Purpose of applying for a position. How to write a short resume sample

Today, when applying for a vacant position, an applicant must prepare a resume. Drawing up this document is not an easy task, requiring certain knowledge and skills. If filling out most of the resume items is not difficult, then the “resume purpose” column confuses many people. It is this point, which is the most difficult, that applicants often do not indicate in any way in their resumes. Why? The answer is banal: applicants simply do not know what to write in this column, or consider this item not the most important.

This material will probably seem interesting to applicants who know absolutely nothing about it. So, within the framework of the article, we will talk in detail about why the graph is needed resume purpose. What goal must be specified in order to effectively attract the attention of a potential employer and get the opportunity to fill a vacant position? The material will also provide examples and sample objectives that you can safely use when preparing your resume. About all this in more detail and in order.

Purpose of the resume. What should you write about?

Let's ask ourselves the main question - why is a resume written? Of course, so that the employer or HR specialist can familiarize themselves with it. Therefore, each paragraph should briefly and concisely tell about the applicant for the vacant position. In particular, the “purpose of the resume” column is intended to inform the employer about what vacant position workplace the applicant would like to occupy.

...in the “purpose of the resume” paragraph, the applicant informs the employer about what kind of job he would like to occupy...

In this regard, it is appropriate to briefly talk about how the employer or its representatives (recruitment agencies, etc.) search for specialists to fill a vacant workplace. The search for candidates is carried out by requesting information about which specialist is ready to take a position similar to the vacant one. Based on this information, applicants' resumes are selected and considered by the employer. In order for your resume to end up in the hands of the employer, the objective must indicate the generally accepted title of the position that you are ready to take.

If you are sending your resume to specific company If you are planning to occupy a specific position, then in this column indicate the name or code of this vacancy. If you are applying for several completely different positions at the same time, you must prepare a separate resume for each position. Follow the principle: one resume - one position. Following this rule will allow the employer to save time and effort when reviewing your resume, and will save you from “unsuitable” offers and help increase your chances of getting a job.

Resume purpose: example

Below are examples of correct and incorrect writing of resume objectives.

Correctly formulated resume objectives:

Above are examples of correct writing of goals. However, it is worth noting that experts advise applicants preparing a resume to avoid in this paragraph such words and phrases as “get a position”, “fill a vacant position”, “position”, “position”, “place”, etc. When formulating the purpose of your resume, try to focus on the word “job.” After all, you come to this or that company not “to occupy a workplace or position,” but to work. By focusing on the word “work”, you present yourself competently to the employer.

Incorrectly formulated resume objectives:

  • ...get a position in business... (blurry and completely incomprehensible)
  • ...I want to get a job in a bank... (in which bank specifically? by whom?)
  • ...find a part-time job that will allow you to pay for university studies... (organizations don't care what you want for yourself)
  • ...I want to find a job that will allow me to realize my potential and reveal all my talents... (too broad and unclear wording)

The “resume purpose” column is an important point in a resume. Take writing your goal seriously and responsibly, because your employment depends on it.

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Your resume should make it clear to the employer what you want from the vacancy they are offering. When submitting an application to recruitment agency, or before posting it on the Internet, determine the purpose of employment: in what field of activity you will be useful, and whether the vacant position can be useful to you.

Where to start looking for a job

Monitoring your own strengths and capabilities will make it clear where you can realize yourself. A correctly set goal for the device is already half the success.

As you begin your job search, ask yourself:

  1. What kind of workplace do you see yourself in?
  2. Does the desired position match your own interests, level of education and experience?
  3. Analyze the situation on the labor market and make sure that this specialty is in demand.
  4. Inquire wages, and under what conditions you are offered to work.
  5. Find out what the employer is primarily interested in.

You need to take your own presentation seriously, so let’s, armed with a piece of paper and a pen, think about what we will write in the “goal” column. By analyzing your work activity, experience and life priorities, you will certainly come to a decision.

Expert opinion

Natalia Molchanova

Recruitment Manager

Look into the future and rely on your own values ​​- think about it! Who do you see yourself as? What are your plans? By answering these questions, you will understand what you are really striving for.

What to write in a resume objective

Most applicants cannot decide: what purpose should they include in their resume? Some people don’t understand the meaning of this question at all. Is it really not clear to the employer why a person needs a job? It is important to correctly understand the meaning of this point.

Expert opinion

Natalia Molchanova

Recruitment Manager

The times when it was enough to just indicate the name of the position for which you want to work on your resume are long gone. The modern business world demands much more from a candidate.

When writing a resume, you should have only one most important goal - to make the personnel officer interested in your candidacy. Therefore, simply writing your position in the column will not be enough. Let's look at three options:

  1. Purpose: Chief Engineer;
  2. Goal: Work as (fill a vacancy) chief engineer;
  3. Goal: Ensure smooth operation industrial enterprise and carry out modernization in each workshop as a chief engineer.

There is no doubt that the HR department will be interested in the latter alternative.

  • The formulation of the purpose of employment must be quite precise. You should not expect that the employer will already understand what you want. After all, you are primarily interested in getting an interesting vacancy.
  • When specifying a vacancy, simply duplicate the position as it is indicated in the advertisement by the potential employer. With this action you will express your attention and interest in the vacancy. For example, when choosing a candidate for the position of “accountant”, it would be advisable to indicate “replacement” in the resume objective vacant position».

When an employer needs a sales or HR manager, you should not write that you are not expecting to get a “manager” position. It is better to write according to the company's request.

Remember that the main authority for processing the applicant’s personal data is still the HR department. Employees most likely may not be aware of what vacant positions there are in the organization and how many of them are represented.

Sometimes, several different positions become vacant. This means that if you simply write “manager” in your resume, the service’s personnel officer will decide which vacancy to accept you for: “sales manager” or “HR manager.” Of the two resumes, preference will be given to the candidate who clearly formulated the purpose.

What to include when submitting a resume for multiple vacancies

Expert opinion

Natalia Molchanova

Recruitment Manager

Sometimes you can find the following formulations of general goals:

  • work at a large industrial enterprise;
  • develop organizational skills, use your creative potential in a design institute;
  • get a well-paid job in a shopping center;
  • take a position in a prestigious company to demonstrate your capabilities.

By expressing your goals in this way, your chances of getting hired will greatly decrease. The recruiter is not obliged to make decisions for you and guess what position to offer you. Avoid these mistakes. In this case, take the trouble and write a resume for each position you are interested in separately.

The most common mistakes when specifying an objective on a resume

Often, specifying a purpose on a resume is difficult for many people. Psychologists attribute this problem to the applicant’s desire to achieve flexibility in his resume. The applicant wants to create one resume, but so that it is suitable for several vacancies in different companies at once. Such techniques will not lead you to success, but will only aggravate the situation.

  • Prospects career growth leave it for later! You should not write about this on your resume. It is better to discuss this issue at an interview, when you feel the employer is interested in your candidacy. The phrases “I’m looking for opportunities...” or “where my talents will be realized,” or “for my career growth” are inappropriate here.
  • Avoid blur! Provide the employer with specific information about your knowledge: what position you want to hold and what field of activity you want to work in. Do not force the recruiter to think: which position would be preferable to you? Make your choice yourself. Your confidence will positively position the employer and make it easier for him to make a decision.
  • In no case when displaying the target Don’t focus on the salary level! A huge mistake would be mentioning a social package or additional leave. You can discuss such nuances during a personal meeting with a potential employer.

How to state the purpose of your own resume

We should not forget that each specific case is individual. When independently posting your profile on Internet portals and for printing in a newspaper, it would be appropriate not to indicate the specific purpose of your job search. It is permissible to get by with several related specialties.

Prioritize and determine the order of positions that interest you. So, the purpose of the resume (example): filling the vacant position of a capital investment engineer, a contract engineer, a capital construction engineer.

The recruiter will immediately be able to figure out in which area the applicant’s experience will be useful. It will become clear to the employer that the candidate is a specialist in the field of supplies: working with contracts is always associated with the acquisition of materials and the provision of services. The employee can plan and control consumables. In addition, the applicant is knowledgeable in matters of financing, but in this industry he is less competent.

According to statistics, your job search is considered quite successful if you receive one response for every ten applications and one offer after ten interviews. Therefore, the average applicant will have to contact at least 100 organizations in one way or another before he achieves what he wants.

Where to start looking for a job?

At the first stage, you need to set yourself a specific and realistic goal. Determine what kind of job you want to find based on your interests, level of education, experience and labor market situation. In order to correctly and in accordance with the realities of today determine your goals in finding a job, you need to engage in monitoring modern market labor and understand what specialists are in demand, what the employer is looking for and what salary they are offering. As a result of this, you will be able to clearly understand what kind of position and under what conditions you should be looking for. Setting the right goal is already a great success.

Preparation of professional information for the employer

Once you have determined how and where to look for a suitable position, it is important to begin preparing information about yourself for potential employers. A worthy method of self-presentation on the labor market is a resume, which includes brief description you as a professional in your field of activity.

Correctly described personal data indicating your main goal will become a kind of business card containing information about your specialization, achievements, level of qualifications and work experience. IN modern world going to an employer for an interview without a resume is a sign of bad manners and a high probability of being denied a job. But the appearance of the head of the company in the office with a presentable questionnaire is a guarantee of success. Thanks to such pre-prepared information, the employer will be able to quickly navigate the situation and offer a suitable position.

Basic rules for writing a resume

There are many options for writing a resume, but in any case you must follow certain rules. Let's list them.

  1. Brevity. The text of the questionnaire should not exceed one printed page.
  2. Be sure to indicate what position you are applying for.
  3. Specificity. Inform about specific achievements and results of your work, avoid general phrases.
  4. Activity. Use action verbs, for example: “I own”, “ready”, “can”, “know” and others.
  5. Selectivity. Indicate informative data based on the purpose of the resume, reflect only the information that relates to the company or position you have chosen.
  6. Honesty. Please know that any data you provide can always be clarified and verified.
  7. Presentability. The resume must be clearly printed in black, on good white A4 paper, without errors or corrections. We recommend using a standard readable (no flourish) font style of size 12 or 14.

Remember that your personal information should be brief, truthful and not turn into something like a novel. What is the purpose of a resume? Create a positive first impression of you, convince the employer that you are the right person to do the job perfectly.

Structure of a standard resume

A well-written and professionally written resume can make a favorable impression on the employer. As a rule, the surname, first name, and patronymic of the applicant are indicated first in the biography. The following is the basic personal information: date of birth, address, contact phone number, email address.

What to write in your resume objectives? Here you need to briefly state your intentions, for example, you can write this: “filling a vacant position.” But if you are going to send the same resume to several companies offering different vacancies, then it is not recommended to include this section.

The next point is experience/work experience. It is preferable to provide data in chronological order, starting with the last place of work. Here you should definitely indicate: the period and organization in which you worked, the name of the company, position, main professional responsibilities and achievements.

Education. This is a small part of your biographical information. Especially if a long time has passed since the end educational institution, there is no need to describe this point in detail.

In the section additional information data is reflected on the level of proficiency in foreign languages, on computer skills (indicating several programs), on the availability of a driver's license and its category. Also here you can write about personal qualities, interests, hobbies and present the availability of recommendations.

What is the purpose of a resume? Example

Let's take a closer look at indicating the purpose of the resume for which you applied to the company. To create a positive impression of yourself with a potential employer, it is important to pay special attention to the writing of this section. The purpose of your resume should be stated in no more than two sentences.

You should not write about career prospects. This can be discussed during the interview if you feel the employer is predisposed to your candidacy. Do not use phrases such as: “I am looking for an opportunity for ...” or “where my abilities will be used,” or “for my further growth.”

Mistakes when defining the purpose in a resume

Often, specifying a purpose on a resume is difficult for many people. Sociologists attribute this to the fact that the applicant tries to create a fairly “flexible” resume that fits several vacancies in various organizations. Avoid this technique, it will not work in your favor.

As mentioned above, it is better to indicate the specific position or field of activity where you want to work. Don't force your employer to find you suitable place. State your preferences yourself. This way you will make the employer’s task easier and will be able to win him over.

Also, a big mistake when writing a goal in a resume is the emphasis on the salary level, the availability of a social package or additional leave. It is better to discuss all these details directly during a meeting with the head of the company.

Looking for a job based on an advertisement

So, what position should you indicate in your information about yourself for an employer?

If you are preparing a resume for a specific advertisement or for a specific company, then the vacancies for a specific employer, the position for which you are applying, must be indicated exactly as in the advertisement.

If there is a search for a candidate for the position of “accountant,” then the purpose of the accountant’s resume will be “to fill a vacant position.” And if an employer is looking for a sales or HR manager, then the resume objective should not indicate that you are applying for the position of “manager”. Write according to the company's request.

Always keep in mind that the applicant’s personal data is first processed in the HR department. Employees may not always have the details of a vacancy, especially when the organization requires several new employees for different positions. Therefore, by simply indicating the purpose of the manager’s resume (as described above), you are left with a choice personnel service, which vacancy your details apply to: “sales manager” or “HR manager”. In this case, the employer’s choice will be in favor of the resume where the goal is clearly formulated.

Publish your own resume

However, if you have prepared your profile for self-posting on job portals on the Internet or for sending to a newspaper, then the general purpose of the resume without a specific position is allowed. You can specify several related specialties. In this case, it is better to present the positions that interest you in priority order. So, the purpose of the resume (example): filling the vacant position of sales manager, advertising manager, HR manager.

It will become clear to the employer that the candidate is a sales specialist, but since this is always related to advertising, the applicant most likely has experience in this field. The applicant could also deal with the organization’s personnel, but it logically follows that he is less professional in this specialty.

Remember that when declaring several positions in the purpose of the application form, they must be related and belong to the same area of ​​your knowledge and experience.

Making a resume in Microsoft Office

An excellent assistant for preparing an autobiography on your own is the Microsoft Office program. You need to select the “File” tab in the menu, then “Create”. Among the available templates, select the standard “Resume”. Word will prompt you to fill out the fields yourself or using the Resume Wizard. The program will give you the necessary items to fill out the form and give you tips. You can easily format and print the finished document for self-presentation.

Finally, double or even triple check your resume to see if there are any annoying mistakes. If possible, have someone review the document.

Set a resume goal for yourself

So, before you start searching new job and compiling a literate, professional resume, first of all, determine the purpose of employment for yourself. Some people give preference only to their favorite activities, others care about the level of salary, and still others are interested in the prospect of career growth or learning new skills.

Therefore, do not be lazy, take a pencil and a piece of paper, think carefully about what to write in your resume. The goal may appear in the process of analyzing your work activity and life priorities. Think about what is valuable to you, what are your plans for the future, what do you want.

Admit to yourself that you are strong and weaknesses own personality, vocational training and formulate your goals according to them. After analyzing your past, figure out what led you to your current situation. This way you can quickly understand your preferences, easily determine your goals and take your place in the labor market. The more time you spend determining your options, the better your chances.

Write a proper resume, highlighting your qualifications and tangible achievements. I wish you successful employment and a promising career!

According to statistics, your job search is considered quite successful if you receive one response for every ten applications and one offer after ten interviews. Therefore, the average applicant will have to contact at least 100 organizations in one way or another before he achieves what he wants.

Where to start looking for a job?

At the first stage, you need to set yourself a specific and realistic goal. Determine what kind of job you want to find based on your interests, level of education, experience and labor market situation. In order to correctly and in accordance with the realities of today determine your goals in finding a job, you need to monitor the modern labor market and understand what specialists are in demand, what the employer is looking for and what salary they are offering. As a result of this, you will be able to clearly understand what kind of position and under what conditions you should be looking for. Setting the right goal is already a great success.

Preparation of professional information for the employer

Once you have determined how and where to look for a suitable position, it is important to begin preparing information about yourself for potential employers. A worthy method of self-presentation on the labor market is a resume, which provides a brief description of you as a professional in your field of activity.

Correctly described personal data indicating your main goal will become a kind of business card containing information about your specialization, achievements, level of qualifications and work experience. In the modern world, going to an employer for an interview without a resume is a sign of bad manners and a high probability of being denied a job. But the appearance of the head of the company in the office with a presentable questionnaire is a guarantee of success. Thanks to such pre-prepared information, the employer will be able to quickly navigate the situation and offer a suitable position.

Basic rules for writing a resume

There are many options for writing a resume, but in any case you must follow certain rules. Let's list them.

  1. Brevity. The text of the questionnaire should not exceed one printed page.
  2. Be sure to indicate what position you are applying for.
  3. Specificity. Inform about specific achievements and results of your work, avoid general phrases.
  4. Activity. Use action verbs, for example: “I own”, “ready”, “can”, “know” and others.
  5. Selectivity. Indicate informative data based on the purpose of the resume, reflect only the information that relates to the company or position you have chosen.
  6. Honesty. Please know that any data you provide can always be clarified and verified.
  7. Presentability. The resume must be clearly printed in black, on good white A4 paper, without errors or corrections. We recommend using a standard readable (no flourish) font style of size 12 or 14.

Remember that your personal information should be brief, truthful and not turn into something like a novel. What is the purpose of a resume? Create a positive first impression of you, convince the employer that you are the right person to do the job perfectly.

Structure of a standard resume

A well-written and professionally written resume can make a favorable impression on the employer. As a rule, the surname, first name, and patronymic of the applicant are indicated first in the biography. The following is the basic personal information: date of birth, address, contact phone number, email address.

What to write in your resume objectives? Here you need to briefly state your intentions, for example, you can write this: “filling a vacant position.” But if you are going to send the same resume to several companies offering different vacancies, then it is not recommended to include this section.

The next point is experience/work experience. It is preferable to provide data in chronological order, starting with the last place of work. Here you should definitely indicate: the period and organization in which you worked, the name of the company, position, main professional responsibilities and achievements.

Education. This is a small part of your biographical information. Especially if a long time has passed since graduation, you should not describe this point in detail.

The additional information section reflects data on the level of proficiency in foreign languages, computer skills (indicating several programs), availability of a driver's license and its category. Also here you can write about personal qualities, interests, hobbies and present the availability of recommendations.

What is the purpose of a resume? Example

Let's take a closer look at indicating the purpose of the resume for which you applied to the company. To create a positive impression of yourself with a potential employer, it is important to pay special attention to the writing of this section. The purpose of your resume should be stated in no more than two sentences.

You should not write about career prospects. This can be discussed during the interview if you feel the employer is predisposed to your candidacy. Do not use phrases such as: “I am looking for an opportunity for ...” or “where my abilities will be used,” or “for my further growth.”

Mistakes when defining the purpose in a resume

Often, specifying a purpose on a resume is difficult for many people. Sociologists attribute this to the fact that the applicant tries to create a fairly “flexible” resume that fits several vacancies in various organizations. Avoid this technique, it will not work in your favor.

As mentioned above, it is better to indicate the specific position or field of activity where you want to work. Don't force your employer to find you a suitable position. State your preferences yourself. This way you will make the employer’s task easier and will be able to win him over.

Also, a big mistake when writing a goal in a resume is the emphasis on the level of wages, the availability of a social package or additional leave. It is better to discuss all these details directly during a meeting with the head of the company.

Looking for a job based on an advertisement

So, what position should you indicate in your information about yourself for an employer?

If you are preparing a resume for a specific advertisement or for a specific company, then the vacancies for a specific employer, the position for which you are applying, must be indicated exactly as in the advertisement.

If there is a search for a candidate for the position of “accountant,” then the purpose of the accountant’s resume will be “to fill a vacant position.” And if an employer is looking for a sales or HR manager, then the resume objective should not indicate that you are applying for the position of “manager”. Write according to the company's request.

Always keep in mind that the applicant’s personal data is first processed in the HR department. Employees may not always have the details of a vacancy, especially when the organization requires several new employees for different positions. Therefore, by simply indicating the purpose of the manager’s resume (as described above), you leave it to the HR department to choose which vacancy your data applies to: “sales manager” or “HR manager.” In this case, the employer’s choice will be in favor of the resume where the goal is clearly formulated.

Publish your own resume

However, if you have prepared your profile for self-posting on job portals on the Internet or for sending to a newspaper, then the general purpose of the resume without a specific position is allowed. You can specify several related specialties. In this case, it is better to present the positions that interest you in priority order. So, the purpose of the resume (example): filling the vacant position of sales manager, advertising manager, HR manager.

It will become clear to the employer that the candidate is a sales specialist, but since this is always related to advertising, the applicant most likely has experience in this field. The applicant could also deal with the organization’s personnel, but it logically follows that he is less professional in this specialty.

Remember that when declaring several positions in the purpose of the application form, they must be related and belong to the same area of ​​your knowledge and experience.

Making a resume in Microsoft Office

An excellent assistant for preparing an autobiography on your own is the Microsoft Office program. You need to select the “File” tab in the menu, then “Create”. Among the available templates, select the standard “Resume”. Word will prompt you to fill out the fields yourself or using the Resume Wizard. The program will give you the necessary items to fill out the form and give you tips. You can easily format and print the finished document for self-presentation.

Finally, double or even triple check your resume to see if there are any annoying mistakes. If possible, have someone review the document.

Set a resume goal for yourself

So, before you start looking for a new job and drawing up a competent, professional resume, first of all, determine the purpose of employment for yourself. Some people give preference only to their favorite activities, others care about the level of salary, and still others are interested in the prospect of career growth or learning new skills.

Therefore, do not be lazy, take a pencil and a piece of paper, think carefully about what to write in your resume. The goal may appear in the process of analyzing your work activity and life priorities. Think about what is valuable to you, what are your plans for the future, what do you want.

Admit to yourself the strengths and weaknesses of your own personality and professional training and formulate your goals in accordance with them. After analyzing your past, figure out what led you to your current situation. This way you can quickly understand your preferences, easily determine your goals and take your place in the labor market. The more time you spend determining your options, the better your chances.

Write a proper resume, highlighting your qualifications and tangible achievements. I wish you successful employment and a promising career!

Every person is accustomed to systematically attending kindergartens, then school, then college, and then work. The reason for looking for a new job can be many things: the need to support your family, the search for yourself as a specialist in some field, the desire to learn something new, the path to self-development and success. It is this important aspect of the issue that we will talk about today in our article.

Where does the job search begin?

Finding a profession you like is quite difficult these days. Not everyone likes the profession for which a person studied for many years at the institute. Perhaps you are still a student, but want to earn extra money. Perhaps you are a mother of many children who dreams of working remotely. Or you have successfully graduated from a university and are a certified specialist eager to apply your knowledge in your work. So where to start your search?

To begin with, a person should decide what exactly he is looking for: a part-time job, remote work, work with flexible or shift schedule, or maybe full-time. Depending on the level of education and experience, you can decide on the choice of vacancies. Often, an employer requires a questionnaire or resume from a hired employee. You also need to obtain a standard package of documents for employment.

Websites that will definitely help you find a job

Writing advertisements in various newspapers is a thing of the past. We live in a world of technology that helps us in everything. The Internet is the first assistant in finding any goods, services, informative articles, and most importantly, work. There are many popular classifieds sites throughout Russia. Responsible, hardworking, active employees are needed in every corner of the country.

Therefore, as an example, let’s talk about the two most visited job search sites:

  • Avito. The site was formed not so long ago, but has already taken one of the first places in Russia in terms of traffic. Every day, employers and job seekers search for each other using it. By posting your resume there, anyone can count on a response from good and trusted companies. To raise your resume in the lists of employers, you can use special paid services provided by the site.
  • Head Hunter. This is a site for finding jobs and employees. If you are looking for a job, you should definitely register an account on this site, as new vacancies and offers are published there every hour. You will also receive a selection of vacancies based on your resume that are right for you. If you cannot create a correct resume yourself, then for an additional fee the site employees offer to create it individually for you.

Package of documents for official employment

  1. Work book. The employee will definitely need it to record experience, promotions, reasons for dismissals.
  2. TIN. It is needed for the state to calculate taxes. This will also affect your pension.
  3. SNILS. You will need it to insure your life and health.
  4. Passport. All your data is indicated there. Any employer will need your passport for official employment.
  5. Medical book (for catering workers, working with children, store employees). Records your health and ability to work.

How to write a resume

Typically, a resume is written in the form of a questionnaire, where you indicate your information about your place and date of birth, your first name, last name and patronymic, work experience, educational information, write short information about your personal qualities, and indicate the reason for looking for a new job. It is advisable to attach a photograph to any resume, but one that shows your neatness, seriousness, self-confidence and your capabilities. Some sites already have their own forms for filling out a resume, which you can later save and print.

The question often arises about the reason for looking for a new job. In your resume, you can answer this point by saying that you want to have a stable monthly income. If you already had a job before, then there are the following arguments: due to lack of wages, impossibility of career growth, unstable payment of wages at the previous workplace.

Reasons for looking for a new job

The list of reasons why you decided to get a job or change your old job to a new one can be huge, even endless. They can be: lack of free time or, conversely, its excess, lack cash for a comfortable stay, dreams of moving up career ladder, the desire to achieve your goals, dreams of self-development and many other factors that influence your desire to work.

As mentioned earlier, your resume should include your reasons for looking for a new job. What to write? Template options for such a situation: “I have a great desire for self-development,” “a desire to work and earn money.” In such cases, the employer will see a short but competent answer to his question and will pay attention to your desire for work.

Of course, there is a question about the reasons for looking for a new job in the questionnaire that you will most likely be asked to fill out at the interview. In this case, you can independently analyze your actions, understand for yourself why you want to work, why you came for the interview. The main thing is not to write a lot of “gags”, but to use concise and competent phrases. For each case, you can memorize template answers; they will help you easily get out of the situation. The reason for looking for a new job may be different, but the employer does not need to know about the true reasons; it is important for him to hear that the person came to work and is striving for advancement both in position and in knowledge and experience.

How to turn ridiculous phrases into beautiful expressions for your resume

Many people who have never applied for a job before can make a lot of mistakes when writing a resume. For example, in a questionnaire from an employer, in the marital status column, some, recalling social media, they write the phrase “actively searching”, “everything is complicated”, “dating” and so on. No! This is a gross mistake that indicates immaturity and frivolity. In this case, you should write “single/unmarried” or “married/in a civil partnership.” Also, the phrase “I want a lot of money” can be changed to “desire big income", in the "about yourself" column, it is enough to indicate a few words: "punctual, purposeful, hardworking", with them you will fully characterize your positive aspects for future management. You should not make such mistakes in your resume.

Reasons for looking for a new job. What to write?

If you are still faced with this question, then consider specific options for what you can write in your application form or resume:

  • improve your well-being;
  • get a job in your specialty;
  • bring general benefit through your work;
  • desire for self-development;
  • desire to work and earn money;
  • desire to advance up the career ladder;
  • receive satisfaction from your work.

Remembering these template phrases, you don’t have to come up with anything new, but simply choose the most suitable one for yourself and use it in the future.

Is it easy to find a good job these days?

Of course, looking for a job is hard work even in our modern world. The reason for looking for a new job can be any situation, but will everyone be paid adequately for their work? Nowadays, many employers manage to cheat, saving on wages for students, workers without experience, and even qualified specialists. To protect yourself, accept offers of official employment only. This guarantees you payment sick leave, white wages, vacation compensation, contributions for pension accumulation. You need to take care of your pension from a young age.

Good job- this is the one you get paid for. It is important to remember that a well-written resume is pleasant appearance, self-confidence during an interview and competent speech will help you formulate the reason for looking for a new job. There will always be answers to the question.

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