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In 2012, brothers Andrey and Roman Kiselev, having no experience in restaurant business, opened a Zhi-Shi sushi bar in Magnitogorsk. Despite the high competition, things went well - and five years later it is already a business with multi-million dollar revenue and a network in 26 cities of Russia. Andrey Kiselyov, co-owner of the Zhi-Shi network, told the site about why sushi restaurants focus exclusively on women when compiling the menu, and how to run a food business in cities with a population of 30 thousand people.

31 years old, entrepreneur from Magnitogorsk, co-founder of a chain of restaurants. Graduated from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of Moscow State Technical University. Nosov, after that he worked in sales. In 2012 with his brother Roman Kiselyov opened a sushi bar in Magnitogorsk. Today, the Zhi-Shi chain is represented in 26 cities, some of the restaurants are franchised. In 2016, the total revenue of only Zhi-Shi's own establishments amounted to 180 million rubles.

From sales to food business

After graduation, the brothers Andrey and Roman Kiselyov worked in sales. A few years later, when both achieved quite serious results in this direction, they thought about the fact that it was time to work “for themselves”.

Started looking at different types business. The decision, as is often the case, came by accident. An acquaintance suggested that the brothers try the food business as one of the options - to open a sushi bar. While working on this idea, Andrey and Roman Kiselev became more and more interested in it. And in 2012, in one of shopping centers In Magnitogorsk, they had an “island” where they could buy sushi and takeaway rolls.

Investments in the Zhi-Shi project (full name - Zhi-Shikarno) at the initial stage amounted to about 400 thousand rubles. This money was spent on the purchase commercial equipment, point clearance and business registration. Two chefs have been hired. In Magnitogorsk, Japanese cuisine had already become popular at that moment, and the Kiselyovs entered a rather competitive market.

Format change

To get the first customers, it was decided to advertise offline. To do this, they placed advertisements in elevators, sent out booklets to mailboxes, and distributed leaflets on the streets of Magnitogorsk.

This attracted visitors, but still their number was not as large as we would like. Then the restaurateur brothers decided to move through social media. In the social network "VKontakte" they created a group where they talked about themselves and the promotions of their food outlet. This promotion channel turned out to be much more productive and is still a priority.

“When we opened, we had no idea who our client would be. But over time, we saw that women most often participate in our competitions in the VKontakte group. As we later realized, it is women aged 25-45 that make up the core of our audience. They are about 85% of the total number of clients,” says Andrey Kiselyov.

The careful entrance to the food business through the “island” in the shopping center paid off – during the first year there was a constant flow of visitors. Soon, for the convenience of customers, the Zhi-Shi sushi bar had delivery, and then its own website where you can place an order.

When the flow of customers in the first Zhi-Shi sushi bar increased significantly, revenue increased along with it. This allowed entrepreneurs to open two more "islands" in the shopping centers of Magnitogorsk by 2014. The area of ​​each of them was no more than 15 square meters.

In the same year, the Kiselyov brothers decided to change the format of their establishments - in the direction of increasing their area and comfort for visitors. “We have seen that small dots are not able to bring in the amount of profit that is necessary for the development of the company,” Andrey explains.

In 2016, the revenue of only Zhi-Shi's own establishments (without a franchise) amounted to 180 million rubles. The target for 2018 is $1 billion.

At the time of the format change, all three "islands" were closed. Three months went on to open two restaurants with an area of ​​100 square meters each. The launch of each of them cost one million rubles. The Kiselyov brothers had to borrow money for business development from banks, but not as entrepreneurs, but as individuals - it was easier to get a loan this way.

From the very beginning, the new Zhi-Shi restaurants had no shortage of customers: they were well filled almost from the first days of opening. “Now we understand that from the very beginning it was worth investing more, perhaps even borrowing some funds. But to make institutions of a normal area, ”Andrey Kiselev argues.

The new restaurants had between 30 and 50 seats. Together with these establishments, the Zhi-Shi chain opened its points in the food courts of large shopping centers in Magnitogorsk.

"Talking" dishes

At first, the Zhi-Shi chain purchased sushi products from one supplier. But over time, it became clear that this was not economically viable. Now the network cooperates with 15 suppliers and saves up to 50 thousand rubles on each purchase compared to its previous expenses. This is possible due to the fact that the most advantageous positions are selected from each of these suppliers.

One of the main components of sushi and rolls is fish. The Zhi-Shi chain buys fish from the Faroe Islands and Chile. Previously, almost all the fish was from Norway, but with the introduction of retaliatory measures against anti-Russian sanctions in 2014, it domestic market disappeared. True, not quite - you can buy it, but now it is twice as expensive as before.

New positions in the Zhi-Shi network menu appear every month. This is done in order to attract the attention of the audience. Most of the proposed new dishes are liked by visitors and then remain on the menu (there are those that have been on the menu for years). But those who "do not go" are easily abandoned.

They try to make the names on the menu bright and understandable, for example, the Baked Kilogram or Super Creamy Kilogram sushi set. The founders of Zhi-Shi are trying to look at the names and the novelties themselves through the eyes of women, who make up the majority of buyers.

“Many of our competitors do not understand who their customers are. Sometimes they have some positions on the menu that are more designed for men. Or the names of dishes with overtly sexual overtones. Of course, we don’t have this, and we work differently,” says Andrei.

Pricing based on competitors

The average check in Zhi-Shi restaurants is 550 rubles. At each point, from 50 to 200 purchases are made per day. When setting the price for their dishes, Zhi-Shi restaurants take into account the cost of dishes and the price offers of competitors. But the prices of colleagues are not an absolute guideline.

“When we analyze the menu of competitors, we often come across positions where the profit from sales of which should be minimal, if any. We cannot work at a loss, but only so that it is not more expensive than others, we cannot, ”notes Andrey Kiselyov.

For the same reason, Zhi-Shi restaurants refuse popular positions, which, despite high demand, do not pay for themselves. “If you introduce cheap dishes on the menu, there will always be buyers for them. But then they will "take away" the client's funds, which he could spend on more favorable positions for us. About final financial result never forget, ”Andrei Kiselyov shares his advice.

Access to other cities

Realizing that the opening of each restaurant is subject to general schemes and rules, Andrey and Roman Kiselev decided to do business in other cities. Now they have 31 own institutions in 26 cities in the Southern and Middle Urals (Orenburg, Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk regions and Bashkortostan); 10 restaurants out of this number are being franchised.

The franchise was launched in 2016. For partners, this is an opportunity to scale and grow with less personal involvement than in the case of their own restaurant. Franchisees can open a restaurant or sushi bar on an area of ​​80 square meters. The lump-sum contribution is 199 thousand rubles, the monthly payment is 3.5% of the turnover.

The cost of the fee includes training of staff by a professional dry-cleaner and administrator. Every month, the network comes up with promotions and new positions on the menu, holds advertising campaigns. Now 10 cafes have been opened under the franchise, 5 more are preparing to open before the end of the year.

The network is represented in cities of different sizes - with a population of 30 to 600 thousand inhabitants. Among the cities where Zhi-Shi restaurants operate are Orenburg, Sterlitamak, Novotroitsk, Miass, Zlatoust. According to Andrei, it is even easier to open in small towns than in larger ones. And it's not just about weak competition. Such settlements As a rule, in principle, there are few places where you can eat and spend time in a comfortable environment. Therefore, each new restaurant is interesting to residents.

The area of ​​restaurants is from 100 to 200 square meters. Premises are selected in the city center and with high traffic. As a rule, they are located on the main street of the city.

The staff of one restaurant is about 10 people, including couriers. In small towns, it is difficult to find a cook and other restaurant employees. Therefore, the owners of the Zhi-Shi network rely on those locals who are ready to learn everything necessary and who are hardworking.

In 2016, the total revenue of the Zhi-Shi network (only its own establishments) amounted to 180 million rubles. Its owners strive to ensure that these figures grow to 1 billion rubles by the end of 2018.

The cost of opening one institution (without lump sum and staff costs), planned averages:

Food court bar / Sushi shop from 1 million rubles up to 2 million rubles
Revenue 1.3 million rubles, profit 350 thousand rubles;
- Cafe with a landing of 80 m2 from 1.7 million rubles. up to 5.5 million rubles
Revenue 1.8 - 2.5 million rubles, profit 650-950 tr.

The market is filled with all kinds of franchising offers, most often these are just instructions, without a guarantee of success, without support and maintenance, or from large networks where you need to buy consumables, equipment and marketing services with a high price tag.

The financial success of our partners is very important for us, we look forward to long-term cooperation and will make every effort to ensure that you are always in our team.

Opening an establishment from scratch is a risk that very often leads to disappointment and a negative result. It is much better to be part of an already working, successful business. Our quick service sushi bar format has become more popular over the years and generates new demand. Due to the democratic price tag and the attractiveness of the product, this economy segment will not cease to be relevant. For successful work, we develop three directions at once: delivery, landing, "Take Away" (with you). Thus, we squeeze the maximum out of the market, and also look more loyal in the eyes of consumers.

By joining the team of the Zhi-Shi sushi bar network, you become part of a single business, begin to move and develop simultaneously with the entire network. You get access to all innovations, developments and regular updates.

We are with you at all stages of the opening and operation of the institution. Your personal curator will accompany you at all stages of doing business. A personal purchasing manager will help you purchase equipment and ingredients at the most affordable prices. low prices. Our team will help prepare your sushi bar for opening and train the staff.

We deliver one pair of chopsticks to each roll and to every five sushi. If you need more sticks, you can double the number by asking the call center operator over the phone. If you still don't have enough chopsticks, you can get them in a paid set with wasabi, ginger and sushi sauce.

Sushi is a Japanese dish that has become popular in Russia and Europe. The basis of Japanese culinary traditions is simplicity, a minimum of ingredients, which allows you to appreciate the taste of each of them. You can order sushi to your home or office in the areas of SVAO, SZAO, SAO, ZAO, VAO and SEAD of Moscow ( free delivery for checks over 400 rubles).

The sushi specialists at Dostaevsky are very attentive to the choice of rice, fish and seafood, they use only classical techniques in cooking, doing everything by hand.

Ordering sushi in Moscow

In our Japanese menu you will find sushi:

  • Classic, with tuna, salmon or shrimp: rice, seafood and spices - everything the Japanese love.
  • Baked, which we cook with strict observance temperature regime- you can choose regular or sharper.

We offer quality service and affordable price in Moscow, you just have to arrange delivery of sushi to your home or office.

We deliver fresh sushi in an hour

Choose the method convenient for you:

  • Make an application through the site by filling out an online form and indicating the address, contact details, preferred payment method, desired arrival time of the courier ( deliveryeat from 10:00 to 23:30). With further interaction with the form, some of the fields will be filled in automatically, which significantly speeds up the process.
  • Call our phone managers.

Usually waiting for the courier does not exceed an hour, hot sushi won't even have time to cool down.

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