Free software for logistics. Automation of the processes of transport logistics of the enterprise Program for managing the processes of cargo transportation

Competition among service providers transportation, is growing year by year. However, competent work with transport logistics is needed not only by carrier companies. Any company that needs to regularly transport something (for example, an online store) faces the difficulties of planning work and financial accounting, and hence the difficulties of document management. In other words, if the company's logistics process is not optimized, it suffers losses.

The most common logistics problems are easy to list:

  • Irrational use Vehicle. Empty run and downtime of vehicles - common problem companies with their own fleet.
  • Difficulties and losses in communications. As a rule, without automation, the dispatch department is overloaded, and even then it can be difficult to satisfy all incoming requests. If the information is not stored centrally, in one system, the operator has to perform a lot of extra steps to receive it and transfer it further.
  • The negative impact of the human factor. Entering and transferring data manually takes time and generates errors. Also, if the processes are not automated, the company has to resort to intuitive decisions and manual calculations - usually inaccurate.

All this inevitably leads to a decrease in productivity, and hence - turnover and income. What is the way out here? Of course, automation. Proper implementation of specialized products allows you to solve all these problems and "tame" logistics schemes of any complexity.

What are the benefits of transport logistics automation?

First of all, the automation of the logistics system makes the movement of all your goods and vehicles transparent and predictable. This is possible due to the fine tuning of business processes and workflow, accurate accounting, tax and management accounting at an automated facility. This is the most valuable and, perhaps, the most expected result, but behind its predictability there are hours of studying the specifics of the client's business and processing suitable software solutions in such a way that they correspond to these specifics. It is impossible to find two completely identical businesses, and therefore there are no two completely identical implementations. We understand how important it is to work with the problems of each client individually, and this gives tangible results.

Here is what else our customers got after logistics automation:

  • We were able to save. Automation improves communication between different services and departments - this is especially noticeable in large companies with a large staff and an impressive structure. About improvement economic indicators Many of our clients say that automation is the key to automation - WETT Group, Arzamassky Khleb CJSC, Schenker logistics holding, Nizhny Novgorod Vodokanal.
  • They work faster. Well-coordinated work allows you to reduce the time for one operation. This leads to greater productivity - which means more bandwidth for your company or department.
  • Use material resources more efficiently. This advantage is felt most strongly by enterprises with their own vehicle fleet: after automation, customers can monitor fuel consumption and vehicle use (for example, determine the degree of wear and quickly select vehicles in need of repair).
  • Introduced KPI for employees. The Schenker logistics holding began to evaluate the effectiveness of its employees based on IT system data. This is a great idea, because the indicators in unified system allow you to evaluate the real picture of performance. So you can not only figure out the idlers, but also encourage modest productive workers.

In many areas of business, the need to be faster and more accurate than competitors is no longer a goal to strive for for the sake of a comfortable existence, but a guarantee of maintaining market positions. This is why automating the logistics system is a critical step in maintaining the competitiveness of any transportation company (even within the organization itself).

For high-quality automation, which will really solve the company's problems and bring economic benefits, it is very important not only to select the right products, but also to correctly implement them. Very often, the specifics of the work of the enterprise dictates requirements that simply cannot be met by mass products “out of the box”. That is why it is worth ordering automation only from experienced practitioners who know how to adapt the product to meet the specific needs of your business.

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Tynchenko V.V. Process Automation transport logistics enterprises / V.V. Tynchenko, V.P. Lomovtsev, N.A. Milton // Economics and business: theory and practice. - 2016. - No. 12. - S. 137-139.


V.V. Tynchenko, Ph.D. tech. Sciences, Associate Professor

V.P. Lomovtsev, student

ON THE. Milton, student

Siberian State Aerospace University academician M.F. Reshetnev

(Russia, Krasnoyarsk)

Annotation . The purpose of transport logistics is determined by the purpose of the logistics of the enterprise: the right cargo must be delivered at the right time to the right place in the right quantity. t ve in the right quality and with minimal cost. The process of planning and accounting for transfers about zok can be made more efficient using modern IT solutions - everything is used with them children work automatically and quickly.

keywords: l logistics, transportation, automated systems, planning, accounting.

At present, the successful about nirovanie enterprise requires the use e modern high-performance sp about methods and methods of managing flow processes, so logistics has steadily occupied its niche in the management of modern n enterprises. Logistics coverage a there is a whole range of activities of the enterprise: planning, implementation, control a expenses, movement and storage of enterprise materials. The logistics activities at the enterprise include: a customer service, transportation, inventory management, information management about current.

W significant place in logistics any enterprise occupies the transport log and stick . A significant part of the logistics operations on the route material flow from the primary source of raw materials to final consumption is carried out using various vehicles, and the costs of these operations e radios account for up to half of the total logistics costs. Purpose tran s tailor logistics determined by the purpose of lo enterprise logistics: the right cargo must be deliveredat the right time in the right place in the right quantity in the right quality e quality and at minimal cost [ 2 ].

Let's list about main problems log and sticks faced enterprises yatiya any scale and direction. Maintenance of own vehicle fleet about is very expensive wherein often difficult to chooseoptimal hired transport, eliminate or at least reduce to to a minimum of non-rational loading of transport from the port when the cars are sent lyayutsya in flight half empty. Another big problem oh oh is route optimization at ta: in each route there are a lot of details and it is very important to control their observance complicated, the planned itinerary is often wrong about hygienic and therefore low-efficiency effective. In addition, for the company it is vitally important to accept all customer requirements: follow special temperature regime cargo about transportation , take into account the specifics located number of delivery points, availability of goods in stock, time required for loading and a strictly defined delivery time, number e Banya order sizesall this complicates the organization and management of transport logistics to an inadequate scale, which the logistician cannot keep be in my head.

Process transportation planning and accounting can make it more efficient using modern IT solutions – with them everything will work automatically and quickly.Application analytical methods call lit to optimize the fleet and the cost of its maintenance.Automated with and with the theme will enable choose a transport port that is optimal in terms of cost sti and performance. By automating control efficiency increased but it is many times, and the labor costs and time are less fat is saved, t transportation is used rationally and brings the maximum in th year, m routes are optimized, as a result what the heck reduced mileage transport and save money. All customer requirements are carried out to The quality of service outstrips competitors, customer loyalty is growing.

Modern automated transport logistics systems allow taking into account all the specifics of orders, and the army of optimal transport, build effective march rue and control their implementation.It works like this: orders are loaded from the accounting system in the format xml or csv , according to them, routes are planned in the system, ready-made route sheets for a are loaded into the route system, based on them, the warehouse management system determines the order assembly time and delivery to the frame for loading, the goods are loaded from the warehouse in the order of sending trucks and delivery points to the route plannedroute is mapped to data GPS in real time, sowaiting for the unit of transport and each order findingunder reliable control of the system.At the same time, an important aspect of the implementation automated system is the possibility of its integrationwith the company's accounting system.

There are currently wide selection transport log automation and sticks focused on enterprises of various sizes. results comparative analysis basic functionality b opportunities and cost ready a to tomatized systemstransportation managementpresented in the table .

Below average

Below average

Logistics tools 24



Programs for large enterprises

FORES: Vehicles


Axelot: Traffic Management


ITOB: Logistics Center


ANTOR: Logistics Master

above average

ESRI: ArcLogistics Route

above average

TopPlan : TopLogistic

above average


above average

Ermasoft : CITY-Delivery

above average

Logistics Department


cargo plane



:A motor transport

: Auto transport "," ITOB: Logistics Center" and "Department of Logistics.

received re comparative analysis resultsopportunities available on the marketsoftware systems designed to automate the functions and operations of trans with tailor logistics, can be used a us to select the appropriate automation about bathroom system during project development and in tomatization of planning and accounting o zok at the enterprise.

Bibliographic list

1. Portnova, D.S. The role and importance of logistics in the activities of the enterprise // - 2015. - No. 06 (18) / [Electronic resource] - Access mode. – URL:

2. Gadzhinsky, A.M. Logistics: Textbook. 20th edition.Moscow: Dashkov i K°, 2012.- 484 p.


V.V. Tynchenko , candidate of technical sciences, associate professor

V.P. Lomovtsev, student

N.A. Milton, student

Siberian state aerospace university named after academician M.F. Reshetnev

(Russia, Krasnoyarsk)

abstract. The aim of transport logistics is determined by the purpose of the enterprise logistics: the right goods must be delivered at the right time at the right time in the right quantity at the right quality and at minimal cost. transportation planning and accounting process can be made more effective by using modern IT solutions — with them it will work automatically and quickly.

keywords: logistics, transportation, automation systems, planning, accounting.

The automation of transport logistics is moving fast enough. Unmanned trucks are already being tested in Germany, and KamAZ plans to put them into operation on Russian roads in the near future.

However, in logistics, automation is not only futuristic technology. After all, there are already software solutions that significantly optimize the work with transportation, make life easier for employees and help save money.

In this article, we will talk about why automation of transport logistics is needed and what benefits it brings to the company.

What is the automation of transport logistics?

Most often used to automate transport logistics complete solution– for example, the transportation management system (TMS). She is a company and helps to automate processes in two directions:

  • plan transportation;
  • track the delivery.

Consider which logistics processes are best "amenable" to automation.

Transport planning

When the company receives orders, the task of the logistician is to process and distribute them correctly, as well as with the right vehicle fleet. There are several factors here: geography, delivery time, specific transportation conditions (for example, for medicines or dangerous goods). This functionality is often found in TMS.

Predicting the volume and weight of the order, which the warehouse will collect only the next day, helps the logistician order transport and optimize delivery costs. The order that arrives at TMS contains information about the SKUs and the number of units for each SKU. TMS will help calculate the total volume and weight of the cargo in the car, as well as take into account the client's requirements for the height of the assembly of the goods and other specific conditions. In addition, TMS will tell the logistician which orders are more logical to combine into one vehicle, and which (due to their specific properties or temperature conditions) cannot be shipped together.

If automation is applied, calculating the vehicle loading scheme, it is possible to increase the level of vehicle utilization and protect against both fines for exceeding the total permitted weight of the cargo, and from overloading on one of the vehicle axles. The greatest weight load falls on the second or third axle of the road train, where most often there is an overweight that threatens legal entities a fine of 500 thousand rubles. This fine will be received not only by the carrier, but also by the consignor.

At the stage of ordering transport, automation of transport logistics allows you to:

  • order a pass for the driver indicated by the transport company in the system;
  • prepare documents in advance with the already indicated data of drivers;
  • prepare the goods for loading in the right sequence - so after the arrival of the car, it will only be loaded.

Automation of transport logistics is carried out not only by suppliers, but also by carriers. Many transport companies continue to write SMS to drivers with order details, and some send drivers on flights with special terminals or an application for mobile phone that help:

  • move along the optimal delivery route, which is adjusted depending on traffic congestion and changes in order details;
  • inform the dispatcher in real time about the passage of the route point, the time of arrival at the point, as well as send photos of defective goods and photos of shipping documents, which are automatically included in the transportation history.

The TMS system can inform your consignees about the planned delivery time of the goods and that their order is already on the way, while indicating the details of the driver and the car that will bring the goods to him. The latest solutions(for example, from Oracle) support self-learning and build routes taking into account various parameters: machine speed, duration of stops, time spent at the load, voids formed during the assembly of goods.

Result Tracking

When the shipment is completed, the logistician has quite a lot of paperwork to do. TMS allows you to automate some processes: for example, the return of documents, the preparation and receipt of invoices, and so on.

Do not forget about tracking the transportation on the map by the dispatcher. The easiest way is to get the location of his SIM card: there are special modules for TMS that exchange information with data aggregators from operators without installing additional software on the driver's phone. The driver is only required to give consent by sending "Yes" in the response message.

At the same time, this method is not very accurate. To track more transportation details, you need to install special equipment in the car or a special application in the driver's smartphone.

Automation is also great for analytics. By collecting data on several shipments, the logistics specialist can evaluate what the company is doing right and what can be improved.

For example: statistics show that most often the company uses the services of the carrier with the lowest rates. At the same time, the delivery timeliness () of this transport company is at the level of 80% - that is, every fifth cargo arrives late. In the long run, this may have a negative impact on financial indicators companies, as the decline in profits will outpace the savings.

What are the benefits of transport logistics automation?

First of all, automation allows you to get rid of errors caused by the human factor. Transportation information is stored in TMS: contacts of responsible persons, data on fuel surcharges, and so on. Human error often increases shipping costs. For example, an error in the tariff classification of cargo can lead to the fact that the carriage will have to be paid twice.

Automation of transport logistics makes it possible to more flexibly manage costs and, as a result, reduce logistics costs. Tracking the tariffs of transport companies in real time allows you to rely in calculations not on theoretical assumptions, but on current data. What's more, some TMSs automatically select the best carrier.

TMS functionality will help improve the quality of customer service. Thanks to automatic cargo tracking, insurance accounting and tariff calculation, customers are always aware of how much the shipment will cost and when the cargo will arrive at its destination. The cost of the system in the long term will be much lower than the loss from a dissatisfied customer.

Finally, TMS allows you to store all transportation data in one place. This makes it easier to monitor logistics processes, analyze data from various sources from different angles, identify errors in time and draw conclusions.

It should be understood that full automation of transport logistics is practically impossible, the human contribution is still needed. Even the most complex and progressive TMS bring noticeable results only on the basis of high-quality statistics, which only a person can collect.

What's more, there is no one-size-fits-all TMS that will benefit every company. Each sector has its own specifics, so any software solution needs to be optimized for its needs - for example, the first stage of implementation is just that.

Is the automation of transport logistics developed in your company? What solutions do you use? Share in the comments and subscribe to our blog to be the first to know about new articles.

Freight software

The page presents a selection of software for conducting activities and accounting in the field of cargo transportation and logistics. Software systems are specially designed for freight forwarders, carriers, dispatchers and allow you to maintain document flow and accounting in transport companies. It will also be useful for you to know whichdocuments and forms

Top 20: TMS Software for Delivery Services

Freight software

The page presents a selection of software for conducting activities and accounting in the field of cargo transportation and logistics. Software systems are specially designed for freight forwarders, carriers, dispatchers and allow you to maintain document flow and accounting in transport companies. It will also be useful for you to know whichdocuments and formsused in transportation and logistics motor transport enterprises. We offer you a short overview of the best programs for cargo transportation with brief description, photos and prices.

Delivery service automation service. Application management. Distribution of applications between couriers. Maintaining a financial report Application for a courier. Location control of couriers. SMS informing. Automation of pickup point and warehouse


Online service for operational work forwarding companies. Create requests for transportation, organize documents, control the work of logistics managers, monitor the profitability of the company.


A cloud service for automating transport logistics and can be supplied both in SaaS format and with installation on the customer's servers. Allows you to optimize routes. GLONASS/GPS integration with transport monitoring.


Program for automating the delivery service. It will help you quickly place orders, distribute them to couriers, interact with customers and control the work of the enterprise.


A system for the complex automation of the work of a courier delivery service that delivers goods from online stores, express delivery correspondence within the city, intercity/international delivery, mailing of large volumes of correspondence. Mobile app for courier


Cloud SaaS solution designed for automatic planning of delivery routes. The program for logistics is based on a unique algorithm that optimally plans routes, taking into account all restrictions, and also selects the optimal sequence of routes and the most suitable one in terms of technical capabilities and cost of transport.


Service for building the optimal route. Automatic distribution of addresses by vehicles. Determination of the optimal order of shipment. Display on the map how orders are executed


The multi-user delivery program allows you to quickly keep a record of delivered products or goods. The program creates a structured price list, maintains a customer base. For each order, a printed order form is generated. Based on the totality of orders, you can generate a waybill for the courier.


Automation system for management and operational accounting in motor transport enterprises, as well as in transport divisions of trade, manufacturing and other companies with various industry specifics.


A program for automating a delivery service, retail, cafe or bar. Convenient interface for creating orders and maintaining warehouse accounting. System for automatic distribution of orders by delivery zones and couriers.


Activity automation system for logistics and transport companies


Cloud service for logistics services. Allows you to perform automatic planning and optimization of delivery routes. Analysis of the correspondence between the actual passage of the route and the planned one.


A program for transport companies and forwarders, as well as any logistics departments of enterprises whose activities are somehow related to transportation: cargo transportation, trucking, delivery, etc.


A solution for automating the full cycle of the delivery service. The program is ideal for businesses Catering that accepts orders and delivers finished products to your home or office.


The transport logistics automation program is a convenient tool for a logistician and an assistant to the manager in managing an enterprise. Makes the route planning process convenient and efficient.


Complex software, developed on the basis of 1C: Management small firm. Automates the entire cycle of the delivery process: from loading orders into the database to analyzing the delivery. There is a mobile application.


A program for courier services and logistics departments with the ability to work in accordance with Federal Law 54. Mobile application for couriers.


Software package for delivery service based on 1C:Enterprise 8. Catering. Modern site. CRM system. SMS and email newsletters. Finance accounting.


A comprehensive solution for automating transport logistics. Used as an order management system. It solves the problem of automating the delivery of material objects or services from the source of production to the consumer of products or services, forms optimal routes. Combines links in the supply chain, taking into account various kinds transport. There is a functionality for transport management and GLONASS monitoring of moving objects.


A program for automating public catering and delivery services. Allows you to automate inventory management, client base, accepting and administering orders, maintaining logistics, accounting wages employees and more.

Overview of the best software systems in the field of cargo transportation and logistics


Website: https://cargo transportation program.rf

The Cargo Transportation program allows you to accept and control applications for transportation, storage, transshipment, loading, unloading, insurance, etc. services for standard, consolidated, oversized, multimodal and other types of cargo. There is tariff scales, accounting for fuels and lubricants, warehouse accounting, planning and control of repairs of vehicles, payroll, the formation of all types of documentation, as well as various types of reports, analysis and control of debts, calculation of profitability for transport, managers and the entire enterprise as a whole. Sending e-mail, sms, built-in verification of counterparties for a variety of parameters in the "Kontur.focus" system.

If you want the program to work over the Internet, contact the developers. They will consult for free how to set up the Cargo transportation program for remote work via the Internet.


  • Buy the Cargo Transportation program with a one-time payment for an unlimited time:
  • License for 1 workplace- 5,800 rubles;
  • License for 5 workplaces - 23,000 rubles;
  • License for 10 workplaces - 40,000 rubles;
  • License without limiting the number of jobs - 60,000 rubles.
  • Rent the Cargo transportation program for 6 months:
  • Buy the Cargo transportation program in installments for 1 year without additional markup:
  • License for 1 workplace - 1,000 rubles;
  • License for 5 workplaces - 5,000 rubles;
  • License for 10 workplaces - 10,000 rubles;
  • License without limiting the number of jobs - 20,000 rubles.

More about tariff plans read on the programcargo transportation.rf

Demo version with a period of 30 days. Answers to any questions about the program. Free remote presentation. Help with installation and configuration.



The online service "Smart Logistics" allows you to accept and process customer orders, automatically place, search for applications for cargo or transport on the website, control the work of logisticians, maintain a database of drivers, cargo, contracts and counterparties, generate reports and keep accounts, track profitability companies.

Rates not listed on the site: on request:

Free testing opportunity:

There is a trial period: 7 days

3. CyberLog


Information system"Kiberlog" allows you to manage the main business processes in the field of cargo transportation, ensure the timely exchange of information and maintain the correct document flow with customers and carriers.


  • Kiberlog developers offer 3 tariffs: "standard", "organization" and "corporate";
  • Tariff "standard" - 450 rubles. per month per user (up to 4 users);
  • Tariff "organization" - 425 rubles. per month per user (up to 20 users);
  • Tariff "corporate" - 400 rubles. per month per user (from above 20 users).

Free testing opportunity:

There is a trial period: 1 month



“Logistics Department” or “Logistics Tools 24” is a cloud service for doing business in the field of cargo transportation, which helps to significantly reduce transportation costs by building optimized routes, loading based on body parameters and distributing orders by vehicles.


  • Tariffs in the public domain are not indicated, on request.

Free testing opportunity:

There is a trial period: 14 days.



The "trucking 4" program keeps records of fuel and lubricants and waybills, stores information about drivers, vehicles, customers, sawmill readings, driver work time, calculates many indicators and generates a ready-made report.


  • Autosoft offers several packages with a lifetime license and a one-time payment;
  • License - 10,000 rubles. (Basic package);
  • License - 5000 rubles. (Additional license);
  • License - 16,000 rubles. (Package for 3 working places);
  • License - 18,000 rubles. (Package for 5 working places).

It should be noted that AutoSoft specializes in the development of software for automating business processes at transport enterprises and related industries.

Free testing opportunity:

6. NovaTrans


Online service allows you to automate all processes in transport company. Via this service you can easily create and control applications, keep records of acts and TTN, generate salaries and reports.


  • Developers "Novatrans" offers 2 tariffs: "light" and "unlimited";
  • Light tariff - 400 rubles. per user per month (from 1 to 4 users);
  • Tariff "unlimited" - 2000 rubles. per user per month (5 or more users).

Free testing opportunity:

There is a trial period: 15 days

7. ABMRinkai


The cloud service from the Czech company ABM Rinkai TMS is designed for automatic and optimal planning of delivery routes, while the service takes into account all restrictions and selects the best route in terms of cost and technical capabilities of freight transport.


Free testing opportunity:

There is a test period: on request.

8. 1C Fores: Vehicles


The configuration "Accounting for vehicles" on the 1C 8 platform is designed to account for vehicles at any enterprise where there is a vehicle. It takes into account spare parts, fuels and lubricants, waybills and other goods and materials at the enterprise. With this configuration, you can control Maintenance and number of vehicles.


  • Lifetime license - 45,000 rubles.

Free testing opportunity:

9. 1C-Rarus: Transport logistics


"Transport Logistics" from 1C is an automated solution for management and operational accounting in motor transport enterprises, as well as in transport departments of trade, manufacturing and other companies with various industry specifics.


  • Lifetime license - 58,000 rubles;
  • Rent - 1340 rubles. per month per user.

Free testing opportunity:

There is a demo: on request

10. TransTrade


TransTrade - the program automates any departments of transport logistics, whose field of activity is related to the implementation of cargo transportation and solving transport problems. In the program, you can register all the necessary information about the transportation, the names of cargo owners and transport companies, private carriers, subcontractors, generate, view and print reports. Calculate the cost of transportation at fixed rates or based on mileage, weight and volume of cargo.


  • TransTrade offers tariffs with lifetime licenses with a one-time payment;
  • Tariff "IP" - 3500 rubles. (1 user);
  • Tariff "Duet" - 5000 rubles. (2 users);
  • Tariff "Trio" - 7200 rubles. (3 users);
  • Tariff "Team" - 8800 rubles. (5 users);
  • Tariff "Collective" - ​​12200 rubles. (10 users);
  • Tariff "Business circle" - 18600 rubles. (15 users);
  • Tariff "Corporate unlimited" - 32800 rubles. (with no restrictions).

The cost of a license is the price of the program in the basic configuration, excluding additional modules. Modules will need to be purchased separately.

Free testing opportunity:

There is a demo version: software restrictions do not allow creating more than 10 orders in the system.

11. BIT: Vehicles


Another complex developed on the basis of 1C: Enterprise 8 - BIT: Autotransport. It is designed to comprehensively automate business management processes for transport and logistics companies of any size and industry that have their own vehicles. This group includes manufacturing, agricultural, trade and transport enterprises.


  • The company offers lifetime licenses with a one-time payment;
  • License - 5,000 rubles. (for 1 workplace);
  • License - 22,000 rubles. (for 5 workplaces);
  • License - 39,000 rubles. (for 10 workplaces);
  • License - 72,000 rubles. (for 20 workplaces);
  • License - 169,000 rubles. (for 50 workplaces);
  • License - 300,000 rubles. (per 100 jobs);
  • License - 500,000 rubles. (for 200 jobs).

Free testing opportunity:

There is a demo: on request

12. TransManager


The TRANS-Manager software has all the functionality required by most freight forwarding companies. The main purpose of the complex is control, accounting, analysis and functionality. According to the developers themselves, they do not produce something new, but are finalizing the project, taking into account the wishes of the current users of the program.


  • The company offers lifetime licenses with a one-time payment;
  • License - 4999.00 rubles. (1 user);
  • License - 9898.00 rubles. (2 users);
  • License - 14697.00 rubles. (3 users);
  • License - 19396.00 rubles. (4 users);
  • License - 23995.00 rubles. (5 users);
  • License - 28494.00 rubles. (6 users);
  • License - 32893.00 rubles. (7 users);
  • License - 37193.00 rubles. (8 users);
  • License - 41392.00 rubles. (9 users);
  • License - 45491.00 rubles. (10 users);
  • License - 49490.00 rubles. (with no restrictions).

Free testing opportunity:

There is a trial period: 14 days

13. Control and accounting of vehicles


"Control and accounting of vehicles" allows you to quickly generate documents and reports. The program contains standard forms of waybills and various transport reports. It is possible to generate a report on fuel from a limit-intake card. Automatic alerts will remind you when you need to undergo the next maintenance, renew or change your insurance policy.


  • The developer offers licenses with a one-time payment, but if an update is released, you will have to pay 50% of the license cost;
  • License - 2,800 rubles. (up to 100 cars);
  • License - 4,000 rubles. (with no restrictions).

Free testing opportunity:

There is a trial period: 30 days

14. PATP Management Formula


1C configuration for carrier companies on regular bus routes, allows you to manage passenger traffic. Form a daily order and route lists, place orders for vehicles. This configuration can interact with vehicle monitoring systems (GPS / GLONASS), as well as keep records of fuel consumption, repairs and maintenance, tires, batteries. Maintains rates for transport services, calculates their cost and generates various invoices and acts.


License - 65,400 rubles. (for 1 workplace).

Free testing opportunity:

There is a demo: by agreement.

15. CargoCRM


CargoCRM - professional software, which allows you to automate the process of cargo transportation, both domestic and international). With the help of CargoCRM software, you can manage requests, traffic flow, contacts, minimize costs, increase the productivity of forwarders and managers of a transport company.


  • License - 99 euros (one workplace).

It is possible to pay in installments (50/25/25): the initial payment of 50% of the cost, the next payment of 25% of the cost and the last payment of 25%.

Free testing opportunity:

There is a demo: on request

16. KorsAutoenterprise


Kors Avtopredpriyatie - software for accounting of waybills, vehicles, fuels and lubricants. Compiling routes for vehicles at transport enterprises. The program has standard forms of waybills for the most common types of equipment. (cars, trucks, buses, cranes, dump trucks, etc.).


  • Developers offer licenses with a one-time payment;
  • The cost of the program is 2,600 rubles;
  • The cost of the network version is 5,200 rubles.

Free testing opportunity:

There is a demo version: on request Limited demo version. Before purchase - no more than 40 waybills, no more than 40 entries of income / expenses.


choose software package based on your tasks and goals that you set in the field of logistics. Each program has a trial period or demo, so test, see which software is right for you and after that buy.

In fact, you can do without expensive programs, the database of customers, carriers, cargo owners, routes, prices can be maintained, for example, in excel. Prepare in advancecorrect document flowfor the carriage of goods (form of the contract, application, tn, tn, power of attorney, waybill) and each time substitute the necessary data. Find out whatlaws, regulations and legal acts used in shipping. To get started, this arsenal is enough for you.

Any company involved in transportation and interested in business growth and increasing its profitability, sooner or later comes to the automation of transport logistics. In a highly competitive environment, without automation, it is almost impossible to maintain a high pace of work, ensure 100% efficiency in the use of transport and prevent an uncontrolled increase in transport costs.

An integrated approach to transport logistics automation

Automation of business processes in logistics requires an integrated approach.

It is not enough to simply draw up a transportation schedule, plan the best routes, give the driver a transport task, a waybill and fuel coupons. Each task must be controlled, otherwise, such troubles as delays in completing tasks, “left” flights, mileage cheating, excessive consumption and fuel drains are not ruled out.

GLONASS satellite monitoring of transport helps to avoid all these problems and abuses.

Automation of logistics based on 1C

Majority Russian organizations keeps records in the programs of the 1C:Enterprise system. For such companies, automation of logistics processes based on 1C is the most preferable, profitable and efficient. A single platform makes it easy to integrate programs into an integrated system for managing transport and logistics processes.

1C programs for automating transport logistics

A comprehensive transport logistics automation program can be built on the basis of a fleet management system in conjunction with the 1C: GLONASS/GPS Satellite Monitoring Center (1C: CSM) software and hardware complex.

The logistics management program allows you to quickly process orders, rationally plan their implementation, create optimal routes, manage fleet property, tariff policy and mutual settlements, and the GLONASS/GPS monitoring system provides reliable control over the operation of vehicles and drivers.

Benefits of transport company automation with GLONASS/GPS connection

The importance of GLONASS/GPS control in transport management is obvious. If the logistics automation system helps to plan the work of the fleet, then the satellite monitoring system ensures the implementation of these plans and provides information for subsequent analysis of the work of vehicles and drivers.

The system "1C: GLONASS/GPS Satellite Monitoring Center" receives, processes and saves data from telematic equipment installed on vehicles: trackers, sensors, beacons, incl. from the car CAN bus.

Key features of the system:

  • Control of the location and movement of vehicles;
  • Monitoring compliance with routes;
  • Control of the actual mileage, speed of traffic, driving style;
  • Control of the actual consumption of fuel and lubricants;
  • Instant informing the dispatcher about the triggering of sensors, pressing the SOS button and other important events;
  • Formation of reports on the work of each vehicle and the fleet as a whole;
  • Monitoring the work of field employees - drivers, forwarders, couriers, etc.

1C:CSM is compatible with almost any tracker models and, if necessary, allows you to connect new types of equipment.

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