Bitrix24 description. Free tutorial on working with Bitrix24

Lead Processing

From Lead to Complete Deal

CRM contains tools for creating reports, importing/exporting contacts, analysis and segmentation target audience. Based on the data received from CRM, you can distribute lists potential clients between sales department managers, planning promotions and subsequently analyze their effectiveness.

"live feed" CRM

Lead Processing

Lead(interest) - potential deal, demonstrated interest, “lead”. This is an implicit, still “ghost” contact, received in any way - for example, someone called the company, gave their business card, filled out a form when downloading product distributions, etc. Leads can be entered by company employees (processing forms, questionnaires, etc.) or through web services on the website - automatically loaded from forms into CRM for further processing. A lead may contain information about a potential Contact (phone number, address, e-mail). A lead can be assigned a responsibility and a status that determines how this lead will be further promoted in CRM. The lead must eventually convert to Contact, Company, Deal.

The lead is promoted in CRM according to some defining rules, the main one of which is “You have received a lead - you need to process it.” How to process? Call, send a price list, go to the office for a meeting, hold a webinar for him, invite him to a seminar. If a lead converts to a contact, you should assume that they are ready to make a deal.


Transactions- this is the ultimate goal and desired result of the entire customer relationship management system. A transaction is a possible relationship with a client, potential sale, completed contract, etc. In CRM, transactions can be viewed, edited, and exported. The deal can be added manually by the manager, through the service (API) or when converting a lead. When a transaction is processed, it goes through sequentially configured stages.

To work with transactions, you can set up processing rules. Filtering the list, searching and exporting deals - everything works in the same way as in companies.


Events are the various actions your marketing and sales teams perform on CRM entities. All these actions can be reflected in CRM by adding events. You can add an event to a contact, a company, or a deal. Moreover, you can do this directly from the lists of these entities by selecting “Add event” from the context menu of the entry. The same can be done on the detailed view page (in the profile) of a contact, company or deal.

You can only view the list of events, including details, and delete unnecessary entries from there. Like other CRM lists, there is a built-in search with an advanced filter.

Linking to information block elements

CRM supports integration with custom fields and “Binding to information block sections”. You can link one of the CRM elements to some element or section of the information block. As a result, some video, document or extended description of a case will become tied to, say, a certain company.

Advanced Permissions

Access rights

With expanded access rights on the portal, you can very flexibly distribute access to CRM elements among company employees. Access is assigned not just to CRM elements, but to elements in one of the statuses.

Client base


Any transaction begins with establishing contact with an individual or a person representing a company. Contact in CRM this is customer data or “personified lead”. The system allows you to view the list of existing contacts and add new contacts to the database. You can import ready-made contacts from a CSV file and, conversely, upload your list, not only to a CSV file, but also to Excel and Outlook files.

configurable: You can select only the required columns for display, sort by some field, and set the sorting direction. Frequently used presets can be saved as ready-made views and then selected from a list. Available for any contact directly from the list actions: Each element can be viewed or edited, an event or deal can be attached to it, or deleted.

For search contacts there is a special panel where you can select first name, last name, e-mail or phone as search parameters, set the company and type of contact, and also specify the date and time the contact was changed accurate to seconds. Any given set of search parameters can be saved and then selected from the list of available filters.

View profile contact directly from the contact list or search results. The profile contains complete information about each entry - contact information, information about the company the contact represents, and events associated with it.


Typically, each contact is associated with one or more companies that it represents. You can view the entire list of companies available in CRM and, just like with contacts, perform any available actions on them.

Company- a more capacious entity in CRM, since it contains contacts, transactions, and all events related to them. In the company profile you can find not only information about the organization, such as its name, addresses, telephone numbers, annual turnover, number of employees, etc., but also, for example, find out which lead “generated” this company (from which lead this record was converted), or which manager created this record manually. That is, the company card displays all the information necessary to work with it.
To search the right company there is a special panel that works in the same way as in contacts. Like contacts, companies can import from the finished CSV file. A unload From CRM the list of companies can be converted into CSV and Excel files.

Group sending of letters

You can use a filter to select a group of CRM elements and immediately send a message to everyone. You can select one element directly from the list of elements and send it a message using the “Send letter” command from the element menu. Sent messages will be linked to Events of the selected elements.

Mail notifications in CRM are possible at different stages of processing.

Quite a lot of people involved in entrepreneurship are probably unaware of the Bitrix24 application. What is it? Why is it needed?

General information

The Bitrix24 application is a system for managing and automating relationships with clients. It can be used not only for big business, but also in relation to small and medium-sized enterprises. The article will evaluate both the positive and negative aspects of this system. So, let's define what Bitrix24 is used for and what it is.

Business processes, automation of interaction and optimization of employment of enterprise personnel - this is how this system can be briefly described. She is huge corporate portal, which tries to cover almost everything possible. Here you can find social networking functions, build projects, discuss tasks, manage staff and do much more. All new users are offered very helpful assistance. useful guide. We will not consider it, since it is beyond the scope of the article.

Tariff of use

Reading reviews about the Bitrix24 application, it’s difficult that among the negative ones, such a parameter often pops up as the need to definitely buy the system. Alas, free use is not provided. There are two main options:

  • purchasing a boxed solution;
  • work in the cloud.

In the first case, a separate copy is purchased software product for subsequent installation on your own server. Working in the cloud involves using the network resources offered by the company to meet the needs of the enterprise. In this case, connecting to Bitrix24 can be done from anywhere in the world, provided there is only the Internet.

If you look at the selection that is present on the official website, you will notice that there is also a free tariff plan. But don’t rejoice ahead of time - these are rather than usable developments. It is important to understand that this offers a whole multifunctional corporate system, so don’t be surprised that you have to pay for it.

Initial installation

So, we already know what Bitrix24 is. We will now figure out how to use this system in business. So, first you need to launch the workspace. This will display the portal's general tools. The following components are initially presented:

  • messages;
  • my drive;
  • tasks;
  • calendar;
  • ribbon.

Many people are puzzled by this. They say that there is a work area of ​​the Bitrix24 application, but there is no entrance to the management system itself! Where is he? we'll figure this out too. It should be noted that the user is initially presented with a list of functions. And only after that you can enter the system itself.


So, the user launched the Bitrix24 application. "What is this?" - his first thought. But over time, everything can be calmly sorted out. This company approach has both positive and negative sides. The first is that users receive significantly more than they planned, thanks to which they can expand to their full potential. Initially, this causes genuine admiration. But over time, the understanding comes that the presence of a large number of unnecessary tools makes it difficult for a person to move and work in the system.

In addition, the presence of additional functions always requires resources. And this despite the fact that they are not used! The problem with the system in question is that it is extremely difficult to remove unnecessary tools. Only programmers who specialize in Bitrix24 can do this. What does this mean for the average entrepreneur? If you want to modify the control system to suit your specific needs, you need to fork out for an additional specialist.


But, undoubtedly, the main advantage of the control system under consideration is its broad capabilities. So, it is aimed not so much at sales and enterprises, but at other tasks. Some of them are considered necessary and extremely useful, for others they are garbage. But if you read reviews about Bitrix24, you can often come across complaints that in such cases human labor is used irrationally.

Thus, the user gradually disperses his efforts when he begins to work with different capabilities that are provided by the system. And what Bitrix24 was bought for is gradually fading into the background. And instead of selling, the user begins to store files, write messages, experiment with options for controlling working time for his employees, and so on. This is the drawback, according to people, that Bitrix24 has. These processes, of course, can be minimized, but they are unlikely to be completely avoided.

Let's say a word about the software

Considering the Bitrix24 application (what it is and how it works) without the software component is ineffective and of little value. But attention will be paid not to the entire complex, but directly to the control system. After all, you can write a whole book on the Bitrix24 product. And we are limited by the size of the article. So, initially it is necessary to note that Bitrix24 is a full-fledged portal. It provides ample opportunities for both ordinary users and administrators. It is important that the Bitrix24 application is monitored by an experienced person who understands what he is doing. After all, the administrator who will configure the program faces a large number of questions that need to be answered.

The final result and its quality largely depend on whether the clients themselves have decided why they need the system and how it will work. Here, there is a module responsible for document flow. Of course, this feature is useful. But the transition to electronic document management requires a significant amount of time, effort and resources. Are businesses ready to spend it? Or can I disable this feature? But sooner or later (everything is heading towards that) you will have to use it. So what, then activate it again?

Work structure

Let's pay attention to the operation of the sales management system. How is everything going? The sequence of actions during the sales process looks something like this:

  1. The system receives a request that someone wants to make a purchase. It, as well as the received contact information of the client (currently potential) are registered, and the available seller receives a notification about it. For this, both the system itself and mail can be used.
  2. A potential deal is created. Based on it, an invoice is generated, which is sent along with the commercial offer.
  3. After receiving consent from the client and concluding an agreement, a contact is created.
  4. Based on the data from point 3, the sale is formalized according to internal documents, the products are shipped and payment is made.
  5. The deal is closed.

How is all this implemented?

To answer this question, let's look at the contents of the control system workspace. There are three points of interest to us as part of the sales process:

  • This includes people who are still not buyers, but have already shown some interest in the company and the goods or services it offers, so much so that they decided to leave their data.
  • Contacts and companies. This includes those people and organizations who are in the process of processing. That is, their order is already being fulfilled.
  • Potential deal. Can create based on individual clients or contacts.

In general, any of these points can be used to carry out the sales process. The main question is what will have to be filled in (that is, what information to indicate in the data blocks). To set up work with the system, it is common practice to invite specialists who work on organizational issues. For example, they often recommend dividing according to this principle:

  1. Potential clients. People who are interested in the company's activities, but have not yet purchased anything.
  2. Contacts. People who have already purchased something or are in the process of purchasing.
  3. Companies. The same as contacts, but at the level of legal entities.

If you want to automate and increase sales, get rid of chaos in your work and control your company or department, you need Bitrix24. But in order for the system to really solve your problems and not become another incomprehensible and useless service, it must be correctly implemented and configured.

Our free tutorial will help you correctly implement and quickly configure the system. You don’t have to study the functionality and understand the intricacies of CRM on your own. Step by step guide will save a lot of your time and help you start working effectively with Bitrix24 right now without any problems.

This textbook was developed in 2017 by the gold certified partner of Bitrix24 - the Internet agency Web Center. In October 2018, Web Center specialists updated the textbook, as many important and useful updates had appeared over the year. In total, the textbook contains 13 lessons, each of which contains detailed description specific Bitrix24 tool: task management, calendar, CRM, telephony.

Download the document in PDF format for free and you will learn:

  • how to optimally set up Bitrix24, set the company structure and invite employees,
  • how to properly set up CRM and take sales to a new level,
  • how to effectively organize work with tasks and business processes,
  • how to set up telephony yourself and integrate it with a CRM system and much more.

Surely many people know what Bitrix24 is. And some actively use this service, which is already more than two years old. Such a resource is a system for managing projects and accounting for relationships with clients and employees, something like social network for your company; some kind of corporate, multifunctional portal.

I have heard a lot about Bitrix24, some acquaintances in their companies are actively working with it, but I myself have not previously gone into detail about what is there and how. And to be honest, I couldn’t even imagine how convenient, thoughtful and functional this thing was. Now there are a bunch of services that are supposed to build business processes. For example, Google may be responsible for planning and the work calendar, Google Talk for chat communication, Skype for video communication, FaceTime for iOS users, etc. And in Bitrix24, all these (and not only) tools for communication and work are brought together .

By the way, using this system is also convenient because there is mobile applications for iOS and Android, as well as desktop for PC. Below I’ll tell you about their functionality, but first, let’s look at what Bitrix24 is and what it’s used with.

Getting to know Bitrix24

Like any social network, Bitrix24 is simple and easy to learn. This solution is also suitable for small companies, and for major players business. In order to understand the principle of operation and explore the possibilities, you can try the free version of Bitrix24 for 12 “Ocean’s friends” (employees). Using this example, let's look at the functionality of the system.

We go to the website, enter your email address and get access to registration (language options - Russian and Ukrainian). We go through it in no time, we get administrator rights and then we can connect our dozen “eagles” to communicate and work in a single space.

Of course, the free version is less functional than the paid version and provides only 5 GB of cloud space, but this is quite enough to find out if you need it?! If you liked it, and if you have “13 friends” or more, you can consider the options and capabilities of paid Bitrix24. Below are screenshots where we compare what is included in the free version and what you get for money.

Bitrix24 has 12 different working tools. For example, work social services. Here, like all FB and VK, there is a “live feed”. It displays the statuses of colleagues, updates on tasks, the appearance of new documents, and various discussions. The information entering the feed can be filtered, and everything that happens in the social environment can be evaluated (like/dislike), commented on, supplemented; You can create personal or corporate photo albums. You can also evaluate them and write what you think about it.

A built-in messenger is provided for one-on-one communication. It allows you to organize a business chat, or simply chat with co-workers, conduct instant correspondence with anyone in real time, conduct video conferences with up to 4 people at the same time, etc. You can work in it from any place where there is Internet. By the way, when an employee has unread messages in the messenger, and he is outside the portal, he receives a notification by e-mail.

And now for the work component. In the Bitrix space, you can keep track of the working hours of each employee, create reports, and control business processes. To account for a deadline, for example, there is automatic system notifications. It shows which tasks still have time to complete and which are already overdue. As for the tasks, they are set according to a template - we select what we need from the drop-down lines. All you need to add is a description of the task itself and its name. When working with tasks, you can be an observer, a performer, or a responsible person. There is also a special counter for tasks, which highlights assigned tasks in different colors according to the deadlines. And notifications about what has been completed or about some new process are instantly sent to all participants who are involved in this task.

Bitrix24 has convenient calendars, reminders, checklists, schedulers for reports, meetings, events, appointments. In the system, you can create groups to discuss certain issues, projects, documents, set tasks/plans and discuss them together (or with those concerned), work together on presentations (and other documentation, including editing online), and also use video chat to resolve important issues.

Let's move on. In the system, you can create a database of company contacts and record all relationships with clients (calls, letters, meetings, transactions). An important tool in Bitrix24 is the CRM system (customer relationship management). Various calculations regarding the company’s profit or waste can be recorded, controlled here in convenient online tables, issued invoices to clients, planned your activities, built reports and a “sales funnel”.

Bitrix24 is also a cloud storage for various work files and documents to which each employee has access (access rights, of course, are configured and adjusted). And all documents uploaded to the system can be edited directly here, since Bitrix24 supports Google Docs and Microsoft Office Web Apps technologies. Comfortable!

In short, even in free version, which I met, a lot of useful things. And I described and showed only a few, the most basic ones, those that I would pay attention to. Another plus is that it does not require special knowledge for work (everything is simple here), specially trained personnel or an IT specialist on staff. I stated above that registering and starting work is very simple, just like registering on VKontakte.

Bitrix24 in your pocket!

And here is what the mobile version of Bitrix24 looks like. Simple, usable, does not require super-fast Internet (mobile enough) for communication and to always be aware of what is happening in the company. There is virtually everything here that is on the site. You can chat, discuss projects, use the calendar, comment, in general, be aware of everything that is happening. Of course, you can’t edit files, upload, add, or create anything here.

Svetlana Kornyushina
SMM manager, Uniap
"I prepare delicious content"

To do this, we have prepared instructions for working with Bitrix24, which will tell you how to use the CRM system correctly and get the maximum effect from it.

The “Company Structure” tab will help distribute the rights and responsibilities of users. Specify managers and create divisions of the organization. Write a name for each department and add employees and managers.

The next stage is setting up the portal. Specify the company name in the “Portal Settings” section, which will be displayed in the upper left corner of the CRM. Set the time format and work schedule of the organization. Disable services that are not required for work and configure access rights for employees.

The basic settings are completed and it’s time to start working in Bitrix24.Telephony. Open the “Telephony” – “Settings” section. Link the number to the portal for calls from the browser, and if you have a PBX, connect it to the CRM.

Go to the “Mail” section and register an email address with the domain You can register a mailbox with your domain name in Bitrix24 or integrate an external mail service with CRM.

Invite employees to CRM using the “Add” – “Invite employees” button. Specify email employees in the window that appears. The “Add” tab will help you transfer employees to selected departments and fill in basic information about the employee.

Setting up a business process consists of two stages: initial settings and template statuses. For example, open the “Business Process Settings” – “Lead Processing” tab. Create processing steps for each type of lead and customize the template of this instrument. Read details about creating a business process in our article “How to create a business process in Bitrix24”.

Live feed

Look at the frequency of use of the portal through the “Company Pulse” section. The percentage will show how active work is in CRM. The “Company Pulse” has a rating that indicates how often each employee uses the system.

Create new task and indicate its name. List those responsible and observers. Open the “Planning deadlines” link and set a deadline for completing the order. Add tags to the task and click the “Submit task” button. Read more in the article “How to set tasks in Bitrix24”.

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