Children's scenes for Mother's Day. Funny scenes, new

On Women's Day or Mother's Day, a funny sketch about mothers is really needed. She should be kind, touching and a little funny. After all, a sketch about mothers reflects life itself. And in motherhood and upbringing you have to look at a lot of things with humor, because otherwise parents simply cannot stand it.

Hall decoration

On Women's Day and Mother's Day, children's institutions usually hold festive events. It is very important to decorate the hall beautifully before they begin. For this you can use balloons, large paper flowers, wall newspapers, stands.

The photo gallery “Our mothers in childhood” can become a starting point in the competition. To do this, you should leave a space under the pictures so that the children themselves can write whose mother is captured here. Be sure to put your details next to it. This will help you choose the winner when summing up the results of the competition.

Children's sayings "Like a fire truck!"

About mother can be based on excerpts from the speech of children. There are many of them in the “piggy bank” of every parent; you just have to strain your memory or open a diary that contains the most often. They form the basis of jokes. For example, a short sketch about mothers could be like this.

“Son, am I beautiful?” - Mom asks, showing off in front of the mirror. “Yes, mommy...” the enthusiastic child whispers with a breath. “Just like a fire truck!”

Children's sayings. "Where were the dinosaurs?"

Or maybe there’s another scene about moms.

A child examines a bicycle that a neighbor girl took out into the street. My daughter touches the steering wheel and tries to honk the horn. Then she asks thoughtfully: “Mom, in ancient times, when you were little, did you have a bicycle?” Mom sadly replies: “No, son, I didn’t have such beauty, unfortunately...” - “Yes, that was a long time ago. Were there even dinosaurs back then?”

Scene "Three Mothers"

It is very important to select children’s scenes about mothers and grandmothers for the holiday, which show parental love and care. This material just meets these requirements. Poetic children's scenes are sometimes performed with the participation of the presenter or the author. There are also roles of grandmother, mother and Tanyusha. Therefore, such scenes are suitable for grandmothers and mothers.

Tanya sat down to play in the evening.

She took out the doll - it’s enough for her to sleep!

Tanyusha asked her a question ( Tanechka's words):

“Why are you hanging your nose, daughter?

And gave up lunch altogether?

Tanya's mom came home from work.

Tanya asked ( mom's words):

“How are you, daughter?

Played all day again, fidgety,

And gave up lunch altogether?

How tired I am, daughter, with you!

Soon you will become as thin as a match!

You need to listen to your mother, turntable!

Here’s some tea and cheesecake for you, dear!”

Then my grandmother - my mother's mother - came.

And she asked Tanya’s mother ( grandmother's words):

“Daughter, you look very tired...

You probably haven’t eaten all day, are you tired?

You work at school, but you're restless!

Left without lunch again today?

How tired I am, daughter, with you!

Soon you will become as thin as a match!

You need to listen to your mother, turntable!

Here’s some tea and cheesecake for you, dear!”

Three mothers, three daughters are sitting in the dining room,

Three mothers look at their daughters reproachfully.

It's not easy, it's not easy to be mothers,

Why are daughters so stubborn?

A sketch about a son and mother

Well received by viewers and grown children. After all, parents always consider their offspring to be babies. The scene “Mom and son, the school principal” has already become a classic. Two people take part in it.

Mom wakes up her son: “It’s time to get up, otherwise you’ll be late again!” Get up, son, all the kids have already gone to school!” Son: “Well, just half an hour, mom! I'm tired of this school! - “So, son, you can’t! School is your responsibility!” - "Don't want! Maslov will throw a dirty rag again!” - “You still need to go to school!” - “I won’t go! Ivan Petrovich finds fault with me, always looking for mistakes!” - “Stop being picky. Get up, lazy fellow! - “And Filippova is sticking her tongue out at me behind my back, inventing all sorts of nicknames!” - “So what now? You still need to go to school! You’re the director!”

Scene "Probably didn't chew..."

A short skit for mother and children is often based on real events. Often funny stories are taken from Yeralash and replayed by children at holidays. For example, such an episode will surely make all the guests and viewers laugh.

Mom cuts potatoes and tells the girl a fairy tale, and her daughter eats next to her.

“And Little Red Riding Hood went into the forest to visit her grandmother. Chew it well! She is walking towards gray wolf. Chew, go ahead, chew better! He deceived the girl, ran into the hut first and swallowed the grandmother. Are you going to chew or not? Then he swallowed the girl too. Chew, I tell you, better chew! But then hunters walked by, saw a wolf, and ripped open its stomach. Chew your food thoroughly, no matter how much I tell you! And then the grandmother and her granddaughter came out alive and unharmed...”

The daughter put down the spoon, stood up and said: “Well, all because I didn’t listen to my mother and didn’t chew the food properly!”

Scene "Where is the diary?"

You can tie school stories to the festive theme of events dedicated to mothers. They are also taken from real life. For example, often a skit for a mother from her children is associated with checking grades.

“Son, are you sitting in front of the computer again? So you will remain ignorant!” - the mother addresses the teenager. “What a retard you are, ancestors! Computer is progress! Only that person can be considered cultured and developed today who has mastered this technique! And I am just so developed and educated!” - the teenager answers arrogantly.

“Okay, then show me your diary, you are cultured and educated!” - Mom doesn’t give up. “Where is he?” - the boy asks, without looking up from the computer. “Probably in your briefcase!”

The son rummages through his school bag, but finds nothing. “He's not there! Apparently he passed the test!” - the boy answers and tries to sit down at the computer again. Mom pushes him away, sits down herself and clicks the mouse, looking for something.

“Mom, now you’ll ruin everything for me, I’ll lose!” - shouts the unscrupulous student. “You, son, have already lost! Here, look, it's yours electronic diary, and the teacher doesn’t take him for testing! And in it we see... two in Russian and a count in mathematics! Yeah, here it is additional tasks for those lagging behind... So close your game and get to work! Computer is progress! Only that person can be considered cultured and developed today who has mastered this technique,” ​​the mother repeats her son’s words in a sarcastic tone.

The son scratches the back of his head dejectedly. "How so? And Vovka said that you just need to hide the diary and go for a ride... Yes, it’s difficult to live with parents who understand computers! Oh, this is progress! It would be better if I broke the computer!”

Sketch "Mom Gamer"

The daughter is sitting at the computer. Mom comes in.

“Daughter, let me put the photos in Odnoklassniki!”

The girl reluctantly gives way. Mom takes out a stack of photographs, opens the drive and tries to put it in there. The daughter laughs: “Mom, what are you doing! Why are you putting printed pictures into the drive!” - “How is it necessary?” - “They do this with electronic media! Where is the flash drive? - “Is this a small thing that looks like a lighter?” - “Well, yes, on the lighter! And you need to log in to the site first! What is your login? - "Who?" - “Login, mom! Well, it’s a code word, they write it here in Latin letters,” the daughter shows it to her mother. “And here they write the password!” - “A-ah-ah! Now, look away!” The girl turns away, and her mother clumsily pokes at the keys, checking the paper. The daughter waves her hand and leaves the house, shaking her head - that’s how “stupid” her mother is!

The front door slams. Mom takes out her headphones, quickly clicks on the keyboard, and starts communicating on Skype: “This is Paracetamol! Phoenix, are you ready? The daughter has left, we have two hours left! Let's begin! Come on, go around the One-Eyed Mockingbird on the left, and I'll blow him up on the right! Jump up the mountain! Hide in the crevice quickly! Can't you see? Arrow, hello! You also freed workplace? Come on, connect, more to the right, more to the right... Bang! Ready!!! Ha ha! Ours took it! We run to the cosmodrome, in two seconds we will fly to the planet Omerweiter! The Multi-Armed Vishers are waiting for us there! Have you forgotten the hyperbolic laseroids? Forward!"

Scene "Mom's Day"

The son hums while sweeping the floor. Mom comes into the room with huge bags. She looks around in surprise and sits down in fear. “Son, what happened? Did you get a D?” - “Why did you decide that?” - “Well, then why did you suddenly start cleaning?” - “There was just trash on the floor, so I decided to sweep it up!” Mom touches the shelf and clutches her heart: “You wiped off the dust too!” Am I really being called to the director again?” - “No, I just decided to help you, so I wiped the dust everywhere!” - "Everywhere???" - Mom loses consciousness. Her son brings her a glass of water. Mom drinks with her teeth chattering. “You were probably expelled from school? Why does it smell so good?” - “We haven’t ruled it out at all. And it smells like fried potatoes - I cooked it for you. You’re probably tired!” Mom falls from her chair and shouts: “Doctor! Quickly! Apparently, you were registered in the children’s room!”

The son goes to the phone, dials the number and mutters: “I told you that nothing good would come out of this mom’s day... “Ambulance”? Take on the challenge! Yes, mom too! Also having a seizure!”

Mom carefully raises her head: “So this is all just a gift? - the son nods. “And tomorrow will everything be the same?” - “Well, of course, mommy! I promise! The son kisses his mother on the cheek, they hold hands and walk into the kitchen. The son is carrying bags.

"Holiday Lunch"

After each number of the program there should be a congratulation to the mother. The “Festive Lunch” scene will become a transition from the concert to the tea party.

A son and daughter are hanging out in the kitchen near the stove. The boy offers to bake a cake, and the girl insists on kharcho soup. They never reach an agreement. As a result, everyone adds to the dish those products that they consider necessary.

The son reads the recipe: “Put three eggs in flour, a glass of sour cream...”, puts the food in a large bowl and begins to fire up the oven. The girl reads her recipe. “Hot red pepper is placed in pods. Add grated garlic, onion, cilantro!” - puts his products and mixes everything with a spoon. Then the children put the bowl in the oven and wait.

The doorbell rings, my son runs to answer it. The girl takes a dish out of the oven. Mom comes in: “What a great fellow you are!” Thank you very much for your concern!” The daughter hands her a plate on which lies a piece of something black. Mom sniffs, winces, but carefully takes a bite. “What is the name of this amazing dish?” - Mom chews with difficulty, but smiles through her strength. The children answer in unison: one shouts “cake”, the other shouts “kharcho”. Mom nods and says: “I thought so right away. Cake "Kharcho". Amazing!

After this scene, the host tells the guests: “Our dishes are not prepared in this way, so dear mothers and grandmothers will not have to pretend to taste them. Everyone is welcome to the festive table!”

1 Presenter: Well done guys, you solved all the riddles, and so together. Do you think it’s easy to be a mother? (Children's answers)

2 presenter: But Kolya learned this poem! Let's listen.

A boy comes out:

I'll tell you, friends, straight away!

Simply and without unnecessary words -

Swap places with mom

I've been ready for a long time

Well, just think, worries -

Washing, ironing, shop,

Holes in pants, compotes...

You don't need a lot of strength here.

Is life easy for me?

After all, there are so many worries!

Learn a poem

Songs, dances, round dances...

How tired am I?

I wish I could become a mother!

2 presenter: But Kostya is also a cheerful fellow!

Another boy comes out:

Mom made a pie

I helped her a little

I put cinnamon in the dough,

Poured out a jar of mustard,

I poured lentils into a jar,

In general, I did everything I could

May the pie be delicious!

1 Presenter: Yes, when there are so many things to do and so many worries, you can get confused. But guys, your mothers never forget anything, never confuse anything, and, most importantly, never. They never stop loving you for a single minute. This is how it's not easy to be mothers. We have prepared a skit on this topic!

Scene “Three Mothers”


Tanyusha in the evening

I came from a walk,

And she asked the doll...

Daughter(approaches the doll, takes her hands):

How are you, daughter?

Again you climbed

Under the table, fidget?

I sat there again

All day without lunch?

With these daughter -

Just a disaster!

Soon you will be

Like a match is thin.

Go have lunch, spinner,

Cheesecake for lunch today.


Tanya's mom

I came home from work

And Tanya asked...

Mom is a doctor(approaches his daughter and addresses her):

How are you, daughter?

I started playing again

Probably in the garden

I managed again

Forget about food?

“Dinner,” she shouted

Granny a hundred times

And you answered:

“Now, yes now!”

With these daughter -

Just a disaster!

Soon you will be

Like a match is thin.

Go have lunch, spinner,

Cheesecake for lunch today. (Mom seats her daughter at the table on the right)


Grandma is here

Mom's mom came

And I asked my mother...

Grandmother(puts the shopping bag on a chair and turns to mom):

How are you, daughter?

Probably in the hospital

For the whole day

Again for food

Don't have a minute?

And in the evening I ate

Dry sandwich?

You can't sit

A whole day without lunch!

I've already become a doctor,

And everyone is restless!

With these daughter -

Just a disaster!

Soon you will be

Like a match is thin.

Go have lunch, spinner,

Cheesecake for lunch today. (Grandma sits down at the table with the others)


Three mothers are sitting in the dining room,

Three mothers look at their daughters.

What to do with stubborn daughters?

ALL: Oh, how difficult it is to be a mother!

2 Presenter: Guys, it’s true that today is your grandmothers’ holiday too! Let's not forget about them either. After all, your grandmothers are mothers too! Moms of your moms and dads!

Let's congratulate your dear grandmothers, your mothers' mothers!

1 child:

Dear Grandma,

I hug you tenderly,

To be next to you

I dream every day!

2nd child:

My dear grandmother!

With all my heart I love you!

For the joy of fairy tales and care -

Thank you for everything!

3rd child:

I have a beloved grandmother,

Kind, good, beautiful!

Only with her it’s cozy, like in a nest,

And it’s light, as if from the sun!

BABA YAGA flies in to the music.

Yaga: Oh, my dears, how well you remembered your grandmother. When I heard your poems, I shed so many tears, became so emotional, that we decided to drop by to see you.

1 Presenter: Baba Yaga, somehow we weren’t expecting you here at all.

Yaga:(Almost crying) How could they not wait... I, I, I, I...

2 Presenter: Yes, you’re evil, you’re always flying in for the holiday, ruining the holiday, constantly doing some nasty things.

Yaga: What are you, what are you... Today everything is different. Today is my holiday too! Who am I?

Children: BABA YAGA!

Yaga: That's it! I am B-A-B-A Yaga, that means grandmother! This means me and MOM! Yes, yes, this means that I have children and grandchildren... And today is a holiday - Mother’s Day, which means it’s my holiday too!

1 presenter: But really, guys, today is the holiday of all mothers, let's also congratulate Grandma Yaga and invite us to stay with us at the holiday?

Children: Let's!

Yaga: Oh, thank you, oh, thank you! And now I want to play with you! You know, I’m such a needlewoman, I’m such a smart girl... But your mothers, I wonder, also know how to do needlework?

Children: yes!

Yaga: What are you talking about? And they even know where in the needle to insert the thread?

Children: Yes!

Yaga: What? Is it true? Have you seen this? And I thought that your mothers only know which button is on washing machine Click and how do you download cartoons from the Internet? Well, okay, now we’ll check how smart and skilled your mothers are.

Competition for mothers “Sew on a button”

Yaga: No, well done. Well done. We coped with the task, I didn’t expect it... And what kind of mothers you have, and how smart they are, and what beauties, well, they’re just a sight to behold. Guys, let’s make your mothers even more beautiful and elegant, would you like it? (Children answer) Then we will hold another competition.

Competition for mothers and their children “Dress up and comb your mother’s hair”

Yaga: Well, well done, well, you made Yagulka happy!

1 presenter: Grandmother Yaga, why are you working and working, holding competitions, playing with our children, because today is also a holiday for you, have you forgotten?

Yaga: Oh, I forgot, iris, I forgot, I’m old, my memory is not the same as it was 300 years ago!

2 presenter: Guys, let’s congratulate grandma too, so that she will feel good! We'll dance for her! A gift for Baba Yaga, and a treat for your mothers!

Yaga: Oh, I want, I want to look at my gift! Dance soon!

Dance “Grandma Yozhka” (T. Suvorova, “Dance rhythm”)

Yaga: Well, thank you very much, guys! Amused grandma (funny repeats the movements and words of the dance). And it’s time for me to fly to my place, it’s time to prepare a festive dinner, otherwise guests will come to me today to congratulate me, Koshcheyushka is there, Gorynych... They will come, but I’m not tidy (straightens my hair). Goodbye, darlings! Happy holiday, dear mothers! And happiness to you all for many years to come, like mine: for three hundred years! BYE! (flies away)

1 presenter: And our concert for mothers continues.

Presenter 2: imagine a situation: an older sister teaches a younger sister to read.

(Two girls come out: one “older”, the other “small”. The “younger” sits on a chair in front of the board, the “elder” stands at the board with a pointer, “AU” is written on the board)

Senior: Olenka has learned all the letters, but cannot read. It doesn't work. She can't seem to put all the letters together. What is written here, Olenka?

Junior: Don't know.

Senior: what letter is this?

Junior: A.

Senior: Well done! And this one?

Junior: U.

Senior: And together?

Junior: Don't know.

Senior: Well, how come you don’t know?! This is A, and this is Y! And if you add them up, what do you get?

Junior: Don't know.

Senior: Just think!

Junior: I think!

Senior: So what?

Junior: Don't know.

Senior: Well, that's it. Imagine that you are lost in the forest. How will you scream then?

Junior: (Thought and said) If I get lost in the forest, I will scream..... “MOM!!!”

(L. Panteleev)

1 presenter: Throughout our entire lives - from the moment a child is born until our last breath - our closest, kindred soul on earth is our mother. And no matter how old we are, in times of trouble and in joy, out loud and mentally we say “Mom!” It’s as if we were calling her - so that she would protect, so that she would be near. For a person always remains a child at heart, for whom a mother’s embrace is the most reliable shelter in the world. Mom is the dearest and closest person to each of us. She teaches us morality and spirituality, enlivens our minds, and puts kind words into our mouths. Mom, mommy!

2 presenter: And our holiday is coming to an end. And in parting, I would like to tell you once again, kind and tender words, dear mothers.

Children stand in a semicircle:

1 child:

Today the hands of your mother,

I get on my knees and kiss you deeply!

I wish her happy days

And the silence of the night.

So that the heart does not know trouble,

And sadness - longing poured out into tears.

May everything she dreamed come true!

And happiness overwhelmed fate!

2nd child:

Know, mom, you are needed,

I need you every moment and hour!

You are adored, loved,

Always and right now!

I wish you to always be beautiful,

Cheerful, sincere, dear!

Satisfied with life and happy,

Carefree, joyful - with me!

Song “I love mommy very much” (music and lyrics by L. A. Starchenko). After the song, the children give their mothers handmade gifts.

Musical director: Well, now, dear mothers, we have one more parting gift for you! Hug your kids and look at the screen again. We want to give you a few minutes of bright memories of the happiest moments of your motherhood. And then we, together with the children, invite you to take a look at our small art gallery and appreciate the work and love of your children. (The phonogram of the song “Mom is the first word” plays. Personal photographs from family albums pupils. After viewing the slides and children's drawings, parents are invited to join the group for a festive tea party)

Galina Kudinova


Children of the senior and preparatory groups enter the hall to the music, walk around the hall and sit down in their seats.


Mother. Each of us has our own mother, mommy. When you were just born and didn’t yet know how to speak, your mother understood you without words, guessed what you wanted, where it hurt. Mom's voice cannot be confused with any other voice. He is so familiar, so dear. Mom is a giver heat, love and beauty. Everything that surrounds you in this world begins with your mother. At the end of November, Russia celebrates the Day Mothers. And today we have gathered in our hall to congratulate the most beloved, kind, gentle, most wonderful mothers on this holiday.

Today we invited you to say loudly and amicably

Dear mothers, we congratulate you and wish you happiness!

Let the sun shine tenderly, let the birds greet the dawn!

I’m talking about the most wonderful thing in the world, my mother.

How many of them, kind and gentle, are there today? the holiday has come,

It may be cold outside, but our hearts are warm.

Let the song flow like a stream and warms mom's heart,

In it we sing about mommy, who couldn’t be more tender.

song “Mom, Mommy”


Everything is ready for holiday we'll all say it together

For my beloved mother we'll show the scene.

Sketch “Three Mothers”


Our kids are so stubborn! Everyone knows this themselves.

Their mothers often tell them, but they don’t hear their mothers.

Tanyusha came home from a walk in the evening and brought a doll asked:


How are you, daughter? Have you crawled under the table again, fidget?

Did you sit all day without lunch again?


Tanya's mother came home from work and Tanya asked:


How are you, daughter? Playing again, probably in the garden?

Have you managed to forget about food again?

Granny screamed for dinner more than once, and you answered: now yes now.

It’s just a disaster with these daughters, soon you’ll be as thin as a match.

Go have lunch, spinner! Cheesecake for lunch today!


Here grandma, mother's mother, and mother came asked:


How are you, daughter? Probably in the hospital for a whole day

Again I didn’t have a minute to eat, and in the evening I ate a dry sandwich.

You can't sit all day without lunch. She’s already become a doctor, but she’s still restless.

These daughters are just a disaster. Soon you will be as thin as a matchstick.

Go to lunch, spinner! Cheesecake for lunch today!


Three mothers are sitting in the dining room, three mothers are looking at their daughters.

What to do with stubborn daughters?

All three:

Oh, how difficult it is to be a mother!


When you were little, your mothers spoon-fed you

And now it’s time for us to feed our beloved mothers.

Game “Feed Mom”

Several couples participate. At the signal, the children begin to feed their mother. The first couple to eat everything wins.


And we will also hurry, we will make dear mothers laugh.

Let's tell you what happens when mom isn't home.

Scene“Mom comes home from work”


Mom comes home from work, mom takes off her boots,

Mom goes into the house, mom looks around.


Was the apartment raided?

Son: No.


Has a hippopotamus visited us?

Son: No.


Maybe the house is not ours?

Son: Our.


Maybe not our floor?

Son: Our.

Seryozhka just came and we played a little.


So this is not a collapse?

Son: No.


So the elephant didn't dance?

Son: No.


I'm very glad. It turned out that I was worried in vain.


Funny the skit was shown, we should play, isn’t it time?

I really want to know who likes to help mom?

game “Big wash”

Mom was getting ready to hang up the washed laundry, but forgot to take clothespins. You must help her. You need to take one clothespin and carry them to your mother. The team that hangs up all the laundry the fastest wins.


Now, now, I want to test you.

I’ll tell you riddles, guess them in order.

Would you like to try on these balls on a string?

For all your tastes in your mother's box.

Mom’s ears sparkle and play with the colors of the rainbow.

Drops and crumbs of jewelry turn silver.

Its edge is called fields, the top is decorated all over with flowers.

Our mother has a mystery headdress.

Name the dishes: The pen is attached to the circle.

Baking a damn thing for her is nonsense.

The water began to bubble in his belly from heat.

Like an angry boss, he quickly boils over.

Mom will cook this dish for everyone for lunch.

And the ladle is right there – he’ll pour it into the plates.

It will find dust and swallow it instantly - it brings cleanliness for us.

A long hose, like a trunk-nose, cleans the rug.

He irons dresses and shirts and irons our pockets.

He is a faithful friend on the farm - he has a name.

Here on a light bulb the cap separates light and darkness.

The openwork around the edges is marvelous.

The striped animal will beg for sour cream from its mother's saucer.

And, having eaten it a little, he purrs quietly.


Well done, guys! All the riddles have been solved!

Now please pay attention, we will organize a competition!

There is volleyball, basketball, and we have broomball!

We have prepared this competition especially for mothers. After all, they have no equal in this sport.

game “Venicoball”

2 mothers are participating. You need to snake a balloon

between the pins using a broom and return back. Mom wins

which will complete the task faster.


We will continue the holiday! Have fun and play!

Which one of you guys wants to comb your mom's hair?

game “Fashionable hairstyle”

Children comb their mothers' hair and put rubber bands on their hair.

The one who puts on the most rubber bands the fastest wins.



We are funny guys, we are just cool guys

And now we’ll sing some funny ditties for you!

They say I'm a fighter, a fighter, but so what.

My mother is a fighter, but then who am I?

Who said I was bawling, who said I was screaming?

I just don’t want to part with my beloved mother.

I won’t even go to visit without my beloved mother

Because of the lush bouquet, I won’t find my way.

I wiped all the dust until it was shiny and prepared a vinaigrette.

Mom is looking for what to do, there is no work.

We put on high heeled sandals

We hobble along the path with ski poles in our hands.

We walk, and the street sways beneath us

How does mom walk upright and not stumble?

We stop singing ditties, we promise our mothers:

Listen to you always, in everything, morning, evening and afternoon.


And the mothers all smiled, which means that our efforts were not in vain.

To really cheer them up, you need to invite them to dance!

“Dance with Moms”

We are ours We're finishing the holiday We wish dear mothers,

So that mothers do not grow old, get younger, and become prettier.

We wish to our mothers, never lose heart,

Every year to be more and more beautiful and to scold us less.

Let adversity and sorrow pass you by,

So that every day of the week feels like a day off for you.

song “At this magical hour”


Ours has come to an end holiday. Dear mothers, once again we congratulate you on holiday and we wish you all the brightest and kindest! May the smiles of your children always warm you!

How, have you forgotten that in November our entire country celebrates Mother's Day? Then quickly remember and show children's scenes for Mother's Day. Funny, on the most current topics of the day - such skits will be remembered, and adults will laugh heartily at their children. We offer you several scenes, and you can take all or the ones you liked the most. You can also put short skits for 3-4 people to make it more compact.

Scene 1 – how I help my mother.
A girl is sitting at a desk in a room. There are textbooks, notebooks and pens on the table.

Then her phone rings, the girl picks up and starts saying:
- yes, hello.
- What? No, I won’t go outside!
- Yes, we were assigned to write an essay.
- yes, the topic is how I help my mother.
- Do I know how I help her?
- should I ask her? No really.
- okay, come on, I’ll write.

Puts down the phone. Walks around the table:
- so how do I help my mother? How?

Mom enters the room:
Daughter, have you done your homework yet?

Not yet, mom. (and sits down at the table)

Mom starts sweeping under the table.

- Mom, I’m doing my homework, and you’re disturbing me!

- I’ll just sweep and leave!

Mom begins to clear the dust from the table.

Mom approaches the table on which her daughter’s things are scattered.

- oh, what a dirty dress, wash it immediately!

Oh, I forgot what I was cooking. Now the soup will be overcooked! (and runs away)

- this is my talent, I also cook!

The girl wrote all this down in a notebook, as if she were writing an essay. Then he raises the notebook higher, looks at it and says:
- yes, helping mom is a whole science! We need talent here!

See how this scene can be played out differently:

Scene 2 – mini skits with children.

Mini skit - taught at school!
A joyful child runs into his mother’s room and shouts:
- Mom, we were planning to write today!

- well done! And what did you write?

The child is sad and annoyed:
- so we haven’t learned to read yet...

Mini scene – months of the year.

Come on, remember, we taught?

- Let's!

- yang...

- cook!

- Well done! Feb…

- Rahl!

- smart girl! And now myself.

- Art, rel, ah, yun, yul, gust, tyabry, tyabry, yabry, kabr!

A skit - again a deuce or children making a movie.
And this sketch is suitable for both children kindergarten, and for students of any grade. After all, it can be played in different ways. The main idea!

Now you can please your mothers with wonderful scenes for Mother's Day!

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