Trainings for cohesion of the team at work. Trainings for effective employee cohesion

Cohesion training

Psychological training The purpose of building an effective command interaction is for cohesion. It is worth saying that cohesion is a real opportunity. for any team Become something big than just a group of students, the opportunity to become one to achieve specific goals and objectives.

Any group of adolescents has common goals,
Whether the purpose of learning and receiving good education, the prospect of sports achievements and any other, it is still to effectively achieve the goals, each community member needs support. This support can be obtained just in your group. Only the cohesive team seeks victories. The task of the school psychologist is the ability to explain it to teenagers, show that psychological training for adolescents - this is effective solution Many problems arising in the team, problems that are associated directly with the interpersonal communication of the group participants.

The tasks of psychological training for cohesion for a group of adolescents includes:

1. Formation of a favorable psychological climate in the group

2. Name of similarities in all participants of the group for high-quality improvement of interaction

3. The first diagnosis of the psychological atmosphere in the group

4. Awareness by each participant of his role and functions in the group

5. Development in teenagers skills work in a team

6. Single group around topsack

The mental development of children, as well as the psychological climate inside the school team, not only the teachers and school psychologists, but also parents should be collected. Unfortunately, in modern families, the communication of children and parents comes down to the exchange of information. But this is not enough to feel the world of the child, to help the child to decide on the choice of profession and life path.

However, the practical training for cohesion of the collective treasures will help them look at the native team from another point of view, choose the best tactics to achieve results and deal in the new world for them, in the world of adults, in which they will take place, becoming graduates of the school.

The importance of the development of communicative skills cannot be overestimated. Success is achieved by those people who know how to communicate freely with others. So, the cohesion of teenage teams is an important factor in socializing a member of society. Psychological training for the cohesion of the team of students will help develop leadership skills and team spirit, good memory, which will provide an opportunity to navigate the information stream and contact it to make the right decisions.

Rules and methods of training

The leading training should know the rules of training groups and transfer them to participants. Often, mechanical transfer to the training group of norms adopted in life is unproductive and harmful. Just like attempts by the participants of the training move into real life, those rules and norms that were established in the group were established. It is necessary to understand the coach and transfer to the participants.

What are the most common regulations Training groups?

The rule is "here and now." It is important that the processes, thoughts and feelings arising in the group at the moment. Thus, participants teach to focus on themselves and on what is happening around them now. The one manifests itself "here and now" shows how he behaves "in life." And it is worth paying attention to the training participants.

The rule of sincerity and openness. It is necessary to ensure that the members of the group are not hypocritical and did not lie. A sign of a strong and healthy personality is a certain openness around their feelings about what is happening. This is the basis of effective interpersonal interaction. Naturally, at the beginning of the group's work, it is impossible to achieve this. It is not always necessary to seek complete self-discharge in the group of employees of the enterprise, which will continue to work together. But each member of the group should feel protected and have the right to reveal to the extent that he considers it necessary for this moment.

The rule "I". In the group it is prohibited to use reasoning type: "Everyone has such an opinion ...", "We believe ..." and they are like. These statements shift the responsibility for the feelings and thoughts of a particular person to a non-existent "we". All statements should be built using "I". Thus, we teach a person to take responsibility for themselves and take themselves as it is.

The rule of activity. The group should not be passive observers. Exercises include all participants in their work. If the participants of the Group refuse to take part in the development of skills and forms of behavior, but it is worth paying attention to the discussion of their motivation of the purpose of presence in the training.

Privacy rule. Everything that says in the group regarding participants must remain inside the group. This is a natural ethical requirement, which is a condition for creating an atmosphere of psychological safety and self-discharge. But specific techniques, knowledge, technicians can and should be used outside the group in professional activity, in everyday life.

Allocate basic methodsused in any trainings. These are group discussions, gaming methods, modeling situations, technology for the development of sensory sensitivity and meditative techniques. Depending on the purpose of the training includes these methods in different proportions and ratios.

Group discussion is a joint discussion of controversial issues, positions and strategies of the behavior of participants. This method gives participants the opportunity to see the problem from different sides, survive the various situations of communication within the group, independently answer the questions they put on them, come to any solution. The coach can control the discussion with the help of issues or to the discussion. The discussion may not be controlled, then the themes choose the participants themselves.

Gaming methods include situational roles, didactic, creative, organizational, imitation, business games. The use of gaming methods in trainings is extremely productive. At the stage of acquaintance with the game group, we need to overcome stiffness and tensions, withdrawing "psychological protection". Games are used to diagnose difficulties in communicating and psychological problems of training participants. In the game there is a new skill training, the necessary professional teachings are trained. Self-discharge of participants occurs, their creative potential increases.

Modeling situations. Often during the training it is necessary to understand how a person behaves in a working situation, which behavior patterns use.

Techniques for the development of sensory sensitivity - with the help of them, participants develop the ability to perceive, understand and evaluate other people, themselves, their group. With the help of special exercises, participants receive verbal and non-verbal information about how other people perceive them, as far as their own self-perception, as far as the external opinion affects their behavior.

Meditative techniques are used to remove unnecessary voltage among the participants of the group, the development of additional resources. Such a trainer can carry out a group with participants in the group, simultaneously teaching them various techniques for independent meditation. Working with the correction of its emotional and physical condition is an important part of the training. It increases the stability of participants in the training for stressful situations, makes their behavior more flexible, reduces the degree of fear to uncertain or unfamiliar situations.

There are also special methods with which you can find in special literature.

Exercises for cohesground

1 . "My perfect team"

Materials: 3 Watman, 9 Markers, Scotch.

The initial position of the participants: 3 groups separated from each other.

Task: Each team draw a picture "My perfectcollective. "

Rules: you have 5 minutes to discuss tacticstasks.

After the discussion time, the team's discussion simultaneously proceed to the task. For what said word - fine (2 minuteson the task). 1-2 people represent a picture, argumenther no more than 2 minutes.

2. "Choice"

Source position of participants: Participants are sitting on chairs incircle, by team "Choice" Each participant points the finger hands on one of the other participants.

Task: To achieve such a choice in which the group would have broken into a pair.

Rules: Participants can not be accepted, can not participateget up from chairs, participants make their choice at the same timemaster's team and cannot change it until the next team.

Note: The presenter gives commands in a fast pace.

3. "Self-portrait"

Materials: Gaming sheets by number of participants. The game leafle is a sheet A4 bent in half. The lower half of each sheet is bent on the strips by the number of participants.

The initial position of the participants: private traders are sitting at the table, to adjusting the leader issues a gaming leaflet.

Task: Each participant to draw on the upper half of the game leaflet (not bent on the strip) its self-portrait without signing it.

Time to execute: 5 minutes.


1. After the expiration of time on the execution of participants hand over carsportraits leading.

2. The leading mixes them and distributes to participants into arbitrariness.nome order.

3. Each participant writes on the lowest strip under the carportrait, what, in his opinion, the profession is suitable for a person, Narisobathroom in portrait. Time is 1 minute.

4. After that, the participant raises the strip on which he wrote, onreverse side Gaming leaf and transmits it in a circle.

5. Participants can not be viewed on previous records.

6. Participants who received their self portrait also fillstriped.

7. When the portraits "went around" the whole circle, the leading collects them. Pertopics participants disassemble self portraits.

8. If desired, each participant may talk about inscriptions.under your self portrait, show them to other participants.

The group stands in a dense circle. In the center in a relaxing nii costs one of the students. He begins to fall into any stormwell, not bending your knees. The group catches it and transmits to the other side. Majorbut so that standing in a circle occupied a convenient position for the supportki "Pendulon": Right leg forward, left behind in the stop, hands with palms forward. The group requires great attention and accuracy,it should be how to help a friend, catch and passing standing inside the circle. The group should work together so that the "pendulum" was comfort and safe.

Note: Physically strong and weak students shouldrereamed.

6. "Support on trust"

A group is divided into pairs that get one back to each other.mU at a distance of 0.5 m from each other. One who stands ahead is not bending foot falls on standing behind. He who from behind should catch fallas you can face as softer and gentle. Then standing by places andrepeat exercise.

Note: To ensure security, one who catches musttake a convenient position (see "Pendulum"); takewe manage to all hull, and not just your hands. If the distance seems big or the opposite is small, it can be changed, approachingor leaving the half step until the participants are convenient.

7. "Camera"

The group is divided into pairs. One pair becomes photographer, WTOswarm - camera. The camera closes his eyes, the photographer failshim to an interesting place indoors or on the street and, slightly pressing onhis head, "takes a picture" (camera while pressing for a second opens your eyes and closes them again). Then the camera must guess where the pictures were "taken". Roles are changing.

The students are then sitting in a circle, and a discussion is held sedley. The most important points that needcaution: Which of the photographers both led their camera,whether he warned about the danger, did he think about a partner; as far as Fotooapp was comfortable with her photographer, how much did it reached him; who was more pleasant to be a photographer (leading), and who photooapping (Slave).

8. "Rope"

All players stand in a circle, tightly holding each other by the hands of "deputy com ". Between the first and second students hanging a rope from connectedends. The second participant, without spreading hands with the firstthrow through yourself a rope like a hoop. Rope is now located betweendo second and third students, then the third repeats the Actions of the WTOrogo and so on in a circle. The main thing: during the rope through participants should not take hands. Rope length - 1 m.

9. "Care"

The group needs to build a carriage of those present. Unauthorized items are used to be cannot. During the task, the curator must be observed for the behavior of the studenttOV: who organizes work to whom others listen, whowhat "roles" in a carriage chooses yourself. The fact is that every "role"speaks about certain human qualities:

the roof is people who are ready to support at any moment in a difficult situation;

doors - they usually become people having good commnative abilities (able to negotiate, interactwith surrounding);

seats - these are not very active, calm;

sedoki - those who know how to leave for someone else's account, not very hardworking and responsible;

horses are hard workers, ready to "carry on themselves" any work;

kucher is usually a leader who knows how to lead.

If the student chooses the role of the servant that opens the door or rides from behind the carriage, such people also have leadership skills, butthey do not want (do not know) to show them, ready more to ensure the rear (or these are the so-called "gray cardinals").

After the carriage is ready, students are sitting in a circle, discuss what happened, and then the curator explains them the meaning of those "roles",they chose them.

Note: If the group manages and distributes the role of oneman, the meanings mentioned above will not reflect the qualities of these people.

10. "Blind figures"

Students get into the circle and take hands. They are invited to close their eyes and all together, not extinguishing the hands, build a square. Afterhow students decide that the square is ready, the presenter asks them to openeyes and see what they did. If they are not satisfied withthe bottom, then again closed the eyes and continue to perform the task. Then you can build a rectangle in the same way, triangularnick, anosocarbon triangle, etc.

Note: In this task, you can use the rope withassociated ends, for which all group students take.

eleven. "Nitro »

Three from the group are taken by arms, they andeC Nitro. The group must they are transferred to a straight line for a distance of 2 - 4 m so that they do notlands, as well as without changing the positions of their corps and without breaking hands these students. In this case, all members of the group must take care of the conveniencenitro security and security.

12. "Eyes in the eye"

The group sits down in such a way that everyone can see each,hands put under the buttocks. Silently without drinking facial express eyes need to find a pair (you can not "negotiate" with a suckdyi and with those who sits through one). On the signal leading everything they are suitable for their pair. Most likely, immediately do not everyone can "agree with the eyes", so the exercise is repeated, but at the same time the studentyou are searched for other places in the circle. The game continues to thosepores, until everyone has their own pair.

13. "Common Hugs"

Everyone gets in a circle and take hands. The presenter offers the guyslook at those who stand in one of them and then take uphands with these people. Then after two from them and also take up hands withthese people and so on until everyone holds hands withman opposite.

Note: After each new "hug", the group must be offered to straighten up (for this, students will have to be closerwalk to each other). The first time the game can be stopped if you guysit becomes not cozy or very difficult to stand.

14. "Retrootes Circles"

Need a strong rope, the ends of which are binding (obtaining ring). The group is taken for rope with hands, distributing equalsdimly throughout the circle. Then begin to deviate carefully.stretching on the sides until they can keep the equilibrium.Next, you can suggest students:

- to sit down and then get up;

- let go of one hand;

- let the wave in the rope (shake the rope).

Then discuss work in the group: they felt students support each other; Did you try to help neighbors; how much were AK kuratsy; whether a sense of security was (or the opposite fears thatyou can fall), etc.

15. "Consilium"

The group sits in a circle and it reads the following legend: "Yousurgeons who have to make an urgent transplant operationhearts. It needs 6 people, but you have only one donor heart and more in the near future it is impossible to find.You need to decide who from patients you will save. "

- male 28 years old who has a sick mother in care, littlesummer brother and 2 sisters,

- the guy is 20 years old who fell into an accident during honeysiaz, his wife is waiting for a child,

- woman 35 years old - Master of sports world-class sportsnoah walking.

Then the group is given to the discussion 20 - 40 minutes. (depending on thethe number of students and the degree of their workshop). After that, the group calls its general solution and justifies it.

Reflection is extremely important in this game. It should be sentlena on the removal of the depressed state of the participants of the group and tensenoah atmosphere as a whole. For this discussion must be sent on the analysis of the interaction of the Group: who expressed more; why some are deposited; Carefully listened to each other's arguments;how comfortable was to communicate in the group; Why problems arise in communication; The opinion of which person trusted more, why. Total Time for discussion: from 30-40 min. up to 1 h.

Note: Curator while discussing carefullygives behind the group and notes the behavior of each: leaders, aggressors,molchunov.

16. "Dreams"

Purpose: develop solidarity and understanding, create an atmosphere toveria among participants and rally group.

Materials: paper and markers.

Suggest participants to think within a few minutes abouthow each of them sees their future. Then to exchange thoughts about your dreams or even depict them on paper. Next, let each the participant will determine what three concrete things, actions, people ...can help, and what three - put it to make a dream, and thatcottage is to build with closed eyes By growth.After all participants find their place, give the team to open eyes and see what happened. After the exercise, you can feedit was difficult if it was difficult to fulfill this task (how you feltparticipants) or not.

Note: This game has several variations. You can offer live to build on the color of the eyes, on the color of the hair.

18. "Two mirrors"

All the guys are built into the line in one part of the site, onagainst the face of them gets up one of the participants is "a dumb mirror". In front of all participants, face to a dumb mirror gets up "Speaking Masscalo. Quietly, one each of the group members is suitable forbehind the standing "talking mirror", and "a dumb mirror" shouldexplan to the gestures and the faith of this person. "Talking Mirror"it is necessary to guess who came up. Gradually participants exerciseit change places so that each participant has tried himself inmain roles. Then the exercise is analyzed who felt thatdid someone know something new about himself.

19. "Little Green Men.""Imagine that you left to rest your group on nature. You are in the meadow. Around full of green grass, flowerfish. Butterflies fly. A little away, transparent pure lake, in which you want to swim. It's nice to fit the sunshine. And the best thing is that Is the whole group here! Presented? According to my team, you will go for a walk on this meadow: sniffing flowers, chasing the butterflies, warm in the sun. And when I scream: "Attention! Little green men attacked you! ", Your task is to get bug into a pile, hiding in the middle of the weakest, and then scroll into the middle:" We will give a story with small green men! "Depending on how the group is like a team in the process of doing exercise, It can be held several times, discussing after each of their behavior.

20. "Spontaneous recalculation"Everyone gets into a circle, without touching each other with elbows and shoulders. At the command of the lead, everyone closes their eyes, lowered the noses down and try to count to ... (The figure depends on the number of participants). Each digit should only pronounce 1 person. If two people say some kind of digit, the score begins first.

Curving training for cohesion of the class team "We are different, but together we are united" (for students from 6 to 11 classes).

Cohesion of the class team;
Creating a favorable psychological climate;
Overcoming the barrier in interpersonal relationships, the development of communicative skills.
Training tasks:
Formation of a favorable psychological climate in the group;
Awareness of each participant of his role, functions in the group;
Development of the ability to work in a team;
Cohesion of the group.
Equipment: Pens, sheets with names, markers, napkins by the number of group members, watman sheet with a circle divided into 16 parts, landscape sheets by the number of training participants, two watman, watercolor paints.
Training participants are located in a circle.
Psychologist. Today we will talk about our class on our training, about relationships with each other. First recall the rules of training work. Participants express their rules. Training rules are fixed on the board. Next, the psychologist reports that the work will begin with the exercise, which is called "We are similar to that ...".
I Exercise - "We are with you similar to ..."
Participants are divided into two groups, one group forms an inner circle, the other is external. Everyone is facing each other. Each participant in the external circle says to his partner: "We are similar to you ...", after which standing in the inner circle they answer "We are different about that ..." then take a step to a new partner. The procedure is repeated until everyone is reached in a circle before its first partner. At the end of the exercise, you need to hold a reflection (what are you similar to each other and what is different?).
II Exercise - "Figure on the back".
It is necessary to lines opposite each other in two ranks with the same number of people in each. Students of the first ranks turn away from the psychologist, the second rank psychologist shows the picture and hides it, then the same picture is drawn by the finger on the back of the turned awaying guys. Then, standing in the first Sherge, students draw on a sheet of paper what they felt, then the psychologist pulls out the picture and students compare their drawing with the original. Then students change places and a similar task is performed, but already with another pattern. At the end of the exercises, we carry out reflexion (what helped to understand and transmit sensations? What did the first and second members of the Sherngi feel during the exercise? What prevented the exercise?).
III Exercise - "Conversion for Growth".
All students need to get into the circle and close their eyes. With closed eyes, you need to be built in one rank. When everyone proceeds to in the ranks, the psychologist reports that you can open your eyes and see what happened. We carry out the reflection (did you manage to perform the task? What helped, and what prevented when performing a task? What emotions did you experience during the game?).
IV Exercise - "Napkin".
Each participant of the training is given a napkin. The napkin is proposed to fold twice. The psychologist asks the guys to perform the following steps: tear the right upper corner, then the lower left corner of the napkin, then the guys unfold the napkin. In the class you need to try to find the same napkins. There is none of them. Children must be brought to the idea that we are all different and napkins are different, but we all have to live in peace and harmony, not humiliating the honor and dignity of people around us.
V Exercise - "My perfect class".
Psychologist. All you study in the same class for many years, some of the first class together. The team is very important that there was a favorable microclimate, friendly relations between classmates. You know that the school needs to go to get knowledge, and you also communicate a lot here. These are the main reasons. It may be so possible that due to the fact that there are no relationship with classmates, some do not want to go to school. Let's talk about what qualities the band must have everyone to feel good in it. Now I suggest you think and call those features, thanks to which in the group everyone will be fine and comfortable. Pay attention to the board, Watman is attached to it. Watman is drawn a circle divided into 16 parts. Now we will sign every radius with the outside of the circle of the qualities that we have identified how necessary for successful cooperation, interaction in the classroom. Among the names mentioned can be: equality, kindness, mutual assistance, politeness, friendship, ability to listen, acceptance, empathy, altruism, respect, goodwill, humor, freedom of statements, tact, cohesion, etc. (Each radius of the circumference is a psychologist divides on 10 points. This is a scale where the number of points are postponed with which each trait is estimated). Further, the psychologist calls quality, and the group decides how many points it is manifested in the classroom. After that, all points are connected, resulting in a "web" the closer to the center, especially in the group is more difficult. The closer the web to the edges of the circle, the better the group and the more comfortable everyone. We carry out reflection. Everyone with students decide: how to improve the atmosphere of the class, what qualities the group must be developed, which contribution can be made every in improving the group climate. The psychologist should bring students to the fact that remaining himself, everyone should work on their shortcomings. "We cannot change the group without changing yourself."
VI Exercise - "non-existent animal."
Students are divided into two teams. Each team is offered by joint efforts to draw a drawing of the "non-existent animal", the drawing needs to be drawing with the help of watercolor paints and fingers. Each participant must contribute to the drawing. After that, the team gives the name to their non-existent animals, discuss together where this animal can live than it is supplied, what features he has. Then there is a presentation of the drawings. Reflection (what was felt during the exercise? Have any difficulties arose? What did you like in doing this exercise?).
VII Exercise - "Wishes".
Participants are heard leaflets with the names of classmates. Everyone must write wishes to the one who is listed on the leaves. Then the wishes are given to those who are intended. Wishes must be benevolent, positive.
Reflection training training.
- Who, what did you like, what did not like in the work of the training?
- What conclusions did for themselves? (Expressing each participant).
Farewell ritual "Sunflower".
Everyone gets up in a circle, take hands and raise them up, putting on the socks, as if reaching the sun, to the good, to a positive, to success, to excellence.

The cohesive team of like-minded people is the main dream of every chief or school teacher. In a friendly team, it is easier to work and learn, and the results of activities, according to psychologists, higher.

To rally a team, you need to create a favorable climate that contributes to the self-expression of each participant. Create a psychologically comfortable environment at the workplace or at school (institute) will help the training for the cohesion of the team.

There is a huge number of psychological exercises that are aimed at forming a friendly team of like-minded people. They differ in the techniques and forms of conduct.

With the competent work of the psychologist, positive changes are observed after 5-6 lessons conducted without interruptions. A short training course will help solve a specific problem or simply support the normal psychological climate in the team.

The training for cohesion of the working team is several forms and varieties:

  1. Special gaming classes, helping members of the group to meet, go dry, understand your own value. Games teach to interact with other people, taking verified joint solutions. To carry out such games, preliminary preparation is usually not required.
  2. Sports contests that work out the ability to interact in the team. Competitions help teach the experience of members of their group. For sports competition will need a special place (or room) and defined accessories (balls, sticks, etc.).
  3. Timbilding - carrying out activities that imply exit to nature and the passage of special obstacles and obstacles. For example, a joint meeting of the river or lake, campaign, overcoming rope towns. Such trainings require careful training.
  4. Crection - activities that imply joint participation in any creative competition. It can be a song competition, a photographic session, inventing the emblem for your company, writing a script.

Psychologists argue that Timbilding is the most effective form of a fracting training. An informal situation that helps liberate participants becomes a big plus of such events. Often, teachers use such a type of classes when working with class.

The main goal of training for cohesion teams is the creation of a trust relationship between team members. Therefore, one should not take these classes as a simple and unscrewing pleasant pastime.

Any member of the team - bright personalityWith its own features of the person and a pronounced point of view. To ensure productive work or study, it is important to connect personal features into a single whole.

That is why the main task of trainings is the definition of the main positive qualities of each person and the introduction of them into the overall working system.

Other tasks that pursue the training for the cohesion of the team of adults and adolescents are:

  • formation of "unofficial" relations and relationships;
  • assistance to members of the team in determining the most convenient (from a psychological point of view) in the team;
  • development of the ability to work together and solve various problematic questions together;
  • establishment of the best psycho-emotional compatibility between members of the team.

It should be understood that the training for cohesion of the team of children, adolescents and adults is not a spontaneous event, but a carefully thought out cycle of exercises.

Exercise number 1. Square

Objective: Understanding and feeling every team member.

How is the occupation?

The presenter builds the whole group into a circle, then asks the participants to close the eyes and rest in a square. After completing the task, you should not immediately look at. The psychologist asks whether all participants are confident that they managed to build a square. You can open your eyes only after everyone is sure that they are in the square.

Objective: Group cohesion and close acquaintance with each participant of the team.

How is the occupation?

Participants are searched for a common table on which Watman, glue, various colored pictures, drawings, pencils, paints are decomposed. The team members are invited to choose a picture that matches their feeling and seeing themselves in this group. Having made the choice, each participant using glue, places the picture on Watman in such a way as to demonstrate its position in the team. You can then additionally decorate the pictures with the help of paints and color pencils.

Questions discussed:

  1. What are you guided when choosing a picture?
  2. How much is the location of the picture matches your desire?
  3. How difficult was this exercise?

Purpose: choosing a result that suits all group members.

What does the course of classes look like?

The team must be divided into 4 groups, each of which should be at least 4 people:

  • the first command is "scenarios";
  • the second - "Directors";
  • third - "Actors";
  • fourth - "Critics".

All participants are given one task - to create and put such a play that would arrange everyone in all indicators (title, content, selection of actors). "The script authors" write the 1st act, are approved by "critics", then the text receive "directors", which rehearse with the "actors" rehearse. At this point, the "scenarios" write the second and third acts. After the full readiness of the play "Actors" begin to play, and the rest of the participants sit down in the "Hall".

Questions discussed:

  1. How promoted you the result?
  2. What did not happen?
  3. How simple or hard to work in a team?
  4. Who was the easiest to cooperate and why?

It is not always possible to establish a direct connection with questions and answers. In some cases, it is possible to determine the current situation in the command, observing the participants when performing a task and on the results of the test. Such learning should be carried out anonymously, offering each participant to evaluate certain indicators of psychological comfort in the group:

  • friendliness;
  • effectiveness;
  • comfort;
  • aggressiveness;
  • hostility (and other).

After analyzing the received data and observations, the psychologist determines the main problems of the team (if they are) and forms the following training, which is designed to correct the "weak points" of the group.

If competently and delicately approach the cohesion of employees or adolescents, the results of trainings can be:

  • optimization of intragroup relationships;
  • the formation of the ability to act in the team;
  • the ability to correctly leave the conflict situation;
  • productivity of the working or educational process.

Of course, the main task of the training is to achieve a collective cohesion, develop the ability to cooperate. However, do not forget about the psychological comfort of the team participants.

It is impossible to force to take part in the exercises, it is important to speak possible problems And help every person. It is in mutual assistance that the real cohesion of the team is manifested!

Hello, I am the hope of carpenter. I successfully studied in SUURSU at a special psychologist, several years have dedicated to working with children with problems in the development and consultation of parents on the upbringing of kids. The experience gained, including, in the creation of articles of psychological orientation. Of course, in no case I pretend to be the truth in the last instance, but I hope that my articles will help respected readers to deal with any difficulties.

Purpose: Remove psychological stress, study interpersonal relationships in the group.

Conducting psychological games and exercises in the group requires leading certain skills and skills. First of all, when selecting games, it is necessary to take into account the psychological attitude of the group, constantly fix the changes in the mood of the participants in order to decide on the termination of the game. After completing the exercise, it is necessary to conduct reflection in the group.

1. "Clown"

To carry out this game, you must divide for 2-3 teams and prepare 2-3 boxes of matches. More precisely, not all boxes are needed, but only the upper part of it. The inner, extended part along with matches can be postponed.

In order to start the game, all the teams are built into the column, the first person puts the boxes on his nose. The essence of the game is that as soon as possible to transfer this boxes from the nose to the nose to all members of your team, the hands should be behind the back. If someone has fallen boxes, the team starts the procedure again.

Accordingly, the winner is the team that will finish the transmission box faster.

2. "Apple"

This game is again associated with the transfer of the item with two or several commands. This subject will be an apple, and it will be necessary to keep it, clinging between the chin and the neck. Hands behind the back, so ... started!

If you did not have an apple under your hand, you can use the same success with an orange or tennis ball.

3. "Sandalik"

For this game you need to organize at least three teams. Teams are built into the columns located on the same line, having previously swallowed. After the teams are built, the leader collects all the shoes guys, bothers her bunch and mixes. The guidelines are offered: "This is a small fun relay. Now in turn, each of the participants must run up to this heap, go to their shoes and run in the shoes to their team, having transferred the relay to the following. Win you know how to quickly shift!"

4. "Toucan"

Toucan is a fish that fishermen are often dried by riding long rings. Now we, like Tukanu, will be "to drive" for a long, about 15 m. The length of the rope, at one end of which the pine bump is tied. All members of the team must turn this bump through all the clothes from top to bottom, passing the cone to each other in turn. Naturally, the winner is considered the team, the last participant of which the first of all teams will pull out a pine cone with a fifteen rope meters tied to it from the pants.

5. "Tangle"

The same rope binds to the ring. The leading comes out of the room or turns away, and the rest, holding two hands for the rope, confused, forming a lively tangle that the leading should unravel. His task is to form a circle again.

6. "Jump without a parachute"

For this game, four pairs of participants become on one side of the chair face to each other, arms crossed as it is recommended to do when carrying wounded. With her back to the chair, another player becomes "jumping". He becomes the edge of the chair and drops back as a wax stick. Standing from behind with arms crossed 8 people catch it. The severity of sensations and the success of the fact that Comrade is caught, capture and fascinate the guys. Fear of the fact that their comrade can hit, makes the guys tightly hold on with each other.

7. "Retrootes circles -1"

The whole group with tied eyes is kept for the rope ring. On the team you need to portray a specific figure - a triangle, square, etc.

8. "Roll into the fingers"

The whole group on the "One-two-three" must be thrown out on the fingers such numbers so that their sum is equal to the presenter. The exercise is repeated to the result.

The group should count to N (or equal or more of the participants), and only one person should pronounce each figure. Negotiate who says cannot. As soon as some number pronounces several people at the same time or no one utters a long time, the bill begins with the beginning. Optional rule: Each person must pronounce at least one number.

The group should count to the number (or equal or more of the participants), and only one person should pronounce each figure. Negotiate who says cannot. As soon as some number pronounces several people at the same time or no one utters a long time, the bill begins with the beginning. Optional rule: Each person must pronounce at least one number.

11 . Two people stand over with the backs of each other. Alive together sit down and stand up together. The same thing is standing face to each other and holding hands and devastating back. Exercise option is a group of several people standing in the ring.

12. "Knot"

Each of the group holds for the rope. Task - Tie the rope into the node. You can not let go of the hands, you can only move along the rope (if someone lets your hands, the exercise begins with the beginning). Option - then untie the knot knot with the same rules. Option - unleash the node tied to the leading.

13. "Plates - 1"

The group gives several plates. The group should, not advancing the carpet, cross the plates through it. Condition: At every plate should constantly be at least one leg. Otherwise, the plate is selected.

14. "Ant trail"

The group is divided into two parts and rises on a long board on both sides of the middle. Task - two subgroups change places. If someone comes to earth or concerns the land, the exercise begins with the beginning.

15. "Rug"

The whole group stands on the rug. To turn it onto the other side. If someone has come to the floor - the exercise begins with the beginning.

16. "Rope for Hands"

The rope is stretched just below the tale of the highest person in the group. The group is standing by the hands. The task is to pass over the rope, not bothering it. Note: To follow group work, you should either enter the rule that it is impossible to jump, or introduce "blind", "dumb" people.

17. "Platelets in a circle"

Platelets are located in a circle, their number is equal to the number of participants. Well, not coming to the floor, to all simultaneously run the circle from the plate on the plate. The sizes of the plates are selected so that only one person can be placed on each.

18. "Octopus"

Long ropes are tied to the ring, a tennis ball is placed in the ring. The task is not dropping the ball, take it around the column (carry over the field). Option: In the Big Ring Aircraft Ball.

19. "Synchronically not synchronous"

The team on the team raises his hands, then without a team should at the same time lower them. The same can be done with chairs: without claiming silently together stand up, bypass around the chair (synchronously) and at the same time sit down. If the movement is not synchronously executed, the task is performed again.

20. "Varosik"

The troika consists of a driver, composition and a train. The locomotive is first with eyes closed. The driver is worth the third and leads the train. Everyone keeps the belt in front of standing. Rotate to the right, left, brake is made in the hospital's hands on the belt. After some time, the role is shown and the game continues. The game takes place in silence.

At the end there is a discussion, to whom what role liked more (lead, slave, mediator for information transfer).

21. "Blind and guide"

Everyone gets into the circle, calculated on the first second and divide on the pair. In couples get up with each other. Fast shutdown closes his eyes, the partner puts his hands on the belt and the leader starts to led him around the room. After some time, the partners change roles and the game continues.

22. "Customs"

Host: "I propose to practice the observation of the ability to analyze the behavior of another person. So our group is passengers going on the aircraft. One of them is a smuggler who is trying to take a unique jewelry jewelry from the country.

So who wants to be a customs officer?

The assumed this role comes out. One of the participants in the group hides the subject, after which they are imparted by the "customs officer". Past him

one by one pass "passengers", there are three attempts to determine the smuggler.

23. "Monster"

We all recognize different disadvantages. But are they so, if you think about, scary? Imagine that in the center of our circle it costs the scarecrow - the uncompatient such, it seems to be put on the garden

scare away birds. It has all the qualities that we consider our shortcomings.

First, all in turn call various disadvantages: "stuffed so", and then each of us will say than good about the quality that

they were named, but not about the qualities that named himself, but about those who called others.

At the end of the exercise discussed the "pros" and "minuses" of these qualities.

24. "Stand in the circle"

All participants are going to a close bunch around the lead. According to his team, they close their eyes and begin to move chaotically in any direction, while everyone buzzes like bees gathering honey. After some time, the presenter clap into his hands, everything instantly shut up and frozen on the place where the signal found. After that, the presenter claps in your hands twice. Without opening the eye and without touching his hands, the participants try to lines in the circle. This happens in complete silence. When all the participants of the game occupy their places and stop, leading three times, everyone will open their eyes.

25. "Accounts up to ten"

Everyone gets into a circle, without touching each other with elbows and shoulders. According to the signal of the lead, everyone closes the eyes, lower the noses down and try to do what six-year children are able to: count from one to ten. But the trick is that it will be all together. In the game there is one rule: only one person should utter each figure. If two people say some kind of digit, the score begins from the beginning. There are several attempts. The presenter can enter into a bet with the group. At the end, the analysis of what happened.

26. "To be built for growth"

Everyone gets tight circle, closed eyes and mouths, i.e. become glorpherukhonem. By teammate, the leading should be built in the rank of growth. When everyone occupy their places and stop, the leading gives the signal and all open their eyes. You can make several attempts on time.

27. "Birthdays"

All playing closes their eyes (it is better to use bandages) and turn into depleting. Their task is to lure in the car in the calendar of their birth days. A man who was born, for example, should be heading, and the last one who was born in late December should be the latter. Before the game, it is negotiated that the "conversation" is more convenient to start with the message of the month of your birth, and then agree on the number. When Shernga is lined up, everyone opens their eyes, mouths and ears and call their birthdays.

You can repeat the exercise for a while several times.

28. "Meeting of views"

All players get up in a circle, face to each other, "neme", lowered their heads and look at their shoes. According to the signal of the lead, everyone lift eyes and look at one of the people standing in a circle. If two meets his eyes, they fit together, stretch their hands (hugged). The task of the group is to form with once as many pairs as possible.

29. "Transfer of feelings with touch"

One of the participants becomes the center of the circle and closes his eyes. He knows that now the rest of the participants will approach him now and try to pass one of four senses: fear, joy, curiosity, sadness. The task of water to determine how the feeling was transmitted.

30. "Hordes on the extensions"

All players are divided into two teams: Horde and detached.

The detached rises in a circle, face out, and plunge into ourselves, dismissed from external influences, frozen, frozen. The horde must defrost, cause any reaction from the detached.

Restrictions for the Horde: Cannot be touched to the detached and impossible to scream in the ear.

Restrictions for detached: You can not omit and hide your eyes, you need to look straight.

The game begins at the expense of the "five" lead. 1-2 continues

minutes, then the commands change roles. The team wins, which for the allotted time will be able to "defrost" more than a person.

31. "Golden and Black Chair"

All sit in a circle, in the center of which is a chair. Anyone can sit on this chair, and, and if he orders Golden chair, everyone will only speak about the good qualities of this person. If a man orders a black chair, everyone will talk about him weaknesses, its shortcomings.

As a rule, the majority want to sit on a black chair, but the game is advisable to start with a gold chair. The first comes to want, then he chooses the next player.

The exercise can be diversified, the chair can be color, and then the person speak volumetric, from all sides.

This exercise can be carried out when members of the team know each other well.

Games for the detection of the leader

The detected leader can be the main binder in the campaign chain of the guide with the group.

1. "Rope"

To carry out this game, take the rope and tie her ends so that the ring is formed. (The length of the rope depends on the number of guys participating in the game.)

The guys get up in a circle and take two hands for the rope, which is inside the circle. Task: "Now everyone needs to close the eyes and, without opening the eye, without letting the rope from the hands, build a triangle." First there is a pause and the complete inaction of the guys, then someone from the participants offers some kind of solution: for example, it is possible to calculate and further build a triangle on the ordinal numbers, and then leads actions.

The practice of this game shows that these functions are usually taken by leaders.

The game can be continued, complicating the task, and suggest the guys to build a square, star, hexagon.

2. "Karabas"

The next game will be the game "Karabas". For the game, children are cleared into the circle, along with them the counselor, which offers the conditions of the game: "Guys, you all know the fairy tale about Pinocchio and remember the bearded Karabas-Barabas, who had a theater. Now all you are dolls. I will say the word" Ka-ra-bass "And I will show some of the number of fingers on the elongated hands. And you will have to, do not negotiate with the chairs, and so many people, how much I will show your fingers. This game develops attention and speed of the reaction."

In this game test, the participation of two counselors. The task of one thing is to spend the game, the second is to carefully observe the behavior of the guys.

Most often there are more sociable, seeking to leadership guys. Those who get up later, at the end of the game, less decisive. There are those who first get up and then sit down. They constitute a group of "happy." The insignificant is the group of the detachment that does not get up at all.

3. "Big family photography"

It is better to spend this game to organizeriod to identify the leader, as well as in the middle of the shift, and use as a visual material in your team.

It is proposed that the guys presented that all of them are a big family and everyone needs to take pictures together for a family album. It is necessary to choose a "photographer". He must arrange the whole family for photographing. The first of the family chooses the "grandfather" he can also participate in the alignment of the family members. No one no more installations are given for children, they must decide themselves who can be and where to stand. And you wait and watch this entertaining picture. The role of "photographer" and "grandparents" is usually taken to fulfill the guys who are seeking leadership. But, however, the elements of the leadership and other "family members" are not excluded. It will be very interesting for you to watch the distribution of roles, passive activity in choosing a location.

This game spent in the middle of the shift can open you new leaders and reveal the system of sympathy-antipathies in groups. After the distribution of roles and alignment of the "family members" "Photographer" considers up to three. At the expense of "Three!" Everything is very smooth and very loudly screaming "cheese" and make simultaneous cotton into his hands.

Here's another one option detection of leadersconsisting of several games. For this, the guys are divided into two or three equal in the number of team members. Each team chooses a name. The leader suggests the conditions: "Now the teams will be fulfilled after I inhibit" started! ". The winner will be considered the command that fastest and more accurate task." Thus, you will create the spirit of competition, which is very important for the guys.

So, the first task. Now every team must tell Khorom some one word. "Started!"

In order to fulfill this task, all team members can somehow agree. It is these functions that takes on a person striving for leadership.

Second task. Here it is necessary that I do not negotiate about anything quickly stood up. "Started!"

The interpretation of this game is similar to the interpretation of the game "Karabas": the most active members of the group are standing, including the leader.

Third task. Now all teams fly in space ship On Mars, but in order to fly, we need to organize the crews as quickly as possible. The crew includes: captain, navigator, passengers and "hare". So who is faster?!

Usually, the functions of the organizer again takes on the leader, but the distribution of roles often occurs in such a way that the leader chooses the role of the "hare". This can be explained by his desire to transfer the responsibility of the commander on the shoulders of someone else.

Task fourth. We flew to Mars and we need to somehow accommodate in the Martian hotel, and in it only a triple room, two double rooms and one single one. You need to quickly distribute who in which number will live. "Started!"

After spending this game, you can see the presence and composition of microbroups in your team. Single rooms usually go either hidden, unbearable leaders, or "rejected".

The proposed number of rooms and rooms in them is drawn up for a team consisting of 8 participants. If there are more or fewer participants in the team, then make up the number of rooms and rooms yourself, but with the condition so that there are three-bed, double and one single.

This technique will give you quite a complete leadership system in the team. You can finish it by some game for the cohesion of the team. (See below)

It should be noted that the main types of leaders are emotional and intellectual leadership. Not last place in the team occupies the leader organizer. To whom to lead your squad, it depends not only on personal sympathy, but also on the type of activity, the life of the detachment in this shift.

Games - Drawings

Purpose: Remove the voltage and set up to work. Drawing games are different from all games in that they can only be played once with one team. According to its contents of the playing games, they are a kind of joke, the riddling that participants understand that they fought over them.

1. "Have you seen bringing?"

Players are built into one line shoulder to each other, leading is first. He sets the player next to him a question that is responsible for a given scheme:

Did you see bringing?

Won there (the lead lifts the right hand) the player repeats the dialogue and gesture with the next player and so to the end. For the second time, without changing the words, the lead raises the left hands, for the third time - squats and pulls his left leg forward. The entire chain sits just the shoulder to the shoulder with the elongated hands, and the presenter pushes the sitting nearby. The whole detachment falls along the chain.

2. "Do you know Yatsek?"

Another version of the game "Have you seen bringing?" There are 8-10 people who want a person in a column and very close shoulders. The presenter adjusts to the first and asks: "Do you know Yatsek? Yucek is like that!" And shows pulling hands to the head level. The first asks the second: and repeats the movement of the master. The second is the third, etc. Moreover, hands remain in the same position. Then the host again starts the circle, but the hands remain at the level of the abdomen. Again repeat - hands at the knee level. And finally, hands almost touch the floor. When everyone turns out to be in such an uncomfortable position, the presenter says: "Do you know Yatsek? Nicek here!" And with these words heavily pushes the body of the first playing.

3. "Detective"

One player says that now everyone will come up with some kind of detective story, and he will have to guess it, while he can ask questions to which only "yes", "no", "I don't know." After explaining the player's rules asking for the door.

No plot is inventying, simply, if the player's question ends at a vowel letter, then everyone responds "yes", if on the consonant - "no", on a soft sign - I do not know. After some time, the master himself composes the detective and very rejoices.

4. "Love story"

Another version of the game "Detective". Two people - a guy and a girl - lead beyond audibility. The counselors say that they will now come up with their own love story. Upon returning the leading will ask questions if in the last word of their question the last letter - vowel, then the circle answers: "Yes!" And if - consonant, then - "No!". In case, if the word ends with soft signs, the circle says: "We do not know" and "no matter", on choosing. The instructions are given: "We have come up with a love story here. You must learn it, asking questions that would provide only to unambiguous answers:" Yes, "no", "do not know." What do you understand, then tell. If you are thinking They were confused, you need to help them. In the end, the leader thanks leading to all their "wonderful love story".

5. "Love Monument"

Three young men and three girls (the quantity is not limited) are outlined outside the door. Two leading build a monument of love (young man and girl)

The third lead one calls the girl, then the young man, offering them:

You are a sculptor, before you the unfinished monument of love from clay, you must finish it.

(Player "Lepit" monument at its discretion). When the sculptor finished the work, the lead says:

And now replace the girl (young man) in his creation.

6. "Hypnosis"

All sit on their knees in the circle. One leading offers everyone to close the eyes for the "hypnosis" session, listen only to his voice and execute his instructions: "Imagine that you walk on a beautiful meadow in the forest, you hear the birds singing. Feel the smell of summer, you blinds the sun. You You see that the melanchy flower grows in the middle of the Polyana, you lean to it, sit down. On his petal, you notice a little Rosink, who manites you, and you, stand on all fours, are trying to lick her tongue. And now, call for a second.

Players do everything.

The first presenter at this point comes to the second and says:

"Comrade General, a group of service and search dogs arrived at the destination!".

7. "phrases"

I uttered one of the other three phrases, each phrase you should repeat the choir. Be able to

And I think no. Let's check. It's a good weather today.


We love funny Games (repeat)

Larew, already lost!

But you uttered only two phrases.

My third phrase was: "lost, already lost."

8. "I go hiking ..."

In a circle, one phrase says: "I go hiking and take with me ... (the participant calls any thing)" You can pass the ball or toy at the same time. The lead says who goes to the campaign, and who is not. The bottom line is that after this phrase, the player must pronounce the word "please", and then the presenter will take it on a campaign. The game goes until everyone is guessing about the "secret" word.

9. "Who is the Egyptian donkey?"

The presenter comes into the room and asks everyone: "Who is the Egyptian donkey?". All shouts are shouting: "I", but the "Egyptian donkey", which is secretly selected, should scream it louder than everyone.

If the presenter is guessing, then it remains if not, it goes beyond the door to change the "donkey". If the presenter is guessing, now, as if the nonsense is asking him to be "Egyptian don", and he should shout louder to everyone: "I !!!". When the second lead comes and asks: "Who is the Egyptian donkey?", All pretend that they are going to scream, but silent, only the first leader shouts.

10. "Wild Monkey"

This game is still known as the "Egyptian Donkey". One wishes are excreted from the hall or just away from the location of the general circle so that he does not see and heard the remaining. The master says: "So. Now we are his (her) pod. He will return, and we will say that here the Symposium of the Wild Monkeys and he needs to determine who is the wildest. For this, - let's say, - you must ask: "Who is the very wild monkey here?" Everyone is scattered? "I! I! "From two attempts, you have to guess who this monkey. And the wildest - this one who loudly screams and hits the fist in the chest. So, two attempts. Here it will ask, and we will yell. After Two attempts he will indicate on someone. We will seem to be surprised and say that he guessed. The one who showed how to the very wild monkey, it comes out. We will make someone like a truly, and when the second lead will return And it will begin to ask, the first time we shout, and the second - I score the air for a cry and will become clear. There are questions? The game proceeds according to this instruction. Good at the beginning, remove not one, but three to four people.

11. "Re-erash through the clock"

Before the player put a few hours at a short distance from each other. Then the player tie his eyes and ask the player to cross through the clock. Leading guides a player so that he does not come to the clock, suggest that he needs to do how to go.

In fact, all the watches are removed and declined again after the player passes all distance.

12. "Put the nose to the place"

A physiognomy is drawn on the sheet. The nose is made of plasticine. The player with tied eyes is offered to put this nose into place.

13. "MPS"

The task of the lead - to guess the conceived person in the group, asking any questions about him to each player. Players, answering the question, tell about their neighbor on the right, because MPS decrypt "My right neighbor".

14. "Camel"

It must be done very carefully so that others do not hear what the neighbor says. Then the leader gets up in the center and says: "Listen carefully! Now I will call animals. It is possible that some I didn't call some, so I remember exactly my animal. So: Cat! Horse! Camel !!!".

15. "Yes No - yes"

Three boys and three girls are called from the audience. The presenter leaves one member of the opposite sex from six. And the rest will lead to them not overheard and did not spy. With the remaining participant, it is agreed that he will answer the question in the sequence "Yes" - "No" - "Yes." And so three times for three answers.

The presenter asks such questions:

Do you know what this is?

Do you know what it is for?

Do you want to know?

In the first series, the presenter shows on the palm, and after the consent, find out what she needs, shakes the palm of the participant. In the second series, the host shows on the shoulder and after the 3rd answer gently hugs by the participant's shoulder. In the third series, the host shows on the lips and after the 3rd answer, pulls his lips to the participant as if he wants to kiss, and then plays on the lip as little. After a friendly laughter, the lead sits in the hall, and the 1st participant gets up in his place. And for him is called the second party of the opposite sex. So in turn pass all six participants.

Theater Expromst

Theatrical performances in which absolutely all children of the group are involved and do everything easily, fun, successfully, is, of course, the expression shows. The expression exempts from fear before failure, impromptu allows not to be an actor, impromptu implies a momentary creation, and therefore an imperfect, crude form, with errors, incidents, funny situations. All the failures of the participants of the improvised scene are justified in advance. Impromptu: no one was prepared for the game; Nobody knew what he had a role; None of the actors is actor, so his behavior is free, he only outlines the action of the character and the acting skills are not required from it.

The theater-expression has as a leading psychological task, while the School Theater (Ethical Theater, Dramatic Studio, etc.), occupied by theatrical productions of literary works, is created in the name of aesthetic and moral tasks. And the task of psychological consists in the psychological liberation of the student, in the formation of his feeling of dignity.

The method of organizing the theater-expression is extremely simple. The text is drawn up for "voice over a frame", usually fabulous, fantastic, detective, so that entertaining events are deployed on the scene. Then all the characters of the presentation are recorded, they are indicated on cards. These cards are distributed among children who came to the performance, and they are immediately invited for the scenes. In the course of the sound of the text, carrying information on the actions of the heroes, the actors appear because of the scenes and fulfill everything, as reported by the "voice for the frame".

It is necessary that in the play there was a lot of actions aligning one to another that the reversal of events was unexpected and eventually fun and slightly funny. Acting persons There are people, animals, and plants, and things, and natural phenomena, such as wind, shining, clouds.

We give an example of a short performance played by the expression successfully and repeatedly in different schools (with the help of a capital letter we indicate the characters of this presentation).

"... Night. Woven the wind, the trees are swinging. Gypsy-thief is being made between them, he is looking for a stable, where she sleeps his horse ... So the stable. Sleeping a horse, he dreams something, he slightly goes through with hooves and rzhet thin. It was not far from him on the pranchka of the Sparrow, he dreamed, sometimes reveals that one, then another eye. On the street on the riding a dog sleeps ... The trees are noisy, because of the noise you can not hear how the gypsy-thief makes your way into the stable. Here it is enough Horse for a bridle ... Sparrow stuck anxiously ... The dog desperately lay down ... Gypsy leads a horse. The dog is poured with the mistress, the mistress ran out of the house, he shouted, shouted. She's calling her husband. Joined with a gun in his hands ... Gypsy runs away . The owner leads a horse in the stall. The dog jumps away from joy. The sparrow flies around. Trees are noisy, and the wind continues to howl ... The owner strokes the horse, throws him a hay. The owner calls the hostess in the house. Everything calms down. Sleeps. Dram Former place. Standing falls asleep horse, he occasionally shudders and rushing quietly ... curtain! "

The plot should not be known to nor children or viewers or actors. Therefore, having played one performance, you need to re-create text for another presentation. We should not forget about the effect of novelty for children: the plots must be unlike, concerned in various spheres of human life, each time they surprise children. unexpected turns during action.

For a broader idea of \u200b\u200bthe possibilities of the theater-expression, we give another text that serves as a support for playing actions on the scene:

"... the sea. The sea is worried. Located in a constant move. He sits on the stone a philosopher sits. He deepened in thought, nothing notices around. From the part it seems that he is a dormant. Does not notice waves incurred ashore. I do not notice As the shark sailed and rejuvenated the predatory mouth, going to eat a philosopher. He does not notice how a flock of cheerful dolphins drives the evil shark to the sea.

The philosopher sits, immersed in thought. Nothing can take it out of thought about the meaning of life. He is so stationary that the seagull that appeared takes him for the stone and sits on his head.

On the shore there is a trader with a basket. All day he sold goods on the market. Tired, dragging the basket in the sand. The merchant sees a single figure of a person sitting on a stone, and heads for him.

Noticing a man, a seagull flies with a cry. The philosopher retains the former thoughtfulness.

Going to the philosopher, the merchant asks to look after the basket ... undresses and goes to plunge into the sea.

At this time, two joker appear on the shore. They see the philosopher immersed in thought, stealing selected to the basket with clothes. Take it and launched on the nurse.

The merchant sees how to kidnap his basket with money and clothing, quickly floats to the shore and shouts: "Save!". From screaming the philosopher awakens and rushes to help. Of course, save a person for a philosopher is like saving the highest value.

The merchant is fought off the philosopher. Soon they turn out to be on the shore. Joker run farther further.

The trader is blocked by a wake, begging the philosopher to give him clothes to catch joker. The philosopher replies that clothes are not the most important thing in life that it is only a means, and not a goal. And again flows into deep thoughtfulness.

The merchant jumps around, beats the philosopher on the back, trying to bring out of thoughtfulness, becomes kneeling, begging about clothes ...

Dolphins are sailing - discuss the situation. Chaika shouts, gives advice to a naked merchant. Philosopher. We are calm .. Dolphins float. Seagull flies.

Dealer. Stripping the philosopher, runs to save his good.

On the stone lonely philosopher, immersed in the thought of the sense of life ....


And further. One text. The performance is called "way home".

"... Village, summer, night ... noise and howls, swaying. Trees, wind ...

On the way there is a resident of the village. On the right there is a fence ... Suddenly, from behind the fence, a black cat runs out, moving the road to a resident of the village, pukes loudly.

A resident of the village, frightened, screams ... The cat rushes to one of the trees and rapidly climbs on the tree, sits there, watching the resident.

A resident of the village is also scared. He turns in the other side to approach his house another. expensive.

Owl departs from the tree, she screams, scares the resident, and cat. Both again scream - like. may.

The unlucky resident of the village is now sent on the third road to his house. He is in dangerous goes, looking around, he shudders coming up ...

Finally, his house is visible. Our hero. Stretches your hand to open the door. There is a ghost ... "Oh, when it all end?!" - Write our hero. And the ghost is circling around him. A resident of the village in despair, he grabbed his head with his hands and no longer looking for an exit from the position ...

The hostess runs out of the house, the wife of our hero. In her hands she has a towel. She waves a towel, he drowshes the ghost. That hides behind the corner of the house.

Our hero tells the hostess, his wife, why he is so frightened ... The ghost around the corner repeats his words as Echo, slowly selected again to. Our hero. The hostess notices his movement, waving a towel and Ghostly orders the ghost to disappear ... He is going to object. But suddenly somewhere far away, behind the house, shouted the cock ... The ghost disappears forever.

The hostess consoles her husband, invites him to the house. Promises good treat. Both go ...


And you can also put children's fairy tales ("repka", "teremok", "Ryabina", etc.).

Russian folk games

Purpose: The assimilation and consolidation of the indigenous historical features, the traditions of their people, the transfer of experience from generation to generation.

Traditionally game culture, including along with actually games, game forms in communication, labor, cognitive activity, constitute an integral and most important part of a huge complex of folk culture. Most people can be used today.

1. "Stick Sing"

All participants are divided into two teams. The song of the Song Questions of the One Team begins. The second team responds with words from the song. And so who is confirable.

2. "White Bears"

The playground is limited. All players move around the site, two leaders are taken by arms and slyat others. The third joins them if his Salyat, and the fourth to form his own pair of leading.

All players are divided into two groups, lines in two lines opposite each other. The game is accompanied by the following words:

Boyar, and we came to you.

Young, and we came to you.

Why did they come?

We choose the bride.

What a sweet one do you?

We are this Mila.

She is a fool with us.

We will learn it.

What will you teach?


She will cry.

We are comforting it.

- How will you console?

We are her gingerbread.

4. "Bug"

One stands back and keeps palm, and others beat him on the palm. He must guess who did it.

5. "In the kings"

The king was chosen, all the other players are servants.

King, king, I'm your servant!

Why are you my servant?

And what you will not make me do, I will do everything.

Kiss king in mouth and all to Clea.

The servant kissed everyone. Then the next servant performs another task and so until you get bored.

6. "In the set"

The girls sat down on the shop and guess their place to the right for

her boyfriend. He entered the guy and had to guess his place, if he guess, it remained to sit if not, then all the girls clapped in his hands, and he left. The game continued until all places were busy.

7. "In the neighbor"

All sat down in pairs. Who remained without a pair leads.

Is the neighbor?

Come with him (the couple kisses).

If not any, then you need to quickly name the name of the other and change places with his girlfriend. The presenter should take any place.

8. "Grandfather Mazay"

Leading leaves. Players come up with themselves what they are doing

together. Movement comes.

Hello grandfather Mazay! From the basket of getting out.

Hello kids, sweet candy. Where did you drop out what you did?

Where we were, we do not say, and what they did, show. Players show leading must guess.

9. "Cat and Mahotka"

Lead - Cat. All the rest are Mahotka. They squatting, and the cat should dump some of them. Mahotka must resist.

10. "Smoking"

Transmitted to Luchin, who she was Gasla - a smoking room. If the candy was transferred, which was bought, then she ended - Zhardde. The game was accompanied by words:

There was a smoking

There was a durilka.

Like smoking

Like Durilka.

Little legs,

Shower short.

Don't die smoking

Do not die Durilka.

Like smoking

Like Durilka.

Little legs,

Shower short.

Alive smoking

Alive Durilka. The latter makes Phant.

11. "Gardener"

The leading gardener comes out, and everyone agrees who will be like a flower.

The presenter says the following words:

I was born a gardener, I was angry with a joke, all the flowers are fed, except ...

What's the matter?

In love.

In whom? -IN...

If the player does not quickly call the flower, becomes the lead.

Currently, this old Russian game is known as the "spoiled phone". 5-10 people participate in it. They sit in a row or semicircle. One of the players choose the leading. He sits first in a row, coming up with any phrase and quietly whispering her ear next to a sitting player. That quietly informs it to the next player, etc. Then the presenter comes to the one who sits the last in a row, and asks what he was handed over to him. He loudly repeats what he heard.

To identify who first distorted the phrase of the lead, he asks to repeat that he heard not only the one who sits in the last row, but also the second from the end, the third, etc. A participant in the game, the first distorting word of the lead, transplants to the very end of the series. A presenter sits down on the vacant place. The one who turned out to be the first in a row is becoming new leading.

1. Transfer the phrase to the ear and so that others do not hear. But it is necessary to speak clearly, not distorting words on purpose. Violated this rule sits the last in a row.

2. It is impossible to ask and say to nonsense.

13. "Salki"

The plot of this game is very simple: one leading, which should catch up and rally sprinkled on the player's site.

But this game has a few more complicating rules options.

1. A dilated player becomes driving, while he must run, holding his hand for that part of the body for which he was osal. The first player to which the driving will sound, it becomes leading.

2. Awested player stops, pulls his hands to the sides and shouts: "tea-tea-cut out." He is "enchanted." "Carettle" of him can other players, touched before hand. The leading must "smoke" of all. To make it faster leading can be 2-3 people.

14. "HypeTs"

Driving, becomes in a conditional place with closed eyes. This place is called "con". While driving loudly considers up to 20-30, all players are hiding on a certain territory. After the end of the account, drives out the eyes and goes in search of the hidden. If he sees someone from the defeated players, he loudly calls his name and runs to the con. In the fact that the player is found, you need to knock on the wall of the wall or tree. If the player's found will achieve to the end and he will lead it there before, he is not considered caught. He moves away and is waiting for the end of the game. The leading should "be frozen" as many as possible players as possible. The next time the player who was found and the "Casting" last became leading. (Or by decision of the players - first.) Every time the leading far away from Kona, the hid players can imperceptibly sneak to the horse and knock there. In this case, they will not be considered detected.

15. "Geese"

At the site, two lines are drawn at a distance of 10-15 meters - two "houses". In one are geese, in the other - their owner. Between "houses under the mountain" lives "Wolf" - driven. The owner and geese lead a dialogue, known for everyone from early childhood:

Gus, geese!


Do you want?

Yes Yes Yes.

So fly!

We can not. The gray wolf under the mountain does not allow us home.

After these words, "geese" try to run to the "owner", and the "wolf" will catch them. The caught player becomes a "wolf".

16. "Burleys"

The players are built into the column of couples, holding hands. The leading stands in front of the column a few steps, back to the playing. He says:

"Gori-Gori is clear

So as not to go out.

And once, and two, and three.

Last pair run! "

On the word "run" a couple, standing last, should quickly break the column and stand ahead. The leading should also seek to take one of the places of the first pair. The one who did not have enough space becomes leading. Instead of the words "Last Couple", the leading can say: "Fourth Couple", or "Second Couple". In this case, all players need to be very attentive and remember how they are in the column.

17. "The bear in Boru"

The playground draws two lines at a distance of 6-8 meters from each other. At one line it is worthwhile - "Bear", after another - "House" in which children live. Children leave the "House" in the "Forest" to collect mushrooms and berries. They are suitable for bear birch with the words:

"Bear's bear

Mushrooms, berries take.

And the bear is not sleeping

Everything looks at us. "

On the last words, "Bear" pops up from "Berlogs" and tries to ignite children running into their home. The player becomes a "bear" with a "bear".

18. "Colors"

It is selected by the leading - "Monk" and the presenter - "Seller". All other players are made in secret from the "Monk" colors of the paints. Colors should not be repeated.

The game begins with the fact that the leading comes to the "shop" and says: "I, the monk, in the blue pants, came to you for the paint." Seller: "What?". Monk: (calls any color) "For Blue".

If there is no such paint, the seller says: "Go along the blue walkway, you will find blue boots, pony, yes ago I bring!".

"Monk" begins the game from the beginning.

If there is such a paint, then the playing, who melded this color is trying to escape from the "monk", and he catches it. If you caught up, then the paint becomes driving, if not, then the paints are riddled again and the game is repeated.

19. "Zhmurki"

The game passes on a small limited platform, on which there are no dangerous obstacles. Water tie eyes, or it is simply clogged. He must with closed eyes walked to someone from the players. Playing run away from the leading, but at the same time they do not go beyond the site and necessarily a voice - they call the leading or screaming: "I'm here." Awested player is changing roles with water.

20. "Alyonushka and Ivanushka"

Playing get up in a circle and take hands. Alyonushka and Ivanushka are chosen, their eyes tie them. They are inside the circle. Ivanushka must catch Alyonushka. To do this, he can call her: "Alyonushka!". Alyonushka must be distracted: "I'm here, Ivanushka!" As soon as Ivanushka caught Alyonushka, their place is occupied by other guys and the game begins with the beginning.

21. "Cossacks-Robbers"

Playing are divided into two groups. One depicts Cossacks, the other - robbers. Cossacks have their own home where the watchman is located during the game. Its responsibilities include the protection of caught robbers. The game begins with the fact that the Cossacks are in their home and allow the robbers to hide (10-15 minutes). While the robbers are hiding, they should leave tracks in the course of their movement: arrows, conditional signs or records, where the place of the next mark is indicated, traces can be false to confuse Cossacks. After 10-15 minutes, the Cossacks begin searching. The game ends when all the robbers are caught, and the one who saw the Cossacks seemed caught.

The game is better to spend on big, but limited to any other signs. At the end of the game, the Cossacks and Robbers are changing roles.

22. "Fishing Fishing

Fishing rod is a rope. One of her end in the hand of "fisherman" - watering. All players get up around the "fisherman" no further than the length of the rope. "Fisherman" begins to spin the "fishing rod", trying to hurt her on the legs of playing. "Fish" must protect themselves from the "rods", jumping over it. To "fish" do not interfere with each other, between them should be a distance of about half a meter. "Fish" should not go from their places. If the "fisherman" managed to catch the "fish", i.e. Touch the "rod", the place of "fisherman" occupies the caught "fish".

It is necessary to observe two conditions: the rope can be twisted in any direction, but it is impossible to raise it from the ground above 10-20 centimeters.

23. "Cats-Mouse"

Two people are chosen for the game: one - "Cat", the other - "mouse". In some cases, the number of "cats" and "mice" may be more. This is done in order to revive the game.

All other players get up in a circle, holding hands - "Gate". Task "Cats" catch up (touch the hand) "mouse". At the same time, the "mouse" and "cat" can run inside the circle and outside. Playing standing in a circle sympathize with the "mouse" and what they can help her. For example: By skipping through the "goal" mouse in a circle, they can close them for the "cat". Or if the "mouse" runs out of the "House", "Cat" can be locked there, i.e. Lower, close the gate.

This game is not simple, especially for the "cat". Let the "cat" show and run the ability to run, and their cunning, and skill.

When the "cat" caught a "mouse", a new steam is selected from among the players.

24. "Cherry you are going"

Driving and playing are different sides Two lines that are battered at a distance of 5-6 meters from each other. The task of playing - as soon as possible to reach the water and touch it. The one who did it becomes leading. But it's not easy to walk. Playing moving only under the words of the WORD: "You go quiet, you will be. Stop!" On the word "stop" all playing fools. Driving, who stood up to that, to the playing, turns and looks. If at this moment one of the players will move, and it will notice this, then this player will have to go back, behind the line. Driving can mix the friar guys. Who will laugh, also returns to the line. Game continues. Who will be able to take a place of water?

25. "Ali Baba and discontinuous chains"

The players are divided into two teams and get up, holding hands face to the opponent team, at a distance of 5-7 meters. The game starts one of the words: "Ali-Baba!". The second team of the choir replies: "What a servant?". The first team says again: "Fifth, tenth, Sasha we are here!". At the same time, the name of one of the opponent team players is called. The named playing leaves his team and runs to the command of the enemy in order to break the chain, i.e. Embare the hands of the players. If he succeeds, he picks up a player in his team who has broked his hand. If the chain did not bother, then he remains in the opponent team. The game teams start in turn. The team wins, in which there will be more players after a certain time.

26. "12 sticks"

For this game, you need a plate and 12 sticks. The plate is put on a flat stone or a small log, so that it turns out like a swing. All playing gather around these "swings". 12 sticks are put on the lower end, and on the top one of the players hit so that all sticks scatter. The leading collects sticks, and playing at this time run away and hide. When sticks are assembled and laid on a skip, the watering is sent to search for hidden. Found player drops out of the game. Any of the hid players can imperceptibly for a leading to die to "swing" and again scatter sticks. At the same time, hitting on the table, it should shout the name of the leading. Drinking again collects sticks, and all playing again hide. The game ends when all the hid players are found and at the same time driving managed to keep his sticks. The last player found is leading.

27. "Elephant"

This game involves two boys teams at 6-8 people. One of the teams should be lined up in the column. Each player bends, presses his head to the belt in front of the back and at the same time holds his hands. This command is "Elephant". The second team should "climb" on an elephant. This is done like this. The first playing rises from the side of the "elephant tail", runs away and, pushing about the back of the last player - "Elephant", makes the back of the back as possible. "He must" land "so as not to fall from" back "and not even Touch the earth with legs. Then jumping all the other players from the team "Riders". If one of them did not resist and fell from the "elephant," the game stops, and the teams are changing places. If everyone jumped successfully, and no one fell , then the "elephant" must pass with riders of 8-10 meters. If this "Elephant" succeeded, the game also stops, and the teams change places.

The game requires not only agility, but also courage, because the jumps are sometimes caused by the players of both the same command.

Carnival games

1. "King of the Mountain"

There are ancient and straight to the inexpensive custom from the guys who gathered together. As soon as they come across a low ride, Hollyk, someone most combat climbs to the very top of the slide and shouts with a challenge: "I am the king of the mountain!" Yes, and the pose takes proud, causing. Here the guys from all sides rush to the storms of the slides. Everyone tries to take her very top and overthrow the self-charged king.

The fun rapid struggle flares. It is not customary to fight too seriously, capture in the real struggle. The guys preferably pushing or tighten each other from slopes of slides, avoiding blows, sharp jolts and other coarse techniques. And now the next "king" for a friendly laughter Kubarem rolls from a slide. However, he was satisfied: there were "Mountain King".

To spend this folk game, out of snow make a slide. The participants of the game should not be at the same time more than 10-15 people. It does not take part with the older guys younger teenagers. For them, it is better to spend the game separately.

The winner is the one who lasted longer on the top of the mountain after the exclamation "I king Mountains!". You can give small comic prizes to those who visited the king of the mountain. It removes excessive rivalry. After all, it is necessary to remember that it is not a sports championship, but a fun folk game.

2. "Two frost"

The game requires a small platform with a size of 6x12 m. Its boundaries are denoted by chopsticks, flags, lumps of snow, etc.

Those who wish to participate in the game are going to one of the short sides of the site. On her middle there are leading - two frost. Occuping, they turn to the gathered:

We are two young brothers, two frost are deleted.

I frost - a red nose, - announces one.

I frost - a blue nose, - it seems another and asks with a pathetic threat in a voice:

Which of you will decide in the Road Path to go?

The guys usually already know what the choir must be answered here:

We are not afraid of threats, and the frost is not afraid of us!

Senior guys, it happens, shy to declare chorus. Enough, if at least someone from the players (it can be one of the organizers of the game) will deliver the answer to the frosts and the first to rush to run, fascinating all the others for the opposite boundary of the site, where the frosts cannot run. Sometimes no one is solved on it. Then one of the frosts announces that everyone who does not run to the "Three" will be frozen.

One two Three!

Everyone rushes to run the platform, and frosts try to ie them. The outstanding should stop, putting hands on the sides and frozen without movement. Like "frozen". His other players can "figure out", touching the hand. Then he runs together with everyone for the opposite boundary of the site.

Calculating the "frozen", both frosts ask the rest of the players again, whether they will not be solved in the road-road to empty, and, if necessary, consider up to three.

A running platform in the opposite direction, playing trying to help "frozen", but frosts guard them and try to freeze anyone else. After several runs, count the number of "frozen" and suggest those who want to try themselves in the role of "frost". Preference is not given to the "frozen" and reinforced others.

Rules: 1. You can only go around the platform after the words "It's not afraid of frost!" or at the expense "three". Then it is impossible not to escape, otherwise you become frozen. This threatens running, but returned back. 2. "Frozen" should not move, until he is "disappearing" the one who will touch him. But if trying to help out "frozen" will be outlined at this moment by frost, it must be frozen in place. It happens that he still concerns "frozen" with overclocking, but he must remember that such a liberation is no longer really, it is impossible to run after it, otherwise you are left out of the game. 3. The platform boiled over the long side is considered outstanding. But behind the short side - salvation: there are no frosts there. 4. Protecting "frozen", which will not keep their hand. 5. Sometimes it is agreed that frosts are "frozen" the second time, they are discharged into their Ice Terem, where it is impossible to rescue them before changing the leading.

3. "Third Extra (with Strap)"

10-40 guys play on a small platform or in the hall. Choose two watering. The rest form a circle, standing face to the center of pairs: one in front of another.

The beginning - as in all versions of the common game "Third Excess": one leading runs away from the second and can be ahead of any pair. Then standing behind it turns out to be the third, and therefore, too much, and should run away from the second leading.

The peculiarity of this game is that the second leading in the hand is a belt, a belt or harness, twisted from the scarf, a scarker, just a piece of rope. Waving the belt or, on the contrary, hiding it behind his back, the second leading runs around the players, striving to ie (stern) the belt of the first leading, before he gets ahead of someone's pair. If you manage it, you need to throw the belt up and run away yourself, and the outstanding should now catch it up to wear it.

The situation changes continuously, and all players have to be alert, especially worthy of the last in pairs. After all, it is also used to use unexpected tricks. For example, the second leading imperceptibly transmits a belt to someone from those standing in a pair, and he continues to chase at the first leading. He runs away, but only stood with a player holding a belt, as he quit. Then he throws the belt and runs away, becoming new first leading. The former turns into second leading, and must, pick up the belt, catch up with the runaway. The former second leading, used the "military trick", gets up in the remaining incomplete pair.

The game is completed, for example, by mutual agreement: "Here Victor assumes - and end."

Rules: 1. Watering should not run away from the circle or cross it. 2. The belt must be relatively mild, without knots or buckles at the end. 3. The punch is permitted only one, while that humorous. 4. Fanging can become ahead of any standing couple. If youtell playing, then in pairs are standing next to, holding hands or at hand. The free hand is held on the belt, while the player that saves from the leading, takes any of the pair, and the third, runs away.

4. "Golden Gate"

Of the 6-20 participants of the game choose two more comfortable. They move away a bit aside and agree, which of them will be the sun, and who is the moon (month). The victims of the Sun and the Moon, who had chosen the roles of the Sun and the Moon, are taken by arms and raise them, as if forming the gate. The rest of the players, holding hands, go through the "gate". At the same time they sing favorite songs. When the last goal goes through the gate, they are "closed": the sun and the moon lowered the raised hands and the one who walked the latter, it turns out between them. The detainees quietly ask where he would like to become, behind the moon or the sun. Then all playing again pass through the "gate", and again the latter stop. This is repeated until everyone becomes distributed by groups. Then the groups arrange a dragging, holding hands or with the help of rings, sticks, etc.

A variety of this game is such. Going through the "gate" do not sing, but those who depict the "gate", they speake the speaking:

Golden Gate

Miss not always.

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