Bowling alley business plan. Business plan for opening a bowling club Catering at a bowling club

Today, bowling in Russia is one of the prestigious and rapidly growing types of active leisure time. In the process of conducting a population survey, there were almost no respondents who did not know about the existence of such a form of entertainment as bowling. A certain part of the respondents even have some experience in bowling, acquired in bowling centers in Moscow, St. Petersburg, other cities of Russia or abroad.

The market size (number of service consumers) of the Bowling Center was determined to be 28.5-30.5 thousand people or about 8 - 10% of consumers (adult residents) of leisure services.

Based on the results of calculating the potential number of visits to each service on average in the city, and data on the volume of leisure services provided, we obtained the following results of the technical equipment of the bowling center

  • 16 bowling lanes;
  • bar with 200 seats;
  • restaurant with 100 seats;
  • 10 Russian billiard tables;
  • 10 roog tables;
  • disco for 200 visitors (with an average occupancy of −100 people per day);
  • 10 slot machines with cash winnings;
  • 10 gaming entertainment machines and complexes;
  • children's room for 10 visitors;
  • 4 VIP rooms for 6 visitors each.

2. Description of the business, product or service

Based on a study of the leisure services market, leisure services were ranked according to their degree of attractiveness. The integral indicator of attractiveness allows us to judge the degree of demand by potential consumers for specific types of leisure services.

Attractiveness of leisure services

Service name

Integral indicator of attractiveness, points



Russian billiards


Shopping arcades

Rent of premises for offices

Massage room

Slot machines

Video room (with digital equipment)

Children's room

Internet cafe

The table clearly shows that in terms of attractiveness, the bar (1047 points) and the restaurant (938 points) are far ahead of other services.

The second group of services in terms of degree of attractiveness with a slight difference in points are: disco, bowling and Russian billiards (781, 765 and 758 points, respectively).

Slot machines, both with cash winnings, and entertainment machines and complexes without cash winnings, despite not having a high place in the overall rating of the attractiveness of leisure services, have a fairly stable demand and their target group of consumers. Thus, based on the basic concept of the Bowling Center at Alfa Center LLC, we believe that the main services in the Bowling Center should include: bowling, billiards, slot machines, disco, bar and restaurant. In this case, gym, sauna, massage room, swimming pool and table tennis can be organized in a separate complex. It should be noted that the flow of visitors to the group of services associated with bowling and the flow of visitors to the group of services associated with the gym should, if possible, not intersect.

The group of services related to bowling should be supplemented with a children's room and a VIP room, which will best affect the image of the Bowling Center and its competitiveness.

As additional services We recommend that visitors include in the activities of the Bowling Center: individual training with specially trained and certified instructors, holding tournaments, business parties and corporate parties, birthdays, presentations, banquets, a system of discounts and incentives for good game, club discount cards for regular club members, card index of players and their victories, Pro-Shop (sporting accessories store for bowling, billiards - sportswear, shoes, balls, sports bags, glue and oil for balls, ball remover, cues, chalk for billiards, etc.), a convenient and large 24-hour guarded parking lot, a car wash, your own vehicle for meeting important guests, etc.

Calculation of attendance at leisure services

As a result of in-depth interviews with different segments of the population, we obtained data that allowed us to calculate the expected attendance of the types of leisure services identified in the previous section, in the context of target groups of visitors. The calculation results are shown in the table.

Estimated attendance various types services

Attendance indicator individual species services characterizes the demand for leisure services identified during the survey and is expressed as the number of visits to each service per month, broken down by target groups of potential visitors.

As can be seen from table. 6, the most visited service is the bar (5.11 times per month). The attendance of the bar is far ahead of the attendance of other services, and the bar is almost equally in demand by all categories and age groups of potential visitors to the Bowling Center.

Unlike a bar, restaurant attendance (2.48 times per month) depends much more on the age of potential visitors to the Bowling Center. Thus, people aged 24 years and older are almost one and a half times more likely to visit a restaurant than young people under the age of 24.

Russian billiards is slightly more visited than Pool (2.86 and 2.18 times per month, respectively). It should be noted that while pool is mostly visited by young people under the age of 24, Russian billiards is more often visited by people aged 25 and older.

When analyzing disco attendance (2.27 times a month), it is necessary to take into account the fact that practically the main visitors to the disco are young people under the age of 24, i.e. Visitors in this age group visit discotheques approximately 4-5 times more often than people aged 25 years and older.

The assessment of their expected bowling attendance (2.03 times per month) by various categories of potential visitors to the Bowling Center depends little on their age. At the same time, many potential visitors are wary of a new and, for some, unfamiliar type of sports and entertainment services. In our opinion, the bowling alley attendance indicator does not fully reflect the potential attendance at the time of the opening of the Bowling Center, because... by that time many potential consumers will already have time to “get acquainted” with bowling at the Universal center, which will increase the interest and demand for bowling.

Attendance at slot machines, both with and without cash winnings (1.09 and 0.93 times per month, respectively), is practically independent of the age of consumers. The low attendance rate indicates limited demand for this type of service, which at the same time does not exclude the installation of gaming machines for a certain category of players who have a stable demand for gaming machines.

Children's room and VIP room (0.86 and 0.77 times per month, respectively), although they are at the bottom of the table. 6, however, these services also have their own specific category of consumers, and since these services do not require significant expenses, we recommend that they be provided at the Bowling Center. It is also necessary to take into account that the presence of a children's room and a VIP room will have a rather beneficial effect on the image of the Bowling Center.

Using the indicator of expected traffic of individual types in the context of target segments, as well as the size of the target segments themselves, we can calculate the average number of visits to the services we analyze.

Potential number of visits to leisure services


Number of visits per month

Number of visits per day

Russian billiards



Slot machines with cash winnings

Slot entertainment machines

Children's room

3. Description of the sales market

Today, bowling is one of the most popular and popular sports activities abroad. Bowling centers in one form or another exist in almost a hundred countries around the world.

Nowadays, bowling on a global scale has acquired a huge number of fans, but along with fans of this game there are professional players. Various championships are held for them in different countries.

Currently, the growth rate of bowling services in Russia is developing at a rapid pace. So, if at the end of 1997 in Moscow there was only one bowling alley in the Cosmos Hotel, then just a year later there were already 15 bowling centers in the capital. Today bowling centers are open in more than 30 cities of Russia. Today in Russia as a whole there are about 70 bowling centers, including: in Moscow - 25 bowling centers, in St. Petersburg - 8, in the Moscow region - 5, in Yekaterinburg - 6, Magnitogorsk - 2. The number of bowling alleys installed throughout Russia has already exceeded 400, and in Moscow alone there are about 200 alleys.

Firstly, the benefits of this entertainment concept are quite obvious. Any bowling club has several paid playing lanes, slot machines and, if desired, a dance floor, bar or restaurant, i.e. a whole complex of complementary mini-enterprises, each of which generates income.

The second reason why the number of bowling centers will continue to grow is the change in demand in the service industry market. New bowling alleys with their powerful marketing support are gaining recognition among different segments of the population, who are already tired of the monotonous entertainment in nightclubs, restaurants and pubs, and the broad Russian soul persistently demands new entertainment.

Taking into account the obvious benefits of bowling as new niche sports leisure, many representatives of the financial elite in the field of entrepreneurship are increasingly taking up the organization of projects to create bowling centers with great enthusiasm.

As noted above, all the basics of bowling have long been standardized. This applies to the rules of keeping score, the size of the court, and the gaming accessories used.

All these standards are embedded in a wide variety of equipment offered by many foreign manufacturers. The most well-known developers and suppliers of turnkey bowling alleys include three companies: AMF Bowling Inc; Brunswick Bowling & Billiards Co; Dacos. They can easily be called “trend setters” in the world of bowling. All of these companies have extensive experience in installing equipment around the world. In addition to selling equipment and turnkey equipping a bowling center, equipment manufacturers offer a wide range of services: pre-sale consultations, after sales service, assistance in organizing and holding tournaments, training for bowling alley staff.

Included standard equipment Maintenance of a bowling alley includes the following interconnected modules: a system for automated placement of pins - a pinsetter, a system for automated return of balls to their original position, an automatic scoring system and, finally, a host computer that monitors and processes information about the processes on all playing lanes. The equipment set also includes a gaming stand with seats, where a hanging or stationary terminal is usually mounted, displaying information about the current score and the progress of the game.

There are two types of playing path surfaces; wooden (maple) and synthetic. Due to lower cost and lower maintenance costs, synthetic turf paths are now increasingly being used. The most famous manufacturer of synthetic and wooden lanes is the American company Brunswik Bowling & Billiards Co, which provides a lifetime guarantee on its synthetic playing lanes.

To create comfortable relaxation conditions for players, a special area with several seats is installed. Here the participants of the game are located, waiting for their turn to throw the ball. This area is where the scoring system terminal is located, and for better review An additional monitor can also be hung to display the game score.

Currently, many foreign companies are ready to offer installation of used bowling equipment. Purchasing refurbished equipment can save up to 50% in financial costs. However, the coin also has a flip side. Excessive savings at the initial stage can lead to increased costs for maintenance in the future, which in turn will slow down the payback of the entire bowling center.

In general, the maximum possible number of lanes in a bowling alley is limited only by the available usable area of ​​the premises and the budget allocated for the project. For example, the most modern bowling complex is located in Japan and has 147 playing lanes.

IN developed countries The payback period for equipment is only −8-12 months. IN Russian conditions this indicator is estimated in the range of two to three years. To speed up the payback of bowling alleys, it makes sense to develop a marketing mix based on the richest global experience in the bowling industry. Among other marketing measures, it is worth paying great attention to the quality of service and vocational training service personnel, can be used flexible system discounts and introduce club cards, it makes sense to set aside the territory for a guarded parking lot.

4. Sales and marketing

The base market of a bowling center is the entire adult population, amounting to 340 thousand people). Thus, in the process of segmentation, the adult population of the city (consumers of leisure services) was divided into homogeneous groups of consumers. Segmentation of the base market of the Bowling Center was carried out on the basis of the following socio-demographic characteristics: age, occupation, per capita income and gender.

As a result of population segmentation, the following segments of consumers of leisure services were identified:

  1. “Golden Youth” (students and working youth);
  2. "Blue collar" (working elite);
  3. Businessmen and white collar workers;
  4. Housewives;
  5. Business elite;
  6. Business travelers

Homogeneous group of consumers - a group of consumers with similar characteristics, requirements and consumption habits.

In the course of analyzing segments of consumers of leisure services, so-called “niches” were identified and described, i.e. groups of consumers (parts of segments) who, for one reason or another, do not visit leisure establishments in Magnitogorsk.

Indicators of the attractiveness of a niche for a Bowling Center are its size and capacity (as the difference between the sizes and capacities of the city and Bowling Center segments).

The result comparative analysis became brief description the structure of each niche and the characteristics of the demand of consumers of these niches.

It should be noted that in the analysis of the segments of housewives and the business elite, the error is maximum due to the small sample size (due to the small number and difficulty of reaching the segment). In addition, it is important to take into account that in these segments, consumers of high age groups (pensioners) were not included in the sample due to the fact that they rarely visit leisure establishments, and visitors under 16 years of age visit leisure establishments mainly with adult visitors.

The “Golden Youth” segment includes students from 16 to 24 years old and workers from 16 to 19 years old.

The student body includes:

  • senior secondary school students
  • students of higher, technical and special educational institutions.

The majority of consumers of leisure services do not have their own income and live with their parents

Among consumers of leisure services in this segment, 52% are women, 93% are students, 70% of consumers are young people under the age of 20. 13% of consumers in the segment live independently (alone or in young families without children). 52% of the segment’s consumers live in families with minor children, including 10% in young families with children. About 15% of the segment are young people living with parents and dependent pensioners, constituting the least affluent part of the segment. Potential visitors with an average per capita income of 5 thousand rubles or more were considered as the bowling center segment of this target group. and higher. The number of such visitors is about 6.5-7 thousand people, or about 2.1% of the total adult population.

Visitors to this target group are characterized by the following indicators:

  • average attendance - 2.27 times per month;
  • average costs for 1 visit - 600 rubles.

According to the survey results, the most popular for this target group are a bar, a disco, a bowling alley and, to a lesser extent, darts and a VIP room.

The “blue collar” segment includes workers over 20 years of age (highly skilled workers, shift supervisors, shop foremen).

Men make up 80% of the segment size, the majority of women (7% of the segment size or about 40% of all segment women) are aged 25-34 years. 89% of the segment is evenly distributed between 25 and 54 years old.

This segment is classified as highly profitable. The bowling center segment of this target group included visitors with an average per capita income of 5 thousand rubles and above. The number of such visitors is about 2.3% of the total adult population of Moscow.

Bowling center visitors of this target group are characterized by the following indicators:

  • average attendance - 1.91 times per month;
  • average costs for 1 visit - 80 rubles;

For this target group, the most popular are restaurants, bars and bowling alleys, and the least popular are Internet cafes and darts.

Businessmen and white-collar workers consist of highly qualified specialists and managers of medium and large commercial enterprises. The majority of consumers in this segment are the main source of income in the family.

Women make up 53% of consumers in this segment. A third of the segment size is women aged 35-54. Young men aged 20-34 make up over 26% of the segment size.

This segment is formed by consumers with high level income. Potential visitors with an average per capita income of 5 to 10 thousand rubles were considered as a segment of the Bowling Center for this target group. The number of such visitors is about 3% of the total adult population of Magnitogorsk.

The business elite are senior managers of Magnitogorsk metallurgical plant, senior managers and owners of large commercial enterprises.

Among consumers in this segment, about 100% are men. The bulk of the segment is men under 44 years of age, and only about 5% are over 54 years of age. Moreover, more than 60% of the segment size are men aged 35-44 years.

Income in this segment is highly differentiated (ranges from 10,000 rubles to a maximum of 100,000 rubles per month identified during surveys).

5. Production plan

Volume of services provided, thousand $

Name of services

10 sq.

11 sq.

12 sq.

13 sq.

14 sq.

Russian billiards

American billiards

Slot machines



6. Organizational structure

Alleged organizational form enterprises - Closed Joint stock company. Size Authorized capital- 10 thousand $. The recruitment schedule for specialists and their pay levels are presented in the table.

Recruitment schedule


Unit change

Gene. Director, deputies, accounting

Gene. Managers




Bartender and cooks


Drivers, cleaners

Electricians, plumbers and other specialists

* - coefficient applied to the salary that will be paid to the employee after reaching full capacity

7. Financial plan

The initial data when estimating costs are taken into account the specifics of implementation of this project at the level of currently prevailing average prices.

At the same time, the structure of investment costs (as a whole for the complex) is presented in the table.

The efficiency of total investment costs is characterized by the net flow indicator cash. After 3.4 years, the accumulated net cash flow becomes positive. Based on the results of the 20th quarter, its value reaches 106,470,000 rubles.

These indicators have become positive since the start of operation of the Bowling Center - the 9th quarter.

Return on assets will be 8% per quarter

Sales profitability will be 50% per quarter

Profitability invested capital 8-10% per quarter

All indicators are calculated based on net profit

Results of calculations of project performance indicators

Sales revenue

Revenue (excluding VAT)

Russian billiards

Revenue (excluding VAT)

Revenue (excluding VAT)

Slot machines

Revenue (excluding VAT)


Revenue (excluding VAT)


Revenue (excluding VAT)

Revenue (excluding VAT)

Revenue (excluding VAT)

Total revenue

Sales revenue

Are you planning to open your own bowling club? And this is no coincidence, because bowling is a vibrant, massive, spectacular and exciting sport and leisure activity, popular in many countries. This sport has already been chosen by more than 100 million players around the world. In total, today there are over 15,000 bowling clubs operating successfully in various countries. And this is more than 300,000 tracks!

Bowling is far from the last place in the entertainment industry. Leading countries (for example, Japan or the USA) with the largest turnover in this sector and the media have already made their choice in favor of this sport. At the same time, if you look at a cross-section of the bowling industry in the Russian and CIS markets, it becomes obvious that compared to the leaders in the entertainment industry, our market is far from saturated and is experiencing a serious shortage of lanes per resident of the country.

Bowling business idea - what is it? Economic efficiency This business is achieved through a combination of leisure and sports components, as well as the synergy of this sport with other types of entertainment. In Russia today there is a shortage of bowling clubs, while the demand for them is constantly growing. Therefore, with the right integrated approach to design, construction and management, the implementation of the idea of ​​opening a bowling alley business will allow you to obtain a reliable source of income. After all, only this type of activity combines all the preferences of the modern consumer: entertainment, communication and relaxation. Bowling provides the opportunity to create profitable business models that are part of the modern entertainment industry around the world.


Creating a cost-effective concept for a future establishment is based on market research. Before opening a bowling club, you need to study the region in detail, the presence of competition, and the preferences of local residents.

A business should be organized based on the target audience, taking into account the size of its income and preferences. When opening a bowling center, you can choose one of the most effective operating models:

  • traditional bowling center. Additionally, a bar/cafe, billiards, and a professional store (ProShop) can be located. Other attractions (video simulators and video games) may also be presented on the premises, but in a reasonable and limited quantity. In this model of building a business, bowling brings the owner 60–70% of income. Target Audience: professionals and amateurs of any age and gender;
  • bowlingas an anchor zone in an existing family entertainment center. This sport is the central entertainment area, complemented by various attractions (mini-bowling, redemption, laser tag, karting, video simulators, etc.). Proper selection and placement of attractions are key to success. Significant income comes from organizing holidays. Target audience: families, including school and preschool age together with parents;
  • small centers (boutiques). Focused on youth entertainment, the key factor in the success of such an idea is the atmosphere. The main source of income is trade in food and drinks (with a wide range of goods). The main entertainment is classic and mini bowling. Other attractions may be present in small quantities. Target audience: adults and young people.

The most effective concepts of bowling centers today: boutique, anchor area in a shopping center/serial center, traditional bowling club

A bowling center can be created with a sports component. The bulk of clients will be advanced amateurs or professionals. Such visitors should be offered sports nutrition, special accessories, coaching services, etc. Or you can opt for entertainment. A bar, gaming machines, billiards, a stage, and karaoke would be appropriate on the premises of such establishments.

Step No. 3. Development of a business plan for a bowling club

A bowling alley business plan is an approximate estimate of expenses and income, taking into account all acquisitions and necessary expenses. It can be compiled for a year or several years in order to more accurately understand the payback period of the project.

When drawing up a business plan for opening a bowling alley, you should take into account the amount of initial capital and note the main expense items: advertising, purchase, delivery, installation and maintenance of equipment, rental and design of premises, preparation of all necessary documentation, search, selection and salary of personnel, and so on.

If your center is supposed to have additional areas for your visitors (slot machines, bar, restaurant or cafe), then these nuances also need to be reflected.

Step No. 4. Selection of premises and layout

The choice of premises should be given close attention. It is important to consider two points:

  • location. The ideal option would be a bowling club in the central part of the city or near residential buildings. It is desirable that there are no competitors in this place or that they are present in small quantities. There should be convenient parking lots and public transport stops nearby. A large shopping center nearby will provide your establishment with a constant flow of customers. However, you need to find out how much rent costs in the chosen location and compare the amount of expected income from the establishment with it in order to calculate all the costs;
  • square. The length of the room must be at least 40 m, the ceiling height is 2.8 m, the average area is 500–1000 sq. m. m. It is imperative to provide an area for play and recreation for visitors. About 100 square meters should be allocated for one track. m. For additional services(bars, cafes, shops, gaming machines, discos) it is necessary to allocate a separate area.

When choosing a building and its planning, you need to take into account the placement of mandatory and optional services on the territory.

Mandatory services for placement on the territory of the bowling center:

  • men's and women's toilets;
  • central manager desk where the control computer is located, cash register, replacement shoes are issued and payments are made. The players' area and the pins should be clearly visible from the counter;
  • engine room;
  • manager's office or room;
  • mechanics room or repair shop. As a rule, a machine for individual drilling of balls is also located here;
  • warehouse for storing equipment and materials supplied for bowling;
  • electrical panel and fire equipment;
  • bar, cafe, restaurant;
  • wardrobe.

Optional services:

  • a universal conference room or VIP room, a meeting room (for example, for holding competitions);
  • ProShop for selling balls, bags, shoes and for accepting orders for drilling balls. Sometimes a drilling machine is also located here;
  • children's room;

Planning development is a central stage. Treat it as responsibly as possible. Based on the layout, proceed to selecting bowling equipment and furniture that will best fit into the room according to technical parameters, size and style.

The main expenses when opening a bowling club are the purchase of capital equipment. What is important to consider when planning to open such an establishment?

  • Pinspotter- a machine that places pins on the track. Research shows that the most common problems bowling centers have with pinspotters are training difficulties. technical specialists, the high cost of operation and the growing demands of visitors for the speed and quality of the game. Therefore, when selecting a supplier of capital equipment, you should pay attention to the following characteristics of pinspotters: speed and reliability of operation, ease of operation, compactness, energy efficiency and noise. Don't skimp on pinspotters! Their work directly affects the loyalty of your guests. The more modern your machine is, the quieter and faster it works, the less anxiety and discomfort your guests experience. They want to return to your bowling club again and again.
  • Bowling lanes . When choosing them, first of all you should pay attention to their wear resistance and impact resistance. Walkways made from high-quality materials will last longer and require minimal maintenance costs, allowing you to use the savings to grow your business. An important role is played by the presentability of the paths: appearance, color, wood structure. Attractive walkways will give the establishment a clean and tidy look.

Walkways made from high-quality materials will last longer and require minimal maintenance costs.

  • Ball return systems . Have you heard scary stories about how children put their hands into the ball returners to quickly take the ball, and their hands ended up being squeezed by it? Therefore, when choosing a ball return system, focus on maximum safety. Your guests need to be confident that no injuries will occur. Also make sure that the cover protecting the mechanisms can be easily removed when problems arise and/or for regular maintenance and cleaning. Do not forget that ball return systems are an element of the overall design; they should harmoniously complement the atmosphere of your bowling club.

Ball return systems should be safe for visitors and staff and harmoniously complement the atmosphere of your bowling club

  • Camouflage panels in bowling alleys perform two functions: they hide the engine room from the eyes of the players and set a positive mood among visitors. Masking panels can be single-tiered (considered classic) or two-tiered (with internal lighting). When choosing a manufacturer or supplier of panels, check how easy and quick installation is. Pay attention to options whose design features do not impede access to pinspotters.
  • Furniture . The design and arrangement of furniture in the players' area, its comfort and convenience directly affect the profitability of the bowling center. Choose modular models in the configuration that suits you in terms of the number of tracks. Furniture should be durable, functional, durable and comfortable.
  • Player consoles– terminals with which your guests interact on the tracks. They can be touch or keyboard, double, free-standing, or built into tables. When choosing consoles, you should pay attention not only to their appearance, design and functionality. They should be simple and easy to use, durable and not take up too much space.
  • Bowling center management system (tariff setting, track management, personnel control, organizing leagues and tournaments, advertising issues, working with client base, reporting). In a popular bowling alley, a lot of settlements between managers and visitors take place simultaneously. Lanes must be loaded, customers must be satisfied, leagues must be organized, accessories must be sold, revenues must be generated, and profits must be protected. To manage all aspects efficiently and fast work bowling and related departments need a modern tool that fully meets the needs of the business. The bowling center management system should be intuitive and have the ability to be periodically updated or expanded with additional modules.
  • Consumables and accessories for bowling club. Skittles, rental balls and shoes should bring pleasure to your visitors: the skittles should be durable, the shoes should be comfortable, with a wide range of sizes, the balls should be beautiful with a comfortable grip. When purchasing consumables, be sure to check the terms of the warranty.

Rolling balls and shoes should bring pleasure to the visitors of your bowling center

When purchasing all equipment, it is advisable to think ahead: the possibility of its upgrade, the availability of warranty and service, the ability to configure any additional entertainment for players. After all, periodically updating your bowling alley can give your guests new experiences or attract an additional flow of visitors. Pay attention to the reputation and experience of your partner. It would be useful to look at the portfolio of completed projects.

Step No. 6. Creating a design concept

The integrity of any project is ensured by a number of components, not least of which is design - both equipment and interior. Ideally, these two components should be in a certain harmony, then it will be possible to turn your bowling club into a single whole, which in the future can become a full-fledged brand. Interior design is the hallmark of an establishment, so it is better to entrust the development of a design concept to professionals.

Step No. 7. Installation of equipment

Entrust its installation to professionals: high-quality installation will ensure stable work your establishment for a long time. Please pay attention to how long it will take to deliver equipment and gaming machines. For maximum savings time, contact the manufacturers directly.

A successful bowling center is built not only on ultra-modern and reliable equipment. The success of your bowling alley business idea directly depends on competent management and staff. The establishment's staffing schedule depends on its size, content of related entertainment and format. But traditionally they are divided into: managerial, administrative and technical components.

The key figure is the manager of the bowling alley. Even before opening a bowling center, this person must master all the nuances of the work, understand the responsibilities of his subordinates, create and develop a strategy, and have an understanding of both the technical and financial nuances of the club’s work.

Junior support staff: managers, instructors, administrators. As a rule, these specialists form the image of your club in the eyes of visitors: they meet clients, communicate with them, make calculations, and book lanes.

Bowling alley technical staff (mechanics) are specialists who monitor the operation of the equipment and are responsible for maintaining the lanes. To make your bowling club business idea successful, pay special attention to the knowledge and development of the competencies of your technical service. The engine room, where the mechanics work, can be called the “heart” of the establishment, and competent maintenance is the key to long-term operation of the equipment.


How much does it cost to open a bowling club? How quickly it will pay off this business? Prices for an hour of play vary from region to region and depend on many factors. For example, in a modern Moscow club, the cost of an hour of play on a weekday varies between 400–600 rubles; in the evening the price approximately doubles. On weekends this figure is approximately 1200–1500 rubles. If you decide to open a bowling club in the region, the cost of an hour of play will be lower. For example, on a Friday evening or on a weekend it fluctuates between 600–700 rubles.

On average, a bowling club pays back its financial investment in 1–3 years. The duration depends on the scale of the establishment: a center with two tracks has an annual income of 2–3 million rubles, and with 10 and with additional services – from 2 million rubles monthly.


What documents need to be completed

What documents are required to open a bowling alley business? The activities of a bowling club can be classified under OKVED code 93 or. First of all, you will have to choose a business registration form:

  • LLC is a rather serious option that requires some responsibility. It is advisable to choose it when attracting investors;
  • Individual entrepreneur is a simpler and more accessible form, registration of which takes 1–2 weeks.

The next stage is a rental agreement for the premises, obtaining a certificate of its condition from the SES and the State Fire Inspectorate. It must comply with the requirements of SNiP and SanPiN. Next you will need:

  • permission to sell related products (food, clothing, etc.);
  • license to sell alcohol;
  • ventilation system maintenance contract;
  • agreement for recycling lamps, etc.


Among the visitors to the bowling club we can roughly distinguish several categories:

  • students and young people - show interest in bowling, bars, discotheques, and visit the establishment a couple of times a month;
  • entrepreneurs and office workers - come once a month to corporate events or just relax, as a rule, they not only play bowling, but also actively use the services of the restaurant and bar;
  • housewives, business travelers - they rarely visit the premises of the establishment, choosing from the offered entertainment bowling alley, bar and restaurant;
  • children - come during the minimum load of bowling centers (working hours on weekdays) with their parents or for an event (birthday or holiday);
  • athletes. People who bowl professionally and regularly come to the lanes for training.

For each of the listed groups, a certain type of advertising will be effective. For example, to attract entrepreneurs or students, you can post information about promotions in specialized media, on forums and visited Internet resources. However, before the bowling alley starts operating, the most noticeable benefit comes from bright advertising on the central streets and in places with the greatest concentration of people. For athletes, the best advertising is high-quality equipment, track coverage and the presence of a professional store on the club’s territory.

Subsequently, word of mouth will play a major role: more than 50% of customers visit bowling clubs on the recommendation of friends, relatives and colleagues. Therefore, at first you will have to work to create a favorable image of the establishment and get positive reviews visitors.


QubicaAMF company stands at the origins of the bowling industry. We practice an integrated approach to the creation and equipping of bowling clubs, offering clients a full range of relevant services from consultations on the selection of premises to training of hired personnel.

In the person of QubicaAMF you get a reliable partner who will help resolve any issue related to the functioning of bowling equipment, marketing and technical support such a club. Contact our specialists!

Stages of working with us:

  1. We carry out research. Our experts study all the features of the region, technical features the object itself;
  2. We are developing a business plan. We prepare all the necessary information for those who are used to speaking in the language of numbers: we tell you how much it costs to open a bowling alley, we calculate necessary costs, potential income, profit and preliminary payback period;
  3. We are developing a plan. On the plan, first of all, we make zoning of all premises (we select zones for certain types of entertainment) and select bowling equipment that will fit most successfully in terms of technical parameters, size and style;
  4. creating a concept. When all the plans are approved and the list of bowling equipment is known, our designers and artists begin to develop the stylistic design of the room specifically for your project. Our concepts are always unique and individual;
  5. implementation. Our specialists supervise all stages of idea implementation - from procurement finishing materials and delivery of equipment to training of hired personnel;
  6. service. QubicaAMF provides full-fledged bowling business support on an ongoing basis. From us you can purchase spare parts for equipment repair, order it professional service etc.

The development of the gaming industry in Russia is not in last place among possible ways earn money. At the same time, opening a bowling club in a small town remains relevant, since this niche in small towns has not yet been fully occupied, but at the same time, the need of residents of small towns for quality leisure time is quite high. Below we will discuss how to properly organize your own business and what you need when planning it.

Bowling club - profitability of the direction

Before you open a bowling alley from scratch, you need to evaluate its potential profitability. After all, hardly anyone wants to remain a loser with a fairly substantial investment. So, if we take as a basis the amount of initial investment in a center with 4-5 lanes, approximately 6-7 million rubles, then the expected benefit will be approximately 4-5 million rubles per year. That is, provided that the center is open only in the afternoon on weekdays (since everyone is at school/work in the first half) and around the clock on weekends and holidays such a business can pay off in just 2 years. Even despite the fact that purchasing power in small towns is lower than in regional centers.

It is worth taking into account potential clients who can come to the regional city to play bowling from nearby settlements. As a rule, the distance from them to the club is 4–6 km.

When calculating profitability, it is important to consider that the cost of one track on weekends and holidays can be twice as expensive as on weekdays. At the same time, about 45% of the total income will be revenue from the bar and cafe at the bowling alley.

Important: the approximate service life of one track equipment is 20 years. That is, with an initial significant investment in a small business, in the future you can only withdraw profits. The project turns out to be profitable.

Opening a bowling alley with 4 lanes or more has a number of advantages. These are:

  1. A free niche in the entertainment industry in small regional cities.
  2. There is a sufficient number of potential clients, since the cost of one track, divided between 3-5 people, is affordable even for a middle class person.
  3. Quick return on initial investment.
  4. Possibility of additional income through a bar, cafe, slot machines, etc.

Advice: if the space of the room allows, you can attract potential customers with a play area for the little ones. You'll have to hire animators here, but the family bowling format is worth it. Especially in small towns.

How much does it cost to open a bowling alley: business plan

Before opening a bowling center, you need to draw up at least a rough business plan for a bowling club. It will include the following items with calculations:

  • Rent of premises with a total area of ​​400 m2 - approx. 350,000 rubles.
  • Repair work and creation of the desired interior - RUB 1,200,000.
  • Purchase of gaming equipment for 4–5 tracks - RUB 3,000,000.
  • Equipment for the administration area - 60,000 rub..
  • Equipment for a small recreation area - RUB 300,000.
  • Lighting in the hall - 65,000 rub..
  • Purchase of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, products for cafes - RUB 300,000.
  • Staff salaries - 70,000 rub./month.
  • Preparation of documents for opening a club (including alcohol licenses, etc.) - 90,000 rub..
  • Utility payments - RUB 35,000–40,000.
  • Advertising expenses - 80,000–120,000 rubles per month.

Total: RUB 5,595,000.

Tip: You can significantly reduce the cost of the initial investment if you purchase used equipment for the play area. But in this case, you need to carefully evaluate its integrity and performance. Remember, correct calculation of your financial strength gives a significant head start.

Step-by-step instructions: how to open a bowling club

To open a bowling center, you will need to go through several levels and perform a series of sequential actions. Below are detailed instructions for the opening of a bowling club.


You must first register legal entity as an LLC or as an individual entrepreneur. In this case, it is worth taking into account the approximate annual income of the center and registering the enterprise that falls under the taxation system permissible for it. That is, for an individual entrepreneur the average income may be lower than for an LLC.

As for the documentation that a bowling club must have, four sets of documents will have to be prepared. The first will include certificates of registration, contracts and permits. It should include:

  • Certificate of registration of the enterprise and certificate of tax registration of the enterprise.
  • Certificate of mandatory registration of all cash register equipment.
  • Agreement for rent or purchase and sale of premises.
  • Documentation from BTI with detailed plan rented/purchased premises.
  • Permissions from the SES, State Fire Supervision and local administration to conduct commercial activities in this object.
  • Agreements with utility companies for maintenance of the premises (solid waste removal, electricity, water, etc.).
  • Certificate of assignment to the enterprise of all OKVED codes.
  • Liquor license.
  • Consumer corner.
  • Permitting documentation for advertising sign equipment.

In addition, at the time of opening of the establishment, all sanitary documents must be in full readiness, including medical records of employees, quality certificates and permits/agreements for the supply of food and alcohol. Here you must have fire safety documentation. That is, evacuation plans, confirmation of training completed by employees, etc. In addition, everything must be available employment contracts, concluded with the employees of the enterprise, their work books and other office documentation. This is done by a personnel officer, accountant or director of the enterprise.

Selecting a location

As for the location of the bullying club, the scale small town it is better to place it closer to the center, since all other places and areas will require additional improvement. So, for example, if you find a hangar or warehouse on the outskirts of a town, then in addition to renovating the premises from the inside, you will also have to additionally equip the surrounding area (parking, etc.). At the same time, a club located closer to the center will attract potential clients both on weekdays and on weekends. Since in small towns the main workplaces and recreation areas are located closer to their central part. It is better to rent the premises and then buy them as you earn income, if possible.

Room and interior

The interior of the room should not be flashy. It is worth considering that the public in regional towns is less demanding, so it is better not to use unnecessary frills and obscure elements. When creating an interior, you need to choose something between a comfortable recreation area for a family and for young people. Beige and beige-red tones are optimal. Or you can use a coffee-blue color scheme in interior design. There should be nothing superfluous in the interior of the room. Especially in the play area. The bar and reception desk can be equipped in an interesting style, corresponding to the name of the club.

  • the total length of the hall is 30–40 meters;
  • shape - predominantly rectangular (a niche for equipment of a wardrobe, bar or administrator area is allowed);
  • ceiling height - 3.5–4 meters or more;
  • the presence of columns and lintels - no.

Advice: for a cube with 4–5 lanes, it will be cost-effective to rent a room with a total area of ​​approximately 500 m2.

Equipment and equipment

When purchasing equipment for the play area, it is worth considering that you need to purchase not only tracks, balls and pins. In addition to play equipment, you will need to purchase furniture, necessary supplies for maintaining paths and equipment for a bar/cafe (if any). Moreover, here you need to take into account that the cost of one track already includes everything listed plus installation of equipment, its configuration and personnel training.

Track equipment

When purchasing one bowling alley, it is important to understand what is included in the package. The complete set consists of:

  • pinspotter;
  • pinspotter control system;
  • system for returning game balls;
  • computer system for counting game points;
  • monitor;
  • computer game track control system;
  • camera for counting pins;
  • balls and pins (full set);
  • the surface of the playing track itself.

Important: if desired, the kit can be supplemented with children's bumpers, a spade control system, various path lighting, etc. You can buy both Chinese and American equipment. The first one will cost a little less.

Administrator area

You also need to purchase equipment for the administration area. It includes a counter and chair, a cash register, a computer, and a display case for accessories. The total cost will be approximately 55–70 thousand rubles.

Recreation area

To arrange a recreation area you need to purchase the following equipment and furniture:

  • sofas and tables;
  • bar counter and chairs for it;
  • bar display;
  • sets of dishes at the rate of one for each potential visitor.

Play area

This may include any additional costs for player shoes and track maintenance equipment.


To service a bowling club with 4–5 lanes, you will need to hire the following employees:

  • bartender (he can also act as a waiter on weekdays);
  • waiter (2 or more people on weekends and holidays);
  • cook (2 or more people depending on the expected influx of visitors and if there is a cafe);
  • administrator;
  • cloakroom attendant (in winter);
  • security guard;
  • mechanic;
  • instructor;
  • cleaning technician;
  • dishwasher (in the absence of a cafe, a bartender can handle dishwashing).

In addition, the establishment needs an accountant who will count expenses and profits. He can also be a personnel officer and director of an enterprise rolled into one.


On advertising campaign you will have to spend about 70 thousand rubles a month, subject to serious promotion of the establishment. You can use all possible ways of presentation - advertising on local radio and TV, renting advertising space, distributing advertising leaflets. If you have additional funds, you can order the creation of your own website and its promotion on social networks. This will significantly increase the rating of the enterprise. Advertising about the organization of tournaments will be relevant. This will attract a potential client.

Disadvantages of bowling as a business

As for the pitfalls of such a business, purely theoretically, the difficulties may be as follows:

  • obtaining liquor licenses in a timely manner;
  • attracting a sufficient number of clients;
  • uniform and full filling of the tracks;
  • club attendance on weekday evenings.

Tip: To attract customers on weekdays, you can hold themed evenings with specific music and drinks. In addition, you can attract schoolchildren and youth, organize birthdays and parties.

In general, the idea of ​​​​creating such a business in small town quite cost-effective. With proper organization and creation of the right reputation for the establishment, the business will become very successful.

The bowling industry is most developed in Moscow and St. Petersburg, but bowling is gradually becoming more and more popular entertainment and is involving more and more peripheral large cities. Many people of different ages, celebrating birthdays and various other events, are looking for a place to relax and unwind. There is also a category of active people who, instead of traditional gatherings in cafes and restaurants, would prefer to play bowling. And this layer of people is quite numerous. They will certainly be interested in a modern bowling center.

Stages of organization

The following key steps will lead to the opening of a successful bowling alley.

  • The theoretical part includes an assessment of the demand that a bowling club may have in a specifically selected region. Next, you need to establish whether there are similar establishments nearby, which ones and how strong the competition will be in a given area. It is necessary to assess the massive flow of people who want to visit the new establishment. You must first calculate possible profit and start-up costs.
  • In this paragraph, it is necessary to reflect the measures to prepare the facility for operation, or rather, to study necessary documents and actions that are needed to open a bowling club.
  • Financial cost indicators required for procurement material fund enterprises.
  • Workers entertainment center. Here is the list of staff members, fund wages and the salary of each employee.
  • This item reflects the costs that an entrepreneur will incur for all necessary contributions to the country’s budget.
  • A ready-made bowling alley business plan is completed by calculating the profitability and profitability of the planned enterprise.

An acceptable option would be to purchase an existing bowling alley. This can be much more expensive than organizing your own, but this method also has some advantages:

  • An entrepreneur will get a ready-made franchise with an existing customer base and a positive reputation;
  • Current uninterrupted operation scheme;
  • You don’t have to select and buy the equipment necessary for operation yourself.

Search for clients, advertising

A business plan for a bowling club should reflect marketing factors that influence the success of the business. These include:

Necessary equipment, choice of material

The bowling alley business plan must reflect the list of all technical units required for purchase and the financial costs for it. Additional equipment used in the construction of a large bowling center is quite diverse in its characteristics and expensive, so you will have to seriously invest in this business. You will need the following equipment:

  • A pinspotter is a special machine that places pins at the starting position;
  • Ball return system;
  • Special lanes for bowling;
  • An intelligent interface that counts points and displays them on the monitor;
  • Screens displaying information about games;
  • Consumables, spare pieces of equipment, furniture for players to relax.

As in many other technical areas, bowling equipment is available in two variations - Chinese (relatively cheap) and equipment from famous brands. Of course, it is better to purchase the highest quality equipment, but it, of course, will be expensive. However, according to people who have successfully started a business, Chinese equipment is also worthy of attention and preferable to purchase, since it provides high quality at a reasonable price. For example, a Chinese-made bowling alley will cost 25-40 thousand dollars.

You can save a lot of money if you buy used equipment. Of course, it must be in good working order and function normally. For example, one of the options for a bowling alley business plan involves the purchase of used American equipment. This procedure allows you to save up to 40 percent of money. Regular inspection and repair of equipment allows you to increase its service life to 20-25 years.

Bowling center staff

The director of the bowling center is responsible for the business component of the project - marketing and organization. The club manager reports directly to him - he is in charge of economic issues, monitoring the serviceability of equipment, the functioning of the enterprise and the work of the network of subordinate employees. The club director, as a founder, develops ready business plan.

Bowling requires an experienced instructor who will tell and show visitors all the intricacies of the game, teach the skill and at the same time be able to captivate the visitor and motivate him to visit your establishment in the future. The required employees will include economic specialists in charge of the financial and accounting side of the enterprise, as well as security officers and an administrator. To open a bar, you will have to hire food service personnel. The staff must correspond to the size and goals pursued by the entrepreneur establishing the business.

Costs, costs and profits

Opening a project in financially will be 15,500,000 rubles. You can see the calculations in the table:

Monthly costs are reduced to the following points:

Total – 490,000 rubles.

Possible income level, payback period

When calculating profits, you need to take into account that the popularity of a bowling club will increase over time: in the first year the occupancy percentage will be 30%, the second - 50%, 70-80% - in the next few years. A drop in demand for the club's services will naturally occur in the summer - during mass holidays and vacations.

High initial capital injections (mainly associated with large-scale financial injections for bowling equipment) lead to a long payback of the project, it will be about 39 months. The main service is the rental of bowling lanes, game balls and a table adjacent to the selected lane. Payment is hourly, determined by the time of year, day of the week and daily time. It is possible to introduce a system of discounts for a category of citizens whose income is relatively small - pensioners, students and schoolchildren. The cost of renting one track will be from 450 to 1,100 rubles, depending on the day of the week and the current preferential discount system. The adjacent diner has an average bill of 1,100 rubles. At the planned average load net profit will be equal to 850,000 rubles/month, and approaching the first five-year period, it will grow to 4-5 million rubles.

Registration and registration of business

  • The first step in starting a business will be registering a company and obtaining status individual entrepreneur;
  • The fire inspectorate gives permission for this type activities, if no violations are found;
  • Sanitary and epidemiological report on the compliance of the premises with all sanitary standards;
  • Permission to locate the facility (issued after multiple inspections by Rospotrebnadzor employees);
  • Agreements for waste removal and disposal;
  • List of services provided;
  • Agreements on disinfection, disinfestation, etc.

Disadvantages and advantages of this business

The advantages include:

  • Estimated high interest of the population in bowling, which will be at least 15-20 years;
  • The “tested” nature of the business, the schemes of which have been worked out by many companies;
  • Large income from activities;
  • High social value as an entertaining pastime;
  • Great variability of the organization (fullness, population categories, etc.).

There is only one drawback of the business, but it is quite serious - the need for large start-up financial investments.

Useful video

Bowling alley

To open a bowling club with ten lanes, you need to select a room with an area of ​​approximately 1500 m2. Moreover, there should be no supporting structures that could interfere with the game of bowling.

You can consider an interesting option with the construction of your own bowling premises, but this event will be accessible only to people with a fairly substantial initial capital, so it is better to rent a suitable premises.

The most profitable option would be to rent premises in a new shopping and entertainment center. We also note that the most preferred area for locating a bowling center will be the city center - the center of people and mass entertainment events.

And an additional bonus will be the opportunity to get to the club by public transport, so it’s good if there is a metro station or bus stop nearby, as well as other possible elements of city infrastructure - banks, shops, cinemas.

Let's give some more data regarding the size of the room. Ceilings must have a minimum height of 3.5 meters and the playing lanes must be 26 meters long. Add here another four to five meters for throwing the ball, and you get quite a respectable area. Experts recommend involving a designer who will stylishly decorate the premises for the opening of its activities. This will help increase the flow of interested people and, accordingly, business profits. In addition, accordingly appearance The image of the club will also improve.

How to open a bowling club in your city: business plan, ready-made calculations

5 (100%) votes: 1

* The calculations use average data for Russia

The cost of the project, taking into account working capital, will be 15,443,000 rubles. More than 70% of this amount is planned to be allocated for the purchase and installation of equipment.

1.Project summary

Project goal– opening of a bowling center in a city with a population of up to 700 thousand people. The essence of the project is to create a game area for bowling with 8 lanes and a recreation area with a mini-cafe on an area of ​​720 sq. m. meters. The main audience of the bowling center includes people aged 8 to 45 years. Financial calculations of this business plan are given for a five-year period of operation, taking into account seasonality indicators, as well as the planned occupancy of the center in the first year of operation - up to 30%, in the third year - up to 50%, in the fourth and subsequent years - up to 70-80%.

The main services of the bowling center are:

1. Hourly rental of a bowling alley;

2. Mini-cafe services.

The cost of the project, taking into account working capital, will be 15,443,000 rubles. More than 70% of this amount is planned to be allocated for the purchase and installation of equipment. Due to the high cost of a new set of equipment and the rising dollar exchange rate, preference is given to using refurbished, good quality American equipment trademark.

*at the end of 2 years of operation

The project launch period will be 4 months. Based on the results of the first year of work, it is planned to achieve attendance figures of 30%.

2.Description of the industry and company

Today, bowling has ceased to be an entertainment for people with high incomes and has been reformatted into mass entertainment. According to Investcafe analysts, the bowling market in Russia is growing steadily: until 2014, the number of lanes increased by an average of 4% per year. This means that the market has not yet reached its saturation. The first places in the number of bowling centers are held by metropolitan cities - Moscow and St. Petersburg, as well as millionaire cities. The bowling alley market is highly diversified, with no single player having a significant share. Network players are mainly shopping and entertainment centers and family clubs. The main audience of bowling centers are young people aged 18 to 30 years, families, schoolchildren with predominantly middle and low incomes. Bowling centers are visited not only for the game itself, but also for fun and relaxation with loved ones. Often bowling clubs have snack bars and billiard rooms, slot machines and special rooms for children's parties. There are also bowling establishments in conjunction with a nightclub.

The goal of the project is to open a family format bowling club in a city with a population of up to 700 thousand inhabitants. The essence of the project is to create a play area for bowling, as well as a technical area and engine room, a recreation area and a reception with a mini-cafe. The center is located in a room with an area of ​​720 square meters. meters, located next to shopping stores and a restaurant. The building is located on one of the city's busiest streets, close to shopping and office centers and public transport stops.

The management structure of the enterprise includes a director, who is also the founder of the company and manages the center. He is in charge of strategic business planning and marketing policy. Directly subordinate to the director is the manager, who is responsible for the work of administrators, sales and support personnel.

The form of ownership of the enterprise is LLC. The taxation system is simplified (6% of income received).

3.Description of services

The main service of the bowling center is the provision of bowling lanes for hourly rental along with a set of balls and a table. The cost of services depends on the day of the week and time of visit. Discounted prices are available to students and schoolchildren. Detailed price list for services is given in Table. 1. Activities to provide these services will require appropriate permits from Rospotrebnadzor and a fire inspection report.

Table 1. List of services

In addition to the services provided, the bowling center has a mini-cafe in the snack bar format. The average bill for 1 table is 1400 rubles.

4.Sales and marketing

The main trend in the bowling market can be described as a movement towards bowling as a mass entertainment. Today, bowling is perceived by the audience as an integral part of the entertainment industry. Visitors to bowling centers demand from the establishment not only impeccable operation of the equipment, but also a unique atmosphere. A bowling center should give visitors a feeling of comfort, which is expressed both in the overall design and in individual details, including the comfort of the chairs, sensory equipment built into the tables for tracking the game, LCD monitors, and the presence of children's sides. Also considered a plus is the presence of a mini-cafe, which allows you to combine your favorite game with food if desired.

Today in the city there are 3 bowling clubs and 3 small-format playgrounds as part of hotel complexes (2-4 lanes). Direct competitors are represented by: 1 large federal network company(branch), which has a center with 14 lanes and a mini-cafe, 1 company, which is a bowling center as part of a shopping and entertainment center (10 lanes), as well as another separate bowling club with 8 lanes. The main advantage of the first competitor is the low price level (from 300 to 1000 rubles), modern equipment, thoughtful marketing policy and loyalty system. As weaknesses We can highlight frequent complaints about the service, slow service in the cafe at the center. The other two competitors are characterized by a higher price level (700-1800), a fairly good level of service, however, visitors to the center often have complaints about the operation of the equipment (the failure rate of pinspotters is high). Another common negative feedback from customers is the quality of consumables (worn out shoes, chipped balls, etc.). The work schedule of 2 of 3 competitors is from 12:00 to 06:00, the competitor working in a shopping and entertainment center is from 10:00 to 00:00.

The above industry trends and competitor analysis were the driving factors for creating the bowling center concept. The price segment for services is average (400 to 1500 rubles), while the quality is above average. Industry specialists train employees to operate a bowling center and conduct a series of sales and service trainings. The selected work schedule is from 12:00 to 06:00. Registration is made by pre-booking through the official website or by phone call, as well as directly in the center itself. There is a mini-cafe in the snack bar format at the bowling center. To attract customers, methods of outdoor advertising (signboards), online advertising (targeted advertising in social networks), SEO website promotion in search engines, leaflets. The establishment of a competitive advantage is expected low prices for schoolchildren and students. It is also planned to use loyalty promotions, for example, discount conditions for birthday people and corporate customers. In addition, the bowling center itself is planned to be used as a platform for advertising partners. In particular, advertising broadcast in slideshow/crawler/video mode can be carried out on LCD monitors of a bowling club. In the future, it is possible to use the advertising capabilities of the site, joint promotions with partners, etc.

5.Production plan

The bowling center is located in a city with a population of up to 700 thousand people on one of the central streets, on the first line of houses. There is a restaurant adjacent to the building, as well as retail premises. There are banks within 400 meters, office centers. There is a public transport stop 200 meters away.

The area of ​​the premises is 720 meters. The premises for the bowling center are leased for a long time (7 years) with the possibility of extending the contract. Investments in repairs and preparation of premises for a bowling center will amount to RUB 3,291,000. The purchase and installation of equipment, taking into account the equipment of the play area, recreation area, engine room, reception area and snack bar, will amount to RUB 10,958,000. Due to the rise in price of bowling equipment associated with the rise in exchange rates, preference is given to refurbished equipment (about 60% of all equipment) of good quality from an American brand, considered one of the leaders among manufacturers in the industry. The set of bowling equipment includes: pinspotters, bowling lanes, bowling center control system, LCD monitors, lower terminals of the counting system, tables with trapezoidal seats, ball returners, children's bumpers, side chairs, spade system, lane dividers, running system lights, a track maintenance machine, as well as consumables: balls, shoes and skittles. The indicated amount also includes equipment for the reception area and snack bar.

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A specialized organization was chosen to carry out the assembly and installation of equipment, and most of the bowling equipment was purchased from it. The main criteria were the organization's previous work experience, the number and quality of completed projects, and an acceptable price level for services.

The bowling center is managed by a director and manager. The bowling center is serviced by administrators working in shifts and minibar employees. Employee training is carried out by a specialized company engaged in the sale and installation of bowling equipment. Training costs are included in the installation service fee. The staffing table and wage fund are shown in Table. 2.

Table 2. Staffing and wage fund

Ready ideas for your business

TO variable costs include the cost of maintaining paths using special oils and cleaners. Fixed costs are based on rent (350 thousand rubles), marketing (40 thousand rubles), payment utilities, telephony and internet. The expenses also include depreciation charges (40 thousand rubles), commercial and administrative expenses.

6.Organizational plan

The duration of the preparatory stage of the project will be 4 months. About 2 months will be spent on developing a sketch and an architectural project, another two on repairs, preparing the premises to the requirements of the company installing the equipment, and the actual installation of the equipment.

The bowling center is managed by the director, who is the founder of the project. He heads the organization and is its official representative at various events. The director carries out strategic planning business, finds new partners, determines and coordinates the marketing policy of the establishment. The general management of the administrative, economic and economic activities of the club is carried out by the manager. This is a person who has a higher education and has at least 5 years of experience in organizing the business of cafe-bars or bowling clubs. The manager organizes the work of personnel, appoints and dismisses employees, imposes penalties or gives incentives, and exercises control over safety precautions. Bowling club administrators organize the smooth operation of the establishment, receive clients, advise clients, are responsible for the operation of the reception area, and provide general control for the order and safety of equipment. The work of the snack bar is managed by a special employee who performs all the main functions of preparing an order. The mini-cafe operates on the principle of self-service without the help of waiters. The senior accountant is responsible for accounting. Also, hired workers are hired to work as needed, in particular a mechanic who troubleshoots and maintains the engine room. The cleaning lady is responsible for maintaining the establishment in proper condition.

7.Financial plan

The costs of the preparatory period include: repairs and preparation of the premises - 3,291,000 rubles, purchase and installation of equipment - 10,958,000 rubles, costs for the launch advertising campaign and website creation - 194,000 rubles. To implement the project you will need working capital in the amount of 1,000,000 rubles. The total cost of the project will be 15,443,000 million rubles. The source of financing is equity from the sale of real estate.

The costs of the main period include: rent - 350,000 rubles, advertising costs (SEO promotion, targeted advertising on social networks, print advertising) – 40,000 rubles, depreciation charges – 40,000 rubles, commercial and administrative expenses – 40,000 rubles, utility bills and electricity – 15,000 rubles, telephony and Internet – 5,000 rubles. Total: 490,000 rub.

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