Isopropyl alcohol and everyday life. Is isopropyl alcohol harmful to health and signs of poisoning with it Isopropyl alcohol in electronics

Isopropyl alcohol is a chemical substance with the formula CH3CH(OH)CH3. It is often also called 2-propanol, isopropanol, or IPA for short. We sell isopropyl alcohol, so we present a short story about it to visitors to the online store.

Properties of isopropyl alcohol

Isopropanol is a secondary alcohol of the aliphatic series. It is capable of forming various esters, reacts with active metals, and upon condensation with aromatic compounds produces derivatives, for example, isopropylbenzene.
An excellent solvent, it dissolves in benzene and acetone, and can be mixed with water and organic solvents in any proportions.

Isopropanol dissolves well natural and some synthetic resins, ethylcellulose, polyvinyl butyral, and most oils. Not suitable for rubber and some plastics. With water it forms an azeotropic mixture consisting of 87.9% 2-propanol. It does not enter into chemical reactions with salt solutions, which is used to isolate it from an aqueous solution.

Isopropyl alcohol is a colorless liquid with a strong alcoholic odor, more “gross” than the smell ethyl alcohol. Freezing point: 89.5 °C below zero. Vapors of the substance easily mix with air and, at high concentrations, form an explosive mixture, so you should work with it in well-ventilated areas and keep it away from open flames and heating devices.

Isopropanol is toxic if inhaled and ingested and can cause skin irritation, poisoning, and even death. The vapors have a narcotic effect. Isopropyl alcohol is more toxic than ethyl alcohol, but it also intoxicates tens of times faster, so a person is simply unable to take a lethal dose. Much more dangerous is long-term inhalation of vapors containing in the air above the maximum permissible concentration.

Using isopropyl alcohol

Its main scope of application is as a solvent in industry, perfumery, household chemicals, in repellents. The price of isopropyl alcohol is affordable, which, coupled with many beneficial properties makes it a sought-after substance. It is used:

In the automotive industry. The property of IPS to freeze at very low temperatures is especially appreciated. The higher the concentration of isopropanol in the solution, the lower the freezing point of the liquid. It is used in antifreeze, windshield wipers, and added to gasoline.
- In medicine - as a disinfectant (Saturate tampons and napkins with a 60-70% solution and clean your hands).
- As an intermediate in the preparation of other reagents in chemistry. Acetone and isopropylbenzene are produced from isopropanol on an industrial scale.
- In pharmacology, it is used in analyzes using gas chromatography.
- For the preservation of organic materials (an alternative to formaldehyde), for the preservation of analyzes in medicine and biology.
- Isopropyl alcohol is used as a cleaner in electrical engineering, electronics, metallurgy, furniture and fiber optic production, etc.
- In everyday life. Propanol-2 is less toxic than most solvents used in households. Use it to remove stains, glue, oils, paint, dirt from fabrics, paper, wood, metal and glass surfaces.

Propan-2-ol Abbreviations Isopropanol, 2-propanol Traditional names Isopropyl alcohol Chemical formula CH 3 CH(OH)CH 3 Empirical formula C3H8O Physical properties Condition (standard condition) liquid Rel. molecular weight 60.09 a. e.m. Molar mass 60.09 g/mol Density 0.7851 g/cm³ Dynamic viscosity (st. conv.) 0.00243 Pa s
(at 20 °C) Thermal properties Melting point -89.5 °C Boiling point 82.4 °C Flash point 11.7 °C Auto-ignition temperature 400 °C Molar heat capacity (st. conv.) 155.2 J/(mol K) Steam pressure 4.4 kPa at 20 °C Chemical properties pK a 16,5 Solubility in benzene highly soluble Solubility in acetone soluble Optical properties Refractive index 1,3776 Structure Dipole moment 1,66 Classification Reg. CAS number 67-63-0 SMILES CC(O)C Safety Toxicity quite high

Isopropyl alcohol, propanol-2 (2-propanol), isopropanol, dimethylcarbinol, IPS- the simplest secondary monohydric alcohol of the aliphatic series. There is an isomer of isopropanol - 1-propanol. It belongs to substances of the 3rd hazard class (moderately dangerous substances) in terms of the degree of impact on the body, and has a narcotic effect. The maximum permissible concentration limit for isopropanol vapors in air is 10 mg/m3. Isopropyl alcohol poisoning occurs as a result of inhalation of vapors containing a concentration exceeding the maximum permissible concentration; it does not have cumulative properties. Ingestion even in small doses causes poisoning. Widely used as industrial alcohol in glass cleaners, office equipment, etc. and as a solvent in industry (where solvents are needed).


Chemical properties

Chemical formula (rational) of isopropyl alcohol: CH 3 CH(OH)CH 3 .

Isopropanol has the properties of secondary fatty alcohols, including the formation of ethers and esters. The hydroxyl group can be displaced by representatives of a number of halogens. Isopropyl alcohol condenses with aromatic compounds to form derivatives such as isopropylbenzene and isopropyltoluene. Many essential oils, alkaloids, some synthetic resins and other chemical compounds dissolve well in isopropanol. When dehydrogenated, it turns into acetone.

Reacts with strong oxidizing agents. Aggressive towards some types of plastic and rubber.

Physical properties

Colorless liquid with a characteristic alcoholic odor, more pungent compared to ethanol (by which they can be distinguished in some cases), melting point −89.5 °C, boiling point 82.4 °C, density 0.7851 g/cm³ (at 20 °C), flash point 11.7 °C. Lower explosive limit in air is 2.5% by volume (at 25 °C). Self-ignition temperature 456 °C. Refractive index 1.3776 (liquid, at 20 °C). Dynamic viscosity under standard conditions is 2.43 mPa s. Molar heat capacity (st. conv.) - 155.2 J/(mol K).

Steam mixes well with air and easily forms explosive mixtures. Vapor pressure - 4.4 kPa (at 20 °C). Relative vapor density - 2.1, relative density of the steam/air mixture - 1.05 (at 20 °C).

Soluble in acetone, soluble in benzene, miscible with other solvents (water, organic) in any ratio. Forms an azeotropic mixture with water (87.9% isopropyl alcohol, boiling point 83.38 °C).

The dependence of the freezing temperature of a mixture of isopropyl alcohol and water on the concentration of isopropyl alcohol in the mixture is presented in the table:

about %
weight %
0 0 0
10 8 −4
20 17 −7
30 26 −15
40 34 −18
50 44 −21
60 54 −23
70 65 −29
80 76 −37*
90 88 −57*
100 100 −90*

(*Hypothermia observed)


There are two methods industrial production isopropanol - hydrogenation of acetone and hydration of propylene.

The main method for producing isopropanol in Russian industry is sulfuric acid hydration of propylene

CH 3 CH=CH 2 + H 2 SO 4 → (CH 3) 2 CHOSO 3 H + H 2 O → (CH 3) 2 CHOH.

The raw material can be a propane-propylene fraction with a propylene content of 30-90% (oil pyrolysis and cracking fraction). However, there is a tendency to use pure propylene, since in this case the process can be carried out at low pressures, the formation of reaction by-products - polymers and acetone - is sharply reduced. At the first stage of the process, a sulfuric acid extract is formed containing an equilibrium mixture of isopropyl alcohol, isopropyl sulfate (CH3) 2 CHOSO 2 OH, H 2 SO 4 and H 2 O; at the second stage, the sulfuric acid extract is heated with water and the resulting isopropyl alcohol is removed. Direct hydration of propylene is carried out mainly in the presence of a solid catalyst (process conditions are indicated in parentheses): H 3 PO 4 on a carrier (240-260 ° C; 2.5-6.5 MPa) or cation exchange resin (130-160 ° C; 8.0-10.0 MPa). Isopropyl alcohol is also obtained by oxidation of paraffins with air and other methods.

Modern way:

In Russia, isopropanol is produced from propylene at Synthetic Alcohol Plant CJSC (Orsk) and by the method of hydrogenation of acetone with hydrogen - Sintez Acetone LLC, (Dzerzhinsk)


Isopropyl alcohol is used to obtain:

  • acetone (dehydrogenation or partial oxidation)
  • methyl isobutyl ketone
  • isopropyl acetate
  • isopropylamine.

Due to special government regulation ethanol, isopropyl alcohol is often a substitute for ethanol in many of its applications. So, isopropanol is included in:

  • cosmetics
  • perfumes
  • household chemicals
  • disinfectants
  • products for cars (antifreeze, solvent in winter windshield washers)
  • repellents
  • for cleaning printed circuit boards after soldering with flux, sold under the name “Universal Cleaner”.

Isopropyl alcohol is used in industry, when cutting aluminum, turning, milling and other work. When mixed with oil, it can significantly increase work productivity. Isopropyl alcohol is used as a reference standard in gas chromatography (for example, when testing medicines for residual organic solvents).


70% isopropyl alcohol is used instead of ethyl alcohol as an antiseptic for impregnating medical wipes.

Impact on humans

Irritating to the eyes and respiratory tract, causing short-term exposure to high concentrations of vapors. headache. May have a depressant effect on the central nervous system. Exposure to levels significantly above the MAC may cause loss of consciousness. Isopropanol, when taken orally, is metabolized in the liver by alcohol dehydrogenase into acetone, which causes its toxic effect. Small doses of isopropanol usually do not cause significant distress. Serious toxic effects on healthy adults following oral administration can be achieved at doses of 50 ml or more.

The maximum permissible concentration of isopropanol in the air is 10 milligrams per cubic meter.

Isopropanol is organoleptically noticeably different from ethanol and can't be mistaken for ethanol. It has a different smell from ethanol, more “rough”. When taken orally, it causes intoxication similar to alcohol. Isopropanol is oxidized in the body with the participation of aldehyde dehydrogenase to acetone. The oxidation rate is on average 2 - 2.5 times lower than that of ethanol, so intoxication with isopropanol is very persistent. With frequent use of isopropanol, intolerance quickly develops, and in some cases, hypersensitivity and allergies. Although the toxicity of isopropanol is approximately 3.5 times greater than that of ethanol, its intoxicating effect is also 10 times higher. For this reason, fatal poisoning with isopropanol has not been recorded, since a person falls into an alcoholic trance much earlier than he can independently take a lethal dose of isopropanol.

Narcotic properties

Isopropyl alcohol has a narcotic effect. The narcotic effect of isopropanol is almost 2 times higher than the similar effect of ethanol. A concentration of 1.2%, acting for 4 hours, has a narcotic effect. With similar exposure within 8 hours, death is observed in half of the cases.


Isopropyl alcohol is one of the simplest monohydric alcohols. It belongs to the aliphatic series, that is, it has no aromatic bonds. At the same time, the smell of the substance is pungent. Looks like ethanol. Used as its substitute in different areas life: cosmetics, household chemicals, perfumes. Its use as a hand disinfectant is very popular, as it provides better disinfection compared to ethyl alcohol.

Isopropanol is also used in medicine in the treatment of otitis externa and dermatitis. In the latter case, treatment is carried out by rubbing the affected areas of the skin. There is almost no harmful effect. It requires great care when handling as it is flammable and toxic. Regulated by GOST 9805–84, which describes different types of this alcohol: absolute and technical. Instructions for their use are accordingly different.

It is often confused with isooctyl alcohol, but these are two different substances. Isopropyl is a lower alcohol. Structurally, it is closest to ethanol. A common misnomer is propylene alcohol.

Isopropanol is often confused with isopropyl chloride, which is formed from propylene and hydrogen chloride.

Properties of matter

Isopropyl, the formula of which looks like this - C3H8O, has the following properties:

Production of isopropylene

Isopropanol can be obtained in several ways - by hydrogenation of acetone and hydration of propylene. Last method in Russia it is the most common. Fractions with a percentage of propylene from 30% to 90% can also be used in production, but now they are used much more often I'm pure propylene, since isopropanol can be synthesized this way even at low pressure. This reduces the production of polymers and acetone, which are not needed at all.

You can also get propanol-2 from isopropyl ethanoate, isopropylamine, isopropyl bromide.

To obtain propane 2 ol, you need to go through two steps:

  1. At the first stage of production, a sulfuric acid extract is formed, the composition of which is isopropanol, isopropyl sulfate, sulfuric acid and water.
  2. The second stage is the evaporation of the resulting isopropyl alcohol.

Hydration of propylene is carried out using a catalyst, which is orthophosphoric acid. If isopropyl is produced by hydrogenation of acetone, a solid copper-nickel chromite catalyst is used.

Isopropylene can also be made by other methods, for example, by oxidizing alkanes with air.

Application in various fields

Isopropyl alcohol is used to produce a huge number of chemicals: acetone, hydrogen peroxide, in the production of cosmetics, household chemicals, and disinfectants. Considering that ethanol is particularly intensively regulated by law, its use is to some extent unprofitable, while isopropanol is a complete substitute.

In industry, isopropanol (formula C3H8O) is used for turning, milling and other work. If it is used together with oil, labor efficiency increases significantly. Isopropyl alcohol is also used in drug testing.

70% isopropyl alcohol is used in medicine as an antiseptic. Some drivers add isopropyl alcohol to their cars, but there are many detractors to this approach.

Impact on humans

The substance does not accumulate in the body. When consumed orally, it can cause intoxication similar to alcohol, and its intensity is 10 times higher than that of alcohol. Therefore, a dosage of 50 ml, which is considered highly toxic, can replace more than a liter of vodka. In general, it is difficult to be poisoned to the point of death, since a person falls into an alcoholic trance much earlier - unless, of course, he drinks at least 500 ml at a time. It is eliminated from the body from 5 to 16 hours.

But it is not recommended to use it as a substitute for alcohol, since the toxicity is 3.5 times higher than ethyl alcohol. It's all about acetone, which is a metabolite of this substance.

Isopropanol is also capable become addictive, and it is often used by alcoholics who want to quickly but efficiently go into oblivion. If a person’s concentration reaches 12 ppm, then within 4 hours he dies. According to GOST, isopropanol has toxicity class 3.

Large concentrations of vapors of this substance can cause headache, eye and respiratory tract irritation. However, this is not so easy to achieve, since you need to stay in an unventilated room for a long time. But if this continues for a long time, the person may lose consciousness. In practice, cases of severe isopropanol poisoning are rare.

So isopropyl alcohol should not be considered, as a complete replacement for alcohol, although many substance abusers happily consume it internally. In industry and medicine, it has found its consumer, whom it has served faithfully for many years.

Isopropyl alcohol is a solvent, this is a common understanding of this product. Its application is so extensive that the description will take dozens of pages. But let’s dwell on the everyday use of this product of organic origin, namely, we will reduce the cost of certain products that use isopropanol, but under different trade names.

Pure isopropanol

First, let's define the classification of isopropanol purity. The "tech" (technical) brand is used for technical purposes only and no cosmetic or medical use. Everything above the “H” grade is used in medicine and cosmetology. There are also brands;

  1. ch.d.a. - pure for analysis, used in organic synthesis and analytical chemistry.
  2. reagent grade - chemically pure, used in chemical synthesis.
  3. or pharm - especially pure, used in pharmacology.
    Sales forms are either “tech” or absolute - not containing water. So, let's consider the household use of isopropanol.

Medicine and isopropanol.

Everyone knows the drug “Sterilium”, or something similar to it. So, these drugs consist of 50 - 70% isopropanol, the rest is glycerin, fragrances and some substances. But isopropyl alcohol plays the main role in disinfection. Therefore, having bought a liter of isopropanol for 150 - 200 rubles, you will receive the same product, but without a beautiful jar, not painted over with dye and not at a price of 1500 - 2000 rubles. The effect is the same.

When we get hurt, we always run for ethyl alcohol to treat the wound. Treat with isopropyl alcohol, and the wound will heal much faster. Yes, there are costs - it bakes harder. But after treatment with ethanol, the inflammatory process still remains for a couple of days. This is not observed after isopropanol. You give an intramuscular injection. Wipe with isopropanol. By the way, it is cheaper than ethyl alcohol in the pharmacy.

Technical isopropanol also has a number of household uses.

The most common is a charcoal lighter for a barbecue. Of course, kerosene is better in this regard. But connoisseurs of grilled foods complain about the residual smell of petroleum products when lit with kerosene. Although I don’t feel anything, apparently my sense of smell is poor. Buy 10 liters of “techie” isopropanol and you will have a charcoal lighter for your barbecue for 10 years to come. Only the price is 10 times less.

Do you have a car? Mix isopropanol with water, add a couple of drops detergent for dishes, and here's a washer in the tank. Only the water must be distilled, otherwise there will be streaks. I am sure that there will be statements about the need for special surfactants, Trilon, and so on. But we are now talking about a first approximation in use, and not about a specific 100% replacement. I wish you success in your experiments.

Isopropanol is a moderately hazardous substance used in manufacturing and medicine. You can be poisoned by isopropyl alcohol by inhaling its vapors, as well as by ingestion. Why is the connection dangerous for human life?

What is isopropanol

Isopropyl is a colorless alcohol solution with a strong, unpleasant odor. Isopropanol belongs to the third hazard class and is often used in the production of acetone and hydrogen peroxide.

This alcohol can replace ethanol and is found in some cosmetics, perfumes, detergents and disinfectants. It is also used in medicine.

Most often, the product can be found in a solution for washing car windows. Isopropyl alcohol is highly soluble in water, can evaporate in closed spaces, and can accumulate if leaked. If the permissible limits are exceeded, up to 10 mg per 1 m³ can become extremely dangerous.

Isopropyl is a flammable product that requires careful use. Can irritate the skin, affect the respiratory system, and also cause poisoning.


Isopropyl, like other types of alcohol, has the following properties:

  • The chemical formula of alcohol is c3h8o. The compound can form ethers and esters. When hydrogen is added, it can turn into acetone, which has a pungent odor. Interacts with powerful oxidizing agents and is active against rubber and plastic.
  • The colorless liquid is capable of self-ignition when reaching a temperature of more than 450°C. Isopropanol vapor can mix with oxygen and form an explosive mixture. Isopropyl is soluble in acetone and benzene and can be mixed with other solvents. Together with water it is susceptible to freezing.

Areas of use

The substance has a relatively low cost and is actively used in the following industries:

  • Paint and varnish production. It is used in the form of solvents and varnishes based on cellulose nitrates, used in painting.
  • Oil refineries. It is used as a solvent, an additive to oils, and also as an extractant for monobasic carboxylic acids.
  • Wood processing plants use this alcohol to extract tree resin.
  • Chemical plants, furniture factories, perfume factories. Used as a solvent for esters, wax and other components.
  • For the production of auto chemical products: antifreeze, glass washers and other liquids used to care for cars.

In addition, isopropyl (more precisely, absolute isopropyl alcohol) is used in other areas: acetone, hydrogen peroxide, and isopropylamine are obtained from it. Very often the element serves as a replacement for ethyl alcohol, ethanol and is part of:

  • perfumes;
  • detergents and cleaning products;
  • disinfectant solutions;
  • repellents;
  • defrosters for car windows and locks.

Isopropyl has found its application in plumbing. When combined with oil, it can significantly increase production. In addition, medical wipes are often impregnated with this alcohol.

How it affects the body

Isopropanol can affect humans in different ways. Isopropanol poisoning often leads to unpleasant consequences:

  • When inhaled into the body, the eyes and respiratory organs are most susceptible to irritation. This often provokes headaches and depression of brain function.
  • The compound is rarely fatal when taken orally. When taken in small doses, the drug causes diarrhea. The negative effects of isopropyl are observed when consuming more than 50 ml. When ingested, it dissolves easily and quickly, after which it is converted in the liver into 80% acetone and 10% morphine. The other 10% comes from water and carbon dioxide. Metabolic residues are removed through urine and exhaled vapors.
  • The narcotic and intoxicating effect of the compound is twice that of ethanol. A certain concentration provokes intoxication within a few hours. With prolonged exposure, irritation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs, as well as loss of consciousness, may occur.

It is worth noting that isopropyl intoxication is very rare, but nevertheless, isopropyl alcohol is harmful to humans. The substance has a wide range of uses both in households and in cosmetology. However, if it leaks, keeping a person in a locked room threatens health and life.

Isopropanol vapor poisoning can lead to the following disorders:

  • disruption of the digestive system;
  • gastritis;
  • hypertension;
  • arrhythmias;
  • diarrhea;
  • destruction of red blood cells, blood hemolysis;
  • kidney failure.

The compound is harmful and dangerous in an amount of 50 ml. Drinking a glass of isopropanol is usually fatal. Due to the powerful intoxicating effect, the patient may enter an alcoholic trance before he has time to take the entire dangerous dose of poison.

How can you get poisoned?

You can be poisoned by isopropyl accidentally. Most often, people drink an explosive liquid, confusing it with vodka.

People from disadvantaged categories of the population are at risk for poisoning: alcoholics, people with mental disorders, homeless people who use the solution in windshield washers for cars.

Rare cases of intentional use of the substance have been recorded. Occasionally, children are poisoned by the liquid because they drink the solution without knowing the danger.

The lethal dose of isopropanol is 250 mg. The toxin dissolves in the stomach after 30-60 minutes, after which its negative effects begin to occur.

How does poisoning occur:

  • Initially, the compound is absorbed from the mucous surfaces of the stomach.
  • Then it penetrates the circulatory system.
  • Approximately 80% of the substance is processed in the liver.
  • A small amount of isopropanol is excreted through the respiratory tract and kidneys.
  • 10% of pure alcohol remains in the circulatory system and is converted into acetone.
  • Acetonemia develops, which negatively affects the liver, renal system and brain.

On average, the connection is withdrawn in 7 hours.


Signs of poisoning that occur when a toxin gets ingested may indicate damage to a specific organ. The digestive system, brain, heart and blood vessels are most often affected. In addition, muscle fibers may be destroyed.

Initial symptoms of poisoning appear within 30 minutes and include the following:

  • smell of acetone from the mouth;
  • vomiting containing blood;
  • painful syndromes in the abdominal area;
  • increased physical activity;
  • pain symptoms in the head;
  • dizziness.

With severe intoxication, other manifestations are possible:

  • speech disorder;
  • temperature drop;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • fainting;
  • coma.

If these signs are present, the victim must be urgently hospitalized.

First aid

In case of poisoning with a dangerous compound, the victim should immediately call an ambulance. Before the arrival of doctors, the following activities are carried out:

  • Gastric lavage using artificial induction of vomiting. To do this, press on the root of the tongue.
  • When the patient is unconscious, he is placed on his side to avoid vomit from entering the respiratory system.
  • The antidote for isopropyl alcohol is vodka or diluted alcohol. One glass is enough to neutralize the poison.

If a person has lost consciousness, you should not lavage his stomach or force him to drink anything: in this case, only medical help can help.

Further treatment is carried out in a hospital setting.


Upon arrival at medical institution The patient is prescribed the following tests:

  • study of the acid-base state and identification of electrolytes in the bloodstream;
  • biochemical blood test;
  • electrocardiography;
  • X-ray.

To determine isopropanol in blood and urine, a biological media analysis is performed, which will help to identify the quantitative content of the substance. If isopropanol is detected, a toxicological study is carried out again throughout the day, as well as after treatment.


Elimination of the pathological condition includes the following measures.

Stabilization of the patient’s well-being

The victim is placed in intensive care, a catheter is inserted into a vein, as well as the mouth and nasal cavity are cleaned to restore respiratory function.

In severe cases, an air vent or endotracheal tube is used. If there is a significant impairment of respiratory abilities, the patient is given artificial ventilation.

To restore low blood pressure, the patient is administered prednisolone, dopamine, and mesatone.

Venom Extraction

If the toxin has not yet dissolved in the bloodstream, the stomach is washed with a probe. However, liquid drunk more than three hours ago cannot be removed by such procedures.

To eliminate the remaining elements, carry out the following activities:

  • stimulation of urination;
  • non-invasive enterosorption.

In addition, after several hours, the stomach is washed again, since toxins can be released in small quantities into the gastrointestinal tract.

Application of an antidote

Ethanol helps neutralize the toxic effects of isopropyl alcohol. The substance is administered intravenously, combined with a solution of glucose or sodium chloride. In addition, ethanol can be administered orally.

Symptomatic treatment

Such therapy is carried out taking into account the existing symptoms.

  • In case of cardiac dysfunction, the patient is prescribed cardiac glycosides, electrolyte medications, and nitroglycerin.
  • Cordiamine, caffeine and synthetic hormones are used to reduce blood pressure.
  • When painful symptoms appear, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used.

This organic compound is considered less dangerous than wood alcohol, but it can cause serious consequences if taken in large quantities. The outcome of poisoning depends on the timely provision of medical care, individual characteristics humans, as well as other substances that enter the body together with isopropanol.

Most often, patients with mild to moderate poisoning recover after 2-4 weeks. Severe cases of intoxication, even with resuscitation measures, usually result in death.

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