The appearance of a business person is the first thing people see. scarf must be factory-made

21. Appearance business man

In today's business world, great importance give the ability and ability of a person to make a good impression. For a business person, it is important how he looks in the eyes of others, what impression he makes on his colleagues and partners, because the efficiency and effectiveness of his activities depend on this, so he strives to create (form) a certain “attractive” image.

An image is a purposefully formed image, with the help of which a person presents himself to the world, a kind of self-presentation form that contributes to the impact on others. This is the art of managing the impression that a person makes on others. On the one hand, we try to give information to others, on the other hand, we pursue some goals.

The concept of image includes not only natural personality traits, but also specially created ones. Many people have an attractive appearance, but, as a rule, people's sympathy is acquired through the ability to present oneself. It is not enough just to have attractive external data, they should also be skillfully disposed of, and their absence does not block the road to creating a favorable personal image. To do this, you only need the desire and ability to best express your strongest personal qualities.

One of the conditions for creating positive image is knowledge of the rules of etiquette and the ability to behave in accordance with them. Having good communication manners helps a person to achieve their goals. In manners, the image of a person is recreated, those of his qualities that are evaluated by people as positive or negative are visually manifested. A person with good manners is universally respected by both men and women.

The style of thinking and demeanor, as well as the ability to communicate with people, is important. Communication tactics are very important for the image of a business person. It is necessary to have several options for behavior in the same type of situation and be able to quickly use them. In any communication, primarily business, one should not allow any confrontation, and even more so - conflict. Of course, heated debates and differences of opinion are possible, the main thing is that this does not turn into personal hostility. It is very important to understand the motives of your behavior, to determine exactly why you need it, what you want to get as a result.

To create an image, it is necessary to take into account that when forming a first impression, the first thing people pay attention to is your appearance and your manners. To create the desired image, it is very important to be able to master and manage your non-verbal language: facial expressions, gaze, gestures, posture, posture, gait, etc. It is necessary to accustom yourself to restraint in expressing emotions through facial expressions and gestures. Remember to smile, because a smiling face always evokes favor. Your posture largely reflects how you feel in specific situation, and the gestures and postures you take indicate your attitude to this situation or to people. You can be tastefully dressed in expensive things and perfectly built, but if you do not know how to stay calm, your posture out of habit represents readiness to defend yourself, and your face is gloomy, then your partner will be uncomfortable in your company.

The appearance of a person and the harmony of all the components of his wardrobe (color, silhouette, fabric and various accessories) are the main component of the image of a business person. Clothing is one of essential conditions of what an opinion about you is, it carries certain information about a person, and in accordance with it we are correlated with one or another category, social status, economic opportunities and belonging to professional field. Very often, clothing is a kind of calling card; it can have a psychological impact on communication partners, often predetermining their attitude towards each other.

Business style - clothes for work, important meetings and business negotiations. This is a strict, conservative, seasoned style, belonging to the category international standards. Business attire is preferred classic models good quality clothes, discreet color combinations, classic shoes. It is better to refrain from using bright, eye-catching color combinations in your business suit, but at the same time, clothes should not be completely black or white.

But when choosing a color, you should take into account the time and place of stay, your occupation. You should not wear too bright things if you have a business meeting.

The colors are mostly monophonic, but there may also be variants of soft stripes in a blue-gray, blue-brown palette, the cell is only medium in size, non-contrasting. Brightly colored clothes can overwhelm a person, especially if they themselves have pale skin. It is possible that, having paid attention to your noisy colors, people will not look at you yourself.

When choosing clothes business style stick to neutral colors to suit your color scheme.

Dark neutrals (navy blue, dark grey, brown, black, blue-green) will make you look more significant, while warm neutrals (beige, brown-yellow, light gray) will create a calming feeling.

The most important color is the one closest to the face. Shirts, blouses, ties should be of such shades that suit the complexion, set it off. Usually the color of clothes is selected with the following calculation:

1) shades of blue are most suitable for blondes;

2) brunettes - shades of yellow;

3) white color goes to people with a pink skin tone on the face.

When choosing clothes, a woman must adhere to certain rules:

1) long jackets / jackets in contrasting colors go with short skirts, and short ones go with long skirts. With short stature, the skirt should be of the same color, to the middle of the knee or slightly higher;

2) skirts, slightly flared, trapezoidal cut or straight, made of soft, colored or dense fabric;

3) trousers of straight cut, without cuffs. Vertical or horizontal lines are possible depending on height;

4) blouses with elegant sleeves made of flowing, light, plain fabrics or with a small, elegant pattern;

5) if the budget is limited, keep only one or two in your business wardrobe, but of excellent quality and impeccable cut of the suit, which can be combined with each other;

6) in the clothes of a business woman there should be two, maximum - three objects of the leading tone. If you put on a black suit, it is advisable to wear black shoes with it and there should be some other black item, such as a bag;

7) stockings are simple (thin, transparent, without patterns), harmonizing in color with the skirt. A common mistake is that our business ladies wear sleeveless clothes in summer. Sleeves should cover the shoulders at all times, and they should not be flared or too short. If you chose a skirt or dress, then an indispensable rule of business etiquette is the presence of tights (5-12 DEN). The roughest and common mistake is the summer of their absence;

8) jewelry: classic style earrings, wedding ring, pendant chain, watch - this is the minimum allowed in a business suit. It is necessary to refrain from bright, large and shiny jewelry. In Europe, it is generally not customary to wear jewelry, especially expensive ones.

It is not necessary, of course, to completely abandon everything feminine. Your colleague or partner must perceive you as a woman (because communication with a man follows one rule, and with a woman - according to others, and this does not mean at all that you are considered as a sexual object), and for this he needs some are external references. It should only be remembered that the business style of communication requires the minimum use of elements of sexual provocation in clothing;

9) tight-fitting knitwear, maxi skirts, items made of fabric with a sheen, or transparent materials are excluded from the business wardrobe. No exposure is allowed: neckline, miniskirt, bold slit, skirt slit, bare shoulders, belly;

10) the best choice shoes for a business woman are shoes in classic colors, i.e. black or dark brown, without frilly decorations, with medium heels in a fashionable configuration. Shoes must match the color of the suit. If the suit is light, then you can wear light (not white) shoes that are in harmony with the color of the suit, and of the same color and texture as the handbag.

According to the rules of etiquette, summer shoes with an open heel are allowed, but not with open toes, no matter how flawless the pedicure is.

Too defiant makeup is not recommended, but the complete absence of cosmetics on the face is also undesirable. Make-up paints are best used close to natural. Makeup, especially during the day, should not be conspicuous.

The golden rule when using perfume is moderation. When choosing a perfume, it is preferable to smell that suits you personally, even if it is not the most fashionable.

It is very important to be able to correctly determine the style of clothing for different occasions in order, firstly, not to feel insecure, and secondly, not to attract undue attention of others to your appearance. You can have fashionable clothes, but not make a decent impression.

Men can wear any suits of soft colors:

1) a jacket is preferable to a classic "English" one (with two slots at the back). Unlike the "European" (without slots) and "American" (with one slot), it allows its owner not only to stand elegantly, but also to sit elegantly;

2) trousers should be of such length that they go down a little on the shoes in front, and reach the beginning of the heel in the back;

3) a shirt under a jacket is allowed only with long sleeves. Nylon and knitted shirts should not be worn.

The collar should be an inch and a half higher than the collar of the jacket;

4) the vest should not be too short, neither the shirt nor the belt should be visible;

5) the belt, of course, excludes suspenders, and vice versa;

6) socks for a business and festive suit are selected to match, in no case white and long enough.

A man's clothing style affects his success in business contacts, and a properly issued suit helps to create the right working atmosphere.

The art of combining elements of clothing should always take into account color and line. The line is not so much the general silhouette of clothes as the general direction of the lines on a jacket, shirt, tie; on a suit they are arranged either in vertical stripes or in cells. Ties come without a pattern, with an abstract pattern or with a clear direction of the stripes: horizontal, vertical, diagonal.

The main thing is that the lines of the clothing elements do not sharply intersect with each other and do not merge.

Ties with polka dots, rhombuses, triangles, etc. are more suitable for a striped suit with a plain shirt.

Unity of style is easiest to achieve by choosing plain elements of clothing. A one-color suit should be the main element of clothing business man. Such a suit has the ability to go well with solid colors and patterns of other elements of clothing, which simplifies the choice of the right combination: suit - shirt - tie.

The suit can be blue, gray, beige, brown. It goes with any shirt pattern. If you add a plain tie here, you get a wonderful trio: monotony - pattern - monotony. It must be remembered that the same patterns never combine, they should always be separated by a single-color element, if the combination of a suit and a shirt is pale, then it can be revived with a brighter tie, for example: a gray suit, a blue shirt and a dark red tie.

You can have a good pair of suits and a pair of jackets and trousers, and that will be enough to always look spectacular, with obligatory condition have at least a dozen different shirts and ties in your wardrobe. From the combination of shirt and tie changes general form any suit. White and plain shirts go with any suit and tie. The shirt should always be lighter than the suit, and the tie darker than the shirt.

A tie is the main decoration of a man. Looking at a tie, you can accurately assess the taste of its owner. An elegant suit may go unnoticed, a beautiful tie never. The choice of color and pattern of a tie allows you to demonstrate the individuality, and sometimes the mood in which its owner is. Ties of any pattern, color, size look elegant when they are not striking. Each season dictates its fashion for color. It should be remembered that the dominant color of the tie should repeat the color of the suit. The desired effect is achieved not by patterns, but by the correct selection of a tie for a suit. A plain tie goes well with any shirt and any suit, you just need to follow the harmony of color. Avoid black, purple, magenta, overlapping and overlapping patterns, very short or bulky ties. The length of the tie should be such that, when tied, it reaches the belt buckle. A tie with the image of symbols, emblems, newspaper text, etc. is unacceptable for a business suit.

Choose the right hairstyle for your environment and circumstances. The hairstyle does wonders for a human face, it can hide both protruding ears and an irregularly shaped skull. Men with dark hair look more authoritative and can enhance this impression if they wear a suit that matches their hair color and their hair is a little longer than usual. Blond and redheads should not wear clothes that match the color of their hair.

Glasses can greatly affect the overall appearance. If no glasses suit you, wear contact lenses.

The main rule that should be observed when choosing clothes is the appropriateness of time and environment. When developing a style of clothing, it is necessary to take into account your data: age, complexion, position in society.

Skillfully selected clothes and practiced manners of wearing them literally transform a person, making him more attractive and interesting.

Since clothing carries the main flow of information about us, the way you look gives your partners or clients an impression of your company, which is very difficult to change in the future. It is difficult to conduct serious negotiations with a company representative who is dressed casually or showed up to the office in worn-out shoes. And although his clothes may be very expensive, but his slovenliness is subconsciously questionable. Clothing must be neat, clean and ironed.

It is important to take care not only of clothes, but also of yourself. Dirty nails or hair ruin the overall impression, even with very good clothes. Too brightly made up face will reduce the good effect of a skillfully chosen dress. Even a cloud of perfume can destroy the charm if it trails like a misty plume. If you take care of yourself, not only do others treat you well, but above all, you yourself feel better and more confident.

Bad taste, excessive extravagance, non-observance of seasonality and simply carelessness - all this is detrimental to the image. The inability to dress crosses out many excellent qualities and creates a false impression of them.

Sometimes flashy clothing is perceived by people as a desire to attract attention in the absence of other ways to achieve this. You need to dress in such a way that you look original and do not cause negative feelings in others. You can create your own unique appearance through the clothes that suit you.

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Chapter Twenty How to create your own style, or image of a business person "Who does not know where he is going will be very surprised that he got to the wrong place." (Mark Twain) Every person on earth dreams of something. Someone dreams of traveling around the world, someone dreams of a big and beautiful

“They meet by their clothes, but see them off by their minds” - this is what a folk saying tells us. And indeed it is. Success in a business or career depends on the qualifications of a business person, professionalism, ethical qualities, ability to and from many other components. All this directly affects the success. But there are also secondary success factors that sometimes come to the fore. It's about things like the overall impression you make on others. This is the manner of speaking, posture and, of course, the appearance and the image that you want to match.

How the appearance of a person affects his success

It cannot be said that the appearance of a person and his image can provide him with a direct path to success. For example, the world famous Steve Jobs preferred practical clothes: jeans and a turtleneck.

I know a lot of people who have achieved success, but they dress like simple guys. But there are people in my circle of acquaintances who dress in good suits and always look brand new. According to them, good clothes and a neat appearance can open a lot of doors.

The good appearance of a business person begins with physical health

It makes no sense to put on an expensive suit if you already have one foot in an ambulance and feel bad. If you want to start looking good, then you need to start from the very essence.

And this means that moderate physical activity, a rational diet, full-fledged long sleep, quitting smoking, alcohol and communicating with hysterical women - that's what a smart business person needs. The neglect of one of these rules can get away with it at a young age, but later all this will definitely make itself felt. And the sooner you take care of your health, the better it will be for you.

A taut figure, good posture - this will always give self-confidence and make a good impression on new partners. But these are all external attributes. The main thing is that in a healthy body you will be efficient and nothing will overshadow your working days. No wonder they say that "A healthy mind in a healthy body." And it really is. Who would not say anything, but "pregnant men" and with a crooked posture do not make a good impression. Rather, all this raises questions like this: “How could you launch yourself like that?”.

I don't have time for sports

The phrase “I don’t have enough time” is a convenient excuse for not changing anything in your life. It's so convenient to be guided by your habits day by day. In fact, all people have approximately the same amount of time. At the same time, some find time to keep fit and follow a diet, while others eat at McDonald's. At the same time, they consume clearly more calories than they really need.

In fact, due to the lack of full-fledged physical activity, the performance of any of us will be far from the maximum value. Scientific research show that moderate physical activity increases performance and also affects intelligence. In addition, sports can partially reduce the level of stress. And no one is forcing you to start running marathons right away. You can start small. Go to the pool once a week, start running once a week on Sundays. All this can allow even the busiest person.

Ability to dress well

The style of dress of a business person is also of great importance. Business style experts say that the appearance of clothing should be consistent with the goals. Do you want to be the mayor of a large city or the leader of a local tax office- I'll have to forget about torn jeans and nose piercings. On the other hand, some organizations have adopted a loose style of clothing and appearing there in a shirt, jacket and tie is bad manners. It depends on the head of the company (what tone he sets), as well as on the corporate culture in general.

As stylists say, the appearance of a business person speaks for him. For example, yours can become a decisive argument - to hire you or not. A person receives 80% of information (or even more) through the eyes. They say that we form the first impression in a matter of seconds when we wag a person for the first time. And it is the appearance of a person in this second that forms the image in such a way that later it will be problematic or almost impossible to change the impression of oneself.

Numerous studies show that beautiful people, on average, earn 5-10% more than less attractive colleagues.

dress well- this is one of, because in this way you stand out strongly among colleagues who are used to dressing in any way. Numerous success stories testify: those who started dressing like a leader, but worked like everyone else, became a leader in a matter of years. The reason lies in the fact that by dressing like a director, you unwittingly reinforce your own self-confidence. Self-confidence already, in turn, can affect real success at work. Not to mention the fact that colleagues begin to take such a person more seriously even before he actually becomes a leader.

The appearance of a business man It is formed not only with the help of clothes, but also with other important things. Hairstyle, smile, cosmetics, accessories. I don't know about you, but I always walk around with a thick silver chain on my arm. It is not a fact that this accessory is perceived by other people as a stylish attribute, but it shows, to some extent, my personality.

All you have to understand is that appearance is really important both in personal life, and in business or at work.

Success in business depends on the competence of a business person, his professionalism, hard work and many, many other factors. Some of them influence the achievement of the desired result directly and directly - knowledge of the matter, experience, but we are not talking about them now. Indirect factors also affect success, and business man look is the factor that determines the effectiveness business connections, success in business contacts, contributes to the creation of the necessary working atmosphere and affects the image of a person.

The appearance of a business person begins with health

In order to add charm to your appearance, you first need to realize that it starts with health. It is difficult to overstate the importance of proper nutrition, exercise and self-care. All this is especially important in youth. While you're young, you can get away with not getting enough sleep, eating dry food, neglecting exercise, not thinking about the dangers of smoking - and you can get away with it all. Unfortunately, with age, the consequences will definitely make themselves felt. If you take care of yourself from an early age, you will always look younger than you really are, you will be slim and fit. It is always pleasant to look at a slender, fit person with the correct posture: an easy gait, straightened shoulders, and a high head. And a completely different impression is produced by people with impaired posture - stooped, with shoulder blades protruding backwards and a protruding stomach.

Many people talk about how much work keeps them from signing up for sports or going to the swimming pool. Due to the lack of sports activity, their performance will only fall, time will become less and less, which will further increase stress ... in order to break out of this vicious circle, you only need to do one thing - carve out a couple of hours by reducing the load at the workplace and go to sports hall or pool. Very soon, increased efficiency will make up for the time spent on a healthy lifestyle. And the bonus will be the attractiveness and feeling of health in your own body.

The ability to dress business man style) is an art like any other

Clothes should serve you, should help you achieve your goals. Always ask yourself the question: “Does this style bring me closer to what I want to achieve?” Whether you will look tastefully dressed or not depends on your goals. If you want to be a rock singer, don't dress like a monk - unless deliberately asexuality is a fashion statement. If your goal is to become the president of a conservative accounting firm, you will have to remove the earring from your eyebrow and hide the tattoos.

"Speaks for him before he says even a word" - the well-known American journalist Ariel Ford speaks with skill. It is thanks to her that some top-rated authors have become famous. According to her, what the author says when he appears on a TV show will not affect the sales of his books. It all depends on whether the audience likes it or not - this is closely related to the aesthetic appearance.

Appearance at the interview extremely important, this axiom needs no special proof. Be sure that your appearance tells the employer at least (if not more) important information than your resume, diplomas, characteristics and other papers. Keep in mind that every leader, before inviting any employee to work, has already formed in his head the image of the employee he needs. It's not so much about your external natural data, but how much you respect yourself, which, of course, is reflected in your appearance, down to the smallest detail.

Call the human resources department of any company in the world and ask if they take into account appearance of a person when hiring him. I bet you will get a negative answer. But evidence from independent experiments suggests that managers are much more dependent on the beauty of subordinates than they want to seem.

In 2005, data from a study by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis was published. Experts from such a respected organization said that beautiful people earn five percent more than their less attractive counterparts. It has been established that such "injustice" takes place in all areas of human activity, but it is especially noticeable in those professions that are most dependent on communication with colleagues or clients.

Reading Jack Canfield's The Rules success"I came across this interesting story about an ordinary bank worker. In one New York bank there was such a guy, he worked as an ordinary manager, but unlike others, he dressed like a director. All the managers were in simple worn shirts, and he was in a good suit. Moreover, he did not stand out in any other way, he worked exactly the same as the rest. A year later, he became the chief manager, and after another 2 years he was appointed director of the bank. And all why? He dressed and behaved like a director. To learn how to behave properly in such an environment, you need to be confident in yourself, and confidence largely depends on your appearance.

Dress like who you want to be, not who you are. Everything, including how you dress, should have a purpose. Since you must wear clothes, make sure that they provide you with superiority. Clothes will not only tell people who you are, but also reflect your aspirations.

The appearance of a business man in addition to clothes, they even create such trifles as the whiteness of a smile, hairstyle, hair on a man’s face, makeup on a woman’s face, well-groomed hands, skin color, jewelry and accessories, etc. Taking care of yourself is not at all difficult, just not everyone pays due attention to it.

You make a lot of things in life dependent on your appearance. This is the efficiency of your activities, and career advancement and win the sympathy of others. First impression about you, your professional qualities, temperament, character, upbringing and attitude towards others, most often forms the appearance. Therefore, if you are not serious about how you look and what you are wearing, it is time to reconsider your views on this significant moment and change your appearance.

« Only the most imperceptible people do not judge by appearance." Wilde O.

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business man appearance

1. General rules

Specificity entrepreneurial activity makes very serious demands on the appearance of its participants. The appearance of a business person is the first step to success, because for a potential partner his suit serves as a code indicating the degree of reliability and respectability.

Neat, tastefully dressed, taut - such is the appearance of a business person, well received by surrounding partners and clients. And the point here is not some refinement of taste, but the fact that the appearance of such a person indicates his respect for people.

Like any professional group of people, entrepreneurs have a certain stereotype regarding clothing. Visiting any international fair or exhibition, you will notice that most stand attendants show a surprising similarity of views in choosing the color of a tie, shirt or suit.

Currently, many entrepreneurs take into account the advice of fashion designers. The fundamental principles in the preparation of the wardrobe, in their opinion, should be the versatility of clothing. If there are many things in the wardrobe that are rarely used, then the wardrobe is not designed correctly.

Oddly enough, the modern business world is conservative in matters of fashion. AT working time it is customary to wear lighter suits than at receptions, and the tone of the suits in summer time should be lighter than in winter. Suits of bright colors, as a rule, are not worn during working hours.

The shirt is also chosen in light colors, often white. The color of the tie is also important. There is a rule that the tie should be the same tone as the shirt and suit, but lighter or darker, or the suit and tie should be in contrasting tones.

Currently, preference is given to ties of not too bright colors, as well as ties without a pattern or pattern, although just a few years ago, “firmachi” almost without exception wore red ties to traditionally dark blue suits. True, this was typical of younger managers who sought to look fashionable and elegant.

It is also worth asking what form of tie is currently in fashion. If narrow ties are fashionable, then too wide, of course, will be striking.

In a business setting, short-sleeved shirts are not recommended, as it is considered elegant for the cuffs of the shirt to be visible from under the sleeves of the jacket (about two centimeters). Although, of course, in very hot weather, you will look more natural in a short-sleeved shirt than in a suit, constantly wiping sweat off your face.

On a business trip, the manager often does not know where and how he will spend the day, whether or not he will have time to return to the hotel and change clothes according to the occasion. Therefore, a dark blue or dark gray suit is the most common type for every occasion.

As for shoes, it is advisable to wear black shoes. In summer, black shoes are not required for a light suit, but in any case, not sandals. If possible, the color of the shoes is selected according to color scheme suit.

It is better to have socks that are not very bright and catchy, preferably gray or dark, and brown for a beige-brown suit. It should also be borne in mind that socks and ties should be in harmony in their colors.

Men now wear a headdress and gloves mainly with a raincoat or coat to protect themselves from the cold. And yet the hat must also match the outerwear.

Hats are lighter in spring and summer, darker in autumn and winter. It is not recommended to wear velor hats, as well as black hats for non-black coats and suits.

Our businessmen, as well as participants in international exhibitions and fairs, must understand this kind of rules, since being abroad, out of courtesy, they must adapt to the regulations in force there regarding costume.

At the same time, you should not try to suppress your partners with the richness of your appearance, indicating your powerful creditworthiness. In most industrial developed countries heavy gold rings, chains and bracelets, conspicuous watches or excessive variegation of a tie can only give rise to doubts about your seriousness.

True, there are regions (for example, the Arab East) where it is not only allowed, but even required from a businessman to demonstrate luxury as a clear evidence of his prosperity. Monogrammed platinum lighters, watches with diamonds, cufflinks with precious stones, and super-expensive cars are such “signs of success”.

Of course, even our most successful businessman is still unable to equal oil sheiks or Chinese millionaires from Hong Kong, and all attempts to appear like them only harm, since imitation of wealth is considered a grave sin in business.

Nevertheless, our Russian nouveaux riches, once across the ocean, are trying to keep up with the rich, leading a luxurious lifestyle, not sparing their own, but rather someone else's, funds.

The ostentatious luxury is easily forgiven to the Arab rich - it corresponds to their generally accepted appearance and behavior. And the stereotype of a “good domestic businessman” is completely different: this is a novice with no great fortune, for whom natural talent, the ability to quickly learn wits and the great potential of his country so far compensate for some uncouthness, lack of knowledge and capital.

So, for the first contact and subsequent negotiations with foreign partners, it is worth putting on a carefully cleaned and ironed suit with a light-colored shirt and matching tie.

Strict Japanese etiquette forbids taking off jackets or loosening tie knots even during negotiations, except when the head of the delegation of your partners suggests doing this, making it clear that the time has come for informal negotiations. By the way, there is even a special international term “know thai session” - “meeting without ties”.

European and American customs are much more liberal. However, they also categorically forbid appearing at negotiations in a shirt with a tie, not to mention sports shirts, even if it is unbearably hot. True, air conditioners in offices and cars, as well as a rich selection of light suits, help foreign businessmen to withstand such restrictions.

You should not appear at negotiations in jackets, sports trousers, jeans, as well as in leather jackets, which self-respecting business people wear at best for country walks.

However, there are special areas of business where extravagant outfits are allowed as a kind of trademark and a sign of belonging to the workshop. For example, the manager of a rock singer or the organizer of a "heavy metal" concert may sport an earring in his ear and wear a ponytail caught in a ribbon. And the art dealer is quite befitting in bohemian colorful jackets and silk neckerchiefs.

Foreign businessmen carefully follow the details and meticulously take them into account in their conclusions. For example, a monstrous impression is produced by short, folded socks that open the bare leg of a businessman when he sits cross-legged. Clean and hole-free socks are especially needed in Japan, where you have to take off your shoes when entering a house or restaurant.

A crumpled, stale handkerchief, a half-torn button, or the habit of wiping glasses with the end of a tie spoil the impression.

We must not forget about shoes - dusty and cracked shoes can spoil the impression of even a quite decent suit. It is necessary to discard the simple-minded habit of complementing a suit and tie with sandals from which socks peek out, to avoid too harsh colognes and aftershave lotions. And in general, the main thing to strive for is the general impression of neatness, accuracy and even some pedantry in clothes. This should make the partner think that you will be just as “tight” in business.

2. The appearance of a businesswoman

For a businesswoman who wants to succeed in concluding contracts, in business negotiations, it is very important to remember her appearance, moreover, put her at the service of business. First of all, about clothes. Business clothes are distinguished by classic cut, discreet colors, and versatility. Sexy chiffon evening gowns and opulent Impressionist patterned trouser suits are fine for parties and cocktails, but wearing them to work spells career failure.

All over the world, the main clothing for work is a suit. The dress can be afforded only in the heat and only in one color.

In the wardrobe of a business woman there should be two or three skirts, jackets, two or three blouses. It is advisable to change toilets often, because the same thing worn every day is annoying and “extinguishes” the mood.

It is impossible to shorten the skirt excessively, blindly obeying fashion. Also, you should not wear things that emphasize your attractiveness (tight sweaters, jeans). It may turn out that men, instead of listening to you in negotiations, will consider your merits. In addition, they may get the impression that you are first of all offering to make sure of the beauty of your figure, and not of business qualities.

Hairstyle, makeup, jewelry should organically complement a business suit. The hairstyle should be strict, but at the same time elegant. Decorations should be as small as possible, but at the same time, they cannot be abandoned altogether. It is better to wear expensive jewelry. Cosmetics should be noticeable only at close range. Experts recommend buying more preventive cosmetics than decorative ones. Perfume should be used in such quantity that its smell is barely perceptible. And, of course, it must be good spirits.

But the most important thing is your personality. It's not about how you dress, but how you feel. If you smile and listen attentively to the interlocutor, do not overdo it with little female tricks such as “eye play” or “accidentally” naked knee, you are guaranteed success. However, women's tricks sometimes do not hurt. But everything is in moderation.

3. Clothing for the reception

For all receptions before 20.00, men can wear a suit of any soft color, unless these receptions are arranged on the occasion of a national holiday, in honor of the head of state or minister. For receptions held at 20.00 and later, it is recommended to wear a suit in black or dark color.

The jacket should, as a rule, be fastened with all buttons, except for the bottom, which is never fastened. In a buttoned jacket, they go to friends, to a restaurant, to an office for a meeting, to the theater auditorium, sit on the presidium or make a report. Buttons can be unbuttoned during breakfast, dinner, lunch or while sitting in a chair.

For all types of receptions, it is recommended to wear a white (not knitted) shirt with a starched or soft collar and a tie of any color, but not bright or black. A black tie is worn only as a sign of mourning or, if appropriate, with uniforms.

For formal suits, it is recommended to wear low shoes or boots in dark brown or black. Light brown or tan shoes do not go well with a black suit, while black shoes go well with a brown suit. In the summer, sandals or sandals, boots with thick soles, sports shoes can be worn with a light suit. Patent leather boots are worn only with a tuxedo.

The color of men's socks should be darker than the color of the suit, which creates a transition from the color of the suit to the color of the shoes. Dark blue, dark gray, black are the most suitable colors for socks. Striped or plaid socks are not suitable for evening wear.

Women at receptions and business meetings should adhere to strict lines and soft tones. If the reception begins before 20.00, it is not removed at the table, but the hostess of the reception does not put on a hat.

At receptions on the occasion of the national holiday, more elegant dresses and dress-suits of normal length are adopted. For receptions and dinners after 20.00, evening dresses are worn - more elegant and open, with or without sleeves, the length is in fashion. A hat is not worn with an evening dress.

Shoes for receptions are worn leather or suede, with any comfortable heel, for evening receptions - evening shoes.

Gloves: the shorter the sleeve of the evening dress, the longer the gloves.

Handbag: for day receptions - leather, for evening - a small one made of brocade or suede.

The color and density of the material should correspond to the season, as well as the occasion for which the reception is being held. In summer, thinner and lighter materials are used, in winter darker and denser ones.

4. Behavior at the reception

If a man sits with his legs crossed while talking with his business partner, he must watch his trousers, as it is unacceptable for a bare leg to be visible above the sock. It is not customary to swing your leg, hug your knees with your hands. It is indecent to sit on the very edge of a chair, armchair, sofa.

A woman, sitting down, does not lift her dress or coat. She can cross her legs while sitting on a chair, but she should not allow herself to do this while sitting in a low chair or on a sofa. In this case, the legs should be kept to one side. In this case, you can lay one foot behind the other.

Be sure to check your actions. When coughing, you need to turn your head to the side and cover your mouth with your hand, with a sharp cough, be sure to attach a handkerchief to your mouth. You need to blow your nose quietly, blowing lightly into a handkerchief. You should not sniff your nose. The need to sneeze should be suppressed, if possible, by slightly squeezing the bridge of the nose on both sides or by bringing a handkerchief to the nose at the time of sneezing.

Thus, the selection of a suit, the color aesthetics of all clothes (shirt, tie, shoes, handkerchief), the ability to “sit” in a suit - all this requires the most serious attitude from a businessman, even such a trifle as using cologne and perfume.

5. Conclusions:

It must be remembered that in business relations there are no trifles. Clothing, behavior of an entrepreneur, manager - this is his calling card.

You don't have to wear a fancy suit. It is important that the suit is in good condition, does not hang in a bag, and the trousers should not resemble a greasy old accordion. The costume should be for revenge and for the time. If negotiations with partners are scheduled for the daytime, a light-colored suit will do. Pants and jacket can be of different colors. But if the negotiations are going on in the evening, the suit must be dark, the shirt must be fresh, ironed, the tie must not be flashy, the shoes must be cleaned. The elegance of a business man is determined by the shirt, tie and boots, and not by the number of suits that he brought with him.

Women should adhere to strict lines and soft tones at receptions and business meetings. Hairstyle, makeup, jewelry should organically complement a business suit. Evening dresses are put on for receptions and dinners after 20.00 - more elegant and open. But the most important thing is your personality.

For a trip abroad, it is enough to have three sets of clothes: dark and light suits, a decent jacket and a sweater for walking. If the route of the trip passes through the countries of the East, then women should not wear trousers, they should not appear on the street, in in public places without stockings or pantyhose (especially in Muslim countries), and men in bright ties.

The phrase that people are greeted by clothes has long become banal and uninteresting. Nevertheless, the appearance of a person has always been and will be his hallmark. However, the problem of those who do not know what business clothing is is also relevant. A strict suit is not always appropriate for “no ties” meetings, and summer shirts will not be to everyone’s taste. business meeting. What kind of a business man is he? The answer to this question will help solve many problems.

Business appearance - what is it?

First of all, business people with whom others want to interact are distinguished from the rest by such character traits as accuracy, organization, purposefulness and the ability to value their own and other people's time. Moreover, the manifestation of the inner core is always reflected in clothing. Neatness and accuracy - it is this appearance of a business person that is the key to a good impression. At the same time, untidy, wrinkled, or even completely dirty clothes are immediately associated with forgetfulness, unnecessary fuss and insecurity. In order not to become an object from the second category, it is worth remembering what types of business style exist today.

Regardless of gender, the nuances that relate to business clothing are the same for everyone. Each company or firm dictates its own dress code rules during working hours. However, in nature there are only two types:

  1. Conservative dress code. This style is characterized by the unity of rules for all employees of the company and does not accept exceptions. Suits, blouses, socks and even buttons must strictly match the allowed colors. This style is mandatory for those who negotiate outside the office, and in most cases the colors are corporate.
  2. Contact dress code. This style is more suitable for meetings with colleagues after hours. For example, on gala evenings and other informal events. The main principle is respect for the limits of decency and elegance. Strict suits and shirts can be replaced with loose trousers with blouses without a jacket. Women can make brighter makeup and add various accessories to their image.

In a business environment, you should adhere to the rules of a conservative dress code. For representatives of different sexes, the requirements will naturally be different.

What should a business man look like?

The most acceptable attribute of a modern businessman's clothing is a suit. This classic form of clothing will always be relevant. However, there are also such small details of the men's wardrobe as a vest, belt and socks. How to combine them correctly to create the image of a business person:

  • the length of the trousers should be such that they go down slightly on the shoes in front and reach the beginning of the heel of the shoes at the back;
  • the most preferred type of jacket is "English", i.e. classical. It has two slots at the back and lends elegance to any position, whether the man is standing or sitting;
  • if a man puts on a vest, then it is worth remembering that it cannot be too short. The shirt and belt should not be visible;
  • nylon and knitted shirts in a business wardrobe are highly discouraged. Also, you can’t wear a short-sleeved shirt under a jacket;
  • the collar of the shirt should be one or one and a half centimeters higher than the collar of the jacket;
  • The belt doesn't match with the braces. One thing should be worn;
  • socks, regardless of the type of suit, must be in tone. White and too long are unacceptable.

A few more tips for different situations: light-colored suits are best worn during the day, and dark ones in the evening. At any official meeting, it is better to wear a jacket buttoned up. You can unbutton buttons at a gala banquet or in a theater. Also in the arsenal of any man should be two handkerchiefs. One is in a trouser pocket and the other is in an inside jacket pocket.

View of a business woman

And now we will talk about how a business woman should look like. The representatives of the fair half have more choice in styles and types of clothing material. The main thing is the correspondence of the image to the environment in which the lady is located. So, a few words about what the look of a business woman should be:

And a few more tips: luxurious dresses are not worn during the day. The best replacement would be a suit dress. It is preferable for blondes to wear blue clothes, and for brunettes - yellow. For those who have a pink complexion, white is the most suitable color. And black is able to absorb the brilliance of other colors.

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