Scenario on the theme of the New Year rooster. New Year's holiday scenario for middle grades "traveling the world with a rooster"


1. Cockerel.

2. Monkey Anfiska.

3. Crow Clarochka.

4. Penguin Sundae.

5. Snow Maiden.

6. Santa Claus.

Scenario progress:

Children stand in a round dance. The lights are burning on the Christmas tree. Solemn music sounds, voiceover.

Open your doors wider!

Come quickly!

We invite everyone to our holiday,

Adults, small children!

To make it more interesting,

Let's have fun together!

Hey guys, don't get lost

Everyone get ready for a round dance.

We will sing, play, dance,

Celebrate the New Year together!

Cheerful music sounds, the Cockerel and the Monkey run out onto the stage.


Snowflakes are flying to visit us,

Today is a holiday for the guys.

We've been waiting for him for a whole year,

And they got into a friendly round dance.


We'll sing and dance

Joking, laughing and playing.

And Santa Claus is already coming,

So hello, New Year holiday!

Cockerel: Hello guys, I'm a cheerful Cockerel, I've come to you for the whole year!

Monkey: And I am the monkey Anfiska! My year will end soon, so let's get to know each other quickly.

Cockerel: That's right, we need to find out what the guys' names are! What's your name, boy? (The cockerel runs between the children and asks their names.) What’s your name, girl? Vasya? And you, boy? Vetch? Oh, I'm completely confused!

Monkey: Take your time, Cockerel, let’s get to know the guys as follows.

Game "Dating"

Sasha and Masha should clap their hands,

Petya and Sveta stomp their feet,

Let Alina smile,

Andrey will laugh loudly.

Let Lena raise her hands,

And Misha’s hands are stuck in his trousers,

Let Tanya close her eyes,

Vanya will stretch out sweetly,

Vova pulled back his ears,

Showed Ksyusha's tongue

Let Kolya jump,

And Olya will sit down,

Natasha will wave her hand,

And Dashi stamps his foot.

And who I forgot to name,

Shout your name loudly. Three, four!

Cockerel: Great, so we met, and now it’s time to invite Grandfather Frost and his granddaughter Snegurochka to our holiday!

Monkey: Cockerel, let's write a telegram to Grandfather Frost, and the guys will help us with this. Boys and girls, I have almost completed the text of the telegram, but I forgot to write a few adjectives. Tell me.

The monkey approaches the children, asks them for words, and writes them into the telegram. Then he reads it out.

Telegram text

“_______ Grandfather Frost! All ________ guys are _______ impatiently awaiting your ________ arrival. New Year is the most _______ holiday of the year. We will be happy to sing _______ songs with you, perform ________ dances, recite ______ poems. The _______ holidays have finally arrived, and I don’t want to talk about _______ school. But we promise that we will only receive _______ marks. Sincerely, __________ girls and _________ boys!

Cockerel: What a good telegram, can I take it to Santa Claus?

Monkey: No, Cockerel, you’d better sing something for the guys, you sing very well, and I’ll quickly run to grandpa and come back. Well, I ran! (The monkey runs away.)

Cockerel: That's true. I sing great, would you like to listen? Then get ready...

Cheerful music sounds, Clarochka the crow and Sundae the penguin enter. Penguin carries a suitcase.

Crow: (out of breath). Oh, we were in such a hurry, we were in such a hurry to come to you for the holiday! Hello, cockerel, hello, guys. I am Clarochka the crow, and this is my friend - a penguin named Ice Cream. Ice cream, say hello to the guys.

Penguin: Hello, guys, we were in a hurry to come to you for the holiday, I really want to ruin it as soon as possible...

Cockerel: What does it mean to spoil?

Crow: You heard it, Cockerel. Not to spoil, but to see, to see, the penguin wants to see the holiday (Threatens the penguin with his wing.) He even came to us especially for this occasion from Antarctica, just from the train, so to speak. (Penguin nods.)

Penguin: Yes, it’s great here in Antarctica. What can I say, I’d better show you how we penguins have fun there, repeat after me!

Game “In Antarctica”

Here in Antarctica

Always fun!

Here in Antarctica

It's winter all year round!

In the morning we bathe (Shows movements.)

And we wipe ourselves with snow,

We go skiing.

We play snowballs every day.

Let's catch a polar bear

And let's ride it.

Now we are floating on an ice floe.

Put on your skates quickly

And let's go play hockey.

Let's all make a snowman

And we dance until the morning.

Crow: Well done, Ice Cream! How do you guys know how to have fun?

Cockerel: I wanted to sing a song, then you came.

Crow: So sing, sing, Cockerel, we won’t bother you! Guys, let's clap Rooster loudly and support his vocal endeavors. Sing!

The children clap, the Cockerel sings.

The song “Ku-ka-re-ku!”

The New Year is already upon us,

He will definitely come.

As soon as I sing for you

And I’ll shout “Ku-ka-re-ku!”

Don't stand there, my friend, and don't yawn,

Make a wish quickly.

Everything will be accomplished in the New Year,

I just shout “Ku-ka-re-ku!”

I am a cockerel, my year is coming,

Let everyone here sing with me.

What I scream in the morning

Let's sing, friends - “Ku-ka-re-ku!”

Crow: Bravo, bravo, how sweet. And what, Cockerel, is it true that if you don’t shout “Koo-ka-re-ku”, the New Year won’t come?

Cockerel: Well, of course, crow, my year is coming! The most colorful, brightest, most vocal New Year is the Year of the Rooster! Ku-ka-re-ku!

Crow: Oh, how well you shout, and we brought you a gift for such a loud voice. Penguin, get it. (Penguin opens the suitcase and takes out a popsicle.) Here, eat it, cockerel, this is the most delicious popsicle in the world, try it.

Cockerel: No, no, thanks, I'm saving the neck.

Crow: Oh, how inconvenient! My poor friend the penguin Ice Cream was bringing him a gift from Antarctica itself! I didn’t sleep at night, I kept blowing on the ice cream so that it wouldn’t melt. (Penguin nods.) But he refuses!

Cockerel: Sorry, crow, I'll eat, thanks for the gift.

The cockerel takes the ice cream and eats it. Magic music sounds. The lights on the Christmas tree go out. The cockerel starts coughing.

Crow: Oh, what happened, you poor thing?

Cockerel: (speaks in a whisper). My throat hurts! I think I'm sick!

Penguin: Hurray, it worked!

Crow: (singing). Petya, Petya, cockerel,

He won’t sing “Ku-ka-re-ku”

The Year of the Rooster will not come to you!

That's it, now I will be the hostess at the New Year's party! I announce to everyone that my New Year is coming soon - the Year of the Crow!

Cheerful music sounds and the Monkey comes running.

Monkey: Guys, I took a telegram to my grandfather, he was very happy, he said hello to you, he will soon come to us with his granddaughter for the holiday. (Approaches Cockerel.) Cockerel, why are you so sad?

Cockerel: My throat hurts!

Crow: Hello, thief monkey, do you want to be my friend? Forget about your Cockerel, because the New Year is coming soon - the Year of the Crow! This is great! All year long you will deceive everyone, be cunning and sneak, and most importantly - croak, croak, croak, as I do - Clarochka the crow! Kar-kar-kar!

Monkey: Don't croak! We don't need a New Year like this. The guys and I will figure out how to help Cockerel. You better fly away from here before it’s too late, otherwise Santa Claus will come soon and he’ll freeze you.

Penguin: So what, Santa Claus will come? I'm afraid of him!

Crow: (to the penguin). Be quiet! Okay, let's compete, let's see whose year is better, the Rooster or the Crow? If you complete all my tasks, then we will return Cockerel’s voice!

Monkey: Guys, do you think we can handle it? (Children answer “Yes!”) Of course, we can handle it. There are ten minutes left before Santa Claus arrives. Will you have time?

Penguin:(begging). No need for Santa Claus! Crow, maybe...

Crow:(interrupts). It can't! Quietly, don't panic. (To children.) Okay, okay, we'll make it! Let's see how you handle this game. I’ll ask you a few questions about Grandfather Frost: “What does he look like?”, “What does he do?” And you answer.

Game “Is this true, kids?”

Santa Claus loves fun

And he will come to us for the holiday.

Is this true, kids?

Answer together... (“Yes!”)

Santa Claus comes in May

He plays the drum

Give me an answer quickly

It's true, children... ("No!")

He brings us gifts

And he sings about the Christmas tree.

Is this true, kids?

Answer together... (“Yes!”)

That grandfather is as cunning as a fox

And it always bites.

Give me an answer quickly

It's true, children... ("No!")

Grandpa has a best friend

His name is Snowman.

Is this true, kids?

Answer together... (“Yes!”)

Santa Claus lives in a hollow,

Everyone is scared in the dark.

Give me an answer quickly

It's true, children... ("No!")

Grandpa loves to play

And dance at the Christmas tree.

Is this true, kids?

Answer together... (“Yes!”)

Penguin:(restless). Is Santa Claus really coming?

Monkey: It's still coming!

Crow:(to the penguin). What a coward you are, Ice Cream, I shouldn’t have contacted you. Stop crying, ours will take it anyway! (To children.) Okay, now I want to see how you can dance!


For the New Year to come,

We will dance well!

Let everyone help Cockerel,

And dances as best he can!

Guys, let's dance a cheerful and catchy dance - "Who dances at the holiday."

Game "Who's dancing at the party"

Santa Claus is dancing with us,

Red Nose is on fire!

Well, we'll dance now

Just like Grandfather Frost.

Music is playing. The monkey shows the movements of the dancing Santa Claus. The guys repeat after her.

Our snowman is dancing

He's not used to being sad.

Well, we'll dance now,

Like a cheerful Snowman.

Music is playing. The monkey shows the movements of the dancing Snowman. The guys repeat after her.

The Snow Maiden is dancing with us.

Laughs, as always.

Well, we'll dance now.

Like grandpa's granddaughter!

Music is playing. The monkey shows the movements of the dancing Snow Maiden. The guys repeat after her.

The children are dancing here.

The kids are having fun.

Turn up the music louder

Everyone dance like me!

Music is playing. The monkey shows movements. The children repeat after her.

Crow: You dance well, now I’ll come up with a more difficult task. I have some delicious riddles, now let's see if you can answer them!

Game "Tasty riddles"

Dads love, moms love

Very tasty...(Bananas)

It grows where there are no birches,

And his name is... (Coconut)

Sasha, Masha, Petit, Lily

They love to eat...(Kiwi)

I don't want to drink your kvass,

Better give...(Pineapple)

I'll go to the store soon,

And I’ll buy it there... (Orange)

The bear will pass through the nettles,

And, of course, he will eat all of it... (Raspberries)

Monkey: That's it, crow. You see how friendly the guys are. All your tests have passed, all your riddles have been answered. Now tell me, how can we get Cockerel’s voice back?

Crow: Well, since you are so friendly, we will definitely return Cockerel’s voice!

Penguin: When will Santa Claus come?

Crow: Come on, Ice Cream, take the milk out of the suitcase, now the Cockerel will drink the hot milk and his neck will go away.

Penguin: Or maybe it’s not necessary? Santa Claus will come! (Takes out milk.)

Crow: We must, we must, get it quickly.

Monkey: Again, you, crow, are you up to something?

Crow: You asked for it yourself. (Takes a carton of milk and approaches Cockerel.) Here, Petenka, drink the milk, the neck will go away right away.

The cockerel drinks milk, magic music sounds.

Cockerel: Oh, guys, I’m feeling sleepy, I’ll take a little nap here for now. (Lies under the Christmas tree.)


Sleep well, Cockerel,

You'll sleep through your New Year!

You can’t sing “Ku-ka-re-ku”

And you will fall asleep, you will fall asleep, you will fall asleep!

That’s it, your Cockerel fell asleep soundly, now I’ll definitely be in charge!

Monkey: Guys, what is this going on, we need to urgently call Grandfather Frost here! Help me. Three, four! Grandfather Frost! (The monkey and the guys call Santa Claus.)

Solemn music sounds. Father Frost and Snow Maiden appear.

Father Frost:

There are so many people in the hall,

A glorious holiday will be here.

They sent me a telegram

That they are really waiting for me here!

Snow Maiden:

We walked through snowy forests,

To get to a meeting with you.

My name is Snegurochka,

Glad to see you, friends!

Penguin: Santa Claus has come! (Freezes, looks at Santa Claus.)

Crow: Hello, Grandfather Frost! And I have good news for you, the New Year is coming - the Year of the Crow. And it will come only when I croak, but in order for me to croak, I must first be asked to do so. Well, ask me, ask me!

Monkey: Grandpa, freeze it!

Father Frost:

Okay my friends

I'll freeze it in earnest.

You are my staff, work hard,

And touch the crow!

Santa Claus touches Crow with his staff. The crow freezes.

Penguin: Santa Claus has come! (Stands in the same position as when Santa Claus appeared.)

Father Frost: (looks at the penguin.) Who else is this?

Monkey: And this is a penguin, he came from Antarctica, he helped the crow, although there is hope that he will improve.

Snow Maiden: Monkey, where is Cockerel? Somehow he is not visible here. I really want to hear his ringing “Ku-ka-re-ku!”

Monkey: Here he is, Snow Maiden! As soon as he fell asleep, the crow gave him sleepy milk to drink so that his year would not come.

Father Frost:

It’s clear, we need to help out Cockerel, help me, guys!

Petya, Petya, Cockerel,

We will bring back your New Year.

Through the blizzard and blizzard,

You will shout - “Ku-ka-re-ku!”

A miracle will happen here

And the New Year will come to us.

I will help you, friends,

Let's all shout “Ku-ka-re-ku!”

New Year will come to us soon.

And the Cockerel will sing for you.

And even a woodpecker on a bitch,

He will shout - “Ku-ka-re-ku!”

Magic music sounds. A loud sound is heard - “Ku-ka-re-ku!” The Cockerel arrives.

Cockerel: Thank you guys, thank you Santa Claus! My sore throat is gone, I’m healthy now! Friends, let's celebrate the holiday as soon as possible!

Penguin: What, Santa Claus has already left?

Cockerel: Here, here! Guys, what are we going to do with the crow and the penguin?

Penguin:(comes to his senses, runs around Santa Claus). Sorry guys, sorry Grandfather Frost. And you, it turns out, are not as evil and scary as the crow said about you. Can I stay with the guys at the holiday, and then I’ll tell everyone in Antarctica how much fun you have here?

Father Frost: Well, guys, let's leave Penguin at the party? (Children answer “Yes!”) Okay, get up with the guys in a round dance. But, friends, you will have to say goodbye to the crow; it has no place here at the holiday. (Approaches the crow.)

You, my staff, work hard,

And touch the crow.

Let her fly home

There will be one on New Year's Day.

Snow Maiden: I feel sorry for her, but, nevertheless,

Let him think about his behavior!

Santa Claus touches the crow with his staff. Magic music sounds, the crow comes to life and flies away, cawing.

Father Frost:

The snow is swirling outside the window,

And the frost gets stronger.

New Year is knocking on the door!

The holiday is coming!

Friends, let's sing my favorite song, “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.”

Snow Maiden:

Grandfather, let the song ring loudly

It spilled in this room.

Make our Christmas tree

The fire quickly lit up!

Father Frost: Eh, I’m an old fool, my head has a hole, I completely forgot about the Christmas tree! Come on guys, help me!

Light up the lights bright

For dancing and fun,

Wake up quickly, beauty,

Make the Christmas tree happy for everyone.

Let's shout loudly

To make the tree hot:

“Burn, burn, Christmas tree,

Burn, burn brightly!”

Magical music sounds and the lights on the Christmas tree light up.

Snow Maiden: And now it's time

Let's sing a song, friends!

Performance of the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”

Snow Maiden: And now, guys, I want to spend one with you interesting game, and it’s called “Happy New Year - Hurray.” Be careful, guys, if I put my hands down, the boys shout “Happy New...”. If I raise my hands up, the girls should shout “Year…”. Well, if I clap my hands, we all shout “Hurray!” in unison. Do you understand the task? Then let's start!

Game "Happy New Year - Hurray"

During the game, Santa Claus loses his mitten. The monkey picks it up.

Monkey: Grandfather Frost, look carefully, you’ve lost your mitten. Play with us! Guys, pass the mitten around, and you, grandpa, catch up!

Father Frost: Hey, mischievous people, well, let's play.

Game "Mitten"

Cheerful music sounds, the guys pass the mitten to each other in a circle. Santa Claus is trying to catch up with her. After unsuccessful attempts to pick up the mitten, grandfather sits down on a chair. Children return what is missing.

Santa Claus: (laughs). I'm tired, guys, oh, mischievous, mischievous. Do you like to dance? Now let's see, I'm announcing the start of the New Year's disco!

Disco program.

Cockerel: Goodbye! Don't get sick!

Have fun, laugh more often,

Be full of joy.

Both healthy and strong!

Father Frost: The past year is leaving the planet,

The New Year is in a hurry to replace it.

Grandfather wishes you to study well!

And have fun living the Year of the Rooster!

Snow Maiden:

Our New Year's holiday is coming to an end,

The moments of parting came.

Let's say it in simple words:

“See you friends, goodbye!”

Solemn music sounds, the heroes leave.

This scenario for New Year 2017 I plan to spend it myself in the company in which I will meet this New Year's Eve. I will work out everything down to the smallest detail later and make adjustments along the way. However, I am convinced that even in the form in which the script and competitions are now, they can help you in holding your individual holiday. When compiling I relied on the following requirements specifically our company, and this is:

  • versatility, since the age of guests is from 3 to 60 years. Targeted at adults.
  • without expensive props and special professional equipment. Of course, I plan to direct rather than conduct in the sense of a professional presenter with the voice of an entertainer. Based on this - ease.
  • without Father Frost and Snow Maiden

New Year's signs

The presenter asks you to write a simple wish, and one that can actually come true today, and promises that he will explain why later and moves on to New Year’s signs:

Clasp your hands. If the right hand is on top. Then a new car is shining for you in the new year, and if it’s the left one, then real estate is shining for you.

Place one foot on top of the other. If your right foot is on top, then today you will dance until you drop, and if your left foot is on top, then you will also dance until you drop, but not dance, but drink.

Please close your eyes. If you close your left eye, then today all your wishes will come true, and if you close your right eye, it will be you who will have to fulfill the wishes of those with left eyes.

Cool New Year's toast eyeliner

Now, first close your right eye, look at her with your left, then close your left eye and look at her with your right! Then look at it carefully with both eyes, as if mentally moving it away and bringing it closer! It feels like we are hypnotizing her! Although no matter how much we hypnotize the bottle, it won’t make the glass fuller! Then take the initiative and fill the glasses, but not yours! (Toast, Happy New Year 2017!)

Lottery 2017 - DIY New Year's craft

Next, I plan to hold a New Year's lottery, which will be a drawing of a New Year's tree decorated with balls of different colors. These balls can be washed with a coin - and read either a prophecy-horoscope for 2017, or New Year's forfeits, or a gift.

On sheet A2, draw a Christmas tree, color it green and leave space for round balls.

In place of the New Year's balls:

  1. write the chosen option (fanta, gift or horoscope) with a marker or a simple pencil
  2. Next is a layer of hygienic lipstick
  3. Next layer acrylic paint and glitter

I'll post it a little later step by step photo manufacturing instructions...

New Year is truly a global holiday, because it is celebrated in all corners of the Earth. Each country has its own traditions and a wizard who pampers children and adults with gifts... And, of course, all wizards are brothers to each other. But, despite the common cause, everyone is special, with their own charisma, image and resourcefulness, which is especially noticeable in the way they present gifts.

Well, because: All people are brothers too, and our company behaved not just well, but well in global scale, then we received gifts from several wizard brothers at once. However, only the one who names the name of the wizard (the author of the gift), or at least the homeland of the New Year's guest, will be able to receive it.

And these New Year cards were left as a hint:

1. French brother of Santa Claus Pere Noel.

On New Year's Eve, it moves across rooftops and down chimneys and pipes into apartments and houses to hide gifts in shoes.

(Gift: New Year's magnet)

2. USA - Santa Claus.

Santa is accompanied by his faithful servant, a talking reindeer named Rudolph the Red Nose. To fly across the sky, all Santa needs to do is stick his finger in his nostril.

(The head of a deer with a string of New Year’s cracker sticking out of its nose, which, when pulled, will cause a festive explosion)

3. Norway – Nisse (little brownies)

Despite their small stature, they are very strong. If desired, the brownie becomes invisible, loves dusty attics and cupboards with dishes, and is friends with pets. Nisse's favorite treat is sweet oatmeal with a piece of butter.

(Hide a festively decorated bowl of oatmeal on a shelf with a square candy “cow” inside)

4) Italy – Befana

And in Italy, Santa Claus is actually a woman, and a real witch named Befana, similar to our Baba Yaga, right? Something tells me that we can find her here - it leads me to the portraits. A gift for the person who guessed correctly. For example, lipstick or a mirror for girls, or a car sticker with a picture of a woman or a kiss.

Examples of portraits:

I think you guessed that the witch is the penultimate

5) Yolloupukki.

Finnish Santa Claus, who is considered the oldest wizard brother in the world, is actually called quite funny - Joulupukki.


6) Yakut Santa Claus - Chyskhaan

The Yakut brother of our grandfather Moroz was personified as a white bull with blue spots, he has huge horns and frosty breath; when he walked around the expanses of the earth, everything froze, people and animals suffered from the cold.

Gift in the refrigerator (freezer) in a frozen piece of ice (ice cream shaped keychain)

Only the Russian Father Frost has a family, Winter is his wife and Snow Maiden is his granddaughter. And now he is waiting for us to call him. (Hearing his name, Grandfather puts on a cap and says a toast)

This is what I was thinking about: “snowflake” - masculine or feminine. Well, you must admit, since there are so many of them in winter, there must be men too, otherwise how would they multiply...

5 volunteers are tested for “snowiness”

The competition itself is held in several stages:

  1. Depict and voice a snowflake the way they imagine.
  2. Then he says that everything is in vain, because it doesn’t look like a snowflake and shows how it should be and gives instructions after the word “Snowflake” - to repeat, the participants sit down on one leg, supposedly holding the hem in different sides, cross their legs and sing “la-la-la” in a thin voice. Laughter is already guaranteed)
  3. Next, the presenter shows a new movement “Blizzard” - the participants raise one hand up and spin around themselves at the same time.
  4. The word “snowdrift” is pronounced, they gather in a circle, hug each other’s shoulders and shout “Happy New Year!” twice.


There was a Christmas tree and snowflakes too. They appeased Santa Claus, received gifts, but forgot about the symbol of the year...

Horoscope for the New Year 2017 - symbol of the Rooster

As the reading progresses, guests raise their hands when they hear their eastern horoscope sign

According to legend, before leaving the Earth, Buddha invited all the animals to come to him. And the first twelve little animals who came to say goodbye to him, Buddha promised to give the opportunity to lead a whole year, every twelve years. The first to run to the Buddha was a nimble rat, then the hard worker Ox came, followed by the brave Tiger, followed by the quiet Rabbit, softly moving his paws, immediately after him a mighty Dragon appeared and a wise Snake crawled, then a graceful Horse galloped up and arrived on thin legs of a virtuoso Goat, followed by a savvy Monkey, followed by a motley Rooster, walking proudly, then a faithful Dog came and, finally, a cheerful Pig ran out to the sacred gathering place.

Don’t worry, I won’t list the characteristics for a long time - I’ll say briefly - that this is the element of Fire, i.e. energy and continuous movement towards victory. And yet, for the Rooster, for the Rooster’s favorites, as well as for the most symbolic animal, everything should be clear. And how clearly our company will be able to move towards victory, we will now check.

Three ladies and two men are called (or vice versa). Three ladies are quiz participants; they are asked questions in turn, to which three answer options are offered. Men are an improvised curtain, one of them (if the question is answered correctly) dances along the stage and back to track No. 1 “Everything is clear”

and the second, if the answer was incorrect, also performs in an impromptu dance to track No. 2 “Paso Doble”.

And so after each answer, one of the men will have to perform his “beat”.

Participants are asked three questions (question No. 10 is a spare).

1. What are the names of the children of a rooster and a hen?

  • Chickens
  • rooster
  • chickens

2. What family do chickens belong to?

  • to the passerine family
  • to the pheasant family
  • to the cat family

3. Where did wild bank chickens live?

  • in Europe
  • in Asia
  • in Africa

4. How many breeds of chickens are currently listed in European standard in poultry farming?

  • about 180
  • about 230
  • about 340
  • in kashars
  • in enclosures
  • in poultry houses

6. In which countries is the rooster the national bird?

  • Japan and China
  • France and Kenya
  • England and Mongolia

7. What does the crowing of a rooster mean?

  • call for lunch
  • start of a new day
  • end of the working day

8. From what country did chickens come to China?

  • from England
  • from India
  • From Russia

9. Which bird is the smallest representative of chickens in Russia?

  • partridge
  • quail
  • capercaillie

10. What, according to popular belief, disappears with the first cry of a rooster?

  • clouds in the sky
  • night ghosts
  • leaves on the treetops

Finally, it is better to hold so-called song competitions.

New Year's hit 2017

For example,

We call three people and give them the lyrics of the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”; their task is for each to perform it in their own variation. The first participant performs in rap style

Autumn is already a reason to think about what your New Year’s corporate party 2017 will be like. The coming year will pass under the sign of the rooster, so there are a lot of ideas for thought and creativity. We collected many of them in one place and we got it new script New Year's corporate party 2017 - year of the rooster. Cool script interesting ideas and a lot of laughter on your holiday. Such New Year you will never forget. So watch and use the material.

Friends! 2016 is coming to an end. The rooster is already standing on the threshold and waiting for 2017 to rule. Are you ready to meet him?
There were so many good things in the past year. Let's remember everything that was good?
(guests remember and answer)
Yes, so many good things. But I am sure that the best is yet to come for everyone. Perhaps already in the new year, perhaps after some time.
I want to start our holiday today with the following poem:

I suggest not putting the matter in a drawer. And start having fun right away. And for starters, here's a fun dance game.

Dance game.

The participants of the game come out. Everyone gets their own role: chicken, cat, dog, sheep, goat, cow, tractor and others (watch the video).
When all the roles are distributed, then show everyone their movement. They repeat it and remember it. Then you turn on the song or video and the participants dance their movements when they are sung in the songs.
Watch an example of the game in the video:

Great! We warmed up. And we can continue playing. We danced, now maybe we can sing?

Competition - let's sing?!
Participants needed for the competition: 5 people. They will sing a New Year's song - a Christmas tree was born in the forest.
But you just need to sing it in a special way. The first one sings in rock style. The second one is in rap style. The third is in the style of chanson, the fourth in the style of opera, and the fifth in the style of Russian folk song. Then the other guests choose the winner.

2017 is already upon us. We found out that this will be the year of the rooster. I invite 18 people to the stage, and from them we need to make two teams of 9 people.

Rebuilding game.
And so, two teams of 9 people each. Each team has 9 letter signs. From these letters you can make a phrase: YEAR OF THE ROOSTER.
The host asks a question, and the teams must guess the answer. And make up a word. Whoever copes with the task receives one point.
Examples of questions for the game:

The year 2016 was the year of Russian cinema. Do you love movies? Do you often go to cinemas? This means you can easily cope with the next task.

Game - guess the movie.
In this video competition, guests guess films and TV series. A still frame from a film or TV series appears on the screen, and guests give their answers. But it’s not so simple: the actors’ faces are hidden under masks! When everyone has given their options, the next frame appears where the masks are no longer there. And everyone sees the title of the film. Who can answer correctly the most? He receives a prize - a collection of films about the New Year.

Now let's shout a little! And our chant will help us with this. I read the first three lines, and you all read the last one: we will celebrate the year of the rooster!


And now I ask everyone who was born under the year of the rooster to come up to my stage.

Comic game block - who was born under the year of the rooster?
Those are standing on the stage. Who was born under the year of the rooster? The presenter invites them to remember which famous people were also born under this sign. Then the presenter says:
- and the following people were also born under the year of the rooster: Alexander Suvorov, Socrates and Elton John! If so, then let's play these great people.
First, participants must play Suvorov. They are blindfolded and a picture of a rooster without a tail is attached to the wall. Participants are given a tail, which must be attached to the rooster.
Next we play Socrates. This is a great speaker; people listened to his speeches for hours on end. Therefore, each participant must say a toast that will be listened to and listened to, listened to and listened to... in general, you just need to say a beautiful toast in honor of the New Year.
And finally, let's play Elton John! Stop, don't be upset, we play differently. each participant must perform any New Year's song in the style of Elton John.

After all the tests, we give the participants memorable gifts in honor of their year.

Answer me this question: have you already had a fair amount to drink? Then you can move on to the intellectual game!

Intellectual game - what came first?
Everyone knows that there is still a debate about which came first: the egg or the chicken. We call the participants on stage, and they take turns offering their arguments in favor of one version or another. The funnier the version, the greater the chance of winning. The one who turns out to be the funniest wins.

And now I propose to raise our glasses and celebrate the New Year with the chimes ringing! Happy New Year!

The most anticipated holiday is the New Year, because it brings with it not only a joyful mood, many gifts, pleasant communication and a delicious festive table, but also the main thing in the life of any person - hope. Without it, it is impossible to look into the future, which means you should do everything to ensure that success accompanies you throughout the coming year, so that all your dreams and expectations come true.
Where and how best to celebrate New Year 2017?

The symbol of the coming year will be the Fire Rooster. His likes and dislikes largely determine the nature of the events that will certainly happen to all of us over the next 12 months. Therefore, the best strategy for spending the New Year holidays will be to properly meet 2017, so that the guardian is satisfied and favors all our endeavors. The Fire Rooster prefers to adhere to established family traditions. Therefore, it is recommended to celebrate the New Year 2017 - the Rooster at home, with family and loved ones.

A noisy (but not riotous) friendly company, united by family ties, will certainly also appeal to the eccentric and emotional symbol of the eastern horoscope.

What to wear for the New Year of the Rooster 2017

The best color scheme for New Year 2017 is red and gold. Don’t get carried away by the neckline and transparent fabrics - such an image is unlikely to attract the attention of the sophisticated Rooster. A woman’s look should consist of a neat cocktail dress in red, yellow, pastel golden tones, high-heeled shoes that visually lengthen and decorate a woman’s leg, and accessories to match the main color. Would be a great addition jewelry made of gold (or gold), pearls (including artificial ones).

Men can celebrate New Year's Eve in a less formal outfit. But if he came to visit arm in arm with his missus, then he should comply. A formal suit can significantly reduce the level of comfort at such a fun holiday, but welcome 2017 in home clothes or in his everyday image, will look almost immoral in the eyes of the pedantic Fire Rooster.
How to decorate your house and Christmas tree

The color scheme when decorating the house should correspond to the favorite color scheme of the 2017 symbol of the Fire Rooster. However, you can also decorate the house with items in green and blue colors, which, along with red, are traditional for the New Year holidays.

The interior should be dominated by decorations made from natural materials. It will be difficult to overdo it with sparkle and lights, because the New Year cannot be imagined without light, colors, smiles and the accompanying surroundings.

The Fire Rooster, like many living beings, will approve of the presence artificial Christmas tree, which does not in any way detract from the fact of his love for natural materials. Use tinsel in golden and red shades, this will give the heart of the upcoming celebrations - the New Year tree - a luxurious and elegant look, and this will perfectly emphasize the overall atmosphere of the New Year 2017.

To dilute the social mood, you can decorate the interior with soft capes, which go so well with frosty winter days, and will also give a combination of home comfort and a special event. The best decoration for the New Year 2017 are ripe red apples, matching the favorite color of the Fire Rooster. Instead of a New Year's star, you can use a Rooster figurine.

What to cook for the New Year's table 2017. Table setting

The 2017 New Year's table should not include poultry dishes, in particular chicken. It’s better to cook something from lamb, beef or pork for the New Year. All game should be crossed off the menu: ducks, turkeys, quails. Using chicken eggs as decoration on the New Year's table is also not recommended.

Since the Rooster is a herbivorous bird, a variety of vegetarian dishes will come in handy when celebrating the New Year 2017 and Christmas. It is advisable that the menu include a variety of vegetables, fruits and herbs, as well as a grain dish (for example, millet or rice). If we are preparing for the New Year 2017, in addition to tangerines, you can put in the holiday basket those types of fruits that you like. everyday life do not usually eat - for example, mango, physalis, papaya, etc. Meat (with the exception of chicken, of course) is recommended to be served in moderation and on small plates - or as part of sandwiches in combination with grain baked goods and vegetables. A small saucer with sprouted grains should be placed in the center of the table. Since the Rooster is poultry, will be welcome at the table various types homemade portioned baked goods. Aperitifs - light cocktails (which literally means “rooster tail” in English) will help whet the appetite of guests. In addition, it is recommended to serve invigorating drinks to the table - wine, vermouth, mulled wine, a variety of liqueurs, liqueurs and liqueurs.

Table setting should also take into account the tastes of the symbol of 2017. Use a plain tablecloth in light colors that will not attract attention. But the dishes can be bright, preferably from natural materials. Synthetics and plastics should be avoided this year.

Scenario for celebrating the New Year 2017 Rooster - at home

To prevent the holiday from being boring and turning into just another feast, you should provide a New Year's scenario, thanks to which you will not only have a good time, but also have an active and fun time with your family, relatives or friends.

In families with children, you should definitely come up with funny scenario, as well as funny and funny competitions for the New Year 2017 to create an exciting adventure that will be remembered not only by children, but will also involve adults, addicted to the world of a real fairy-tale childhood.

The simplest and most reliable way to celebrate the New Year 2017 in an interesting way will be a masquerade ball. Just preparing costumes will become a pleasant pastime for a little person.

If several children are expected at the party, then agree with their parents about who will come in what costumes. You can prepare a costume party for the older generation. The holiday scenario may also include the so-called face control at the entrance to the room where the feast will take place: without a costume there is no move.

It will be a great pleasure for children to participate in New Year's scene or prepare a performance. Help the kids assign roles and organize the action. Let adults also take part in the fairy tale, for example, in the roles of the Snow Maiden and Father Frost, who, at the end of the performance, will distribute gifts to everyone for the New Year 2017.

Advice. It is not necessary to prepare expensive gifts, especially if a lot of guests are expected at the holiday. Prefer small souvenirs that everyone can enjoy (mugs, small soft toys, souvenirs, scarves, warm socks, Christmas decorations and any New Year paraphernalia). If you have stocked up on the required number of gifts, you can invite each of the guests (including children) to pull a gift out of the bag themselves.

Ideas for New Year 2017 competitions for children and adults

First of all, funny and cool scenarios for the New Year 2017, the year of the fiery Rooster, may include the following New Year's competitions, entertainment and games.

Adults and children, divided into teams, draw the symbol of the year: the outgoing one - the Monkey or the upcoming one - the Rooster. Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden determine the winner

You can arrange a competition to see who knows more poems and songs about the New Year.

A great pastime is the game “Crocodile”: without words, members of one team must explain a word or phrase to members of the other team.

Children really like a game called “Swap Role,” when they act as adults, and their parents take their place: the children “educate” or show funny skits.
Cool New Year's scenarios 2017 for youth
Funny competitions for boys

Cut out snowflakes are placed on the table. Participants take positions and, at a signal, begin to blow on snowflakes. Whoever reaches the finish line faster wins.

You can come up with a different kind of entertainment by asking the young men to cut out snowflakes for time (and quality) on their own. After a minute has passed, the winner is determined.

The next competition could be “Dress up the Snow Maiden”. Each participant is given all kinds of items that can be used as decorations. With their help, the young man must decorate his Snow Maiden so that she wins the competition as the most original Snow Maiden of this New Year.
New Year's competitions for girls

Notes with the name of one or another are placed in the hat. young man who is present at the celebration. The girl must take out a piece of paper with a name and come up with an adjective for each letter of the boy’s full name that would characterize this young man.

The girls are blindfolded. Some objects are placed on a chair, on which you should sit on top and determine, without looking or feeling with your hands, what these objects are and in what quantity.

The song competition is extremely popular among the fair sex. Great idea for those rooms where karaoke is provided, but this is not necessary. After the performance of each performer, the hosts of the holiday or Father Frost and Snow Maiden determine the winner.
Scenario for New Year's corporate party 2017 - competitions

Don't get bored on New Year's corporate party Cool and fun New Year competitions will help you in 2017:

A certain number of balloons are inflated according to the number of participants. Each ball contains a note with a task. All participants must pop the balloon without using their hands and complete the task.

Sitting at the New Year's table, each of those present should compliment some part of the body of the person sitting next to them. After all the compliments have been made, you need to kiss the person in the place that you liked the most.

Middle group NEW YEAR 2016

Adults – Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, Fox, Cockerel
Children - chickens, snowflakes, wolves, bears

A festively decorated hall.
Music is playing.

Children run into the hall and perform a festive formation.


And, guys, the Christmas tree came to our kindergarten for the holiday.

There are so many lights, so many toys, how beautiful her outfit is.

1 child:

There is no better gift for us than a forest Christmas tree,

Why don't the lights on it sparkle brightly?

2 children:

(you can add more poems)



Christmas tree, Christmas tree light up!

The Christmas tree lights up.

The Christmas tree goes out

The Christmas tree lights up

Round dance ________________


MAGIC BELLS (musical sketch with bells)

The Snow Maiden comes out

I hurried to you guys
She rushed through the forest without looking back,
I wanted to see you so much
What, like a bird, flew to you,
I drove my horse quickly,
Children, were you waiting for me?
Or maybe they didn’t wait?

We waited, waited, really waited!

I'm happy, that's it,
Today it just blossomed
And with me to your holiday
I brought the cockerel!
Where are you, Petya? Answer me!
Show up in front of the Christmas tree!

The Cockerel appears

Aty-baty, aty-baty,
I'm walking towards you guys
I boldly move forward
To rule the world for a year!
I am always eager to win,
“Symbol of the year” I am called!

There are no secrets and there is no secret -

Everyone is pleased with this news,
Petya lifts him up with song
All of you early at dawn,
The sun wakes up our cockerel,

Cockerel, tell me the secret,
Will the year be bright, or not?

I'll scream loudly,
I will shine the whole year brightly,
Let it be very bright
From the bottom of my heart I want it this way
So that everything is alright
The chickens will help me too!

Shouts: - Crow!

Children run out in chicken costumes "Chicken Dance"


Snowflakes are spinning in white dresses!


Music, the Fox comes out from behind the tree!

The news rushed across the earth,
What symbol do you have here?
Don't keep it a secret
Where is he? Come on, show me!

Spurs, beak and comb,
Here it is, the symbol - the Cockerel,
Bypass all prejudices
He will rule all year!

What a symbol! That's it!
Jump into my bag here!
I love Cockerel
So that there are giblets in the soup!

SNOW MAIDEN , addressing FOX:
You're nothing but trouble!
Why did you come here?
We will protect the cockerel
And we won’t give it to you!
If the Cockerel is not there,
Who will rule the year?
We are without a symbol, friends,
Well, no way in a year!

Well, I'll tell you all:
- I’ll eat Petya anyway!
Where are you, wolves and bears!

Hey, hurry up you and you
Everyone come to me, I need you!

Children in costumes run up to Fox.

The cockerel stands in the middle, he is pretended to be pulled towards him with varying success on one side by the Fox and the Wolf and the Bear, on the other side by the Snow Maiden and the chickens. The Fox and company begin to gradually pull the Cockerel over to their side. The Fox throws a bag over Cockerel and takes him behind the tree.

Cockerel's life is a threat,
You need to call Santa Claus,
Let's shout for the trouble to go away:
- Santa Claus, come here!

The children all shout together:
- Santa Claus, come here!

Santa Claus enters with a magic staff and bag!

I hear my name
And I’m already here!
So what happened here?
Why was I in a hurry?

Help us quickly, Grandfather,
So that the Rooster does not become dinner!
So that his Fox and wolves
They didn't eat it on the sly!

FATHER FROST knocks with a magic staff: (The fox peeks out from behind the tree)
- Oh, scoundrel! Ah, Lisa!
Run away quickly into the forests,
Don't joke with me
And bring all your friends!
I won’t forgive you any harm today,
I'll turn everyone into icicles!

The Fox lets go of the Cockerel, they crouch and squint, shaking with fear:

Addressing Cockerel,
- Forgive me, my friend Petya,
Us for all these actions,
We won't be evil anymore -
I swear to you and the people!

Well, let’s believe it, children,
Are we making these promises?
We will get even with them,
Or should we let you stay?
Your word, kids!
Shall we allow it?

Yes, we will!

COCK: Crow! Kids! It's time to celebrate the New Year.

Well, since we have peace, people,
So, let's do a round dance!
Get together in a circle,
From now on everyone here is a friend!



“There is nothing better in the world”

Senior group 2016





Christmas trees and snowmen


Children enter the hall to the song “A snowstorm has swept my city” to the music, walk with clapping, dance, stand near the Christmas tree =

Leading. It's snowing outside the window,
Fluffy snow, New Year's.
Happy New Year to everyone, everyone, everyone,
Congratulations today!
1 child. How beautiful it is in our hall,
And elegant and light,
As if in winter forest got hit
Everything around is white - white!
2 child. The top of the Christmas tree
In a silver fringe,
And frost on the birch trees,
Like holiday sparkles
There is fringe on the branches of snow
And she brought it...
Children. Winter!
3 child. Hello Christmas tree, furry friend,
There is silvery frost in the branches!
Hello music and laughter.
All: Today's holiday is the best!

ROUND DANCE_____________________

Children sit down

The soundtrack of the song “There is nothing better in the world” plays.

The hall includes:

Troubadour: Greetings, dear audience!

What an elegant, wonderful room...
Where have we ended up?

Donkey: I think it's a carnival here
Did we get it right?

Troubadour: Great! So we made it on time
And some people have been waiting for us for a long time!

Cat: Did you recognize us? Certainly!

All: We are great talents.
We are singers and musicians.

ROOSTER: Today we came here
To your place
holiday noble.

New Year for the crow – the Year of the Rooster is coming!!!

Dog: We've walked a lot of roads,
And Glory was everywhere for us!

And now, surprisingly, the show begins!


Aty-baty, aty-baty,
I'm walking towards you guys
I boldly move forward
To rule the world for a year!
I am always eager to win,
“Symbol of the year” I am called!

There are no secrets and there is no secret -

Everyone is pleased with this news,
Petya lifts him up with song
All of you early at dawn,
The sun wakes up our cockerel,
This means that the whole year will be bright!

Cockerel, tell me the secret,
Will the year be bright, or not?

I'll scream loudly,
I will shine the whole year brightly,
Let it be very bright
From the bottom of my heart I want it this way


You're not cold, Cockerel,

Golden comb?

COCK: I’m not afraid of winter, I really like it!

Let's sing loudly, have fun and play!


Children sit down

Leading: Can you hear the music, guys? In the palace of the King, the Beautiful Princess is preparing for the New Year's ball!


After the dance, the children sit down, the Atamansha and the robbers appear


1.They say today is a holiday

New Year's Eve for the guys

The tree is full of different toys,

Her outfit suits her.

Together: Oh, lyu-lyu (2 times)

And I love holidays (2 times)

2. There will be a lot of gifts there,

Santa Claus is already in the forest

Covers all roads

And I love sweets.

Together: Oh, lyu-lyu (2 times)

And I love sweets (2 times)

Chieftain: Hello, little ones!

Have you already gathered for the holiday, are you waiting for Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, gifts?

You won't get any holiday, you won't get any gifts!

(children argue)

That's it, chick! Hey robbers! What year is it now?

Robbers: Rooster!

Chieftain: So we’ll catch this Rooster, fry it, eat it and that’s it, bye bye, not the New Year!

(The robbers laugh and leave)


After the dance the Cockerel appears

COCK: I got lost in the forest, I wouldn’t see the Fox!

I’ll sit on the stump and wait for the musicians!

(Robbers appear)

ATAMANSH: Oh look what I see! Petya petya cockerel, golden comb!

What a symbol! That's it!
Jump into our bag here!
I love Cockerel
So that there are giblets in the soup!

The cockerel screams KUKUREKU! HELP!

(chase, around the Christmas tree, robbers grab the Rooster, put him in a sack and take him away)

HOST: There is a threat to COCKER'S life, we must call Santa Claus!

The name is Santa Claus

Exit of Santa Claus, greeting

I hear my name
And I’m already here!
So what happened here?
Why was I in a hurry?

(children tell)


(magic music, Atamansha with robbers and a sack with Cockerel appear)

FATHER FROST: I won’t forgive you any harm today,
I'll turn everyone into icicles!

(magical music sounds)





New Year's party

Preparatory group


Dadon, Tsar Cockerel -

Shchut - Shamakhan queen, retinue

Christmas trees-


Children's entry - Dance-Song NEW YEAR

Poems for children: (add)

Our dear guests,

We hasten to congratulate everyone

May they come in the coming year

Good luck and success to you

May there be good people for you,

Not afraid of worries

It won't just be new,

And happy New Year!

ALL Happy New Year

Everyone who came to this hall!

Let's start, let's start

New Year's carnival!

(music plays, children sit down)

King Dodon comes out with his retinue

DADON: I am the great King Dodon,

I send my regards to the audience.


The holiday is coming soon,

New Year is approaching.

I will greet guests

Celebrate this holiday.

(sits on the throne)


Jester: Listen people to an honest order,

The king issued the following decree:

"People fairyland We must be at that ball!”

DADON : Listen, jester, you invited everyone to our carnival holiday,

Yes, I forgot to decorate the Christmas tree with an emerald needle!

Jester: Oh forgive me, I forgot

I decorated three Christmas trees!



DADON Young guest from the forest -

Our Russian princess!

The green of the dress delights,

Everything sparkles with lights!

Beads, balls, firecrackers,

Curls made of paper.

golden crown

Above the thick fluffy crown

The whole outfit is brand new!

Hello, miracle Christmas tree!

Herringbone1 Fluffy Christmas tree

fragrant Christmas tree,

The Christmas tree is elegant - I’m so fine!

Herringbone 2 On furry prickly paws

The Christmas tree brings the smell to the house:

The smell of heated pine needles,

The smell of freshness and wind!

Herringbone 3 The Christmas tree has stretched out its branches, it smells of forest and winter,

Toys and fringed firecrackers hung from the Christmas tree,

We clapped our hands, stood together in a round dance,

Such a good and cheerful New Year has come


The children sit down, the sage appears with a bag, bows

Sage: Hello formidable King Dadon,

I send you a prostration,

From me, accept the bird into your royal room

(COCKER appears from the bag)

Aty-baty, aty-baty,
I'm walking towards you guys
I boldly move forward
To rule the world for a year!
I am always eager to win,
“Symbol of the year” I am called!

There are no secrets and there is no secret -

Everyone is pleased with this news,
Petya lifts him up with song
All of you early at dawn,
The sun wakes up our cockerel,
This means that the whole year will be bright!

Cockerel, tell me the secret,
Will the year be bright, or not?

I'll scream loudly,
I will shine the whole year brightly,
Let it be very bright
From the bottom of my heart I want it this way

SAGE: Take care of the Cockerel, the golden comb,

If he sits quietly,

The New Year will come peacefully,

Well, if you expect trouble,

My cockerel will perk up,

(The cockerel crows)

DADON : Thank you, I served you,

For such a favor,

Your first will,

I'll do it like mine

SAGE: Show me the girl - the Shamakhan queen!

DADON claps his hands three times

ORIENTAL DANCE ___________________

DADON I announce a ball for everyone, a New Year's carnival!


(after the polka the children sit down)

The robbers appear, the robbers' DANCE

ROBBER 1 The news rushed across the earth,
What symbol do you have here?
Don't keep it a secret
Where is he? Come on, show me!

ROBBER 2 That's the symbol! That's it!
Jump into our bag here!
I love Cockerel
So that there are giblets in the soup!

The COCKER crows loudly

Tsar Dadon the jester comes out, his retinue

DADON: Why did you come here? Did they make so much noise?
We will protect the cockerel
We won't give it to you!
If the Cockerel is not there,
Who will rule the year?
We are without a symbol, friends,
Well, no way in a year!

They pull Cockerel in different directions, the robbers grab Cockerel, put him in a bag, and run away.

Jester, DADON, FIR-trees (in chorus)

Cockerel's life is a threat,
You need to call Santa Claus,
Let's shout for the trouble to go away:
- Santa Claus, come here!

The children all shout together:
- Santa Claus, come here!



I hear my name
And I’m already here!
So what happened here?
Why was I in a hurry?

(children tell)

I hear my name
And I’m already here!
So what happened here?
Why was I in a hurry?

(children tell)

FATHER FROST : I’ll wave my staff and call the hooligans!

(magical music, robbers appear with a bag)

FATHER FROST: I won’t forgive you any harm today,
I'll turn everyone into icicles!

(magical music sounds)

BRIGERS: No need, no need to get into icicles! What about us? We caught the Cockerel so that no one would hurt him, and here he is, safe and sound!

Forgive us guys, we felt offended - everyone was having fun, but we weren’t invited!

SNOW MAIDEN: Guys, will we forgive the robbers? Shall we leave it at the party?




Adults – Snow Maiden, Fox, Cockerel

A festively decorated hall.
Music is playing.

Children enter the hall


A wonderful day is coming, the New Year is coming to us!

A holiday of laughter and creativity, a holiday of happiness for children!

What kind of Christmas tree did good Grandfather Frost bring us!

This is not an ordinary tree, you just have to say a word to it,

And it will shine with a magical, wonderful light for us.

(looking at the Christmas tree)

Our forest Christmas tree, light up with lights!

Let’s all say together, guys: Christmas tree, light up the Christmas tree!

All kids:

Christmas tree, Christmas tree light up!

The Christmas tree lights up.

Come on, Christmas tree, perk up, come on, Christmas tree, smile!

And the heels will stamp and the lights will go out!

The Christmas tree goes out

And their hands will clap - the tree will come to life again, light up with lights!

The Christmas tree lights up

Song “Our kids have a big Christmas tree”


I know one secret, should I tell you or not?

Clap your hands together, repeat the count in chorus,

And one of the old fairy tales will come to life in this hall!

Let’s say together: “One, two, three – a fairy tale, come visit us!”

Hurry up to see us and help the guys

Dance "Clock"

Music The Snow Maiden Comes Out

I hurried to you guys
She rushed through the forest without looking back,
I wanted to see you so much
What, like a bird, flew to you,
I drove my horse quickly,
Children, were you waiting for me?
Or maybe they didn’t wait?

We waited, waited, really waited!


Get up closer to the Christmas tree

Let's dance together!

Rhythm “Pencil Kids”

I'm happy, that's it,
Today it just blossomed
And with me to your holiday
I brought the cockerel!
Where are you, Petya? Answer me!
Show up in front of the Christmas tree!

Music, Cockerel appears

Aty-baty, aty-baty,
I'm walking towards you guys
I boldly move forward
To rule the world for a year!
I am always eager to win,
“Symbol of the year” I am called!

There are no secrets and there is no secret -

Everyone is pleased with this news,
Petya lifts him up with song
All of you early at dawn,
The sun wakes up our cockerel,
This means that the whole year will be bright!

Cockerel, tell me the secret,
Will the year be bright, or not?

I'll scream loudly,
I will shine the whole year brightly,
Let it be very bright
From the bottom of my heart I want it this way

Shouts: - Crow!


Snow lies everywhere on lush fir trees.

And in the clearings you can’t hear the wind,

And in the dance, like light feathers,

White snowflakes are spinning!

Snowflakes spinning

(Children sit down)

Music, Fox comes out

The news rushed across the earth,
What symbol do you have here?
Don't keep it a secret
Where is he? Come on, show me!

FOX , turning to Cockerel and opening the empty bag that she brought with her:
What a symbol! That's it!
Jump into my bag here!
I love Cockerel
So that there are giblets in the soup!

The fox carries away the COCK


Oh, guys, oh the trouble!

We can't live without Cockerel!

We'll quickly go into the forest, we'll save the Cockerel as soon as possible!

(They're coming)

I see bunnies in the clearing
Bunnies jumping and jumping


(music, Fox appears)

Well, I'll tell you all:
- I’ll eat Petya anyway!


Don’t eat Foxy Cockerel, we’ll play with you and invite you to the Christmas tree, and Grandfather Frost will give you gifts.


I want gifts, I want New Year. If I correct myself, I will return Cockerel, just play with me.

Game "Bunnies and Fox"

FOX: Well played

Take the Cockerel - the golden comb,

(Cockerel emerges from the bag)

SNOWGIRL: The cockerel has returned to us!

Let's guys join together in a round dance,

Let's celebrate the New Year together!

ROUND DANCE “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”

SNOW MAIDEN: Look, guys, the bag is not simple, but magical! In it, Santa Claus sent us gifts.


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