Hawaiian birthday contests. Hawaiian party script

Hawaii is associated with the endless ocean, snow-white beaches, exotic fruits and incendiary dances. Therefore, it is not surprising if the Hawaiian party will appeal to children of any age. Moreover, creating a unique atmosphere is not at all difficult. It is enough to choose the right accessories, turn on the music, come up with interesting contests, and the participants of the holiday will go on an exciting journey to the world of the Hawaiian Islands.

So, we present to your attention the scenario of the Hawaiian party for children of primary and secondary school age.

DIY Hawaiian Party for Kids

Necessary props for Hawaiian style kids party:

  • cocktail tubes decorated with fruits (50 pieces);
  • themed jewelry (lei flower beads, wreaths, bracelets, brooches, etc.);
  • gifts for girls (for example, flower hairpins);
  • gifts for boys (for example, talisman bracelets);
  • paints and markers;
  • white t-shirts.

Hawaiian party script for kids

Leading: Dear passengers, we ask you to fasten your seat belts, our plane is landing on one of the most isolated places in the world - the Hawaiian Islands!

Presenter: We are very lucky, because today in Hawaii they celebrate traditional holiday Luau. And this means that the inhabitants of exotic islands will meet us with incendiary dances, jokes and delicious treats!

Leading: Let's all say hello to the Hawaiians. We will do it, of course, in Hawaiian. It turns out that it is customary on the islands to greet each other with the word "Aloha". In addition to “Hello!”, This word means “Goodbye!”, As well as “I wish you joy and good!”

Presenter: When the English navigator James Cook first came to the Hawaiian Islands, he thought that his ship was wrecked and he was in paradise. And all because Hawaii can boast of nature of extraordinary beauty and hospitable people. We are sure that you will also like it here, because you will definitely not be bored!

Leading: In Hawaii, they love contests, games and competitions. To support local traditions, we will also organize competitions.

There will be two teams competing - a boys team and a girls team. The winners will receive a prize - a cake decorated with exotic Hawaiian flowers!

Presenter: To win in games and competitions, you must be well versed in the traditions, culture and way of life of the Hawaiians. But don't be discouraged if you don't know anything about these amazing islands. Now you will hear 20 interesting facts about Hawaii that will introduce you to local traditions.

Host: So, sit back and listen very carefully!

1) 20 Interesting Facts About Hawaii Quiz Contest

A multimedia presentation is shown with 20 interesting facts about Hawaii.

Presenter: Our virtual journey on the Hawaiian Islands is over and it's time to answer the questions of the first competition.

Leading: We hope you have listened carefully to the stories about interesting Hawaiian facts, and now you will be able to correctly answer all the questions of our quiz! Attention, the first question!

Presenter: What is Hawaii?

  • An independent state located in the eastern part of the Pacific Ocean.
  • An archipelago located in the Atlantic Ocean.
  • US state.
  • Uninhabited island.

Leading: Home economic activity in the Hawaiian Islands are:

  • Production of missiles and tanks;
  • Gold trading;
  • Tourism.

Presenter: Where are the Hawaiian Islands located?

  • In the noisy sea;
  • In the Northern Ocean;
  • In the Pacific.

Leading: Is the capital of Hawaii?

  • Honolulu;
  • London;
  • New York.

Presenter: What fruits are most grown in Hawaii?

  • Apples;
  • oranges;
  • Pineapples.

Leading: Which country does the Hawaiian Islands belong to?

  • Japan,
  • Russia.

Presenter: What is the name of the traditional Hawaiian flower decoration?

  • Wreath;
  • Ikebana;

Leading: Which navigator discovered the Hawaiian Islands?

  • Christopher Columbus;
  • James Cook;
  • Miklukho Maclay.

Presenter: What word in Hawaii denotes "Hello", "Goodbye", as well as a wish for peace and goodness?

  • Aloha;
  • I wish you well.

Leading: What is the name of the naval base located in the Hawaiian Islands?

  • Norfolk;
  • Pearl Harbor;
  • Rammstein.

presenter: Because of the climatic features in Hawaii, always ...

  • It's raining;
  • Snowing;
  • Warm and sunny.

Leading: The President of Hawaii is...

  • Kim Chen In,
  • Donald Trump,
  • Vladimir Putin.

Presenter: What is the traditional Hawaiian dance called?

  • hula hula,
  • Hula Hup,
  • Cha-cha-cha.

Leading: What is the time difference between Moscow and the Hawaiian Islands?

  • 3 hours,
  • 13 hours,
  • 24 hours.

Presenter: You answered all questions correctly! And now we will find out which team has earned more points. So how does the boys team score?

Leading: And now let's appreciate the efforts of the girls' team!

2) Competition "Haramburum"

Presenter: It's time to head to the Hawaiian beach! I hope you all want to soak up the warm exotic sun? Then repeat after me - Haramburum!

Leading: Hawaii has a hot and dry climate. Therefore, when going to the beach, you need to prepare to protect yourself from sunburn. Now we will check how well you know how to get ready for the beach. I will read the titles different items, and if you need any item in Hawaii, you should shout "Haramburum". Whoever shouts this word faster will bring an extra point to his team. Let's start the game!

  • Sun cream.
  • Frying pan.
  • Socks.
  • Sunglasses.
  • Towel.
  • Lifebuoy.
  • Sofa.
  • Computer mouse.
  • Surfboard.
  • Diving mask.
  • Ball pen.


  • Panama.
  • A blanket.
  • Skate.
  • Ball for playing volleyball.
  • Water.
  • Swimsuit.
  • Parasol.
  • Fur coat.
  • Canned food.
  • Skates.

Leading: You did a great job with the competition! And now the jury must sum up. Who answered faster - the boys' team or the girls' team? How many points did the boys team earn?

Presenter: Now let's hear the girls' team's scores!

3) Competition "Hawaiian style shirt".

Leading: In Hawaii, people dress differently. The inhabitants of these wonderful islands love bright, colorful and colorful clothes. We invite you to turn into fashionable Hawaiian designers for a while and paint T-shirts to your liking. Whose T-shirt will be the brightest and most beautiful, will be judged by the jury. Begin!

(boys team and girls team paint t-shirts)

Presenter: Let's evaluate the masterpieces of our Hawaiian stylists! Which t-shirt do you like best? Let's hear from the jury! So, how many points did the boys' team earn?

Leading: And now let's evaluate the girls' team!

(the jury announces the results of the competition)

4) Contest "True or False?"

Presenter: In our next contest, you must turn into psychics to understand when we are telling the truth and when we are lying.

Leading: Now we will tell you 5 amazing facts about the Hawaiian Islands. But be careful, one of the facts is fiction. Go!

Presenter: Which of these five facts do you think is a lie? We are waiting for your answers!

(participants answer)

Leading: Well, now let's see which of you was right. Hear the truth about amazing Hawaiian facts.

1. White Hawaiian beaches were created by parrot fish.

This is true! Parrotfish, which are the largest coral fish, feed on algae and sea polyps. Particles of rocks that enter the esophagus of fish are processed into white sand. According to researchers, one adult parrot fish produces about 90 kilograms of sand per year.

2. Traditional Hawaiian percussion musical instrument Ipu is made from coconut.

It's a lie! Ipu is a musical instrument resembling a drum, made not from coconut, but from a gourd. Hawaiians believe that the special structure of the material gives the instrument a special sound.

3. The territory of Hawaii is constantly increasing.

This is true! The surface of the Hawaiian Islands has a volcanic structure. In addition, there are several active volcanoes on the territory of the archipelago. Each time the next volcanic eruption occurs, the territory of the islands increases slightly.

4. Hawaiian Waikiki beach was created artificially on the site of swamps.

This is true! Before 1920 modern center tourism industry Honolulu Waikiki beach was a marshland. With the development of tourism, the authorities of the Hawaiian Islands built a drainage system here to divert water. Moreover, the sand for the Waikiki beach was imported from California.

5. In the Hawaiian Islands, snakes are illegal.

This is true! There are really no snakes in Hawaii, because. the islands of the archipelago are isolated, and their climate is not conducive to the reproduction of freshwater. Moreover, the authorities of the Hawaiian Islands banned snakes at the legislative level. For example, for the importation of one snake into the territory of Hawaii, a fine of $ 200,000 or imprisonment for up to 3 years is required.

5) Hawaiian dance competition

Presenter: You already know almost everything about the Hawaiian Islands! And now it's time to master the favorite pastime of the Hawaiians - dancing.

Leading: Now we will arrange an incendiary dance battle. For each team, 3 songs will sound, to which you will have to dance. The girls' team dances first!

(music sounds, the girls' team dances)

Presenter: Well, now, the boys' team! Show that men can dance Hawaiian too!

(dancing team of boys)

Leading: Well, friends, it's time to announce the winners. I wonder how many points the girls' team scored?

Presenter: How many points did the boys' team score?

(calculation of points, presentation of gifts)

Leading: It's been a wonderful journey, but it's time for you and me to go home.

Presenter: We hope you enjoyed your stay in Hawaii and you will definitely come back here again!

If you want to diversify your usual gatherings with friends or bring summer back in the middle of winter, or maybe in the summer you decide to plunge into the blue waters of the ocean, drink refreshing cocktails, lie down under a green palm tree, then a Hawaiian party is exactly what you need! With a Hawaiian themed party, you and your friends will be able to visit Hawaii and experience heavenly delights from the cuisine, drinks and traditions of the Hawaiian people. You can easily organize such a party on your own and even at home.
Of course, in summer time this greatly simplifies the task, but you will not have any difficulties, because Zavodila will help you make it as simple, fun, unforgettable and, what is more important, with a small budget.

1. Hawaiian party invitation cards.

If you decide that you are ready to go on a trip to Hawaii with your friends, then first you need to make a list of guests for your party, and then start preparing themed invitations, as well as sending them out. Invitations can be sent email, through the post office or hand in person.
Invitations should be designed according to the theme of the party. Hawaii is summer, sea, sand, carelessness, dancing, leis, coconuts, pineapples. All this can be displayed in the invitation. The task of invitations from the moment they are received is to intrigue and set your friends up for an atmosphere of unbridled summer and fun. Also, invitations should include an informational part, which will talk about the place and time of the meeting, the Hawaiian dress code, the necessary props that your guests will need to take with them. Depending on the venue of the party, such props can be a towel, glasses, etc.
Invitations can be made in the form of a plane ticket, flip-flops, pineapple, a cocktail glass with a straw, or in the form of a palm tree. You can show originality and place invitations in a glass transparent wine bottle, close with a cork and send by mail to your guests. Here, in the manifestation of fantasy, you should not restrain yourself!

2. The interior of the Hawaiian party.

So, we figured out the invitations. Next, you need an entourage. The Hawaiian party immediately evokes associations with palm trees, banana bushes, the seashore, warm sand and bright floral decorations. And, it would seem, already at this stage it is necessary to abandon such a theme of the holiday, because where can you find sand, sea, ocean, palm trees in an apartment or house? But don't give up! Everything can be created by yourself! And if you also have children, then do not forget to involve them in this process: things will go faster, and you will have a great time with the kids, and sometimes the imagination of children works better than adults.

To create the appropriate decor you will need:

  1. Tropical flowers of different colors and sizes (plumeria, canna, Hawaiian orchid) for decorations. The easiest option is to make them from corrugated paper. Even easier is to buy ready-made artificial ones and place them throughout the room on the table, chairs, curtains and other pieces of furniture.
  2. Fruit. The most affordable and common are pineapple, coconut, kiwi, bananas, green apples. From them you can create beautiful baskets for decoration.
  3. African masks, sunglasses, shirts in tropical colors, flip flops, surfboard (by the way, an ordinary ironing board can easily be disguised as a surfer one). All decorations can be made from plain paper and cardboard. Buy some, or look in the closet, because surely you have a supply of things for a sea swim? For example, masks with snorkels and fins, an air mattress and a circle.
  4. Hawaiian garland. It is also needed to decorate the table and bar counter (if any). It is made from New Year's rain, plain or corrugated paper, braid bordered with flowers.
  5. Candles or unusual lamps (in the form of any party attribute - plumeria flower, palm leaf, coconut, pineapple, etc.). You can also prepare your own candles - just pour water into glasses with a wide bottom, pour some sand, or small multi-colored (or white) stones and put small decorative floating candles in them.
  6. A New Year's garland of multi-colored light bulbs will also come in handy, the atmosphere will immediately become mysterious and unusual. Such a garland can be additionally decorated with artificial flowers and from this appearance garlands will look even more original.
  7. A sign on a door or wall can be made either from wood or from colored cardboard, either in one word or in separate letters. The text can be anything - “Aloha!”, “Oh la la”, “Hawaii”, “We light it up”, etc. This is useful for the photozone as well.
  8. The festive table can be decorated with a large number of colorful ribbons. It will look very bright and fresh. You can also decorate the ceiling of the room with such ribbons (see photo below).
  9. Poster with the image of palm trees, sea, sun, beach.

3. Music for a Hawaiian party.

So, your room is already in paper and luminous garlands, the walls, table and chairs are decorated with ribbons and flowers. Now it's time to think about the music playlist. This will 100% create the right atmosphere and allow you to mentally transport yourself to Hawaii. To create a thematic mood, Zavodila recommends the following compositions:

1. Aloha, Hawaii! - T.G.I.Friday;
2. Bob Marley
3. Bob Marley
4. Enrique Iglesias
5. Kaoma - Lambada;
6. King Africa - La Bomba Sexy;
7. Ibrahim Ferrer
8. Nosa-Nosa - Mona Latumahina;
9. Michel Telo - (NoseNose) Ai Se EuTePego;
10. Israel Kamakawiwo'ole - Over The Rainbow

The number of musical compositions depends on the duration of the party, prepare such a number of musical compositions that they are enough for 1-2 hours, in any case, the active use of music will be only at the very beginning of the party.

4. Hawaiian party themed costume ideas.

The main clothing of the Hawaiian party is summer beachwear. The most open, light clothing, slippers / sandals. Do not forget about the main decoration of the party - Hawaiian beads (lei).
Beads can be purchased at any thematic online store, or you can get confused and make your own. There are several options for making the flowers themselves - either we make flowers from corrugated paper and string them with a needle on a thread, or we buy ready-made artificial flowers and follow the same path with stringing. The number of beads made should be 1-2 pieces. more than there will be guests at the party, we are guided by the principle: "just in case". Lei is distributed to each guest at the entrance to the party.

Outfit for girls

For girls, the outfit can be so diverse that you just have to come up with additional accessories for it. For example, a swimsuit (but may not be suitable for every venue), a pareo with a T-shirt, a light summer floral sundress, a dress, a T-shirt, shorts. You can purchase or, again, make your own Hawaiian costume. A Hawaiian skirt (hulu) for girls can be made from fringe, or multi-colored plastic bags cut into thin strips. The length of the skirt can be different - from mini to maxi, the main thing is that you feel comfortable in it, and you feel like a real Hawaiian at this party.
You can pick up an ornament for your hair - a hairpin in the form of a flower, a flower bracelet on your wrist. Put on flip flops or comfortable sandals on your feet.

Outfit for men

As always, and in everything: for men, everything is easier and faster. Men will go with their favorite summer shorts (preferably in bright colors), a short-sleeved shirt or T-shirt, or a tank top with floral motifs. It is possible without the upper part of the clothes. Enough shorts, lei around the neck and flip flops! Everything, the outfit is ready! It is possible to state one color scheme separately for men and women, or only for men. Another option is to “separate the colors” for each guest (for one participant, the dress code is a red top, for another - blue, for a third - white, etc.).
And don't forget your sunglasses, because you will be very sunny at this party!

5. Coconuts, bananas, orange heaven - what else? Hawaiian party menu.

At the party, there must be hearty meals, light snacks for a snack and alcoholic drinks. As main dishes on the Hawaiian party menu, a light salad with chicken, pineapple, corn, pizza with seafood or pineapple, baked pork or fish will be appropriate. Since Hawaiians love natural food, it is better to pay more attention to snacks. Possible options:

  • fruit cuts in baskets;
  • a plate of seafood (even just pickled mussels will be enough);
  • salads in canape format;
  • sausage and cheese cuts in the form of skewers interspersed with fruits;
  • mini sandwiches.

Regarding alcohol, the most suitable option for the theme is the Pina Colada cocktail (you need coconut liqueur, pineapple juice, ice cubes, and, if possible, strawberries). If guests like stronger drinks, buy white rum. You can add grapefruit or orange juice, coconut milk, Coca-Cola, Sprite to it (these drinks will work even if the party is without alcohol). Serve cocktails in beautiful deep glasses decorated with "umbrellas", pieces of fruit, sugar and syrup, tubules, paper mini-fruits.
Do not forget to put all the dishes on a table decorated with a green tablecloth (or burlap is also suitable for this). A few flowers, candles for the entourage.
Also, multi-colored butterflies cut out of colored paper are perfect for decorating glasses, tubes, dishes and various cutlery. Such butterflies can also act as an identifier for glasses (a distinctive feature).

6. Adventure Time - what contests to arrange?

You are presented with a list the best competitions, games and entertainment for a Hawaiian party. Zavodila made sure that you and your guests do not get bored. To amuse guests and hold contests, you do not need a lot of themed props.
You definitely cannot do without the game of "Limbo" - a traditional Hawaiian fun, the essence of which is to pass under the bar without hitting it and without losing your balance. The bar gradually drops lower and lower, but the action remains the same. To play, you will need to decorate any stick 1-1.5 m long with ribbons and pick up incendiary melodies.
And what about quizzes? Just don't make it too long. 10-15 questions are enough, otherwise at one moment everyone will get bored. The poll must be about Hawaii. Best of all - funny or unusual facts about Hawaiians, strange questions. Remember - you are not in a history or geography lesson to remember who and at what time was the head of the country or adopted some reforms. Everything should be as fun as possible! The person who gets the most points wins a prize.
A game where participants must guess the name / composition of the cocktail, dishes, items. Serve with eyes closed, cocktails also or in dark dishes. The winner is the one who guesses the most dishes or does it faster than others.
Coco carriers.
The rules are simple - carry a coconut (you can take ordinary small balls) a certain distance without dropping it. Options for tasks to complicate the game:

  • squeeze the ball between the knees;
  • clamp the object with the shoulder blades leaning forward;
  • jump on one leg holding a coconut in your hand;
  • jump with 2 legs and hold the ball on outstretched arms;
  • move on all fours, placing an object on the neck, etc.

The winner is the one who completes all tasks in total faster without dropping the item.
Dance Battle.
If the guests are lovers of dancing, be sure to arrange a battle! You can split into 2-4 teams, participate in pairs or solo. Take music from the playlist.
Truth or Dare.
This is a classic game, but with a Hawaiian twist. As an action, a person can dance a traditional Hawaiian dance, prepare certain dishes (select the recipe as simple as possible) or a cocktail. Hide the tasks in a homemade half of a coconut or pineapple, arrange it in the form of a Hawaiian garland-decoration.
Quest. An excellent option to entertain guests will be a table quest. Sitting at the festive table, all guests can be carried away by solving and passing gambling and fun quest. You can, for example, rob a bank or participate in a festive commotion. Such quest topics are available on our website, so you can get acquainted with the plot in detail and choose the appropriate quest for your party.


What to think of as a prize? If finances allow, then certificates for a massage, a master class in dancing, drawing. If the budget option, then go - a tropical fruit, various knick-knacks - glasses, a funny tube for cocktails, a souvenir in the form of a ukulele, a mask, a fridge magnet, a diploma designed for a Hawaiian party and others, for which there is enough imagination.
It can take up to 7 days to prepare for a party. To make it easier, include guest friends in the process by dividing tasks between them. If you are not very limited in financial terms, some functions can be delegated to special companies. If you don’t have time to cook meals, order catering, if you don’t like making decorations, buy ready-made ones in special stores. Are you worried about musical accompaniment? Call the DJ! But even if you do everything from start to finish on your own, the party will turn out great and will definitely remain in the memory of every participant in this event!

Have a great holiday! ALOHA!

Hawaiian style party script

Hawaiian style party invitations we recommend doing it in colorful and bright colors of the Hawaiian style. To do this, you can collect the right amount of colorful travel brochures about the Hawaiian Islands. Create invitations on your computer or write them by hand; attach each to the brochure. Send by mail or deliver in person. And don't forget to ask guests to dress appropriately for the occasion.

If you are planning a party by the pool, be sure to let guests know that swimwear is required.

Whether your Hawaiian party is on outdoors or indoors due to inclement weather, here are the most popular Hawaiian Party Decoration Ideas.
- The walls of the room are covered with colorful tourist brochures and bright posters depicting the Hawaiian Islands.
- Hang decorative fishing nets under the ceiling and over doorways.
- In the form of a decoration, you can make an artificial palm tree. To do this, wrap some kind of pole or pipe with brown paper, then attach paper palm leaves on top, and then hang real bananas or coconuts that you can pick and eat during the party.
- Collect as many living and artificial plants as possible that have as "tropical" appearance as possible.
- Place garlands and bouquets of large, bright flowers (both natural and artificial) throughout the area where the party is being organized.
- You can arrange folding chairs, make a changing cabin.
- If the party is planned outdoors, make sure that there are as many torches as possible for "live" lighting in the evening hours.
- Use large round aquariums to decorate the center of each of the holiday tables. If you find aquariums, goldfish can be purchased at a very low price at the nearest pet store.
- If you have a swimming pool, decorate an inflatable rubber mattress like a "raft", with flowers and lit candles on it.

Hawaiian music should be played in the background throughout the party.

Greet your guests as they arrive at the party by placing a wreath of fresh or plastic flowers around their necks and kissing each on the cheek. If possible, it is traditional to swim in the pool.

Have a Hawaiian dance. Find someone from the guests who will help others learn how to dance such dances - this is now in great fashion.

It has become a tradition when organizing a Hawaiian-style party to serve one long table, from which each guest can take what he liked. For example:
- Roast pork, beef or fried fish depending on the season.
- Canned pineapple slices, lightly toasted.
- Fresh strawberries or melons, depending on the season.
- Sweet Hawaiian bread.
- Canned sweet potatoes or fresh baked with sugar.
- Fresh green salad with tomatoes, onions, cucumbers and any other vegetables.
- Fried bananas and Hawaiian fruit salad.

Also, at a Hawaiian-style party, you can use food that you can eat with your hands. For example: sandwiches, exotic fruits, drinks, hot dogs, etc.

Games and competitions for the Hawaiian party.

The game "My slippers!".
You will need large bright beach slippers - there should be 1 less of them than the participants in the game. Slippers are placed on the floor in a pile, and the participants stand around them. Further, the game is played in the same way as the well-known entertainment “Musical Chair”. While the music is playing, the participants dance or walk in a circle. As soon as the music stops, each participant strives to put one slipper on his foot. Whoever does not get a slipper is out. The game is played until the last "lucky one with a slipper". He wins.

Competition "Game for a lemon".

By answering the question correctly, the player receives one slice of lemon.

You can come up with your own questions that meet the interests of the company. Possible questions:
1. Who has feelings for cats. Answer options - mouse, dog +, owl, Brezhnev.
2. The main character film "White Bim, black ear" - dog +, elk, cheburashka, Gorbachev.
3. Who is man's best friend - terminator, hamster, dog +, computer.
4. Who leaves unpleasant heaps in your yard - mother-in-law, boss, dog +, neighbors.
5. Who did the wolf turn into when it was tamed - into a man, into a dog +, into a ghost that rattles chains in your bedroom, into a monkey.
6. Whose devotion to the owner is the strongest - a sparrow, a hamster, a dog +, a mother-in-law.
7. Who will always bring a stick - traffic cop, dog +, rat, friend.
8. Who helps the police find drugs - I am!!! I WILL HELP!!!, dog +, policemen, owls.

The catch of the game is that at the end of the game, the slices are eaten by the participants of the game themselves and the participant who has the most correct answers, and, accordingly, the slices, will not be the most lucky ... In order for the competition to have a logical conclusion, and to decide on the winner, you can change the conditions of the game - whoever eats all the lemon slices first, wins. And he gets a prize lemon.

Game "Sunburn".
This is an adult game. Those who wish to participate dance to the music, standing in a circle, and the leader periodically pronounces command phrases. Those of the participants who refuse to do what the leader says are eliminated. If the host says that you need to expose your knees to the sun, then the participants must bare their knees (girls can be in pantyhose or stockings - it is not necessary to take them off).

Possible host commands:
- Raised the palms of the sun
- Framed the neck of the sun
- Substituted elbows to the sun
- Bent your knees to the sun
-Shouldered out to the sun
- Framed the sun hips
- We framed the heels of the sun
- exposed the sun to the tummies
- Framed the back of the sun

Those who turned out to be more courageous and held out to the end receive prizes - for example, tanning cosmetics or a panama hat.

If you miss the sea, and there are still a couple of months before your vacation, a Hawaiian party is what you need! We hope now DIY Hawaiian party is not a problem for you!

Have you been dreaming of doing theme party beach type, but don't know where to start? Our article "" will help you organize everything correctly so that your guests are completely satisfied.

One of the important stages of preparation is the entertainment of guests. Thinking about how and with what you will entertain the guests, you should think about the fact that Hawaii is a special place of fun and eternal dancing. Therefore, we recommend that you use our preparations in order to conduct Interesting games for a Hawaiian party.

One of the most interesting entertainment at a Hawaiian party can become game "Limbo". To prepare for this entertainment, you will need incendiary music, good mood, as well as a rope stretched between two trees. The rope can be replaced by a long stick decorated with ribbons, which is held by two people on both sides.

The rules of the game are simple to disgrace: you must pass under the rope (stick) and not fall. After each pass, the height of the rope is changed to a lower one.

The next stage of entertainment can be a master class on teaching the Hawaiian HULA dance. This traditional dance should be known to all Hawaiian residents and guests. By repeating the smooth movements of your arms and hips, you should imitate the movement of algae, sea waves and wind. We guarantee that the girls will enjoy learning to dance like this, and the male part of the invited guests will watch this interesting activity 🙂

Hawaiian Party: Contests with prizes

For prizes in various games and competitions, you can take purely Hawaiian attributes - hair clips, bright T-shirts, fruits, cocktail glasses, exclusive cocktails from the hostess of the evening or sweets.

What contests for the Hawaiian party will be the most appropriate, read below.

To begin with, you can familiarize guests a little with Hawaii - conduct an introductory quiz at the intellectual level:). Prepare various questions related to Hawaii. For example:

  • Capital of Hawaii
  • Hourly difference with your city
  • Official language of the islands
  • The largest city in the state

Be sure to prepare answer options, because the party should be fun, and not burdened with heavy unsolvable geography tests 🙂 To make a quiz, you can use Wikipedia or encyclopedic data.

Next Hawaiian Fun Might Be game "Changeling". By tradition, many phrases of the natives of the islands are spoken backwards in order to deceive evil spirits. The facilitator calls the line that the natives of the islands say, the participants must name the original song or poem. For example:

  • Pink Kamaz is standing by the side of the road (The blue car runs and sways)
  • Your sorrow irregularly drink cocktails, eat watermelons (Our happiness constantly chew cokes, eat bananas)
  • Bare sands, absolutely everywhere, there is an island of happiness in our river (All covered with greenery, absolutely the entire island of Bad Luck in the ocean is)
  • It’s good for us to lie separately on the bed (Together it’s fun to walk across the open spaces)

Game "Hawaiian forfeits" It will be very exciting if you come up with tasks for her in advance. One item from each player is put into one bag. It can be watches, jewelry, a cocktail tube or sunglasses. After that, things are mixed and the leader takes out one item at a time. The player whose item was pulled out of the bag must play a phantom task. For example:

  • Perform a hula dance with a coconut between your knees
  • Quickly eat a banana impersonating a chimpanzee
  • Make cocktails for everyone
  • Sing a song in their own Hawaiian language
  • Say the word "Aloha!" to everyone present. with various intonations (rudely, affectionately, cheerfully, gently, flirtingly, sleepily, capriciously, etc.)
  • Dance the dance of the winner.

Another exciting activity will be entertainment " Weigh pineapple". All those present take turns picking up a pre-prepared pineapple and trying to determine its real weight. The one who will be the most accurate receives a fruit as a gift.

If you have a lot of couples at the party, you can make a traditional dance competition . To do this, everyone is divided into pairs and gets a piece of fruit (one fruit per couple) - a banana, an orange, a coconut or even a melon :). The basic rule of the game is to dance in a given style and hold the fruit without the help of hands. It will be more interesting to play if the music speeds up the pace 🙂

Another interesting activity will be treasure hunt in the Hawaiian Islands. But for this you need to prepare. Draw a preliminary map of the area (conditional), designate the points for finding clues. It can be various riddles, proverbs, etc. Interesting Facts. At the end of the game, the leading team must find a small treasure. For example, a bottle of Hawaiian rum and a bunch of fruit :).

At the end of the evening, you can arrange fireworks or set sail BOAT OF WISHES. Such entertainment is suitable for those who make a party on the banks of the river. However, you will have to prepare for this action. Cut thin twigs or reed stems. Lay out and tie them in the form of a raft. Decorate with flowers and floating candles. At the end of the evening, ask everyone present to write down their deepest desires on a piece of paper. Put the papers on the raft and send it down the river. Believe me, the sight of a raft with lit candles going downstream is a very symbolic and beautiful sight.

We hope that our tips and contests for the Hawaiian party will allow you not only to collect, but also to have fun with your guests!

A Hawaiian party is one of the most successful and proven ways to get rid of boredom, cheer up and have a great time in the company of your best friends. It is especially interesting and original to arrange such fun in the winter: outside the window is frost and snowdrifts, and you have a hot summer at its best!

Preparing for a Hawaiian Party

Any event begins with the creation of a suitable entourage for the occasion. After all, how well you think through everything organizational issues parties, it depends on how successfully, in the end, your idea will come true. The main thing in organizing a Hawaiian party is to give free rein to your imagination and create an atmosphere of unbridled fun, a riot of light and a celebration of colors, so that everything around is incendiary, amazing and “to the fullest”!


After you decide on the choice of guests, you can invite them to a Hawaiian holiday in different ways, for example:

  • Make invitations from travel brochures about the Hawaiian Islands;
  • Make invitations using the scrapbooking technique and decorate them with a large beautiful flower (paper or artificial);
  • Attach invitation texts to coconut or banana;
  • Make invitations in the form of colorful sunglasses or butterflies.

Either way, a Hawaiian party invitation should be bright and colorful, and the more original the better.

Hawaiian setting

The choice of the Hawaiian party as the theme of the holiday is very convenient in that it does not limit those wishing either in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises for the celebration, or in the venue itself. Such a party can be arranged in your favorite restaurant, and on the sea coast, and in a clearing in the forest, and just in your own apartment. You just need to arrange the interior in a suitable way.

To create a Hawaiian environment, the following options are suitable:

table decoration

For a Hawaiian party, a large long table is best, around the perimeter of which you can attach a shiny New Year's rain or colorful ribbons. The table can also be decorated with beautiful water-filled bowls with floating bright flowers, candles and sea shells.

A mandatory attribute of the festive Hawaiian table is a variety of tropical fruits.: oranges, lemons, bananas, coconuts, pineapples, mangoes, kiwi - all the southern gifts you can find.

As a menu, dishes that can be eaten with just your hands are also perfect: pizza, sandwiches, fruit and vegetable cuts, sweet buns and bread.

When choosing the right drinks, pay attention to unusual exotic cocktails and a variety of iced punches.

Suits and outfits

A nice feature of the Hawaiian party is the simplicity and convenience of the costume.. You can easily transform into a Hawaiian by just wearing a bathing suit and using traditional flower garlands. In addition to a smart lei, women usually adorn themselves with a traditional multi-colored skirt made of threads or ribbons, and men wear a colorful summer shirt. Other attributes of a summer holiday on the coast are also welcome: sunglasses, beach hats, pareos, flip flops and a variety of beach-resort decorations in a marine style.

Hawaiian party scenarios

To make the Hawaiian evening incendiary, fun and interesting, you need to come up with an exciting holiday program, which will definitely include themed contests, charades, games and dances.

A wonderful solution would be the idea of ​​​​choosing a host of the holiday and a group of his assistants. It can be Grandfather Sun with Aunt Heat, and Lord Neptune with his retinue, and Captain Vrungel with his team - anyone, to your taste and imagination. During the party, they will hold contests, determine the winners and reward the participants.

The contests themselves at the Hawaiian party are somewhat reminiscent of the entertainment of guests at a wedding, only with a translation into the specifics of exotic tropical islands.

For example, the famous musical competition with a chair, “who has time to sit on a chair” can be replaced with “who has time to put on a slipper”, and in the game “who will be the first to eat an apple without the help of hands”, use a peeled banana or orange.

One of the interesting and funny competitions is the competition "The best natives of the island" to the most original Hawaiian costume, in which several couples compete. First, they must invent native robes for each other, and then effectively demonstrate them. According to the number of shouts and applause of the public, the presenters choose the winners.

A beauty pageant among Hawaiian Mermaids or a Beach Sirens competition for the title of " best voice our island."

Funny contests can be diversified with informative charades that will help party guests learn more about the geographical, climatic and other features of the Hawaiian Islands.

In order not to sit too long at the festive table, include dance numbers in the program.
Be sure to all dance the Hawaiian folk dance “hula” together or play a traditional musical game"Limbo", moving to the music under a tight rope or pole.

And if you are celebrating a Hawaiian party on the beach or next to the pool, then without noisy funny contests You definitely can't do it on the water! Here you can dive for treasures, and race floating fruits on rafts to put, and just under starry sky among the flowers and lights to take a picture for memory.

And one more important point: no matter what scenario in the style of vacation in Hawaii you choose, do not forget that the Hawaiian Islands are not only a lot of sea, sand and greenery, but also a lot of sun and light. Therefore, make sure that the venue of the party is very well lit in advance. For these purposes, all kinds of candles (especially aromatic ones), lanterns, lamps and torches are perfect.

And at the end of the holiday, you can arrange a gorgeous fireworks display that will color the night sky with bright sparks of your wonderfully tropical mood. And then the Hawaiian party will really remain in your memory as the most unforgettable and enchanting!

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