Category: Jacks. When to give gifts and prizes

What can I tell you... A 3rd birthday is a very difficult holiday for parents. One and a half to two hours spent with children of this age will be remembered for a long time :-).

Why? Three-year-olds do not yet feel like active participants in competitions. It's more spectators, who quickly lose interest in what is happening if you relax even a little.

Today I made a selection of entertainment for children of this age (in September 2012 my Vovochka will be 3 years old, I’ll “test” the program :-)). In the photo on the left is HIM!

3rd birthday! Let's have fun!

How to decorate a room?

My huge illustrated article will enrich you with ideas. You can also take a look at .

Whom to invite?

Children at this age come with adults. More 4-5 children It’s better not to collect, there will be chaos.

Here is our version of the invitation (I didn’t have time to write it, they made these videos, posted them on YouTube and sent out links to everyone):

When to celebrate?

It is better after a nap - at 16-17 hours. Call us for the “Merry Afternoon Tea” :-). Children will not be capricious, not tired, and ready for fun.

When to give gifts and prizes?

During the celebration, you can only hang homemade medals around your neck.

What to cook and how to decorate the festive table?

Here are my two most detailed articles with a bunch of pictures: and.

How to greet guests?

Option 1.

Immediately at the entrance you give a helium balloon into your hands: “Fly to us on hot air balloon! If there are a lot of balls, let moms and dads “fly” into the room.

Option 2.

Each guest is greeted by a train. Give the birthday boy some kind of buzzer (pipe, whistle). The first guest clings to the “train” by the waist, all subsequent guests are new carriages. After the next doorbell rings, build the train again, drive up to the door with a whistle and “chug-chug-chug” - accompaniment :-).

Puppet theater

This is good organizational moment. Everyone gathered and sat down on chairs. Now it all depends on your acting abilities. Basically, you just act out a play with glove dolls, but at the end it’s better for the “Three Bears” or all the turnip heroes to congratulate the birthday boy.

Available in stores puppet theaters different types: magnetic, cardboard, shadow, etc. Cost - from 200 rubles. After the holiday, children enjoy playing with all the characters.


It's time to move! A short bowling tour (three tries each, for example). You can throw the ball into factory-made pins, or make it yourself.

Pour a little water (5-7 cm) into 5 plastic bottles or add beans, peas, pasta or coins for stability. Any ball will do: rubber, plastic.

Before each throw we count: “One-two-three!” (for three years, after all!)


Need an artistic dad. Or grandfather... B as a last resort, mom in a bear mask. Have two adults stretch out a baby blanket into a roof shape 1 meter from the floor. This is our little mansion. All the little baby animals climb into their house and wait for the bear. Clubfoot approaches with different sides blankets, pretending that the tower is about to be crushed. The children run away screaming as soon as he decides to sit on the “roof.”

Be patient the children will make you repeat the action 10 times :-).

Plasticine painting

Prepare simple images (coloring books are fine for little ones). Warm up high-quality plasticine in advance that does not stick to your hands. Give it to the children. You need to pinch off small pieces and lay out a plasticine mosaic along the contour of the picture.

You can draw one picture for everyone - a cake with three candles, let it be a collective creativity.


Three-year-old children are not yet very good at catching a ball, so I suggest put it in the net(if you don’t have a classic string bag, a white laundry bag will do). Let the presenter swing the net like a pendulum, and the children will catch or push the ball, responding to the commands “Cheese!” or "Rat!"

Face painting

If you don’t have experience, don’t risk painting your face with special paints; the result will not please either you or your child. But small drawings on the hand with crayons for the face and body are just right! Flowers, cars, butterflies... children will be happy to see how you decorate your next guest.

Merry orchestra

First, the children need to be dressed up. Buy ears, noses, masks and wigs, put on caps and funny hats. Now we're giving away « musical instruments» : whistles, lids, rustling bags, plastic bottles with coins, spoons, etc.

Now we turn on the polka and... Let the parents help by clapping. Or they film this cheerful orchestra :-). Let this 3rd birthday remain not only in memory!


This is such three-year-old humor. Parents will also find it funny when they see their children having fun. The bottom line is that to any question from the presenter you need to answer only the word “BUBLIC”:

- What is your name?
- Bagel...
- What did they give you today?
- Bagel...

More questions: What is your favorite toy, what is on your nose, who main character in the fairy tale “Kolobok”, what should you say if you are given a gift; what is the name of your kindergarten, what is always in your mom’s bag, what is your dog’s name, what do you take to the sea, what is in your dad’s wallet, and so on.

Only three

3rd birthday! We must remember this figure and this number! Prepare 10 disposable plates. Lay it on them various items in quantity from 1 to 6. Children need to make sure that there are only three items in all plates (add or remove).

They say that the birthday is
This is a celebration of one.
We will not agree with this.
We need to congratulate three.

Mom, who doesn't sleep at night,
What rocks until the morning.
Who's holding daddy's hand?
Which plays endlessly.

And, of course, your child,
After all, he is three today!
No matter how many words we say,
You alone will understand them.

That your child grew up in the world,
He was bright, smart and brave.
So that they don't forget about him
Happiness, joyful destiny.

So that he grows to your joy,
So that we can be proud of him,
So that obstacles get out of the way.
And may God bless!

Yes, three years have flown by
Your child has grown up.
Learned to speak
Run, jump and walk!

He can dance and joke,
He’s no longer shy around strangers,
Sings wonderful songs
He deserves praise for this.

Happy birthday to your little one!
Let him eat great porridge,
Smiles more often
Well, let life be sweeter!

Your baby is now 3 years old. May his childhood be the best and brightest. It grows without problems or hassle. Let him be in an island of warmth and joy. I wish him to grow up in prosperity, health and love.

How quickly the days fly by...
You are exactly three today,
And it seems like just yesterday
The first words were spoken.

You grow to the delight of your loved ones,
You bring them love and happiness.
May childhood give miracles.
May the heavens protect you!

From mom

You and I are inseparable,
I know you inside and out.
For forty weeks we were united,
For three years now we have been one.

You are the long-awaited meaning of life,
You are light and joy for me,
You are my fragrant flower.
I live, keeping that tag.

My precious angel,
Grow big for my joy!
I love you, my precious one,
You are the best on earth!

Three years is the date
Whatever you say!
I was once a baby
Well, now look:

And he jumps and jumps -
You won't be able to spot him!
Of course this means
That your baby has grown!

Let it be fun
Smart and happy
Obedient and healthy
Loved by everyone around!

We will celebrate three years!
We are pleased to note:
You can’t call it tiny -
How fast you are growing!

We wish you adventures,
Children's fairy-tale moments,
Amazing miracles
And toys - to the skies!

Surprise mom and dad
Amuse your grandmothers
Be smart, no doubt.
Happy birthday!

The child is already three.
Children, whatever you say,
Our joy, our happiness
Both outside and inside.

Three is a lucky number.
I want you to be lucky
Constantly. Only the "roof"
So that you don’t get carried away from happiness.

Let your child grow
So that you don't know worries,
Strengthen and prosper.
Happiness to you - from year to year.

My baby is already grown up
He has a snub nose
He has a serious look
The lights are burning in the eyes.

My three-year-old fidget
Feel free to step forward
Let from all obstacles and anger
God will protect you.

Happy birthday, my dear,
Be cheerful, don't be sad
You are smarter than everyone in the world
My little bundle of joy!

Three years ago your baby appeared,
And the whole world around me changed at that very hour.
We wish the baby to grow up well,
I played football and hockey with my father.

And built strong sand castles,
I learned my parents' advice,
So that it only gives a reason for pride,
But he never knew grief and troubles!

Count how many fingers there are. Come on, together - one, two, three!
Oh, so you’re three years old! Happy birthday! Look,
Three candles are lit on the birthday cake,
Blow on them, and we “Hurray!” Let's all shout very loudly.
Make us happy with your smile, don’t be capricious, play.
And when you grow up a little, you will know and understand everything.
Always listen to mom and dad, never get sick,
With your charm you attract people to you.
Baby, surprise everyone with your achievements.
Let success be nearby in your future life.
Smile! Happy birthday! Let your children's laughter ring!

3DP Net is an extremely useful utility that allows you to determine the model and install the appropriate driver for the network card installed on your computer. In fact, we have before us a separate tool from a comprehensive program for updating and installing missing drivers called . It is not difficult to guess why the developers decided to “isolate” a separate application from this complex. The fact is that without a driver for a network card, you will not be able to connect to the network and, as a result, update other drivers using.

The main advantage of 3DP Net is that the program (which, in general, is logical) does not require an Internet connection, and all the necessary drivers are already included with the program. The user can only launch the application, wait until it detects the network card model and selects the appropriate one software for her from her “library”. 3DP Net works equally effectively with both “desktop” computers and laptops. It is completely free, does not require installation, and is even translated into Russian. In general, we have before us an extremely useful tool that can come in handy at any time.

Key Features and Functions

  • can determine the network card model and install software for it;
  • is part software package 3DP Chip;
  • can create backup copies of already installed drivers;
  • does not require a network connection;
  • almost completely automated and distributed completely free of charge.


Preface 5
§ 1. Various types of sets in n-dimensional space 7
§ 2. Functions of several variables. Limit and continuity of functions of several variables. Displays 22
§ 3. Partial derivatives. Differential of a function of several variables. Differentiable mappings 54
§ 4. Partial derivatives and differentials of higher orders. Taylor formula and Taylor series 85
§ 5. Extrema of functions 110
§ 6. Geometric applications 129

§ 7. Jordan measure. Measurable sets 145
§ 8. Multiple Riemann integral and its properties 158
§ 9. Geometric and physical applications of multiple integrals 233
§ 10. Curvilinear integrals 255
§ 11. Surface integrals 278
§ 12. Scalar and vector fields 295
§ 13. Proper integrals depending on the parameter 324
§ 14. Uniform convergence of improper integrals depending on the parameter 334
§ 15. Differentiation and integration with respect to the parameter of improper integrals 346
§ 16. Euler and some other integrals 360
§ 17. Fourier integral. Fourier transform 370

§ 18. Metric spaces 379
§ 19. Normed and seminormed spaces 405
§ 20. Hilbert spaces 434
§ 21. Topological spaces. Generalized functions 450
References 467

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