Test tasks to test the knowledge of workers by profession: “Electrician of linear telephone communication and radio installations. Electrician of linear telephone and radio installations Electrician of linear telephone and radio installations

"Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers. Issue 58. Section: "Works and Professions of Communication Workers" (approved by the Resolution of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR, All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated 04/27/1984 N 122/8-43) (as amended on 11/11/2008)

§ 20. Electrician of linear structures

telephone and radio communications

5th category

Characteristics of the work. On overhead lines: operational and technical maintenance and elimination of damage on main overhead lines with circuits sealed with 3- and 12-channel system equipment; on lines operating in high voltage mode; cable entries and inserts; feeder lines with voltage from 240 to 960 V for single and multi-program broadcasting; lines that intersect with contact networks of electric transport and power transmission lines (PTL), as well as those located in the zone of influence of railways operating on alternating current; sealed connecting lines; on subscriber devices sealed with AVU equipment (high-frequency subscriber device). Dismantling of overhead lines. Installation and reconstruction of wire crossings. Measurement of basic electrical parameters of lines. Participation in the commissioning of linear subscriber devices. Technical supervision of the construction and reconstruction of linear structures.

On cable lines: operational and technical maintenance and elimination of cable damage. Determining the location of cable damage in the absence of a working core. Installation of symmetrical cables, rural telephone and radio cables. Installation, adjustment and repair of protective devices and devices for maintaining cables under excess air pressure. Electrical measurements of AC cables and preparation of defect reports, technical supervision of the construction of cable lines. Determining the order of work in the security zone. Participation in cable balancing.

When servicing payphones: servicing and eliminating all types of damage to payphones in large areas. Operational maintenance and repair of counting machines and mechanisms for the collection of payphone piggy banks. Equipment of new subscriber points. Participation in activities to combat the theft of payphones and increase their profitability.

Repair of telephones (payphones) and interlocks of all systems in workshops.

When working on technical certification: drawing up technical documentation and passports for large-type and special wells, cable and other linear structures and subscriber points. Checking passports and technical documentation for compliance with the situation on the network.

Must know: when working on overhead lines: principles of operation of 3 and 12-channel high-frequency transmission systems; rules for conducting work when crossing communication lines with power lines and contact networks of electric transport, as well as in areas approaching power lines; requirements for the installation of overhead lines and subscriber points; arrangement of inputs, sealed circuits and cable inserts; devices and procedure for measuring operating and transient attenuation of circuits; purpose and rules for crossing wires; operating principle of subscriber radio extenders.

Job responsibilities On air lines. Installation (replacement), straightening and strengthening of supports and racks. Processing and equipping supports and attachments with power tools. Suspension, relocation of wires. Welding of steel wires and joint devices made of non-ferrous metals. Grounding installation on overhead lines and subscriber points. Testing wires from control supports. Installation and replacement of telephone sets. Participation in work to determine the location and nature of damage and eliminate damage on overhead lines and subscriber devices. Operational and technical maintenance and elimination of damage on subscriber lines, intra-house networks and radio broadcasting points of single-program broadcasting. Installation and rearrangement of radio broadcasting points, checking the serviceability of loudspeakers. Maintaining technical documentation for the work performed. On cable lines. Determination of the cable route on the ground according to technical documentation. Technical supervision and protection of cable routes from damage; issuing prohibitions on the performance of uncoordinated work. Maintenance of instruments and equipment for maintaining cables under excess air pressure. Participation in work to determine the location and elimination of damage, protect cables from corrosion and electromagnetic influences, carry out electrical measurements, determine the cable route with a cable detector. When servicing payphones: inspecting payphones and payphone booths. Participation in eliminating damage to payphones. Preparation and replacement of piggy banks in payphones. Maintaining documentation when processing piggy banks. Registration of the issuance and return of piggy banks and payphone keys. Repair of handsets in workshops. When working on technical certification. Inspection of ground-based linear structures with the preparation of simple sketches of overhead lines, cable and air inputs, small-type telephone wells and distribution boxes. Making changes to wardrobe books based on outfits. Testing of main and distribution cables.

Gotta know: Fundamentals of electrical engineering, principles of telephony, telegraphy and wire testing; circuit diagram and structure of a telephone; basic information about power supplies; methods for measuring DC communication lines; procedure for maintaining technical documentation. On overhead lines: arrangement of overhead communication lines and rules of their operation; nature of damage on overhead lines; rules for welding and tying wires, using power tools; the procedure for counting pairs on overhead lines; basic provisions for certification of lines, for the arrangement of intersections of communication lines with power lines and rules for working near the intersections of power lines with overhead communication lines. On cable lines: rules of technical operation, protection of communication lines and conditions for work in the security zone; procedure for maintaining cable lines under excess pressure; numbering of pairs in cable, distribution and terminal devices; rules for using a gas analyzer and checking gas contamination in telephone wells and mines. When servicing linear radio installations and rural telephone communications: the basic principles of wire broadcasting, the construction of radio broadcasting and telephone networks, the installation of subscriber loudspeakers; rules for the design and operation of radio and rural telephone lines, intra-house networks and radio broadcasting points. When servicing payphones: rules for constructing a payphone subscriber point; requirements for inspection of payphones; procedure for working with the payphone control desk attendant; basic provisions on the procedure for collecting revenue from payphones. When working on technical certification: basic provisions for certification and accounting of subscriber devices; procedure for maintaining cabinet books and counting telephone sewer channels.

Test tasks

to test the knowledge of workers by profession:

"Electrician of linear telephone and radio installations"


Correct answer

Wrong answer

Volumetric and superficial.

Internal and superficial.

Internal and volumetric.

p.90 Polarization of dielectrics is a process:

Electromaterials Science, M., Higher School, 1968.

Ordering of electric charges inside a dielectric under the influence of an applied voltage.

Ordering of electric charges inside a dielectric under the action of mechanical compression.

Ordering of electric charges inside a dielectric by heating.

Electromaterials Science, M., Higher School, 1968.

p.103 Units of measurement of conductor resistivity:

Ohm x mm2/m

Electromaterials Science, M., Higher School, 1968.

p.124 Hygroscopicity is the degree:

The resistance of the dielectric to the effects of water vapor on it during the operation of electrical insulating

At a height of up to 5 meters.

At a height of more than 5 meters.

At a height of 1.3 meters and above.

Interindustry rules for labor protection during the operation of electrical installations, POTRRM, RD 153-34.-03.150-00, M., publishing house NC ENAS, 2001.

p.13 Maintenance is:

A set of organizational and technical measures carried out during the period between repairs, aimed at maintaining the reliability and readiness of electrical installations.

A set of measures aimed at maintaining the reliability of electrical installations.

A set of measures aimed at maintaining the serviceability of electrical installations.

clause 6.5. all channels of input blocks, both free and occupied by cables in the buildings of automatic telephone exchanges and MTSs must:

Sealed hermetically on the side of the cable entry room using sealing devices

Sealed hermetically on the side of the cable entry room using a sealing solution

Sealed tightly on the cable entry side using sealing devices

Rules for labor protection when working on linear structures of cable transmission lines POT R O 3

clause 6.7. The communication cable entry rooms must be provided with air supply to:

The lower area of ​​the room. Air must be removed from the upper zone of the room.

The upper area of ​​the room. Air must be removed from the lower zone of the room.

The lower area of ​​the room.

Rules for labor protection when working on linear structures of cable transmission lines POT R O 3

clause 6.9. Lamps and electrical fittings in the communication cable entry room must be:



Versions IP 54

Rules for labor protection when working on linear structures of cable transmission lines POT R O 3

clause 6.9. In the communication cable entry room, portable electric lamps should be used no higher than:

Rules for labor protection when working on linear structures of cable transmission lines POT R O 3

clause 6.10. Communication cable entry rooms must have:

A tightly closing door, covered with sheet metal on both sides and having a spring for self-closing. The door from the room must open outward.

A door that closes tightly and has a spring for self-closing. The door from the room must open outward.

A tightly closing door, covered with metal sheets on both sides. The door from the room must open outward.

Rules for labor protection when working on linear structures of cable transmission lines POT R O 3

clause 6.10. At the entrance to the communication cable entry room, a sign must be posted indicating:

Categories of the premises in relation to the danger of electric shock to people (“Especially dangerous premises”), and the doors must be marked with “No smoking” and “Explosive” signs in accordance with the state standard.

Categories of the premises in relation to the danger of electric shock to people (“Especially dangerous premises”), and the doors must be marked with the “Explosive” sign in accordance with the state standard.

The doors must be marked with “No smoking” and “Explosive” signs in accordance with state standards.

Rules for labor protection when working on linear structures of cable transmission lines POT R O 3

Grounded or connected to a protective conductor

Grounded and connected to the protective conductor


Rules for labor protection when working on linear structures of cable transmission lines POT R O 3

clause 6.19. Drying and automation units and distribution cabinets must have the following on the floor:

Dielectric carpets

Dielectric stands

Dielectric carpets or dielectric supports

Rules for labor protection when working on linear structures of cable transmission lines POT R O 3

n. All work on the control unit, with the exception of external inspection, must be carried out:

With stress relief

With voltage relief and grounding

Using protective equipment

Rules for labor protection when working on linear structures of cable transmission lines POT R O 3

clause 6.23. All work carried out on the KSU cabinets located in the compressor room and in the cable entry room must be:

Recorded in a work log indicating the names of the persons who carried out the work.

Recorded in the operational log indicating the names of the persons who carried out the work.

Recorded in the order log indicating the names of the persons who carried out the work.

Rules for labor protection when working on linear structures of cable transmission lines POT R O 3

clause 6.34. To de-energize the entire electrical system of vans, the following must be installed on the input pole:

General locking switch with fuses

General switch

General switch in a locked cabinet

Rules for labor protection when working on linear structures of cable transmission lines POT R O 3

clause 6.35. The supply of electricity from a mobile power station is permitted only after:

Inspection of electrical equipment by the site manager and his written permission

Written permission from the site manager

Inspection and written permission of the master

Rules for labor protection when working on linear structures of cable transmission lines POT R O 3

clause 6.36. If you detect a broken electrical wire, a broken ground, or a malfunction of cartridges, sockets, or switches, you must:

Immediately report this to the person servicing the electrical equipment or the site manager.

Immediately take measures to shut down the emergency section and notify the section manager

Immediately take measures to disconnect the emergency section and notify the person servicing the electrical equipment

Rules for labor protection when working on linear structures of cable transmission lines POT R O 3

clause 7.1.43. Workers performing work on hanging communication cables and wired broadcasting in the cradles of aerial platforms must have:

Electrical safety group not lower than 3, have a medical certificate for the right to work at height, work in helmets and with a safety belt fastened to the brackets or structural elements of the cradle.

Electrical safety group no lower than 3 and work in helmets and with a safety belt fastened to the brackets or structural elements of the cradle.

Electrical safety group no lower than 2, have a medical certificate for the right to work at height, work in hard hats and with a safety belt

Rules for labor protection when working on linear structures of cable transmission lines POT R O 3

clause 7.1.46. Work from an aerial platform must be performed:

At least two workers (not counting the driver), one of whom must be a supervisor

At least two employees (not counting the driver)

At least three employees (not counting the driver), one of whom must

Rules for labor protection when working on linear structures of cable transmission lines POT R O 3

clause 7.2.2. Personnel who have:

Group 2

Group 3

The group depends on the performance class of the power tool

Rules for labor protection when working on linear structures of cable transmission lines POT R O 3

clause 7.4.15. When carrying and transporting tools and accessories, their sharp parts must be:

Covered with covers or in another way to prevent the possibility of injury to workers.

Covered with covers or in another way that eliminates the possibility of injury to workers and loss of tools

Covered with covers, eliminating the possibility of injury to workers.

Rules for labor protection when working on linear structures of cable transmission lines POT R O 3

clause 8.3. Organizational measures to ensure work safety are:

Registration of work with a work order, order or list of works performed in the order of current operation; permission to work; supervision during work; registration of breaks in work, transfer to another place, termination of work

Registration of work by order, order; permission to work; supervision during work; registration of breaks in work, transfer to another place, termination of work

Registration of work with a work order, order or list of works performed in the order of current operation; permission to work; supervision during work; registration of breaks in work, end of work

Rules for labor protection when working on linear structures of cable transmission lines POT R O 3

clause 8.9. The producer of work performed alongside must have a group:

3, except for work in underground structures, where the appearance of harmful gases is possible, work under voltage, during which the work operator must have group 4.

3, work under voltage, during which the work operator must have group 4.

Rules for labor protection when working on linear structures of cable transmission lines POT R O 3

clause 8.11. Each team member must fulfill the following requirements:

These Rules and instructions received upon admission to work and during work, as well as the requirements of labor protection instructions of the relevant organizations.

of these Rules and instructions received upon admission to work and during work

These Rules and instructions received upon admission to work, as well as the requirements of labor protection instructions of the relevant organizations.

Rules for labor protection when working on linear structures of cable transmission lines POT R O 3

clause 8.69. When preparing the workplace, the following should be disabled:

Live parts on which work will be carried out; unfenced live parts, to which people, machinery and lifting machines may accidentally approach at a distance less than permissible.

Live parts on which work will be carried out; unfenced live parts, to which people may accidentally approach at a distance less than permissible.

Live parts on which work will be carried out; live parts to which people, machinery and lifting machines may accidentally approach at a distance less than permissible.

Rules for labor protection when working on linear structures of cable transmission lines POT R O 3

clause 9.2.17. Work in underground cable structures, as well as inspection and descent into them, must be carried out by a team consisting of at least:

Three employees, two of whom are insurers

Three workers, of which one is an insurer

Two employees, one of whom is an insurer

Rules for labor protection when working on linear structures of cable transmission lines POT R O 3

clause 9.2.17. The work contractor must have an electrical safety group:

3, if there is a responsible work manager

Rules for labor protection when working on linear structures of cable transmission lines POT R O 3

clause 9.2.47. On the outside of the internal door of the ShR type cabinet and on the internal door of the ShRP cabinet there must be warning signs in accordance with GOST about the possible danger of explosive gas and extraneous voltage and explanatory inscriptions:

+ “Check for extraneous voltage at the terminals” and “Caution - gas”

- "Caution gas"

- “Check for the presence of extraneous voltage at the terminals”

Rules for labor protection when working on linear structures of cable transmission lines POT R O 3

clause 9.2.57. Work on rack lines is carried out only if:

Safety belt, helmet and shoes with rubber soles or insulating galoshes

Safety belt, shoes with rubber soles or insulating galoshes

Safety belt, helmet and shoes with rubber soles

Rules for labor protection when working on linear structures of cable transmission lines POT R O 3

clause 9.2.62. In populated areas, grounding of the overhead cable cable, including at subscriber inputs, must be performed every:

Only at the ends of the site

LLC "CHELNYVODOKANAL" announces recruitment for the vacancy " Electrician linear telephone communication and radio installations (6th category)" LLC "CHELNYVODOKANAL" (a subsidiary of KAMAZ PJSC) - high-tech modern...

from 25,000-28,000 rub. per month | Schedule: Full day

| September 24, 2019

2 |

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Gazprom transgaz Tomsk
Svobodny, Amur region

| November 19, 2019

3 |

Responsibilities: Laying and repairing telephone cables, installing switching boxes, servicing telephone cabinets Requirements: ​​​​​​​ - professional education (college of communications), - work experience of at least 1 year. Conditions: ​​​​​​​- stable salary...

from 35,000-40,000 rub. per month | Schedule: Full day
Moscow, Moscow region

| December 23, 2019

4 |

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from 30,000-40,000 rub. per month | Schedule: Full day
Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo region

| January 17, 2020

5 |

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OJSC "Combine KMAruda"
from 17400 rub. per month | Schedule: Full day
Gubkin, Belgorod region

| May 16, 2017

6 | Electrician of linear telephone communication and radio installations, 5th category

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OJSC "Coal Company "Southern Kuzbass"
from 22,000 rub. per month | Schedule: Full day
Mezhdurechensk, Kemerovo region

| 05 June 2017

7 | Electrician of linear telephone communication and radio installations, 6th category

Communication skills Responsibility for hanging, re-laying wires and cables, operational and technical maintenance and eliminating damage on physical and digital communication lines, identifying the location of damage and eliminating damage on cables and communication lines...

Limited Liability Company "CHELNYVODOKANAL"
from 28,000 rub. per month | Schedule: Full day
Naberezhnye Chelny, Tatarstan Republic

| June 14, 2017

8 | Electrician of linear telephone and radio installations

Driver's license cat. B Responsibility Having your own car A category B driver's license is required Participation in operational and technical maintenance of overhead communication lines, intercity and intraregional communication cables, work on...

Limited Liability Company "MIR Telecom"
from 30,000 rub. per month | Schedule: Full day
Temryuk, Krasnodar region

| March 30, 2017

9 | Electrician of linear telephone and radio installations

ACTIVITIES IN THE FIELD OF COMMUNICATIONS BASED ON WIRED TECHNOLOGIESDisciplineResponsibilitySecondary vocational education, responsibility, discipline, no criminal recordSecondary vocational education, responsibility, discipline...

Trekhgorny, Chelyabinsk region

| June 19, 2017

10 | Electrician of linear telephone and radio installations

Responsibilities: setting up equipment and connecting broadband Internet access conditions: setting up equipment and connecting broadband Internet access responsibility requirements...

From 16,000 rub. per month | schedule: Shift schedule
Armavir, Krasnodar region

| January 25, 2020

11 |

Responsibilities: Ensuring the good condition, trouble-free and reliable operation of linear telephone and radio installations, telephone communication equipment, security and fire alarms, video surveillance systems, warning systems, their correct operation,...

from 25,000-26,000 rub. per month | Schedule: Full day
Vladivostok, Primorsky Krai

| January 27, 2020

13 |

Responsibilities: Carrying out preventative, preventative, emergency recovery work on network elements; Solving and eliminating technical problems on the network; Requirements: Secondary vocational (technical) education;...

from 17566 rub. per month | Schedule: Full day
Navlya, Bryansk region

| 05 February 2020(updated)

15 |

Responsibilities: Crossing of lines (crossing to RS) Perform PNR on site Carry out installation work Configure client equipment, demonstrate to the subscriber the functionality of the service Link equipment to the subscriber...

from 22450 rub. per month | schedule: Shift schedule
Serpukhov, Moscow region

| February 10, 2020(updated)

16 | Electrician of linear telephone communication structures

Participation in operational and technical maintenance of communication lines. Simple measurements on the cable. Inspection and repair of overhead and cable lines. Repair of subscriber devices....

from 16000-18000 rub. per month | schedule: Shift schedule
Vladivostok, Primorsky Krai

| August 25, 2019(updated)

18 |

Responsibilities: Maintenance and troubleshooting of subscriber and line-cable equipment for telephone, industrial public address communications, wired radio broadcasting systems, clock systems and precise time; Installation of SK lines...

SIBUR, Group of companies
Salary not specified | Schedule: Full day
Voronezh, Voronezh region

| February 13, 2020(updated)

As you know, in order to get a job at some enterprise or company, you must meet several requirements, one of which is special education. Nowadays it is not so easy to find a job, especially for people who have office professions. Every year, institutes produce a huge number of such specialists, so the labor market does not have time to create jobs for them. As a result, it turns out that after spending five to six years studying a popular profession, it is impossible to find a permanent job that corresponds to the specialty acquired. However, not everything is so bad and a way out of this situation can be offered by training centers that train specialists in a variety of professions, including blue-collar workers. Working professions have a wide range of areas and specializations, so those interested should learn more about what features their chosen specialty has. As for the profession of an electrician, such centers provide courses for electricians of linear telephone communications and radio installations.

How to get training

Sign documents

Based on the application, we will prepare an agreement

Pay the bill

After signing the contract we will issue an invoice for payment

Complete training

Complete training and receive a standard certificate.

Full text of the article

The standard form of training involves conducting classes in classes or auditoriums, with theoretical lectures and practice being an integral part of the classes. Groups of students range from ten to twelve students, and the duration of training takes about thirty days. The teachers are competent, qualified and experienced professionals. At the end of the specialized course, students receive a certificate indicating the level of qualification training. Based on the results of training in such courses, the student will receive the following basic skills of the profession: connecting cable networks that are located at a variety of facilities; laying low-frequency telephone lines at industrial facilities, various organizations and in the residential sector; ability to lay and maintain communication lines. Electrician courses for linear telephone communication and radio installations have a number of undoubted advantages, including convenient forms of training that each student can choose according to their schedule or circumstances; the short time the courses take, usually from one to several months; highly qualified instructors and teachers who are familiar with this profession from the practical side and who can impart valuable knowledge to students; the opportunity to take practical lessons not only within the walls of an educational institution, but also in the real conditions of the enterprise. In addition, the courses are intended both to acquire the initial level of the profession and to improve this level. As a rule, courses provide a level of knowledge and necessary professional skills, starting from the second or third. You can increase this level with the help of courses up to the sixth or seventh. Each level of professionalism corresponds to certain skills and specialized knowledge. After final certifications or examinations, the specialist will become the owner of a certificate confirming his qualifications. In addition, there are courses for electricians of linear telephone communication and radio installations, in which all applicants can undergo retraining. This type of training provides an opportunity to learn a completely new specialty. This form of training is especially useful for those who have already been trained at some educational institution at one time and received a profession, however, cannot find a suitable place of work.

If we talk about the initial level of training in courses in this specialty, then the student at the end of the training will have the following skills as an electrician - personal technical or operational maintenance of overhead lines, intraregional and intercity cable lines; Carrying out cable fixation work; carrying out simple measuring work on the cable; carrying out inspections, current and major repairs on cable and overhead lines; development and repair of subscriber devices and devices; strengthening, impregnation and replacement of supports; equipment of supports and fittings; repair and installation of intra-house lines; installation of grounding cables; assembly of various structural elements of subscriber-line devices; cleaning of insulating devices on racks and poles; carrying out work on the ground, such as digging trenches, holes, ditches, etc.; preparation of fittings and materials on the line or in warehouses, unloading and loading of materials used at sites; numbering of supporting structures; clearing the route and surrounding area from thickets of trees, bushes, and tall grass; production and painting of auxiliary devices, such as signs, barriers, measuring posts, etc.; punching grooves in the walls of structures for laying cables.

Skills will be useless if a specialist does not have professional knowledge. This is the kind of knowledge that can be obtained by taking a training course as an electrician, who specializes in servicing lines and structures used in radio and telephone communications. Among such knowledge are the following: the basics of electrical engineering; main profiles and types of racks and supports, their purpose; the procedure for performing repair work, inspection and maintenance of cable and overhead lines, subscriber devices; the procedure for rigging, strengthening and replacing supports; information about the types and designs of cables that are being serviced; types and designs of subscriber lines and devices; numbering rules; correct ways to store and work with soldering devices and antiseptics; methods of impregnation of wooden supports in remote areas.

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