Job description for a nurse in the treatment room of a private clinic. Responsibilities of a procedural nurse

For the position of treatment room nurse, specialists with specialized secondary education and experience in the department are accepted. In his professional activity treatment room nurse day hospital is guided by the job description approved by the head of the clinic (Appendix No. 1). Performing manipulations nurse is carried out in full accordance with the prescription of the attending physician (injections, intravenous drips, vaccinations, etc.) and in compliance with the technology of nursing manipulations. A nurse in a treatment room must be proficient in the methods of providing pre-medical care to a patient and promptly respond to all unfavorable changes that occur in the patient’s body during the execution of prescribed procedures and manipulations.

The nurse in the treatment room is responsible for preparing the room for work, selecting instruments, observing the rules of asepsis and antisepsis, and maintaining the sanitary and epidemiological regime.

The area of ​​the treatment room should be 15-20 sq. m. The room should be equipped with sources of natural and artificial lighting and equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation. The air temperature in the room should be at least 20-25 °C, relative humidity 60-65%. Ventilate the office at least 4 times a day. Bactericidal irradiators (UVR) of direct and reflected influence are turned on for 30-60 minutes. The walls, floors, and ceilings of the room must be made of moisture-resistant materials that are resistant to detergents and disinfectants.

Treatment room equipment:

  • -disposable hand towels and gloves;
  • - hangers for patient’s and nurse’s gowns;
  • - sink for washing hands (preferably with an elbow valve);
  • - sterile table;
  • - work table for preparing for injections;
  • - one or two manipulation tables;
  • - one or two couches;
  • - a set of venous tourniquets;
  • - a set of oilcloth pillows;
  • - cabinet with injection solutions;
  • - first aid kits for emergency care (anaphylactic shock, myocardial infarction, etc.), ANTI-AIDS;
  • - a sufficient number of syringes;
  • - bags with dressing material;
  • - containers with disinfectant solutions for syringes, needles, dressings, gloves, rags.

Once a week, the nurse does a general cleaning in the treatment room. When working in the treatment room, he follows safety precautions (all electrical appliances in the room must be grounded). It is prohibited to turn on an open bactericidal irradiator lamp in the presence of personnel and patients. Caution should be exercised when working with strong medications and disinfectants that can cause burns or poisoning.

In addition, all performed manipulations and procedures, as well as regime moments are recorded by the nurse in the medical documentation of the treatment room (magazines).

Documentation of the treatment room of the day hospital:

  • · appointment log;
  • · journal for recording the work of the treatment room;
  • · log of intravenous infusions and drips;
  • · log of intramuscular, subcutaneous injections and antibiotics;
  • · log of delivery of medical instruments to the central sterilization room;
  • · log of blood collection for biochemical studies;
  • · journal for handing over medical instruments per shift;
  • · register of blood transfusions and blood substitutes;
  • · journal of registration of general cleaning;
  • · register of patients who have had hepatitis;
  • · refrigerator temperature log;
  • · a log of complications associated with medical procedures;
  • · logbook for the operation of bactericidal lamps;
  • · log of accidents at the workplace.

Compliance with the sanitary and epidemiological regime in the treatment room

Infection control is a system of effective preventive and anti-epidemic measures aimed at preventing the occurrence and spread of hospital infections, based on the results of epidemic diagnostics. The goals of infection control are to reduce morbidity, mortality, and economic losses from hospital-acquired infections. Hospital infection is any infectious disease that manifests itself in a hospital setting.

To prevent nosocomial infection, the nurse must:

  • · store outerwear and workwear separately,
  • · do not go outside the hospital premises in special clothing,
  • · do not wear protective clothing during off-duty hours.

Work in the treatment room begins with routine cleaning of the room. The procedural nurse removes jewelry (watches, bracelets and rings) from hands. He tucks his hair under his cap and puts on a mask. Routine cleaning of the treatment room is carried out at least 2 times a day, if necessary more often: in the morning before the start of the working day and at the end of the working shift. Wet cleaning must always be combined with disinfection and bactericidal irradiation of the room. For disinfection, any disinfectants approved for use and available in accordance with certificates and methodological instructions to the solution. The nurse or orderly puts on a gown and gloves for cleaning. A disinfectant solution is poured into a special container and a clean rag is placed for surface treatment. All surfaces are wiped in strict order - a table for sterile material, cabinets for sterile solutions, equipment, manipulation tables, chairs, couches for patients, walls at arm's length (1.5 m) from window to door. For cleaning, specially designated cleaning equipment is used, which is clearly marked indicating the room, type of cleaning work and a specially designated storage location. After wet cleaning, the bactericidal wall irradiators are turned on for 30 minutes, after which the room is ventilated. Cleaning equipment is disinfected after use.

The nurse must constantly monitor the labeling on the containers - they must clearly state “what it is used for,” for example, “for disinfecting syringes,” etc. On the oilcloth attached to the container, write the name of the disinfectant, date and time of preparation, volume, expiration date of the solution, date and time of exposure to disinfection of the consumable.

Before performing manipulations, the nurse prepares her hands.

Hand washing:

Pre-prepare a bag with sterile gloves, carefully cut off the edge of the bag with scissors so that after washing and treating your hands, you can carefully remove sterile gloves from it; staff must observe epidemiological precautions when working with any patient. To achieve effective washing and disinfection of hands, the following conditions must be observed: short-cut nails, no artificial nails, no rings, signet rings, etc. jewelry. Used for washing hands liquid soap using a dispenser. Dry your hands with an individual disposable towel (napkin). To disinfect hands, use alcohol-containing and other approved skin antiseptics. Hygienic treatment of hands with a skin antiseptic should be carried out in following cases:

  • before direct contact with the patient;
  • · before putting on sterile gloves and after removing gloves;
  • · when placing a central intravascular catheter or intravenous injections, etc.;
  • · procedures related to the integrity of the skin.

Hygienic treatment of hands with a skin antiseptic (without prior washing) is carried out by rubbing it into the skin of the hands in the amount recommended in the instructions for use, paying special attention to the treatment of the fingertips, the skin around the nails, between the fingers. An indispensable condition for effective hand disinfection is keeping them moist for the recommended treatment time. After this, the nurse puts on sterile gloves and covers the sterile mini-table. In treatment rooms, a mini sterile table is set for 2 hours. The first tray (mini-table) with sterile material, the second - for temporary storage of disposable syringes. After selecting medical prescriptions from the patient’s chart, he begins to perform treatment procedures.

Before disposal, used syringes, needles, catheters, gloves, systems for infusion therapy and blood transfusion are disinfected according to one of the approved modes and disposed of in appropriate bags for collecting medical waste.

At the end of the working day, the nurse brings workplace in order, prepares medical documentation.

A procedural nurse is a position that is present in every medical facility.

The material contains the main responsibilities of a treatment room nurse, which are reflected in the job description.

Let’s summarize the main thing and tell you what functions a procedural nurse performs in a clinic, hospital or specialized department.

We'll show you how and what will change in the work of treatment rooms in the coming year - don't miss this section of the article.

In the article you will find a sample job description for download.

More articles in the magazine


Procedural nurse belongs to the category medical specialists. However, today there is no uniform order how this position is established.

Here are examples of establishing this personnel in the current orders of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation for different departments of medical institutions:

  1. IN therapeutic department one rate is established for 30 beds (order No. 923n dated November 15, 2012).
  2. In the palliative medicine department, the same position is established for 10 beds (order No. 187n dated April 14, 2015).
  3. In the pediatric rheumatology department, duties are performed by 2 specialists for 30 beds (order No. 441n dated October 25, 2012).

Manual: nursing manipulations in the treatment room

Download a ready-made manual for nurses: how to carry out nursing procedures in the treatment room.

See the manual: SOPs and instructions for each procedure. The manual was prepared by experts from the magazine “Chief Nurse”.

Job responsibilities of a procedural nurse

The job description of a treatment room nurse is the main document that defines:

  • working conditions of the specialist;
  • the rights that a nurse has when performing her duties;
  • the direct responsibilities of the specialist;
  • nurse's liability for violation of official duties;
  • features of relationships with other specialists on work issues;
  • the criteria by which a nurse is assessed as a specialist in performing her work.

Main Responsibilities

Job responsibilities the treatment room nurse consists of her main responsibilities as an employee of the medical institution, and their functional responsibilities.

The procedural nurse has the following main responsibilities:

  1. Perform your duties as prescribed by the job description and employment contract conscientiously and efficiently.
  2. In your work, be guided by the rules of the medical institution and comply with the rules labor discipline.
  3. Comply with labor standards established by orders and other regulations.
  4. Be guided by safety and labor protection standards when performing your duties.
  5. Treat the property of the medical facility, patients and other healthcare workers with care.
  6. Promptly inform your immediate supervisor or the chief physician of a medical institution about situations that may pose a threat to the life and health of patients and colleagues, for the safety of the property of the medical institution and third parties.

Functional responsibilities

The procedural nurse performs the following important functions in the course of her activities:

  • performs procedures prescribed by a doctor if they can be carried out by nursing staff;
  • participates in the treatment of the patient by the attending physician;
  • the functional responsibilities of a nurse include collecting blood from patients to send it to the laboratory (for example, to determine blood type);
  • maintains storage and accounting medicines in specially designated places;
  • is responsible for compliance with aseptic and antiseptic standards in the office;
  • sterilizes dressings and medical devices;
  • draws up requests for bandages, medicines and medical products, and receives them;
  • keeps records of the work of the treatment room in registration journals, prepares reports;
  • is responsible for working with medical waste;
  • carries out all necessary measures to comply with SanPiN standards and is responsible for the safety of patients.

Samples and special collections of standard operating procedures for nurses that can be downloaded.

Standard time for a nurse to perform procedures

The procedural nurse performs various procedures for patients - taking blood for analysis, giving injections to patients, administering mustard plasters, enemas and cupping, etc. When carrying out any procedures, the nurse must adhere to the rules of asepsis and antisepsis.

Please note that 10 minutes of working time is taken as one conventional unit of procedures in these calculations.

How the work of treatment room nurses will change

Was: Rooms for collecting venous and capillary blood in old-style clinics are located on different floors or at opposite ends of the building.

If a doctor orders several tests, the patient is forced to go to several offices and sit in several lines.

In each office, nurses ask the patient to sign an informed consent for the procedure, which takes up the time of the clinic staff.

The results of tests from each office are taken by health care provider to the reception desk, spending time moving around the clinic.

During blood collection - from 8:00 to 11:00 - a queue accumulates near the clinical diagnostic laboratory, in which patients can sit for up to 45 minutes. At the same time, the workload on treatment room nurses remains uneven.

  • It is obligatory to have a diploma of secondary vocational medical education;
  • areas of education – “Nursing”, “Midwifery”, “Nursing”;
  • availability of a valid medical certificate in the specialty;
  • Work experience is not required for this specialist.

Persons who have completed secondary medical education and have worked in this department for at least 3 years are accepted for the position of nurse in the treatment room. The chief physician of the hospital is hired and dismissed on the recommendation of the head. department of the chief nurse of the hospital. Before entering work, he undergoes a mandatory medical examination at the hospital shop service.

The procedural nurse is directly subordinate to the head of the department and the head nurse of the department. The office nurse is directly subordinate to the treatment nurse.

The department's procedural nurse works according to a schedule drawn up by the head nurse and approved by the head. department, deputy chief physician of the relevant profile, agreed with the trade union committee.

The main responsibilities of a procedural nurse are proper organization office work and execution of assigned procedures.

1) Perform manipulations only as prescribed by a doctor.

2) Start work only after preparing the room for procedures and thoroughly preparing the instruments.

3) Follow the sequence of procedures in accordance with the hourly work schedule.

4) Strictly observe the requirements of asepsis and antisepsis when performing procedures.

5) During work, maintain the necessary order, appropriate work culture and sanitary condition.

6) Strictly follow the technology of procedures and manipulations:

Intravenous, intramuscular, subcutaneous injections;

Intradermal tests;

Taking blood from a vein for diagnostic studies;

Carrying out (under the supervision of a physician) determination of blood group and Rh factor, blood transfusions and blood substitutes, installation of systems and administration of drugs by drip method;

Preparation of instruments for delivery to the central sterilization room;

Preparation of material for procedures.

7) Immediately notify the doctor about complications associated with manipulations and procedures in the office, and be familiar with the methods of providing first aid. Prepare the necessary set of instruments and materials and assist the doctor during other manipulations in this office.

8) Maintain high-quality documentation of the treatment room.

9) Make daily notes on the medical prescription sheets about the procedures performed.

10) Strictly observe the sanitary and epidemiological regime of the office, wear special clothing that meets the requirements of the treatment room.

11) Timely replenish the office with the necessary amount of instruments, medications, serums to determine blood group, and other sets of solutions, drugs, equipment, and antiseptics necessary for work during the day.

12) Know the technology of testing for hidden blood, washing from disinfectants and detergents.

13) Carry out daily monitoring of the availability of the required amount of medications in the pharmacy to provide emergency care.

14) Timely make changes to instructions on the sanitary and epidemiological regime, methods of preparing hands for work, etc.

15) Monitor the work of the office nurse.

16) Comply with the requirements for sterilization in a dry-heat oven and maintaining relevant documentation.

17) Provide control over rational use tools, correct accounting. Promptly replace worn-out medical equipment and instruments.

18) Ensure correct storage conditions for medications, solutions and serums in the office.

19) Follow the rules internal regulations, safety precautions, do not leave the department without the knowledge of the head nurse, do not leave the treatment room unlocked when going home. Hand over the keys to the ward nurse at the post.

20) Constantly improve your medical knowledge by reading specialized literature, participating in industrial training, nursing conferences, at least after 5 years, undergo cycles of specialization and improvement in advanced training courses, take part in the training of department nurses to work in the treatment room. Kuleshova L. I. Fundamentals of nursing. Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix Publishing House, 2011. - 736 p.

In his work he is guided by the job description, orders and instructions for organizing the work of the office, instructions from the manager. department, chief physician of the hospital.

A person with a secondary medical education and practical experience in the field of at least 5 years is appointed to the position of nurse in the treatment room.

She is appointed and dismissed by the chief physician of the hospital in accordance with current legislation.

Directly reports to the head of the department and the senior nurse.

In his work he is guided by the orders of superior officials and these instructions.

II. Responsibilities.

1. Performs procedures prescribed by a doctor and authorized to be performed by nursing staff.

2. Helps with manipulations that only a doctor has the right to perform.

3. Takes blood from a vein for biochemical studies and sends it to the laboratory.

4. Ensures strict accounting and storage of drugs of groups A and B

special medicine cabinets.

5. Ensures strict adherence to all rules of asepsis and antisepsis in the office during procedures.

6. Sterilizes instruments and materials in accordance with

current instructions.

7. Compiles requirements for tools in a timely manner,

equipment, medicines and dressings and receives what is needed in the prescribed manner.

8. Leads in the prescribed form the necessary accounting documentation for the office: a log of tests, narcotic, toxic drugs and preparations subject to quantitative accounting.

9. Ensures sanitary and hygienic maintenance of the treatment room.

10. Systematically improves professional qualifications

by participating in conferences for nursing staff organized in the hospital and department.

III. Rights.

The treatment room nurse has the right:

1. In the absence of a doctor, provide emergency pre-medical care to patients in the department.

2. Improve professional qualifications in special

courses in the prescribed manner.

3. Require department staff to comply with the rules of asepsis and antisepsis when working in the treatment room.

4. Obtain the information necessary to carry out your tasks


IV. Responsibility.

Bears responsibility for unclear or untimely fulfillment of duties provided for in these instructions and the internal labor regulations of the hospital.

Responsibilities of a treatment room nurse

The workplace is a treatment room.


Performing all types of injections,

Carrying out infusion therapy, including blood transfusions,

Preparation and participation in punctures (sternal, pleural, abdominal, lumbar, etc.). THE NURSE SHOULD KNOW:

Organization and arrangement of the treatment room.

Rules for accounting and storage of ampoule medicinal products.

Infusion therapy drugs, including blood and blood substitutes.

Principles of infusion therapy, possible complications.

Rules for diluting antibiotics, rules for dialing insulin.

Signs of post-injection complications and their prevention.

Anti-shock installation equipment.

Equipment of the first aid kit "ANTIAIDS" for mucous membranes and skin.

San-epid. mode of the treatment room and treatment departments.

Emergency conditions, principles of emergency care and your actions in a hospital setting.

Scientific organization of your work.


Perform routine and general cleaning of the treatment room,

Maintain documentation in the prescribed form,

Prepare disinfectant for work. solutions,

Conduct pre-sterilization preparation of syringes, needles, instruments,

Cover the sterile table, tray, mobile sterile table,

Use the drug compatibility table

Enter medication. means (i.c., sc., i.m., i.v., i.v./drops),

Take blood for examination, perform phlebotomy,

Prepare for infusion therapy: (determine the patient’s blood type, conduct tests for individual and biological compatibility of blood, determine the date of collection of transfused blood and fluid, prepare the system for intravenous drip infusion),

Observe and assess the patient's condition during infusion therapy.

The nurse is required to have 2 sets of clothes: for working in the office and for leaving the department.

I. General part

The main task of the treatment room nurse is to perform injections (intravenous, intramuscular, subcutaneous, etc.) as prescribed by the attending physicians of the clinic.

The appointment and dismissal of a treatment room nurse is carried out by the chief physician of the clinic in accordance with

Current legislation.

The treatment room nurse reports to the head

Clinic nurse.

In her work, the nurse in the treatment room is guided by the orders of the chief nurse, given

Job description, instructions from doctors conducting the appointment.

II. Responsibilities

To perform her functions, the procedural nurse

The Cabinet is obliged:

1. Carry out all doctor’s prescriptions in a timely manner and completely


2. Take blood for biochemical, serological and other types of research.

3. Observe asepsis and antiseptics.

4. Follow all instructions for the prevention of post-injection

Complications, anaphylactic shock, etc.

5. Ensure full serviceability of the equipment and instruments located in the office, the availability of sterile material, syringes, medications, dressings, etc.

6. Write out timely requests for instruments, equipment, medicines and dressings and receive everything necessary in the prescribed manner

7. Monitor the work of the office nurse.

8. Maintain the necessary medical documentation (registry

Procedures, work diary of nursing staff, etc.).

9. Systematically improve your qualifications through active

Participation in nursing conferences.

10. Participate in sanitary education work

Among the sick.

A treatment room nurse has the right to:

Present demands to the clinic administration for the creation necessary conditions in the workplace, ensuring high-quality performance of their job duties;

Take part in meetings (meetings) to discuss

Treatment room work;

Receive the necessary information to perform their functional duties from doctors and the chief nurse;

Require visitors to comply with the internal regulations of the clinic;

Master a related specialty;

Give instructions and supervise the work of junior medical staff in the office;

Improve your qualifications at work, advanced training courses, etc. in the prescribed manner.

IV. Performance evaluation

The assessment of the work of the nurse in the treatment room is carried out by the head nurse on the basis of recording the performance

Her functional responsibilities, compliance with internal regulations, labor discipline, moral and ethical standards,

Social activity.

The nurse in the treatment room is responsible for unclear and untimely implementation of all points of this instruction. Types of personal liability are defined in

In accordance with current legislation.

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