Where to start opening a car wash. What does it take to open a car wash from scratch and how best to do it

Where to start opening a car wash: required documents, land, connection to networks, obtaining permits. Three options available technical organization car washes.

Car wash as a business is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. After all, there are now plenty of mobile mobile complexes equipped with a full set of equipment that allows us to provide the maximum possible range of car washing and cleaning services. In addition, the good thing about a mobile car wash is that it can be installed in any convenient, or, more precisely, profitable place for this business. At the same time, its compactness and low cost make this type of business more accessible to a wide range of small entrepreneurs.

Speaking in simple language, it is enough to invest money in a mobile car wash once, promote it, expand the list of basic and additional services to the maximum and easily make a profit. But where to buy a mobile car wash, how to quickly collect a list of documents for opening it, and also get a stable influx of customers - read on.

Let's look at the key steps to open a car wash based on mobile complex.

Step 1: Solving organizational and legal issues

Almost all beginning businessmen at the stage of starting a business are faced with the problem of collecting the necessary package of documents. If you approach this issue step by step, then this approach will save you a lot of time, money and nerves.

Individual entrepreneur registration

The first thing you need to do is decide on the organizational and legal form of doing business. And here there are two options: either you register as an LLC or as an individual entrepreneur (IP). If you are exploring the space of a small business for the first time, then it is better to register an individual entrepreneur, as this will save you from unnecessary red tape when preparing a package of documents for opening a car wash.

Tax system

And here it is better to make your choice in favor of the simplified tax system (simplified taxation system). The fact is that the tax rate in the simplified tax system consists of two indicators: 6% of total income and 15% of income reduced by the amount of expenses. In this case, the taxpayer has the right to choose according to which of these two indicators the tax will be paid.

And here it is better to focus on the second option: 15% on income reduced by expenses, since in this case the total tax amount if the business profitability is less than 60% (and the profitability of a car wash does not exceed 40%) will be less than the tax amount when choosing rates of 6% of total income.

Note: Tax accounting under the simplified tax system is quite simple and, in fact, it can be carried out by the entrepreneur himself without the involvement of an accountant, but so as not to get confused in all the subtleties and features accounting We recommend using online accounting "My Business".

Required documents

When all the organizational and legal aspects of opening a business have been resolved, the question immediately arises: “What does it take to open a car wash?” And here the manufacturers of mobile car wash complexes solve some of the problems for you, since along with the equipment they can provide you with a certain package of documents. This includes the following car wash permits:

  • All certificates relating to the equipment installed on the complex.
  • Passport for the design of a car wash.
  • Rejection letter for car wash design.
  • License Agreement.
  • Project Agreement on Ecology “Protection environment».
  • Architectural coordination.
  • Typical fire report.
  • Standard expert opinion (SER) confirming the safety of technological processes for washing vehicles.

And it doesn’t matter which manufacturer you purchase your mobile car wash from. The main thing is that he must provide you with the above-mentioned package of permits and approval documents, since independently collecting such papers will take you several months.

Step 2: Select a plot of land

Your next step is land for a car wash. However, it is quite difficult to give you clear recommendations here, since everything will depend on specific situation, and there are only three of them:

  • Purchasing a plot of land from a private owner.
  • Lease of a plot of land from the state (subject of the Russian Federation or region).
  • Sublease.

In this situation, sublease is the most best option, since it is much easier, cheaper and faster to negotiate with the main tenant represented by the owner of a gas station, parking lot or large shopping center than with representatives of local governments (Administration, City Government, Village Council, etc.).

Step 3: Connecting to Electrical Networks

The third step is concluding an agreement for connection to electrical networks. And although mobile car washes are equipped with generators, it is better not to miss such an opportunity as connecting to city electrical networks. Simply, the constant operation of a car wash on generators alone leads to their frequent breakdowns and power failures, and also increases the cost of the services provided for cleaning and washing cars.

Step 4: Connecting to water networks

The fourth step is an agreement for connection to water networks and, if necessary, a second agreement for the purchase of water. Despite the fact that most mobile car washes are equipped with a closed water circulation system, these contracts will still have to be concluded, since waste water needs to be discharged somewhere, including municipal solid waste (filters).

Step 5: Concluding an agreement for solid waste disposal

Step five follows from the fourth - this is an agreement for the disposal of solid waste (solid waste) and used water.

Additional Steps

The next two actions on your part may or may not take place, since everything here will depend on specific legal norms in a particular region or subject of the Russian Federation. You may need:

  • Permission to install a car wash structure at the specified address. This permission is required if you are leasing municipal land. It is taken from the Head of the Administration of the municipality, district, administration, etc.
  • You may also be required to agree appearance car wash design, which must, according to legal regulations, fit into the boundaries of the populated area. To obtain such a permit, you need to contact the local architectural authorities and provide them with several options for planning solutions, including a photo montage of the appearance of the car wash in relation to the area.

Final composition of documents

As a result, to obtain permission to open a car wash, you must collect the following package of documents:

  • The entire package of documents related to the organizational and legal form of doing business. Simply put - documents for individual entrepreneurs and documents for tax registration.
  • Permits and approval documents received from the manufacturer of the mobile car wash.
  • A document confirming the ownership, lease or sublease of the plot of land where the car wash will be located.
  • Agreement on connection to electrical networks.
  • Agreements for connection to water networks and for the purchase of water.
  • Agreements for the disposal of solid waste and used water.

Step 6: Final step: obtaining permission from Rospotrebnadzor.

And finally, when the entire package of documents has been collected, you contact the local authority of Rospotrebnadzor, which, based on them, issues you the following permit for a car wash: “Permit (IP) for the type of activity “Car wash” at the address: such and such a city, such a street - this, etc.”

Complexes of mobile car washes.

As mentioned above, many mobile car wash complexes are available for individual entrepreneurs. And below you will be presented with 3 options for similar equipment from leading manufacturers, which will help determine the final car wash cost and, as a result, find out a more accurate figure for the initial investment.

Option one

Option two

This option is optimal for those who want to try this type of business in their city and weigh the pros and cons. For these purposes, the Fortis company presents 4 sets of mobile car washes: model 111, 112, 211 and 212.

Two of these models 111 and 112 are designed for washing cars only at positive air temperatures, the other two 211 and 212 - at air temperatures down to -15°C. That is, if you want to provide car wash services only in the summer, then pay attention to models 111 and 112.

But models 211 and 212 can only be used from mid-spring to late autumn, because they are not suitable for working in harsh Russian winters.

The minimum cost of mobile car washes of the Fortis company is 197 thousand rubles.

A distinctive feature of all these models is a set of equipment that includes an inflatable tent consisting of a pallet with inflatable sides. At the same time, all car wash equipment easily fits into truck medium tonnage and, if desired, can be transported from place to place, and its installation takes a matter of hours.

Option three

Choosing a location for a car wash

So, it remains to highlight one more of the main points of the car wash business - this choice of location.

At first glance it may seem that best place for a car wash these are busy roads. That’s right, but such places are only suitable for tunnel car washes with a capacity of 15 cars per hour or more, and a single-station manual car wash can pass through no more than 3 cars per hour, and only then, provided that the washer is highly professional.

Simply put, you will earn little, since the majority of clients in such places want to quickly wash the car body, without any additional services. From which it follows that you need to look for a place with regular customers who value quality and are willing to pay well for it.

And here you should consider the following options: a large shopping center, a parking lot and a gas station. Ideally, each of these places should be located near residential (dormitory) areas, where local motorists will become your first customers. That is, a person will know that there is a car wash near his house, where he can leave his car and calmly go home, waiting for a call about washing the car.

To this convenient location People quickly get used to car washes, and if your service is at the proper level, then over time a whole line will line up for you and car wash will take place by appointment. And most importantly, these are the types of customers who order more often than others. additional services, such as dry cleaning or polishing, which cost 2-3 times more than a regular body wash. Now we will look at them in more detail.

List of services provided

At the same time, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the prices indicated below for car wash services were relevant in the fall of 2012 for the central and northwestern federal district. Of course, prices are different everywhere and change all the time, but this information will help you understand the pricing system and draw appropriate conclusions.

  1. Body wash. Basic work: washing the body with shampoo, drying the body, washing the sills and arches. Cost option:
    • Small cars with engine capacity up to 800-1500 cm³ - 230 rubles.
    • Passenger cars - 280 rub.
    • Niva class jeeps, Minivan - 320 rub.
    • Minibuses of the Nissan class, BMW-X5 - 380 rubles.
    • Gazelle buses up to 3 tons - 600 rubles.
  2. Interior cleaning. Basic work: cleaning the interior with a vacuum cleaner, washing glass, panels and door trim. Cost option:
    • Jeeps - 120 rub.
    • Minibuses - 130 rubles, cleaning of panels and door trim - 180 rubles.
  3. Blackening of the bumper and rubber. ( Pre-sale preparation). Cost option:
    • Passenger cars and small cars - 70 rubles. bumper, 70 rub. a pair of wheels.
    • Jeeps - 90 rub. bumper, 90 rub. a pair of wheels.
    • Minibuses - 90 rub. bumper, 90 rub. a pair of wheels.
  4. Deep wash of the engine compartment and engine. Cost option:
    • Passenger cars and small cars - 300 rubles.
    • Jeeps - 330 rub.
    • Minibuses - 300 rub.
  5. Washing the engine compartment and engine. Cost option:
    • Passenger cars and small cars - 140 rubles.
    • Jeeps - 150 rub.
    • Minibuses - 140 rub.
  6. Body polishing. Cost option:
    • Passenger cars and small cars - 400 rubles.
    • Jeeps - 500 rub.
    • Minibuses - 550 rub.
  7. Washing and cleaning the trunk (vacuum cleaner).
  8. Cost option:
  • Passenger cars and small cars - 100 rubles.
  • Jeeps - 110 rub.
  • Minibuses - 120 rub.
  • Body waxing.
  • Cost option:
    • Passenger cars and small cars - 90 rubles.
    • Jeeps - 110 rub.
    • Minibuses - 130 rub.
  • Treatment with Anti-rain and Anti-fog agents.
  • Cost option:
    • Windshield - 80 rub.
    • Other glasses - 110 rub.
    • Comprehensive processing of all glasses - 160 rubles.
  • Wheel washing - 20 rub.
  • Wheel washing and drying - 30 rubles.
  • Washing discs using acids - 200 rubles.
  • Air conditioning of seat trim - from 350 to 500 rubles.
  • Washing of other car components and components - from 120 rubles.
  • Removing stubborn stains (insect marks, bitumen, waste, etc.) - from 200 to 500 rubles.
  • Wheel polishing - 200 rub.
  • Washing rugs - 30-40 rubles.
  • As you can see, the list of basic services is quite impressive, and if desired, you can add washing and cleaning of other vehicles such as a motorcycle, bicycle, ATV and even water transport. But the steepest prices apply to car interior dry cleaning, where just one order for such a service can cover the entire daily revenue from a regular car body wash.

    List of services for dry cleaning of car interiors.

    • Car with engine capacity up to 1000 cm³ - 3500 rub. with disassembly of the interior, 3000 rubles. without disassembly.
    • Car with engine capacity up to 1500 cm³ - 4000 rub. with disassembly of the interior, 3000 rubles. without disassembly.
    • Car with engine capacity up to 2000 cm³ - 4500 rub. with disassembly of the interior, 3500 rubles. without disassembly.
    • Station wagons, crossovers and other premium cars - 5,000 rubles. with disassembly of the interior, 4000 rubles. without disassembly.
    • SUV class jeeps - 5500 rub. with disassembly of the interior, 4500 rubles. without disassembly.
    • Car class minivans - 7000 rubles. with disassembly of the interior, 5000 rubles. without disassembly.

    You can also add to this list an additional list of services for dry cleaning of individual elements of the car interior and thereby further increase your income from the car wash.


    As soon as we open a car wash, we certainly shouldn’t expect a powerful flow of customers with folded arms. Here you will have to invest some money in its promotion. In addition to standard advertising such as banners, road signs, leaflets and booklets, the following methods will be extremely effective:

    • Method one - free car wash! And in the literal sense of the word. For example, you put up a stand or banner with the following name: “From May 1 to May 5, washing any car is completely free!” Yes, you will lose part of the profit, but this pressing question: “How to promote a car wash” will be finally resolved. After all, you must agree, who would refuse such a service? Nobody! Of course, after the end of the promotion, some car owners will drop out, but those who remain will form the basis of your client base.
    • Method two - discount on all services up to 50%. For example, you advertise: “The last day of the month - 50% discount on all services.” This service will be especially relevant for dry cleaning of a car dealership and other expensive events. You can also issue coupons for a small monthly discount for regular customers. The discount is promoted using Internet coupon services such as Biglion, Grupon, Couponator.

    So, you already know how to open a car wash, and the final touch remains - the quality of customer service and work with the car wash staff.


    High quality customer service means not only a job well done, but also an individual approach to each of them. That is, it is much more convenient for a person to wait for a car wash in a cozy lounge, with hot and free coffee in his hands, while watching his favorite show, than somewhere on the street.

    As for the service personnel, for a single-station car wash you will need only one employee. But even here, the search for such a person should be approached responsibly and not skimp on the salary. Immediately try to exclude such personnel as schoolchildren, students or visitors. By simply saving on their salaries, you will end up losing even more, because such low-skilled workers sharply reduce the throughput of the car wash, and the quality of service will leave much to be desired. In this case, it is better to set the fee at 30% of the cost of the service (washing the body, cleaning the interior, etc.), but to control the cash register, be sure to install video surveillance.

    Friends, hello!

    The then owner of the business shared a lot with me - thoughts about the location of the car wash, methods of promotion and improving the quality of staff, which allowed our car wash to attract dozens of regular customers every day.

    To open a car washing business, you should think about targeted spending of investments, drawing up a competent business plan and carefully studying the demand in the automotive services market. Well, if you still don’t know how to open a car wash, then this guide will serve you well.

    My story of working at a car wash

    Before I started running a daily rental housing business, I had to get wet at a car wash almost every day.

    The car wash belonged to the father of one of my friends, which promised me a good job when finding a job. career growth in this direction - a car wash administrator, and then possibly a manager of a network of car washes (the owner had several facilities).

    Therefore, I initially planned to establish myself firmly in this field so that I could live large throughout my university studies.

    I worked together with my classmate. The working day usually began at 16:00 and ended at midnight.

    We worked well, as young people do, trying to stand out from the crowd and prove themselves to management in order to gain favor and take a more significant position.

    We did our work as smoothly as possible. While one vacuumed and dusted the inside, the other applied and rinsed off the cleaning foam outside. Then together we wiped the car dry, and when the happy client drove his clean car out of the bay, we immediately took on the next car.

    That's how they worked - sometimes they stayed late, sleep-deprived people came to classes and were reluctant to get ready for work. After some time, my classmate could not stand it and left, and I was left to work alone.

    They quickly found a replacement for him in Uncle Tolik. But either because of the generational conflict, or my apathy, Tolik and I never managed to work together. Therefore, I wrote out a letter of resignation and went with it to the office, where a serious conversation with the owner awaited me.

    Although staff turnover in the car washing business is normal, they didn’t want to let me go just like that. Due to the fact that the previous administrator quit, I, as a young person who knew all the intricacies of the job, was offered to take his place and try my hand at managing a car wash.

    The next working day was my first as the head of an (albeit small) enterprise. The duties were simple - monitor the cash register, print receipts and drink coffee from the machine. It's a fairy tale, after all!

    However, soon I was no longer just sitting at my desk looking bored, but began to become interested in how to take my car wash profits to the next level. First of all, I created a website on the wix platform for actively attracting traffic from social networks and ordered advertising in thematic groups on VKontakte (auto enthusiasts, car show enthusiasts, etc.).

    My efforts were not in vain, and after a few days the influx of people wanting to wash their cars increased somewhat. Therefore, I asked management for funding to conduct a larger PR campaign.

    The idea was to print promotional materials (leaflets) and distribute them to all cars within a radius of several kilometers, so that using them people could get a discount on their car wash services.

    I had to walk around the area and put leaflets under the windshield wipers after work (during the evening shift), and therefore it happened that until the very morning I wandered through the alleys of the city, so that those who were awake could come to class and fall asleep in the last desk :)

    The number of clients increased with each of my outings, and at some point I even began to like it. You walk around the city calmly, and around you there is calm, silence, and only the dead with scythes stand...

    Time passed, and with every day of managing a car wash, I learned more and more new intricacies of this business. I talked a lot with the owner about how and what could be improved, and at one time I dreamed of opening my own car wash.

    Therefore, I developed a business plan into which I put all my experience and knowledge received from the owner of a car wash chain. And now I will introduce you to him.

    How to open a car wash from scratch: what needs to be done for this? Part 1

    1. Study what How does a car washing business work?, and the market in which you plan to sell your services. Is it possible in your case to use new technologies or provide additional services to attract as many clients as possible?

    What you need to know before opening a car wash:

    • People use car wash services when the country's economy is developing and not stagnating. The demand for cars also plays an important role in the development of the car wash business.

      The higher the demand for the purchase of cars in the country, the more developed the industry for servicing them will be. Statistics on car sales in the region where you plan to open a business will help you understand whether it is worth starting to move in this direction at all.

    • Car wash owners, workers, suppliers of consumables (foam, wax, etc.), equipment manufacturers (Kärcher, foam and water cylinders, etc.) can tell you how the business works.

      The industry does not stand still. Therefore, read the relevant reports and publications to use the latest scientific developments in your work (environmentally friendly consumables, less energy-consuming types of equipment, etc.)

    2. Research competition in the region. To make your car wash competitive, do your research on other car washes. This is especially useful when opening a car wash in a big city.

    If you have already selected the location of your future facility, find out everything about the work of competitors within a 5 km radius. What services do they provide? What is their average bill? How are they progressing?

    As you research, make notes in a notebook so that you can refer back to your notes as you write your business plan.

    Pay attention to the work of other businesses located in the neighborhood (hypermarkets, parking lots, tire shops, service stations, etc.). Ask yourself: what factors contributed to the fact that the car wash you are researching has a large flow of customers? Perhaps it is located near shopping center or freeways?

    3. Draw up a detailed business plan. The main goal of drawing up a business plan is to obtain financing for opening a car wash, as well as a complete picture of business management.

    Business plan structure:

    1. Introduction (3-5 pages)
    2. Market analysis (9-22 pages)
    3. Company description (1-2 pages)
    4. Organization and management (3-5 pages)
    5. Marketing and sales strategy (4-6 pages)
    6. Product or service (8-10 pages)
    7. Investments and payback (2-4 pages)
    8. Financial information (12-25 pages)

    Introductionfront page, contents, brief overview.

    In the section market analysis should contain information about the results of your research: concept, portrait of your customers, their preferences, risks, weaknesses, profitability of the car wash.

    Company Description should reflect your business model and why it will be successful.

    Organization and management will help you understand the structure of your company, as well as hire skilled workers and managers.

    Chapter marketing and strategy will answer the question: “how and where to get new clients?”

    At point product or service It’s worth describing all the advantages of your car wash. How will you capture the market and what is the specialty of your business? Why should people use your car wash over any other?

    Investment and ROI will form a complete picture financial resources, which will be required to open a car wash.

    The most important section is financial information. To write it correctly, you can seek advice from an auditor. This should contain information about your current financial situation, third-party businesses, debts, as well as projected 5-year income levels and confirmation that this section has been approved by an independent person (auditor).

    4. Find capital to open a car wash. To find financing, you can contact a bank or directly to private investors. The better you present your business plan to potential investors, the sooner you will receive funds for its implementation. In addition, you will need to invest your own savings to ensure the safety of other people's money.

    Any bank loan requires collateral of at least 25% of the total investment amount. That is, you can count on receiving a loan of 75% of the amount specified in the business plan.

    How much does it cost to open a car wash? The costs of opening a car wash largely depend on the region and concept, and can range from 2 to 5 million rubles.

    5. Select the location of the future car wash. Location plays a key role for a car service business (wash, service station, tire service, etc.). Therefore, the wrong choice of location can hinder business development even at the initial stages.

    A location near a shopping center, highway, or densely populated residential area may be an excellent option. In addition, the car wash should be visible and accessible.

    Don't forget what you need extra bed for customers waiting in line, as well as, at some point, space for business expansion.

    • Your car wash sign must be visible to drivers for at least 40 seconds. When traffic moves at a speed of 60-70 km/h, drivers will have enough time to decide to stop by and wash their car at your place.
    • The space in the car wash should be enough to accommodate several cars, vacuum and drying areas, an office, and a guest room.
    • Before buying or renting land for a car wash, you should obtain appropriate permission from the local government.
    • When choosing a location for your business, it is very useful to use the services of a real estate agency, builders, lawyers and auditors to get more favorable conditions operation land plot.

    How to open a car wash from scratch? Part 2

    1. Legalize the business. What documents are needed to open a car wash? To open a car washing business, it is not enough to register with tax service as individual entrepreneur. It is also necessary to conclude an agreement with the municipal water and sewerage service.

    The volume of wastewater entering the sewer system should not exceed established standards. The same applies to the content of substances harmful to the environment.

    2. Buy equipment. The purchase of equipment depends entirely on the format of the future car wash. This can be a car wash providing a full or partial list of services (self-service, process automation, etc.)

    What equipment is needed for a car wash:

    • Power frame
    • Control terminal
    • Guns for water, foam
    • Gun holders
    • High pressure hoses
    • Electric motor, water pump
    • Foam injector and dispenser

    To save on distributor services, contact suppliers directly. It is better to buy chemicals and consumables in large stores, because they are often diluted. The best manufacturers equipment: Ryko, Hannah Industries, Belanger, Karcher and WashTec.

    3. Conduct a PR campaign. It is necessary to use as many advertising channels as possible to attract the first customers. This can be either leaflets or customization contextual advertising in Google or Yandex. A bright sign, coupons, promotions, discounts for regular customers, a loyalty system, business cards and much, much more.

    To promote on the Internet, you can use your own website or groups in social networks. Also attract target audience You can place advertisements on radio stations in the city.

    4. Hire workers. Personnel turnover in the car washing business is high, and finding qualified labor very difficult. Therefore, when hiring staff, you need to pay more attention to the experience of your future employees.

    The most important thing is to ensure best quality service. Don't be afraid to overpay your employees for their work. At first, focus especially on providing the best possible service.

    With the advent of regular customers and reputation, the car wash will begin to bring good income. First we work for the name, and then the name works for us.

    5. Secure cash flow. Before you throw a grand opening and invite guests to it, try testing out how your business operates. Take part in the washing process yourself, watch the work of your administrator and washers, and control your income.

    This necessary condition in order to understand at what point the administrator will come to an agreement with the washers, and they will cheerfully begin to take money out of your cash register. For example, a person will come and order a complex wash, and the administrator will take and write down the technical one. The difference will be shared between the washers and the administrator, and you will be the fool.

    6. Add a list of additional services. To increase the profitability of a business, stand out from the crowd and thereby attract new clients, the list of services can be constantly expanded.

    This can be an express treatment of the car to maintain its appearance for a longer time - wax, sealant, carpet shampoo, etc.

    Train employees to process vehicles quickly (maximum 30 minutes for all additional services). Install low prices for wiping, waxing, blackening tires, etc.

    The waiting room can be equipped with a massage chair, coffee machine, TV, Wi-Fi, so that the client feels comfortable and has a desire to return to your car wash.

    Car wash as a business - pros and cons

    1. Easy to use
    2. Liquidity
    3. High level of profitability
    4. Scalability
    5. Relatively quick start
    1. Staff turnover
    2. Seasonality
    3. Registration of land
    4. High level of competition


    To summarize, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that there may be more subtleties when opening a car wash than it seems at first glance. Therefore, I recommend that you consciously approach the issue of opening a car servicing business.

    I hope that the article helped you understand in detail how a car wash works, and you will be able to draw up a business plan and open your own car wash in the near future.

    Well, that's all for me.

    • Capital investments: 2,400,000 rubles,
    • Average monthly revenue: 352,000 rubles,
    • Net profit: 178,00 rubles,
    • Payback: 14 months!

    The article presents ready business plan to open an autonomous modular car wash. You will find out how much funds are needed to open, the number of employees, potential income, profitability and payback periods.

    1. How to open an autonomous mobile car wash

    In Russia, the number of cars increases every year. According to the API information portal (link), as of January 1, 2012, more than 35 million passenger cars were registered in Russia.

    Most car owners treat their cars like living beings, take good care of them, and try to keep them clean. In connection with a car wash it is very profitable and promising business in Russia.

    Relatively recently on Russian market car washes, a new direction has emerged: the production of fully autonomous mobile car washes. IN this business We will try to reveal all the features of the new product.

    1.1. Advantages of a mobile car wash

    Compared to stationary ones, mobile autonomous car washes have the following advantages:

    • No foundation construction required
    • Fast commissioning time
    • They have everything permits SES, as well as a fire certificate.
    • No sewerage is required, since the module is equipped with equipment for reverse water purification.
    • There is no need to connect electricity, sewerage, water supply and other infrastructure lines.
    • Easily dismantled and transported to a new location.

    1.2. Car wash location

    The issue of choosing a location for a car wash must be approached seriously, since the success of the entire enterprise depends on it.

    It would be optimal to place the car wash near a busy highway (next to a gas station) or near a large shopping center. It is also worth paying attention to the availability of convenient access and egress for transport. If the territory allows, it is worth providing a small parking lot for waiting cars.

    As soon as you decide on the location, you need to resolve the issue of renting a plot of land to install a mobile car wash. To do this, you need to contact the administration of the district in which you plan to open a car wash and find out who owns the land.

    If the land plot is owned by the state, then the rental price will not be high, but if it is privately owned, then the rental price can be many times higher.

    Important point: When installing a mobile car wash, the presence electrical networks, water supply and sewerage are not required, so this sink is completely autonomous and has the necessary equipment for operation: water is concentrated in containers and transported and transported, and electricity is generated by a diesel generator.

    1.3. Necessary equipment for an autonomous car wash

    Currently, there are many offers on the market for the sale of autonomous modular car washes, we settled on the offer of the company Aquarius LLC

    Aquarius LLC is a developer and manufacturer of autonomous mobile car washes under the AMAR-1 brand.

    A mobile car wash is a modular container-type unit that includes an autonomous power supply (diesel generator), equipment for manual washing, containers for clean and waste water, as well as a water purification system for closed-loop water supply.

    The washing kit also comes with a complete package of documents necessary for work:

    1. Conclusion of the SES.
    2. Fire report.
    3. Certificate of conformity.
    4. Passport.
    5. Instructions for use

    Thus, when purchasing an autonomous modular car wash, you only need to agree on the lease of a plot of land, find personnel and you can start working.

    The cost of a module for 2 cars is 2 250 000 rubles

    1.4. Staff

    To operate a car wash for 2 cars, 4 people are enough. They work in shifts, two every two, for 12 hours. Salary is piecework, 20% of the cost of work, paid daily. All issues related to the purchase of products and administrative issues are the responsibility of the business owner.

    2. Financial model

    • Type of activity: mobile car wash for 2 cars
    • Location: within the city limits, near a busy road, there is a gas station nearby. The population of the city is 400,000 people.
    • The average cost of washing is 400 rubles.

    2.1. Capital costs for opening a car wash

    2.2. Revenue

    The activities of a car wash are subject to significant seasonal fluctuations, so revenue growth occurs in March - October, and in the period November-February there is a decrease in revenue.

    Revenue per 2 parking spaces located within the city limits and near a busy highway is presented in the table:

    Revenue, rub.

    average revenue

    2.3. Cost price

    Name of costs

    Daily consumption

    Cost, per unit

    Consumption per shift, rub.

    Monthly output/30 shifts

    Diesel fuel costs (2.4 liters per hour)

    Generator maintenance costs

    Water replacement costs

    Costs for replacing filter cartridges

    Consumables (Shampoo, rags, etc.)

    Other expenses

    Total cost

    2.4. General expenses

    2.5. Profitability calculation

    2.6. Payback calculation

    The payback period for a modular car wash for 2 cars is 13.4 months.

    3. Organizational issues

    3.1. Organizational form

    To start providing washing services to the public, you must register with the Federal Tax Service. Best suited organizational form Individual entrepreneur. (With this form of activity constituent documents And authorized capital not required)

    3.2. Tax system

    According to Tax Code Russian Federation Car wash activities fall under a simplified taxation system: UTII.

    For those regions where UTII does not apply, the possible use of the Simplified Taxation System (STS), income minus expenses.

    3.3. Accounting

    Tax and accounting for a car wash is quite simple and does not take much time; it is not advisable to have an accountant on staff. In this regard, it is best to do all the accounting yourself using the “My Business” online service - this will allow you to save money (you will get full accounting for less than 1,000 rubles per month), as well as your time (the service is fully automated and easy to “control”).

    Risk analysis for a mobile car wash business plan

    During the implementation of organizational and operational activities the functioning of the project may be accompanied by a number of negative factors. In general, the threats are given in the analysis of risk factors and opportunities for opening a mobile car wash. To determine the degree of influence of risks and their actual danger to business, it is necessary to detail the threats through qualitative and quantitative analysis.

    Qualitative risk analysis implies expert assessment likelihood of the threat occurring. Quantitative indicators reflect the actual value and the degree of its impact on the main components of the project.

    Qualitative risk analysis of the project

    Risks are divided into external and internal. Those threats that arise under the influence of general economic influence and are not related to management processes are called macroenvironmental risks. Those threats that directly depend on business organization, project management, and the actual implementation of the business plan are internal risks.

    Table 1. Main external risks of the project

    Risk nameRisk assessment

    Changes in regulatory and regulatory legislation

    Risk can lead to tougher business operating conditions and a decrease in its profitability. Risk compensation occurs at the organizational stage when creating a form of management, ownership and taxation.

    Opening in city N with a population of 400 thousand people, activation and dumping of direct competitors

    The emergence of new market operators leads to a redistribution of profits (demand may increase slightly, while the number of competitors may increase significantly). The risk of creating your own client base is mitigated, active sales and development of a unique trade offer(USP). Consumer loyalty should be stimulated through effective programs.

    Seasonal decline in sales

    The risk does not have clear predictable time boundaries (as in other types of business) and is subject to influence weather conditions. Threat of decline average annual indicators income significantly increases the expenditure side of the business (efficiency of production equipment, staff maintenance). The risk is mitigated by the development of a competent marketing strategy, a shift in seasonal emphasis in sales and an effective advertising policy.

    Vandalism, natural disasters and force majeure

    The risk may result in property damage. Which entails expensive repairs and restoration. The risk is compensated by the insurance service.

    As a rule, all external threats are neutralized by a competent organizational component. With proper planning and development of anti-crisis strategies, external risks are only a predictable consequence, which is compensated by prepared measures. Internal risks pose a much greater danger to business.

    Table 2. Main internal risks of the project

    Risk nameRisk assessmentRisk characteristics and response methods

    Geomarketing location error

    The risk of an error with the placement of a car wash location has a high degree of probability and significant consequences. A high-quality geomarketing analysis of the area, traffic flows, infrastructure, etc., which will provide input data for forecasting sales taking into account the density of potential customers, can eliminate the wrong decision.

    Low level of personnel competence, turnover, low probability of financial motivation

    The risk is due to the low prestige of the profession, which leads to the filling of the labor market with people with low intellectual abilities (or temporary staff). In turn, such personnel have low financial capacity and are insensitive to financial motivation. Low quality of service, irresponsible attitude towards car wash property, and incompetence lead to lost profits. The risk is mitigated by a system of total control and punishment, and strict standardization of the work of ordinary personnel.

    Technological risks

    The selected technology and assortment may lead to a number of difficulties due to illiterate or inappropriate use of technical capabilities. Failure of the water supply and disposal system and power units will lead to a halt in business processes and direct losses. The risk is mitigated at the organizational stage by the creation of compensating or redundant emergency support systems, and at the functional stage by the introduction of a competent service personnel unit (engineer) and the implementation of planned maintenance and repair work.

    Quantitative Project Risk Analysis

    All risks, both internal and external, have as a common negative result a decrease in profits up to the bankruptcy of the project. Lowering probable reasons, real threats to reducing business profitability can be:

    • unforeseen technological and technical risks;
    • opening in city N with a population of 400 thousand people, activation and dumping of direct competitors;
    • decrease in consumer demand as a consequence:
      • geomarketing location errors;
      • low quality of service;
      • seasonal fluctuations.

    The degree of influence of unforeseen technological and technical risks

    Calculated based on the average throughput of a car wash. The average period required for emergency troubleshooting is assumed to be 4.5 hours (taking into account the type of equipment: autonomous power supply (diesel generator), pumps, water purification system for closed-loop water supply, etc.).

    With an average car wash load of 30 cars/day (see analysis of risk factors and opportunities for opening a mobile car wash), direct losses can amount to:

    (30 / 24) * 4.5 = 5,625 washes * 400 rubles = 2,250 rubles (lost revenue) + 12,000 (repair and restoration work with material) + 2,500 (part of organizational expenses attributable to downtime) = 16,750 rubles - direct losses per breakdown, which is about 4.7% of total monthly income.

    As equipment wears out, these costs will increase monthly.

    Thus, the possible financial values ​​of risk allow us to consider an increase in staff by 1 unit (equipment operation engineer) as a necessity, which will also reduce compensation costs taking into account the salary of a competent specialist (16.5 thousand / ruble).

    Degree of influence of the competitive environment

    A relative calculation of the market capacity of city N with a population of 400 thousand people, given in the analysis of risk factors and opportunities for opening a mobile car wash, demonstrates the prevalence of demand over the number of offers (data are given as an example): “with an average washing frequency of 1 time/9 days, turnover one wash can vary within the average maximum of 630 thousand rubles/month with a throughput of 50-55 washes/day.”

    Thus, with the overwhelming majority of small manual washes, a large share in the financial capacity is occupied by specialized large washes, which, together with mobile washes and offers at gas stations, constitute a competitive environment. The loss step with a total market share of 1.2% is insignificant.

    Decrease in consumer demand due to organizational errors (location, service, lack of seasonal compensation).

    The risk is calculated based on the average statistical loss indicators and the dependence of demand on additional factors: convenience of location (up to 65%), level of service (up to 48%), promotions and special offers (up to 22%).

    Thus, an error in geolocation can lead to a loss of up to 220 thousand rubles (in comparison, geographic marketing analysis costs about 3.5-5 thousand per ruble), poor quality of service can lead to a loss of up to 150 thousand rubles; the absence of seasonal compensation leads to a decrease in average annual indicators by 70 thousand rubles.

    On average, the risk threatens losses of up to 70% of profits and is the most significant. This situation requires a detailed analysis of the company’s capabilities, development of a marketing and organizational plan, creation of a high-quality long-term advertising strategy.

    Project risk ranking

    The most likely risks are a decrease in demand due to organizational errors and technological risks - these are the most critical threats.

    The fundamental point is to determine the location. A mistake in choosing a location can lead to irreparable losses. A low level of service increases the risk of influence from the competitive environment.

    The general background of threats for the project is favorable. The market is in the development stage and demand significantly exceeds supply, tending to increase. With a competent organizational approach, business is promising and allows you to respond very flexibly to the emergence of any risk, for which you should be careful marketing planning, strict regulation of work and service processes, active promotion of services.

    Editor's note: An interesting option for opening a car wash is purchasing a successful business model; this option has its advantages (the entrepreneur gains already accumulated experience, a certain set of knowledge, software developments and much more) and disadvantages (you have to pay for the experience in money (royalties, lump sum)). But it’s definitely worth considering buying a franchise as one of the ways to start.


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    When opening your own business, the first question that arises is: how profitable is the chosen direction? This criterion is fundamental when developing a certain market niche.

    Naturally, no one can guarantee the success of the event, but it is still possible to get an approximate picture.

    Is it worth opening such a business?

    A person who decides to organize his own car wash, regardless of the reasons that prompted him to do so (an old dream, a desire to invest, a combination of circumstances, etc.), is definitely acting far-sighted. Car wash – stable, sustainable and quite profitable business, which absolutely anyone can start, even with no experience in entrepreneurial activity.

    The high profitability is explained by the fact that this type of service is used at any time of the year, although it is widely believed that Peak attendance occurs in the autumn-winter period. In the summer, of course, car washes are visited less often, but everyone visits. This is especially true for owners of more expensive cars, as well as those who want to do, for example, a comprehensive cleaning of the interior.

    Where to start?

    Any business, and this applies not only to a car wash, should start with writing a competent business plan that will cover all aspects of business activity: overall strategy, marketing, initial capital, sources of financing, payback, etc. It is necessary to calculate the costs, estimated income and profitability of the enterprise. Assess possible prospects for the development of this commercial project. Before drawing up a business plan, you should also study the current economic situation in the car wash market in your city.

    The financial and accounting section of the business plan depends on the location of the car wash and includes the following points:

    • construction;
    • paperwork;
    • land rental costs;
    • costs of necessary materials and technical equipment;
    • repair costs;
    • operation of equipment.

    All of the above points need to be thought through very carefully. After drawing up a business plan, you need to decide on the form of business economic activity. You can simply obtain the status of an individual entrepreneur, or you can register legal entity(for example, LLC). The registration process is as follows:

    • formation of a package of documents (application established sample, passport, TIN, etc.);
    • payment of state duty;
    • submission of all documents to the registration authority;
    • obtaining permits after some time.

    In addition to registering with the tax service, you must:

    • obtain permission from local authorities to open a car wash;
    • contact design organization to develop a car wash project. The project must comply with current sanitary-epidemiological, architectural, fire and environmental standards;
    • obtain permission from the committee of architecture, sanitary and epidemiological station, fire protection, labor protection and environmental protection department to provide car washing services;
    • obtain a certificate for permanent or temporary use of land. Only after receiving such a document is a construction order issued.

    Competitor assessment

    The competitive environment of a company is a set of subjects and market factors that affects the relationship between the seller and the consumer of the service. The main competitors of any organization are considered to be the companies that operate most successfully in a specific niche.

    In any large settlement there are a large number of enterprises providing vehicle washing services. The location of the sinks plays an important, but not the most important, role.

    You can increase the competitiveness of your car wash only by providing services high quality using modern equipment, as well as offering reasonable prices.

    To develop this market segment, it is necessary to develop a competent marketing, advertising and management policy enterprises. The main competitors of the opening car wash will be the most successful companies on the market providing manual car washing services. As for the location, it is better to open in an area where there are no large and well-established organizations.

    Choosing a suitable room

    The rate of cost recovery and profitability of a commercial project directly depends on the location of the facility. As for car washes, they are best located on the sides of major city roads and along busy highways. Many car washes are located at the entrances to locality, as well as at border and customs posts.

    However, opening near a major transport hub or interchange may not be the best idea - customers will simply refuse to maneuver between the abundance of scurrying cars. As practice shows, it is most profitable to open car washes close to gas stations, car parks and service stations.

    If you don’t have enough money to build your own building, you can rent a suitable space. In addition, the paperwork procedure will be simplified (for example, you will not need to obtain permission to build a new facility). When choosing a space for a car wash, you need to take into account that part of the area will be taken up by storing consumables and equipment.

    Types of sinks

    There are two types of automatic car washes: tunnel and portal. In the first case, the car is on a conveyor belt and moves relative to the washing device. The portal car wash has a U-shape and three large brushes - one horizontal and two vertical. The car stands in one place and the brushes move relative to it. Both types of systems allow for non-contact washing, i.e., they exclude the effects of alkaline compounds and are based on the removal of contaminants using high pressure water.

    Portal car washes “fit” well into small spaces, since such a system is a single module equipped with brushes that can be adjusted to any type of body.

    The entire washing process is fully automated; accordingly, a portal car wash has greater throughput than a manual one.

    Many car owners prefer manual car washes to automatic car washes because they are afraid that the equipment may scratch the car body during the washing process. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the equipment and promptly replace or repair a failed unit. Automatic washing must be equipped with a pre-wash system.

    Portal sinks have many advantages:

    • do not take up much space;
    • suitable for all types of machines;
    • have high productivity - up to 12 machines per hour;
    • don't require large investments for training;
    • effectively cope with assigned tasks.

    In addition to brush portal washes, there are also contactless systems. As for tunnel car washes, their optimal size is about 35 meters in length. Smaller parameters will negatively affect the quality of the services provided. The washing process is as follows: the machine is fixed on a special conveyor belt and moves forward, bypassing all the devices on the line. Such washes are the most economical in terms of time: when the car moves forward a few meters, the next car can be started.

    A good tunnel car wash is absolutely safe for the car body. Negative reviews of such a system in most cases are caused by outdated equipment and the reluctance of service owners to service it in a timely manner. The consequence of such negligence may be damage to the paintwork of the car. Today, modern tunnel sinks are a complex of new technologies, where outdated materials are replaced with soft foamed polyethylene and safe textile materials.

    Connection to all necessary networks, necessary permissions

    Car washes are classified according to the type of structure capital and prefabricated. Capital buildings are an industrial building erected on a reliable concrete foundation. Utilities are supplied to the facility: electricity, water supply, heating, drainage system. Such car washes are usually built in conjunction with a car service center, a tire shop, a cafe, etc.

    Opening a stationary car wash requires approval from the architecture and urban planning department of the local administration. When developing a project, it is necessary to calculate the technical indicators of electricity and water consumption, as well as plan a water treatment and fire safety system. To agree on the location of the sink, you need to submit:

    • lease agreement or certificate of registration of land ownership;
    • certificate of registration of individual entrepreneur or legal entity;
    • tax registration certificate;
    • a sketch of the sink project, which includes visualization, technical description, cost of the object, etc.

    Personnel selection, equipment purchase

    After all bureaucratic issues have been resolved, it is necessary to start forming personnel. The following requirements can be presented to future employees:

    • availability of knowledge about car washes (determined by the specifics of the object);
    • responsibility;
    • communication skills and friendliness - to increase the client base.

    As for the work schedule, it is ideal to plan around the clock. For a stationary wash, you need to hire several washers (five or six) and one foreman. Higher education is not prerequisite, so you can safely hire students. Wages can be proportional to the volume of work performed, and to increase motivation, financial incentives for employees can be introduced. The image of the car wash is favorably affected by the branded equipment of employees with the service logo.

    Advertising your business

    If you want to always have eight to ten cars parked in front of your car wash, you need to carefully consider advertising campaign. To maintain a business, you need to constantly look for new ways to expand your customer base. The car wash business does not allow for any “random” actions, so the marketing strategy or its absence will lead to wasted money.

    Ideally, it is better to seek help from a professional advertising agency. Most of the money will go towards signs, billboards, business cards and brochures. It would be useful to place advertisements online, in newspapers, on radio and television.

    Learn how to open a successful service in the following video:

    Opening cost

    To calculate the cost of a car wash, you must first calculate the rental costs (this expense item depends on the location) and the cost of the equipment. Equipment you will need:

    • high-pressure apparatus with heated water (from 120,000 rubles to 200,000 rubles);
    • high pressure apparatus for supplying water to one workplace(from 33,000 rubles to 85,000 rubles);
    • compressor (from 15,000 rubles to 18,000 rubles);
    • professional washing vacuum cleaner or dust extractor (from 26,000 rubles to 36,000 rubles);
    • used water purification system (from 250,000 rubles to 400,000 rubles).

    Most car wash owners prefer imported equipment. German, Italian and Danish equipment are most quoted. Of the domestic equipment, the most common are systems for technical purification of used water.

    Consumables you will need: car shampoos, polishing and dry cleaning compounds, cleaning products for rims, engines and bumpers. All this costs about 18,000-20,000 rubles monthly (provided that the car wash services forty cars every day).

    Approximate calculation of income and payback period

    An example is four freestanding non-garage type car washes. The wash will serve 200-300 cars daily. The average check amount is about 300 rubles. The remaining income items come from the cafe and tire service. Thus, the monthly turnover of the complex will be about three million rubles.

    Of the expenses, the most will have to be spent on wages employees, taxes and purchase of supplies. Large turnover does not allow the use of a simplified taxation system, which means that you will need to report using the regular system. Every month up to one million rubles can be spent on employee salaries and taxes. It turns out, net profit will be one or two million. The payback period for these indicators will be approximately two years. The above calculation is, of course, approximate, since the service’s activities depend on the time of year.

    Over 10 years, the number of cars on Russian roads has increased by 51%. Mobile and contactless car washes and self-service points are in growing demand. To open a mechanical car cleaning station, less than 350 thousand rubles is enough. The self-service point will require an investment of 3.5 million rubles. Car washing business franchises cost from 250 thousand to 7 million rubles.

    Over 10 years, the number of passenger cars in Russia has increased by 51%. At the end of 2018, the country's passenger transport fleet amounted to 42 million vehicles. Against this background, from 2015 to 2018, the demand for car wash services increased by 25%.

    Entrepreneurs strive to find their place in a promising industry and invest in creating:

    • contact car washes;
    • contactless car washes;
    • self-service tunnel posts.

    If you open a car wash as a franchise, you can get contacts of equipment suppliers, discounts on equipment and consumables, a well-promoted brand, and business advice.

    The current car wash franchises in 2019 are offers from the following companies:

    • Mechanical contact washing, which operates in the format of a mobile service and requires an investment of 240 thousand rubles.
    • A network of contactless cleaning establishments with an entrance fee of 250 thousand rubles. and investments from 890 thousand rubles.
    • "Washing!" - self-service points for 2-8 cars with an initial payment of 200 thousand rubles. and starting investments of 5,500 thousand rubles.

    How much does it cost to open a mechanical car wash?

    A mechanical car wash is a variant of a traditional service station where the car is washed by hand. The throughput of contact car washes is low, but the costs of its creation are also low. You can open a company of this type even in a garage.

    Important! It is always advisable to draw up a plan to estimate how much costs will be required and when they will pay off.

    You can use the nearest box as a business premises garage cooperative. A significant amount will be spent on paying for water and electricity. For a car wash you will need to purchase car shampoo, brushes, and special products.

    Equipment for mechanical cleaning of contaminants includes:

    • device for supplying water under pressure;
    • water heating unit;
    • washing vacuum cleaner;
    • compressor.

    Reference! You can purchase equipment from the RusTekhnika company, which specializes in the supply of Italian and German equipment for sinks. The Aquasila online store offers devices from Russian manufacturers.

    Investments in opening a contactless car wash

    Contactless car wash allows you to remove dirt from the car body without brushes and rags. Special products are applied to the surface and washed off with powerful water pressure. The whole procedure takes only 10-15 minutes. Such sinks are in great demand: the likelihood of scratches and damage is completely excluded.

    Contactless washes have high throughput, but require significant costs for equipment, which includes:

    • powerful device for supplying water under pressure;
    • water heating units;
    • compressor;
    • foam generator;
    • water filtration system.

    Contactless car washes use special consumables. chemical compositions, which are more expensive than car shampoo and are needed in large quantities. Water consumption exceeds the mechanical version by 25-30%.

    Self-service car wash - a promising business idea

    The equipment is purchased as a single complex and costs about 2.8-3.5 million rubles.

    Equipment for a self-service point includes equipped posts, payment terminals, and a launch controller.

    Tunnel and portal washes most often do not require the participation of hired personnel in their operation. Sometimes an administrator works at a car service point to monitor work.

    Reference! Complete washing systems for self-service points are usually sold in Russian stores to order.

    Resume. Car washing is the type of business that can be organized for 300 thousand or 3.5 million rubles. Each option has its own advantages. If a manual car wash requires little investment, then a self-service point does not require participation in its operation. Automated washes have higher throughput.

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