What is an Electronic Diary? Electronic diary of a student through public services Electronic diary of a student to parents.

Development information technologies made life much easier for my fellow countrymen. Now you don’t have to stand in queues to visit a doctor, you don’t need to go to the post office or other institutions to pay for services, etc. Moreover, it has become easier for parents too: their child will not be able to hide negative ratings and the given homework, simply by smearing the corresponding entries with a stroke or tearing out the “extra” sheets. After all, if you go into an electronic diary in public services, you can find all the information that one way or another could be interesting to dads and moms. What is the essence of this service, how to get there? The answers to these and other interesting questions regarding the electronic diary can be found further in the article.

Electronic diary of a student: the essence of the project

Due to the high employment of modern parents, they do not have time to visit school in order to verify the child's progress, find out homework, or about the presence of claims and complaints from teachers about bad behavior, rare attendance, etc. New project The state helps to solve all these problems. It is enough for fathers and mothers to have a device with an Internet connection to open a student's electronic diary at public services and thereby monitor the progress of their child. Moreover, this service is provided completely free of charge.

When deciding to use such a convenient service, parents should do 3 main points:

  • Register in public services (if this has not yet been done before);
  • Get data (login and password) to enter the electronic diary;
  • Go directly to the page you need.

All of these steps are described in more detail below.

Registration on the portal

Public services - enough convenient service. After all, thanks to him, you can significantly reduce the time spent on visiting the relevant authorities. So, thanks to this site, you can apply for:

  • Putting the child in line Kindergarten;
  • marriage registration;
  • Registration of allowances, payments;
  • Issuance of passports (citizen of the Russian Federation, foreign);
  • Pay fines, taxes and more.

And, therefore, the presence of a registered page on the state portal will not interfere with any citizen of the Russian Federation.

So, registration for public services is carried out according to the following main steps:

  1. Sign in. To do this, go to the following link: https://gosuslugi.ru.
  2. Then in the window that opens, find the section "Entering the State Services". It is on the right side of the page.

Click on register.

  1. A new window will open where you need to enter your data: last name and first name, mobile phone number or address Email.

  1. After entering the data, click on "Register". As a result, a window will open to confirm the phone number or email address (depending on what was entered earlier). Confirm new account.
  2. In the page that appears, set a password and confirm it by re-typing. Click on "Finish".

  1. A window will open where you will need to enter all your data. Namely, the user's full name, gender and date of birth, place of birth, citizenship, passport details and SNILS number. Click on "Save".
  2. After that, the entered passport data and the SNILS number will be checked for accuracy by the relevant authorities. In the meantime, the user can fill in other items as desired. For example, information about your home address, driver's license numbers, medical policies, vehicle etc.

In such a very simple way, an account for public services appeared. If desired, it can be confirmed by contacting the post office with a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. This will give more benefits to the user: he will be able to perform even more functions.

Obtaining a login and password to enter the Electronic Diary

In this case, there are 2 solutions:

  • Address this question to the class teacher of the student;
  • Get data through the State Services.

In some cases, obtaining credentials in order to enter the electronic diary in public services is available in both ways, in others - only through a teacher or a portal.

If the first option does not hide anything complicated, then the second one will have to tinker a bit. To help in this matter, it would be correct to present the following statement:

  • Go to the already familiar portal by presentation public services by entering your identification information.
  • In the window that appears, enter "electronic diary" in the search field. Click on search.

  • In the search results, find the service provided by the department of the required area. As an example, a proposal from an institution of the city of Moscow will be considered. Here it is referred to as " Electronic diary schoolchild (MRKO).

  • Go to the service by clicking on "Getting access to the student's electronic diary (MRKO)".

  • A window will open indicating the methods of obtaining the service, its cost, terms of provision, grounds for refusal, results of work and contact details of the organization providing the services.
  • As seen to get this service There are two ways: in person and online.

  • And the result of the service will be the provision of a login and password to enter the Electronic Diary. Moreover, the period for consideration of the application is 3 working days.

How to register a student's electronic diary in public services

There is no specific link to enter the Student's Electronic Diary for all regions. Each region/territory/republic has developed its own services to provide such services. As an example, the city of Moscow will again be considered. In order to enter the electronic diary in public services, the following steps should be taken:

  1. Entering in the field of any search engine information of the following type "Electronic diary Moscow (or any other city of interest)". As a rule, the necessary site will be displayed on the first line. For Moscow, the site link is: https://pgu.mos.ru/ru/application/dogm/journal/#step_1 .
  2. When you go to the address provided, the fields for entering the State Services portal will open (an example of obtaining them was presented above in the "registration on the portal" section).

  1. Here you can also log in by clicking on "Login using Gosuslugi.ru". This link is at the very bottom of the page.
  2. When you click it, a window will appear with fields for entering a login and password. You need to fill them out and click on "Login".
  3. A new page will appear where you need to enter login and password information to enter the Electronic Diary itself (you can get them, as mentioned above, by asking the class teacher or using the public services portal).

  1. Fill in all the required data, click on "go to the diary". In such a simple way, you can open the electronic diary of a student in public services.

Welcome to website. In the article we will tell you how to enter the electronic diary through the State Services portal. To date modern technologies made people's lives much easier. Now you do not have to wait in long lines to visit a doctor or go to the post office to pay various receipts.

Innovations have not bypassed parents, now the child will not be able to hide bad grades or homework. Now the student's electronic diary has begun to work in full force, with entries in which parents can get acquainted at any time. But not all users know how to enter an electronic diary through the State Services. Let's look into this issue.

Modern parents are now very busy and they do not always have time to go to school to find out the behavior and progress of their child, but this project helps solve most of these problems. For this, parents need to have a device with Internet access, and they can at any time see how the child is studying and if there are any complaints about him. This service is provided absolutely free of charge.

Before you can view the electronic diary through the State Services, you must complete 3 main steps:

  • Register on the State Services portal if there is no personal account.
  • Take the login and password to enter the electronic diary.
  • Log in to the required page of the diary.

But these steps need to be reviewed in more detail.

Benefits of an electronic school diary

The electronic diary of a student has a large number of advantages, these include:

  • Functionality. The user can customize the entire portal according to his preferences, you can remove or add several tabs.
  • Child control. Children do not always talk about what is happening at school, but parents can control all learning remotely.
  • Appearance the portal itself is no different from a simple diary or school magazine.
  • Answers to the right questions occur in a very short time.
  • The database is constantly updated, as the teacher must enter information on the student daily.
  • Since the notification system is set up perfectly, you don’t have to constantly check notifications, they will happen automatically.

What documents are needed to receive the electronic diary service

Before entering the electronic diary through gosuslugi.ru, it is required to provide the school administration with a package of necessary documents, after which they will register on the diary website. To necessary documents relate:

  1. Passport of the parent or his legal representative.
  2. Child's birth certificate.
  3. Application for this service.
  4. Consent to the processing of the provided data.

It is worth remembering that filling out the application must be treated very responsibly, since with any corrections it will not be accepted by the secretary.

Register on the State Services website

Public Services is a user-friendly site. Since with the help of this site you can significantly save time that can be spent on visiting authorities. On this portal you can use the following services:

  • Put the child in kindergarten on the waiting list.
  • Register a marriage.
  • Arrange various benefits and payments.
  • Apply for the production of passports, both Russian and foreign.
  • Pay taxes, fines and other services.

And this means that registration on this portal can help every resident of our country. To register on the portal and find out how to register in the electronic diary through gosuslugi.ru, you need to take the following steps:

  • Log in to the portal.
  • After that, on the page, find the window "Entering the State Services", which is located on the edge and click on the "Register" button.

  • In the next window, you need to specify the last name and first name, as well as a mobile number or email address.

  • After all the data is indicated, you need to click on the "Register" link, after which a window will open in which you will need to enter a verification code for your mobile phone, which will come in an SMS message. Then make a confirmation account.
  • In a new window, you will need to come up with a password, in accordance with the requirements of the site and click on the "Done" link, the password is entered twice.

  • After that, a page will open in front of the user, on which you will need to enter all the data. The page indicates the user's full name, gender, date and place of his birth, citizenship, passport and SNILS data, after which the "Save" button is pressed.
  • After all the data is specified, they will be sent for automatic verification by the system, which may take a certain amount of time. At this time, the user can fill in other data.

After completing these steps, you can start using your personal account. If you wish, you can create a verified account by mail, in specialized centers or using electronic signature. Such confirmation opens up many more opportunities on the portal.

We get a login and password to enter the electronic diary

Before you enter the electronic diary through the State Services, you need to get a login and password to enter this site. Login information can be obtained in two ways:

  1. Personal contact with the school administration.
  2. Obtaining data on public services.

Sometimes data can be obtained in both ways at the same time, but sometimes only one of the options is available.

Obtaining a password at school is a very simple and affordable option, but through the state portal it can cause corresponding difficulties. To get login data and enter the student's electronic diary through the State Services, several important steps are required:

  • Log in to the state portal and enter data to enter your personal account.
  • On the open page, in the search bar, type "electronic diary" and click on the "Search" button.

  • In the list provided, you need to find the region in which the service is provided.

  • After that, start receiving the service using the link "Getting access to the student's electronic diary."

  • After that, a page will be opened, which will display the terms of the service and its cost, the reasons for the refusal, and much more.

As a result, it turns out that there are two ways to get data for an electronic diary.

In the end, the user will receive a login and password for the required site, the application is considered within 72 hours.

How to register a student's electronic diary on public services

The entrance to the electronic diary through the portal of the State Services for Parents does not have a single link for the whole country, each region has its own services for providing such a service. To log in to the service through the State Services, you need to perform several actions:

  • In the search field in any search engine, you need to specify "Electronic diary" and the necessary site will be in the first place.
  • When the user enters the site using the link, the page for entering the state portal will open before the user.

  • On this page at the very bottom there is a button "Login using public services".
  • After the user clicks on this link, the page for entering the portal opens, you need to specify the data and click on the "Login" button.
  • After that, a new page will open, on which you will need to enter a login and password from the electronic diary itself.

  • You must specify all the data required for entry and click on the link "Go to the diary". That's all. Now you know how to view an electronic diary in public services.

After parents register on the electronic diary, they can always find out what is happening with their child at school.

What additional services are available on the school portal

In addition to all the listed services and how to register for public services for an electronic diary, on this portal you can use other services that are also important for parents, these include:

  1. Progress table. That is, for each student, a special table is created on the portal, which is created from the grades that they received for the quarter. Also in the table you can see the passes and the final grades that the child receives. More recently, a function has been launched that allows you to calculate the average score, thanks to which a high school student will be able to focus on the necessary passing scores for admission to higher educational institutions. You can also see the grades given by teachers and comments on the average score. The function can be used not only by teachers, but also by parents. You can track your child's progress throughout the quarter.
  2. Achievement chart. Now you can monitor the progress of the child not only by the grades, but also by the schedule. According to the graph, you can see a comparison for all criteria and categories.
  3. Schedule of lessons for both students and teachers.
  4. Schedules of calls to and from lessons.
  5. Personal information about each registered student on this site.
  6. Special chat for school communication.

To use all these services, the portal user needs to know how to find an electronic diary in the State Services and register in it.

What are the reasons for denial of service?

A future user of an electronic diary may be denied the provision of this service if the application is filled out incorrectly. If errors were made in the surname, name or patronymic or in other specified data, then the application will have to be rewritten.

If the portal is used by a teacher, then he needs to provide a journal of the class he wants to access, only under this condition the teacher will be able to use the service.

The user may be refused for other reasons, these include:

  • The application was submitted by a person who is not the applicant.
  • The child about whom they want to receive information does not study at this school.
  • Documents do not meet all the necessary requirements.
  • The documents contain conflicting information.
  • Application for refusal to provide this service.

So, we figured out how to link an electronic diary to the State Services and make a binding in order to have access to the diary using this portal, and use all the features provided by the service.

On the this moment the question of how to enter the electronic diary of a schoolchild to parents is of unflagging interest. The nature of modern life requires constant monitoring of children.

Therefore, electronic diaries were put into use, which are posted on the Internet using the public services portal (PSU).

Gone are those leisurely times when huge computers were in research laboratories, and only specialists could use them. Having firmly entered every home, PCs turned out to be in great demand.

Unbiased control over school issues through the public services website has made secondary education more accessible and obvious to parents.


First through search engine Yandex, Rambler or Google, letters of the Latin layout pgu.mos.ru are typed.

The desired site opens, and the user needs to register or simply click the "Login" button if the registration was carried out in advance.

Children should not reveal their password and login, as they wish to use it for their own purposes. From now on, moms and dads will log in to PSU using this password and login.

Then the service "Electronic diary of a student of MRKO" is selected from the section "Education, study" and it remains to click on the "Get service" button.

Further actions

To open the data to access the diary, you must:

  1. Parents come up with an “Account Name” for themselves - it is under this heading that you can see your child on the public services website.
  2. Then you need to enter the login and password that are provided to each student at the school, and click on the green “Continue” box.
  3. A control check will follow, and if everything is correct, the “Finish” button is pressed.
  4. The window of the electronic diary of a student of the Moscow Register of Education Quality opens. In a few seconds, mom or dad find themselves in the electronic diary of their child.

How to view grades

The diary page is made in the same way as a regular paper one. School journal. All grades are posted there.

If there are comments, teachers write them in special columns. Homework assignments are clearly labeled in each column.

At the bottom of the section there is a button "Read the diary", which every Friday, starting at noon, is active for parents.

If any of them looked at the grades and pressed this button, then a record is displayed that such and such a parent (surname and name of the father or mother) is familiar with the diary, and a number is put.

Note: for the class teacher, this is similar to the fact that the parents signed the paper version of the diary.

On the right side of the column there is a section that allows you to reveal the estimates of previous weeks. To do this, click the green square located to the right of the date and open the calendar of weeks.

detailed instructions

In order to view all your child's grades posted in the electronic journal, you must:

  1. Go to the "Analysis" tab.
  2. Open the All Grades button. Parents have access to the child's marks by periods. For example, if the school studies in trimesters, then all grades for two of them are displayed, and the average score is put.
  3. Go to the "Message" tab. With its help, the class teacher will be able to point out the problems that this student has.
  4. Each subject of the school curriculum has its own column. This will help to predict with what grade the child will come out of this educational period.

Recommendations for parents: if they wish, they can see the dynamics of their child's progress, which is well highlighted on the graph. To do this, you just need to tick the box at the bottom of the page for the subject that interests you. A graph will appear, with the grades shown vertically and the days of the month horizontally.

If necessary, parents can use the checkboxes to find out the dynamics of progress in several subjects at once.

It is interesting to observe the dynamics after the child begins to actively engage in the subject in which he lagged behind. If parents do not help their son or daughter, then the dynamics worsens noticeably.


What is the purpose of an electronic diary?

This is done so that parents are immediately aware of:

  • last marks of the child;
  • knew about his absenteeism;
  • topics missed due to illness;
  • performance dynamics;
  • information that may be obtained in case of missing the parent meeting.

This technique helps students to keep track of their average grade against the background of their classmates, always have homework written by the teacher with them, and be aware of their schedule.

Watch the video, which explains the possibilities of the student's electronic diary:

The 21st century is the era of electronics and nanotechnology. Computers and other fruits of technological progress have already firmly entered our everyday life. Paper books were replaced by electronic ones, letters in envelopes were replaced by e-mail, video calls and other benefits of civilization became available. Not spared progress and education.

More and more information is obtained by schoolchildren and students on the Internet. Textbooks have been replaced by electronic manuals. And even the school magazine is now digitized. Not so long ago, electronic diaries appeared in schools. Many parents were shocked by this innovation. But it is not all that bad. diary, we'll figure it out in this article.

Electronic journal. Electronic diary. What it is?

School electronic diary and journal is a complex software, created to optimize the system for recording school performance and monitoring the educational process.

An electronic diary is a kind of program that contains student marks and homework assignments, which are distributed by the teacher.

Parental control

A diary from a parent's point of view? Many perceive this innovation with hostility. But in vain! Unlike an electronic one, a school diary of the usual paper format can be "lost" or "forgotten" by negligent students. Children often do not submit the diary to the teacher for assessment or forget to write down the assignment. Then parents do not see the real picture of their child's progress and cannot fully control the educational process.

The electronic school diary allows mom or dad to monitor the behavior and progress of the child around the clock, even if they are not at home (for example, on a business trip). In addition, access to ED opens up the following opportunities for parents:

  1. Open access to information about school activities to the lesson schedule.
  2. Monitoring the attendance of lessons and operational information about the behavior of students at school.
  3. Free communication with teachers of an educational institution.
  4. Possibility of interactive communication with the school administration.

It is very convenient in living conditions modern man when parents often do not have time for a personal visit educational institution to communicate with teachers. In fairness, it must be said that many parents in their busy schedules find it difficult to find time for direct communication with the child, not to mention the school.

Why do students need electronic diaries

About everything in order. What to do if the child missed classes or forgot to write down the assignment at school? An electronic diary will come to the rescue. Now you don't have to call classmates. It is enough to have access to the Internet on a computer or phone.

Considering the fact that children today master technology much faster than the alphabet, it is much easier for them than parents to figure out what an electronic diary is and how to use it.

A student needs ED to:

  • have access to your grades at any time of the year and visually track your progress;
  • have access to the rating scale;
  • be aware of all class events and activities (even during illness or absence for other reasons).

Dnevnik.ru platform to help teachers

The introduction of electronic diaries in the Moscow region began with the aim of streamlining and simplifying the work of the teaching staff.

The Dnevnik.ru platform was developed to help teachers. Working with EJ and ED involves:

  1. Automatic calculation of final grades and student rankings.
  2. Operative communication with parents of students and communication with teachers.
  3. Integration with teachers from different schools to share experiences.
  4. Remote consultations and classes.
  5. Analysis of the work of teachers and the entire educational institution.

Difficulties in dealing with ED and EF

Electronic diaries and journals in many regions of Russia are at the stage of introduction. Problems arise from the lack necessary equipment and access to the Internet in remote areas of our homeland. In this connection, to fully work with electronic documentation teaching staff and parents of students cannot.

Another obstacle to the introduction of school electronic diaries is the venerable age of teachers.

It should be noted that in many schools, especially in small towns and villages, the majority of teachers are of retirement age. These people find it difficult to master the Internet and, accordingly, educational platforms.

Another difficulty that practicing teachers talk about is that such electronic diaries and journals in many educational institutions conducted in parallel with the paper. Accordingly, a double burden falls on the shoulders of teachers.

Therefore, many educational institutions introduce special positions of specialists responsible for maintaining electronic journals and other documentation.

Advantages of an electronic diary over a paper one

Despite these inconveniences, an electronic diary has many advantages over a printed counterpart:

  1. The electronic diary will not be lost, will not sink, will not be torn and burned.
  2. The grades given in the ED cannot be adjusted - the student will not be able to correct the grade on his own.
  3. Parents have round-the-clock access to their child's school electronic diary.
  4. Not a single grade entered by the teacher in the journal will be omitted from the ED. Consequently, the child and parents will see the real picture and the dynamics of academic performance.
  5. In the absence of a child at school, he does not fall out of educational process, as it has access to homework and teacher announcements.

That's what an electronic diary is. It is convenient, easy to use, mobile and always available. Therefore, do not be afraid of innovation. Education today keeps pace with the times!

Step 1. Register on the site portal

To use the "Electronic Diary of a Schoolchild" service, you and your child must register on the site. The child and parent must have separate personal accounts. To register, fill in with your last name, first name, patronymic, email address and mobile phone number.

When registering, make sure that personal account the current phone number and e-mail address that you use are indicated. If these details are incorrect, you will not be able to access the service. You can read more about registering on the portal in ours.

Step 2 Submit your details to the school

Give the class teacher your data and the data of your child, specified during registration on the website portal:

  • E-mail address;
  • cell phone number;
  • insurance number of an individual personal account (SNILS) (optional).

Please note that the child and parent must have different accounts on the site.

After the personal data is processed, you and your child will get access to the electronic diary, to enter which you must enter the login and password from the website.

2. How to enter the electronic diary?

After that, you will be taken to the dnevnik.site website, where you can see the child's progress, his homework and check how he attends school.

3. How to give access to an electronic diary to a trusted person?

If your relative or other trusted person, such as a nanny, is registered on the site portal, you can give him access to the child's electronic diary. For this:

  • after authorization in the service, follow the link and click the "Add trusted" button, or immediately select "Give access to the electronic diary and information about the visit and nutrition of the child" in the service catalog to the site.
  • select the service to which you want to give access to a trusted representative, and the last name, first name, patronymic of the child whose diary you want to allow to view;
  • enter your last name, SNILS or mobile phone the person you want to invite.

The authorized person will see an invitation in their personal account to the site (section ). Access will open within 24 hours after the invitation is accepted by a trusted person.

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