Parody guests congratulations to a woman on her 55th birthday. Scenarios for birthdays, adult competitions for an anniversary

The long-awaited anniversary has arrived. The birthday girl turned 55 years old and I want to celebrate in the best and most interesting way possible. Therefore, they often invite a toastmaster to a holiday, who will hold a birthday party according to the script.

He will come up with such anniversary competitions for the 55th woman so that the guests will have fun. Humor is very important in such a holiday. In this article we will describe several ideas with which you can involve all guests.

Table competitions

There is such a wonderful game “Who thinks about what”. It is held at the table in a cheerful and noisy company. The toastmaster brings to the guests a small bag containing cards with letters. The task of this game is to name the first word that comes to mind for the letter that the person pulled out. Out of surprise, people get confused and speak quickly and randomly. This is what the game is all about. There will be a lot of laughter and fun.

Table parties can be not only with cards. Play the game “Kiss of the hero of the day”, which is as follows: the toastmaster divides the guests into two teams (left and right sides of the table), and the birthday boy sits in the center. Now the condition of the game. The guests furthest from the hero of the day drink a glass of wine, kiss their neighbor, and he, in turn, passes the kiss to the next one in the same way. And so on until the hero of the day is kissed. However, the game begins only when the leader gives a signal, and the teams begin. The member of whose team kisses the birthday boy first wins.

There are also adult competitions on paper at the table. The toastmaster divides the guests into teams (right and left sides of the table). Then he gives everyone papers and pencils. The right side writes questions, and the left side writes answers. Then they hand over the sheets to the presenter. The toastmaster puts the questions in one deck and the answers in another. Next comes the most interesting part. One guest takes cards with a question, and the other with an answer. It turns out interesting and fun. One guest reads the question, the other reads the answer. These birthday party ones are so funny. They give a lot of emotions, laughter and fun.

Game "Cooking"

There are also new competitions for adults, which lift the spirits of guests. For example, the game "Cooking". When the guests are sitting at the table, the host names any letter, and the participants call it the name of the dish or ingredient that is on the neighbor’s plate. The one who remembered and reacted much faster than the others wins.

Competition with humor

Do you want a lot of laughter at the holiday? Then come up with competitions with humor. Adult birthdays are a lot of fun. This game helps even unfamiliar guests get closer. To do this, blindfold one person, and attach clothespins to the other on his pants or skirt in a circle, on his jacket, hair, and so on. The guest, whose eyes are closed, must find all the clothespins on the person. You will see how much humor and laughter this wonderful competition will bring.

Eat similar game. Only one person lies down on the sofa, and pieces of paper are scattered on him, and the other guest with eyes closed must find all the leaves. He examines all parts of his mate's body. These will bring a lot of positivity to every guest.

Competition with cards

This game will bring a lot of positivity not only to the hero of the day, but also to the guests. The toastmaster prepares cards with letters. For example, VOD, RMI, SKA, etc. There should be as many such cards as possible. The presenter puts them in a bag and mixes them.

Then invites guests to draw one card. For example, it says “WOD” on it. The guest must come up with three words from these letters as a compliment to the hero of the day. It could be “Valya, adored, kind.” If you pulled out “RMI”, you can come up with: “dear, sweet, amazing.” This is a fun game, especially if it's hard to come up with a compliment for a certain letter.

This fun competitions adults. It’s not boring at the table; you can have a drink, chat and play entertaining games.

Street competitions

You can have a relay race. By the way, many people remember this game from childhood. The relay race must be held outside. The host divides the guests into two teams, and the birthday girl also participates. The toastmaster selects the captains. They lead their team and are given a bag each. Opposite the teams, at a decent distance, there are two flags.

Relay task: two captains, at the command of the leader, jump in bags or on balls to the goal, touch the flag and jump to their team.

The bag is passed to the next player in line and he continues the relay. The team that runs out of participants faster and has no one to jump to the designated goal wins.

Being outside helps you bond, focus, and have a lot of fun. This can be not only a relay race, but also dancing in pairs. For example, a woman and a man stand with their backs to each other and must dance a lambada. The toastmaster can complicate the task and bind the participants. It turns out much more interesting and fun.

Game "Crocodile"

Can you suggest cool competitions, where you can’t talk, but you need to express your feelings, emotions and objects using gestures. Everyone remembers this funny and a tricky game since my childhood. However, for adults it needs to be complicated. Therefore, all participants are divided into two teams, and the presenter proposes a topic. It must be complex. For example, cooking. One team is given the task of showing seafood soup with facial expressions and gestures. And the other is tomato puree soup with carrots and squid.

Can you imagine how to show potatoes, tomatoes or seafood with gestures and facial expressions? Such shows will be so much fun! Anniversary competitions for a woman’s 55th birthday are offered in order to remember her childhood and have fun from the heart.

Game "Portrait"

A wide variety of anniversary competitions for a woman’s 55th birthday are offered. The main thing is that it is fun and interesting. You can play Portrait. To do this, give all participants markers and balloons. They must draw a portrait of the birthday girl. The person who draws the most similar drawing wins.

There is also a game called “Verbal Portrait”. To do this, guests are shown various children's photos, which should not only be of the birthday girl. Participants in the competition must guess children's photographs of the hero of the day and describe the photo in their own words. The person who guesses more photos than the other participants will win.

Dance with humor

As a rule, the script for anniversary competitions offers not only table or street games. It’s also fun to hold dance competitions. The host divides the guests into pairs: man and woman. Next, he spreads newspapers of the same size at their feet. Music starts playing and couples dance. When the song is over, they fold the newspaper in half and dance on it again. As soon as the music ends again, fold the paper in half again. And so on until the newspaper became completely smaller and it became impossible to dance.

The couple that lasts the longest wins. Sometimes the couples get out of it, the men take the women in their arms and continue to dance. This is an entertaining and passionate competition that will give only positive emotions and memories.

Game "Broken Phone"

Probably every person remembers this wonderful and fun game. Only for adults it is more complicated and more interesting. All participants sit on the floor, creating a circle. The presenter says a word, and the player comes up with an association for it and quickly says it to his neighbor. And so on until the last participant.

For example, the presenter says in the player’s ear: “Phone.” The participant has an association with the ear and tells his neighbor: “Ear.” The next player has an association with audibility. So he says to his neighbor: “Listen.” And so on until the last participant. Believe me, this game will not leave anyone indifferent.

Game “Dress up in our store”

The presenter puts things in an opaque bag in advance. However, they should be cool: pantaloons, bras, rompers, caps, New Year's masks and more. When the music starts, the guests dance and pass the package to their neighbor. The music stops, and the participant who has the package takes out one thing by touch and puts it on himself.

The game ends when the bag is empty. The guest who wears as few things as possible wins. You can give him a pacifier as a gift. It's cool and interesting competition which will appeal to all guests.

Game "Sour Lemon"

The facilitator divides the participants into two teams and gives each captain a basket of vegetables and fruits. The game is to eat the entire contents of the basket. However, there is one caveat. Each basket contains a lemon, which someone will also need to eat.

The game starts with the captains. They choose a vegetable or fruit and quickly eat it. Only when the captain has chewed does he begin the second round next participant. The team that finishes the basket the fastest wins.

Song competition

Everyone went through karaoke. One sings, the other picks up. What if we held the same competition, only with a more complex task? Participants take water into their mouths and sing their favorite song so as not to splash those around them. The winner is the one who spilled the least amount of water and sang better. It's fun and funny competition, which will appeal not only to the audience, but also to the participants.

Game "Create a double"

The presenter prepares a soundtrack of famous singers in advance. This could be Alla Pugacheva, Tatyana Bulanova, Philip Kirkorov and other artists. Each participant must try to impersonate their favorite singer using wigs, makeup, facial expressions or gestures.

Game "Guess Who's Here"

The presenter tells the rules of the game to the participants. The lot chooses the person who needs to be blindfolded. The rest of the guests stand in line. The participant with his eyes closed must guess the guest's hand. For more interesting game participants can exchange jewelry or jackets. Who cares? It turns out funny and fun for all the guests.

Game "Unknown Object"

The presenter invites participants to guess what is in the tied bag. Whoever says it correctly will receive a prize. Participants ask leading questions to the presenter, and he can answer: “yes” and “no.”

For example, guests can ask the following questions: “Can I drink this?”, “Do I need to eat?”, “Alcohol?”, “Should I listen?” etc. The prize is the contents of the package. Therefore, it will be interesting for each participant to give the correct answer.

Game “Undress the hero of the day”

Anniversary competitions for a woman’s 55th birthday can be fun, humorous and cool. Here's one of them. The presenter takes the birthday girl out of the room, and meanwhile the participants place a pre-prepared mannequin in the center. In place of the face they attach a photograph of the hero of the day and clothes cut out of paper. When the mannequin is dressed, the birthday girl comes in and the fun continues.

The host asks the guests one by one about the birthday girl. For example, what hobby does she have, what year of birth, the birthday boy’s favorite dish, etc. The hero of the day either confirms what he heard or refutes. If the participant said something wrong, then one item is removed from the dummy. The participant who guesses the most interesting thing about the birthday girl wins.


Anniversary competitions for a woman’s 55th birthday should be organized so that the hero of the occasion (celebrant) is most often involved in them. This is where the fun lies. After all, the birthday girl should have a memory of the anniversary.

The toastmaster must choose the scenario so correctly that all guests, without exception, are involved in games and competitions. Then no one will want to leave this wonderful holiday. Each guest will remember this day for many years to come as one of the best in their lives.

Leading. Good afternoon, dear guests! According to the good old tradition, we have gathered here today to celebrate the anniversary of ______ in a solemn, festive atmosphere!

Everyone greets the hero of the occasion, who sits at the head of the table.


Anniversary - what a word!

This is a holiday, this is a celebration!

This is joy and warmth in your home!

Friends and employees, without sparing words,

They want to congratulate you on this anniversary day!

You are full of light and joy, happiness,

Your advice is important and necessary for us.

Your family loves and appreciates you,

Colleagues and your true friends.

We all wish you health and strength,

So that youth, happiness, luck, success

Fate has always given you without hindrance!

The hero of the day’s friends come up to her and sing congratulations to the tune of the song “Snowfall.”

You haven't had time to drink up your autumn yet,

And your anniversary has already crept up and is waiting.

He is gray and has added a few wrinkles,

He will bring you more surprises!


Anniversary, anniversary, this is not old age at all,

This is a grateful dawn of mature beauty!

So let's pour some glasses and drink to the joy,

And the hours of fun will fly by like a moment!

Let your wishes flow like a river today.

Be a beloved wife and loved by children.

Prepare a feast for friends and acquaintances.

Everyone will come to the holiday, don’t forget - invite!


And we also wish you, dear,

Long life and great, great luck.

So that there is joy and happiness in your home,

But trouble would have passed him by!


Leading. The floor is given to the employees of the hero of the day.

Employee. It was a long time ago:... years ago. No, no, I’m not starting to tell you a fairy tale. I want to tell you about our hero of the day! So,... years ago, a young, very modest, very pretty girl, a graduate... of the institute, crossed the threshold of our institution. This was our dear hero of the day. True, her name was simply then... They hired her for the position... And since then, she has grown her heart and soul to her favorite business. How much love for your profession you need to have, what kind of heart is it to carry this very difficult, difficult burden for so many years, without ever betraying yourself.

Leading. Dear...!

Accept in the prime of life

Our warm, warm greetings,

And, without hiding our feelings,

We will raise our cups for you!

Leading. Expensive...! Cheburashka came to see us and, having learned that there was an anniversary here, he wanted to congratulate you.

A young man with cardboard ears, like Cheburashka, sings a song to the tune of “Songs of the Crocodile Gena” (“Let them run clumsily...”).

We didn't come in vain -

This is clear to everyone -

And we sat down at this table.

Congratulations to the hero of the day

And leave it as a memory

This song that we will sing!


Let the years not age you,

In life, be in everyone's sight,

Sorry, birthday

Only once a year!

Birthday hero, my friend,

Come out to our circle

And pour us some stronger wine!

It's not often that we're here

Let's get together

On your solemn anniversary!


We all congratulate you

And, of course, we wish

Remain the same as you are:

Modest, kind and sweet,

Patient, beautiful...

We cannot count all your advantages.


Leading. There are so many guests here today! Everyone came to congratulate the hero of the day. And first we will give the floor to the director, our respected...

The director reads out and presents the welcome address and gift.



On your anniversary, we wish you prosperity.

And good health for many years to come.

On your anniversary we wish you good luck

And great happiness to boot.

May the sun always shine on you,

So that the heart of the worthy loves,

So that grief, adversity and misfortune

It turned out to be the desired victory.

Leading. The staff of the institution where you worked for so many years has always been stable in personnel issues, it was and remains always a single, united organism, friendly and efficient. And today he congratulates you!

The group sings congratulations to the tune of the song “I’m Standing at a Stop.”

Friends and relatives are sitting

Sparkling wine flows

And there is a long way left behind.

The words are welcoming.

Where are your cherished years?

What has passed cannot be returned.

As a sign of our attention

Please accept my wishes,

Live many years to the joy of everyone.

May the years be like a blizzard

Everyone is turning gray,

And the light warms youth!

Inconspicuous happiness for you,

Unchanged success,

We wish you great luck many times over.

Good health to you,

Hopes and personal happiness,

May youth never leave you!

Let adversity be forgotten

And all your wishes will come true,

And let there never be grief!

Love if you love

Live the way you want

And always be cheerful!

Employees present the hero of the day with a gift.

Leading. I give the floor to the rest of the guests for congratulations and presentation of gifts. (After congratulations.) In honor of our celebration, a large gold medal was cast, let me present it to the hero of the occasion.

Presents a comic (chocolate or drawn) medal.

Leading. Dear guests of our holiday! Today we learned a lot about the hero of the day, there were a lot of congratulations and wishes addressed to her. But not everyone present congratulated her yet. The floor is given to the husband.

The husband's congratulations sound. Then the host invites the guests to play and conducts a block of games (to choose from, see appendix).



You can’t escape anniversaries in life,

They will overtake everyone like birds,

But the main thing is to carry it through the years

Warmth of the soul, a bit of cordiality.

Today is your anniversary.

We sincerely congratulate you!

And we wish the most important thing in life:

Health, happiness, joy

And up to a hundred years without growing old!

All guests sing the song “Great”.


We had a great time on your holiday.

Nowhere have we seen a more beautiful holiday.

So be healthy, live richly,

And we are leaving for home, for the hut!



Guests are reminded of the plots of famous Russian fairy tales and are invited to compose and tell new versions - in the genre of detective story, romance novel, tragedy, thriller, etc.

The winner is determined by the guests through applause.

Who is this?

Take each piece of paper and draw a head on top - a person, an animal, a bird. Fold the sheet so that what you drew is not visible - only the tip of the neck. And pass the drawing to your neighbor. Each participant in the game ended up with a new sheet of paper with an image that he had not seen. Everyone draws the upper part of the body, again “hides” the drawing and passes it to a neighbor so that they can complete the limbs on the new piece of paper they receive. Now unfold all the drawings and see what creatures are depicted on them.

Telephone operator competition

Two groups of 10-12 people playing are seated in two parallel rows. The presenter selects a difficult-to-pronounce tongue twister and tells it (in confidence) to the first person in each team. At the leader’s signal, the first in the row begin to pass it into the ear of the second, the second to the third, and so on until the last. The latter, having received the “telephone message,” must stand up and pronounce the tongue twister loudly and clearly. The winner is the team that quickly transmits the tongue twister along the chain and whose representative pronounces it more accurately and better.

Tongue twisters

Tell me about your purchase. Which purchase? About your purchase, about your purchase, about your purchase.

Forty forty ate cheese with a beautiful red rind, forty forty in short term They flew together and sat down under the hill.

Praskovya exchanged crucian carp for three pairs of purebred piglets, the piglets ran through the dew, the piglets caught a cold, but not all.

He reported, but didn’t complete his report, but started to complete his report and then reported.

Our chebotar is a chebotar to all the chebotars, no one can outdo our chebotar.

Damaged phone

Everyone sits in a row. The one on the far left whispers something in his neighbor’s ear, who goes further. The one on the far right says out loud what came to him. The one who started tells what exactly he wanted to convey. Sometimes the distortions can be very funny. After each “call” you need to change seats so that everyone can be at the ends of the “wire”.


Participants are asked to create a story from the titles of newspaper articles cut out and attached to cards.


Each of the players chooses a name for themselves based on the name of one of the kitchen items, for example, a plate, fork, knife, poker, etc. One of the players begins to ask about the most various items from their surroundings, about themselves, about their interlocutor (his appearance, habits, attachments, etc.). For example: “What do you have instead of eyes?” Or: “Who do you kiss most often?” or: “What do you like to treat your guests to?” or, “What whets your appetite the most?” The main task of the driver is to pose a question, the answer to which involuntarily causes laughter both from the specific interlocutor and from all the players. When answering questions, the person answering must resort to only one word - the name with which he identified himself - fork, knife, etc. Additionally, only prepositions are allowed. The one who laughs is eliminated from the game.

To conduct this competition, it is necessary to pre-record the soundtrack of introductions to television advertisements and invite participants to continue the text that, in their opinion, sounds after the musical intro. The most knowledgeable ones receive prizes - those things, objects whose advertisements they know by heart. For this competition, it is better to have soundtracks of those TV commercials that are already a little forgotten.


Players are given tickets - cards with the names of cities - this is the destination. The “conductor” (host) asks: “Do you know what country this city is in?” If the owner of the “ticket” with the named city answers correctly, his “ticket” is “validated”. The one with the most “validated tickets” wins.

Literary scholars

Episodes or quotes, or individual phrases from some literary work are read to participants in the competition. Participants must choose from a variety of books the one they think is being discussed. The first one to name the correct answer receives the title of winner.


This game will help all your guests get to know each other. Guests sitting at the table pass a roll around in a circle toilet paper. Each guest tears off as many scraps as he wants, the more the better. When each guest has a stack of scraps, the host announces the rules of the game: each guest must tell as many facts about himself as he has torn scraps.


All participants sit around the table, on sofas and armchairs. Each participant chooses a name of two syllables, with the emphasis on the first (for example, Ka-cha, Sa-nya, Bird-ka, Fish-ka). The leader (a person with a good sense of rhythm) sets the pace, everyone supports it by clapping their palms on the table, knees, etc. The initial pace is one clap per second. The presenter says his name twice, then the name of any other person twice (“Katya, Katya - Petya, Petya”) - one name for one clap. After this, the person whose name is named must also say his name twice, and someone else’s twice. The pace gradually increases. There should be no pauses; a name should be pronounced for each clap. If someone gets confused, then he is given some cool nickname - “Brake”, “Chukchi”, “Woodpecker” - and after that he can no longer be called Petya, Katya, but only with a new name. The third time, the person who makes the mistake is eliminated from the game. It becomes most fun when the pace increases to a frantic pace, and all the participants have new interesting names.


The presenter gives everyone a blank sheet of paper and a pen (pencil, felt-tip pen, etc.). After this, the creation of essays begins. The presenter asks the first question: “Who?” The players write the answer to it on their sheets (the options may be different, depending on what comes to mind). Then they fold the sheet so that the inscription is not visible and pass the sheet to their neighbor on the right. The presenter asks a second question, for example: “Where?” The players again write the answer to it and again fold the sheet in the above manner, and again pass the sheet. This is repeated as many times as necessary until the presenter runs out of imagination for questions. The point of the game is that each player, answering the last question, does not see the results of previous answers. After finishing the questions, the sheets of paper are collected by the presenter, unfolded, and the resulting essays are read out. They turn out to be quite funny stories, with the most unexpected characters (from all kinds of animals to close acquaintances) and plot twists. The main thing for the presenter is to successfully choose the sequence of questions so that the resulting story is coherent.

Don’t know how to throw a woman a party on her 55th birthday? And we know, and we will help you. After all, you can’t spend such a holiday at home looking sad. On such a holiday you need to have fun, dance and play competitions. AND new script for your 55th birthday, a woman with humor will help you accomplish all this. Watch the entire script to the end, choose the most interesting moments and have a great holiday.

The beginning of the holidays should be celebrated brightly and effectively. The presenter or whoever speaks for him says something like the following text:
- I was at your last anniversary. And then you dreamed about what came true. Do you remember what you dreamed about then and it came true?

The hero of the day begins to go through all the good things that have happened to her over the past 5 years. For example, repairs, building a bathhouse, buying a car and even all sorts of little things. And the presenter says that no, all this is not the same. Then guests join in and offer their options. They remember everything that the hero of the day had over the past 5 years. And when everyone gave up, the presenter says:
- you see how much good has happened over the past 5 years. I propose to drink to even more happening in the next 5 years good events in the life of our beloved hero of the day!

After this start, you can continue the festive evening. And arrange a little game for the guests. After all, our hero of the day is a beautiful woman, and for her sake many men are ready to do anything!

Dear guests! Look at our hero of the day. How beautiful, young and attractive she is! And look at her eyes, which simply shine and sparkle. What are you willing to do for her eyes? Let's find out now.

The bag contains cards with poems written on them. Each guest in turn takes out one card and reads a verse that says what he is ready for for the sake of the beautiful eyes of the hero of the day.
And here are the poems:

Then you can dance and arrange small competitions.
Surely there will be people of the older generation and people of the younger generation present at the holiday. They should be divided into two teams. We will have a team of old people and a team of young people.
The task in the competition is simple: old people dance to modern music, and young people dance to songs from the 80s. It turns out to be a small musical battle that will help you unwind.

Competition - show your emotions.
For this competition you need a special cube. You can make it from our blank:

Simply print the cube, cut it out and glue it together.
But the point is simple. The hero of the day sits in a special place for a photo session. And the guests take turns throwing this die. And the guest shows which emotion appears on the die. He approaches the hero of the day and takes a photo with her. At the same time, the guest must have the necessary emotion on his face.
And when everyone has walked around the circle, we take a group photo. And at the same time, each guest again shows the necessary emotion on his face!
This photo session will be remembered forever!

It's time for gifts!
But only first will the hero of the day give gifts to her guests. And we will do this in a playful way.
To do this, you need to prepare cards with numbers. Each card has its own verse and its own gift. Guests take turns taking one card out of the bag and reading out the number. And the presenter reads the poem. And the hero of the day gives a comic gift, which is in this poem.
And here are the poems themselves:

And now it’s time to give gifts to the hero of the day.
But first, let's also play our birthday girl. And we'll do it in the form of a scene.
For the scene, one guest needs to be dressed as the postman Pechkin. He comes and says that he has a telegram for the hero of the day. Only he won’t give her away until he eats and drinks, sings and dances with the hero of the day.
The hero of the day agrees, and together with Pechkin they drink, have a snack, sing and dance. Afterwards, Pechkin gives the hero of the day this telegram from Putin:

And after such a draw, you can give real gifts to the guests.


To make your loved one’s holiday fun, you should come up with a scenario for a woman’s 55th birthday, cool script will help the host make the holiday memorable for all guests.

Preparation and decoration of the hall

To decorate the hall, you will need a few props:

  1. Fabric decorations can be attached to chairs.
  2. The ceiling is decorated with helium balloons.
  3. Place bouquets with armfuls of roses or other flowers around the perimeter of the room.
  4. Guests wear festive caps.
  5. They stock up on firecrackers in advance.

To surprise the birthday girl from the first seconds of the celebration, she is blindfolded and invited into the hall. You can hang handmade posters on the walls.

Wall Poster Ideas

The posters are made by the children and husband of the birthday girl. Several design variations:

  1. A photograph of a woman is glued to the center of the Whatman paper, and relatives write their wishes around the photograph.
  2. In the central part of the poster it is written in capital letters“Happy Birthday!”, and various family photographs are glued to the sides.
  3. The design should be done in light colors.
  4. Depending on the profession of the hero of the day, you can add various work-related details.
  5. If a woman has a favorite hobby, then the wall newspaper can be decorated with elements related to her favorite pastime.

Meeting guests and beginning of the holiday

Before all guests arrive for the holiday, you need to ensure that:

  • props were prepared for each competition;
  • All gifts for guests were available.

When all the guests sit down at the table, you need to make sure that all the dishes are in their places. After this, the presenter can begin the program.


The presenter makes a speech:

“Hello, dear guests. Today we have gathered to congratulate you on your anniversary good man– (name and patronymic of the birthday girl). On this day a new page of life opens, and we are sure that it will be rich and bright. Personally, I want to say the following words to the hero of the day:

Your anniversary birthday,

We want to celebrate today.

And wish from the bottom of my heart,

Health, happiness, don't get sick.

So that there is love in your home,

And she always remained in it.

To fill your heart with happiness,

The family was friendly.

And now we raise our glasses to (name), and I give the floor to my husband (name and patronymic), who tried to make this holiday for his beloved.”

Congratulations to my husband

The birthday girl’s husband gets up and says a toast:

Today is my wife’s anniversary birthday,

And I want to wish at this hour -

With you I'm a family man,

We will have money and happiness!

There will be joyful moments in life,

And fate will be lucky,

Luck is not on your side,

When we are together now.

The husband gives his wife flowers and a gift.

Competition for knowledge of the hero of the day

The guests eat and drink for a while.

Host: Now we will check how well you know the birthday girl. Leave the treats for a moment and let's start the competition.

The host approaches each guest and asks him a question regarding the hero of the day. If the person answers correctly, he is given a token.

Examples of questions:

  1. What is the birthday girl's least favorite dish?
  2. What idol did she have as a child?
  3. What pets did she have or does she currently have?
  4. When is your spouse's birthday?
  5. What are her parents' names?
  6. Favorite movie or TV series.
  7. Favorite activity, hobby.
  8. Tell the funniest incident from the life of the hero of the day.
  9. Tell me when and under what circumstances did you meet?
  10. Guess the birthday girl's dream.
  11. What positive character traits does she have?
  12. Favorite song and artist.
  13. What day of the week was it when she was born?

Host: Thank you all for your answers. I made sure that today the closest and dearest people are present at this celebration. Now let’s raise a glass to the happiness of (name and patronymic).

Congratulations from children and friends

Host: Have you heard the saying that children are the flowers of life? Look at them, what happiness they bring to the mother. Let's give them the floor.

The children take turns congratulating their mother.

An example of congratulations from children:

Mom, you are 55!

On this day I want to wish -

Happiness, health, beauty,

So that you don’t know sadness in life.

I can’t forget your love from childhood -

No one can love me like you.

I thank you for everything,

I kiss you and love you endlessly!

Host: Let's raise our glasses so that all your wishes will certainly come true. And now the floor is given to the birthday girl’s friends.

Example of congratulations:

What can I wish for you, my friend?

You are 55 today!

I want there to be no oblivion in life,

Age will decorate you.

So that there is a sea of ​​​​happiness in life,

Health, nothing without it,

And grief and bad weather,

Didn't bother you.

All friends take turns congratulating the birthday girl and giving gifts.

Games and competitions

After the ceremonial part, incendiary competitions begin.

Competition No. 1.

The first one can be carried out dance competition. The presenter calls 10 people, 5 men and 5 women. 5 pairs are formed. A newspaper is laid under each couple's feet and music is turned on. When the music stops, the newspaper is folded in half and the dancing on it continues. The competition ends when the newspaper becomes small and difficult to dance on. The couple that lasts the longest on the dance floor wins.

Competition No. 2.

An interesting competition can be held with singing ditties. The presenter calls several people and divides them into 2 teams. Each team sings one ditty and passes the baton to the second team. If the other team cannot remember the ditty, they pass the turn back to the first team. The team that remembers the most ditties wins.


Forfeits are a game where a person must complete a task told to him. The presenter prepares a bag in advance with notes on which tasks are written. In turn, each participant pulls out a note and does what is written there.

Examples of forfeits:

  1. Draw a mustache on the face of the neighbor on the right, and let him walk like that for the rest of the evening.
  2. Take a photo with 5 guests.
  3. Sing a song while grunting.
  4. Hold 3 matches between your lips and sing a children's song.
  5. Draw a chimpanzee.
  6. Puncture the straw in two places and use it to drink a glass of wine.
  7. Kiss the neighbor on the cheek on the left.
  8. Dance Lambada or another dance of your choice.
  9. Walk up to the hero of the day in your arms and wish her health.
  10. Eat what is on the plate of the neighbor on the right.
  11. Drink for brotherhood with the birthday girl’s husband.
  12. Sing the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” in a squeaky voice.
  13. Say any tongue twister and put a few candies in your mouth.
  14. Tell what animal each guest is like.
  15. To say “Oh, how beautiful I am” while looking in the mirror, but you cannot laugh.


For short skits Only 1-3 people will be needed.

Scene No. 1 “Postman Pechkin”.

The skit requires one guest to play the postman. They put a hat on him and hang a bag over his shoulder.

Presenter (B), Postman (P).

P: Knock, knock, is anyone there? Is this (name and patronymic) anniversary being celebrated here?

B: Yes, here. Who are you?

P: I’m postman Pechkin, I’ve been ordered to deliver a letter to the birthday girl from the president himself!

Q: Then hand it over quickly!

P: No, that’s not how things are done. You need to check your documents first. You're all drunk... I won't check, let the police deal with it, and I'll go.

B: Wait. Where are you going? Sit with us, have a drink, help yourself.

P: Okay, I’ll sit for a while.

Pechkin sits down with the guests, they pour him a glass of vodka, and he must drink it.

P: Pechkin liked it here, you are funny. So be it! I'll give you the letter.

The postman hands over a comic letter of congratulations to the hero of the day and a gift.

Scene No. 2

The presenter calls a guest who will play the role of a doctor. The participant is put on a white robe.

The birthday girl goes to the doctor and dances with him for 20 seconds to cheerful music.

Doctor: That's it, I examined you. Now I will read out the medical report.

The presenter brings out a beautiful document in A4 format on which it is written:

  1. Age: the most luxurious.
  2. Pulse: yes.
  3. Heart: ticking like a clock.
  4. Vision: sharp, like an eagle's. He will always notice any little things around him.
  5. Diseases: falls asleep when eating tasty food.
  6. Sense of smell: always feels where the wind is blowing from.
  7. Conclusion: our hero of the day is smart, beautiful, an excellent housewife, a faithful wife.
  8. Recommendations: work less, receive more care from your spouse and children.

After the doctor reads out the conclusion, it is given to the birthday girl. All the guests shout in unison: Happy birthday!

Host: Thank you for your participation, friends. Let's raise our glasses so that our (name and patronymic) life will always be bright and rich.

Presentation of an honorary diploma to the birthday boy

Host: At the end of the evening, I want to tell you something interesting. Our hero of the day has many achievements that we learned this evening. On this occasion, we present her with an honorary diploma.

Diploma for excellent study of the following disciplines:

  1. Russian language (conversation with husband in a raised voice, without using swear words) – 5 (excellent).
  2. Algebra (counting change after the spouse returned from the store) – 5 (excellent).
  3. Geography (when she goes on a visit, she always comes home to spend the night) – 5 (excellent).
  4. Musical training (knows how to play on nerves) – 5 (excellent).
  5. Literature (reading notations to children) – 5 (excellent).
  6. Biology (arranging flowers on all the windowsills of the house) – 5 (excellent).

After the presentation of the diploma, the guests are played with a reworked song - Happy Birthday to You.

Presenter: Today we heard a lot of funny, kind and nice wishes. I hope that all the words spoken came from the heart and soul. Dear (name and patronymic), may all your wishes come true next year. See you again!

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Sometimes you want to celebrate your birthday in special silence and comfort, but how can a woman celebrate her 55th birthday without a toastmaster so that it is fun and at the same time the celebration takes place at home? If the hero of the day is not a fan of stormy and loud celebrations in cafes and restaurants, then it is better for her to arrange a celebration in a calm, friendly atmosphere and familiar surroundings. In the circle of your closest people and relatives, the anniversary will be no less fun, but at the same time also sincere. 55 years is not yet a summer age, as many people think. This is the beginning of a new stage life path, no less exciting part of it than youth.

Anniversary celebration


This format of the holiday requires special attention and preparation from both the birthday girl and her assistants, because there will be no omnipresent toastmaster. In particular, you should think about the following points.

Room decoration

Usually flowers and balls are used for this. Large compositions of fresh roses, lilies or orchids will perfectly decorate the room. It is appropriate to place small bouquets on the tables that will emphasize the holiday atmosphere. You can make an airy bouquet of balloons (write a wish or a compliment to the birthday girl on each one). Balls on sticks placed in a large vase will undoubtedly give the room a solemn look. On the wall you can place a “Happy Birthday” poster drawn by children and grandchildren.

Guests who come will be interested in looking at the photo collage family photos. To entertain them, you can set up a photo zone. It’s easy to create it with your own hands. To do this, you need to arrange a wall of artificial flowers, decorate it with balloons, applique in the form of numbers indicating the age of the birthday girl.

Decorating the room includes table setting. Interesting options for folding napkins - paper or linen - will not go unnoticed by guests. An important detail may be the distribution of seats between guests. In this case, notes with the names of the guests located near the plates will be useful.

Room decoration

Music organization

Voice acting plays an important role at every event. It lifts your spirits and sets you up for celebration. Musical compositions should be selected in advance so that the tastes of all guests are studied.

Organization of competitions

Any holiday, even one organized at home, is impossible without exciting competitions and skits. For the anniversary, you need to stock up on details for their celebration. Small ones for the winners will also be appropriate. You can choose them to suit your taste.

It will be very interesting to start an album with wishes

Let guests write there their congratulatory words, wishes, and make sketches. You can also paste photos there after the celebration. The birthday girl will be pleased to review this notebook every time.

Book of wishes

Generally speaking, this form of celebration has both positive and negative sides.

Among the disadvantages are:

  1. the need for the housewife to control everything independently (preparation, execution);
  2. take into account the number of guests and calculate the area of ​​the room in accordance with the list;
  3. self-cooking;
  4. cleaning at the end of the holiday.

However, the advantage of such a holiday is obvious:

  1. You can save on products by purchasing them at wholesale markets;
  2. the absence of pretentious and official atmosphere will liberate, create an atmosphere of coziness and comfort for everyone;
  3. the nuances of the execution can be controlled and, if desired, replayed.

The celebration will have symbolic stages.

Meeting the birthday girl

It should be solemn. Each guest can be given a cracker. A good idea is to greet everyone with a chorus of “Hurray” or “Congratulations.” It will be interesting to show signs with photographs of the birthday girl at different ages: childhood, school, university, wedding, etc. Let the hero of the day approach everyone in turn and tell them something memorable about each period.

A cool creative approach is organizing the coronation of the birthday girl. You can build a festive crown or cap, put it on your head with words of greeting and lead it to the throne. To do this, the place can be decorated with bows, and the red carpet can be replaced with a piece of trellis. It will turn out funny and solemn at the same time.

Introductory part

It begins when all the guests have already taken their places, and it’s time for the first toast. Usually the person closest to you gives the opening speech. But you can do everything differently. Let each guest have their say congratulatory word or a wish for a woman. But this needs to be done in a special way. If the name of the birthday girl is, for example, Ekaterina, then the first guest says his word starting with the letter “E”, the second with “K”, etc. You just need to avoid repeating yourself, and the result will be a rather original toast for the birthday girl.

Introductory part

Table competitions

You can start them after a small feast, when the first toasts have been said and gifts have been given. This best option, since you don’t need to get up from the table and create unnecessary turmoil. At the same time, it will be a good idea to entertain guests. In this case, personalized drinking songs are suitable. You can remember and sing songs that mention the name of the hero of the day, or remake popular songs so that her name fits appropriately into the text.

A number with forfeits will be exciting for the public. This is a fun option for celebrating a woman’s 55th birthday without a toastmaster at home. This game requires a leader. He will collect and put the guests' things in boxes. The birthday girl will get them, and the owner of the forfeit will say congratulations and drink a glass to the health of the hero of the day. Questions about the life of the birthday girl, riddles, and the writing of congratulatory odes would be appropriate. This will fit perfectly into a home event.

Dances and moving numbers

You need to entertain guests not only with passive competitions, but also with something active. You can present original cuts of compositions with the names of the guests. Their voice acting will be included in turns. Guests who hear their names come out to original, individual steps. Let the birthday girl decide the winner and reward her with a gift. Next, you should hold a moving competition on the dance floor.

  1. They bring out a miracle bag with wardrobe items - a skirt, scarf, thong, bra, gloves, etc. The bag is passed around in a circle accompanied by music, and when the music stops, you need to take the item out of the bag without looking and put it on the corresponding part of the body . When all the things are gone, take a memorable photo. Everyone around you is guaranteed to enjoy such a competition;
  2. For the next competition it is worth calling two people - a man and a woman. They are dressed in a button-down shirt and robe. Each person is given thick mittens to wear. Task: you need to fasten each other's buttons. Whoever does it faster is the winner;
  3. A little difficult, but humorous is the “Guess the Nose” competition. Equal-sized bags made of opaque dark fabric should be filled with cereal, sand, salt, and sugar. The player, without using his hands with one nose, must feel the contents and guess it;
  4. After the next dance compositions, the guests stand in a circle. The bag is brought in again - there are barrels of Kinder surprises. Each of them contains the inscription “Kiss the hand of the hero of the day.” To the music, the bag is passed between guests. When the music stops, you need to pull out the keg. When the bag is empty, on command you need to open the barrels at the same time. Whoever kisses the birthday girl first and quickly wins. The winner is awarded by a woman hero of the day;
  5. You can surprise the birthday girl with an uninvited guest - a postman. Let it be the prototype of Pechkin from Prostokvashino. He comes to the celebration and brings a telegram from the president himself. He hands it to the birthday girl to applause. “Pechkina” needs to be fed and watered. And the telegram itself, of course, is prepared in advance.

When organizing a holiday, you need to remember that you should not hold all mobile competitions at the same time. They need to be diluted with dancing. Otherwise, guests will be in constant tension and excitement, even if it is cheerful. The main task at the event is to relax and enjoy communication and a good time.

Anniversary celebration

Celebrating an anniversary at home is a suitable option that allows you to pay maximum attention to each guest. If you think through everything step by step, then there will be no surprises or problems with how to celebrate a woman’s 55th birthday without a toastmaster at home. All guests will be happy, and the birthday girl even more so.

In the video, see an example of a suitable scene “How I’ll retire.”

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