Federal assessment standard 9. Latest news

On approval of the federal valuation standard "Valuation for collateral purposes (FSO No. 9)

In accordance with Article 20 Federal Law dated July 29, 1998 N 135-FZ "On appraisal activities V Russian Federation"(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1998, N 31, Art. 3813; 2006, N 31, Art. 3456; 2010, N 30, Art. 3998; 2011, N 1, Art. 43; N 29, Art. 4291; 2014, N 30, Art. 4226) I order:

1. Approve the attached Federal Valuation Standard “Valuation for Pledge Purposes (FSO No. 9)”.

2. This order comes into force on the date of entry into force of the orders of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated May 20, 2015 N 297 “On approval of the Federal Valuation Standard” General concepts assessments, approaches and requirements for conducting assessments (FSO N 1)", dated May 20, 2015 N 298 "On approval of the Federal Valuation Standard "Purpose of assessment and types of value (FSO N 2)", dated May 20, 2015 N 299 "On approval of the Federal Assessment Standard "Requirements for an assessment report (FSO No. 3)".



I. General provisions

1. This Federal Assessment Standard has been developed taking into account international standards assessments and federal standards assessments “General concepts of assessment, approaches and requirements for conducting an assessment (FSO N 1)”, “Purpose of assessment and types of value (FSO N 2)”, “Requirements for an assessment report (FSO N 3)” (hereinafter referred to as FSO N 1, FSO N 2, FSO N 3), other federal assessment standards governing assessment individual species objects of assessment approved by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, and determines the requirements for the assessment of an object (hereinafter also referred to as property) that is the subject of a pledge or planned to be transferred as security in the form of a pledge for the proposed or existing monetary obligations(hereinafter referred to as the purposes of the pledge).

2. This Federal Valuation Standard is mandatory for use when evaluating objects of evaluation for collateral purposes, including evaluation for mortgage lending purposes. This Federal Valuation Standard develops, supplements and specifies, when valuing for collateral purposes, the requirements established by FSO No. 1, FSO No. 2, FSO No. 3, and other federal valuation standards governing the valuation of certain types of valuation objects, approved by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia.

II. Object of assessment

3. For the purposes of this Federal Valuation Standard, the object of valuation means objects of civil rights in respect of which the legislation of the Russian Federation establishes the possibility of their participation in civil circulation and the pledge of which is not prohibited current legislation Russian Federation.

III. General requirements to conduct an assessment for collateral purposes

4. When concluding an agreement to conduct an assessment for the purposes of a pledge (hereinafter referred to as the agreement), the customer may inform the appraiser about the existing or potential pledgee. If the pledgee has publicly available special requirements for valuation for the purposes of the pledge, it is not contrary to law Russian Federation and the requirements of federal valuation standards, the appraiser must inform the customer about the existence of such special requirements.

The appraiser takes into account these special requirements of the mortgagee if this is specified in the appraisal assignment.

5. For the purposes of this Federal Valuation Standard, when determining the value for the purpose of collateral, it is determined market value. If there are appropriate requirements, the assessment task may determine the investment and (or) liquidation value in addition to the market value.

6. When assessing property connected by a common functional purpose(hereinafter referred to as the property complex), it is necessary to analyze the possibility of independent functioning and sale of the property separately from other assets that are part of the property complex.

7. When assessing property that is part of a property complex, based on the assumption that the sale of this property will be carried out as part of a property complex, the value of the valuation object is determined as the part in the cost of the property complex attributable to the property being valued during the sale of the entire property complex. This assumption indicated in the assessment task. The cost of specialized property, which for the purposes of this Federal Valuation Standard means property that cannot be sold separately from the entire complex of property of which it is a part, due to its uniqueness due to its specialized nature, purpose, design, configuration, composition, size, location or other properties (hereinafter referred to as specialized property), is determined as part of the cost of the property complex.

8. The assessment report must contain the following additional results to those specified in FSO No. 3:

  • the value (value) of the valuation object in accordance with the types of value provided for in paragraph 5 of this Federal Valuation Standard;
  • others calculated values, conclusions and recommendations prepared by the appraiser in accordance with the assessment assignment.

Conclusions about the liquidity of the assessment object are necessarily indicated in the report, but are not considered as the result of the assessment.

9. As a characteristic of the liquidity of the valuation object, the report indicates the typical (estimated) period of its market exposure on the open market, during which it can be sold at market value. In the case of valuation of specialized property as part of a property complex, the liquidity of such property can be defined as the liquidity of the property complex, integral part which it is. This assumption is specified in the appraisal assignment and appraisal report.

When determining the liquidity of the object being assessed, the appraiser must justify the conclusions drawn by citing the results of an analysis of significant factors affecting the liquidity of the object.

10. The assessment task must contain the following information, additional to that specified in FSO No. 1, as well as in other federal assessment standards governing the assessment of certain types of assessment objects approved by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia:

  • features of the inspection of the object being assessed or grounds that objectively impede the inspection of the object, if any;
  • the procedure and timing for the customer to provide the materials and information necessary for the assessment;
  • the need to attract industry experts (specialists with the necessary professional competencies in matters requiring analysis during assessment). If, at the stage of preparing the assessment task, any of the parties to the contract determines (identifies) the need to involve industry experts, then such a condition must be included in the assessment task.

11. In the assessment assignment, the customer or the mortgagee (if he is a party to the agreement), in agreement with the appraiser, may indicate other calculated values ​​additional to the assessment results specified in paragraph 8 of this Federal Valuation Standard, including:

  • forecast of changes in the value of the valuation object in the future;
  • the amount of costs required when foreclosure on the property being assessed.
  • In this case, the indicated calculated values ​​and conclusions based on the results of additional studies are included in the report, but are not the result of the assessment.

IV. Valuation assumptions for collateral purposes

12. Assumptions used in the assessment must be agreed upon by all parties to the contract.

13. Assumptions used in the assessment regarding the prospects for the development of the subject of assessment must be justified by market data and trends. The use of forecast data from the customer or owner of the valuation object without checking their feasibility and compliance with market data independent of the customer is not allowed.

14. When making forecasts based on several scenarios or analytical data, it is advisable to refrain from using the most optimistic forecasts that lead to maximizing the value of the valued object.

15. All advantages that the owner has in relation to the property being assessed and the conditions of ownership and use of the property being assessed, other than market conditions, cannot be taken into account when assessing for the purposes of a pledge, unless they remain undisputed when the ownership of the object of assessment is transferred to another person.

16. All encumbrances and obligations, information about which is in the public domain and (or) presented to the appraiser by the parties to the contract, affecting the value of the property being appraised, must be taken into account when conducting the appraisal. Requirements for taking into account the influence of these factors on the value of the property being assessed are specified in the assessment assignment. If encumbrances are identified before signing the contract, the appraiser is obliged to inform the parties to the contract about this, who are indicated in the assessment task. If encumbrances are identified during the assessment process, the appraiser is obliged to indicate the presence of encumbrances in the report and take them into account in the calculations, unless otherwise specified in the assessment assignment.

17. Carrying out an assessment of the object of assessment in the assumption of its use other than for its current purpose is subject to mandatory agreement with the parties to the contract and is included in the assessment task. When assessing an object of assessment under the assumption of a change in its current use, all costs necessary to implement an alternative use are subject to mandatory accounting.

18. If it is necessary to conduct research for the purpose of collateral during the assessment that requires special knowledge, it is necessary to involve industry experts with such knowledge. The appraiser is obliged to inform the customer about the impossibility of conducting an assessment without the involvement of industry experts. In this case, the need to involve such industry experts is indicated in the assessment assignment.

V. Special requirements for valuation for collateral purposes

19. When determining the liquidation value as a factor in the forced sale of the valuation object and when choosing the exposure period, one should consider the conditions for the sale of the valuation object, corresponding to the procedures for foreclosure on the subject of collateral established by the legislation in force on the date of valuation or stipulated by the contract. Based on the available information about the valuation object, other factors of forced sale and expected assumptions in the period of exposure of the object on the open market can be selected. Such factors and assumptions are subject to justification and must be indicated in the assessment report.

20. When assessing objects proposed for creation or in the process of creation, when determining the market value of objects in their condition as of the date of assessment, in the absence of an assumption of a change in the use of the object, the market value may, in accordance with the terms of the contract, be additionally determined taking into account the assumption of the completion of the object as of the date assessments.

VI. Final provisions

21. In case of discrepancies between the requirements of this Federal Valuation Standard with the requirements of FSO No. 1, FSO No. 2, FSO No. 3 and other federal valuation standards governing the evaluation of certain types of valuation objects approved by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, this Federal Standard takes precedence.



On approval of the Federal Valuation Standard "Valuation for Pledge Purposes (FSO No. 9)"

In accordance with Article 20 of the Federal Law of July 29, 1998 N 135-FZ “On Valuation Activities in the Russian Federation” (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1998, N 31, Art. 3813; 2006, N 31, Art. 3456; 2010, N 30, art. 3998; 2011, N 1, art. 43; N 29, art. 4291; 2014, N 30, art. 4226)

I order:

1. Approve the attached Federal Valuation Standard “Valuation for Pledge Purposes (FSO No. 9)”.

2. This order comes into force on the date of entry into force of the orders of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated May 20, 2015 N 297 “On approval of the Federal Valuation Standard “General concepts of valuation, approaches and requirements for conducting valuation (FSO N 1)”, dated May 20, 2015 of the year N 298 “On approval of the Federal Valuation Standard “Purpose of Valuation and Types of Value (FSO N 2)”, dated May 20, 2015 N 299 “On approval of the Federal Valuation Standard “Requirements for an Valuation Report (FSO N 3)”.


Federal valuation standard "Valuation for collateral purposes (FSO N 9)"

I. General provisions

1. This Federal Valuation Standard was developed taking into account international valuation standards and federal valuation standards "General concepts of valuation, approaches and requirements for valuation (FSO N 1)", "Purpose of valuation and types of value (FSO N 2)", "Requirements for assessment report (FSO N 3)" (hereinafter referred to as FSO N 1, FSO N 2, FSO N 3), other federal assessment standards governing the assessment of certain types of assessment objects, approved by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, and determines the requirements for the assessment of the object ( hereinafter also - property) that is the subject of a pledge or is planned to be transferred as security in the form of collateral for alleged or existing monetary obligations (hereinafter - the purposes of the pledge).

2. This Federal Valuation Standard is mandatory for use when evaluating objects of evaluation for collateral purposes, including evaluation for mortgage lending purposes. This Federal Valuation Standard develops, supplements and specifies, when valuing for collateral purposes, the requirements established by FSO No. 1, FSO No. 2, FSO No. 3, and other federal valuation standards governing the valuation of certain types of valuation objects, approved by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia.

II. Object of assessment

3. For the purposes of this Federal Valuation Standard, the object of valuation means objects of civil rights in respect of which the legislation of the Russian Federation establishes the possibility of their participation in civil circulation and the pledge of which is not prohibited by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

III. General requirements for conducting an assessment for collateral purposes

4. When concluding an agreement to conduct an assessment for the purposes of a pledge (hereinafter referred to as the agreement), the customer may inform the appraiser about the existing or potential pledgee. If the pledgee has publicly available special requirements for valuation for the purpose of collateral that do not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation and the requirements of federal valuation standards, the appraiser must inform the customer about the existence of such special requirements.

The appraiser takes into account these special requirements of the mortgagee if this is specified in the appraisal assignment.

5. For the purposes of this Federal Valuation Standard, when determining the value for the purpose of collateral, the market value is determined. If there are appropriate requirements, the assessment task may determine the investment and (or) liquidation value in addition to the market value.

6. When assessing property associated with a common functional purpose (hereinafter referred to as the property complex), it is necessary to analyze the possibility of independent functioning and sale of the property separately from other assets that are part of the property complex.

7. When assessing property that is part of a property complex, based on the assumption that the sale of this property will be carried out as part of a property complex, the value of the valuation object is determined as the part in the cost of the property complex attributable to the property being valued during the sale of the entire property complex. This assumption is specified in the assessment assignment. The cost of specialized property, which for the purposes of this Federal Valuation Standard means property that cannot be sold separately from the entire complex of property of which it is a part, due to its uniqueness due to its specialized nature, purpose, design, configuration, composition, size, location or other properties (hereinafter referred to as specialized property), is determined as part of the cost of the property complex.

8. The assessment report must contain the following additional results to those specified in FSO No. 3:

the value (value) of the valuation object in accordance with the types of value provided for in paragraph 5 of this Federal Valuation Standard;

other calculated values, conclusions and recommendations prepared by the appraiser in accordance with the assessment assignment.

Conclusions about the liquidity of the assessment object are necessarily indicated in the report, but are not considered as the result of the assessment.

9. As a characteristic of the liquidity of the valuation object, the report indicates the typical (estimated) period of its market exposure on the open market, during which it can be sold at market value. In the case of valuation of specialized property as part of a property complex, the liquidity of such property can be determined as the liquidity of the property complex of which it is an integral part. This assumption is specified in the appraisal assignment and appraisal report.

When determining the liquidity of the object being assessed, the appraiser must justify the conclusions drawn by citing the results of an analysis of significant factors affecting the liquidity of the object.

10. The assessment task must contain the following information, additional to that specified in FSO No. 1, as well as in other federal assessment standards governing the assessment of certain types of assessment objects approved by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia:

features of the inspection of the object being assessed or grounds that objectively impede the inspection of the object, if any;

the procedure and timing for the customer to provide the materials and information necessary for the assessment;

the need to involve industry experts (specialists with the necessary professional competencies in issues that require analysis when conducting an assessment). If, at the stage of preparing the assessment task, any of the parties to the contract determines (identifies) the need to involve industry experts, then such a condition must be included in the assessment task.

11. In the assessment assignment, the customer or the mortgagee (if he is a party to the agreement), in agreement with the appraiser, may indicate other calculated values ​​additional to the assessment results specified in paragraph 8 of this Federal Valuation Standard, including:

forecast of changes in the value of the valuation object in the future;

the amount of costs required when foreclosure on the property being assessed.

In this case, the indicated calculated values ​​and conclusions based on the results of additional studies are included in the report, but are not the result of the assessment.

IV. Valuation assumptions for collateral purposes

12. Assumptions used in the assessment must be agreed upon by all parties to the contract.

13. Assumptions used in the assessment regarding the prospects for the development of the subject of assessment must be justified by market data and trends. The use of forecast data from the customer or owner of the valuation object without checking their feasibility and compliance with market data independent of the customer is not allowed.

14. When making forecasts based on several scenarios or analytical data, it is advisable to refrain from using the most optimistic forecasts that lead to maximizing the value of the valued object.

15. All advantages that the owner has in relation to the object of assessment and the conditions of ownership and use of the object of assessment, which differ from market conditions, cannot be taken into account when assessing for the purposes of collateral, unless they remain undisputed when the ownership of the object of assessment is transferred to another person.

16. All encumbrances and obligations, information about which is in the public domain and (or) presented to the appraiser by the parties to the contract, affecting the value of the property being appraised, must be taken into account when conducting the appraisal. Requirements for taking into account the influence of these factors on the value of the property being assessed are specified in the assessment assignment. If encumbrances are identified before signing the contract, the appraiser is obliged to inform the parties to the contract about this, who are indicated in the assessment task. If encumbrances are identified during the assessment process, the appraiser is obliged to indicate the presence of encumbrances in the report and take them into account in the calculations, unless otherwise specified in the assessment assignment.

17. Carrying out an assessment of the object of assessment in the assumption of its use other than for its current purpose is subject to mandatory agreement with the parties to the contract and is included in the assessment task. When assessing an object of assessment under the assumption of a change in its current use, all costs necessary to implement an alternative use are subject to mandatory accounting.

18. If it is necessary to conduct research for the purpose of collateral during the assessment that requires special knowledge, it is necessary to involve industry experts with such knowledge. The appraiser is obliged to inform the customer about the impossibility of conducting an assessment without the involvement of industry experts. In this case, the need to involve such industry experts is indicated in the assessment assignment.

V. Special requirements for valuation for collateral purposes

19. When determining the liquidation value as a factor in the forced sale of the valuation object and when choosing the exposure period, one should consider the conditions for the sale of the valuation object, corresponding to the procedures for foreclosure on the subject of collateral established by the legislation in force on the date of valuation or stipulated by the contract. Based on the available information about the valuation object, other factors of forced sale and expected assumptions in the period of exposure of the object on the open market can be selected. Such factors and assumptions are subject to justification and must be indicated in the assessment report.

20. When assessing objects proposed for creation or in the process of creation, when determining the market value of objects in their condition as of the date of assessment, in the absence of an assumption of a change in the use of the object, the market value may, in accordance with the terms of the contract, be additionally determined taking into account the assumption of the completion of the object as of the date assessments.

VI. Final provisions

21. In the event of discrepancies between the requirements of this Federal Valuation Standard and the requirements of FSO N 1, FSO N 2, FSO N 3 and other federal valuation standards governing the valuation of certain types of valuation objects approved by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, this Federal Standard takes precedence.

Electronic document text
prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:

(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1998, N 31, Art. 3813; 2006, N 31, Art. 3456; 2010, N 30, Art. 3998; 2011, N 1, Art. 43; N 29, Art. 4291; 2014 , N 30, Art. 4226) I order:

1. Approve the attached Federal Valuation Standard “Valuation for Pledge Purposes (FSO No. 9)”.

2. This order comes into force on the date of entry into force of May 20, 2015 N 297 “On approval of the Federal Assessment Standard “General assessment concepts, approaches and requirements for assessment (FSO N 1)”, dated May 20, 2015. , dated May 20, 2015 N 299 “On approval of the Federal Assessment Standard “Requirements for an assessment report (FSO N 3)”.



I. General provisions

1. This Federal Valuation Standard has been developed taking into account international valuation standards and federal valuation standards “General concepts of valuation, approaches and requirements for valuation”, “Purpose of valuation and types of value”, “Requirements for an valuation report” (hereinafter referred to as FSO N 1, FSO N 2, FSO N 3), other federal valuation standards governing the valuation of certain types of valuation objects, approved by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, and determines the requirements for the valuation of an object (hereinafter also referred to as property) that is the subject of a pledge or planned to be transferred as security in the form of collateral for alleged or existing monetary obligations (hereinafter referred to as the purposes of the collateral).

2. This Federal Valuation Standard is mandatory for use when evaluating objects of evaluation for collateral purposes, including evaluation for mortgage lending purposes. This Federal Valuation Standard develops, supplements and specifies, when valuing for collateral purposes, the requirements established by other federal valuation standards governing the valuation of certain types of valuation objects, approved by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia.

II. Object of assessment

3. For the purposes of this Federal Valuation Standard, the object of valuation means objects of civil rights in respect of which the legislation of the Russian Federation establishes the possibility of their participation in civil circulation and the pledge of which is not prohibited by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

III. General requirements for conducting an assessment for collateral purposes

4. When concluding an agreement to conduct an assessment for the purposes of a pledge (hereinafter referred to as the agreement), the customer may inform the appraiser about the existing or potential pledgee. If the pledgee has publicly available special requirements for valuation for the purpose of collateral that do not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation and the requirements of federal valuation standards, the appraiser must inform the customer about the existence of such special requirements.

The appraiser takes into account these special requirements of the mortgagee if this is specified in the appraisal assignment.

5. For the purposes of this Federal Valuation Standard, when determining the value for the purpose of collateral, the market value is determined. If there are appropriate requirements, the assessment task may determine the investment and (or) liquidation value in addition to the market value.

6. When assessing property associated with a common functional purpose (hereinafter referred to as the property complex), it is necessary to analyze the possibility of independent functioning and sale of the property separately from other assets that are part of the property complex.

7. When assessing property that is part of a property complex, based on the assumption that the sale of this property will be carried out as part of a property complex, the value of the valuation object is determined as the part in the cost of the property complex attributable to the property being valued during the sale of the entire property complex. This assumption is specified in the assessment assignment. The cost of specialized property, which for the purposes of this Federal Valuation Standard means property that cannot be sold separately from the entire complex of property of which it is a part, due to its uniqueness due to its specialized nature, purpose, design, configuration, composition, size, location or other properties (hereinafter referred to as specialized property), is determined as part of the cost of the property complex.

8. The assessment report must contain the following additional results to those specified in FSO No. 3:

  • the value (value) of the valuation object in accordance with the types of value provided for in paragraph 5 of this Federal Valuation Standard;
  • other calculated values, conclusions and recommendations prepared by the appraiser in accordance with the assessment assignment.

Conclusions about the liquidity of the assessment object are necessarily indicated in the report, but are not considered as the result of the assessment.

9. As a characteristic of the liquidity of the valuation object, the report indicates the typical (estimated) period of its market exposure on the open market, during which it can be sold at market value. In the case of valuation of specialized property as part of a property complex, the liquidity of such property can be determined as the liquidity of the property complex of which it is an integral part. This assumption is specified in the appraisal assignment and appraisal report.

When determining the liquidity of the object being assessed, the appraiser must justify the conclusions drawn by citing the results of an analysis of significant factors affecting the liquidity of the object.

10. The assessment task must contain the following information, additional to that specified in, as well as in other federal assessment standards governing the assessment of certain types of assessment objects approved by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia:

  • features of the inspection of the object being assessed or grounds that objectively impede the inspection of the object, if any;
  • the procedure and timing for the customer to provide the materials and information necessary for the assessment;
  • the need to involve industry experts (specialists with the necessary professional competencies in issues that require analysis when conducting an assessment). If, at the stage of preparing the assessment task, any of the parties to the contract determines (identifies) the need to involve industry experts, then such a condition must be included in the assessment task.

11. In the assessment assignment, the customer or the mortgagee (if he is a party to the agreement), in agreement with the appraiser, may indicate other calculated values ​​additional to the assessment results specified in paragraph 8 of this Federal Valuation Standard, including:

  • forecast of changes in the value of the valuation object in the future;
  • the amount of costs required when foreclosure on the property being assessed.
  • In this case, the indicated calculated values ​​and conclusions based on the results of additional studies are included in the report, but are not the result of the assessment.

IV. Valuation assumptions for collateral purposes

12. Assumptions used in the assessment must be agreed upon by all parties to the contract.

13. Assumptions used in the assessment regarding the prospects for the development of the subject of assessment must be justified by market data and trends. The use of forecast data from the customer or owner of the valuation object without checking their feasibility and compliance with market data independent of the customer is not allowed.

14. When making forecasts based on several scenarios or analytical data, it is advisable to refrain from using the most optimistic forecasts that lead to maximizing the value of the valued object.

15. All advantages that the owner has in relation to the object of assessment and the conditions of ownership and use of the object of assessment, which differ from market conditions, cannot be taken into account when assessing for the purposes of collateral, unless they remain undisputed when the ownership of the object of assessment is transferred to another person.

16. All encumbrances and obligations, information about which is in the public domain and (or) presented to the appraiser by the parties to the contract, affecting the value of the property being appraised, must be taken into account when conducting the appraisal. Requirements for taking into account the influence of these factors on the value of the property being assessed are specified in the assessment assignment. If encumbrances are identified before signing the contract, the appraiser is obliged to inform the parties to the contract about this, who are indicated in the assessment task. If encumbrances are identified during the assessment process, the appraiser is obliged to indicate the presence of encumbrances in the report and take them into account in the calculations, unless otherwise specified in the assessment assignment.

17. Carrying out an assessment of the object of assessment in the assumption of its use other than for its current purpose is subject to mandatory agreement with the parties to the contract and is included in the assessment task. When assessing an object of assessment under the assumption of a change in its current use, all costs necessary to implement an alternative use are subject to mandatory accounting.

18. If it is necessary to conduct research for the purpose of collateral during the assessment that requires special knowledge, it is necessary to involve industry experts with such knowledge. The appraiser is obliged to inform the customer about the impossibility of conducting an assessment without the involvement of industry experts. In this case, the need to involve such industry experts is indicated in the assessment assignment.

V. Special requirements for valuation for collateral purposes

19. When determining the liquidation value as a factor in the forced sale of the valuation object and when choosing the exposure period, one should consider the conditions for the sale of the valuation object, corresponding to the procedures for foreclosure on the subject of collateral established by the legislation in force on the date of valuation or stipulated by the contract. Based on the available information about the valuation object, other factors of forced sale and expected assumptions in the period of exposure of the object on the open market can be selected. Such factors and assumptions are subject to justification and must be indicated in the assessment report.

20. When assessing objects proposed for creation or in the process of creation, when determining the market value of objects in their condition as of the date of assessment, in the absence of an assumption of a change in the use of the object, the market value may, in accordance with the terms of the contract, be additionally determined taking into account the assumption of the completion of the object as of the date assessments.

VI. Final provisions

21. In case of discrepancies between the requirements of this Federal Valuation Standard with the requirements of FSO No. 1, and other federal valuation standards governing the valuation of certain types of valuation objects approved by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, this Federal Standard takes precedence.

Federal valuation standard “Valuation for collateral purposes (FSO No. 9)”

I. General provisions

1. This Federal Valuation Standard was developed taking into account international valuation standards and federal valuation standards “General concepts of valuation, approaches and requirements for valuation (FSO No. 1)”, “Purpose of valuation and types of value (FSO No. 2)”, “Requirements for assessment report (FSO No. 3)" (hereinafter referred to as FSO No. 1, FSO No. 2, FSO No. 3), other federal assessment standards governing the assessment of certain types of assessment objects, approved by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, and determines the requirements for the assessment of the object ( hereinafter also - property) that is the subject of a pledge or is planned to be transferred as security in the form of collateral for alleged or existing monetary obligations (hereinafter - the purposes of the pledge).

2. This Federal Valuation Standard is mandatory for use when evaluating objects of evaluation for collateral purposes, including evaluation for mortgage lending purposes. This Federal Valuation Standard develops, supplements and specifies, when valuing for collateral purposes, the requirements established by FSO No. 1, FSO No. 2, FSO No. 3, and other federal valuation standards governing the valuation of certain types of valuation objects, approved by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia.

II. Object of assessment

3. For the purposes of this Federal Valuation Standard, the object of valuation means objects of civil rights in respect of which the legislation of the Russian Federation establishes the possibility of their participation in civil circulation and the pledge of which is not prohibited by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

III. General requirements for conducting an assessment for collateral purposes

4. When concluding an agreement to conduct an assessment for the purposes of a pledge (hereinafter referred to as the agreement), the customer may inform the appraiser about the existing or potential pledgee. If the pledgee has publicly available special requirements for valuation for the purpose of collateral that do not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation and the requirements of federal valuation standards, the appraiser must inform the customer about the existence of such special requirements.

The appraiser takes into account these special requirements of the mortgagee if this is specified in the appraisal assignment.

5. For the purposes of this Federal Valuation Standard, when determining the value for the purpose of collateral, the market value is determined. If there are appropriate requirements, the assessment task may determine the investment and (or) liquidation value in addition to the market value.

6. When assessing property associated with a common functional purpose (hereinafter referred to as the property complex), it is necessary to analyze the possibility of independent functioning and sale of the property separately from other assets that are part of the property complex.

7. When assessing property that is part of a property complex, based on the assumption that the sale of this property will be carried out as part of a property complex, the value of the valuation object is determined as the part in the cost of the property complex attributable to the property being valued during the sale of the entire property complex. This assumption is specified in the assessment assignment. The cost of specialized property, which for the purposes of this Federal Valuation Standard means property that cannot be sold separately from the entire complex of property of which it is a part, due to its uniqueness due to its specialized nature, purpose, design, configuration, composition, size, location or other properties (hereinafter referred to as specialized property), is determined as part of the cost of the property complex.

8. The assessment report must contain the following additional results to those specified in FSO No. 3:

the value (value) of the valuation object in accordance with the types of value provided for in paragraph 5 of this Federal Valuation Standard;

Conclusions about the liquidity of the assessment object are necessarily indicated in the report, but are not considered as the result of the assessment.

9. As a characteristic of the liquidity of the valuation object, the report indicates the typical (estimated) period of its market exposure on the open market, during which it can be sold at market value. In the case of valuation of specialized property as part of a property complex, the liquidity of such property can be determined as the liquidity of the property complex of which it is an integral part. This assumption is specified in the appraisal assignment and appraisal report.

When determining the liquidity of the object being assessed, the appraiser must justify the conclusions drawn by citing the results of an analysis of significant factors affecting the liquidity of the object.

10. The assessment assignment must contain the following information, additional to that specified in FSO No. 1, as well as in other federal assessment standards governing the assessment of certain types of assessment objects approved by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia:

features of the inspection of the object being assessed or grounds that objectively impede the inspection of the object, if any;

the procedure and timing for the customer to provide the materials and information necessary for the assessment;

the need to involve industry experts (specialists with the necessary professional competencies in issues that require analysis when conducting an assessment). If, at the stage of preparing the assessment task, any of the parties to the contract determines (identifies) the need to involve industry experts, then such a condition must be included in the assessment task.

11. In the assessment assignment, the customer or the mortgagee (if he is a party to the agreement), in agreement with the appraiser, may indicate other calculated values ​​additional to the assessment results specified in paragraph 8 of this Federal Valuation Standard, including:

forecast of changes in the value of the valuation object in the future;

the amount of costs required when foreclosure on the property being assessed.

In this case, the indicated calculated values ​​and conclusions based on the results of additional studies are included in the report, but are not the result of the assessment.

IV. Valuation assumptions for collateral purposes

12. Assumptions used in the assessment must be agreed upon by all parties to the contract.

13. Assumptions used in the assessment regarding the prospects for the development of the subject of assessment must be justified by market data and trends. The use of forecast data from the customer or owner of the valuation object without checking their feasibility and compliance with market data independent of the customer is not allowed.

14. When making forecasts based on several scenarios or analytical data, it is advisable to refrain from using the most optimistic forecasts that lead to maximizing the value of the valued object.

15. All advantages that the owner has in relation to the object of assessment and the conditions of ownership and use of the object of assessment, which differ from market conditions, cannot be taken into account when assessing for the purposes of collateral, unless they remain undisputed when the ownership of the object of assessment is transferred to another person.

16. All encumbrances and obligations, information about which is in the public domain and (or) presented to the appraiser by the parties to the contract, affecting the value of the property being appraised, must be taken into account when conducting the appraisal. Requirements for taking into account the influence of these factors on the value of the property being assessed are specified in the assessment assignment. If encumbrances are identified before signing the contract, the appraiser is obliged to inform the parties to the contract about this, who are indicated in the assessment task. If encumbrances are identified during the assessment process, the appraiser is obliged to indicate the presence of encumbrances in the report and take them into account in the calculations, unless otherwise specified in the assessment assignment.

17. Carrying out an assessment of the object of assessment in the assumption of its use other than for its current purpose is subject to mandatory agreement with the parties to the contract and is included in the assessment task. When assessing an object of assessment under the assumption of a change in its current use, all costs necessary to implement an alternative use are subject to mandatory accounting.

18. If it is necessary to conduct research for the purpose of collateral during the assessment that requires special knowledge, it is necessary to involve industry experts with such knowledge. The appraiser is obliged to inform the customer about the impossibility of conducting an assessment without the involvement of industry experts. In this case, the need to involve such industry experts is indicated in the assessment assignment.

V. Special requirements for valuation for collateral purposes

19. When determining the liquidation value as a factor in the forced sale of the valuation object and when choosing the exposure period, one should consider the conditions for the sale of the valuation object, corresponding to the procedures for foreclosure on the subject of collateral established by the legislation in force on the date of valuation or stipulated by the contract. Based on the available information about the valuation object, other factors of forced sale and expected assumptions in the period of exposure of the object on the open market can be selected. Such factors and assumptions are subject to justification and must be indicated in the assessment report.

20. When assessing objects proposed for creation or in the process of creation, when determining the market value of objects in their condition as of the date of assessment, in the absence of an assumption of a change in the use of the object, the market value may, in accordance with the terms of the contract, be additionally determined taking into account the assumption of the completion of the object as of the date assessments.

VI. Final provisions

21. In case of discrepancies between the requirements of this Federal Valuation Standard with the requirements of FSO No. 1, FSO No. 2, FSO No. 3 and other federal valuation standards governing the evaluation of certain types of valuation objects approved by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, this Federal Standard takes precedence.

On approval of the federal valuation standard "Valuation for collateral purposes (FSO No. 9)

In accordance with Article 20 of the Federal Law of July 29, 1998 N 135-FZ “On Valuation Activities in the Russian Federation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1998, N 31, Art. 3813; 2006, N 31, Art. 3456; 2010 , N 30, Art. 3998; 2011, Art. 43; N 29, Art. 2014, Art.

1. Approve the attached Federal Valuation Standard “Valuation for Pledge Purposes (FSO No. 9)”.

2. This order comes into force on the date of entry into force of the orders of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated May 20, 2015 N 297 “On approval of the Federal Valuation Standard “General Concepts of Valuation, Approaches and Requirements for Valuation (FSO N 1)”, dated May 20 2015 N 298 “On approval of the Federal Valuation Standard “Purpose of Valuation and Types of Value (FSO N 2)”, dated May 20, 2015 N 299 “On approval of the Federal Valuation Standard “Requirements for an Valuation Report (FSO N 3)” .



I. General provisions

1. This Federal Valuation Standard was developed taking into account international valuation standards and federal valuation standards “General concepts of valuation, approaches and requirements for valuation (FSO N 1)”, “Purpose of valuation and types of value (FSO N 2)”, “Requirements for assessment report (FSO N 3)" (hereinafter referred to as FSO N 1, FSO N 2, FSO N 3), other federal assessment standards governing the assessment of certain types of assessment objects, approved by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, and determines the requirements for the assessment of the object ( hereinafter also - property) that is the subject of a pledge or is planned to be transferred as security in the form of collateral for alleged or existing monetary obligations (hereinafter - the purposes of the pledge).

2. This Federal Valuation Standard is mandatory for use when evaluating objects of evaluation for collateral purposes, including evaluation for mortgage lending purposes. This Federal Valuation Standard develops, supplements and specifies, when valuing for collateral purposes, the requirements established by FSO No. 1, FSO No. 2, FSO No. 3, and other federal valuation standards governing the valuation of certain types of valuation objects, approved by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia.

II. Object of assessment

3. For the purposes of this Federal Valuation Standard, the object of valuation means objects of civil rights in respect of which the legislation of the Russian Federation establishes the possibility of their participation in civil circulation and the pledge of which is not prohibited by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

III. General requirements for conducting an assessment for collateral purposes

4. When concluding an agreement to conduct an assessment for the purposes of a pledge (hereinafter referred to as the agreement), the customer may inform the appraiser about the existing or potential pledgee. If the pledgee has publicly available special requirements for valuation for the purpose of collateral that do not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation and the requirements of federal valuation standards, the appraiser must inform the customer about the existence of such special requirements.

The appraiser takes into account these special requirements of the mortgagee if this is specified in the appraisal assignment.

5. For the purposes of this Federal Valuation Standard, when determining the value for the purpose of collateral, the market value is determined. If there are appropriate requirements, the assessment task may determine the investment and (or) liquidation value in addition to the market value.

6. When assessing property associated with a common functional purpose (hereinafter referred to as the property complex), it is necessary to analyze the possibility of independent functioning and sale of the property separately from other assets that are part of the property complex.

7. When assessing property that is part of a property complex, based on the assumption that the sale of this property will be carried out as part of a property complex, the value of the valuation object is determined as the part in the cost of the property complex attributable to the property being valued during the sale of the entire property complex. This assumption is specified in the assessment assignment. The cost of specialized property, which for the purposes of this Federal Valuation Standard means property that cannot be sold separately from the entire complex of property of which it is a part, due to its uniqueness due to its specialized nature, purpose, design, configuration, composition, size, location or other properties (hereinafter referred to as specialized property), is determined as part of the cost of the property complex.

8. The assessment report must contain the following additional results to those specified in FSO No. 3:

  • the value (value) of the valuation object in accordance with the types of value provided for in paragraph 5 of this Federal Valuation Standard;
  • other calculated values, conclusions and recommendations prepared by the appraiser in accordance with the assessment assignment.

Conclusions about the liquidity of the assessment object are necessarily indicated in the report, but are not considered as the result of the assessment.

9. As a characteristic of the liquidity of the valuation object, the report indicates the typical (estimated) period of its market exposure on the open market, during which it can be sold at market value. In the case of valuation of specialized property as part of a property complex, the liquidity of such property can be determined as the liquidity of the property complex of which it is an integral part. This assumption is specified in the appraisal assignment and appraisal report.

When determining the liquidity of the object being assessed, the appraiser must justify the conclusions drawn by citing the results of an analysis of significant factors affecting the liquidity of the object.

10. The assessment task must contain the following information, additional to that specified in FSO No. 1, as well as in other federal assessment standards governing the assessment of certain types of assessment objects approved by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia:

  • features of the inspection of the object being assessed or grounds that objectively impede the inspection of the object, if any;
  • the procedure and timing for the customer to provide the materials and information necessary for the assessment;
  • the need to involve industry experts (specialists with the necessary professional competencies in issues that require analysis when conducting an assessment). If, at the stage of preparing the assessment task, any of the parties to the contract determines (identifies) the need to involve industry experts, then such a condition must be included in the assessment task.

11. In the assessment assignment, the customer or the mortgagee (if he is a party to the agreement), in agreement with the appraiser, may indicate other calculated values ​​additional to the assessment results specified in paragraph 8 of this Federal Valuation Standard, including:

  • forecast of changes in the value of the valuation object in the future;
  • the amount of costs required when foreclosure on the property being assessed.
  • In this case, the indicated calculated values ​​and conclusions based on the results of additional studies are included in the report, but are not the result of the assessment.

IV. Valuation assumptions for collateral purposes

12. Assumptions used in the assessment must be agreed upon by all parties to the contract.

13. Assumptions used in the assessment regarding the prospects for the development of the subject of assessment must be justified by market data and trends. The use of forecast data from the customer or owner of the valuation object without checking their feasibility and compliance with market data independent of the customer is not allowed.

14. When making forecasts based on several scenarios or analytical data, it is advisable to refrain from using the most optimistic forecasts that lead to maximizing the value of the valued object.

15. All advantages that the owner has in relation to the object of assessment and the conditions of ownership and use of the object of assessment, which differ from market conditions, cannot be taken into account when assessing for the purposes of collateral, unless they remain undisputed when the ownership of the object of assessment is transferred to another person.

16. All encumbrances and obligations, information about which is in the public domain and (or) presented to the appraiser by the parties to the contract, affecting the value of the property being appraised, must be taken into account when conducting the appraisal. Requirements for taking into account the influence of these factors on the value of the property being assessed are specified in the assessment assignment. If encumbrances are identified before signing the contract, the appraiser is obliged to inform the parties to the contract about this, who are indicated in the assessment task. If encumbrances are identified during the assessment process, the appraiser is obliged to indicate the presence of encumbrances in the report and take them into account in the calculations, unless otherwise specified in the assessment assignment.

17. Carrying out an assessment of the object of assessment in the assumption of its use other than for its current purpose is subject to mandatory agreement with the parties to the contract and is included in the assessment task. When assessing an object of assessment under the assumption of a change in its current use, all costs necessary to implement an alternative use are subject to mandatory accounting.

18. If it is necessary to conduct research for the purpose of collateral during the assessment that requires special knowledge, it is necessary to involve industry experts with such knowledge. The appraiser is obliged to inform the customer about the impossibility of conducting an assessment without the involvement of industry experts. In this case, the need to involve such industry experts is indicated in the assessment assignment.

V. Special requirements for valuation for collateral purposes

19. When determining the liquidation value as a factor in the forced sale of the valuation object and when choosing the exposure period, one should consider the conditions for the sale of the valuation object, corresponding to the procedures for foreclosure on the subject of collateral established by the legislation in force on the date of valuation or stipulated by the contract. Based on the available information about the valuation object, other factors of forced sale and expected assumptions in the period of exposure of the object on the open market can be selected. Such factors and assumptions are subject to justification and must be indicated in the assessment report.

20. When assessing objects proposed for creation or in the process of creation, when determining the market value of objects in their condition as of the date of assessment, in the absence of an assumption of a change in the use of the object, the market value may, in accordance with the terms of the contract, be additionally determined taking into account the assumption of the completion of the object as of the date assessments.

VI. Final provisions

21. In case of discrepancies between the requirements of this Federal Valuation Standard with the requirements of FSO No. 1, FSO No. 2, FSO No. 3 and other federal valuation standards governing the evaluation of certain types of valuation objects approved by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, this Federal Standard takes precedence.

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