Magazine "Fidget" history of creation. Presentation "project "my favorite children's magazine" Why I like the fidget magazine

Developmental magazine for children "Fidget".

Readers became acquainted with the first issue of the magazine in 1958. After a short break in 2003, the publication, rich in illustrations and useful for children and their parents, was updated. It is currently published twice a month. Due to the dissimilarity of each issue from the other, children eagerly await it. The publishing house Uniline LLC, located in Smolensk, produces printed materials for children of preschool and primary school age. Distributed in Russian Federation and CIS countries.

From history

Parents of little children have always dreamed of a magical book or publication that would completely captivate the child when it fell into their hands. Fidget can be classified as one of these magazines. Numerous publishing houses are preparing to release not newspapers for mothers and children, but full-fledged magazines.
The name is associated with a noisy and restless age, when kids show excessive curiosity and do not stay in one place for a long time. At the moment, they can be captivated by entertaining and funny stories. The content created for the development of the child with elements of play attracts preschoolers and older people, who discover a lot of new and exciting things.
The publication is mainly intended for independent viewing. The authors present minimal requirements that force creativity, initiative and a desire to comprehend the environment. Magazine:
oOpens children a previously unknown world.
oIdentifies individual abilities.
oPromotes realization as a person.
The non-accidental name fully corresponds to the playful, restless period of life.

Educational sections included:
Make a funny toy with your own hands.
Solving problems in pictures.
Riddles with coloring pages.
Scary jokes.
Play with your friends.
Detective page.
Tales of pirates.
Stereo eye.
Exhibition works by masters of the brush.

The section on cool toys suggests cutting out and making a toy to improve your own mood and that of your friends. Children will certainly enjoy all sorts of poems and stories from famous and emerging poets and writers.
The publication is replete with information necessary for the development of a child:
Coloring books.

Kids don't have to get bored while making crafts using paper and plasticine. Many people choose it to spend their free time usefully.
Each room contains a board game dedicated to a specific topic. Particularly pleasing are the releases dedicated to particularly significant holidays: for Victory Day “For the Motherland” or about man’s flight into space - “Walk on the Moon”.
Not a single issue is published without puzzles, crosswords and riddles, a selection of which teaches you to think broadly and enhance your imagination. At this age, fine motor skills of the fingers are extremely important. For this purpose, coloring pages and material for further cutting and gluing are printed.


On pages with a colorful design, children can expect a lot of new and interesting things. 30 sheets contain a huge amount of different “fillings”. At a young age, children like not too voluminous fairy tales and prosaic stories that teach kindness and honesty. Reading comics, which appeal to all children without exception, brings many pleasant moments.

Answers to "difficult" questions

Of particular interest to parents and children is the “cheat sheet” section, which outlines:
Methods for preparing invisible ink.
Opportunities to pretend to be a polyglot and other useful answers to unusual questions.
Explaining why a bicycle is stable baffles many adults, except those who regularly purchase from kiosks and stores or receive Fidget magazine in the mail!

I remember how, as a little girl, I waited with the greatest pleasure for the release of my children's themed periodicals: my mother brought me from the kiosk a crisp magazine with pages still glued together, it smelled so specifically like a printing house... That smell forever sank into my heart, and it is associated with a joyful thrill in the soul: anticipation of new stories, riddles, puzzles and of course drawings!

Therefore, now, having become a mother of two beautiful children, I consider it necessary to instill in them that desire to learn the unknown that everyone, especially a child, should have.

Children's magazine fidget

I can tell, if not everything, then a lot about this periodical.

We've been ordering it for many years now, and we're happy with everything about it.

I won’t talk about everything, I’ll try to construct my thoughts.


The publication is aimed at children aged five years and older. However, the first time we bought it when our daughter was not yet four: since she is a diligent, calm girl, we considered it reasonable to try to read with her and look at the illustrations.

The child was interested from the first time, flipping through and looking at the drawings with interest. At that time we did not buy every issue; one was enough for us for several months.

Closer to the age of five, my daughter was already showing increased interest in this magazine: she asked her to read what was written, retold it, and understood the essence. She tried to solve some problems, and often she succeeded.


If the little one is not yet five, I think that the publication will be able to captivate him: huge and bright pictures delight not only a child’s eye, but are also pleasant for an adult to look at. Personally, when I look, I just remember when I was little, I remember how I looked at the same pictures and got pleasure from it.


Children, as is known, up to a certain age (7-9 years) perceive tactile sensations more than visual and auditory ones.

So, in this case, the material of the pages is precisely designed for such perception, because they are not just smooth, but satin! You run your hand over them - perfect evenness, and most importantly, what a pleasant sensation)) Mine is so happy as soon as you touch it with your finger on the even surface of the sheet.

There are small stories: they are ideal for those who are just learning to read - the child likes the feeling of completion. And when teaching him to read, it is better to give him a short story to read than an excerpt from a long one. This way the baby will receive satisfaction from the fact that he was able to complete the task.

If there are more works for children who have already mastered reading at a good level.

The largest and most important game is located exactly in the middle of the magazine: in order to start playing it you need to have chips and a cube (not included in the set, we must purchase it ourselves). The rules are standard, known to all parents - it won’t be difficult to explain to the baby.

The pictures attract the child’s gaze and curiosity, and this makes the child want to play until the very end to find out what awaits him ahead.

There are many other games that are no less interesting: you can play both in a company and alone.

As a parent, I am glad that they are able to concentrate the child and teach attentiveness and diligence: for example, connecting the dots in the right sequence, for example, is not easy if the child is distracted and is not able to draw a straight line. But, at the same time, such a task cannot be called difficult; it is quite suitable for a five-year-old.

All preschool development centers promise to work on fine motor skills, because many children have trouble with this.

This magazine contains exercises that involve cutting and gluing pictures in order to ultimately get a paper toy. Children engage in this process with great interest, which means they improve their skills in using the instrument, and then take care of the craft they created with their own hands.

Video review


Every parent of a little boy at least once dreamed of such a magical book or periodical printed edition, which, when it falls into the baby’s hands, will grab him headlong. The time has come when dreams come true. Many publishing houses have already begun to publish not just magazines for mothers and children, but full-fledged children's magazines. Such publications, as a rule, are designed for independent use. children's creativity. Therefore, the minimum requirement for a child for whom it is planned to purchase such a magazine is to read it (even if not fluently, but independently).

Magazine "Fidget"

Children's magazine Fidget

One of these colorful children's magazines is the publication "Fidget". The magazine is published by the publishing house "Yulis" LLC (Smolensk) and is distributed throughout Russia and the CIS countries twice a month.

Magazine "Fidget"

Log description

Despite the fact that the magazine is about 30 pages long, it contains a lot of fascinating materials. Many children, no doubt, will like small, kind and instructive fairy tales and stories, and all children, without exception, love comics.

Games, puzzles, puzzles

Each magazine has a board game. For example, at the end of April, a thematic game dedicated to the victory, “For the Motherland,” was published, and before Cosmonautics Day, “Walk on the Moon.”

Puzzles and rebuses, crosswords and riddles, not a single Fidget magazine is published without this. A selection of these materials develops children's spatial thinking and imagination. And to develop fine motor skills of children's fingers, coloring books and toys for cutting and subsequent gluing are required.

Answers to “difficult” children's questions

You can read all the magazines in one breath: for mothers and children, the most interesting section will be the “cheat sheets” section. How to prepare invisible ink or how to pretend to be a polyglot, as well as other interesting answers to extraordinary questions are given in this section. And a child’s question: why is a bicycle stable can baffle many adults, but not those parents whose children read Fidget magazine. Answers to the most “difficult” children's questions are given in each issue of the periodical.

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