Types of clay properties and uses. Cosmetic clay, its types and uses

Clay snack. This dish is found in the diet of small nationalities. Far East. Only goes into food white clay. It is washed down with goat's milk. No one has ever been hospitalized after eating an exotic dish. It turns out that in small quantities clay is not only not harmful, but also useful. For example, some Russians ate it in the 20s of the last century. At that time, famine was raging in the country. Historical reports record that clay was sold as food in the markets of Samara. The rock contains decay products of organic matter. They carry a lot of nutrients and substances beneficial to the body.

Physical and chemical properties of clay

2.50-2.85 grams per cubic centimeter - this is the density of the clay. A rock that contains a lot of organic matter has a lower density. The maximum indicators are among the masses, where there are a minimum of waste products. Ancient clays are also dense, regardless of category. They are located at depth and are compacted under the weight of the earth’s crust and their own weight.

The photo shows an array of clay

Density is one of the few stable parameters of clay. These also include plasticity and pliability of the material. Otherwise, the types of the breed vary. It all depends on the place and conditions of formation of the material. For example, the porosity of a rock can be 20%, or it can be as much as 60%. At the same time, the vast majority of pores are open. This means that the holes allow liquid to pass through without difficulty. However, clay has the property, having collected a certain amount of liquid, to no longer allow water to pass through. Therefore, the rock is often used in waterproof structures.

The ability to absorb moisture determines the property of clay to swell. When drying, the rock, on the contrary, shrinks. As a result, the volume of material can vary by approximately 30%. At the same time, the shape given to the clay is preserved.

The photo shows black clay

Ability to deform different types clay is expressed both in thousandths and in whole. The wide range is explained by the difference between rocks in moisture content, composition, density, and structure. Some types of clay are sticky. In this regard, the rock is often used as an adhesive, binding material.

The basis of clay is often the mineral kaolinite. It consists of oxides of silicon, aluminum and water, and belongs to the group of feldspars. Layered aluminosilicates are always included in the composition of the rock in one proportion or another. Sometimes, clay consists entirely of them. There are also particles of sand and carbonates in the mass.

How and where clay is formed

Clay can form wherever there is water and... The breed consists of the latter. Clay - destroyed by the action of winds and other external factors feldspars. Their crumbs, mixing with the surrounding masses, can settle at the site of the spar deposit. However, most often mineral dust is carried away by water flows, be it rain, rivers, or seas. Streams bring compound clays to areas with the least current. Here, mineral chips settle to the bottom, combining with particles of shells, algae and other local “attractions”.

In the photo there is blue clay formed on the shore of a reservoir

Since feldspars and other aluminosilicates are multi-colored, the clays produced from them are also colorful. Depending on the predominant type of mineral, plastic rock can be red, brown, orange, yellow, or white. They also meet black clay And blue clay. The dark color of the rock is due to the content of carbon and iron in it. Montmorillonite gives the clay its heavenly hue. This is a mineral from the subclass of layered silicates, it has a blue or gray-blue color.

Types of clay

Clays are divided according to their origin. Two main classes – mainland And maritime. From the names it is clear that continental clay settles next to collapsing rock masses without being transported by water. Marine rocks include those that flows have carried away from their original locations.

Among marine clays there are 4 subclasses. They are associated with the place of sedimentation and final formation of the rock.

The photo shows coastal clay

Coastal clays form at the water's edge. Typically, granules of such rock are poorly sorted and interspersed with sandstones, carbonates or coal seams. Coastal clay particles are often coarse and large.

Lagoon clays are considered fire-resistant. This applies to rocks formed in desalinated lagoons. In semi-closed systems with a high salt content in water, fire-resistant masses are not formed. Here the clay has a coarse-grained structure, with particles of salt and gypsum visible to the naked eye. Offshore the clays are homogeneous, formed in the absence of currents at a depth of approximately 2 hundred meters.

Among continental clays there are also subclasses, and there are also 4 of them.

Deluvial clays are heterogeneous. They accumulate at the foot of collapsing hills. The colluvial rock often lacks layering or is not pronounced.

Ozernye clays are finely dispersed, homogeneous. These include the best representatives of refractory clays. They are formed in both fresh and salt lakes.

Proluvial clays are carried by temporary flows into the hollows. This breed is coarse-grained and poorly sorted.

River clays are typical for floodplains. The rock is not divided into layers and often turns into pebbles or sand.

Let's talk about the types of clay according to their purpose using examples of the use of the rock.

Application of clay

Almost all porcelain is made from or using kaolin clay. It is finely divided and white, so it is also useful in the paper industry.

The photo shows fireclay or also called fireclay clay. Fire bricks are made from it

Refractory clay can also be white, but more often gray or yellowish. The rock can withstand temperatures of almost 1,600 degrees Celsius. This is also useful in the manufacture of earthenware and refractory products. Builders often call the breed the category " fireclay clay" However, this is the breed that after temperature treatment was crushed into briquettes. The powder is added to concrete and plaster.

Molding clay is the most plastic. Matrices are made from it for pouring at metallurgical enterprises.
Brick clay is used to make bricks. There is a lot of quartz in it and this rock is easily melted down.

The photo shows polymer clay

There is also polymer clay. Its origin is not natural. The composition of the mass is far from mineral. But, in terms of properties, it is close to the true breed. Polymer clay plastic, easy to burn. It comes in a variety of textures and colors and is a popular craft material. If you need one clay, buy It is available in stores that sell everything for creativity.

The healing properties of clay

Due to its composition, the breed has a bactericidal effect. Clay masks popular among owners problem skin. The antimicrobial environment is also useful in the treatment of enteritis with colitis. These are gastrointestinal infections. So it’s not for nothing that there are examples of using clay for food.

The photo shows a face mask made of blue clay

Sold in pharmacies and cosmetic stores clay for face. These are not always just disinfecting and healing compounds. The mineral and organic environment of the rock nourishes cells, restores youth, and tightens the skin.

It is interesting that clay baths are taken not only by people, but also by animals. They get dirty and roll around in a sticky mass if they are injured or sick. Animals are driven by instinct. They smell drugs in their environment.

Of course, cosmetic clay is different from the one that can be found everywhere. The clay used for masks has its own special deposits, from where it is extracted. This clay is distinguished, first of all, by its unique composition, which ensures its effective healing properties. Clay contains various beneficial minerals, their quantity and proportional ratio affect, in turn, the color of the clay.

It is by color that cosmetic clay is usually divided into varieties or types. What color is clay? There are quite a large number of shades, the most popular are blue, white and green clay.

Benefits and properties of various varieties

The types and properties of cosmetic clay are determined by its chemical composition. Depending on the composition, one or another clay can be used to eliminate various problems skin. What types of clay are there? There are quite a lot of them, some of them are used more often, while others are rarer.

White clay

Included in those types of cosmetic clays that most often used. You can find white clay both as a powder, sold for making masks at home, and as an ingredient in professional cosmetic products. In general, this clay is considered the main raw material for the manufacture of cosmetics.

It is even used to create children's products, since the effect of this type of clay is very soft and gentle, it is suitable even for sensitive skin types.

  1. Among the properties of white clay are: antibacterial effect, which allows you to stop inflammatory processes.
  2. Clay also has a scrub effect and removes dead particles from the skin, preventing pores from becoming clogged and preventing the appearance of blackheads.
  3. The nutrients that clay is rich in allow it to be used as a vitamin-rich mask.
  4. In addition, the use of cosmetic clay for the face promotes regeneration, so it is advisable to use it for marks from burns or wounds.

Blue clay

One of the most valuable types of cosmetic clay is blue. In ancient times, this clay was even bought for gold and brought to the country from abroad. The fact is that blue clay has a rich chemical composition, in which many useful elements are hidden. And such clay is highly valued, since it is used not only in cosmetology, but also in medicine, quite officially, for example, in clinics in Sweden.

Blue clay is especially useful for acne; it allows you to quickly and effectively get rid of this problem. In addition, clay has a tightening effect and is used for age-related changes in the skin.

Green clay

The unusual color of this clay is the result of the influence of iron oxide. But besides him, this type clay contains many more useful elements. It is usually used for oily facial skin; it has a powerful antibacterial effect, and also removes harmful toxins and impurities from the skin pores thanks to its absorbent properties. Clay helps maintain skin moisture balance and also makes it more toned. In addition, this clay is often used to create hair masks, especially for dandruff.

Red clay

Masks made from this type of clay are used when the skin is acutely lacking iron. The color of this clay is due precisely to the rich content of copper and iron oxide. This clay is also suitable for creating tightening masks that make facial contours much clearer. The mask will also help soothe irritated skin and relieve inflammation.

Pink clay

Essentially, it is a mixture of white and red clay, which is used in cosmetology for delicate skin care, gently smoothes it has an astringent effect. It is excellent for preventative ongoing care.

Yellow clay

This type perfectly removes toxins from the skin, enriches it with oxygen, giving a natural and pleasant shade. Such clay is used even with quite complex skin problems because it is highly effective. In addition, yellow clay has a tonic effect.

Black clay

This clay is considered a good cleanser for the skin, it absorbs dirt and toxins, effectively tightens pores. In addition, this type works well as a scrub, removing dead cells from the skin, which can cause inflammation and blackheads.

Gray clay

This clay differs in that it is mined exclusively from the seabed, as well as from the bottom of some salt lakes. This clay does not have a very pleasant smell, but it has a very effective effect on the skin, moisturizes and nourishes it well, restoring skin cells. This is a fairly rare clay, it is not very easy to find in its pure form and is more often found as part of some masks.

Masks with different clays

There are masks that include different types of clays. In fact, any of the above clays can be used as a mask, simply diluted with water to the desired consistency. You can also use herbal infusions instead of water, which increase the effectiveness of the clay.

On average, you need to keep a mask with clay for about fifteen minutes; if your skin is oily, then it is advisable to increase the time to twenty minutes, and ten minutes will be enough for dry skin. Also, weekly use for oily skin is necessary more often, about three times, when for dry skin one will be enough.

It is worth noting that for those with dry skin, it is better to add olive or vegetable oil to the clay mask.

What can clay be mixed with?

  1. You can add chamomile, calendula or sea buckthorn to the white clay.
  2. Blue clay is combined with tomato juice and milk.
  3. Yellow clay can be mixed with egg yolk and sea buckthorn oil.
  4. Use black clay with lemon juice and calendula.
  5. Mix green clay with oatmeal.

You can also add other ingredients to masks.

Choosing a Clay Type

Which cosmetic clay to choose for the face?

It all depends on your skin type and the problems it has.

  1. White and blue clay are best suited for oily skin; you can also use green. They normalize metabolism in the skin, eliminate oily shine, inflammation and acne.
  2. Gray and red clay are suitable for dry skin; these varieties will restore moisture balance, moisturize the skin and soften it.
  3. If the skin is very sensitive, then white clay, which is distinguished by its mild effect, is suitable for it, as well as red clay, which relieves inflammation.
  4. For aging skin, varieties of white, green, red, and blue clay are suitable, which smooth out wrinkles, make the skin more elastic and have a tightening effect.

Purchasing clay

Where can I buy cosmetic clay so I can make a mask at home? Typically, different types of clay can be found at the pharmacy, as well as in various cosmetic stores. In addition, some beauty salons sell professional cosmetics with clay, and there is also the possibility of ordering clay via the Internet.

How much does cosmetic clay cost? The answer to this question can be quite different. The price of pure clay powder of different grades in a pharmacy, on average, does not exceed 50 rubles per package. But cosmetics with clay can be very expensive, some masks in packages cost up to almost a thousand rubles, it all depends on the manufacturer.

Clay effectiveness

The extent to which the effect of using clay will manifest itself depends on the correct selection of the type of clay in accordance with the type of skin and its problems. If the choice is made correctly, the result will be noticeable almost immediately, and to maintain it, it will be possible to use the chosen remedy prophylactically.

Clay is a mineral and is a sedimentary, fine-grained rock. When dry it is dusty, but when moistened it becomes plastic and can increase in size.


The material contains one or more minerals of the kaolinite group. The base may be a mineral of the montmorillonite group and other layered aluminosilicates, which are also called clay minerals. May contain carbonate and sand particles.

The rock-forming mineral is kaolinite, which consists of silicon oxide in a volume of 47%, aluminum oxide - 39%, and water - 14%. A significant part of the chemical composition of yellow clay is Al 2 O 3 and SiO 2. The material can have the following colors:

  • green;
  • blue;
  • brown;
  • black;
  • lilac.

The color is due to ion impurities, which are chromophores.

Main types

Clay is a mineral that has several types. Each of them has its own area of ​​use. If the plasticity number reaches 0.27, then the material is called light. When this parameter exceeds the mentioned figure, the clay is heavy. Typically, the clay mined and sold largely consists of kaolin, which is used in the pulp and paper industry and in the production of refractory products, as well as porcelain.

Clay is a mineral, which is also represented by a construction variety, as well as clay shale. This material is used to make refractory bricks and also forms the basis of heat-resistant products. Among the species important place occupies bentonite. It is formed by the chemical breakdown of volcanic ash. In water, this variety swells and increases in volume several times. Used in drilling wells and in the production of drilling fluids.

Clay is a mineral, which is also represented by the fulling variety, which is valued for its bleaching properties when refining petroleum products. Filters are made from this type of clay, which are used in the purification of mineral and vegetable oils.

Another variety is lump clay, which is called pottery clay. It has found its application in the manufacture of dishes. Shale is an important raw material that, along with limestone, is used in the production of Portland cement. The most common in nature are:

  • sandstone clay;
  • white clay, which is kaolin;
  • red clay.

The varieties are used for the production of refractory products, as well as earthenware and porcelain.

Basic properties

Clay is a mineral that has a number of properties, among them the following should be highlighted:

  • air and fire shrinkage;
  • plastic;
  • sinterability;
  • fire resistance;
  • viscosity;
  • color of ceramic shard;
  • porosity;
  • shrinkage;
  • dispersion;
  • swelling.

Clay is the most stable waterproofing material that does not allow moisture to pass through, which is one of the important qualities. Clay soil has stability. It is developed in wastelands and wastelands. The development of root vegetation in clay deposits is impossible.

To preserve the quality of groundwater, the material's water-impermeability is useful. Most of the high-quality artesian springs lie between the clay layers.

Technical characteristics and additional properties

Now you know whether clay is a mineral. However, this is not all there is to know about this rock. It is also important to become familiar with the basic characteristics, for example, the specific and volumetric gravity of ground clay, which is 1400 kg/m3. Fireclay clay has a characteristic value of 1800 kg/m3.

When the clay is in the form of a dry powder, its volume and specific gravity is 900 kg/m3. The density of wet clay is also important, which varies from 1600 to 1820 kg/m3. For dry, this figure is approximately 100 kg/m3. Dry raw materials have thermal conductivity that reaches 0.3 W/(m*K). For the material in a wet state, this parameter is 3.0 W/(m*K).


The symbol for clay should be of interest to you if you are studying it. When a material contains sand impurities, it is indicated by strokes and dots. If there are boulders in the clay, then circles are added to the strokes. Shales have the same designation as laminated clay; they are long streaks, densely spaced and drawn in the direction of the strata.

Sand and clay

Sand and clay are the minerals that are most common. They are formed during destruction rocks like granite. Under the influence of water, sun and wind, granite is destroyed, this contributes to the formation of clay and sand. They differ in color from each other: sand is often yellow, sometimes gray, while clay is white or brown.

Sand consists of individual particles of different sizes. The grains are not attached to each other. Therefore, sand is free-flowing. Clay consists of small particles, similar to scales, well bonded to each other. Sand is a sedimentary rock or may be a man-made material made from rock grains. It usually consists of almost pure quartz mineral, the substance being silicon dioxide.

The natural material has grains with sizes within 5 mm in diameter. The minimum value is 0.16 mm. Sand can be classified according to accumulation conditions. Taking this into account, the material is divided into the following types:

  • alluvial;
  • deluvial;
  • nautical;
  • lake;
  • aeolian.

If sand appeared as a result of the activity of reservoirs, then it has a more rounded particle shape.

Properties of granite

Sand, clay, granite, limestone are minerals. If we look at granite in more detail, it is an igneous platonic rock of acidic composition. It is based on:

  • potassium feldspar;
  • plagioclase;
  • quartz;
  • biotite;
  • muscovite

Granite is common in the continental crust. Its density reaches 2600 kg/m³, while the compressive strength is 300 MPa. The material begins to melt at 1215 °C. In the presence of pressure and water, the melting point decreases to 650 °C.

Granite is the most important rock of the earth's crust, it is widespread and makes up the majority of all components. Among the varieties of granites, alaskite and plagiogranite can be distinguished. The latter has a light gray color with a sharp predominance of plagioclase. Alaskite is a pink granite, it contains a sharp predominance of potassium-sodium feldspar.

Properties of limestone

Looking at the table of minerals: sand, clay, granite, limestone, you can focus on the latter. It is a sedimentary rock of organic or chemogenic origin. The basis is most often calcium carbonate in the form of crystals of different sizes.

Limestone is made up of marine animal shells and debris. The density of the material is 2.6 g/cm 3, its frost resistance is F150. The compressive strength is equivalent to 35 MPa, while the loss of strength in moisture-saturated conditions reaches 14%. The porosity of the material is 25%.

In conclusion

Clay is a sedimentary rock that, when combined with water, begins to soak and separate into individual particles. As a result, a suspension or plastic mass is formed. Clay dough is plastic, and when raw it can take any shape. After drying, the material retains it, but decreases in volume. Plastic clays are also called fatty clays, because they feel exactly like that to the touch. If the plasticity is low, then the material is called lean. Bricks made from it quickly crumble and have poor strength.

The rock is sticky and has a binding ability. It is saturated with a certain volume of water, and then no longer allows liquid to pass through, which indicates water resistance. Clay has a covering ability, so in the past it was widely used for whitewashing the walls of houses and stoves. Among the properties, sorption capacity should be highlighted. This is expressed in the ability to absorb substances dissolved in water. This characteristic allows the use of clay for purification of vegetable fats and petroleum products.

Clay treatment is similar to mud therapy in terms of its effect on the body. Just like mud, healing clay has a beneficial effect on the body. The use of clay in medicine and modern cosmetology is quite widespread; this method of thermal exposure has very few contraindications and is recommended for the treatment of skin diseases such as seborrhea, psoriasis, etc.

What is clay and clay therapy

It’s worth starting the story about the medicinal properties of clay and its use by explaining what clay and clay therapy are in medicine.

Clay (Diatomaceus Earth, Argilla) is a plastic sedimentary rock. Clays are a product of the chemical destruction of rocks and differ in quantitative composition and color, and the ability to form a dough-like, easily stirred mass that can be given any shape. With significant liquefaction, the clay loses its plasticity and spreads. The main part of the clay is colloidal hydrate of silica and alumina, which determines its basic physical properties, including poor heat capacity and thermal conductivity.

Cosmetic clay- these are mineral substances of natural origin, with significant plasticity, used for cosmetic procedures. Rich in biologically active substances (magnesium, barium, beryllium, gallium, copper, cobalt, molybdenum, etc.).

Clay treatment is a thermal treatment method based on the use of heated healing clay.

The healing properties of clay are used as one of the methods of natural healing of the body. Clays are used to treat more than 30 diseases and about 70 in combination with medicinal plants, vegetables and fruits.

In medicine, only purified, bleached and finely dispersed cosmetic clay is used. White or Chinese clay (kaolin), dispersion, etc. are often used. They are characterized by high hygroscopicity, plasticity, as well as stimulating and antiseptic effectiveness, and are used in cosmetic masks, powder, and hygienic talc.

What types of clays are there, their properties and indications for use

There are many various types clays differing in density, plasticity, color, mineral and organic composition. What types of clays are there and how are they used?

Various categories of clays - liquid, plastic, fatty, low-plasticity - have completely various applications. There are also refractory clays, including earthenware and kaolin, and fusible clays. The color of clay depends on its mineral composition (presence of iron, copper). There are white, green, blue, pink and red clays. When deciding which clay to choose, keep in mind that white and green clays are most often used in cosmetology.

The main minerals included in cosmetic clays are quartz, mica, etc.

Look at the photo: The composition of medicinal clays depends on their place of origin. In Bulgaria, in the Rhodope Mountains, blue clay is mined. The population of Crimea and Transcaucasia uses local clays “kil”, “gilyabi”, “gumbrin”. In the north-west of Russia, the so-called Glukhovets kaolin and Pulkovo clay are mined. In the Urals, the Kamyshlovskoe clay deposit of greenish-gray color is known.

Moroccan clay mined in the mountains adjacent to the Sahara. It is red-brown in color, has healing properties and is effective for burns, and its deposits belong to very rich sheikhs.

Green clay colored with iron oxide. Also contains magnesium, calcium, potash, manganese, phosphorus, zinc, aluminum, copper, cobalt, molybdenum. This type of healing clay is used in cosmetics mainly for oily skin and hair - against dandruff, pH = 7. Contains about 50% silicon dioxide, 13% aluminum and 15% other minerals: silver, copper, gold, heavy metals.

Silicon has a positive effect on the epidermis, gives flexibility to blood vessels, stimulates hair growth, lipid metabolism, the formation of collagen and bone tissue. Aluminum has drying and astringent properties.

Red clay has its color due to a combination of iron oxide and copper. It is a less good adsorbent than green clay. Used for iron deficiency in the body. It is not very suitable as a base for masks, as it gives the skin a reddish tint.

Pink clay contains red and white clay in varying proportions. It contains microelements and has disinfecting and smoothing effects on the skin. Since pink clay is very soft, it is recommended for delicate care of the epidermis. Used as a smoothing and astringent mask and in shampoos for normal hair.

Look at what the types of clay look like in the photo - the external differences are mainly in its color and structure:

The healing properties of white and blue clay

White clay (kaolin, Chinese clay) is a traditional raw material component in the manufacture of cosmetics. Purity, whiteness, non-abrasive nature and harmlessness make this mineral a valuable ingredient in cosmetology. In pharmacy it is used in the form of powders, ointments, pastes, as well as for diaper rash and burns, and is part of cleansing masks. An indication for the use of clay may be acne. In addition, clay for medicinal purposes:

  • cleanses the epidermis;
  • has an antiseptic and regenerating surface effect;
  • stimulates the body's defenses, having a special effect on the epidermis exposed to environmental pollution;
  • saturates the epidermis with minerals;
  • prevents the spread of germs due to its ability to absorb toxins and contaminants;
  • has enveloping and adsorbing properties;
  • facilitates cellular regeneration by stimulating metabolism.

It has a structure similar to green clay, but differs from it in the presence of trace elements. It has a pH = 5 and can therefore be used even for sensitive skin.

The healing properties of white clay are due to a high percentage of aluminum and silicon with an admixture of magnesium and calcium silicates. Used in masks, milk and shampoos for dry hair and in children's cosmetics.

Medicinal blue clay is mined in the Rhodope Mountains (Bulgaria). It is a powdery mass with pH = 7.3, contains a large amount of copper and chromium, salts, which give it a bluish tint. Recommended in its pure form (when mixed with water) for use as masks for hair, skin, face and body. When deciding which cosmetic clay to choose, keep in mind that blue clay softens and tones the skin, clears acne, whitens, smoothes wrinkles, has a beneficial effect on oily hair, and has anti-cellulite, antibacterial and anti-stress effects. It has a good effect on dehydrated, dull, atopic skin.

Kaolin is most often used for cosmetic purposes.

Clay is everywhere, it is very easy to recognize, it is thin and dense. It can be found in places where the earth cracks: in quarries, near brick factories. Even in the garden, sometimes it is enough to dig one meter deep into the ground to find good clay. For cosmetic purposes and internal use, clay should only be purchased at a pharmacy. There it is of the required quality and undergoes radiation control. In addition, pharmacists will tell you in detail about the types of clay, its properties and uses, and also advise which clay is suitable for your skin.

What kind of medicinal clay and how to prepare it

Knowing which clay is medicinal, you need to decide for what purpose it can be used. For external use, the most preferred one, which has the best healing properties, is clay suitable for modeling. It is used in the production of bricks and ceramic products. The purer it is, the stronger the effect.

For external use, in cases of urgent treatment, and also if it is impossible to immediately obtain the necessary clay, you can use soil similar to it (loam). The loam must be clean. But it is still more advisable to use clay, since it has a stronger healing effect. Any clay mined in an ecologically unfavorable area must be tested for radioactivity.

The easiest way to prepare clay is as follows. Take good clay and lay it out to dry in the sun. If the clay is not dried enough, it will not dissolve easily in water. If there is not enough sun, then you should place the clay near the stove, heater or any source of heat or light.

Before using clay, clean it of various particles, pebbles, roots and other foreign matter. Pour the clay into a basin or other enameled, wooden or fired clay vessel. Dishes with chipped enamel will not work.

Fill the clay with fresh, clean water until it is completely covered. Let it stand for several hours so that the clay absorbs moisture, stir, crush hard lumps with your hands or a wooden spatula. You cannot use a metal tool - it can adversely affect the prepared mass. It should be homogeneous in composition, without lumps, and should resemble mastic prepared by craftsmen for modeling.

This mass is ready for use. If necessary, slightly dilute the solution with water so that the mass is at the desired consistency, always ready for use. This way it can be stored indefinitely.

The effect of clay on the skin and the body as a whole

The effect of clay on the body consists mainly of three components: thermal; mechanical; chemical.

A clay mass of the required temperature upon contact with the skin heats it, followed by a significant expansion of peripheral vessels. Hyperemia has an analgesic effect, promotes the resorption of inflammatory elements, enhances tissue nutrition and metabolism, and also has an antispasmodic effect. Sweating, often profusely, has great value for a number of diseases. Along with sweat, some metabolic products are released from the body, such as uric acid, as well as various kinds of toxins. Thus, the clay, heated to a fairly high temperature, - a strong thermal procedure. The thermal reaction during clay therapy is based on the activation of body cells, which is accompanied by stimulation of biochemical processes.

Mechanical action manifests itself in the pressure of a mass of clay on the skin, perceived by the body as an irritant, to the action of which, depending on its quality, quantity and strength, the body responds with an active reaction, accompanied by a number of changes in its functions.

Chemical action clay on the skin is due to the chemical composition of the clay, which contains salts of various elements, oxides of iron, calcium, magnesium, silicon, as well as sulfuric anhydride, carbon dioxide and organic substances, which to a certain extent produce an irritating effect on the skin.

Clay for medicinal purposes and contraindications to clay treatment

In terms of its effect on the body, clay treatment is close to mud therapy. Therefore, there are general contraindications to clay and mud therapy: diseases of the cardiovascular system, thyroid gland, tuberculosis.

Indications for the use of clays for medicinal purposes are inflammatory or traumatic processes of a chronic nature: poorly healing fractures, bruises, inflammatory skin diseases.

In cosmetology, medicinal clays are widely used in wraps for the prevention and treatment of cellulite, seborrhea, hair loss, psoriasis, in masks and shampoos.

Clay treatment: lotions, compresses and baths with clay water at home

Procedures with clay include:

  • clay lotions;
  • clay compresses (wraps or dressings);
  • baths with clay (clay water).

In order to prepare lotions, you need to take linen, cotton or woolen fabric, or any linen or napkin. Fold it in half, four or more to the desired thickness, place the fabric on a table or flat surface. Use a wooden spatula to remove the mixture from the container and spread it on a napkin. The clay layer should be wider than the sore spot, 2-3 cm thick.

Wipe the sore spot with a wet cloth. If it is an ulcer, wash it with fresh warm water. Apply the prepared lotion directly to the sore spot and make sure that it fits tightly. Wrap the lotion with a bandage so that it does not move and is constantly in contact with it. Secure the bandage and cover everything with woolen cloth. Do not tighten the bandage too tightly to avoid circulatory problems.

Typically, a clay lotion should be left on the sore spot for 2-3 hours. If it becomes dry and hot, it should be replaced with a new one.

To remove the lotion, you must first remove the outer woolen material, then unbandage the bandage and remove the clay in one motion, being careful not to leave pieces of it on the sore spot. Rinse the affected area with warm water. Do not reuse used clay.

The number of procedures depends on the specific case and the patient’s condition. As a rule, 2-3 lotions a day are enough, but you can use more: one after another, day and night. After complete recovery, you need to continue the procedure for some more time.

You should never put lotions on your chest and stomach during or immediately after meals, but only after 1-1.5 hours. Can be applied to other parts of the body at any time. In this case, you can put 2 or 3 lotions simultaneously on different parts of the body.

When it is difficult to apply a lotion (for example, on the eyes, ears, etc.), you can make wraps (compresses). To do this, you need to soak the cloth in a semi-liquid clay mass so that it is thoroughly saturated, apply the cloth to the painful part of the body and cover it with a woolen blanket. The clay-impregnated canvas must be changed frequently. Such procedures are used and, if necessary, expose a large surface of the skin to clay.

In the treatment of skin diseases, partial (incomplete) and full baths in clay water play an important role - they are very useful. To take a clay bath at home, hold the tops of your hands, soles of your feet, or arms completely in a vessel filled with a very thin clay solution for about 20 minutes. This solution can be used 2 or 3 times.

For pain in the arms and legs after frostbite, it is better to use baths for the extremities. For this method of treatment with clay water, you can use a basin with a clay solution that has previously been left in the sun.

Full baths are taken outside. To do this, you need to make a fairly large round hole in the ground, fill it with water and good clay. Mix the clay and water well to form a light liquid mass.

On outdoors this can only be done in warm time year. In cool weather, baths are made in warm water, without renewing the clay, 6-7 times (2 times a week).

After the bath, you should go to bed, cover yourself and drink a hot infusion of herbs.

Bath duration- from 30 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the specific case and the patient’s tolerance of the procedure.

What diseases does clay treat: psoriasis, seborrhea, baldness?

What diseases does clay treat and how to use it for burns?

Clays can be used for medicinal purposes for the following skin diseases:

Psoriasis. The clay should be mixed with coarse salt (in a 1:1 ratio) and the resulting mixture should be applied to the affected areas of the skin for 1-2 hours once a day. It is better to use clay diluted with vinegar in a ratio of 1:3.

Seborrhea (oily skin). For oily hair, wash your hair with clay water; for oily facial skin, you need to make a mask.

Baldness. Rub your head 3 times a day with a mixture of crushed garlic, onion juice and clay water.

Burns. Place clay lotions up to 3-4 cm thick on gauze and apply to the burn surface. Change the cakes every 2 hours until epithelialization. After this, apply 3-4 compresses a day to the burn area and keep for 2 hours.

Clay can be used to remove radionuclides from the body: as a strong adsorbent, it actively absorbs a variety of toxic substances, including radioactive ones.

Clay treatment of skin diseases and cosmetic imperfections

The widespread use of clay for skin diseases and to get rid of cosmetic imperfections has been practiced since ancient times. Various kinds of creams were made from it, compresses were made on the face, hands and other parts of the body. And of course, treatment of skin diseases with clay was carried out using all kinds of cleansing and toning baths.

Of particular interest is the question of the correct use of clays. There are commercially available clays that are suggested to be used by mixing the powder and water immediately before use, and then applying the resulting mixture to the skin or hair. At the same time, clay-based masks are also available on the market, where one or another type of clay is included in the emulsion base in an amount of 10-40 percent. The choice of clay type depends on the problem being solved, and also largely on the condition of the skin.

Natural clay is a sedimentary rock. When dry, it appears as lumps or dust, which when wet acquire plastic properties. This fossil is formed under the influence of natural forces during the destruction of rocky massifs.

The main material of clay layers is fossils, such as feldspar. The prevalence of clay and its easy availability make it possible to use this material everywhere. Clay materials are rocks that represent sediment from water currents that accumulate at the bottom of reservoirs.

Typical composition

For centuries, clay has rightfully been the most common and popular material in construction. Natural clay is formed due to the fact that the clayey rocks of the earth are splitting naturally, as well as due to the assistance of mechanical influences.

The material has a variable structure, so the composition of the clay is varied. It is a complex mixture of particles of water, aluminum and silicon. Water in clay can play a binding role; it is in a chemically bound state between the interlayer particles. Rock without impurities is a mass with a minimum particle diameter. This material is very plastic.

Clay contains impurities of the following substances: quartz, magnesium oxide, iron sulfide, and so on. Based on their mineral composition, the following clayey materials can be distinguished:

  • kaolin;
  • halloysite;
  • illite;
  • montmorillonite

Raw materials are named based on how the clay material will be used. An important characteristic of the material is the percentage of impurities (for example, the content of quartz sand). The fire resistance of clay is determined by the percentage of alumina.


The above properties, undoubtedly, cannot be inherent in all types of clay at the same time. The most valuable types of natural building materials are:

  • fireproof;
  • kaolin;
  • brick;
  • acid-resistant;
  • cement;
  • bentonite.

The first two types of material are one of the main types of raw materials for the production of porcelain. At the same time, refractory clay can be used for the manufacture of a wide range of refractory products.

Molding clay is characterized by unique binding properties and is also fire-resistant. Therefore, the use of this variety is absolutely justified in the production of casting molds.

As for acid-resistant clays, they include magnesium, calcium, and iron. Earthenware is mainly made from this material.

An excellent building material is obtained from cement and brick clays. Filtration of petroleum products is carried out through the use of bentonite clay, which, by the way, swells greatly when in contact with water.

In production, clay is distinguished with a high content of quartz sand (an impurity predominant in clay) and with a low content. The first is called “skinny”, and the second is called “fat”.

Properties of clay

Clay is versatile natural material. Diverse in composition, as well as physical properties it is used everywhere for the production of household items and building materials, among which it is considered in its pure form.

The properties of clay directly depend on its composition. So, it can behave differently when it comes into contact with water. In some cases, when the material is mixed with water, a dough-like mass is formed. In other cases, the result of this procedure is the formation of a suspension. In the first case, the clay has unique properties and can take any shape and retain it when dried.

The prevalence of clay and its easy availability allow this material to be used everywhere. At the same time, due to the impracticality of transporting heavy material over long distances, production complexes are located directly in the area of ​​clay deposits.


Multi-colored clay is a material that contains oxides of metal elements or pigments, and is a homogeneous mixture:

  1. Natural pigments give clay a particular shade; they are divided into two categories: oxides of metal elements and coloring substances themselves.
  2. During the firing process, red clay turns red or white, depending on the process conditions and the type of firing equipment. This variety can withstand heating up to 1100 degrees.
  3. Low-melting majolica clay, black. After firing, the mass resembles ivory products in color. Thanks to the use of glaze, products made from raw materials become unusually durable and highly water resistant.
  4. To give the material a blue color, oxygen-containing cobalt compounds are used. Chromium compounds provide the color of olives, while magnesium and nickel compounds provide brown and gray, respectively.
  5. Coloring components are added to raw materials in amounts from 1 to 5%. Higher pigment contents may cause undesirable effects during the firing process.


When drying, the clay will retain the shape that it was given, but will decrease in size. When fired, it will become hard like stone. It is often used in the manufacture of dishes and other kitchen utensils. Bricks are often made from baked clay; they have fairly good strength against mechanical damage.

Clay has binding ability as well as good adhesiveness. When the clay has absorbed enough water, it will no longer let it through, that is, it will become waterproof.

The material has high covering power. This property determines the use of the material as a whitewash for the walls of houses and stoves.


The raw material is not waterproof; when it gets into water, it begins to get soggy, splits into parts, and a porridge-like mass is formed.

It can absorb compounds dissolved in aquatic environment(sorption capacity). This property determines the use of the material for the purification of petroleum products, syrups, juices, and vegetable fats.

Fire resistance

Fire clay has good strength. Clay in its raw form can take on all sorts of configurations. These types of clays are called "fat" clays because they feel greasy when touched. But clays that are less plastic are called “lean”. A brick made from such clay will be very crumbly and fragile.

Useful and healing properties of clay

Undoubtedly, clay has a positive effect on the human body. Each type of clay affects the body differently due to its different chemical composition.

Clay, which is a natural material, has a beneficial effect for the reason that, in fact, it is a sedimentary rock that was formed as a result of the destruction of rocks and for a long time absorbed all kinds of microelements.

Of all the varieties, Cambrian blue clay is considered the most ancient. Since ancient times, people have quite successfully used its healing properties in medicine. This clay owes its name to the period in history during which it was formed.

Other clay materials are considered secondary. They are formed as a result of the destruction of rocks by water flows. For the most part, secondary varieties contain silicate particles.

One of the main reasons why clay is used for medicinal purposes is its ability to retain heat. For this reason, clay is so common in heat therapy. In most cases, before using clay, it is adjusted to the consistency of sour cream, diluted with water.

The amount of added water can be used to judge the heat capacity and thermal conductivity of the clay.

White clay

At the moment, there are approximately forty types of clay. White clay or kaolin is the most studied in our time:

  1. This clay is widely used not only in treatment, but also in the manufacture of porcelain products, and is widely used in chemical industry, making perfumes and the like.
  2. White clay has enveloping and absorbent properties. Therefore, it is actually used in the treatment of burns, diaper rash, ulcers and other skin diseases.
  3. This variety has not only external uses, but also internal ones. It is taken orally for problems with the gastrointestinal tract, as well as for poisoning. This clay is cooled and applied to bruises or dislocations on the body.
  4. Popular clay compresses are often used. People simply sprinkle clay on wounds and damage. It can also be used as baby powder. But despite everything beneficial properties white clay, its blue counterpart is more popular among people. Because, according to the majority, it is the most plastic and has the highest heat capacity.

Scope of application

The most common area of ​​application for clay is the production of porcelain and building materials. The most important stage The production of objects from clay is their firing. So, upon completion of this procedure, the item acquires strength and moisture resistance. Construction material, made from clay, has amazing resistance to mechanical stress.

No less important is the covering power of clay, as well as its coloring properties. In nature, clays come in a wide variety of colors. White, for example, is great for whitewashing surfaces, and colored for painting them.

Some types of clay are suitable for filtering petroleum products, as well as vegetable oils. This property of the material lies in its sorption ability.


Clay is ubiquitous, this is natural, since it belongs to sedimentary rocks, and is, in fact, rocks crushed to a powdery state.

Mining sites are often located along the banks of water bodies. Outcrops are numerous, but not all deposits are suitable for industrial production.

The most famous deposits are Kashtymskoye, Astafievskoye, Palevskoye. It is worth noting that refractory and kaolin clays are much less common. Often, refractory varieties are adjacent to fire-resistant types.

Currently, clay is mined by quarrying. Clay pits can be of varying depths. Often different types of clays can be produced in one quarry.

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