Hang or hang out the laundry. How to properly hang clothes in a store

How to arrange goods
For successful sale The product must be correctly presented to the buyer.
In the United States of America, a system called “product face” has been successfully used for a long time.
This system can be successfully applied here in Russia, after first completing several mandatory conditions. The main condition of this system is to arrange trading floor like an arena.

1) An ideal trading floor looks like this:
in the center of the hall you need to place a special stand or table approximately 50-70 centimeters high.
They are needed for displaying goods. Behind them, tables and stands for other goods are installed, already 70-90 centimeters high. Stepping a short distance from the center, install another rack that resembles a slide, with several types of goods located at different levels. To place goods, you can also use the walls of the store, on which you can strengthen shelves and hangers with goods.
Thus, all your goods will be visible to the buyer from anywhere in the store.
But at the same time, you should not clutter the racks: the buyer should be able to take any product,
which he liked, without much difficulty.

2) Racks for hangers should be placed at buyer eye level.
More convenient will be those racks on which you can hang two rows of hangers.
In front of the counter you can place a mannequin on which you can demonstrate the latest innovation,
or a product intended for quick sale.

3) Large items (jackets, coats, pillows or blankets) should be placed on the upper level.
In this place, all customers of the store will see the product.
It is also good to place models for demonstration, the latest collections, on the upper level.

4) Customers are traditionally attracted to the central part of the store, so it is necessary to place more of it in the center. hot commodity. And hang large items along the walls of the store. For example, the ideal location for a children's clothing store is:
in the center there are trousers, jackets, sweaters, and along the walls there are jackets and coats.

5) It is also worth paying attention to the number of goods of one type sold in your store.
The most advantageous would be to present up to 40 models of the same type, for example, blouses, in five sizes of each model. Many European stores use this option.
First, no more than 5-10 models are hung. After the main collection is sold out, its remnants are hung on a rack in the center for faster sale.

6) According to the experience of Western stores, it would be better to arrange things in blocks in a single color scheme, since buyers first of all pay attention to color. And in order to give the buyer the opportunity to better examine the style of the model, several samples can be placed away from the mass display.

7) To showcase the latest clothing collections, it is best to use mannequins that need to be dressed from head to toe so that the buyer gets a complete picture of the collection. In this case, you should demonstrate not only clothes, but also accessories for them.

Remember that the better you present the product to the buyer, the greater the chance that
that he will buy this thing from you.

Don’t be afraid to experiment, try different things, the result is only given by testing!
You did something, but it didn’t work, change it.
It worked - Leave it, etc...
Only those who do nothing make no mistakes!

Sincerely, administration of the children's clothing factory "Mother's Baby"

When visiting museums and opening days, we do not pay attention to the principle of placing paintings, taking it for granted. And only when you purchase paintings for your home and try to place them harmoniously, do you begin to understand how difficult this task is. However, there are a number of simple rules that will help you solve it properly.

Firstly, you should not hang pictures too high. After all, the painting is placed on the wall so that it is convenient to look at. Experts advise hanging the picture a little lower than you want, especially if the picture is hung in the dining room: your guests will most likely look at it while sitting at the table.

Equally important is the need to consider the proportions of the room. If the room has high ceilings and the paintings are small, then it is better to place them in groups, organized around the largest piece. In general, grouping paintings is a very effective and common technique.

Experts offer a universal technique for hanging pictures. You should mark an imaginary “middle” line along the walls of the room. It should be at eye level (the traditional “museum” hanging height is 152 cm). The paintings must be placed so that this line intersects them in the middle. If you need to hang a group of paintings on the wall, you need to add up their height, taking into account the frames and the spaces between them. Then, dividing the resulting number in half, find the picture in the middle and place it at the level of the midline.

There are several grouping principles. Paintings that are similar in size can be hung according to the principle of a strictly symmetrical “grid”, and works of different formats can be arranged in tiers. The simplest option is to arrange paintings of the same size in one row at an equal distance. You should avoid placing paintings in order of increasing or decreasing size, because... Usually such “pyramids” destroy the unity of the composition. In any case, the group should consist of paintings that are similar in style. For example, these could be watercolors, or a series of paintings united by a common theme, or black and white photographs, or prints. You can “link” the location of the group to the width of the sofa, low cabinet or table - then the collection will be perceived as a single whole with the furniture.

They often organize a group by gathering several small paintings around a large one. Another option for arranging paintings of different sizes involves placing them on a single axis: small ones are lined up at the same distance (a few centimeters from each other), and the center of the composition (a large-sized painting) is placed slightly to the right or left, approximately 30 centimeters from groups.

When placing two paintings of different sizes next to each other horizontally, you need to place the larger one a little higher so that the small image is easier to view. If you place works of different artistic levels on one wall, then weak work may look more dignified next to masterpieces. Very often, paintings that are of little interest in themselves, when combined into a group, create a very interesting play of color spots. But another, directly opposite result is also possible - each work is beautiful on its own, but they don’t look good together. Next, it is necessary to take into account the functional purposes of the premises. For example, you cannot hang large canvases in the bedroom - they will put pressure on a person, and a battle scene in the dining room is unlikely to add to your appetite. Designers often use the technique of placing a painting on a music stand or easel. Firstly, it looks very stylish, and secondly, it makes it possible to understand how well the work of art matches the style of the given room. Perhaps after some time you will realize that the painting is “foreign” in the interior and you will painlessly part with it, or, conversely, by hanging it on the wall, you will make it the center of the composition of the entire room.

If the house has a fireplace, then you should hang a large picture above it, even if the fireplace itself is small. Although the latest trends in interior design suggest placing a small object above the fireplace, leaving quite a lot of free space around it. This arrangement is not only a tribute to modern fashion, but also makes it possible to concentrate attention on the image. After all, the main goal of various methods of placing works of art is to make the maximum impression on the viewer and emphasize the originality of the work. An important element when hanging pictures is lighting. Most designers agree that it is better to take care of good lighting for the entire room than to install lighting for each picture separately. But to highlight particularly important exhibits from the general collection or to illuminate very large paintings, it is recommended to use additional lighting. Modern techniques involve lighting built into the frame of the picture, because in this case you will not have to move the lighting if you decide to rehang the work. The main problems when organizing lighting are related to the occurrence of glare and shadows. The light bulb should be directed at the picture and, smoothly moving and changing the angle, find the point from which the light will fall evenly on the picture without creating glare or shadows. For lighting it is better to use low-voltage halogen bulbs, because... their size is small, and the directional light flux created has a white tint and does not distort the true colors of the work of art.

The empty walls of a room are a blank canvas onto which you can apply your own unique strokes using paintings. You can start by placing the paintings in the intended order on the floor and walking away a few steps. Looking at the assembled group this way will help you imagine how they will look on the wall.

How to hang pictures correctly

When we see paintings in museums and at exhibitions, we don’t really think about the fact that there are certain rules by which they are placed on display. We just look and that’s it, they hang right in front of our eyes and it’s very convenient to look at them. And only when we need to hang one or more paintings at home do we begin to rack our brains about what to do correctly so that the painting looks most advantageous and is comfortable to look at. It turns out that in this matter there are certain rules that must be followed.
It should be remembered that the picture should not be hung too high, especially in the dining room or living room, where family and guests will gather, and, most likely, they will look at it while sitting at the table. The best way out in this situation is to hang the picture a little lower than the level we originally wanted.

A fairly common technique for placing paintings on the wall is to group several small ones around one large one. But this takes into account how large the room we have. This method is not suitable for a small room.

In order to maintain the unity of the composition of the room, designers do not recommend placing paintings on all walls of the room.
There is a certain universal technique that experts recommend using when placing paintings. To do this, along the walls of the room you need to visually mark a midline that will be at eye level. And we place the paintings in such a way that this imaginary line runs right through the middle of each of them, in the case when we hang the paintings in a row.

In museums, this height is traditionally 152 centimeters from the floor.

In the case when we need to hang a group of paintings, we add up their heights, while not forgetting about the frames and spaces between the paintings - we also add these parameters and divide the resulting value in half. Next, we determine which picture will turn out in the middle, first hang it on the middle line, then all the others.

In order for paintings to look most effective when grouped, it is necessary to follow some grouping rules. Firstly, the style must be uniform. Either these are black and white photos, or watercolors, or others. You can connect the exhibition with pieces of furniture in the room into a single whole. To do this, a group of paintings can be “tied” to some low cabinet or to the width of the sofa. In addition, we should not forget about the sizes. In no case should you place paintings in order of increasing or decreasing size - this will lead to the visual destruction of the unity of the composition. It is recommended to arrange paintings of different formats in tiers, and those of approximately the same size according to the grid principle, observing strict symmetry.
A group can be organized by arranging small paintings around one large one, or by placing them all on the same axis. To do this, small paintings are hung in a row at a short distance from each other (literally a few centimeters), and a large painting (in the center) is hung at a distance of 30 centimeters from the main group, and slightly to the left or to the right.



In the case when we have two paintings of different sizes, we can hang them side by side, but at the same time place the larger one slightly higher, so that the image on it is most convenient to view. If we place paintings of different artistic levels on one wall, then next to a masterpiece a weaker painting may look quite decent. In the case when paintings of little artistic interest are combined into one group, the result may be interesting game color spots. There is also an option when the beautiful paintings themselves do not look at all together.
Another important point - functional purpose the room in which we are going to hang this or that picture. So, for example, you should not choose large canvases for the bedroom, otherwise they will visually “press” on us, and for the dining room you should not choose paintings with battle scenes.


One of the design solutions for placing paintings is to use an easel or music stand. In addition to the fact that such placement is quite stylish, it will allow you to determine as much as possible the suitability of the painting for a given interior. It may well be that after some time we realize that the painting does not fit into the interior, then we will completely remove it from this room. Or perhaps vice versa - it can become the center of attention and should be hung on the wall, creating complete harmony with the interior.

If the house has a fireplace, the space above it is an ideal place for a painting. Both a large canvas and a smaller one will look great here. Not only is this arrangement modern trend fashion, but it also makes it possible to concentrate your attention on the image as much as possible. Because the ultimate goal of all tricks for placing paintings is the impression that the painting makes with its style of execution, the originality of the work.

Not the least important element in placing paintings is fairly good lighting. Modern designers It is recommended to use the most complete general lighting of the room. And the backlight can be used to highlight particularly valuable exhibits or to additionally illuminate a large painting. In this case, you can use the lighting built into the picture frame. This is very convenient in the case when we plan to periodically move the picture from one place to another, in this case we do not have to move the backlight separately.

But when organizing lighting, there is one problem - the appearance of shadows and highlights on the canvas. When determining the location of the illumination, it is worth pointing the light bulb at the picture and finding the optimal point from which the light will fall on it evenly, without creating any shadows or glare. To ensure that the backlight does not distort the true colors of the canvas, you should use low-voltage halogen bulbs, since the luminous flux they create does not distort the paint and has a white tint. And, besides, the size of such light bulbs is small.

The empty wall of our room is the same canvas on which we can create our own unique stories with the help of paintings. In order to understand how the paintings will look on the wall, you can first lay them out on the floor and move some distance away to see how they will look.
Tips on how best to hang paintings in the interior:

1. Oil paintings should be hung next to the same oil paintings, watercolors are better than watercolors, graphics are better than graphics.

2. It is good to choose several small paintings - prints or watercolors - of the same size and arrange them equally on the mat and in the frame. They should be placed on the same level, with equal, close intervals between them or groups at different distances, but always at the same height. This unifies the planar composition of the wall.

3. Place two pictures in the same or similar frames and hang them side by side. Paintings hung in pairs look more aesthetically pleasing and balanced.

4. Two images, the same style and theme but different in size, look good on the wall, if the smaller one hangs above the larger one.

5. Three similar paintings can be hung in a row: horizontally or vertically.

6. Four paintings from the same series can be hung like this: two next to each other and two more under them

7. Small paintings can be hung in two or three horizontal rows.

8. Three or more paintings hung in a row are aligned along the bottom edge of the frame.

9. Paintings on different walls of the room, can be placed at different levels.

10. If the wall is wider than it is tall, then a horizontal row of paintings looks better on it.

11. On a narrow vertical wall, it is better to place the work vertically

12. Leave an equal gap between the frames, which should be at least 3-5 centimeters. Otherwise the images will merge.

13. One large poster or monumental oil painting can successfully serve as the semantic center of the entire room.

14. Several engravings from the same series, hung in one corner, will create a cozy atmosphere in it.







It is impossible to imagine the home of an Orthodox Christian without icons. However, you shouldn’t thoughtlessly buy all the images you like, because they also need to be placed in a house that has limited space. Thus, the number of icons in the house should be within reasonable limits.

How to hang icons in the house correctly? Photos and basic explanations can be found in the article below.

Basic rules for placing icons

According to church traditions, believers should pray facing the east. Therefore, it is recommended to place icons on the eastern side of the apartment. If you have such an opportunity, place the iconostasis in the east.

However, in many cases in the east, modern buildings have doors or windows and, accordingly, then it will not be possible to place the image there. But how to properly hang icons in an apartment in this case? Choose any other wall, because changing the location of the building in modern conditions impossible.

It is important not only the location of the wall relative to the cardinal directions, but also its freedom and accessibility. Standing in front of the icons should be convenient for all family members, especially if the family practices joint prayer.

Where should icons be placed in the house?

It is allowed to place images on the walls (including at the head of the bed), on shelves, on the table. It is ideal when shrines are placed in icon cases. Next to the icons can be candles, lamps, prayer books, church literature: in a word, everything that helps in prayer.

At the same time, it is undesirable for secular paintings, figurines, posters with images of athletes, politicians, musicians, and so on, to be located next to icons.

Let us add that paintings, even those with biblical scenes, cannot be placed next to icons. The fact is that an icon is a means through which believers communicate with God, the Mother of God and the saints; You can’t pray in front of paintings.

Where to put icons in the apartment

Can they coexist with home appliances? This is undesirable and, if possible, such proximity should be prevented. However, if, for example, a computer in a particular family is a means of work, then placing an image nearby is quite normal, because before, after, and even during work you can and should pray, asking for God’s blessing on your actions.

According to ancient tradition, the Red Corner in the house was often decorated with the means available at that time: fresh flowers and skillfully embroidered towels. It is not a sin to maintain this tradition today. Therefore, if you have such a desire, feel free to decorate your iconostasis and single-placed icons.

So, where to hang icons in the house? Let's summarize:

  • It is advisable to place them on the eastern wall of the house.
  • Availability.
  • Icons can be hung on the wall, placed on tables and shelves, or placed in icon cases.
  • Icons and decorative objects should not be placed nearby.
  • Icons can be decorated with flowers and towels.

Sequence of icon placement

Now you know where to properly hang icons in the house. However, in what order should they be placed?

When placing icons in a church, church ministers take into account many of the requirements of the Charter. However, the rules for placing shrines on the home iconostasis are by no means so strict. The main ones include:

  • Thoughtful composition and systematic placement.
  • Above all should be placed the images of the Holy Trinity, Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary. Icons of the apostles (if any) can be placed under them. Then it is necessary to place images of saints.
  • The image of the Savior should be placed to the right of the person praying, and the icon of the Mother of God to the left.
  • Uniformity of styles.

It is desirable, but not strictly necessary, that the images be executed in approximately the same manner: otherwise the variety of styles may distract from prayer work. However, this does not apply to images – family heirlooms. They should definitely be placed on the home iconostasis, regardless of whether they fit into the general style of the images or not.

So, now you know how to properly place icons in the house, photos and text will help you in this good deed. We hope that our article will help you create a canonically correct and aesthetically pleasing iconostasis!

PravLife offers to buy icons, shelves for icons and home iconostases with delivery throughout Moscow and Russia.

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