Warehouse operations in the program 1C Accounting. Inventory control

  • 1C: Enterprise 7.7 Work with shopping equipment

"1C: Trade and Sklad" is a component of "Operational Accounting" of the "1C: Enterprise" system with a typical configuration for automation of warehouse accounting and trade.

Component "Operational Accounting" is designed to take into account the presence and movement of material and money. It can be used both autonomously and together with other components "1C: enterprises".

"1C: Trade and Warehouse" is designed to take into account any types of trading operations. Due to flexibility and configuration, the system is capable of performing all accounting functions - from the management of reference books and input primary documents before receiving various statements and analytical reports.

New functional and service capabilities:

  • Improved price assignment mechanism.
  • Fast Sale Operation, which allows you to automatically form and print the required package of documents when selling a group of goods.
  • Accounting for imported goods in the context of GTD numbers.
  • Group handling directories and documents.
  • Automatic initial filling of documents.
  • The possibility of detailing mutual settlements with counterparties in the context of contracts.

For details, see Editors 9.2 of the Typical Configuration "Trade + Warehouse"

Automation of any trading and warehouse operations

"1C: Trade and Warehouse" automates work at all stages of the enterprise.

Typical configuration allows you to:

  • move Separate Management and Financial Accounting
  • keep records on behalf of several legal entities
  • move partial accounting of the inventory with the possibility of choosing the cost of debiting costs (FIFO, LIFO, by moderate)
  • lead separate accounting of own goods and goods taken to implement
  • proceed purchasing and selling goods
  • perform automatic initial filling out of documents based on previously entered data
  • keep records of mutual settlements with buyers and suppliers, detail mutual settlements for individual contracts
  • form the necessary primary documents
  • proceed invoices, automatically build a sales book and shopping book, maintain a quantitative accounting in the section of the GTD numbers
  • perform reservation of goods and control of payment
  • keep accounting funds on settlement accounts and at the checkout
  • keep accounting of commodity loans and control of their repayment
  • keep records transmitted to the sale of goods, their refund and payment

In "1C: Trade and Warehouse" you can:

  • ask for each product the required number of prices of different types, store prices suppliers, automatically monitor and quickly change prices
  • work with interrelated documents
  • perform automatic calculation of product write-off prices
  • quickly make changes using group handling directories and documents
  • keep records in different units measurements
  • and cash in various currencies
  • get the most diverse reporting and analytical information about the movement of goods and money
  • automatically form accounting wiring For 1C: Accounting.

Work with distributed information bases *

The main purpose of working with distributed information bases - Organization unified system automated accounting in enterprises with geographically deleted objects: branches, warehouses, shops, orders receiving points and other similar divisions that are not linked by the local network:

  • maintaining an unlimited number of autonomously working information bases
  • full or selective data synchronization
  • setting the composition of synchronized data
  • arbitrary order and method for transferring changes

The use of distributed information bases management tools does not limit the system user actions. All data changes The system tracks automatically and transmits them in accordance with the synchronization rules described.

* Component "Management Distributed Information Bases" comes separately

Reliability and security

"1C: Trade and Warehouse" contains means to ensure the safety and consistency of information:

  • ability to prohibit users of "direct" deletion of information
  • special Data Removal Mode with Cross Link Control
  • ability to prohibit users to edit data over past reports
  • installing the prohibition of editing printed forms of documents
  • "locking" system by the user with temporary termination.

Flexibility and configuration

"1C: Trade and Warehouse" can be adapted to any accounting features at a particular enterprise. The system includes a configurator that allows you to configure all the basic elements of the system if necessary:

  • edit existing and create new required documents Any structures
  • change on-screen and printed forms of documents
  • create logs to work with documents and arbitrarily redistribute journal documents for efficient work with them
  • edit existing and create new reference books of an arbitrary structure
  • edit the properties of reference books:
    • change the composition of details
    • number of levels
    • code type
    • code Uniqueness Valuation Range
    • and other
  • create registers to account for funds in any required cuts
  • create any additional reports and information processing procedures
  • describe the behavior of the system elements in the embedded language.

Modern interface

"1C: Trade and Warehouse" should be modern user interface standards:

  • "Tips of the Day" will prompt you effective techniques of work and convenient ways of the system
  • office windows are able to "attach" to the boundaries of the main program window
  • the main menu of the system contains "images" of commands - the same images are placed on the toolbar buttons
  • tool panel buttons can be indicated not only by drawings, but also text.

Openness and accessibility

"1C: Trade and Warehouse" contains a variety of means to communicate with other programs.

The ability to import and export information through text files will allow you to exchange data with almost any program.

In addition, the built-in language contains a means of working with DBF format files.

Also "1C: Trade and Warehouse" supports modern means Application Integration: Ole, Ole Automation and DDE. The use of these tools allows:

  • manage the work of other programs using the built-in Language "1C: Trade and Warehouse" - for example, to form reports and graphics in Microsoft Excel
  • access data "1C: Trade and Warehouse" from other programs
  • insert into documents and reports "1C: Trade and Warehouse" Objects created by other programs - for example, to put the company logo in primary documents
  • place pictures and graphics in documents and reports.

In "1C: Trade and Warehouse" implemented support for open standards: exchange of commercial information (Commerceml) and exchange of payment documents (1C: Enterprise - Client of the Bank). This makes it possible:

  • form and unload commercial offers On Web - showcases supporting the standard
  • organize electronic exchange catalogs, price lists and documents with their counterparties
  • exchange payment documents (payment orders and extracts) with client-bank systems

Of 1C: Trade and warehouse can be controlled by its own web-displayer posted on the resource.

We offer a service - this is not only compatible with the warehouse 1c software packageThis is a unique product in its characteristics, which allows you to fully automate accounting and management processes and the associated document flow. Thanks to this program, you can increase business efficiency. In addition, this program will help you quickly and simply monitor the internal corporate processes.

Warehouse accounting compatible with 1C makes it possible to optimize the work of the enterprise (and, as a result, reduce financial spending and labor costs). Among other things, the automated accounting of warehous operations allows the head of the company to quickly monitor the results of staff. This makes the workflow as transparent as possible and easily controlled.

It is important that you can use our program in integration with 1C. We provide our customers with the possibility of free testing of the application functionality for up to 14 days. To do this, you will only need to download our program (without any fee for installation and use during the test period). You will be able to see what functionality is used during warehouse accounting, make sure the convenience of the interface we offer and compare the capabilities of the program with the usual products 1C.

We offer you right now absolutely free to test the functionality of the application and its compatibility with the "Warehouse 1C" package in the "Moisklad" cloud service. Check in the case of our product and look at how much it corresponds to the specifics and scale of your organization.

Warehouse accounting and its capabilities

Work in the service Wizard opens a lot of opportunities for users. Unique combination useful features This application allows for the minimum time to organize an effective workflow at the enterprise. The program we offer allows you to perform many different operations, while saving time and labor time of the user.

Our application helps to perform the following actions:

  • carry out warehouse accounting and related operations;
  • register the supply of goods to the warehouse;
  • control the interaction with counterparties;
  • manage financial resources and trade;
  • export data to 1C;
  • control the warehouse and outlets;
  • conduct document management and receive accounting data.

The advantages with which the program "Warehouse" has

Why does the Warehouse Warehouse in the service use so popular?

The demand of our application is explained by the presence of many important advantages, among which it is worth noting the following features:

  • availability of constant technical and information support,
  • the ability to remotely work with the application from any device connected to the Internet,
  • the possibility of integrating the program with 1C products,
  • complete confidentiality and safety customer data,
  • the ability to keep the necessary documentation to the user and document the work.

For many of our customers, the mobility of the application we suggests. Using our free warehouse accounting program can be carried out from anywhere with an existing Internet connection. It is very convenient because all the necessary business processes can be conducted by the company's head or any responsible specialist even on a business trip or leave. Free testing of the application for a 2-week trial period will allow you to check this personally and fully appreciate the functionality of the program.

Our free program It has a lot of opportunities, among which:

  • Inventory control. Significantly reduces information processing speed. The entire turnover, implemented in the warehouse, is easily controlled using this application. To try the function of the system, it is enough to download it in the service "Moisklad" and take advantage of it. Mining subscription fee And constant technical support Guaranteed to all users.
  • Operational document flow. The warehouse management program allows you to prepare for various documentation after carrying out accounts, as well as print forms and send them by e-mail counterparties.
  • Analytics. The program is able to analyze the information received by performing statistical operations. Competent assessment of the state of affairs is the main requirement for conducting a successful business.
  • Creating reporting. The appendix provides a function of automatic transfer of warehouse documents in 1C for the formation of accounting and tax reporting. Integration is implemented on the principle of "Document-B-Document".
  • Availability of document templates. With the help of templates, you can print all the forms required to implement other business processes.
  • Cash circulation control. This feature is included in softwarecarry out accounting cash streams With it is quite simple.

Program we offer - optimal option for small companies and IP. A low subscription fee, simplicity of installation and use, a convenient interface - here is not all the advantages of our application. The use of such a warehouse program gives the maximum advantages to the leaders of medium and small companies in the field of business and management of warehouse operations.

Download a free warehouse application in the Moisklad service right now and take advantage of our program in practice!

Ministry of Railways

Moscow State University Communication paths

Institute of Department

Economy and information

Finance systems B.


Course work

Discipline: " Information Systems in economics"

Topic: "1C: trade + warehouse"

Checked: Vinogradov D.K.

Moscow 2003

Introduction .............................................................................. ..3.

1. Program 1C, a brief description, the possibilities of 1C "Trade + Warehouse" ..................................................................................

2. Enter the primary information (creating a catalog of goods, receipt of goods) ............................................................ 6

3. Output of information and registration of documentation (consumption of goods and accompanying documentation) .............................................9

4. Algarians calculations ............................................................ .16

5. Technological means 1C ................................................ .19

6. Forms ............................................................................................ ..21

List of used literature .......................................... ..24


1C: The company is a system of programs for automation of various areas economic activity. In a specific software product, which is included in the 1C program system: Enterprise, includes those functions and capabilities that meet the appointment of this product.

All components of 1C programs: the company can be divided into a technological platform and configuration. The technological platform is a set of various mechanisms used to automate economic activities and independent legislation and accounting methodology. Configurations are actually applied solutions. Each configuration is focused on the automation of a certain sphere of economic activity and, of course, meets the adopted legislation.

The 1C system has several configurations with which it is possible to conduct all areas of accounting in various fields of business and economics.

1. Program 1C, short description, 1C "trade + warehouse"

1C: Enterprise 7.7 ". Integrated delivery" Accounting; Salary and footage; Production and services; Shopping and warehouse accounting

The program "1C: Enterprise" program provides ample opportunities for automated accounting in enterprises, in organizations and institutions, regardless of their type of activity and form of ownership, with various levels Accounting complexity.

"1C: Enterprise" allows you to organize effective accounting, personnel, operational shopping, warehouse and production accounting, as well as salary calculation.

The comprehensive supply includes the main components of the program "1C: Enterprise" program:

- "Accounting",

- "Operational Accounting",

- "Payment",

as well as basic configurations:

- "Accounting"

- "Trade + Warehouse"

- "Salary + Frames"

- "Production + Services + Accounting"

- "Accounting + Trade + Warehouse + Salary + Frames"

Users can use configurations included in a new comprehensive delivery, both individually and together, pose for themselves the appropriate version of working with the system. The choice of configuration depends, above all, from the tasks being solved, on the type of activity and the structure of a particular enterprise, the level of complexity of accounting and other conditions.

Users can keep records in a comprehensive configuration or solve different accounting tasks in separate configurations using the data exchange tools, or start with the automation of one of the directions of accounting, using a separate configuration.

Typical configuration 1C: trade and warehouse 7.7 (component "Operational Accounting")

"1C: Trade and Warehouse" is designed to take into account any types of trading operations. Due to flexibility and configuration, the system is capable of performing all accounting functions - from the management of reference books and input primary documents before receiving various statements and analytical reports.

  • move Separate Management and Financial Accounting
  • keep records on behalf of several legal entities
  • move partial accounting of the inventory with the possibility of choosing the cost of debiting costs (FIFO, LIFO, by moderate)
  • lead separate accounting of own goods and goods taken to implement
  • proceed purchasing and selling goods
  • perform automatic initial filling out of documents based on previously entered data
  • keep records of mutual settlements with buyers and suppliers, detail mutual settlements for individual contracts
  • to form the necessary primary documents (commodity consumables, accounts -Facts, profitable and expendable cash orders, etc.)
  • automatically build a sales book and shopping book, maintain a quantitative accounting in the context of the numbers of the State
  • perform reservation of goods and control of payment
  • keep accounting funds on settlement accounts and at the checkout
  • keep accounting of commodity loans and control of their repayment
  • keep records transmitted to the sale of goods, their refund and payment

In "1C: Trade and Warehouse" you can:

  • ask for each product the required number of prices of different types, store prices suppliers, automatically monitor and quickly change prices
  • work with interconnected documents
  • perform automatic calculation of product write-off prices
  • quickly make changes using group handling directories and documents
  • keep records in various units of measurement,
  • and cash in various currencies
  • get the most diverse reporting and analytical information about the movement of goods and money
  • automatically form accounting wiring for 1C: Accounting.

Reliability and security

  • ability to prohibit users of "direct" deletion of information
  • special Data Removal Mode with Cross Link Control
  • ability to prohibit users to edit data over past reports
  • installing the prohibition of editing printed forms of documents
  • "locking" system by the user with temporary termination.

2. Enter the primary information (creating a catalog of goods, the receipt of goods and their input to the database)

For warehouse accounting, it is not so much:

1. Entering goods on warehouses is carried out by entering the acquisition of the receipt.

2. When issuing goods, it is necessary to guide expenditure overhead.

If you enter correct data, then with the help of reports, which are also thought out in this version of "Trade + Warehouse", you can get data on the availability of goods in warehouses, as well as about the number of goods sold or removable, etc.

Let's start in order:

1. In order to introduce goods to the warehouse, you need to enter the product itself (product name) in the catalog of goods. What is a product catalog: Firstly, each can form this directory in its own way, but there are only two ways:

In the form of a list in which all goods go along the alphabet

In the form of a hierarchical system of folders.

We have in a warehouse of various kinds of goods, as we know any product can be distributed by some groups, for example, by the manufacturer.


As you see at first glance, this catalog is similar to one of the programs of the computer "Explorer"

We go into the "Operation" pointer (on our picture the third account of the "File"), we find it in the goods, and here we are the catalog of the goods.

To create any new document or entering information in any of the program directories, there is one button on all active windows (see the arrow).

If we click on the key, without highlighting a one or another folder before that, the product is placed at the bottom of the list after folders.

And if we need make a new name in an existing folder , I need to "clap" twice on the folder, and the folder will open, and enter a new name. When entering the name, we need to specify many characteristics, such as: purchase price, country manufacturer, GTD number (if required), etc.

how create a new folder ? There is nothing easier. The next button on the active window (relevant) folder by clicking on it, we can create a new folder, it remains only to enter the name of the folder. In order to create a folder in the folder, open the folder in which you need to create a folder and boldly press the "Folder" icon, etc. (read above).

Now we are ready to introduce goods on our warehouse, it is done using the use of the document "Purchase Patch"

Magazine Possesses

The magazine stores and edit parish invoices. The title of the log window is issued an interval of visibility of documents that can be changed when working with the log. The visibility of documents immediately in all logs can be installed in the "Service" menu item, "Parameters", Logging tab.

The leftmost graph of the magazine is service. In it, various icons denotes the state of the document. According to the values \u200b\u200bof details that are displayed in the magazine graphs, an arbitrary search can be carried out.

Data exchange with data acquisition terminal. 2.

Data exchange with the program "1C. Office". 3.

References "Nomenclature", "Coatings", "Types of Nomenclature", "TMC Units", "Classifier Units of Measurements". four

Directory "Counterparties". 7.

Handbook "Storage Addresses". eight

Handbook "Technological SC". nine

Documents "Buyer's application", "Consumption of TMC". 10

Document "Coming TMT". 12

Document "Movement of the TMC". 13

Document "Entering Residues". fourteen

Report "Statement on the remnants of the TMT". fifteen

Report "The remains of the TMT". twenty

Data exchange with data acquisition terminal

To ensure data sharing with a data collection terminal (hereinafter referred to as the TSD), it is necessary to launch "1C. Warehouse "Under the Robottsd user. Password user

Exchange is carried out using the Atol driver and text files. Text files are unloaded to the Exchange folder, which is in the database directory.

In order for the documents to automatically be done, each month of the first number is to run the program in the monopolist mode to open the period. Either do it in advance in the menu - operations - management of operational results.

https://pandia.ru/text/79/116/images/image002_51.jpg "width \u003d" 680 "height \u003d" 167 src \u003d "\u003e

The new elements of the "Nomenclature" reference book can be created both in the TSD and in the program "1C. Warehouse". Uploading the Handbook "Nomenclature" and other necessary reference books in the TSD produced every morning by calling from the TSD procedure "Loading the SPR".

The name of the new product as in the 1C database. The warehouse and in the base of the TSD is formed by the template:

Product Type of Product / ISO / GOST / ArticulrazSmarklass Strength

The size is presented in the form (symbol) 16x1,5x60

Type of goods - a reference book containing the name (nut, screw, ...) and the size symbol (Handbook "Nomenclature Types")

(Symbol) - one symbol that is entered in the type of product (admit, m or diameter sign)


Name in the program "1C. The warehouse "is formed automatically if it is not filled by the user manually.

Details The code and ID of the TSD are service and are not subject to manual editing.

https://pandia.ru/text/79/116/images/image004_25.jpg "width \u003d" 610 "height \u003d" 585 src \u003d "\u003e

Open boxes are created automatically when you hold an application and marked "*" in the name. The basic unit of goods must have a coefficient 1. It is the smallest unit of goods that can be shipped. It contains magical accounting of the nomenclature. The basic unit is created automatically. It is only necessary to select the name of the unit (for example, "pcs.") From the classifier of units of change. When creating an element of the nomenclature in the database, if the unit multiplier is entered more than 1, the base unit with the coefficient 1 is created automatically.

The Handbook of the "TMC Units" can be created both in the database of TSD and in the program "1C. Warehouse". Handbook "Classifier Units of Change" is filled only in the program "1C. Warehouse".

Directory "Counterparties"

The form of the list of reference book opens from the menu - Directories are counterparties.

Counterparties are created and edited in the base "1C. Office". Counterpoles with the "Supplier" check box are transmitted to the TSD. Data transfer to the TSD is produced as described above by calling the procedure "Loading the SPR" in the TSD.

https://pandia.ru/text/79/116/images/image006_11.jpg "width \u003d" 565 "height \u003d" 309 src \u003d "\u003e

The address code is created automatically and is a string of the type of the shellage.

The requisition of the "bypass order" is used to set the order of climbing the addresses in the configuration of the application. For example, the address 0101 bypass procedure 1, in 0102 - 3, in 0103 - 2. Addresses in the TSD to configure a specific application will be located in this order: 0101, 0103, 0102.

The props "Barcode" is formed by the "Label" button. If the address is already set - the screen displays the address to print the label.

The props "ID of TSD" is service and filled automatically.

Reference "Technological SC"

The form of a list of reference book opens from the menu - Directories - technological set.

The directory is service and serves to store unique barcodes of units of goods in case the goods on the warehouse comes without a start. When charging such a product in TSD in the form of arrival of the goods, the "Shk +" button is pressed.

Documents "Application of the Buyer", "Consumption of TMC"

Documents are in "Application" and "Expenditures" magazines, which can be opened from the menu.

https://pandia.ru/text/79/116/images/image008_8.jpg "width \u003d" 619 "height \u003d" 366 src \u003d "\u003e

Data can be grouped by nomenclature, counterparty and motion document. For example, if we want to see what documents the residues changed should be noted the grouping "Movement Documents".

In addition to single filters on the nomenclature and counterparty in the report there is a multiple filter. Consider his work (the same for all reports).

https://pandia.ru/text/79/116/images/image010_7.jpg "width \u003d" 644 "height \u003d" 482 src \u003d "\u003e

In this example, when you click the "Find Elements" button, the list will be filled with the elements of the nomenclature with DIN 963.

https://pandia.ru/text/79/116/images/image012_6.jpg "width \u003d" 619 "height \u003d" 365 src \u003d "\u003e

When you click on the "OK" button, the report setup form closes, when you click on the "Shape" button - remains open.

When the multiple filter is turned on, the "!" Symbol is installed on the bookmark:

https://pandia.ru/text/79/116/images/image014_7.jpg "width \u003d" 680 "height \u003d" 604 src \u003d "\u003e

If the cursor takes the view of the crosshair with a magnifying glass on the cell means there is some kind of decoding. In this case, the nomenclature card opens.

When you click on the "Update" button, the report is formed with the same parameters. When you click on the "Setup" button, the report setup form opens. So all reports work.

Report "Remains of the TMC"

The report is called from the menu - reports.

The report shows the remnants of goods in the section of goods, units and storage addresses to a specified date.

- This is a system of automated decision-making, "brain" of the modern warehouse complex. It allows you to significantly increase the efficiency of his work, namely:
  • optimize the use of the warehouse area
  • reduce the cost of storing goods in stock
  • reduce the time of all warehouse operations
  • reduce the number of erroneous warehouse operations
  • increase product account accuracy
  • avoid losses associated with a limited implementation period
  • reduce dependence on the "human factor"
Allows real-time warehouse management of any size and type:
  • intense warehouses (more than 1000 orders per day) with a large number of radio terminals connecting
  • small shopping warehouses
  • large distribution centers
  • warehouses of finished products of large industrial enterprises in various industries
  • warehouses of responsible storage
  • and etc
Advantages of the program "1C Logistics: Warehouse Management 3.0":
  • ease and simplicity of adaptation to the working conditions of almost any warehouse complex, the specifics of its technological and organizational requirements
  • supports work with various types trade equipment: printers labels, barcode scanners, Batch and data collection radio terminals
  • integration with various enterprise management systems. The most close integration is achieved with software products of the company "1C".
"1C Logistics: Warehouse Management 3.0" Implemented in the "1C: Enterprise 8.1" medium and contains all the advantages of this technological platform: scalability, openness, ease of administration and configuration, the availability of service engineers in almost any city, etc.


Attention! You can purchase additional licenses for scaling and expanding the number of jobs.

Description of the functional

Setting the stock topology and accounting of goods in stock

Software "1C Logistics: Warehouse Management 3.0" Allows you to keep records of any number of warehouses and zones inside the warehouse. Each warehouse zone consists of cells. Under the cell can be understood any place of storage of goods: cell, passage, room. For each cell, dimensions are set and the maximum weight that it withstands.

Each cell in the warehouse has its own address by which it is identified. Such an address storage system allows you to accurately locate the goods in stock at any time.

For pallet storage warehouses, there is the possibility of accounting pallets and goods on pallets. Under the pallet can be understood by any packaging or transport unit: pallet, box, container, etc.

The system presents accurate information about the availability in stock of goods in all possible units of measurement. For each unit of measurement, dimensional, volumetric and weight characteristics are set.

In addition, the system provides for the possibility of accounting for goods in the context of additional characteristics (color, size, completeness, etc.), parties, expirational, certificates and serial numbers.

When conducting warehouse operations, the capacity of cells and pallets in terms of volume, the amount and weight of the goods are controlled.

Planning and acceptance of goods

Possible sources of receipt of goods can be suppliers (in case of arrival of goods from the supplier), customers (in the event of a return of goods from the client), other warehouses (in case of moving between the warehouses of one enterprise), production sites (in the event of the receipt of finished products from production).

At the same time B. "1C Logistics: Warehouse Management 3.0" There is a mechanism for preparing a warehouse for acceptance and placement of goods. Information about the planned acceptance is entered and stored by the system.

Acceptance planning allows:

  • enter product information or its barcode
  • print labels on goods or pallets
  • prepare degrees
  • attract additional resources (employees, equipment) for acceptance of goods
  • prepare warehouse areas to the placement of goods both in the Acceptance Zone and in the main storage area (for example, a compression of a warehouse or an active zone compression)

It is possible to automatically obtain information about the planned acceptance of systems such as "1C: Management manufacturing enterprise 8 "and" 1C: Trade Management 8 "or in XML format from any other information system.

The procedure for accepting goods may include the following operations:

  • unloading in the Acceptance Zone
  • identification and marking
  • bringing goods to the Storage Standard
  • quality control of the received commodity
  • recalculation of goods, etc.

The system allows you to accept the goods as "on the fact" of the receipt of goods and on the basis of information about the planned admission. In the latter case, the system can track discrepancies between the planned and actually accepted goods. In the presence of discrepancies, you can get a list of inconsistencies.

Placement of goods in stock

After accepting the goods, it is placed in a warehouse in the basic storage area. The formation of a job assignment can occur in automatic mode.

The placement of goods occurs in such a way that its further selection occurred most optimally. Usually, the warehouse is divided into areas in which the goods are placed in accordance with ABC - classification or storage features (oversized goods, requirements for temperature regime, marriage, etc.).

For each product, individual accommodation priorities are set:

  • placement of goods in free cells
  • placing goods in busy cells to the same product
  • placing goods in busy cells to another product
  • fastening a specific cell for a specific product
  • other priorities

When placed, the wigsabarite characteristics of the goods are controlled. Based on this information, the system chooses only those cells where this product can physically place.

It can also be monitored by the compatibility of goods in stock. For example, it is possible to exclude the possibility of finding the same product with different shelf life in the same cell to reduce the probability of error during its selection.

Selection, packaging and shipment of goods

Possible recipients of goods from a warehouse can be customers (in the case of shipment by the goods to the client), suppliers (in case of return of goods by the supplier), other warehouses (in case of moving between the warehouses of one enterprise), production sites (in case of issuing materials and components in production) and etc.

IN "1C Logistics: Warehouse Management 3.0" Information about the planned shipments of goods is stored. This information may be the basis for conducting preparatory events (For example, feeding the cells of the active zone or the preparation of the shipping zone to the adoption of the collected order) and the selection itself.

Based on the shipping planning, the goods are selected. The selection of one order can be done simultaneously both in one and several employees. It also provides for the possibility of simultaneously collecting several orders to one employee.

Automatic formation of a task for the selection of goods can be performed according to the following principles:

  • selection taking into account the goods batch (FIFO, LIFO, manually)
  • selection, taking into account the terms of the shelf life of the goods (FEFO, Lefo, manually)
  • selection of goods from cells in the order of their rating
  • selection of goods on the principle of maximum release of cells
  • selection of goods on the principle of minimizing time
  • selection of goods with a possible replacement of units of measurement to larger or minor
  • pallet selection of goods
  • automatic active zone feeding for selection (in the absence of goods in active zone selection)

The system supports the operation of assembly of goods (set) from components.

After the selection of the goods, the assembly operation can be carried out, as a result of which the kit appears in the warehouse, and the components will be written off from the warehouse. It is also possible to conduct a reverse operation - token.

Before shipment, packaging or repacking of goods can also be performed. At the same time, the goods can be reacted in a storage unit required by the client, as well as portrayed to other pallets or another container.

After performing the operations, assembly and packaging operations, the goods fall into the shipping zone and can be shipped to the client. In the event of a client's failure from the entire product or part of it, it is possible to roomize the order and the re-placing goods in stock.


Conducting a complete inventory can lead to a complete stop of the warehouse and, accordingly, the cessation of goods shipment to customers. Therefore, in most cases, the inventory is made without stopping the main work.

The electoral recalculation of goods in the warehouse during the working cycle allows you to reduce or completely avoid stopping in work.

IN "1C Logistics: Warehouse Management 3.0"the following types of inventory are provided:

  • inventory of a specific commodity position in the warehouse (held in those cells where the specified product is present)
  • inventory of an arbitrary warehouse area (carried out on the cells of this area)
  • inventory of empty cells (held visual control cells on the absence of any product in them)

During the inventory of the cell in which the goods are recalculated are blocked. Possible blocking both cells and a certain product in the cell. After the inventory, the blocking is removed, and cells become accessible to warehouse operations.

Management of tasks and resources

The management of tasks and resources includes planning, issuance and control of the tasks of resources (personnel and equipment). Task is understood as any operation or a group of operations, which should be performed in stock. Task management is made by a real-time warehouse manager.

Task scheduling is based on the availability of resources required for its execution. It is possible to install the priority of the task. For each operation, a list of resources can be created indicating the most desirable roles of warehouse workers or equipment types (in descending order of priority). Thus, if the most desirable resource is currently not available, a lower priority resource can be used.

When issuing the task, the time of its issuance and a resource responsible for execution is recorded. "1C Logistics: Warehouse Management 3.0" Supports 2 methods for issuing tasks:

  • "Paper" technology. The tasks are issued on paper carriers, and the warehouse worker makes a mark on its execution manually. Task retention control is carried out by the operator also in manual mode.
  • Radio terminals. The use of radio terminals also implies paperless technology. Radio terminals have on-line connection to the system, which ensures real-time operation, which is mandatory requirement For large warehouses with a large turnover.

Tasks, in the process of execution, can redistribute between resources, be suspended or canceled. For each warehouse worker, the whole story of his work is recorded: the tasks that he performed, the time of their execution, the volume of goods, downtime, etc. This allows you to implement flexible system Motivation of warehouse staff when performing job duties.

Bar coding

"1C Logistics: Warehouse Management 3.0" Supports bar coding of goods, cells and pallets using any type of barcodes.

Barcodes for goods can be formed taking into account the article, series, batch, units of measurement, characteristics. Thus, on the barcode you can identify and trace the goods, all its properties and characteristics.

Any barcode can be printed on a conventional printer or on a specialized label printer.

Work in the system using data acquisition radio terminals

One of the most important functions of the system is the ability to use a wide range of data collection radio terminals in the Windows terminal client mode.

To enter the warehouse employee, the system needs to go through the identification procedure. Having passed this procedure, the warehouse worker is considered active and accessible to complete tasks. Those workers who have not entered the system will not be issued. Active employees of the task are issued to the data collection radio terminal in the form of pop-up windows.

IN "1C Logistics: Warehouse Management 3.0" There are successful sequences of task execution (business processes):

  • recalculation (performed during operations of acceptance, inventory, shipment of goods)
  • transportation
    • piece (performed when performing operations of piece selection, moving goods between pallets or cells)
    • pallet (performed during operations of placement, selection, feeding and moving with whole pallets)

The tasks are formulated in such a way that the warehouse worker does not have the skills of handling technique can quickly and accurately perform elementary operations - approach the cell, take, put, recalculate the goods, etc. All operations are confirmed by scanning the barcode of cells, goods, pallets or by pressing the hot key.

In the task system, there are actions initiated by a warehouse employee or automatically when scanning a barcode, or manually by pressing the combination of a key on a data acquisition radio terminal.

There are the following actions:

  • next (go to next task)
  • problem (cancellation of the current problem due to the problem
  • refusal (refusal to perform a task, for example, if an employee is temporarily not available)
  • completion (completion of the operation, the action can be initiated automatically when performing all tasks)

The system can assist the warehouse worker - send the contextual prompt to perform the current task.

After completing the tasks with a warehouse, the results are transmitted directly to electronic documentwhere the task was planned. Thus, the operator can track the progress of work on the document by simply opening it.

Calculation of responsible storage services

The warehouse of responsible storage provides services for the storage and cargo receptacle of the goods owned by other organizations.

The "Calculation of Service Responsible Services" module ensures the following functions:

  • accounting of owners of goods
  • accounting for all warehouse operations in the context of goods owners

  • setting tariffs for warehouse operations in the context of goods owners
  • accounting for services and determination of the value of each operation
  • formation of the report on rendered services
  • accounting for goods in the context of owners

IN "1C Logistics: Warehouse Management 3.0" A list of goods owners is being conducted, for each of which a unique product catalog is created. The rules of work and operations with the goods can be set individually for each owner.

Tariffs for responsible storage services can be set immediately for the entire warehouse or individually for each owner. They are given on the basis of their number of packages of goods participating in the operation, weight or volume of goods, the number of pallets or fixed amount For operation.

When calculating services for one-time operations, the results are recorded immediately to the document, and if necessary, they can be adjusted, for example, add additional servicewhich turned out to be during the operation.

To calculate the periodic service, for example, storage, a regulatory document is used. This calculation can be made with any frequency.

Reports for services rendered can be formed in any form.

Features licensing

Software "1C: Enterprise 8. 1C logistics: Warehouse Management 3.0" Provides work applied solution On one workplace at one point in time.

To work in a multiplayer mode, you need to have licenses for configuration « 1C Logistics: Warehouse Management 3.0» and customer licenses "1C: Enterprise 8»To the appropriate number of jobs.

To work in client-server mode, you need to have users licenses to server.

List of licenses

Name Cost
1C-logistics: Warehouse Management 3.0. Additional license for 1 workplace
29 500 rubles. Buy
1C-logistics: Warehouse Management 3.0. Additional license for 5 jobs
126 800 rub. Buy
1C-logistics: Warehouse Management 3.0. Additional license for 10 jobs
212 400 rubles. Buy
1C: Enterprise 8 prof. Client license for 1 workplace
6 300 rubles.
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