.

At first glance, the profession of an animator is a combination of entertainment and work, but in order to entertain others, you should be cheerful and active yourself, right? Versatile acting abilities, a consistently joyful mood, long-term physical activity - you should know about the pitfalls of the profession. Animators usually work in countries whose main income is based on the tourism sector, so the profession can be quite seasonal, but by moving from one job to another, you can have a summer all year round without stopping doing what you love.

17. Trucker.

A job for men that requires responsibility and sustainability is considered one of the most dangerous in the world. Transporting goods over long distances requires care and good physical health; you sometimes have to drive a truck in different weather conditions; accidents often occur, which most often end in death, given the speed and weight of the vehicle. If in films and in your imagination the profession of a truck driver is all romance and adventure, then in reality it is hard work, a long stay behind the wheel and many force majeure circumstances.

18. Athlete.

If you have good physical characteristics and an extreme desire to become the best in some sport, and you are not afraid of long, grueling training, then the profession of an athlete is for you. Sports school, college or university - what is most important here is your inner desire to become a high-level athlete. Sports competitions are held in different countries and for different levels of training - combine business with pleasure.

19. Volunteer.

Volunteer work involves performing tasks for free or in exchange for housing and food. However, for those who want to travel, this is an ideal opportunity to spend time usefully and enjoyably. Firstly, you will have to work only a few hours a day and no more than 5 days a week; the rest of the time you can earn money by working as a freelancer, for example. And secondly, participation in the majority of programs does not require special education or many years of experience.

20. Model.

The profession of a model is not only about beautiful appearance and an ideal figure, it is about constant work on oneself, monitoring one’s diet, grueling training and psychological endurance. However, there are still undeniable advantages in favor of this choice - everyone’s attention to you, high income, the ability to manage your own time and, of course, travel.

If this selection is not enough for you, then on the site you can read about 10 more professions for a traveler.

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